Development of modern gymnasium education in russia marina firsova. Recommended list of dissertations


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the development of gymnasium education in Russia and abroad 19

1.1. Conceptual Foundations of Gymnasium Education 19

1.2. Formation and development of gymnasium education in Russia 34

1.3. Historical foreign experience of gymnasium education and its development in the XX century 54

Conclusions on chapter 71

Chapter 2. Actual problems of the development of modern gymnasium education 76

2.1. Features of the development of gymnasiums in modern conditions 76

2.2. Application of health-saving technologies in gymnasium education 93

2.3. Formation and development of profile education in gymnasiums 119

Conclusions on chapter 142

Chapter 3. Research activities of teachers and students of the gymnasium as a factor in the development of modern gymnasium education 146

3.1. Functions and tasks of the research activities of gymnasium teachers 146

3.2. The relationship between teaching and research activities of a gymnasium teacher 165

3.3. Features of the research activities of students of the gymnasium 174

Conclusions on chapter 197

Chapter 4. Profile of modern gymnasium education as a condition for its development 200

4.2. Profile tests in banking and industrial structures 227

4.3. Features of the interaction of the gymnasium with social partners 239

Conclusions on chapter 255

Conclusion 258

Bibliography of used literature 267


Introduction to work

One of the hallmarks of modern society is the technological renewal of all spheres of its life. One of the factors accelerating the pace of ongoing updates, increasing Russia's competitiveness in the international arena is the preparation of the future professional elite, people who set models in society, the highest levels of professional activity. Creation in society favorable conditions for the upbringing and activity of the professional elite acts as a factor of its own dynamics. The tasks of preparing the future professional elite are designed to solve different types elite educational institutions, including gymnasiums.

Gymnasium, as a type of general education institution, emerged in Russia in the 18th century. Gymnasium education was associated with an orientation toward preparing for university education (MV Lomonosov); with the need to provide students with comprehensive general education (NI Pirogov); focusing on the humanitarian orientation of gymnasium education (V.V. Rozanov, V.Ya. Stoyunin). In 1804, the first charter of gymnasiums was adopted, according to which education in them is defined as classical and elite.

In the modern educational space, gymnasiums are considered as general educational institutions focused on training graduates capable of successful intellectual activity. At the same time, the preparation of high school students for effective intellectual activity is not limited only to the formation of their cognitive and operational experience, but is aimed at expanding and enriching the scope and content of human subjectivity, will, feelings, emotions (A.I. Berg, A.V. Lukyashchenko, A.V. Slavin).

A systematic approach to the study of gymnasium education has led to the emergence of many scientific studies that study various aspects of the development of gymnasium education. The features of the modern gymnasium have become the subject of pedagogical research in various directions: the history of gymnasium education was studied by M.E. Aksenov, V.A. Berlinskikh, M.V. Boguslavsky, I.I. Vasiliev, M.G. Vasiliev, I.P. Vinogradov, T.E. Denisovich, A.D. Egorov, N.A. Konstantinov, N.V. Fleet, F.F. Shperk; the formation of a gymnasium as a new type of educational institutions was considered by A.G. Caspr-Jacques, L.M. Plakhova, N.V. Tamarskaya. In the works of N. Ya. Korostyleva, N. Ya. Lits-mana, A.Yu. Pentin touched upon various aspects of gymnasium education: a personality-oriented approach, humanization of relationships, integration of the educational process, a cultural approach.

Since 1995, studies have been carried out on the development of gymnasiums as humanitarian educational institutions. Among them, it should be noted the work on the study of the pedagogical conditions of the functioning of gymnasiums (S.A. students of pre-vocational training (R.I.Stepanov, S.N. Chistyakova), the formation and development of a network of modern educational institutions (T.V. Orlova, I.D. Chechel, T.M. Kovaleva), the peculiarities of diversification of modern educational institutions ( AM Novikov).

In some works known to us, particular issues are considered: the pedagogical foundations of updating the content of education in modern socio-economic conditions (A.G. Kasprzhak, 1995), management of the development of general educational institutions of a new type (T.G. Kalugina, 2002), the management system of a multidisciplinary innovation educational institution(V.N.Smirnov, 2001), pedagogical foundations of designing the educational program of a modern gymnasium (A.A.Galitskikh, 2002), organizational and pedagogical conditions for the humanization of the educational process

in the gymnasium (AM Shatrova, 2002), the formation of the scientific worldview of schoolchildren by means of interdisciplinary integration (E.A. Paladyants, 1999), the formation of an innovative school in Russia (T.M. Kovaleva, 2002), the theory and practice of constructing options for general secondary curricula education (M.L. Levit, 2002), theoretical foundations of management of the development of gymnasium education (N.A.Sharay, 2002), the formation of educational and research culture of high school students (G.V. Makotorova, 2003).

In general, it can be noted that the problem of the development of gymnasium education is one of the poorly developed in domestic pedagogy.

Comparative analysis of theoretical research and real practice indicates the absence of scientifically grounded approaches to the study of the development of modern gymnasium education in Russia. This leads to contradictions between:

the relevance of the use of advanced domestic, foreign pedagogical experience, the lack of its generalization to determine the main directions of the development of gymnasium education and their correction in rapidly changing socio-economic conditions;

the requirements of society for the preparation of the future intellectual elite and the unresolved problems of the development of gymnasium education by pedagogical science, which make it possible to effectively solve the tasks set by society;

the need to create a complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of modern gymnasium education and the lack of developments on this issue;

the importance of finding solutions to the problems of specialized education in the context of modern gymnasium education and the lack of elaboration of these issues at the theoretical and practical levels;

the relevance of the formation of new functions of a gymnasium teacher as a teacher-researcher, manager of student research work and the lack of elaboration of these issues in pedagogical science.

These contradictions cannot be resolved within the framework of pedagogical practice alone. Scientific studies of the development of modern gymnasium education, taking into account the historical domestic and foreign experience, have practically not been carried out. This led to the choice of the topic of our research "Development of modern gymnasium education in Russia."

A holistic scientific understanding of the problem of the development of gymnasium education was facilitated by the study of its features in the pre-revolutionary period, since a number of current problems have deep historical roots.

The choice for the study of the chronological period from the 19th to the 21st centuries is due to the fact that at this time, gymnasium education was created and developed on the basis of the emerging socio-economic conditions.

Purpose of the study: to develop theoretical and practical foundations for the development of modern Russian gymnasium education.

Object of study: gymnasium education in Russia.

Subject of study: theory and practice of the development of modern gymnasium education in Russia.

Research hypothesis. The development of modern gymnasium education in Russia, aimed at preparing a highly educated and competitive graduate, achieves this goal if:

the historical experience of domestic and foreign gymnasium education is taken into account;

identified, substantiated and taken into account the actual problems of the development of gymnasium education at different stages of the development of society;

identified and substantiated organizational and pedagogical conditions in the gym

8 naziyah, providing universal-profile training for students;

A system of universal profile training for high school students has been developed, taking into account the interests, abilities of students and the needs of the labor market.

In accordance with the problem, purpose, object, subject and hypothesis are determined main tasks research:

    Analyze domestic and foreign experience in the development of gymnasium education.

    Reveal and substantiate the current directions of development of modern gymnasium education, and develop its model.

    To develop the content, forms and methods of modern gymnasium education, which determine the development of the intellectual potential of students and the formation of their readiness for productive intellectual activity.

    To highlight and substantiate the professional requirements for the functional duties of a gymnasium teacher as a teacher-researcher and manager of student research activities.

    To identify the organizational and pedagogical conditions aimed at the implementation of specialized education in modern gymnasiums.

    To develop the content of universal-profile education, which contributes to the development of sustainable motivation of high school students to continue their studies in universities in the chosen profile (using the example of a universal economic profile).

