Schools in the new Riga and rublevo-uspenskoe highway. Schools in the new Riga and rublevo-uspenskoe highway - and you can ask the teachers about the child's success

School 57 - now also in a private version, on Rublevka ... You are always happy to learn about another alternative school. But is this an alternative?

School 57, if anyone does not know, is number one in the official ratings of the best schools in Moscow. There is the maximum number of children of all sorts of influential and famous people. At least, that was before the famous scandal. I am not interested in the scandal, I mention it only because after it a part of the teachers spun off, which formed "Our School" - that's how they called themselves.

I have read a lot of descriptions of freshly baked schools. But this, of course, was the most "modest": “Education at Our school meets the highest academic standards. It is important that all our students are prepared to learn at a certain level. "

Read: Selected Children. Here in this pretentious phrase is concentrated the essence of the public success of the 57th school. There definitely won't be any hyperactive kids or kids with special needs. Or those who did not fit into the classroom system. Why spoil statistics?

The school is designed for students in grades 1-6. And then what?

“We set ourselves a very difficult and ambitious task - to transfer our students after the sixth grade into the hands of the best teachers in Moscow and the Moscow region”. The best, mind you. And there are also "best schools". Of course, what else!

I wonder which schools they think are the "best." Top rated? And where will the students take the certification, because it is clear that they do not have any accreditation. And how many will be those who want to pay them ...

And here, by the way, and information about the price: “we believe that the cost of education in primary school will not exceed 60,000 rubles. per month". Taken from herehttp: //www.xn--57-6kcaa3dhmm1hb.xn--p1ai/

Indeed, why waste time on trifles? Rublyovka.

In general, this is no alternative. And not even because of the cost. It's just that regular private schools are not an alternative at all. Everything there is exactly the same as in the state, just small classes. Here, too, the same pathos - only for money.

I had my own experience of communicating with the 57th, at a parent meeting in this school, when two 5th grades were recruited there - by competition. We immediately felt that the school is prestigious. More than a hundred people signed up for a paid club, where they taught basic school subjects, in 4 days. And this, believe me, were children who attend school every day, and not like my daughter with her friends - from time to time. Arriving at the place, we once again appreciated the popularity of this school: the line of parents and children began long before the entrance. At the entrance we were separated. The children went to their classes, and we went to the parents' meeting.

We were told that the school building was acquired recently and with an encumbrance in the form of a certain number of students and teachers. And to fill it and recruit additional classes, the administration has been holding this very circle for three years in a row. To get into the 5th grade, it is not necessary to attend the circle. Its creation has other goals.

I asked what these goals were. “Well, first of all, make money. And secondly, to give the children the opportunity to learn something new and interesting. "

Well, what can I say, first of all, honestly. Secondly, about the new and interesting - somehow it did not work out. The children said they were as bored as they had never been in literature. They were tested in mathematics, giving everyone simple problems and limiting the execution time. They really liked biology. But not enough, they said, to endure the other three lessons for her.

I also remember that the parents at the meeting behaved like children:

- Can you ask the teachers about the child's progress?

IM Chapkovsky told me about this amazing metamorphosis of parents: “When my mother enters the school, it is as if a school apron appears on her and she begins to behave like a student”. Well, really, who can forbid you to ask the teacher about the child's progress? Go and find out! But no, you must first ask permission. And to hear in response: “Yes, I know all these questions of yours: where is my Vassenka? I’ll answer you right away, we don’t have a hippodrome here and we don’t assign places to children ”.

And it seems to be the correct answer, the neglect in it is clearly provoked by the questioner himself ... Oh, this is a feeling I have already forgotten - when you are shown that you are not particularly dear here. No, it's even nice that everything is extremely honest. After all, there are so many who want to, but we need to weed out someone. Some parents (apparently, like me) drop out right away - they feel somehow uncomfortable. I guess I’m already too spoiled by home and family schools. Those who cannot boast of one hundred percent admission to universities and do not have so many winners of all kinds of Olympiads.

