Mirea is the second higher. Mirea Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (Moscow Technological University). Current educational programs

Information about the university

MIREA - Russian Technological University


general information:

MIREA - Russian Technological University is a leading state university, which was formed as a result of the merger MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT them. M.V. Lomonosov and a number scientific institutions... The university is currently preparing for the most popular educational programs in the following areas:

  • IT and automation
  • Electronics and nanotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Radio engineering and telecommunications
  • Security
  • Technics and techology
  • Cartography and Geoinformatics
  • Design
  • Jurisprudence
  • Economics and Management

MIREA - Russian Technological University in ratings

  • TOP-10 among the capital's engineering universities in the ranking of the demand for universities in the Russian Federation - 2017, which was presented by the project "Social Navigator" MIA "Russia Today".
  • TOP-3 by quantity budget places among Moscow universities (according to the Ucheba.ru portal). RTU MIREA traditionally ranks 2-3 in various ratings for this indicator.
  • 37th place out of 1100 in Russia in the International Webometrics Ranking (universities are compared in terms of the degree of content on their official sites).

20 facts aboutMIREA - Russian Technological University

Potential of 3 universities

MIREA - Russian Technological University - was created as a result of the merger of MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT named after M.V. Lomonosov and a number of large educational, scientific, design and production organizations. The restructuring has multiplied the potential of the university.

State university

Upon graduation from RTU MIREA, graduates receive a state diploma recognized both in Russia and abroad. License for educational activities No. 1987 dated March 10, 2016 (valid indefinitely). Certificate of state accreditation MIREA No. 2545 March 17, 2017 (valid until March 17, 2023).

Alumni income

The university is included in the TOP-10 in terms of the average monthly salary of graduates based on the monitoring of the employment of university graduates by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

3rd place in the number of budget places among Russian universities

More than 4000 budget places are allocated annually for applicants for 1 course. The university provides discounts and payment by installments for those who study on a fee basis. With good academic performance and availability of places, transfer to the budget is possible.

6 hostels in Moscow

The RTU MIREA campus accommodates over 4,000 nonresident students, postgraduates and doctoral students. When it is necessary to provide additional places, the university places its students in the hostels of partner universities.

Military department and respite from the army

RTU MIREA is one of 15 Moscow universities, where military department... Classes are held for students of all educational programs. Upon successful graduation from the university, graduates are retired. Full-time (full-time) students are granted a deferral from military service.

Preparation for work in knowledge-intensive areas

Science-intensive industries require research skills, therefore RTU MIREA students are involved in R&D and design work, including involved in the implementation of international scientific projects. All conditions have been created for the scientific work of students. Totally agree last year new high-tech equipment was purchased with a total cost of about 3 million rubles, and a competition was held for the University grant for young scientists (3 grants in the amount of 1 million rubles each).

Current educational programs

The university has over 500 educational programs. For each of them, the university offers only knowingly relevant knowledge and skills that allow you to get a guaranteed job.

Demanded secondary vocational education

The University has a College of Instrumentation and information technologies... His training programs are included in the TOP-50 of the most demanded specialties of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

More than 50 partner enterprises

RTU MIREA closely cooperates with high-tech enterprises: corporations Rostec, Rosatom, Roskosmos and others. Thanks to the unique continuing education program “College → university → basic department → basic enterprise”, students are guaranteed employment.


In 2017, MIREA - Russian Technological University became the only university that was awarded the UNESCO medal "For Contribution to the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", including for teaching students in this field.

State awards

More than 40 university employees have state awards, including:

  • Honorary title "Honored Worker high school Russian Federation"
  • Honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation"
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree
  • USSR State Prize
  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
  • Laureate of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education
  • Honorary title "Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation"
  • Honorary title "Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation"
  • Honorary title "Honored Worker higher education Russian Federation"
  • Honorary title "Honored Chemist of the Russian Federation"

Teachers at the Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov, were awarded the RF Government Prize in Education for 2017 for a set of textbooks on analytical chemistry.

Demand for graduates

According to the latest monitoring by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 75% of university graduates are employed. The figure reflects students who received their first higher education in full-time form (with the exception of graduates working in law enforcement agencies and continuing their studies in graduate school). All graduates are in high demand in partner companies and in general among industry enterprises.