Methodological basis of the research are: the leading positions of philosophy on the historical and philosophical prerequisites for the emergence, formation and development of education at various historical stages (V.E. Afanasyev, M.A. Danilov, F.F.Korolev, BC Lednev, M.N. Skatkin, etc. ); theories and concepts related to the reform of general and professional education (V.I.Danilchuk, A.A. Kuznetsov, V.A. Lednev, V.A.Polyakov, M.V. Ryzhakov, V.A. , CE. Shishov and others); developments on the problems of social adaptation of youth (D.A. Andreeva, L.P.Bueva,

9 G.I. Tsaregorodtsev, etc.); theories that reveal the nature and mechanisms of interaction between personality and environment (Yu.K. Babansky, O.S. Gazman, V.I.Panov and others), motivation for learning (M.I. Alekseev, O.S. F. Lomov, A.K. Markov and others), enhancing cognitive activity (N.I. Babkin, P.I. Pidkasisty); theory of student-centered learning (E.P. Belozertsev, I.S. Yakimanskaya and others), personality formation in activity (P.Ya. Galperin, A.V. Davydov, I.A. and others), the development of creative individuality (P.N. Andrianov and others); self-determination of personality (V.A.Polyakov, S.N. Chistyakova, etc.), development of the problem of continuity of school and university education (M.N.Berulava, S.M. Godnik, L.A. Molodtseva, A.V. Mudrik, etc. .); theory and practice of economic education and upbringing of schoolchildren and students (A. F. Amend, E. N. Zemlyanskaya, I. V. Lipsits, L. L. Lyubimov, I. A. Sasova, V. D. Simonenko, etc.) ; the leading principles of state policy in the field of education: humanization, democratization, adaptation of the education system to the peculiarities of student development, creation of conditions for self-determination and self-realization of the individual.

As a starting point, a set of ideas about a person as an active subject, cognizing and transforming the world and himself in the process of activity, was used.

Of immediate interest for our study were the practice-oriented works of Sh.A. Amonashvili, E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.V. Vorobieva, A.G. Kasprzhak, V.A. Lebedeva, A.K. Samokhina, L.M. Fuchson, S.L. Cherner, E.A. Yamburg, etc.

The study of the problem required a thorough analysis of both published materials and archival sources. Among them are official documents emanating from the state: orders of the Ministry of Education, extracts from the most subject reports of the Ministry of Education, official correspondence of the Ministry of Education with the rectors of the Russian Imperial Universities, etc.

Research methods. To solve the set tasks and test the hypothesis, a set of complementary methods was used.

Theoretical methods: historical analysis; pedagogical modeling; study and generalization of pedagogical experience in different historical conditions; study of literature, documents, archival materials; forecasting didactic phenomena; ascent from the abstract to the concrete; systematic approach, etc.

Empirical methods: observation, monitoring, questioning, pedagogical experiment, analysis of the products of activity, oral and written surveys, the method of expert materials, etc.

At different stages of the experimental work, standardized methods were used: identification of motivation (A.A. Rean), cognitive interests (T.I. A. Poisons), life plans (S.N. Chistyakova and others). To study activity and socio-psychological adaptation, we used questionnaires by E.F. Bazhina, E.A. Golynkin, K. Rogers and R. Diamond (modified by T.V. Snegireva).

Experimental research base. The experimental work was carried out directly by the author and the teachers supervised by him for ten years in gymnasiums in Moscow, including gymnasium No. 1518, which is an experimental site Russian Academy education on the problem "Development of gymnasium education", gymnasium number 1522, gymnasium number 1758 in Moscow, gymnasium number 86 in Nizhny Tagil.

In the ascertaining experiment, 1878 gymnasium students, 286 teachers, 346 gymnasium graduates - students of the Financial Academy were involved.

Research stages.At the first stage(1993 - 1995) domestic and foreign literature on the research problem was studied and analyzed; the theoretical foundations of the study were comprehended, the initial parameters of the study, its purpose, subject, hypothesis, methodology and methods, conceptual apparatus were determined, the problems of pedagogical practice associated with the development of gymnasium education in new socio-economic conditions were identified.

In the second stage(1995 - 1997), an ascertaining experiment was carried out, a model for the development of gymnasium education was developed, the technology of its implementation was substantiated, the content and methodology of a formative experiment based on health-saving technologies were determined, the hypothesis and research objectives were refined taking into account the socio-economic changes that took place in society.

In the third stage(1997 - 2002) a formative experiment was carried out to test the hypothesis put forward, the developed model of the development of gymnasium education was tested on the basis of domestic and foreign experience, the data of the establishing and formative experiments were compared, a scientific and methodological basis was created for the implementation of the model of the development of gymnasium education in work practice. ...

In the fourth stage(2002 - 2005) analyzed, processed, systematized and generalized the results of the study of the development of modern gymnasium education, the assessment of the organizational and pedagogical conditions of its development; conclusions were formulated, the results of the research were formalized in the form of a doctoral dissertation.

Scientific novelty research consists in enriching scientific concepts of the development of education with new evidence and facts:

1. The main directions of development of modern gymnasium education have been substantiated - the preservation and development of its traditional foundations (fundamentality, universality, profile and elitism); humanization of the educational process in gymnasiums (creation of individual educational programs for gymnasium students, providing a wide range of opportunities for personal self-realization in various types of activity), the features of which are determined by teaching at an increased level of complexity, intense study regime, selection of teachers and students motivated to intellectual activity; democratization of relations between all subjects of the educational network of the gymnasium, based on social partnership, redistribution of roles between social partners,

12 the formation of integration associations within the educational network of the gymnasium in various aspects of educational activities, the emergence of new tasks and priorities for network entities; preparation of competitive graduates who are ready for the successful continuation of their education in higher educational institutions.

    Revealed, substantiated and determined the main ways of solving urgent problems of the development of modern gymnasium education: achieving the quality of education, which allows gymnasium graduates to maximize and realize their intellectual potential in practice; implementation of individualization and differentiation of the educational process by means of universal-profile training; preservation of the mental and physical health of students.

    A model for the development of modern gymnasium education has been created, the logic of construction, which involves the integration of three system-forming components: the traditional foundations of gymnasium education, a set of subsystems and mechanisms for the development of gymnasium education. The model provides for the dynamics of various areas of activity of gymnasiums, including: the organization of the educational process on the basis of health-saving technologies; the formation of a universal profile education within the framework of the gymnasium; shaping the professional competencies of gymnasium teachers as researchers and managers of student research; preparation of competitive high school graduates, capable and ready for further self-development; creation of an open educational network of the gymnasium with the inclusion of social partners (scientific, educational, industrial, etc.).

    It has been proven that the participation of gymnasium teachers in research, innovation, experimental work is a necessary factor in the growth of their professional skills and an increase in the status of colleagues, students and parents.

    The factors that need to be taken into account when developing the content, forms and methods of gymnasium education in order to prevent overload of students are identified: new priorities for education; dosage of homework; profiling as the most important tool for variability and individualization; reducing learning stress; unloading in the form of alternative activities; items with "unloading" content; optimal schedule structure; psychologically and physically comfortable educational environment.

    Organizational and pedagogical conditions have been developed that ensure the formation and development of universal-profile education in the framework of modern gymnasium education: the creation of an information and educational space in the gymnasium; development of a system of social partnership between the gymnasium and various subjects of the social environment; training, management and control are based on modern information and communication technologies; creation of a program of presentations and pedagogical promotion of research results, creative activity students and teachers of the gymnasium in the social space.

7. The concept of universal profile education in gymnasiums has been substantiated,
highlighted the principles of selection of the content of the universal economic professional
based on changes in the content and information environment of the general
education, as well as taking into account the main content, procedural
and motivational difficulties faced by students
freshmen, high school graduates.

The theoretical significance of the study is as follows: 1. The features of modern gymnasiums are substantiated as special kind educational institution with its own structure, an agreed system of elements (goals, values, means, preparedness of the teaching staff) and their need for the formation of the intellectual elite of society has been proved.