Another "childish" question:

- How is your school different from others?

The man clearly knew what. Otherwise I would not have brought my half-asleep child here at 10 o'clock in the morning.

Attention, answer:

- It is prestigious to study at our school, it is prestigious to teach there.

No, I really like playing in the open! I just have a feeling that people do not hear the answers.

And I asked an indecent question. I know very well that state schools are a place where adults do not care about the needs of children, including the most basic, physiological ones. Of course, in the famous 57th this issue is probably solved, but .. four hours of classes is still a long time:

- Here the children will be told where the toilet is and where to drink some water?

Yes, of course they answered me.

The first thing I heard from the children when I came to pick them up, from three at once - questions about the toilet and about the water.

In general, the children did not like it.

By the way, there was a parent at the meeting who asked:

- What if the child doesn't like it?

Read: how can you make him eat your cactus ?!

I am enclosing a document - this is a correspondence in a notebook on the so-called literature. This is what the children felt during the lessons. Not very legible, so I will decipher: “I want to sleep. Uh-huh. Would be washed away from here. I'm hungry. We will die here. I would rather leave. And we have 4 more lessons. This is really Os. Not like that, this is how it is drawn. In short, awful. Boring. Hungry. I order a taxi: "Hello, get us out of here quickly." I will explode soon. "

In September 2016, the director of the 57th Moscow School wrote a letter of resignation from the school. In 2016, part of the staff of the Fifty-seventh school: director of the Fifty-seventh Sergey Lvovich Mendelevich, deputy. Primary school director Ekaterina Vladimirovna Vishnevetskaya, the administration and teachers united and created their own school in the Odintsovo district, Our school.

The peculiarity of our school is in its unusual format and tasks.

Admission to the school is carried out on a competitive basis after the children have passed an interview with a psychologist and teacher.

From the 1st grade, the program is built around design and research activities. The school conducts additional classes aimed at the comprehensive development of the child (Science Club, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, The World Around, Practical Philosophy, Interactive Reading, Chess, Lego Design, etc.). The school curriculum provides for the study of English from grade 1.

“It was not by chance that we chose this format - a school from 1st to 6th grade,” says Sergei Lvovich Mendelevich. Let's take a look at the best schools in Moscow and the Moscow region. All of them announce a competitive recruitment for specialized or pre-profile seventh grades. It is after the sixth grade that the possibilities of choosing the most suitable school with pre-profile and profile education expand. The one that guarantees an excellent education, admission to the best universities. So, our task is to prepare for the competitive test. We do not want to orient students towards a particular school. The family and the student will be able to make a choice with our help, and we will draw up a plan of individual lessons, select teachers, help and support.

We believe that the result of studying at Our school is admission to a specialized class corresponding to the interests of the child, to a large school that has all the possibilities for continuing education. Thus, we set ourselves a very difficult and ambitious task - to transfer our students after the sixth grade into the hands of the best teachers in Moscow and the Moscow region. The modern high school is a huge complex providing the student with a choice of a wide variety of courses, classes, individual and group projects. More and more such complexes are being created. Our school will work to fill them with curious, healthy, hardworking and knowledgeable Students. "

"We are a team of like-minded people"

For many years we worked together, heading the 57th school in Moscow, one of the best schools in Russia

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Vishnevetskaya co-founder, methodologist of the school

Sergei Lvovich Mendelevich

co-founder, supervisor

Elena Alekseevna Mendelevich

educational process administrator

Why is it necessary to enter the Children's Center at Our School?

The preschool level of Our school is represented by two departments: "Game Library" (from 5 years old) and "Preparation" (from 5.5 years old). School preparation classes are held from October to April, 3 times a week, in the morning and in the afternoon. Teaching in groups meets the highest academic standards and provides a level of preschool preparation for admission to any school. Before entering the children's center at Our school, we recommend that you come to trial lessons. The duration of the lessons is 3 hours (lessons of 30 minutes and breaks). The presenters are teachers and child psychologists with 57th work experience. Students who have successfully completed the "Preparation" can be transferred to the first grade of Our school.