More than 45 additional education programs

The university implements joint programs with the largest companies in the IT industry (Cisco, Microsoft, Huawei, 1C-Bitrix, Samsung, etc.) and VGTRK (Academy of TV), MBA, courses foreign languages, training in auto and motorcycle schools. Training takes place on the territory of the university. Prices are an order of magnitude lower than in commercial structures.

Social guarantees for students

Students receive a basic scholarship, the size of which increases with good academic performance, and can apply for an additional personal scholarship. They are provided with benefits for travel around Moscow, medical and psychological services, vouchers to recreation centers. Those in need can get financial assistance.

Study abroad

Students annually participate in double degree and exchange programs. Among the partners are leading educational institutions of more than 30 countries, where you can study for free. The university provides its students with scholarship support and helps to find affordable housing abroad.

Qualified teaching staff

Among the university teachers are members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other academies, professors and doctors of sciences. Leading foreign scientists and teachers are invited to read some lectures and training courses. Practitioners teach at the basic departments - leading employees of enterprises.

Sports opportunities

The University has 3 modern sports complexes with numerous sports sections. The complexes have indoor tennis courts, volleyball and basketball courts, a swimming pool and even a climbing wall.

Interesting student life

There is a Student Union at the university, there are free classes in theater, vocal and dance studios, and a guitar school. KVN, the OpenAir festival, and the School of Survival are held regularly. There is a photo club and a climbing club, pedagogical, rescue, search and archaeological teams.

Comfortable conditions

The study takes place on 8 campuses, which are located near metro stations. All of them are equipped with modern equipment, multi-service infrastructure and high-speed Wi-Fi. There are cafes, libraries, conference rooms on the territory.


Address: 119454, Central Federal District, Moscow, Vernadsky Prospect, 78

Contact phone: +7 499 215-65-65

Rector: Kuj Stanislav Alekseevich


Institute of Information Technology

Institute of Cybernetics

Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov

Institute of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems

Institute for Innovative Technologies and Public Administration

Institute of Physics and Technology

Institute for Integrated Safety and Special Instrumentation

Institute of Economics and Law

scheduleWorking hours:

Mon, Wed, Fri from 15:00 to 19:00

Latest reviews of RTU MIREA

Anonymous review 18:21 10/01/2018

The work of various departments is simply awful. It will focus specifically on the graduate school department at the MIREA campus. Employees of this department always say "to come on such and such a day for documents", as a result, upon arrival on the appointed day, they transfer it to another and so it can be several times in a row. But most of all, you endure the fact that you take time off from work, you drive from the other end of Moscow in order to be in time for their "busy" hours, and upon arrival, it turns out that a piece of paper is hanging on their door with the text that in connection with ay .. ...

Ivan Gorelov 01:53 02/16/2017

For me personally, MIREA is a place where you can get a diploma of higher education, without really straining. This educational institution allows you to do anything: work, self-study, leisure ... (IT) - Institute of Information Technology, specialty information systems and technologies. There are a lot of groups if everyone comes to lectures at once and you sit on the floor, seriously. The building is large inside, it looks pretty, but if you look closely, everything is cracking, or even cracked at the seams. In lecture halls, good old benches ...


general information

Federal state budget educational institution higher education "MIREA - Russian Technological University"

Branches of RTU MIREA


No. 02750 valid Indefinitely from 08.06.2018


No. 02878 valid from 20.07.2018 to 17.03.2023

Previous names RTU MIREA

  • Moskovsky state University information technology, radio engineering and electronics
  • Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for RTU MIREA

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 6 6 6 6
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of study66.42 63.45 63.88 65.00 67.54
Average USE score enrolled in the budget77.22 71.97 69.97 71.54 72.77
Average USE score of those enrolled on a commercial basis61.08 55.09 56.05 55.51 60.97
Average for all specialties minimum score USE enrolled in the full-time department38.7 39.07 40.53 42.19 51.16
Number of students24515 20596 16221 5610 5088
Full-time department18744 15811 11216 4653 3986
Part-time department1034 1499 1557 614 776
Extramural4737 3286 3448 343 326
All data Report Report Report Report Report


MIREA - Russian Technological University was created as a result of combining leading technical universities and scientific institutes, primarily MIREA, MGUPI and MITHT them. M.V. Lomonosov. Today it is a fundamentally new, largest in Russia cluster of educational and research centers, combining in its work classical university traditions and modern trends in education.