    The scientific substantiation of the concept of "universal-profile education in gymnasiums" is given, reflecting the new quality of gymnasium education. Universal profile education in gymnasiums is an integral system built on the unity of the universal and profile components. The universal component is provided by the content of gymnasium education, which is characterized by an increased level of complexity. Its feature is the increased knowledge intensity of the content of basic and specialized subjects. The profile component provides preparation of students for successful learning in universities of this profile.

    The main pedagogical mechanisms for the development of modern gymnasium education (student-centered learning, active involvement of teachers and students in research activities, new technologies of individualization and differentiation of the learning process, modern information and communication technologies in the organization and management of the educational process, integration of scientific achievements into all elements of gymnasium education, etc.).

The practical significance of the study. The results of the research can be used in gymnasiums that are modernizing the educational process in accordance with the socio-economic transformations carried out in the country.

1. The content of the variable part of modern gymnasium education has been developed (for each elective course and subject of the gymnasium component of the curriculum, educational and methodological complexes (TMC) of materials ("case") have been created, including textbooks, reading books, workbooks, booklets of assignments, methodological materials, self-study manuals, audio and video materials, CDs, etc.). The forms and methods of teaching based on the use of modern information and communication technologies, which develop the intellectual abilities of high school students, have been determined.

    The need for the development and application of new control and measuring instruments has been substantiated, allowing to take into account the results achieved by high school students in various types of activities - educational, research, design, creative, etc.

    The developed model for the development of modern gymnasium education and the mechanisms for its implementation can be taken as a basis when developing a concept for the development of an educational institution that implements a social order for the training of the intellectual elite.

4. The developed content, means and methods of universal
vocational training within the framework of the gymnasium can become the basis of the content
training programs for advanced training of educators in education
the study of the features of the implementation in practice of the main provisions of the Concept
profile training. Approach to the development of gymnasium education
uses the system of advanced training for management personnel and teach
lei gymnasiums.

5. The content levels of the universal economic pro
for teaching gymnasium students (grades 5 - 8, 9 - 11), providing the
tic, ideological and practical aspects of education. Developed by
method of approach to the design of the content of specialized subjects in

6. The content and forms of interaction between the gymnasium and the social
partners. Programs have been created to promote the results of scientific
research activities of students and teachers of the gymnasium in the profession
national and social environment.

The following are submitted for defense:

1. A three-component model of the development of modern gymnasium education as a pedagogical integrity, consisting of:

From the traditional foundations of gymnasium education, which are the backbone component of the model (fundamental, universality, profile and elitism);

the totality of various subsystems of modern gymnasium education that make up the second component of the model (managerial, educational, scientific and service, educational, etc.);

pedagogical mechanisms for the development of modern gymnasium education, highlighted in the third component of the model (innovative mechanisms, self-development mechanisms).

2. Conditions for the implementation of the development model of a modern gymnasium
education in Russia:

Regulatory and legislative (agreement between all subjects
unified educational space of Russia norms, rules and models of the anthem
physical education at the legislative level; creative freedom and ini
initiative of the subjects of the educational process in combination with uniform standards
tami quality of gymnasium education; functional duties teach
teachers of the gymnasium include the professional competence of the teacher
researcher and student research manager);

scientific and methodological (development of pedagogical tools that ensure the activity orientation of the content of gymnasium education, flexibility and variability of educational programs; the use of innovative pedagogical technologies that ensure the transition from the transfer of the values ​​of subject knowledge to the values ​​of the process of obtaining and mastering universal knowledge, the development of creative individuality, the use of technologies for personal self-realization in educational and research work);

organizational and pedagogical (the openness of the educational space of the gymnasiums and its integration into the professional and social environment; the system of social partnership of the gymnasium).

3. Features of the development of modern gymnasium education in

The inclusion of teachers and students in innovative, scientific
research activities;

deepening the individualization and differentiation of education through the development of a universal profile of education in the gymnasium;

development of the educational network of the gymnasium, uniting various subjects of educational activity, both internal in relation to the gymnasium and external - social partners;

the use of new measuring instruments for assessing the quality of gymnasium education.

Reliability of the results and conclusions of the study is provided with a holistic approach to the problem and the subject of research, a systematic approach to the study of pedagogical phenomena and facts, reliance on modern scientific concepts, the use of a complex set of research methods, a long-term nature of the study of the pedagogical foundations of gymnasium education, analysis of statistical data based on the results of experimental research, direct participation of the applicant in the modernization of gymnasium education, implemented at different stages of the experiment, the representativeness of the sample size, versatile and multifaceted statistical analysis of the research results.

Testing and implementation of research results were carried out:

at the "Russian Educational Forum" (2004, 2005);

Forum "Capital Education" (2002,2003, 2004);

All-Russian scientific-practical conference "The main aspects of the modernization of Russian education" (2004);

"Round table" of heads of educational institutions in Moscow "Innovative development of metropolitan education" (2004, 2005).

The results of the experimental work of the gymnasium were highly appreciated at the meetings of the departments of the Institute of General Secondary Education and the Institute of Means and Methods of Teaching of the Russian Academy of Education, at the presidium of the Russian Academy of Education.

The historical-pedagogical and practice-oriented nature of the dissertation was reflected in the process implementation: the materials presented in the appendices are used in work with teachers, methodologists, directors of the gymnasium

18 ziy and schools, pupils and students of universities. More than 400 directors of educational institutions and teachers took part in workshops at the gymnasium and used the experience of its development in gymnasiums in Moscow, in gymnasium No. 86 in Nizhny Tagil, various institutes of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, where they receive professional education 90 - 95% of the graduates of the gymnasium № 1518 annually.

The main research results of the administration and teachers of gymnasium No. 1518 are published in monographs, brochures, as well as in scientific and methodological articles of central, regional and foreign publications.

Personal participation of the author in obtaining scientific results set forth in the dissertation and published works, it is expressed in the theoretical development of the main ideas and provisions of the research on the chosen topic, in the direct implementation of experimental work in the gymnasium, where the author is the director, in the development of a methodology for a collective experiment on the problem under study, in the promotion of theoretical provisions and various experimental materials, in the implementation of the results obtained, in monitoring the education of gymnasium graduates in higher educational institutions, in the creation of a scientific and experimental asset, in the management, analysis and discussion of the results of collective theoretical and experimental research.

Conceptual foundations of gymnasium education

The concept and principles of gymnasium education are the most significant monitoring indicators of the state and development trends of gymnasium education. In the analysis of the leading principles of gymnasium education, we proceed from the assumption that the essential aspects and characteristics of gymnasium education complement, continue each other and at the same time are opposite to each other. The unity of opposites is the source of existence and the form of the formative development of all components of the gymnasium education system.

The analysis showed that in Russia in the XIX - XX centuries. the concepts of gymnasium education were repeatedly developed and substantiated, but they were rather private in nature, reflecting the specifics of a particular educational system. The concepts of gymnasium education are always developed in line with the national doctrines for the development of education. So, in different historical periods in Russia, different educational doctrines were adopted - "Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality", "Education for all", "Education throughout life", etc. Consequently, there were certain differences in the conceptual interpretations of gymnasium education. We believe it is possible to assert that the final expression of the concept of gymnasium education (fundamental principles) has not yet been developed.

One of the features of the present time is the desire of the scientific and pedagogical community to systematically comprehend the complex phenomenon of gymnasium education.

At the beginning of the XXI century. the leading principles of the development of Russian education, recorded in the national doctrine of education, are its universality, fundamental nature; individualization and socialization, competence (professionalism and morality), humanization and humanitarization, the unity of national-state and global principles in education.

It is obvious that the development of gymnasium education is determined both by the general principles of the development of the national education system, and by a number of special ones that are characteristic of it. So, the guiding principles modern development gymnasium education are: a) the unity of universality and profile; b) the unity of fundamentality and universality; c) the unity of elitism and universality.

