Who draws up the curriculum at the school. Bashkiria: how parents can defend their curriculum. Sample curriculum

When considering the features of mastering the standard educational program pupils of elementary grades often face the question of studying subjects according to an individual curriculum at school. This is not at all an accidental whim, and this situation is dictated by the general requirements of the innovative development of education in the Russian Federation, as well as the constant improvement of general education.

According to the federal state standard of general education, children have the opportunity to study according to an individual curriculum for those who show special abilities and interest in classes. This is necessary for the development of the potential of some schoolchildren, as well as the organization of education for children with disabilities.

It should be noted that in the real practice of educational institutions, the introduction of an individual curriculum at school is more common in educational institutions secondary education, especially with specialized training, and in institutions primary education this is a rather rare case and usually an exception. When analyzing the question, it turns out that the program of individualized education for primary school is poorly developed: there is a route sheet, which is an individual curriculum of lessons. But it is absolutely impossible to study according to an individual curriculum of such quality, since it is not focused on the individual educational needs of a particular student.

Thus, this issue requires serious development and support from both high-level education levels and specialists.

Who May Need an Individualized Curriculum at School?

IN primary school an individual training plan may be needed not only for brilliant schoolchildren and children with disabilities. In fact, students wishing to make a career in sports, dance, chess can apply for such a program, that is, those who are engaged in additional education, for whom school is less important than development in the section.

Training according to an individual curriculum: goals and objectives of implementation

The main goal of implementing individualized educational education is to support talented, motivated students and children with disabilities. The program will help meet their educational needs: choose the required set of courses, subjects and disciplines, as well as the timing and pace of development.

The main tasks of the individual curriculum at school:

  • Support motivated and talented students.
  • Help children with disabilities get education.
  • Organize continuity between general secondary and basic education.
  • To help children with pronounced disadaptation, health problems to get education.

However, it is also necessary to note the particular tasks of training according to an individual curriculum, which are set depending on the specifics and mission. An example is the task of creating a special educational environment:

  • Through the implementation of the conditions of LEO and PLO for schoolchildren: 1) aimed at developing the personality of students (social, spiritual, moral, sports and health). 2) Allowing students to decide for themselves in the choice of subjects and additional education within the individual curriculum at school, according to their preferences and age. 3) Providing an opportunity to achieve creative success (participation in competitions and competitions of international, regional and all-Russian scale).
  • Through the organization of equal access to education for various categories of potential students, taking into account their characteristics: the inability to study according to standard programs in an ordinary children's team.

Key factors in organizing training according to an individual curriculum

When organizing a training plan for an individual lesson plan for younger students, managers or deputy should be aware of the innovations adopted by law:

  1. The list of categories of children who may be given the opportunity to study under IEP has been expanded.
  2. The individual curriculum in the school is regulated by law, therefore, students cannot be denied its development.
  3. Students in arrears to the institution may continue to study with the IEP.

It should be noted here that each educational institution must have a position in the charter - “training according to an individual curriculum”.

The approximate structure of the individual curriculum in the school

We will demonstrate an example of the author's approach to creating an IEP structure for a first grade student, based on the study of special sources and documents, as well as the personal experience of the leader. An example of an FTI consists of a clock grid and an explanatory note.

The explanatory note contains 2 sections:

  1. The general section describes approaches to the development of training according to an individual plan, regulatory frameworks, the beginning of training, the length of the school year, forms of certification and education, ensuring health preservation at school.
  2. The section of the individual curriculum itself where the features and content of education are prescribed.

The clock grid graphically displays the list of installed items, class hours and certification numbers. Visually, you can see in the table below.

All students study according to a plan that allows you to gradually acquire new knowledge and evenly distributes it in your head.

To make it clearer, I will explain with a simple example: before deciding complex examples, the student must definitely learn the multiplication table; otherwise, more capacious information will simply be inaccessible to his understanding.

That is why in the curriculum the multiplication table is the first on the agenda, and only then the solution of complex examples.

The situation is similar in secondary special and higher educational institutions, only students are so busy with their studies that they simply do not attach any importance to it.

