Reviews about the Russian mortgage bank. LLC "Commercial Bank" Russian Mortgage Bank Rib Bank official

Russian Mortgage Bank faced serious problems. With such headlines, all media issues were published and the corresponding news sites were updated. What is true and what is not. And which of the rumors (and there are many!) Can be confirmed - in this article.

License revoked! How it all developed

Black Monday. Branches are closed

On Monday, November 19, bank customers wishing to withdraw their money or perform any other operation were faced with the fact that the branches of the Russian Mortgage Bank were closed. All doors are locked, only a sign is hung on the branches stating that only those who need to gain access to their own safe deposit box will be allowed inside. And then upon presentation of documents confirming the right to use this cell, that is, without strangers.

Journalists from many publications are trying in vain to contact the press service. Equally inaccessible guide. Thus, it is impossible to get any comments. However, the bank has a call center, where all callers are informed that the branches really stopped their work “due to a failure”, but find it difficult to answer the question of what exactly the problem arose at the credit institution and when exactly this problem can be solved.

“Failure” is the main reason for the problems of Russian banks

Experienced clients are already well aware that often a “failure” or another “ technical problem do not mean anything good for the entire bank. Often, temporary technical difficulties mask serious problems in the work of a credit institution. This case was no exception for the Russian Mortgage Bank.

More recently, the bank’s management officially indirectly accused its own clients through its website that, having succumbed to provocative messages in the media and Telegram channels (how come it hasn’t been blocked yet!) Ran to the bank to urgently withdraw their own funds. Therefore, the bank may face a shortage of liquidity. As a counter to the panic, the board of directors and the board of the bank had to develop and take measures. We hope that the closure of branches is not the measure that management wanted to introduce. After all, it generates even more rumors and panic. There is a real "snowball" of negative information.

Barrier for money

Also, bank customers faced problems with withdrawing their money from a credit institution. Internet client and mobile app"RIB-Mobile" worked, but in a limited mode. That is, you could look at your money, you could order and print an extract, but transfer them somewhere - no. All "payments and transfers" were blocked.


The development of events regarding the Russian Mortgage Bank is seen as disappointing. Whatever the real reasons underlying the restrictions on the bank's activities, problems with the issuance of funds in cash or non-cash form, as well as the cessation of the work of branches, are not even an alarming bell. This is already an alarm. It is expected that in the near future there will be a reaction from the Central Bank. The bank is quite large. He takes 189 place in Russia by net assets ().

Before the problems arose, he occupied good positions in the rating according to reviews on banking sites, and was popular with residents of Moscow.

The bank was established in 1992 as a limited liability company. Since March 2005, it has been a member of the mandatory deposit insurance system individuals. Until 2005, the credit institution was called Siberian Peasant Bank, and after its acquisition in 2005 by Sobinbank and structures of the MIAN group, it began to specialize in issuing mortgage loans and received a new name - "Russian Mortgage Bank" (RIB). In November 2006, Sobinbank accumulated 100% of RIB's shares. By October 2008, the volume of loans issued by the subsidiary for the purchase of housing was $250 million, loans for another $50 million were purchased from regional partners, after which the Russian Mortgage Bank entered the top 10 largest mortgage banks in Russia.

In 2008, Sobinbank was one of the first to not withstand the crisis and for a symbolic amount came under the wing of Gazenergoprombank (see). Naturally, the global financial crisis and the financial recovery procedures at Sobinbank could not have a beneficial effect on the activities of RIB: at the end of 2008, a significant part of the credit institution's employees was reduced, and Tatyana Voznesenskaya left the post of chairman of the board. Since the fall of 2008, the bank has completely stopped issuing new loans, and transferred the existing ones to Sobinbank and Gazenergoprombank (in 2010 it was merged with Rossiya Bank).

In May 2009, Sobinbank sold 100% of its "mortgage subsidiary" during the reorganization procedure. As Kommersant and the Interfax-AFI agency wrote then, citing an anonymous source in banking circles, the buyers were Sergey Kirilenko and Konstantin Bekov, the former owners of Sobinbank. However, as the source predicted, the ownership of the bank's shares was actually registered with trustees: 95% of the shares belonged to to CEO"Sobin Development" to Taras Wolgemut, the remaining 5% - to Nikolai Alexandrovich. Sergei Kirilenko previously served as Chairman of the Board of the RIB, while Konstantin Bekov currently heads the Board and is a member of the Board of Directors of the credit institution.