In universality, the patterns of gymnasium education are most fully manifested as one of the forms of development, relations between part and whole, general, special and individual. Outside the holistic universality of the educational form of development, as well as its specialized concretization, there is not and cannot be a forming person, society and the world of education, its adequate understanding and presentation.

Even Jan Amos Comenius argued that teaching should be universal. The principles of universality and profile of gymnasium education concretize the approach to the universe - objective, holistic in nature and specialized in specific educational systems; balance the "eternal" process of either bringing a person closer to the world or moving away from it; realize in the educational process all or part of the possibilities inherent in a person.

A huge amount of modern knowledge comes into conflict with the limited educational time. This contradiction is to some extent removed by the unity of universality and profile. Following the logic of universality, the educational process in gymnasiums is designed mainly not in the subject plane, but in educational areas. Bridging the conditional gap between subjects by combining them is a continuation of the development of the universality of gymnasium education.

An analysis of the concepts of development of specific gymnasium systems shows that different approaches to the implementation of the principle of universality in practice are possible.

Thus, the implementation of universality in the gymnasium educational process is possible through the design of universal educational subjects that integrate knowledge within one educational area. The selection of the content of such "universal" gymnasium subjects can be realized in the logic of fundamental, methodological, universal and pragmatic approaches.

The essence of the first of them is that the integration of objects is built according to the logic of “level organization of nature”, movement from simple objects to complex ones, the transition from fundamental laws and theories to particular laws. Integrated courses are disciplines that adequately include the traditional material of different courses in the same educational area. From a didactic point of view, the main goal of this approach is usually called the construction of a unified scientific picture of the world.

The methodological approach is based on the scientific method of cognition, the features of which are demonstrated on the basis of historical and scientific material. Acquaintance with the method of scientific knowledge, mastering some research skills comes to the fore as the goal of studying the course. To structure the material, the general line of the history of the development of knowledge in some phenomenon or concept is chosen. High school students have the opportunity to repeat some of the experiments, research, as a result of which there was an increase in new knowledge in different sciences.

For a universal approach to the integration of academic subjects, it is characteristic to group the content around a number of the most important concepts that have universal significance for the sciences (natural, humanitarian, social, etc.). These universal concepts are studied comprehensively, for this, the scientific apparatus of various sciences is used. For example, the concept of information can be viewed from a historical point of view, i.e. evolution of the concept itself; from technological - the evolution of methods of transferring and storing information; from philological - the main linguistic methods of encoding various information; from philosophical, ethical - the ratio of absolute and relative truth in information, etc.

The main meaning of the pragmatic approach is that as a result of studying such an integrated course, gymnasium students acquire a certain set of knowledge and skills that could, on the one hand, ensure their minimum cultural level, and on the other, were really necessary for the further development of the educational profile and future professional activities. When choosing the content of this course, special attention is paid to concepts, phenomena, events that are relevant to modern society, for the chosen professional field.

Features of the development of gymnasiums in modern conditions

Throughout the history of our civilization, gymnasium education has constantly arisen in periods of change, the desire for reformation, the humanization of public life. The very idea of ​​the gymnasium originated in antiquity and runs through the history of many cultures and eras. The theory of gymnasium education is only its realization and formulation.

The entire history of the development of civilization proves that gymnasiums arose in the state during the period of democratic changes in society. One of the main characteristics of Russian gymnasiums has almost always been their belonging to the state, strict adherence to its laws. This conclusion is valid regardless of the form of ownership of the gymnasiums. In many gymnasium teaching aids and manuals for determining the basic content of education in a gymnasium, it was recommended to answer the question: "What does Russia need?" Children entering the "gymnasium movement", declaring their belonging to the gymnasium idea, set as their main task "to make themselves a conscientious citizen of their homeland and a person with an honest, straight soul and high morality."

The first World War, the revolution did not give the opportunity to implement projects to improve gymnasiums. The emerging totalitarian state required a completely different type of person. The gymnasiums were destroyed. VI Ulyanov defined the fate of the gymnasiums in this way: “The old school produced servants necessary for the capitalists. This means that we have to remove it. " The state has begun to create a new proletarian science, proletarian art, a new school that educates a new person. The dictatorial state dictated a moral code, which defined points by point the personality traits of a cog man, an executor of the will of the ruling bureaucracy. The "workers 'and peasants' state", like in no other sphere, has achieved success in the destruction of the intelligentsia, the most fierce enemy of totalitarianism. There was a process of purposeful leveling of the student's personality, orientation towards the "average". The gymnasium education was completely destroyed, because its presence was directly opposite to the main tasks of the state.

The increased socio-economic importance of gymnasiums for the development of Russia has determined the growth of the activity of teachers, both scientists and practitioners, in the study and development of the very phenomenon of “gymnasium education”.

In May 1990, the Moscow All-Union Conference of Gymnasiums and Lyceums was held, in which representatives of more than 300 educational institutions took part.

The main task facing the gymnasiums of this period was the revival of the intellectual elite. It was believed that the properties of the "intellectual elite" should be good manners, orientation in the world of culture, knowledge of foreign languages, the ability to speak and write gracefully in Russian.

In the first "Provisions on gymnasiums" the only meaningful feature of these institutions stood out - the presence of a culturological block of subjects: foreign languages, logic, rhetoric, philosophy, sometimes psychology, world art culture, rhythm, ethics, etc.

The first gymnasiums of the period 1989 - 1990 in the educational aspect, it was distinguished by the following: - high demands on academic knowledge; - designing the learning process according to the author's programs, drawn up directly by the teachers themselves; - a sharp rejection of the Soviet pedagogical experience, results and methods of Soviet pedagogical science.

A gymnasium component appears - humanitarian subjects atypical for schools (rhetoric, philosophy, history of religions, ancient languages, etc.). The first attempts are being made to create "humanitarian" physics, chemistry, even mathematics. School subjects are beginning to be interpreted in one paradigm - humanitarian.

For example, it was proposed to revise the content of gymnasium courses and shift the emphasis in the selection of content from the question “how” (to solve, calculate, write, insert, etc.) to the questions “what” and “why”. Thus, gymnasium students, first of all, were asked to realize why, why they need this or that knowledge, because by answering these questions for themselves, the learning process will be more conscious and effective.

For example, it was proposed to reconstruct mathematics programs in gymnasiums as follows: a significant portion of the material explaining how to solve typical problems is transferred to independent study using special teaching aids... The freed up time is expediently used to discuss and study the results obtained, as well as to include in the program the study of important topics and sections of modern mathematics.

At that time, an attempt was made to change the essence of the school, i.e. overcoming subject diversity. However, this attempt then failed.

There are several reasons for the revival of the “first wave” gymnasiums in Russia: - first, the sharp rejection by the middle class of any “leveling”; - secondly, the people of the nascent middle class did not want to endure isolation from the outside world any longer; - third, the demand by the intelligentsia for changes in social priorities and the formation of a new scale of preferences.

Functions and tasks of the research activities of gymnasium teachers

Research activities are among the most prestigious, socially significant and economically viable aspects of human activity. It ensures the prospective development of the economy, significantly enriches culture and the intellectual potential of society. Scientists have substantiated the following functions scientific activities: - analytical (comprehension of reality, its analysis, assessment); - orientation (awareness in real life conditions, practice, in human relations, politics and religion, the choice of the optimal ones); - predictive (foreseeing changes in nature and society, in humans and cognition); - informational (ensuring communication and mutual understanding between countries, social systems, industries, science, culture, etc.); - innovative (penetration of discoveries into science, public practice, culture, health care and education); - modeling (creation of ideal schemes, models of ongoing processes and phenomena, past, present and future); - system-forming (education from disparate information, facts of the knowledge system, representations in the form of concepts and theories that determine the consciousness and self-consciousness of man and humanity); - optimizing (providing optimal solutions to problems that arise before a person and society).

It should be noted that the very idea of ​​including teachers in research and using the results in teaching is not new.