In general, this is correct, since the curriculum is rather a guide to action for teachers and teachers, and it does not apply to schoolchildren and students.

However, this does not mean that you can ignore the question of what a curriculum is, because this information will certainly not be superfluous for the general development and expansion of one's own horizons.

What is the curriculum and its features

Curriculum is a documentary certified document that provides a plan for the training of students in a particular specialty.

It is not only drawn up on paper in a strictly specified form, but also contains a sufficient number of signatures and even a wet seal of an educational institution, less often of the Ministry of Education.

This once again proves the importance of this document, which must be agreed with the top management of the university and the dean's office of a specific specialty.

The curriculum is a structured document, and consists of three mandatory parts:

Training schedule;

List of items;

Number of hours.

Training schedule - this is the main component of the document, since it provides a schedule of tests, exams, educational and industrial practice, intermediate certification. Accordingly, this also includes coursework and thesis, course projects and laboratory practice.

List of items - also an important part of the curriculum, since it includes a list of all disciplines that will be studied by students during a certain session. In addition, optional classes and sports and cultural events are mandatory. Also, do not forget about the Olympiads, which are necessarily held by every university.

Number of hours - it is, rather, a conditional component of the curriculum, which provides detailed information about the number of hours on a particular topic or subject. The duration of each period is described in total and separately, as well as the prescribed hours for homework, theoretical lectures, independent and practical tasks, laboratory exercises.

All these components of the curriculum are mandatory, and without their detailed description of the confirming signature, and, moreover, a wet seal cannot be obtained unambiguously.

Moreover, each specialty has its own unique plan, which will differ for correspondence, day and evening students.

If you still didn't know there was a curriculum, then it's time to open your eyes.

If you become interested in what kind of document it is, and whether the teacher complies with its strictly approved framework, then you can, with a characteristic request, contact the dean's office or your department, where you will be able to carefully read this important student document without any problems.

The questions that arise can be safely addressed to the teacher, but again, do not forget that you still have to go to the exam in this subject.

Why do students need a curriculum?

Many students study and care little about what the curriculum is. However, there are periods when the load increases so much that the student can no longer cope with all the tasks, noticeably "sliding down" in performance.
This is where panic begins, and the desire to personally familiarize themselves with the curriculum becomes more and more acute.

Here it is important to clearly understand for yourself that the curriculum is a document equivalent to the Charter of the university, therefore, in case of obvious violations by the teacher, proceedings from above may follow.

It is possible that they will be in your favor, and then your reputation as an exemplary student can be restored immediately.

Such knowledge is also necessary when the teacher is superficial about the lecture and practical component of his direct obligations, but then he demands it in full on the exam.

As a rule, lazy educators love the phrase "self-study". Indeed, such a term is provided for in the curriculum, however, it is designed only for individual topics, and not for a full course of lectures.

For clarification of such a discrepancy, the teacher will not be praised in the administration, in addition, penalties may follow, for example, in the form of deprivation of an award.

So don't ignore this important information, as a curriculum, since this document, first of all, represents the interests of the student, so that he soon deserves the proud and honorary title of "young specialist".

Personally, my advice sounds something like this: the next semester has begun, do not be lazy, go to the dean's office and read the curriculum at least for general development, and then ... you never know where this useful information will come in handy.

Educational reforms

If ten years ago, the curricula were drawn up annually, and they contained a lot of innovative ideas from teachers, but today teachers prefer to follow the trodden path.

What does it mean?

In the past, curriculum development was a real debate, and as a result, truth was born. The teachers argued what subject and when should be introduced into the curriculum, how many hours per semester to devote to it, how to certify students.

The main goal was to provide students of universities and secondary specialized educational institutions with a maximum of knowledge, which in the future will certainly be useful in production and practice.

Today everything has changed, and teachers prefer to simply update the old curriculum, and then bring it to the university administration for signature.

No fresh ideas, no ambition, and the modern education system has become somewhat boring and mundane.

On the one hand, stability has not hurt anyone yet, but on the other, why not experiment as it was before?

In defense of traditional curricula, it is worth saying that, thanks to them, more than one highly qualified specialist has appeared in production and in other areas.

