Higher School of Economics Lyceum vkontakte. Lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Higher School of Economics). How many days per week do lyceum students study

The lyceum, which is part, opened in September 2013. This is the first in Moscow educational institution, which began to work according to the new standard of secondary education.

The set is made only in the 10th grade.

First, future lyceum students at the application stage choose one of six areas: socio-economic, mathematics and computer science, humanitarian, legal, oriental studies, design. Then, after entering the Lyceum, they complete the formation of their curriculum. If someone, starting to seriously engage in the direction that he originally chose, realizes that he made a mistake with the choice, then he can change it.

There are no traditional classes in the Lyceum. Students are divided into groups depending on the curriculum they have chosen. Classes are taught by experienced school and university teacherswho develop their own programs using the methods and resources of the Higher School of Economics. At the Lyceum, they form theoretical thinking, metasubject skills necessary in any profession. Several foreign languages \u200b\u200bare taught at the Lyceum: English, German, French, Spanish.

Education is free - the Lyceum is subsidized by the Moscow Department of Education. To enter it, you must have a permanent or temporary registration in Moscow. All graduates receive a state certificate of secondary general education. To become a student of the Lyceum, you must pass several entrance tests, including written assignments and an interview. The conditions for admission are transparent and the same for everyone.

Admission to the Lyceum

Are preparatory courses organized at the Lyceum?

There are no preparatory courses at the Lyceum.

How many points do you need to score for admission to the Lyceum?

Every year the situation with the passing scores is different, so you should not be guided by the figures of the previous year. Try to get as many points as possible.

Can students from other cities enter the lyceum?

The Lyceum was opened as part of a project of the Moscow Government and is funded by Moscow, therefore, Moscow registration is a prerequisite for admission to the Lyceum. Temporary registration in the capital will be sufficient.

Is there a hostel at the Lyceum?

There is no dormitory at the Lyceum.

Is it possible to transfer to a lyceum?

You cannot transfer to the Lyceum. You can enter it on a competitive basis.

How much does it cost to study at the Lyceum?

Education at the Lyceum is free.

What areas are taught at the Lyceum?

From 2019/2020 account. years at the Lyceum are implemented ten educational directions in grade 10: "Economics and Social Sciences", "Economics and Mathematics", "Jurisprudence", "Humanities", "Informatics, Engineering and Mathematics", "Design", "Oriental Studies", "Psychology", "Natural Sciences" and "Mathematics". And two specializations in the 9th grade: "Universal" and "Mathematics".

Will Lyceum studies be considered for admission to the Higher School of Economics?

All lyceum graduates, if they want to enter the Higher School of Economics, will enter this university on a general basis. But the level of training of lyceum students will be higher than that of many applicants.

In addition, studying at the Lyceum gives bonuses for admission to paid places at the Higher School of Economics. Based on the results of training, a rating of lyceum graduates is compiled. A high place in the ranking is the basis for obtaining a discount from 25% to 70% when studying on a paid basis for undergraduate programs of the NRU HSE.

In the lyceum, two foreign languages \u200b\u200bare compulsorily studied, and the second is optional, provided that the group is recruited?

It is compulsory in the lyceum that two foreign languages \u200b\u200bare studied in the direction of "Oriental Studies" (one European and one Oriental). In the direction of "Humanities" lyceum students can choose a second foreign language, but this is not required.

In other areas of study, one foreign language is required (English, German, French or Spanish), others are optional (in optional classes at the Lyceum. Including there are courses on a paid basis, which are organized by the Faculty of pre-university training).

Is the academic year divided into quarters or semesters? When do lyceum students have holidays?

For students in grades 10 and 11, training is organized in six months.

Grades 9 have trimester training.

Holidays - four times a year at the end of the quarters. There is also a May vacation.

How many days a week do lyceum students study?

Lyceum students in grades 10 and 11 study six days a week, once a week (on Thursdays) they have faculty days.

Grade 9 lyceum students study six days a week, Saturday is a day of extracurricular activities.

Does the lyceum have a school uniform?

What mark will be in the certificate in subjects that the lyceum student did not choose to study?

In the certificate, grades are given only for those subjects that the lyceum student studied in grades 10-11. In addition, the document will contain grades for an individual project and classes within the faculty day.

Do I have to go to electives? What is the minimum number of them to choose?