From the middle of the XX century. the idea of ​​research methods in teaching develops into the concept of a systems research approach. This was due to a new phenomenon in pedagogy and psychology of learning, in the theory and practice of education: the transition of the education process itself to the development of new scientific discoveries and achievements. Since 1931, in the Soviet school, new ideas of science have been introduced into the practice of curricula and programs. The scientific potential of the country is realized simultaneously in higher education and production renewal.

Since 1961, the idea of ​​interconnection of the development of science, school, production and professional training of personnel was proclaimed. A new concept is born - the efficiency of science, and scientific methodology develops the problems of the implementation of scientific discoveries in production and educational processes. G.M. Dobrov and M.S. Rucheev show four main ways of introducing science into practice: training of a production specialist and scientific personnel, scientific information support, material and technical support and the optimal organization of scientific work in research institutes of various profiles in educational institutions.

The number of scientific workers in the USSR was constantly growing, and their influence on the development of production increased. However, the introduction of scientific developments into production activities clearly lagged behind. By the beginning of the 70s. Russia had clear advantages in computer development, was the initiator of the introduction of laser technology into practice. Similar processes took place in pedagogy. The theory of developmental learning, which arose in the late 1950s, is still fundamental in school practice. The congresses of teachers of the USSR and the Russian Federation sharply set the task of implementing a research approach in teaching and upbringing, however, in mass practice only some of its fragments were used - search work and active teaching methods.

At present, the research approach in teaching and education has received, on the whole, a comprehensive scientific substantiation and a number of technological solutions. One of them is associated with an orientation towards the main priority of the middle and higher education: the formation and development of research thinking in the learning process. B.I. Lipsky, considering science in the context of a specific cultural situation of the 20th century, believes that on the basis of a research approach in teaching, a transition to a new content of education is carried out. In this case, there is a reorientation of education based on a holistic culture, and not only on science, which ensures the universality of general education.

In the aspect of updating the content of general education, one should not only take into account new knowledge for each educational area, but create new concepts of education, develop a specific strategy for such an update.

The main prerequisite for the development of general education is the staffing of the scientific potential of schools, and such a policy should ensure the mobility of the use of scientific personnel both in the field of education and in the development of science itself.

The assimilation of new knowledge and the participation of teachers in the development of the intellectual potential of schoolchildren acquire a decisive importance in school education. This can help build research skills in students. In this case, the very process of teaching students becomes the object of the teacher's research activity.

However, it should be noted that the content-organizational aspect of the research approach to teaching remains poorly understood. The assessment of the quality of work of a gymnasium teacher as a researcher and methods of measuring the effectiveness of innovations in the educational process were also not considered. Weakly

149 traced the mutual influence of effective teaching and research activities. This is due to the continuous updating of the content of education on a different scientific basis. Also subject to research are the innovations themselves, the possibility of their adaptation to school, to students, the pace of mastering new technologies and handling new scientific information.

Research activities of teachers are currently experiencing a crisis, but despite this, it is one of the important mechanisms for the development of the system of modern gymnasium education, maintaining its prestige in public opinion and priority among social values.

The objectification of scientific knowledge in the system of modern gymnasium education is due to a triad: practical necessity, significance as an intellectual unit of culture, and patterns of development of the studied phenomenon of personality development and the educational process. Their actualization depends on collective scientific co-creation, co-research (international cooperation, scientific schools, interaction of individual scientists), and implementation into practice is directly related to the activities of the researcher in a particular teaching staff.

All the features of modern research activities give rise to a new paradigm in the system of social relations: the measure of the use of scientific knowledge in any activity determines its social usefulness, practical efficiency and spiritual value. That is why the coming XXI century. called the era of information civilization, where interconnected scientific discoveries, new technologies and their implementation with all directions social development.

Content and forms of economic education in gymnasiums

The results obtained allowed us to conclude that the most important condition for the successful organization of economic education of schoolchildren and the development of economic education in gymnasiums is the revision of curricula, programs and all forms of work of the gymnasium, which would allow gymnasium students to feel the importance of economics and bring them to an understanding of what is currently economic problems cover all areas of knowledge, all sciences, all spheres of activity.

In our research, we were guided by the continuity, continuity and universality of economic education within the framework of the gymnasium. To do this, provided:

1. Allocation of "Economics" into an independent discipline that allows students to focus on the global problems of the economy;

2. Conditional division of the program into three blocks: 1 - 4th grades, 5 - 8th grades, 9-11th grades;

3. Construction of lifelong learning, taking into account the previous economic training of schoolchildren;

4. Facilitation of variation in topics and teaching load within individual blocks, which allows taking into account the level of preparedness of gymnasium students and the load in other disciplines in individual classes;

5. Striving for a unified approach in the presentation of individual sections of the program in secondary and higher schools.

As a result of a theoretical analysis of scientific, scientific and methodological literature and empirical data of experimental work, we have identified the main conditions that contribute to the improvement of economic education and the successful preparation of high school students for higher economic education. One of the leading conditions is a pedagogically thought-out and well-grounded gymnasium curriculum.

The curriculum in pedagogical literature, as well as in normative documents, is understood as a list of academic disciplines that are mandatory or recommended for study at all levels of general secondary education and a list of the number of academic hours provided for this.

Currently, the Federal Basic Curriculum has been created. It is a set of basic rules by which the entire educational process is built, or in other words, practical guide to design your educational system, to solve specific, specific for a specific educational institution educational tasks.

At the first stage of our research, we intuitively identified the importance of the gymnasium curriculum as one of the important conditions for effective profile education in the gymnasium. At the same time, they realized the complexity of the pedagogically grounded compilation of such a curriculum. There are many reasons for this. Considering the fact that modern gymnasium education is based on the principles of fundamentality, universality, elitism and profile, economic education, as a part of gymnasium education, should also be based on these principles.

Consequently, the curriculum of profile education in a gymnasium should not be unambiguously oriented only towards the solution of “specific”, special tasks facing the gymnasium, but should be universal in content. If a gymnasium student, for some reason, cannot or does not want to continue his education in the chosen profile, then the gymnasium education received by him in no way deprives him of the opportunity to study at other universities. In this sense, the curriculum of profile education helps to "model" a universal gymnasium education.

When drawing up the curriculum, we encountered a serious socio-pedagogical contradiction: on the one hand, it should reflect the specifics of the gymnasium, on the other, the fundamental and universal nature of gymnasium education, which provides ample opportunities for further obtaining higher education by students.

The modern curriculum of the gymnasium is formed of two parts: basic invariant and variable. The basic invariant part of the curriculum implements the idea of ​​universal general education increased level difficulties. This means that the gymnasium gives students the opportunity to master the basic component of the content of education and prepare them for creative intellectual work.

However, one of the main contradictions inherent in the essence of modern gymnasiums can be singled out - this is the contradiction between the profile. subject deepening and universality of education as such.

The profile of modern gymnasiums is also due to the fact that, as a rule, they arose on the basis of schools with in-depth study of individual subjects. About 90% of Moscow gymnasiums chose this path. In order for the gymnasium to develop as a universal profile, we tried to determine the principles of the formation of the gymnasium curriculum.For this, we had to look for answers to the following questions:

1) What is the ultimate workload for a student who wants to prepare for a higher education in economics, and how can it be distributed throughout the week?

2) At what age is it necessary to introduce "soft" and "hard" profiles, so as not to infringe on the right to choose a student?

3) What and how should help a student in making a conscious choice of a training profile?

4) How not to lose the universality of gymnasium education, combining it with a profile?

5) How to reflect the specifics of the gymnasium without infringing on the basic principles of the curriculum formation?

When compiling the curriculum for the gymnasium, we proceeded from the limitations of the study time determined by the basic curriculum in the form of the maximum permissible weekly workload of students (see Appendix 7).

In addition, a flexible working regime was introduced into the curriculum of the gymnasium. In the first and fourth quarters of the academic year, the entire gymnasium will switch to a five-day working week, the second and third quarters - to a six-day week. The results of the experimental work showed that such a mode of operation of the gymnasium is optimal, because protects the interests of students, their health, and at the same time contributes to the improvement of the preparation of high school students for higher economic education.