* Moscow school 57

  • Has been in existence for over 140 years
  • The initial stage of education at school is the most demanded in the city
  • Up to 700 applications are submitted to first grade every year
  • The school is renowned for its math and science focus
  • In city, republican and international Olympiads, the school invariably and by a large margin takes first places in the amount of awards received in various disciplines
  • Hundreds of graduates of the school are now studying in graduate school of the best universities in the world, many of them already teach at these universities.

Address: Borki village, 160

Dear Parents!

We are glad to present you Our school - a project of like-minded people. In the concept of our school, we have invested everything we know about the initial stage of education. The leaders and teachers of our school already have experience in creating one of the best schools in Russia (School Fifty-seventh). We use our experience and knowledge for Our school.

The school will grow with the children: every year the next grade will be added, and this will continue until the 6th grade. Gradually, together with students and parents, we will build our common world of knowledge and interesting life.

Our school won't be big. The maximum number of students will be 90. A detached building with an area of \u200b\u200b1100 square meters, a dining room, an assembly and a sports hall, fully equipped classrooms, a recreational space, a separate area with a mini-football field and sports and play facilities will allow everyone to find something to their liking. Finally, our pride is a small field laboratory for researching the surrounding world and conducting experiments under the leadership of Sergei Lvovich Mendelevich, the founder and scientific director of our school.

About values

About values

Here's what we plan to prioritize:

1. Learning - only through understanding.

2. Reading is the path to knowledge, pleasure and entertainment.

3. Studying foreign languages \u200b\u200bis a means of communication with the world, a way to cognition of cultures.

4. Maintaining curiosity - through exploring the world around you.

5. Physical education and movement - the path to health and successful studies.

6. Every child is talented in his field: we appreciate and develop talent.

7. Mutual respect.

We have built a curriculum around these values primary school, which will allow you to study with interest, develop curiosity and scientific thinking from the first days at school.

About tasks

What pragmatic tasks do we set for ourselves? What should be the achievements?

It was not by chance that we chose this format - a school from 1 to 6 grades.

Let's take a look at the best schools in Moscow and the Moscow region.

All of them announce a competitive recruitment for specialized or pre-profile seventh grades.

It is after the sixth grade that the possibilities of choosing the most suitable school with pre-profile and profile education expand. The one that guarantees an excellent education, admission to the best universities.

So, our task is to prepare for the competitive test. We do not want to orient students towards a particular school. The family and the student will be able to make a choice with our help, and we will draw up a plan of individual lessons, select teachers, help and support.

We believe that the result of studying at our school is admission to a specialized class corresponding to the interests of the child, to a large school that has all the possibilities for continuing education.

Thus, we set ourselves a very difficult and ambitious task - to transfer our students after the sixth grade into the hands of the best teachers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The modern high school is a huge complex providing the student with a choice of a wide variety of courses, classes, individual and group projects.

More and more such complexes are being created. Our school will work to fill them with curious, healthy, hardworking and knowledgeable Students.

Oddly enough, we have no ambition to create something huge. Each age has its own format. Our small school will help students to find a big and successful educational path. Saving time and energy - all classes in one place. Experienced teachers, a clear understanding of the tasks at each stage of learning.

We are a team of like-minded people. For many years we worked together, heading the 57th school in Moscow, one of the best schools in Russia.

Sergey Lvovich Mendelevich is the scientific director of the school.

I would say about the main areas: mathematics and logic, ecology and natural science. A child's first six years of schooling determine whether he or she will be interested in science. If these years have passed over standard textbooks, if it has not been possible to interest in nature, technology, space or economics (the list can be continued), one can only hope for a miracle. An interest in solving problems and discovering and understanding the world around us is the most important thing we need to teach. For this to happen, the tasks must be interesting, and there must be people nearby who are interested in telling and showing everything around.