To go or not go to electives is the choice of every lyceum student. If the student has no desire and (or) opportunity, he may not attend them at all.

As for the number of electives, it can be absolutely anything, there are no restrictions here.

Where can I get a student's social card?

To apply for a social card, you need to apply with a certificate of admission to the MFC at the place of residence received at the lyceum.

Lyceum education

Answers to most of the questions related to the learning process at the Lyceum can be found on the pages .

What electronic journal is used in the Lyceum?

Is it possible to choose subjects in the lyceum and subsequently change your curriculum?

Lyceum students independently compose an individual academic plan... It includes both a mandatory part and an optional one. The compulsory part includes subjects that every lyceum student must master. You cannot refuse them, but for a number of disciplines you can choose the level of their study: basic or advanced.

It is possible to make changes to the curriculum only at a certain time - on "St. George's Days".

Does the lyceum provide reduced price meals and for which categories of students?

The Lyceum provides nutritional benefits in accordance with the law. The following students have the right to receive them (upon presentation of supporting documents):

  • children from large families;
  • children receiving a survivor's pension;
  • children from low-income families;
  • orphans left without parental care and children under guardianship;
  • children with disabilities and children with disabilities;
  • children with parents - invalids of the 1st or 2nd group.

Admission to the 10th grade of the HSE Lyceum is carried out in ten areas of study: "Humanities", "Economics and Mathematics", "Economics and Social Sciences", "Design", "Oriental Studies", "Informatics, Engineering and Mathematics", " Jurisprudence "," Psychology "," Mathematics "" Natural Sciences "in accordance with the admission control figures.

Admission to the Lyceum and its completion does not mean automatic admission to the faculties of the Higher School of Economics. However, lyceum students under the guidance of leading university teachers will be able to prepare for admission and study both at the Higher School of Economics and at any other prestigious universities in the country and the world.

Stage 1: February 1 - March 15. Submission of applications

At the first stage of admission, the applicant must fill out an electronic application. When submitting an application, an applicant can choose no more than two areas of study at the HSE Lyceum (one of which is a priority), and also chooses a subject from the second part of the comprehensive test (in areas where there is a choice).

In the application, you must indicate full information about yourself, as well as attach a motivational essay - a text written in free form about yourself (no more than 400 words).

The motivational essay is not scored and must include:

- a story about yourself;

- substantiation of motivation to study at the HSE Lyceum.

Stage 2: April 7, 14, 21. Complex test

The complex test will be carried out on April 7, 14, 21. April 28 is a reserve day for those who, for a good reason, could not complete it on the day that is fixed in the schedule for the comprehensive test. The complex test is carried out in person in Moscow, in the building of the Lyceum or the Higher School of Economics.

About the time and place of the complex test Selection committee informs applicants on the website of the HSE Lyceum no later than 10 calendar days before it starts.

The first part of the complex test includes tasks in the Russian language, mathematics and foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish). The content of the comprehensive test is based on the basic general education curriculum and meets the requirements for learning outcomes in the 9th grade.

The applicant comes to write entrance examinations for both the first priority and the second priority on the appointed day for directionwhich he chose as the first priority (See Bench Test Schedule

Bench Test invitees indicating the location of the entrance test will be posted on the site no later than 10 calendar days before the start of the event.

Duration of the complex test: the first part - 120 minutes, the second part - 60 minutes (the duration of the second part for the direction "Mathematics", tasks in advanced mathematics - 90 minutes (written part) and 60 minutes (oral interview)).

The first part includes 20 test tasks (10 in Russian and mathematics) and 1 essay in a foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish - at the applicant's choice).

The second part includes no more than 10 assignments in the subject, depending on the direction chosen by the applicants (the second part for the "Mathematics" direction, assignments in advanced mathematics - no more than 10 assignments (written part) and oral interview).

The maximum score for the first part of the complex test is 30 points - a maximum of 10 points for each of the subjects. The maximum score for the second part of the complex test is 20 points (the maximum score for the second part of the complex test for the direction "Mathematics" of the task in advanced mathematics is 20 points, the maximum score for the written part is 10 points, for the oral interview - 10 points).

The total maximum score is 50 points.

Also, the minimum passing scores are recorded for parts of the complex test. Applicants who have not scored the minimum passing scores in the first or second parts of the comprehensive test are not eligible to apply for inclusion in the list of recommended for admission to the Lyceum.