In 2012, the average salary of a teacher in Moscow exceeded 55 thousand rubles. But this is average. And there are those who received half a million a month.

In September "RG - Nedelya" wrote about gymnasium N 1518, which last year received a grant from the Mayor of Moscow - 10 million rubles for its achievements in education. How did this affect teacher salaries?

Then we persuaded the director of the gymnasium, Marina Mikhailovna Firsova, to look at the payroll. “Indeed, at the end of last year, teachers had very decent sums,” the director admitted. “Having received a grant, we awarded all employees, including a janitor, an electrician, and a technician. Many teachers have six-figure salaries.”

So it was with the physical education teacher Mikhail Erofeev, about whom "RG - Week" spoke about. Last November he was awarded 385 thousand rubles.

"The teacher of history Anna Mikhailovna Mitina - 357 thousand, - the director runs his finger along the list. - The teacher of fine arts - 382 thousand, the teacher of mathematics - 356 thousand, even a young teacher in English- 195 thousand. About the same - under 200 thousand rubles - 15 teachers out of 50 received. But this is with a bonus, ”warned Marina Mikhailovna,“ and she, as you understand, does not happen every month. Yes, and you need to earn it. "

For what a physical education teacher is paid almost 400 thousand rubles a month? Once the gymnasium "in terms of sports" ranked 130-140th out of 165 schools in the district. And with the arrival of Mikhail Borisovich, she became the first. At 7:00 in the morning, the gym is already full - the children specially come early to work out before school. The gymnasium has 15 free sports sections: rhythmic gymnastics, athletics, football, basketball, chess, table tennis.

“I always give my best,” says Mikhail Borisovich. “I was the best teacher in Moscow, I received grants three times - both the president and the mayor. My task is to make the life of children more interesting through sports. If you overcome your own laziness, you can achieve everything. I myself participate in all teacher competitions. "

Gymnasium 1.5 years ago switched to new system financing. The point is not even that there is more money: good schools in Moscow have not been deprived of the budget before, but everything was regulated from above. And now they manage the funds themselves. You can raise your salary for Good work- for this, a stimulating fund appeared, which is 30%. As a result, last year the average salary of teachers in gymnasium N 1518 exceeded 70 thousand rubles. What now?

I called the director Marina Mikhailovna again: "It is unlikely that your teachers will have the same big salaries this year?" She is laughing:

We again received a grant from the mayor - now it is already 15 million rubles.

But according to the rules, - I say, - it is not allowed to give a grant a second time.

This is if the indicators remain at the same level, - explains the director, - and we have improved them. Last year, according to the results of the rating of educational institutions in Moscow, they scored 131 points, and this year - 180.5. So we deserve a grant. We immediately bought a gorgeous white piano for school. All received good salaries in November and December. Taking into account incentive payments, some will come out and half a million. There will also be a thirteenth salary. This is the second year - before it was not there at all.

I ask:

And as a physical education teacher - did he not lag behind?

What are you? - says the director. - The gymnasium again took 1st place in mass sports work in the district. Now we have nominated him for the title of "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation". Maybe you shouldn't write about it ahead of time?

Now in the gymnasium there are 6 honored teachers and one people's teacher (this is the director), 9 candidates of science and one doctor (again, Marina Mikhailovna). The average salary of teachers in November reached 91 thousand rubles.

Of course, money does not pour from the ceiling to them. When Marina Mikhailovna came here as a mathematics teacher after graduation, it was the most ordinary school. Almost one class in parallel. And now there are 33 classes, 849 students. Before September, three first graders were staffed to capacity, although only 10 first graders were recruited for the three surrounding schools in the district. People come to them from all over Moscow. We have built relations with the neighboring Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation - university teachers teach business Russian, business English and computer science at the gymnasium.

Before the introduction of the Unified State Exam, 90% of our graduates entered the Financial University. Now the choice has expanded. With the introduction of information technologies into the educational process - a complete order. You can, for example, watch online how the lessons are going from the department. There is a document camera - for checking completed assignments. It is enough to bring the student's work to it - and it is immediately displayed on the board. Correct mistakes.

Last year, out of 77 graduates, 71 scored more than 220 points on the Unified State Exam in three subjects. This is a great result.

The income of teachers in all regions, including Moscow, can be viewed on the website of the national program "Our new school":

Director - Marina Mikhailovna Firsova - People's teacher of the Russian Federation, professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences

Gymnasium No. 1518 in Moscow is an innovative educational institution that provides universal education, providing students with wide range educational services. The teaching staff solves the problems of improving the educational environment, which is a resource for increasing the efficiency of the educational process aimed at preparing a competitive personality of a graduate. The staff of the gymnasium set itself the task of organizing the educational process in such a way, building such relationships between all its subjects so that the gymnasium could become a space for the growth of both students and teachers.
The gymnasium has already accumulated a lot of experience in innovative activities at all levels.
- In 2004, the gymnasium became the winner of the All-Russian competition "The Best School of Russia - 2004" in the nomination "School of Professional Career".
- In 2005 - a finalist of the competition for innovative developments in the field of education.
- In 2006 - the winner of the competition for educational institutions introducing innovative educational programs within the framework of the priority national project "Education".
- In 2006, five gymnasium teachers (Kulikova N.V., Kichak T.N., Kornilova N.V., Erofeev M.B., Mitina A.M.) national project "Education". Four students of the gymnasium (Troitsky D., Borovkova K., Chernokova M., Zakharov N.) became winners of city and All-Russian subject Olympiads, for which they received grants from the President of the Russian Federation within the framework of the PNPO.
The mission of the gymnasium

Preparing a competitive personality. Development of creative, intellectual abilities of students, support of gifted children, their talent and creation of conditions for its manifestation.

Strategic line
Creation of a developing educational space that contributes to the development of all subjects of the educational process and the relationship between them and the acquisition of new stable positive qualities.

Our partners
Long-term cooperation between the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, financial corporations, commercial banks and the gymnasium contributes to the formation and effective development of continuous economic education of schoolchildren.

Every year, all 100% of the graduates of the gymnasium enter the most prestigious universities, 90% of them become students of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The teaching staff of the gymnasium is highly professional and creative. It employs a doctor of pedagogical sciences, 9 candidates of pedagogical sciences, 6 Honored teachers of the Russian Federation, almost all teachers have the first and highest category.
Material and technical base

In 2003, in the building of the gymnasium, built in 1936, a major overhaul was carried out with reconstruction, modernization and the construction of a new educational building... Now modern, stylish classrooms are located next to a large marble staircase, which has historical value: it was here that the popularly beloved film "The Officers" was filmed.
The material and technical, information and digital resources of the gymnasium fully comply with the requirements for schools of the XXI century: all classrooms are equipped with a teacher's workstation and modern multimedia equipment, there are 3 computer classes and a multifunctional study, more than 100 computers are connected to a local network, 6 classrooms are equipped interactive whiteboards, 15 rooms foreign language they have sets of mobile computers for each student, the library and media library funds are replenished.

Space for the growth of all who study and teach.

The article examines the first experience of gymnasium No. 1518 in Moscow in organizing the accounting of the results of educational activities through the virtual environment of an electronic journal. Additional possibilities of using the electronic system in the organization of the educational process to improve the efficiency of the gymnasium are analyzed.

Firsova Marina Mikhailovna,

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Director of Gymnasium No. 1518 [email protected] Novozhilova Natalya Vasilievna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Deputy Director for Innovation GBOU gymnasium No. 1518 Moscow [email protected]

Features of the organization of an electronic system for recording the results of educational activities

What additional opportunities to improve the efficiency of their activities may appear for different participants in the educational process (students, teachers, administration) when using an electronic journal?