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Vishnevetskaya - methodologist of the school.

“For 24 years I have been leading an elementary school, for the last 10 years I have also been in 5 and 6 grades. In our school, I want to organize work in such a way that the classroom teaching system is not the only form.

Together with the teachers, I want to do what is impossible in a public school with a class of more than 25 people - to give each student the opportunity to achieve results in their own way.

The maximum choice is from the very beginning.

Project activities are my main interest in organizing the work of children. "

Elena Alekseevna Mendelevich - administrator of the educational process.

“The school must work clearly and harmoniously. Every little thing matters. The order within the educational institution is very important. The smaller the children, the safer and more organized the environment around them should be. Education, respect for others and for elders ”.

Yulia Aleksandrovna Shterenberg - school director.

A graduate of the 57th school. Graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Faculty of Psychology with a degree in labor psychology and organizational psychology (2008) and the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in Finance and Credit (2010).

“I am delighted to be part of a team of such competent and talented people.”

our team

Experienced primary school teachers with extensive work experience and a team of young and enterprising teachers who create a completely new education, both in content and in methods.

Bulgakova Tatiana Vladimirovna - teacher primary grades.

Has the highest qualification category. Pedagogical experience in this position is 29 years.

Graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Primary Education, specializing in primary school teacher.

Prior to joining Our School, she worked as a primary school teacher at the Moscow 57th school. Her students have repeatedly become prize winners of the Olympiads.

In 2013 he was awarded the title of Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation.

Freidkina Marina Vasilievna - primary school teacher.

In the field of education since 2007. Before joining Our school, she worked as a teacher of preparatory classes "Game Library" and "Preparatory" in the 57th school (2007-2017). From 2016 to 2018 she led the "Game Library" and "Preparation" at Our school.

Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. She defended her diploma with honors under the guidance of Professor Yu.B. Gippenreiter, the author of numerous articles and books on child psychology. Received additional professional education on the topic "Pedagogy and methodology primary education as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard "with the assignment of the qualification" Primary school teacher ".

"The abilities of each child can be revealed only in an atmosphere of benevolent participation and constant support from the teacher. Creating a comfortable psychological atmosphere, when everyone can express their opinion and not be afraid of mistakes, surprisingly affects the educational motivation of children and their first school success."

Elena Vladimirovna Novitskaya - primary school teacher.

Has the highest qualification category. Work experience as a primary school teacher for 30 years.

Graduated from the Lenin Moscow City Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Elementary Education, specializing in Primary School Teacher.

Before joining Our School, she worked as a teacher in School 57. Graduates E.V. Novitskaya have repeatedly become prize-winners and winners of the Olympiads.

In 2015 he was awarded the title of Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation.

Patrokhina Anna Viktorovna - primary school teacher

Has the highest qualification category. Graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical College №3 named. Krupskaya, teaching in primary school, and Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical University, pedagogy and methodology of primary education, primary school teacher.

Teaching experience as a primary school teacher for 17 years. Its graduates became prize-winners of mathematical and economic Olympiads.

“The statement of the teacher VA Sukhomlinsky reflects my view on education: Children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity. This world should surround the child even when we want to teach him to read and write. Yes, the whole path to knowledge depends on how the child will feel, climbing the first rung of the ladder of knowledge, what he will experience.

When you think of a child's brain, you imagine a delicate rose flower on which a dew drop trembles. What care and tenderness are needed so that, after picking a flower, not to drop a drop. "


Head Department of Mathematics, School of Development "Mayak". Also conducts courses "Door to mathematics", "Olympiad problems", "Mathematics by the method of Ya.I. Abramson ", in schools: No. 57, No. 1358," Intellectual ".

Graduated with honors from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, the special physics department at FIAN. Author of a number of scientific publications on teaching mathematics, co-author of the book "Door to Mathematics", MCNMO.