The university annually allocated more than4000 budget places, nonresident students are provided with a hostel with a total of more than 3500 places.RTUMIREA is one of 15 Moscow universities,where the military department has been preserved, full-time students are given a deferment from the army.Among the university teachers are members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other academies, professors and doctors of sciences. Leading foreign scientists and teachers are invited to read some lectures and training courses.

HaveRTU MIREAbabouther 50 partner companies, bthanks to the unique continuing education program "College → university → base department → base enterprise", students are guaranteed employment.In 2017RTU MIREA became the only university that was awarded the UNESCO Medal for Contribution to the Developmentnanosciences andnanotechnology”, Including for teaching students in this area.Teachers at the Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov, were awarded the RF Government Prize in Education for 2017.The university implements joint programs with the largest companies in the IT industry (Cisco, Microsoft, Huawei, 1C-Bitrix,Samsung and others) and VGTRK (Academy of TV), MBA, foreign language courses, training in theabout- andmotorcycle school.

Students annually participate in double degree and exchange programs. Among the partners are leading educational institutions of more than 30 countries, where you can study for free.

Study takes place in7 campuses that are close to metro stations. They are all equipped with modern equipment,multiservice infrastructure and high-speedWi-Fi.

The University has 3 modern sports complexes with numerous sports sections. On the territory of the complexes there are indoor tennis courts, volleyball and basketball courts, a swimming pool and evenclimbing wall. There is a Student Union at the university, there are free classes in theater, vocal and dance studios, and a guitar school. KVN, the festival “OpenAir", "School of survival". Workphoto club and a climbing club, pedagogical, rescue, search and archaeological teams.

When the introduction to the specialty began, and then the specialty itself, then how it was chopped off. About 30% of teachers did not know their subjects at all. The remaining teachers were distributed according to the level of knowledge as follows: 50% - knew well, 20% - knew well.

I will write about the evening IT department at MIREA. At a good engineering level, they teach mathematics, strength of materials and no more than a third of the other core disciplines. Our practice in physics was very weak, laboratory and lectures - a little better. Monstrously weak programming. Non-core, humanitarian disciplines are completed according to the residual principle, the requirements and content are none.

With the death of Alexander Grigorievich Kushnir, and there is no one to remember. Most annoying are (pre) retirement teachers teaching an outdated curriculum. For some reason, female pensioners have a great desire to tell mostly stories from their lives, but they have absolutely no desire to teach. It comes to the setting of machines for an exam in a technical discipline based on attendance - listened to less than 12 hours of jokes - grade three, listened to everything - grade five. Some devilry. Few sane labs are strangled by design, design and design again. A terrifying amount of design replacing the content part. Moreover, the diploma, alas, is not a qualification exam, but an examination in registration. Burn in hell for this torment, dear comrades.

The first two and a half years, according to the general classical program, is still nothing, but after that - trash, frenzy and fumes of revelry, for example. Much has been written about this and, of course, this problem is not only a problem of MIREA, but also of (all) Russian universities. Students have something unflattering to say about highly respected teachers, their program, as well as the content of laboratory and practical classes, and therefore ... Representatives of the MIREA administration - Please remember the chapters of the theory course automatic controldedicated to feedback. You need to consider the opinions of students, you need to collect feedback and conduct an audit of the learning activities of your teachers. Moreover, the audit is not formal, based on student and teaching writings, but direct, with the involvement of specialized specialists and an expert assessment of hidden lectures, practices and labs. But I'm afraid you don't need this, because you already know the current state of affairs, and this is the most saddening of all. Best regards, fifth-year state student.

I was considering enrolling in a magistracy (non-core for me) at several Moscow universities.

I graduated from the Ural regional university (specialty).

I went to the open day at MIREA, the university made a good impression on me.

The husband then went to MIREA for paid training courses for admission to the magistracy in the IT direction, a lot of time was devoted to mathematics, since they pass mathematics at the entrance exams.

A state-owned, well-known technical university, possibly free training (on a budgetary basis) by competition, and we were guided by the budget.

Strong theoretical teachers are more focused on fundamental knowledge than practical (for some it is a plus, for some it is a minus). Moreover, those who taught us in the preparatory courses, middle-aged teachers who are engaged not only scientific activities, but also are practicing leading experts in their industry.

