Moscow Region Yury Kartushin, Deputy Minister of Education of the Moscow Region. Deputy Minister of Education of the Moscow Region Yury V. Kartushin visited the Patriot Exhibition and Convention Center Yury Valentinovich Kartushin Deputy Minister of Education

V.V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation "... we need to do a lot to change the system of training workers ... We just need to approach this informally ... The most basic condition for the development of the economy is, of course, a highly trained and qualified working class, engineering personnel ... "

The system of vocational education in the Moscow region 94 organizations of vocational education (up to 136), of which 6 universities are subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the Moscow region; the total number of students is more than a person; 142 professions and specialties of secondary vocational education; 144 areas of higher education training

A set of measures aimed at developing the secondary vocational education system ensuring that the qualifications of graduates meet the requirements of the economy; consolidation of resources of business, government and educational organizations in the development of the System; creation and provision of broad opportunities for various categories of the population in acquiring the necessary applied qualifications throughout their careers; creation of conditions for successful socialization and effective self-realization of students

Implementation of the federal project for the training of personnel for the military-industrial complex, one center of applied qualifications was created on the basis of the V.I. S.P. Queen in 2014, 2015 - 6 such centers; re-equipped three centers for collective use; 3 territorial-educational clusters for mechanical engineering have been formed; 4 branch methodological centers were created; three educational modules aimed at developing entrepreneurship among graduates have been developed and are being implemented;

The proportion of students enrolled in professions and specialties that are priority for the economy of the Moscow region has been increased to 33 percent in 2015; 29 enterprises of the Moscow region signed 434 target contracts with students for training; 12 methodologists from educational institutions of the Moscow region - a working group of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the development of 10 basic professional educational programs in the context of the WSR regulations Implementation of the federal project to train personnel for the military-industrial complex

Training of specialists for priority industries with higher education at Dubna University, as a participant in the defense industry project, there are 7 basic departments based on enterprises (nuclear research, nuclear physics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc.); a prototyping center was created (3D modeling, creation of printed circuit boards); a cloud computing center that provides small businesses with the necessary specialized software, delivering it to any convenient place and time; creation of two engineering centers (for "thin-film technologies" and for "composite materials") for joint use by the university and employers

WorldSkills Russia in the Moscow Region “An important indicator of the effectiveness of changes in vocational education should be the results of competitions for blue-collar and engineering professions” Address of the President of the Russian Federation 22 specialized centers of competence have been created; qualifying competitions were held in 22 competencies; two new competencies: "Organization of management in air transport"; "Specialist in working with children of primary school age"

The tasks facing the vocational education of the Moscow region in the near future to ensure the training of qualified personnel in accordance with the top 50 most demanded professions and specialties; to assign to each organization a “base” enterprise, in which, through the development of mentoring, the amount of on-the-job training will be increased; ensure the development of advanced training programs, internships that meet the requirements of modern industries and professional standards of activity, managerial and teaching staff of educational organizations; provide various categories of the population with ample opportunities to acquire the necessary professional qualifications throughout their careers, including persons with disabilities, in centers for collective use; ensure the mass participation of students in the development of the competitive movement of professional skills WorldSkills Russia; create conditions for an independent assessment of the quality of education and recognition of the qualifications of graduates.

As part of the opening panel, the participants were addressed by:

  • Zinchenko Yury Petrovich, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Education, President of the Russian Academy of Education, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology, Professor
  • Bokova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building
  • Kartushin Yury Valentinovich, Deputy Minister of Education of the Moscow Region, Ph.D. pedagogical sciences
  • Salov Alexander Igorevich, Rector of the Academy of Social Management Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
  • Grebennikov Sergey Vladimirovich, director of ROCIT
  • Asmolov Alexander Grigorievich, Head of the Department of Personality Psychology, Director of FIRO, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology, Professor.

The director of ROCIT made a presentation in which he highlighted in detail such important aspects as: digital literacy, security of Internet users, cyberbullying, safer Internet index.

Safe Runet Week

Safe Runet Week runs from January 30 to February 6, 2018 and is a group of events about the security of Internet and mobile technology users, the positive and ethical use of digital services and opportunities, the role of digital technologies in our daily security. These events are held in Moscow and many regions of Russia.

International Safer Internet Day, which will take place on February 6, brings together more than 160 countries and is a truly global event. Russia, represented by ROCIT, joined this movement quite early and made a great contribution. Many events that were held in Russia later were taken as a model for holding similar ones abroad. But we are moving forward, in particular, we organized the Safe Runet Week. I hope that this experience will also be transferred to other countries.