“I found the answers to many of my questions, how to make math classes useful and at the same time exciting, by observing the reactions of students. The guys are happy to master the basics of logic and geometry, learn to formulate thoughts, relying on facts already proven (by them!). They learn to correctly formulate their thoughts, overcome difficulties with their verbalization.

And I think the most important advantage of our lessons is that children learn to think! "

Prokudin Andrey Andreevich - teacher of the world around.

Graduated from the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Lenin in 1980. Member of scientific expeditions in Moscow, Kaluga, Vologda, Arkhangelsk regions; Komi ASSR; Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. Six years of museum experience: senior researcher State Biological Museum; Head By the Ecology Sector of the State Darwin Museum. Author of the Ecological section of the concept of the new exposition of the Darwin Museum. The teacher of the highest category, teaching experience of 32 years.

During his work he received nine personal grants from Soros, five diplomas from the Moscow City Hall, three times winner of the Zimin's Dynasty Foundation Prize.

Author of articles in methodological collections and journals "Northern Spaces", "Chemistry - Life" and "Knowledge - Power", co-author of the Northern Children's Encyclopedia "The Arctic is my home", author of the section "Animal World and Ecology of the Arctic". Author (together with AL Bochaver) of the book "Arctic and Antarctic" ed. AST. Co-author of the implemented project of the ecological path on the territory of the protected zone of the Khakass State Reserve and the book "Taiga through the eyes of animals and children" by "VALENT"

As a field instructor, he collaborated with the Ecosystem biological station for many years. Collaborates with the Varvarino summer ecological camp in the Khopyorsky state reserve. Awarded for this work with diplomas and gratitude as a project manager - prize-winners and winners of the international Olympiad "Bios", the All-Russian competition "Junior", the Baltic Science and Engineering competition.

Took part in international educational environmental projects "Life link" and "Globe


A graduate of the 57th school. She graduated from the Moscow State Academic Art School in memory of 1905, for 10 years she worked as a production designer at the State Academic Theater of Theater named after S.V. Obraztsova.

Prior to joining Our School, for over 10 years she worked as a teacher of the MHC project and a ceramics studio at Moscow School No. 57, as well as a production director at the "Puppet Theater 57", which is a winner of numerous theater festivals among children's theaters.

“Due to its flexibility, the project allows the teacher to adjust the program to the interests and capabilities of the children. If kids are interested, they do fantastic jobs. The process brings joy to both the teacher and the students. Thanks to such work, students develop observation, the ability to work with text, learn to turn visual information into written information, analyze, build a thought, learn to speak and formulate, weed out the unnecessary and highlight the main thing, work in a team, broaden their horizons.

With the help of the project, a fundamental base is created on which you can build anything in high school. "


Head head of the MHC project department, head of the ceramics studio, founder and head of the puppet theater at school 57.

Graduated from the Moscow Higher School of Arts and Crafts (formerly Stroganov) and the People's University of Arts. Prize-winner and participant of all-Russian and international festivals of puppet theaters. Laureate of the special prize of the Moscow Department of Education "Girl on the ball".

“Theater at school helps to solve problems of children's relationships, overcome shyness, teaches to speak in front of the public, helps a teacher to solve problems in a team. In a surprising way, the Doll comes to the fore in the theater, and with its help it is much easier and more effective to solve one's internal problems and conflicts. Therefore, in school puppet theater, the process is so important, not the result.

The theater develops musicality, a sense of rhythm, plastic relaxedness, children open up, learn a lot from culture, drama and theater history. "


Has been working in the field of children's education for over 15 years. Graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Developed and implemented the author's program "English for Preschool Children".

Has certificates of Proficiency (CPE), “Teaching Knowledge Test, University of Cambridge”. She took refresher courses "Children's theater pedagogy". He speaks several foreign languages.

Cherkasova Daria Ivanovna - teacher of English.

In the field of education since 2005. Before joining Our school, she worked as a primary school English teacher at school number 57

Higher education, graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Awarded the qualification Linguist, Teacher. The second foreign language is French.