Types of curriculum

We have already figured out what a curriculum is; why is it needed in all educational institutions - too. Now let's try to find out what curricula are, and how they differ in practice.

So, there is the following classification.

Typical curriculum is considered the main document that guarantees the state component of a certain educational and professional program. It establishes at the state level the minimum amount of study hours and cycles (blocks), a list of compulsory subjects, the qualifications of a graduate, and any additions. Simply put, the Ministry of Education has established that school has been taught for 10 years, which means that no one will change this at the non-state level.

Working curriculum - This is a typical curriculum with adjustments from a specific university. That is, a higher educational institution takes as a basis the main document established and approved by the Ministry of Education, and then makes amendments to it, in accordance with the current education system within its walls. All changes are confirmed by documents, in particular, the Charter of the university.

For example, for a year, students are supposed to deduct a certain amount of information - this is a typical plan. In the first semester, to make fewer pairs in the specialty, and in the second semester, by the decision of the dean's office, on the contrary, to increase the number of hours is already a work plan. As a result, the plan was fulfilled, but how is the question of the university.

All existing requirements for the level of training of graduates for the most part determine the mandatory minimum of the content of educational and professional programs, and it is important not to forget about this when drawing up the annual curriculum.

What should every student remember?

In order to avoid clashes with teachers and not to create conflict situations, it is important to know the following information, which, in fact, is a statement of fact and will not be superfluous for every student:

1. The curriculum is required in any educational institution, be it a school, college, college or university.

2. The curriculum is approved by the management of the educational institution, while based on the decrees and orders of the Ministry of Education.

3. The curriculum for different specialties is different.

4. Curriculum for day, evening and correspondence department also differs in its structure.

5. The curriculum provides the maximum information that every student must comprehend.

6. The curriculum is kept in the dean's office of the faculty, and every interested student can personally get acquainted with its content.

7. The curriculum allows you to resolve a number of conflict situations.

8. The curriculum is approved again each academic year (in August).

9. The curriculum cannot be challenged, but it can be adjusted.

10. The curriculum is a formal document.

Conclusion: So now you should understand the seriousness and significance of this document, but all other questions in terms of drawing up a curriculum are best left to competent teachers and the dean's office. They will certainly never wish bad for their native students.

Now you know about what is the curriculum at the university.


the main normative document of an educational institution that carries out training. process within the classroom-lesson system and the subject structure of education. U. p., As a rule, is a table, in a cut for each account. the subject and each year of study, the number of lessons per week allocated for its study is set. Fixing naib. general restrictions on the composition of the content of education and academic. load of students, U. p. serves as the basis for the development of uch. programs (see Curriculum). and uch.-method, manuals for planning personnel and finance. providing education. institutions.

Selection of account subjects and distribution of uch. time, realized in the U. of., reflect the views of its compilers on what and in what volume it is necessary for students. So, U. p. Three-year growing. early schools (1897-1917). contained a trace. uch. subjects: the law of God (468 hours), church-slav. language (234 hours), Russian. language (624 hours), calligraphy (166 hours), arithmetic (390 hours), which clearly illustrates the predominance of the idea of \u200b\u200beducation in the spirit of Orthodoxy and the position of limiting the amount of practically useful knowledge. U. p. Grew. male classic (1914). included 12 subjects, and in ancient Greek. and lat. languages \u200b\u200bwere allocated almost twice as many hours than mathematics and natural science combined, which reflected the dominant ideas of formal education at that time (see Material and Formal).

In owls. time excluding will not last. period of the 1920s, general education. the school worked according to a unified standard of education, developed and approved centrally in each union republic. U. p., For example, grew. schools, allowed for variability: for schools with Russian and for schools with native non-Russian languages \u200b\u200bof instruction. The unity of educational education was viewed as an important social achievement that provided all students with equal educational opportunities. On the other hand, the unification of the mass school fully corresponded to its ideological status. institutions.