Noted by Sergey Grebennikov

digital literacy

The All-Russian study “Index of Digital Literacy of Citizens of the Russian Federation” is a project of the Regional Public Organization “Center for Internet Technologies” (ROCIT), aimed at measuring the level of knowledge and skills of the population necessary for the safe and effective use of digital technologies and Internet resources.

The research project was first implemented by ROCIT in 2015. In 2017, the third wave was carried out, based on the expansion of the research methodology and methodology, in particular, changing the data collection method, as well as calculating the dynamics for 2015-2017.

In 2017, the digital literacy index increased by 5.7% and currently stands at 5.99 points. on a ten-point scale, with a spread from 4.17 to 6.41 pt. between federal districts. The Digital Competences sub-index showed particular growth, reaching 6.84 points in 2017.

As we predicted, in 2017 the growth rate of the Digital Literacy Index slowed down, but this does not mean that we have stopped paying attention to it. Every year we carry out a lot of educational work so that the citizens of our country get closer to the world of digital technologies and the Internet. We are establishing a dialogue between the state and business, creating favorable conditions for every Runet user to feel comfortable on the Internet. In 2017, a lot of work was done to increase the level of users' knowledge about personal data. At the state level, the question was raised that it is necessary to raise the awareness of citizens about the rules for the safe use of digital technologies already at the elementary school level. An important task facing us today is to change the teaching of computer science in schools. In addition to increasing digital literacy, initiating cooperation between schools and technology parks will allow identifying talents at the early stages of education and promoting their effective development within IT professions in the future.

Noted by Sergey Grebennikov

Sergey also noted that “Generation Z” should have high levels of digital literacy in order to effectively solve various problems using digital technologies, direct their knowledge in the field of IT for the benefit of the development of society and the country's economy.

Cyberbullying and Generation Z

Also in his speech, Sergey Grebennikov spoke about the main online threats, cyberbullying and digital culture of behavior.

Unfortunately, the phenomenon of cyberbullying is evolving every year. Those who have been victims often need help to overcome their abusers, but do not seek it. Only 17% of teenagers turn to their parents for help, and 1 in 5 children tries to cope with bullies on their own.

Director of ROCIT emphasized

According to him, in order to establish the sustainable development of the digital society, the growth of digital literacy, instill confidence in the Internet and technologies in the younger generation, we must talk with teenagers, observe their behavior on the Internet, educate them, teach them how to use the Internet competently.

Not only do teens often keep quiet about what they are doing online, but they also take active measures to prevent their parents from finding out about it. But this does not mean that they feel safe on the Internet: 73% of teenagers admit that they would like to talk more with their parents about cyber threats. Despite all attempts to protect their privacy, many will feel more at ease if adults explain which sites and applications can be used or even protect them from unsafe resources.

Summed up by Sergey Grebennikov

We remind you that the main event of the Safe Internet Week - the 11th International Cyber ​​Security Forum - Cyber ​​Security Forum (CSF 2018) starts tomorrow, February 6, 2018, at 10:00 in Moscow at the Digital October site:

Today Deputy Minister of Education of the Moscow Region Yury Valentinovich Kartushin visited the Patriot Exhibition and Convention Center, where the qualifying competitions of the Moscow Region “Young Professionals. WorldSkills Russia-2017" in the construction industry block.
Yury Valentinovich talked to the young participants of the competition, talked to the experts, took part in the business part of the competition program.

In the business part of the program of qualifying competitions, a round table is scheduled for April 3: Criteria and procedure for evaluating the results of completing competitive tasks in accordance with the requirements of WorldSkills with speeches by Viktor Vladimirovich Laskin (Head of the RCC in the field of Construction Technologies, Chief Expert of WorldSkills Russia in Welding Technologies”), Vasily Vitalievich Smirnov (Chief Expert of WorldSkills Russia on “sheet metal processing”), Elena Anatolyevna Veprintseva (Senior Master of the MCC – S.P. Korolev Technical School) and the Conference “Scientific and Methodological Support of Exemplary Basic Educational Programs Implemented according to the Federal State Educational Standard TOP-50, taking into account the WorldSkills standards and the requirements of employers.

Deputy Minister of Education of the Moscow Region Yuri Valentinovich Kartushin noted that the level of preparation of the Patriot Congress and Exhibition Center and the provision of competitions of this magnitude are at the highest level.
The building area is 9200 m2.
Competitions of the Moscow region among young specialists in the block of the construction industry "WorldSkills Russia-2017" continue.