The minimum passing scores for parts of the comprehensive test in the direction are approved by the decision of the Admissions Committee and published on the Portal no later than 05/30/2019.

The results of the comprehensive test, passing scores in areas, lists of recommended for admission will be published on the website no later than May 30.

Bench Test Demos and Additional Materials (2019)

Comprehensive Test Demo Archive and Additional Materials (2018)

Stage 3: June 4 - 14. Collection

Meeting with recommended students and their parents (legal representatives) - the final stage admissions campaign. the main task meetings - orientation of the student in the educational program of the Lyceum and the subsequent choice of an individual curriculum.

The selection committee organizes a meeting with all applicants recommended for admission and their parents (legal representatives) from June 3 to June 15, 2019. The meeting schedule is posted on the Portal no later than 05/31/2019.

At the meeting, a written application for enrollment from parents or persons replacing them is submitted.

The deadline for the provision of original documents (certificate, application, consent to the processing of personal data, a copy of the passport and birth certificate, registration in Moscow) required for enrollment - until July 1.

Memo on documents

Upon completion of the competition and acceptance of documents, admission to the Higher School of Economics for study at the Lyceum is formalized by the order of the vice-rector within 10 working days after the end of acceptance of documents. The document is posted on the website of the HSE Lyceum on the day of its signing and registration.

Lyceum NRU " graduate School economics "

Together with the Moscow International Forum City of Education, which will take place on September 7-9 in Moscow in Pavilion 75 of VDNKh, Newtonew publishes a series of materials about educational institutions that are most productively combined with city resources.

The HSE Lyceum is a bright and inspiring phenomenon in the system of Russian school education. Lyceum is one of the leading schools in the country, ranked 2nd best schools Moscow and 10th place in the ranking of the best schools in Russia. This is a school in which only high school students study. Admission to it is carried out on a competitive basis, like in a university - applicants write a motivational essay, undergo an interview, including comprehensive testing.

There are eight educational directions at the school: "Economics and Social Sciences", "Economics and Mathematics", "Jurisprudence", "Humanities", "Mathematics, Informatics and Engineering", "Design", "Oriental Studies" and "Psychology". In the process of studying, lyceum students can move from one direction to another if they understand that their interests have changed.

As for the educational process itself, everything here is also "grown-up". Each lyceum student independently draws up an individual curriculum, where there are subjects compulsory for all, as well as an optional part. The school has organized a large number of electives that students attend at will.

One of the main tasks of the lyceum is to provide a high school student with space of freedom and choice of his educational trajectory, the opportunity to try on a professional role, to choose what he really wants to do in the future.

This approach to the admission and release of students justifies itself - although the HSE Lyceum has existed only since 2013, it is already one of the best schools in the country.

In the list of the 500 best schools in the country, the lyceum is in tenth place; among schools of socio-economic and socio-humanitarian profiles, he takes the first place, and among schools of the philological profile - the second.

About 70% of lyceum graduates become students of top Russian universities. Many of them then continue their studies at the Higher School of Economics itself.

Newtonew (N). What do you think are the main challenges facing state education systems today?

Dmitry Fishbein (DF). In my opinion, the main challenge facing public schools, - the ability to change and adapt to the emerging needs of schoolchildren.

If we are talking about large cities, and especially megalopolises, here the number of educational opportunities is so great and diverse that in order for a student to stay at school, he needs to be offered something interesting, taking into account his personal characteristics. And this is the challenge.

The Education Law provides for the choice of the form of education. And even if it is full-time, but the child does not actually attend half of the classes, it means, in fact, the child dropped out of school. Therefore, the important question is how to make sure that the value of education remains in school.

Old methods - simple transfer of knowledge - cannot solve anything: now a child can get any information from numerous sources. Therefore, the school must offer the student some kind of interesting activity - then there is a chance to overcome this challenge.

N. What aspects of the educational process need to be monitored (for example, by the administration of the educational institution, the department of education and, incrementally, by the state regulator)?

DF. It is important to understand what we mean by “control”. In management, one of the definitions of control is: "Control is the way to lead people to success."

If by control we mean precisely tracking the processes that should take place in the school, or those processes that are being implemented at the regional level, then there is no need for a high level of control.