Full-time training in the evenings for masters, that is, you can combine training and work.

MIREA is a very large university, it has several large buildings, which are equipped with modern laboratories.


I immediately refused to enter MIREA just because I needed a slightly different direction, which is not the main one at this university, and my husband, having looked at the preparatory courses at MIREA, was afraid of the abundance of mathematics. He decided that MESI suits him more for the desired specialization, which he regretted six months later.

Preparatory courses cost 3 600 rubles. To confirm the relationship with MIREA I attach a photo of the contract. That's all that's left (apart from knowledge, of course).

I didn't like almost everything. From appearance buildings (reminiscent of either a pioneer camp, or some kind of building like a palace of congresses) before the organization of a progressive process (very slowly and sleepily). The location and numbering of the audiences also did not inspire (mazes are worse than our Bauman ones). And it’s a little far to go and it’s decent to go up the hill to the metro. I have nothing against this university, but I think that I did the right thing by not becoming a teacher there.

I know English almost perfectly, that's why I read it as it is written - in one word (forgive me if it bothers you). About this Katya. If not expelled, then now I should go to the 3rd course. If you see it, you can pass it on.

By the way, when I did it, the local students deciphered the world as the Moscow institute for the spread of the epidemic of alcoholism.

The attitude of teachers is adequate to the attitude of students.

The quality of education is largely determined by the student's desire to gain knowledge (you cannot force anything into the boss), as well as the time that the teacher has for one student.

There is a tension with the latter, since the universities have been united, the workload has increased.

MIREA has a military department, which is a plus.

For me personally, MIREA is a place where you can get a diploma of higher education, without really straining. This educational institution allows you to do anything - work, self-study, leisure ... (IT) - Institute of Information Technology, specialty information systems and technologies. There are a lot of groups if everyone comes to lectures at once and you sit on the floor, seriously. The building is large inside, it looks pretty, but if you look closely, everything is cracking, or even cracked at the seams. In lecture halls, the good old benches ala the 70s, there is a possibility of tearing your pants on a nail, there was a case, they were swimming. There are a lot of canteens, the food in them is the same, extremely for everyone, you can't dream of something dietary for a couple and without spice. Student life seems to be in full swing: circles, events, trips, etc. Scholarships for good-excellent students are about 3-plus, you can become a good-excellent student even without visiting a pair) attendance is a little factor at sessions + simple exams + there is an opportunity to write off, on any exam that I had) In general, no one counts passes, no one cares, do labs during the semester and cr and everything will be simple. For reference, I go to the university 2 days a week (officially 6ka), I just sort the necessary pairs)

Positive reviews

Education 1981-1987, Faculty of Cybernetics (formerly - ACS), Department of ACS, specialty - systems engineer. I am upset by the abundance of negative reviews: the university gave an excellent education (perhaps I myself took an excellent education, that is, whoever wanted it, received it). The potential of education was enough to calmly rebuild itself to the requirements of the economy 30 years after graduation: the portfolio of business practices includes systems for managing technological processes of an enterprise, and building / automating business processes, and automating a company's organizational management system, and much more, which became possible only due to the fundamental nature of the education received at MIREA. I hope that alma mater will regain its former glory

I studied at this university for 5 years and it was 5 excellent years; personally, I do not regret that I went to MIREA. Yes, it's hard, but guys, this is no longer a school for you, if you want to become a man, study !!

MIREA - this was the first university I went to on an open day. I really liked this holiday atmosphere and did not want to go to any other DOD. I decided to enter MIREA for Cybernetics. I have been studying for the third year and I am not at all disappointed in my choice

A good university with an excellent teaching staff, a large library and a lot of opportunities for realizing yourself and your skills.

I'm happy with everything, I'm glad I was here.

It is not the easiest university in terms of education, but with proper attendance and performance of the assigned tasks, there should be no problems.

Plenty of room for relaxation, sports and creativity. Professional development and the possibility of obtaining a second higher education. Military department for young people.

Employment opportunities starting almost from the first year - there is plenty of work in the university.

I like the university, I entered that year, I closed both sessions perfectly, I get a good scholarship (I think it’s a big plus, especially if I’m out of town), the campus is located near the metro, the presence of large and good canteens makes me happy. I graduated from the law at the university, went through many schools for my own development, there are many opportunities to realize myself.