In the U. p. Sov. general education. school, the proportion of natural-mathematics was significantly increased. subjects: unlike most developed countries of the world, they were studied not as integrated courses, but in the system of several. dep. subjects (arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and physics, chemistry, physical. and astronomy, respectively), which required increased costs of accounting. time. Polytechnic. and the labor potential of the school strengthened such uch. subjects like labor and socially useful labor. As a result, the share of the account. the time allotted for the study of the humanities turned out to be unreasonably underestimated.

In the process of development grew. school U. p. changed: early. the school was four years old, then during the implementation of the “school transition to a new content of education” (60-70s). became 3 years old, after which, due to a noticeable overload ml. schoolchildren, it was decided to go back to the 4-year-old. The total duration of schooling also changed from ten to eleven years (when carrying out production, training at the senior level in the 50s), then back to the 10-year period and again to the 11-year period in the reform of the 60s. Since 1966, insignificant ones have appeared in the U. the choice of subjects by students in the form of optional classes. In the 60s. it became possible to develop a system of schools with in-depth study of departments. uch. items, for which the corresponding EO were developed. In order to compensate for the incompleteness of the EO was applied (usually for a short time). the practice of introducing some non-traditional things. for schools uch. disciplines (Logic, Fundamentals of Darwinism, the Constitution of the USSR, Ethics and family life, etc.), which led to a noticeable swelling of the educational system and the appearance in it of pedagogically ineffective "one-hour" subjects. Similar processes took place with the educational institutions of the schools of the union republics.

Rigidly unified, overloaded account. subjects and hours, the technocratically oriented educational system constrained the adaptive capabilities of the school, taking into account the national, regional and local characteristics and needs of students, hindered the development of the school in the direction of humanization and democratization of education. In the 80s. a fundamentally new mechanism of basic education was developed, which ensures a real diversity of educational institutions in schools while maintaining a single education. space of the country.

The essence of the basic U. p. Is the distribution of the content of education and training. student workloads components designed for general, regional and school levels. Introduction of the general state. component (in the USSR. since 1990, in the Russian Federation since 1993). ensures the unity of the school and the socially necessary quality of education. The regional component (in the USSR. Was determined at the level of the republics, in the Russian Federation - at the level of territories, regions and republics). provides accounting for local and nat. features and needs. Shk. the component allows you to adapt the working standard of a particular school in relation to the needs of the student body and the capabilities of the school.

In the basic educational programs, a certain humanitarization of the content of education has been carried out due to the allocation of a relatively large proportion of the educational content. time general. component on humanitarian subjects. The introduction of the basic EO allows to reduce the obligation. uch. the load of students, directing the freed up hours to ensure the variability of education, training at the choice of students, group and individual work with students. On the basis of the basic U. p. - the most important element of the state. educated. standards (see. Educational standards) - various programs of specific schools are formed, search and innovation in the field of education is carried out. V.V. Firsov.

Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia. - M: "Great Russian Encyclopedia". Ed. V. G. Panova. 1993 .

See what a "LEARNING PLAN" is in other dictionaries:

    ACADEMIC PLAN - ACADEMIC PLAN. A document defining the composition of the subjects studied in a given educational institution, their distribution by year of study, the amount of time allotted for each subject, and in this regard, the structure of the academic year. In the middle ... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    ACADEMIC PLAN - a regulatory document that determines the composition of academic subjects studied at an educational institution, their distribution by years of study, weekly and annual amount of time allotted for each academic subject ... Russian encyclopedia of labor protection

    ACADEMIC PLAN - a document defining the composition of subjects studied in an educational institution, their distribution by years of study, weekly and annual amount of time allotted to the subject ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Academic plan - an official document reflecting the volume and content of training ... Source: ORDER of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of June 22, 1994 N 215 ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DOCUMENTS OF THE STATE STANDARD OF PRIMARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION (together with the BASIC ... ... Official terminology

    Academic plan - an educational publication that defines the list of academic disciplines (subjects), their distribution by years of study, the number of hours allocated for their study. U. p. Can be a sheet edition, a brochure or be part of a collection of curricula ... Publishing dictionary-reference

    academic plan - a document defining the composition of subjects studied at an educational institution, their distribution by years of study, weekly and annual amount of time allotted to the subject. * * * Curriculum Curriculum, the document defining the composition of ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    ACADEMIC PLAN - a document defining the composition of subjects and courses studied in an educational institution or at a certain level of education, and their volume in hours. May contain indications of the content of planned classroom and extracurricular work ... Professional education... Dictionary