The participants and beneficiaries of the credit institution are the chairman of the board of directors, member of the board Vladimir Salamandra and Maxim Kasatkin, each of whom owns 19.97% of the shares of the company, member of the board of directors and the board of directors Nikolai Alexandrovich (18.67%), members of the board of directors Arvet Kevvay ( 9.89%) and Alexander Kulagin (9.50%), board member Stepan Kovalchuk (9.32%), Lyudmila Gusarova (7.87%), Igor Duda (4.82%).

The bank's network is represented by the head office located in Moscow, three additional and six credit and cash offices. As of the beginning of October 2015, the bank closed three operating cash desks outside the cash center in Kaliningrad. Bank branches are located and operate in such large cities of Russia as Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Perm. The average headcount of the bank as of June 30, 2017 was 274 employees. The credit institution has only three own ATMs, but plastic cards are serviced on preferential terms in the network of ATMs of the partner bank of the VTB Group.

For individuals, the bank offers a range of deposits, mortgage lending, savings cards, Money transfers without opening an account (UNIStream), plastic cards (Master Card, Visa International), rent of bank cells, currency exchange, Internet banking.

Legal entities have access to settlement and cash services, deposits, foreign exchange transactions, loans, bank guarantees, salary projects, customs cards, collection, rent of bank cells, depositary services, remote banking services, etc.

According to the results of January - August 2017, the net assets of the credit institution showed a decrease by 1.5 billion rubles and amounted to 12.9 billion rubles at the beginning of September. In the passive part of the balance sheet, the reduction was accompanied by an outflow of funds on settlement accounts and deposits of corporate clients (-848.5 million rubles), a decrease in the amount of own funds (-560.5 million rubles), as well as an almost complete repayment of obligations on the bank's own promissory notes issued (- 160 million rubles, or 88.1%). At the same time, the bank slightly increased the volume of deposits of individuals (+56.6 million rubles). In the active part of the balance sheet, the negative dynamics manifested itself in the volume of highly liquid assets (-815.7 million rubles), the portfolio of liquidity provided on the interbank loan market (-298.5 million rubles), investments in the portfolio of securities and fixed assets (-173.2 million rubles and −158.4 million rubles, respectively), as well as other assets (-76.3 million rubles). Along with this, the loan portfolio slightly increased (less than 1%).

The structure of liabilities is mainly represented by deposits of individuals (69.7%). Since the beginning of 2017, their volume has increased imperceptibly (less than 1%), amounting to 9.0 billion rubles at the beginning of September. As part of the funds of individuals, 68.5% are attracted for terms from one to three years. Funds of enterprises and organizations account for 16.6% of the bank's liabilities. About 48.4% of client funds of legal entities are accounted for by current account balances. During the period under review, the volume of funds of legal entities showed a decrease by 28.3%. Own funds (capital) form 15.4% of net liabilities, since the beginning of the year showed a reduction of 22.0%. Included in equity are subordinated loans totaling RUB 450 million maturing in June 2062. The bank's own funds adequacy ratio (N1.0), calculated according to the methodology of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, is maintained at a low level (10.15% as of September 1, 2017), since the beginning of 2017 it has been demonstrating a downward trend (as of January 1, 2017 N1.0 was 13.54%). The bank's own debt securities (interest-bearing and non-interest-bearing bills) issued by the bank account for less than 1% of liabilities. The bank's customer base is large, with monthly turnovers on customer accounts in the range of 11-17 billion rubles. Dependence on the funds of individuals is assessed as extremely high. As of June 30, 2017, the total balance of the ten largest clients of the bank amounted to 31.2% of the total amount of client funds (66.4% at the beginning of the current year).