After studying at this university for a year, I was very pleased with my choice. The university provides good basic knowledge in specialties, and students also practice not only in Admissions committee, but also in such state institutions as the Ministry of Sports and others. Sports activities are well developed. Autumn and spring Spartakiads and other various events in this area are held annually. Studying here is interesting and not difficult!

I have been studying at MIREA remotely for the second year (I am getting the second higher education in parallel with the first). Specialty - Business Informatics, very well combined with my first education in the direction of innovation. I like this form of training very much, I don't see any special shortcomings! Unless you see your classmates, but this is so-so a minus. I think that studying remotely is much better than, for example, in absentia, because I see no reason to go to the university for a session, when the modern level of technology makes it possible to take exams at home and not travel across the floor of Russia to Moscow every six months. Saves a lot of money. As elsewhere, with such a system you need to study a lot yourself, but in principle, you can get a good education full-time, too, only by making great efforts.

I entered where I had dreamed for a long time. They teach very well. Previously, I just screamed from torment, I thought it was impossible to learn that they were knocking us down, but then everything went like clockwork, I realized that they were not asking us anything out of the way, everything is doable, you just need to teach a little and try. I am already in my third year, graduating soon. I liked the social life here, in what condition the buildings are. The buffets are very varied for all sorts of sweets, which is exactly what the student lacks. Anyone who enters only here, remember that lectures are not for sleeping, but in order to receive the necessary material.

I am finishing my bachelor's degree. Specializing in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Cybernetics.

I will not say that it has always been very easy to study - the appropriate attendance, academic performance and communication skills with the team of the group and teachers play a very important role in learning in general.

Your reward is not just enough free time.

The university hosts many events, celebrations, concerts and shows. Active student life.

There are many clubs and sports sections.

Military department, driving school, constant trips.

In the process of training - directly practice, practice at enterprises where there is a possibility of employment already from 2-3 courses and, of course, working out summer industrial practice.

Intra-university work.

Professional development and second higher education.

In general, the university has great opportunities.

I have never regretted choosing MSTU MIREA! It is quite easy to study here, there are both excellent teachers and not very good ones (but this is the case everywhere). Also, in addition to studying here, everyone can find something for themselves, develop themselves in a creative or scientific direction, and for free (I have never heard of such opportunities anywhere!). But, of course, every student of MSTU MIREA has the opportunity to participate in student lifehelping to arrange various holidays) In my opinion, MSTU MIREA is the quintessence of good study and potential development in every student.


  • Good university
  • nice teachers


  • Bad canteens

I have been studying this at the university since 2012, I really liked it. The teachers are pretty good, but there are also individuals. The rector of the university is good, the canteens are not very good, sometimes you can find a live cockroach in a plate with potatoes, so to speak, pure squirrel) but laughter is laughter, but this is a bit too much. Unfortunately, physics laboratories are not at the highest level. The rulers remained from ikea. Computer classes have not advanced too far, a large number of old computers running on Windows 98. But in our university there is a military department. The teachers on it are lieutenant colonels who know their business. The discipline is very strict. Therefore, the institute is not so bad.

I am getting my first higher education at the Moscow Technological University, direction "Management", profile "Project Management".

At the Moscow Technological University I study in the very first stream already in the 4th year, I was transferred from MESI (it was closed) to MIREA. My choice fell more on the fact that the heads of the CDO also moved from MESI - Alexander Sergeevich Molchanov and Tatyana Valerievna Kozlova. Overall, the training is going well. For each subject, we hand over 2 forums, 2 tests and an assignment. Points are given for 5 tasks. It is very helpful that teachers give video lectures on all topics of the subject. Subjects can be taken during the whole semester, there are no deadlines - it pleases. The main thing is that everything should be submitted before the session. The only thing that is not always convenient: the session runs on schedule. But there is also a plus here - the teachers meet halfway and appoint another day for the exam at the end of the session, if you did not have the opportunity to pass on the appointed day. Or you can pass the subject in a different stream with other groups. As a mother with a child and work, the distance learning format is very suitable for me. Also, the CDO draws up a certificate-call for the session, which makes it possible to leave work for 21 days and calmly pass the session. The teachers are generally responsive, they meet halfway and help with the difficulties of students.