Schools are very different both in terms of the social composition of students' families and in terms of funding. In this regard, it seems to me that it is not very reasonable to develop uniform rules and control their implementation.

Therefore, if we are talking about some specific aspects of the educational process, then, for example, it is worth monitoring the safety of children at school - this is extremely important. But few such aspects come to my mind.

N. Then what is “control” in your school?

DF. We at the Lyceum are just trying to get away from the standard understanding of control. It may seem to some that it looks like an out of control, but it is not.

In our opinion, the development of self-control is very important for high school students, therefore, we do not have literal, strict control of students.

We do not track when a student came, when he left, we do not notify parents about this by SMS messages.

We believe that the environment that we create should first of all fall under our control zone: what adults work in the lyceum, how they communicate with students, what various types of lesson and extracurricular activities are offered, which may depend on the initiative of the lyceum students themselves.

For example, all the events that take place in the Lyceum are the initiative of the children themselves, and we think that this is correct.

That is, we have little standard control over attendance, progress, behavior. But there is a lot of trust in the students and understanding that they themselves must determine the goals and objectives of development, and in order to achieve them, they need to build their activities in the lyceum and outside it. Our role, rather, is not to control the guys, but to help by providing various opportunities.

N. By what criteria do you define “quality of education”?

DF. For us, there is one main criterion - the progress of each student during the two years that he spends at the Lyceum, and we try to track this.

If we see that during this time the child was able to understand himself more, to realize what he wants to do, where to develop, has become more independent, he has acquired the skills of self-control, then we believe that the quality of education, which should be in the lyceum, has been achieved.

N. How do you see the optimal system for assessing students' knowledge? How is this system built in your school?

DF. I think that an optimal grading system has not yet been created.

We have introduced a cumulative system of final marks at the Lyceum. It seems to us that it is most suitable for high school. The essence of this system lies in the fact that the main types of assessment procedures ( test, creative work, etc.) and they are assigned different coefficients in the final grade. Each educational department in the Lyceum develops an appropriate assessment formula for its subject area.

This approach, firstly, allows the student to independently build a trajectory for achieving the maximum result - the highest mark for the educational period, and secondly, it reduces the subjectivity of the teacher's position.

N. What do you think should determine the content of education? What elements should it include? How do you build the content structure of your educational program?

DF. The key point here is the definition of educational outcomes. Without their concrete formulation, it is impossible to talk about the content of the educational program.

It is necessary to develop a program based on educational results. That is, first you need to formulate these results, then determine possible ways their achievements, and then figure out how to measure them.

In the Lyceum, the situation is complicated by the fact that we are implementing eight different areas of study - from "Mathematics, Informatics and Engineering" to "Oriental Studies". And, in addition to the general universal educational outcomes, each of them should have their own specific outcomes. Suppose, for lawyers, if we talk about personal results, this is professional ethics.

Now we are just thinking about this issue and, based on an understanding of the educational results that we want to achieve, we compose educational programs directions.

N. How would you define an ideal educational environment?

DF. An ideal educational environment is a diverse environment that is designed based on the needs of the child and in the process of joint activities with the child.

N. How does the environment at your school match your ideal ideas about it?

DF. It does not yet correspond to ideal ideas, and this is due to two factors.

First, we have many students. The lyceum has the largest high school in Russia (more than 1,500 people), which means that the desires and needs of the children are very diverse. We cannot satisfy all of them yet.

Secondly, there are space constraints: we have standard buildings, which does not allow us to create the desired educational environment.

N. What types of educational or extracurricular activities, in your opinion, are lacking today in a general education school?

DF. Here we need to talk about a specific school, but if we try to talk about all of them at once, I will note that the pedagogical community has not yet developed a large "bank of forms of students' independent learning activities."

We have well-developed formats where the student takes a passive position, and there is not always enough variety of individual independent and small-group activities, students' exchange of experience gained as a result.

This is with regard to educational activities. If we talk about extracurricular activities, then I will say about high school.

The circumstances in which we live require the graduate to obtain a high result on the exam or at the Olympiad. In this regard, there is a great temptation to build these two years on a very utilitarian model, which is, in fact, training to achieve these results.

We are deeply convinced that it is in extracurricular activities that non-utilitarian things should happen, there should be many activities that may, at first glance, seem unnecessary and that cannot bring the student an immediate concrete result.