The leading position in the structure of assets is occupied by the loan portfolio (66.7%), another 9.9% is represented by highly liquid assets, about 7.6% is formed by interbank loans issued by the bank, 7.0% - investments in the securities portfolio (corporate bonds of Russian issuers, bank bills, as well as shares of Russian and foreign companies and Russian banks), 6.3% - fixed assets and intangible assets, 2.5% - other assets.

Since the beginning of the year, the loan portfolio has shown slight growth (less than 1%) due to an increase in retail lending (+405.8 million rubles). At the same time, the volume of corporate loans decreased (-336.7 million rubles). 72.3% of the portfolio is represented by loans to legal entities, 27.7% - "retail". The share of overdue debt in the loan portfolio as a whole is not high (3.0%), but since the beginning of this year it has been growing in dynamics (2.8% as of January 1, 2017). At the same time, reserves for possible losses covered 12.0% of all loans. Pledge of property secured 97.7% of the loan portfolio. According to IFRS statements for the six months of 2017, the main share of the bank's corporate portfolio falls on the following sectors of the economy: financial activity - 20.0%, trade enterprises - 17.2%, real estate transactions and the provision of services - 12.3%, construction - 10.5%. The concentration of loans issued by the bank to the ten largest borrowers amounted to 33.1% of the total loan portfolio before impairment allowance. As of July 1, 2017, the maximum risk ratio per borrower or group of related borrowers (N6) was 21.6% with a maximum of 25%, which indicates a high level of concentration of the bank's credit risk. The largest share in the loan portfolio as of July 1, 2017 is occupied by loans assigned to II and III quality categories (in total, about 64.5% of the loan portfolio).

Since the beginning of 2017, highly liquid assets have shown a reduction of more than a third, amounting to 1.3 billion rubles at the beginning of September. The main reason for the decline was the reduction of balances on correspondent accounts with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and at the cash desk and ATMs. 54.2% of investments in highly liquid assets are represented by balances on nostro accounts, mainly placed with non-resident banks, the rest is distributed between cash on hand (27.4%) and the balance on a correspondent account with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (18.4%) .

In the interbank lending market, the bank acts as a net lender, placing surplus liquidity in significant volumes; during the period under review, it once attracted liquidity from Russian banks for up to 30 days. Placement volumes are in the range of 4-19 billion rubles per month. It is also worth noting the high activity of the bank in the FX market with a turnover on foreign exchange transactions of 2-19 billion rubles a month. At the same time, since the beginning of 2017, there has been a decrease in turnover in the market of foreign exchange transactions by 68.1%.

At the end of 2016, the credit institution received a profit in the amount of 96.6 million rubles under RAS (for 2015 - 74.1 million rubles). For eight months of 2017, the bank's loss amounted to 37.6 million rubles.

Board of Directors: Vladimir Salamandra (Chairman), Konstantin Bekov, Nikolai Alexandrovich, Alexander Kulagin, Arvet Kevvay.

Governing body: Konstantin Bekov (chairman), Nikolai Alexandrovich, Natalya Shevchenko, Vladimir Salamandra, Stepan Kovalchuk, Viktor Filippov, Tatyana Diambekova, Alexander Zaitsev, Alexander Baskakov (deputy chief accountant).

Bank license revoked
The license was revoked by order of the Bank of Russia No. OD-3033 dated November 23, 2018

Information about CB Russian Mortgage Bank (LLC)

Reliability of the Bank

LLC CB Russian Mortgage Bank (RIB) is an average metropolitan financial institution in terms of net assets. The bank has been conducting its financial activities since 1992, and until 2009, housing lending was considered the main activity of the credit institution. In 2008, the bank entered the leading number of Russian banks in terms of the number of mortgage loans issued. But already in 2009, the bank's management adopted a new concept further development. And at the moment, Russian Mortgage Bank is a diversified financial institution capable of providing its clients with a wide range of all banking services.

In accordance with the new strategy for further development, the bank's activities are carried out in the following key areas: retail, corporate, financial markets and investment activities. The active development of the bank is carried out by building effective system successful corporate governance and risk system, strengthening existing contacts and connections, expanding its presence throughout Russia, increasing the offered banking services and products, as well as improving the quality of service in all branches of the bank.