Keywords: educational activities, electronic journal, portfolio, forum, distance learning

Currently, the problems of searching for technologies for the formation and development of new pedagogical practices based on ICT are being actualized. Studying individual examples of such practices is very valuable for the educational community. Therefore, the staff of gymnasium No. 1518 in Moscow, which is quite successful in this direction, constantly share with teachers from other educational institutions their ideas, best practices, solutions to the problem of optimal integration of modern ICT into the educational process. The gymnasium staff is a participant in the implementation of the Moscow project "Building the School of the Future", designing and implementing new educational practices within the framework of the School of Informatization module.

One of the directions in which the development of all structures of the gymnasium is moving is the introduction and development of all the possibilities of an electronic system for recording the results of educational activities of students, teachers and the gymnasium as a whole.

We are convinced that the introduction of this system allows for effective development, increase their competitiveness for all participants in the educational process. First of all, it is very important for our students, because they will soon have to live and work in a mobile, competitive, rapidly changing society. Therefore, possession of the competencies of systematization and competent presentation of their achievements contributes to the setting of new realistic goals, the choice of effective ways to achieve.

Currently, in connection with the transition to a new system of remuneration, the importance and significance of the skills formed by teachers to correctly formulate and present the results of their activities is significantly increasing. The staff of our gymnasium has already begun to address these issues by introducing an electronic system for recording the personal achievements of all participants in the educational process.

Working in this direction, the gymnasium staff pays great attention to the issues of improving the educational process to improve the quality and accessibility of education. According to the Development Program, an electronic system for monitoring and recording the results of the development of curricula by students, starting from the 5th grade, was introduced in the gymnasium, which made it possible to individualize the educational process and include elements of distance learning in it.

The electronic system for monitoring and recording learning outcomes based on the NetSchool integrated information system has been operating and developing in the gymnasium for the third year since 2007. The gradual introduction of the system in the mode of a gymnasium experiment made it possible to ensure that now all participants in the educational process work in it: the administration of the gymnasium, teachers, students and parents. According to the basic principles of the implementation of this experiment (continuity, continuity, manufacturability, taking into account the functional readiness to work in new conditions, etc.), different groups of teachers were gradually included in it, mastering more and more new possibilities of the electronic system of organizing the educational process in the gymnasium.

The process of implementing an electronic system for monitoring and recording the results of educational activities consisted of three stages:

Stage 1. The experiment included teachers and students working and studying in 5th grade. Our choice was based on the fact that the largest number of teachers work in the 5th grade, thus, more teachers will learn the basics of working in an electronic system in practice.

Stage 2. The experiment is being expanded to cover all grades 5 through 9 in basic school.

Stage 3. All students and teachers are included in the experiment and work in an electronic system, mastering the capabilities of a higher-level system. The experiment ends and becomes the practice of the entire staff of the gymnasium.

Already today we can state that our expectations regarding the improvement of the quality and accessibility of education are fully justified. Multi-format monitoring of the quality of the gymnasium's activities different directions, allowed us to record a number of positive systemic effects in the management and organization of the educational process.

First of all, it should be noted that the quality of the activities of both individual teachers and the entire team as a whole has improved. Electronic journal allowed the administration to react much faster to current changes (literally in real time) in the educational process, reducing the time between a real event and a management decision to a minimum, which in turn makes decisions taken timely, targeted and, most importantly, more effective. The daily audit of the educational process, conducted by the head teachers, allows you to "see": the number of students absent from the gymnasium; the pace and effectiveness of passing curricula in different subjects in different grades; types of lessons and types of activities for them; the ratio of the volume of homework assignments in different subjects for one day, etc. Based on the analysis of the information received, the head teachers recommend that teachers make the necessary adjustments in their current activities to synchronize with the activities of other teachers, which makes the learning process more balanced, optimal in terms of loads, activities for students, which in turn has a positive effect on the quality of teaching.

The second systemic effect of the introduction of the electronic journal was revealed by the teachers themselves. Almost all teachers noted that they began to systematically and substantively communicate with their colleagues on the integration of their actions in organizing and conducting the educational process. As a result, in the gymnasium from the 2009-2010 academic year. new methodological associations of teachers of different subjects, working in the same classes and mastering general technologies and formats of classrooms, have been opened and are developing quite successfully. This, in turn, led to the fact that new pedagogical practices appeared in the gymnasium, such as, for example, uniform home

new assignments for a number of subjects, new forms of integrated lesson lessons.

It should be noted that the following systemic effect from the development of all the possibilities of the electronic journal: it is an effective tool for the differentiated study of educational programs by high school students in special conditions.

So, in the current academic year, due to the threat of the spread of the influenza epidemic, quarantines were declared in schools in almost all regions of Russia and classes were stopped for various times, Moscow schoolchildren did not study for more than a week. The teachers of the gymnasium faced the problem of organizing the educational process in a special way, in order to complete the curriculum in full. Otherwise, the children will not be able to master some of the educational material, which may negatively affect their further success in preparing for state certification, etc.

The impossibility of teaching children in the classrooms of the gymnasium should not become an obstacle to mastering educational programs in various subjects, the teachers decided, especially since almost all the students were healthy and were just at home. By the time of the announcement of the quarantine, all teachers, having mastered the technologies of working in an electronic journal in full and having experience in organizing remote support for the traditional (in gymnasium classrooms) way of studying their subject, offered students a new form of mastering curricula.

At the gymnasium, a program was developed to include all students and teachers in a new format for organizing the educational process, carried out in a special open information and educational environment that provides interactive educational and methodological support for the learning process, an individual trajectory of mastering the material and up-to-date didactic support of the educational process. A special open information and educational environment was created on the basis of the gymnasium's website and an electronic magazine.

First of all through email, SMS-messages, an express survey of parents and students was carried out to identify their desire and ability to study remotely during quarantine. Almost all respondents answered positively, and the administration, the gymnasium teachers began a new practice for them, organizing the educational process remotely.

To organize the educational process in this format, an electronic journal was used, which can be entered through the website of the gymnasium,

gymnasium website and skype - technologies. Each student was sent individual tasks in an electronic journal, which they completed and sent for verification. The teachers set approximate deadlines for completing assignments and checked the submitted work.

On the website of the gymnasium ( in the "Education" section, text and illustration materials for lessons were posted. These materials were additional, did not repeat the material of the textbooks.

Individual consultations and verification of the acquired material were carried out via Skype. A prerequisite the implementation of such a model of education in the gymnasium has become the modern material and technical base of the gymnasium. There are 62 classrooms in the gymnasium, each of which has a teacher's workstation, interactive equipment(smart board, document camera), high-speed Internet access available.

Table 1 shows the resource base and types of educational activities that were implemented in different modes and on different platforms under quarantine conditions.

It should be noted that such a special form of organizing educational activities in special cases (quarantine) contributed to the intensification of cooperation among teachers. We have observed this on the example of the activities of mathematics teachers. They drew up a unified schedule of group consultations at the forum, within which they worked one by one, advising the guys from different classes... The same could be observed during the preparation of additional information materials posted on the site, etc.

After the end of quarantine and the resumption of studies in the gymnasium, an analysis of this new educational practice was carried out, which showed a high degree of its effectiveness. According to the students, it was exciting, unusual and interesting, the teachers noted a noticeable increase in the motivation of the children to learn new things, the administration - a good quality of mastering the material and full walkthrough training programs. In general, it can be noted that all participants in the educational process acquired certain knowledge and mastered new competencies.

To make a full comparative analysis of the "+" and "-" of the use of learning technologies that become possible when using an electronic journal is one of the urgent tasks of the administration of the gymnasium in the search for effective tools to increase the availability of quality education.

An important element of the informatization of the educational process in the gymnasium is the portfolio of students' personal achievements, which takes into account the results of the student's mastering of individual educational programs of specialized education. The gymnasium has developed and implemented a system of electronic portfolios, which are maintained by all gymnasium students. The platform on which portfolios of students' achievements are formed and stored is an electronic journal. We have developed a portfolio structure, only the students themselves have the right to fill it. Teachers, parents can only see the contents of the student's portfolio.