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    academic plan - mokymo planas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Dokumentas, kuriame apibrėžiamas pagrindinis tikslas ir uždaviniai, numatomos vienų metų sportinio rengimo rūšys, turinys ir laikas. atitikmenys: angl. curriculum vok. Lehrplan, m ... Sporto terminų žodynas

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Learning according to an individual plan is one of the possible options for teaching at school. Teaching an individual curriculum (hereinafter - IEP) is enshrined in the legislation in the field of education. For whom training on IEP is suitable, how such training should be organized, we will consider based on the existing regulatory framework. Parents should know what such training means, what are its features, if it is offered for a child.

To begin with, it should be decided that an individual curriculum is a curriculum that ensures the development of an educational program based on the individualization of its content, taking into account the characteristics and educational needs of a particular student (Clause 23, Article 2 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 "On Education in Russian Federation"(Hereinafter referred to as the Law). The individual curriculum is developed and implemented in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard within the framework of the educational program being mastered. The procedure for implementing IEP training is determined by the school independently in accordance with the educational organization.

In addition to the provisions of the Law, provisions on IEP can be found in the following regulations:

  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 06.10.2009 No. 373 "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education".
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education."
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 413 of 17.05.2012 “On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary General Education”.
  • Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 No. 189 "On the approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions. "
  • Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2015 No. 26 "On approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training and education in organizations carrying out educational activities in accordance with adapted basic educational programs for students with disabilities health ".

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Article 34) entitles students to the right to study according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning, within the limits of the educational program being mastered in the manner prescribed by local regulations ...

Most often, the following categories of students are transferred to an individual curriculum:

  • Gifted and highly motivated students, children with high success in mastering the educational program.
  • Students with disabilities (Article 42 of the Law).

Students with disabilities should have PMPK recommendations in order to determine the necessary forms and methods of teaching. The standard individual curriculum of a child with disabilities must be completed in accordance with the requirements of the educational institution. The standard term for mastering the educational program of primary general education for children with disabilities can be increased taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development and individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission).

  • Students who have not liquidated their academic debt (Article 58 of the Law).

Usually these are children with persistent maladjustment and an inability to master educational programs in a mass school environment. Training according to an individual curriculum should ensure the achievement of indicators that allow the student to be admitted to the GIA. For students with academic debt, this is a curriculum that contains offsetting measures for subjects in which the debt has not been cleared. Transfer to training according to the individual curriculum of students who have not eliminated academic debt within the established timeframe from the moment of its formation is carried out at the request of the student's parents (legal representatives). The application indicates the period for which the student is provided with an individual curriculum, and may also contain the wishes of the student or his parents for the individualization of the content of the educational program.

“Students in an educational organization on educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education who have not liquidated their academic debt from the moment of its formation on time, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives), are left for repeated training, are transferred to training according to adapted educational programs in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, or for training according to an individual curriculum. "

  • Students who are engaged in a pre-profile or advanced program.

The purpose of the IEP training is to ensure the development of the basic educational program, taking into account the characteristics and needs of students. IEP training can be organized at any level of the previously mastered curriculum for students. The individual curriculum includes: a list of subjects, the sequence of their mastering, compulsory and optional parts of training, the number of hours to study a subject, course, forms of intermediate and final certification. The school must develop a local an act that will determine the features and procedure for teaching IEP at school.

The school administration develops a regulation on the organization of training in IEP, provides data to the education management body about the student who is mastering the program. the reason for the transition to an individual training plan, data on the training period. Education within the IEP is a type of mastering by a child of general education programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education independently, under the supervision of a teacher, with subsequent certification.

When forming an individual curriculum, a modular principle can be used, which provides for various options for combining academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), and other components included in the curriculum of an educational organization. IEP, with the exception of the individual curriculum providing for accelerated learning, can be provided from grade 1.