So, in the Lyceum there is an elective course in Norwegian. Why not? It is important that the child has the opportunity to try to do what he wants.

And one more aspect, if we are talking about profiling in high schoolis giving the children an opportunity to try themselves in other areas of interest to them, for example, letting mathematicians parse poetic texts, and the humanities - to learn programming.

N. What approaches, techniques and activities in your school would you recommend to be disseminated in all schools in the country (or even the world)?

DF. We are still “kids”: the lyceum has existed for only four years, and it seems to me too early to talk about any approaches, techniques and types of activities that we would like to spread around the world.

Also due to the fact that the Lyceum is a structural unit of the Higher School of Economics, and due to the fact that for us one of the important educational results is research competence, we know how to build work with students related to their project and research activities.

In addition, at our lyceum we have a strange subject called TOK (from the English Theory of Knowledge), which came from the international baccalaureate system, but we rethought it. It solves two problems: with its help we try to create a holistic picture of scientific knowledge and in the context of this - to increase the level of critical thinking in students.

It seems to me that this is very important and may be of interest to other schools.

N. A teacher as a person and as a professional - what qualities should he possess?

DF. I would highlight two key points here.

I am convinced that a teacher does not have to love children. You don't need to love children - you need to create such a space of interest, interaction and manufacturability that will allow the student to independently move towards knowledge. I can be a wonderful person, I can have a great relationship with my students, but it may not be effective at all.

In addition, a professional educator, especially in high school, needs to be able to do something other than teaching. Today, a standard situation is hardly possible when a person ends pedagogical university, goes to school, has been working there for 20 years, and has no interests other than work.

Both international studies and our experience show that a teacher who has some hobbies becomes a hundred times more interesting and meaningful for students.

Yes, it is more difficult for me as a director with such teachers, because you say to him: "Today is a meeting at 15 o'clock," and he replies that at this time he has mountaineering and this is his passion. I can take it hard, but at the same time I understand that if a person has something else besides work and is professional there, then this has a positive effect on his interaction with students.

N. How do you select staffing?

DF. There are many university professors in the Lyceum, and not only from the Higher School of Economics - this is our first feature.

The second feature is that, I confess, it is quite difficult to get to us without an acquaintance: recommendations from those who have been working in the lyceum for several years and understand our specifics well, see that new person will not only fit the formal requirements of experience and skills, but will also organically fit into the lyceum environment.

We have a special atmosphere here, a certain attitude towards the interaction of an adult and a child: it should be on an equal footing, an adult should understand that his task is to ensure the progress of the student, and therefore, first of all, he should not answer the questions of the lyceum student, but ask them.

It is not so easy for a new person to join the lyceum environment, and therefore the heads of departments are a key figure in the selection of teachers. They know the professional community and, inviting someone to work in the Lyceum, they understand whether this person fits the existing context and format. This is the main way of recruiting, and it seems to me that the future belongs to such networking.

Unlike high school students, 9th graders do not have a division by direction of study, but there is a choice from a wide range of additional courses.

This year has become special for the HSE Lyceum, since for the first time educational institution accepted 9th grade students into its ranks. 300 people entered the Lyceum, the competition was quite high - about 6 people per place. As a reminder, earlier only schoolchildren of grades 10 and 11 could enter the HSE Lyceum. In contrast, 9-graders have no division by areas of study, but there is a choice from a wide range of additional courses.

Vyacheslav Bashev, Vice-Rector of the Higher School of Economics, said: “To get a good education, you need three conditions. Firstly, this is a high-quality environment: you all came to the lyceum of your own free will with your own interests, having withstood serious creative tests. Secondly, these are the teachers: in the lyceum, teachers know their subject, and most importantly, they treat students with respect. Thirdly, a lot depends on yourself: you can get a good education only when you yourself want it. The goal will be achieved only by the one who knows how to set it, who is engaged in what really “turns him on” and carries him away. "

Also this year, the lyceum has a new building. Now the lyceum students of the directions "Economics and Mathematics" and "Mathematics, Informatics and Engineering" will study at st. Solyanka, 14A (metro Kitay-Gorod). The new building has natural science laboratories for studying such subjects as physics, chemistry, biology, natural science, astronomy. As well as computer laboratories for the study of computer science, engineering, computational linguistics. The building provides a dining room and common spaces - coworking space.