She was trained in the British Council "Methods of teaching English to children of primary school age", as well as training in the author's courses of V. N. Meshcheryakova on the method of teaching children 3-9 years old English with the right to teach.

Darya Ivanovna's students regularly won prizes at the Festival of Oral Storytelling in English, organized by the Association of Teachers and Teachers of English in Moscow and the Moscow Region.

Grant Hooper is a professional English native speaker from New Zealand.

In 1998 he received a master's degree in History of Philosophy from University Waikato, Hamilton NZ.

In 2001-2004 he taught English as a foreign language to children 4-14 years old in Korea.

In 2018 he received his second master's degree in Art History from Oxford Brookes University. Has a TEFL certificate, which gives the right to teach English.

In teaching Grant Hooper uses communicative and lexical approaches. He pays great attention to expanding the vocabulary of students: he especially likes to supplement educational materials with films, podcasts, and the media.

An extensive liberal arts education allows him to acquaint students with the best examples of children's literature in the English-speaking world. Grant Hooper pays great attention to grammar.

Grant Hooper prepares the program individually, depending on the level of training, goals, and hobbies of the students.

David Keenaird is a native English teacher from the United States.

In 2018 he received a Bachelor of Arts diploma from the University of Pennsylvaniya

Since October 2018, David has been studying Russian at the Linguistic Center of Moscow State University and teaches English to children.

David gained his experience as an English as second language teacher at the University of Pennsylvaniya, teaching international students.

In his work, the teacher uses a creative approach to diversify the classes and make them more active and interesting. ...

He has many Russian and international certificates, in particular: EXIN Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management, Cambridge University General Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), Samsung Electronics VisualDisplayPowerTraining in Suwon, Korea.

Since 2009 teaches children and adults web programming in Scratch, DHTML, PHP, Javascript, MySQL, Python. Before joining Our school, he worked as a computer science teacher at the Moscow Aviation Institute, a business trainer at Samsung Electronics, and a teacher of programming courses for children at Algorithmika.

Kulikova Elena Aleksandrovna - teacher of additional education.

Has the highest qualification category.

Graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical University with a degree in primary school teacher.

In the field of education since 1985. From 1985 to 2018 she worked as a primary school teacher, including from 2010 to 2018 at the 57th school.

Graduated from Togliatti State University in 2012, physical education specialist. Completed refresher courses for a football coach, B.G. Chirva, as well as the Dutch football training course for FC AJAX. CCM in acrobatics.

Awards: winner of the Volga Federal District (in the team championship), bronze medalist of the Samara region, silver medalist of the Voronezh region.

Prokofieva Ekaterina Andreevna - music teacher.

In the field of education since 1997.

Graduated with honors from the College of Music and the Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke, specialization - teacher, ensemble artist, orchestra conductor. In addition, she studied under the program “Elementary music making: music, speech, movement. Earlier musical development of children. " Laureate of the international music competition (Italy), the All-Russian music competition, as well as the competition "The best cultural worker of the North-West Administrative District of Moscow". She took part in the creation of the vocal textbook "Your Voice" by Maria Katz.

Ivanova Ekaterina Evgenievna - teacher of the extended day group.

Graduated from the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Physics-Mathematics.

In the field of education since 1989. She was trained at the Moscow Institute of Correctional Pedagogy on the problems of the deaf and hard of hearing (defectology, sign language interpretation), the first distance course educational program for parents and aspiring professionals (ABA therapists) "ABA training course for working with children with autism."

“It is important to build communication with the child with love, respecting the peculiarities of his personality.”

Zhuravlev Alexander Vasilievich - rhythm teacher.

Has been dancing for 20 years. Champion of the Tver region in sports ballroom dancing.

Since 2002 he has been teaching.

Taught at the House of Dance "Duet with the Stars" L.V. Adamyan.

Since 2018 she has been a rhythm teacher at Our school.