The individual curriculum is drawn up, as a rule, for one academic year, or for another period specified in the application of the student or his parents (legal representatives) of students for training according to the individual curriculum.

Features of transfer to IUP

Transfer to training according to an individual curriculum is carried out at the request of the parents (legal representatives) of minor students or at the request of adult students. The application indicates the period for which the student is provided with an individual curriculum, and may also contain the wishes of the student or his parents (legal representatives) on the individualization of the content of the educational program (inclusion of additional subjects, courses, in-depth study of certain disciplines, reduction of the terms of mastering basic educational programs and etc.).

The translation is carried out on the basis of the order of the school director and approved by the decision of the pedagogical council of the educational organization.

When organizing training according to an individual curriculum, the educational organization has the following documents:

  • a statement by the parents (legal representatives) of the students;
  • decision of the pedagogical council of the educational organization;
  • order of the head of the educational organization;
  • the schedule of classes, consultations, agreed in writing with the parents (legal representatives) educational organizations and approved by the head of the educational organization;
  • journal of accounting of training according to the individual curriculum.

It is worth noting the role of a tutor who can assist the teacher in organizing individual training. In accordance with the unified classification guide of positions, a tutor:

  • organizes the process of individual work with students to identify, form and develop their cognitive interests;
  • organizes their personal support in the educational space of pre-profile training and profile training;
  • determines the list and methodology of taught subject and orientation courses, information and advisory work, career guidance systems, selects the optimal organizational structure for this relationship;
  • assists the student in a conscious choice of education strategy, overcoming the problems and difficulties of the self-education process, creates conditions for real individualization of the learning process (drawing up individual curricula and planning individual educational and professional trajectories);
  • ensures the level of training of students that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard;
  • conducts a joint reflexive analysis of his activities and results with the student, aimed at analyzing the choice of his strategy in teaching, adjusting individual curricula.

The tutor can organize the interaction of the student with teachers and other teaching staff to correct the individual curriculum. Monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of the construction and implementation of an individual educational program.



The basic curriculum of educational institutions of the Russian Federation that implement the basic educational program of primary general education (hereinafter referred to as the basic curriculum) is the most important normative document for the introduction and implementation of the Standard, determines the maximum amount of study load of students, the composition of educational subjects and areas of extracurricular activities, distributes educational time allotted for mastering the content of education by grade and subject.

The basic curriculum acts simultaneously as external limiter, which determines the general framework of decisions made in the development of the content of education, the requirements for its assimilation and the organization of the educational process, as well as as one of the main mechanisms for its implementation.

In the course of mastering educational programs during the implementation of the curriculum at the first stage of general education, the basic foundations and foundations of all subsequent education are formed, including:

The basis for the formation of the child's educational activity is laid - a system of educational and cognitive motives, the ability to accept, maintain, realize educational goals, the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational actions and their results;

· Universal educational actions are formed;

· Cognitive motivation and interests of students develop, their readiness and ability to cooperate and joint activities of a student with a teacher and classmates, the foundations of moral behavior are formed, which determines the relationship of an individual with society and people around him.

individualization of training for each academic subject.

The basic curriculum provides, in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the possibility of teaching in the state languages \u200b\u200bof the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the native (non-Russian) language, the possibility of studying them, and also establishes the number of classes allocated for the study of these languages, by grade (years ) training.

The basic curriculum consists of two parts - a compulsory part and a part formed by the participants of the educational process, including extracurricular activities carried out in the afternoon.

Mandatory part of the basic curriculum determines the composition of compulsory academic subjects for implementation in all state-accredited educational institutions that implement the basic educational program of primary general education, and the study time allotted for their study by grade (year) of study.

The compulsory part of the basic curriculum reflects the content of education, which ensures the solution of the most important goals of modern primary education:

Formation of civic identity of students;

Their introduction to general cultural and national values, information technologies;

Willingness to continue education at subsequent levels of basic general education;

Formation of a healthy lifestyle, elementary rules of behavior in extreme situations;

Personal development of the student in accordance with his personality.

The educational institution, at its own discretion, uses the study time of this part for various activities in each subject (project activities, practical and laboratory classes, excursions, etc.).