The student portfolio includes the following sections:

My portrait. It contains materials that are most significant for the children at a given time. For example, photos of your family, friends, stories about your interests, hobbies, etc. Sometimes students put music files with their favorite music or performer in this section; your drawings, photos of your travels or favorite vacation spots, etc. As this section is filled in, we can observe the dynamics of the development of his interests and hobbies, which is an important factor in building a pedagogical model of accompanying the personal development of our students.

My achievements. In this section, the child organizes documents that reflect the results

Table 1

Electronic magazine Website of the gymnasium Skype conference

Individual tasks (distribution); - group consultations (forum) - illustrations, presentations; - texts; - examples of decisions, reasoning, essays, etc. - individual tests; - a survey of independently studied material; - other forms of control and testing of knowledge

the activity of his activities in different directions. For example, documents showing which elective courses he attended and what results he achieved in this direction. At the same time, we ask you to be sure to indicate in what form the certification took place based on the results of mastering the programs of elective courses and what personal achievements were obtained. The analysis of this information is very valuable for teachers and parents, as it reflects the profile orientation of the educational interests of students. When designing individual educational programs for pre-profile training and specialized training of students, we rely on their knowledge and skills obtained earlier in the study of elective courses. In addition, forms of study and certification for elective courses are also offered to the child, taking into account the information that we receive, including from his personal portfolio. For example, if we see that a student passed certification in electives in the form of making a presentation, preparing a project, writing an essay, then we offer him another new form of final certification (write an article, prepare a book review, take part in a conference, etc.). ) for the selected electives, so that he masters new competencies.

In the same folder of his electronic portfolio, the student places documents reflecting his learning outcomes by study periods, ratings, indicators (qualitative and quantitative) of participation in olympiads, competitions, conferences, intellectual marathons, etc.

Collector. This section of the student's portfolio contains text and presentation materials that the student prepared by participating in various scientific and practical conferences, competitions, etc.

Starting in primary school, students learn to analyze their own achievements in different types activities: educational, sports, design, etc. and systematically represent them.

We are convinced that the formation and development of high school students' competencies for systematizing and presenting their achievements in modern electronic format promotes their competitiveness in active and successful life in a rapidly changing world. The educational value of these competencies lies in the fact that teachers, analyzing a child's portfolio, have the opportunity, if necessary, to help the child in some way, advise him, and more accurately design an individual educational program for him.

All teachers, methodological departments of subject teachers of the gymnasium also maintain their portfolios in in electronic format... Individual and cafe

Dral portfolios of gymnasium teachers are maintained and located on the local network. In them, teachers celebrate not only their achievements, but also methodological and didactic developments, articles, speeches at conferences of different levels, topics and results of their experimental, innovative work. The portfolio of the departments is structured as follows: 1.Thematic and scheduling... 2. Working with gifted children. 3. Advanced training courses - seminars - publications. 4. Materials for gymnasium attestation of students 5. Project and educational research activities of students. 6. Methodical constructor. 7. Subject weeks, festivals of the department. 8.Portfolio of teachers of the department. 9.Reports of the department

To increase the motivation for improving the professional activity of teachers, the gymnasium practices the holding of festivals of excellence, during which teachers demonstrate the best examples of new pedagogical practices. The programs of these festivals also include competitions for individual and department teachers' portfolios.

All the achievements and achievements of teachers are systematized in the electronic portfolios, which contributes to increasing their professionalism and competitiveness. The indicators of the competitiveness of gymnasium teachers are their victories in professional competitions and projects. So, for

4 years of implementation of the national priority project "Education" in the competition for the best teachers who have achieved high results in teaching and educating students at the federal level, 14 teachers won, at the regional level - 12. There are 3 teachers who have become winners and prize-winners of the regional and city competitions "Teacher of the year".

The introduction and development of an electronic system for recording the results of educational activities of all participants in the educational process in the gymnasium continues. One of the main problems on the solution of which the success of this process in the gymnasium depends on the development of scientific and methodological support for the activities of teachers and students. Work in this direction requires further reflection and experimental development. It was these tasks that determined the main directions of the organization of experimental and innovative work in the gymnasium.


State Autonomous Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 1518" was founded in 1993. The gymnasium belongs to the group of innovative educational institutions of the first wave, created in the early 90s of the last century. An analysis of the formation of gymnasiums of that period shows that most of them "grew up" from special schools with in-depth study of subjects. Our gymnasium is an exception in this sense, since “Was born” on the basis of secondary school №284. The staff of the gymnasium believes that this "small feature" of the birth of the gymnasium has become a kind of symbol, a sign that defines it further development... In 2010, gymnasium No. 1518 merged with gymnasium No. 1758. In 2014, the gymnasium No. 1518 was joined Kindergarten №2256.

The present

State Autonomous Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 1518" is an innovative, multidisciplinary educational institution. At the senior stage, gymnasium students have the opportunity to study according to individual curricula within the framework of socio-economic, humanitarian, information technology and natural science profiles. The teaching staff solves the problems of improving the educational environment, which is a resource for increasing the efficiency of the educational process aimed at preparing a competitive personality of a graduate. The staff of the gymnasium set itself the task of organizing the educational process in such a way, building such relationships between all its subjects so that the gymnasium could become a space for the growth of both students and teachers.
The gymnasium has already accumulated a lot of experience in innovative activities at all levels. In 2004, the gymnasium became the winner of the All-Russian competition "The Best School of Russia - 2004" in the nomination "School of Professional Career". In 2005 - a finalist of the competition for innovative developments in the field of education. In 2006, 2007. - the winner of the competition for educational institutions introducing innovative educational programs within the framework of the priority national project "Education". In 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 "Gymnasium No. 1518" - Winner of the Grant of the Mayor of Moscow in the field of education, included in the TOP best schools Moscow based on the results of educational activities.

The mission of the gymnasium

Preparing a competitive personality. Development of creative, intellectual abilities of students, support of gifted children, their talent and creation of conditions for its manifestation.

Strategic line

Creation of a developing educational space that contributes to the development of all subjects of the educational process and the relationship between them and the acquisition of new stable positive qualities.

Our partners

Long-term cooperation with Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, National Research University graduate School economy, financial corporations, commercial banks contributes to the formation and effective development of lifelong education for schoolchildren.

Our graduates

Every year, all 100% of gymnasium graduates enter the most prestigious universities: MSU, NRUHSE, MGIMO, FU under the Government of the Russian Federation, GU MIPT,MSTU them. N.E. Bauman, NIJA MEPhI, Russian academy National economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation, PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov, RSSU, First Moscow State medical University them. THEM. Sechenov, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, RGGU, MGPPU, MESI, NRU ITMO (SPb), SPGPU (SPb), MIRBIS Moscow International Business School and other Russian and foreign universities.

Scientific and pedagogical potential

The teaching staff of the gymnasium is highly professional and creative. It employs a doctor of pedagogical sciences, 9 candidates of pedagogical sciences, 6 Honored teachers of the Russian Federation, almost all teachers have a higher and the first category.

Material and technical base

In 2003, the gymnasium building, built in 1936, was overhauled with reconstruction, modernization and construction of a new educational building. Now modern, stylish classrooms are located next to a large marble staircase, which has historical value: it was here that the popularly beloved film "The Officers" was filmed.
The material and technical, information and digital resources of the gymnasium fully meet the requirements for schools of the XXI century: all classrooms are equipped with a teacher's workstation, interactive whiteboards and modern multimedia equipment, there are 3 computer classrooms and a multifunctional classroom, more than 100 computers are connected to a local network, 15 classrooms foreign languages ​​have sets of mobile computers for each student, the funds of the library and media library are being replenished.


Space for the growth of all who study and teach.

Director of the State Autonomous Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 1518",
People's teacher of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor

Marina Mikhailovna Firsova