General characteristics, directions, goals and practical tasks of academic subjects provided for by the requirements of the Standard for the structure of the main educational program of primary general education, including in Russian and native language, literary reading, native literature, foreign language, mathematics, the world around, the basics of spiritual the moral culture of the peoples of Russia, music, fine arts, technology, physical culture, are given in the section "Sample programs of individual academic subjects" of the Model basic educational program of primary general education.

Part of the basic curriculum, formed by participants in the educational process, ensures the implementation of the individual needs of students. The time allotted for this part within the maximum permissible weekly load (in grade 1, in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, this part is absent within the maximum permissible weekly load of students), can be used: to increase the teaching hours allocated for the study of certain academic subjects compulsory parts; on introduction training coursesproviding various interests of students, including ethnocultural ones. This part also includes extracurricular activities.

In accordance with the requirements of the Standard extracurricular activities is organized according to the directions of personality development (spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural, sports and recreation, etc.).

Organization of classes in the areas of the section "Extracurricular activities" is an integral part of the educational process in an educational institution. General education institutions provide students with the opportunity to choose a wide range of activities aimed at their development.

The content of classes provided as extracurricular activities should be formed taking into account the wishes of students and their parents (legal representatives) and should be aimed at implementing various forms of its organization, different from the lesson system of teaching, such as excursions, circles, sections, round tables, conferences, disputes, school scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, competitions, exploratory and scientific research, socially useful practices, etc.

When organizing extracurricular activities of students by an educational institution, the possibilities of institutions of additional education, culture and sports can be used. During the holidays, to continue extracurricular activities, the possibilities of specialized camps, thematic camp shifts, summer schools can be used.

For the development of the potential of gifted and talented children, individual curricula can be developed with the participation of the students themselves and their parents (legal representatives), within the framework of which individual curricula are formed (content of disciplines, courses, modules, pace and forms of education). Distance education can be organized. The implementation of individual curricula, programs should be accompanied by tutor support.

The time allotted for extracurricular activities is not taken into account when determining the maximum permissible weekly workload of students, but is taken into account when determining the amount of funding allocated for the implementation of the main educational program.

For the first stage of general education, three options for the basic curriculum are presented:

option 1 - for educational institutions in which training is conducted in Russian;

option 2 - for educational institutions in which instruction is conducted in Russian, but along with it one of the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia is studied;

option 3 - for educational institutions in which instruction is conducted in the native (non-Russian) language, including in educational institutions of the subject of the Russian Federation, in which state bilingualism is legally established.

When conducting classes on foreign language (Grades 2-4) and the native language in educational institutions in which, along with the Russian language, the native language is studied (grades 1-4), classes are divided into two groups: in urban educational institutions with a population of 25 or more people, in rural 20 or more people. If the necessary resources are available, it is possible to divide into groups of classes with less occupancy.

The educational institution independently determines the mode of operation (5-day or 6-day academic week). For grade 1 students, the maximum school week is 5 days. In those cases when it is necessary to organize the 6th school day, classes should be of a game, physical culture and health-improving nature with the maximum stay of children in the air.

The duration of the academic year at the first stage of general education is 34 weeks, in grade 1 - 33 weeks.

The duration of vacations during the academic year is at least 30 calendar days, in the summer - at least 8 weeks. For students in grade 1, additional weekly holidays are established during the year.

The duration of the lesson is:

1st grade - 35 minutes;

In grades 2-4 - 40-45 minutes (by decision of the educational institution).

Basic curriculum

primary general education of the Vologda region






Number of hours per week


Mandatory part


Russian language

Literary reading

Foreign language

Mathematics and Computer Science


Social Science and Natural Science

The world

Fundamentals of Spiritual and Moral

cultures of nations

Fundamentals of Spiritual and Moral

cultures of nations





Physical Culture

Physical Culture

Part formed by participants

educational process

Maximum allowable weekly

Extracurricular activities (circles,

sections, project activities, etc.)

Total for financing

Sample curriculum

educational institution of the Vologda region




Number of hours per week


Russian language

Literary reading

Foreign language


The world

Spiritual culture of the peoples of Russia



Physical Culture