For me, this university has a very convenient form of education - distance learning. During the session, you do not need to break away from your family, from work, spend vacations or work extra hours at work so that you can study. The road would also take a long time, since I live in the outback. And here everything is convenient and simple. Knowledge gives good. I can safely say: I study here not for the sake of a crust, but for the sake of real knowledge and skills.

I am getting a second degree here in parallel with my main specialty (I really wanted to get a diploma from a Moscow university). For the third year already. In principle, I was satisfied - I think that it is more convenient to study remotely than just in absentia, especially if you live very far from the university. Of course, you need to learn a lot on your own, in this regard, distance learning is very difficult, lazy people will not pull) The level of knowledge gained depends only on the student himself! But a huge plus is in general the very opportunity to receive education in this form, especially in a state university.

She entered in 2015 and did not regret it. The score was not high, but I was able to pass on the budget without Olympiads and additional points. All couples pass in different ways, some are easy, some are hard to assimilate information, after university I come very tired, but satisfied, because I learn a lot of new and interesting things. There are many excellent teachers who are on the same wavelength with the students. As for extracurricular activities, it gives a lot of vivid impressions and emotions! After training, there is good prospects further employment.

Additional Information

Tuition fees: from 48 000 rub / year

Budget seats: 2 460

Passing score: from 51,7

The Moscow Institute of Technology is the only organization in Russia created with the support of UNESCO. MTI was formed due to the merger of MGUPI and MITHT with MIREA.

For admission, you need to have with you a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a certificate of graduation from school, as well as a certificate of the results of the Unified State Exam. Passing points in MIREA in total should be only 150.

MIREA open day. Several days a year, MIT opens its doors to applicants and their parents. In the process of such events, each applicant will be able to ask a question of interest to the teachers and heads of departments and learn more about the passing points and the cost of studying at MIREA in 2017-2018.This event allows students to make a final decision whether to enter the chosen university or not. ...

Training at the Moscow Technological Institute in 2017 was held in four main specialties - "technology" and " modern technologies"," economics "and" management ".

MIREA faculties:

✔ Automation of technological processes and production

✔ Security of information technology in law enforcement

✔ Business Informatics

✔ Biotechnology

✔ State and municipal administration

✔ Design

✔ Documentation and archival science

✔ Innovation

✔ Computer Science and Computer Engineering

✔ Information security

✔ Mechanical engineering

MIREA University is one of the key universities in Europe that train highly qualified specialists in the field of technology. Feedback from students and graduates shows that the old name does not want to give way to a new one: since 2014, it has been the Moscow Instrument Engineering and Informatics (MGUPI). Apparently, for this reason, the abbreviation that belonged to the predecessors was retained. This university entered the association of European technical universities (Top Industrial Managers for Europe).


This wonderful university was founded in 1947 and was not the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, but the All-Union Correspondence Power Engineering Institute - VZEI - until 1967, after which it was renamed, and students began to study not only by correspondence, but also in person. VZEI had powerful branches in Kiev, Leningrad, Baku, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk and Tashkent, where they also trained highly qualified engineers and improved their knowledge by retraining.

In the image and likeness of VZEI, other technical universities of the USSR were formed: its educational and consulting departments and branches often became the basis for the creation of new polytechnic institutes in Kemerovo, Omsk, Kirov and some other cities. That is, VZEI was considered the leading institution in the entire system of training in radio engineering specialties and energy, where there was a real forge of personnel for many of the newest industries. national economy, including for the defense industry.

VZEI until 1963

MIREA, reviews of which are so favorable, began long before its birth. VZEI gradually changed in line with the needs of the development of science and technology. At the very beginning of the sixties, specialists in electronic technology and radio electronics were already trained here. Even then, the institute began to reform and move away from clean energy to science-intensive technologies. Therefore, some faculties went to the MPEI (Moscow Power Engineering Institute): hydropower, heat power, electric power and electromechanical.

Next to the radio engineering faculty, VZEI opens the faculties of automation, computer technology, measuring technology and telemechanics, design and production of radio electronics equipment. At the same time, the evening radio engineering faculty was opened. Since 1964, the institute has come close to training engineers for the defense industry in cybernetics, electronics, and computer technology.

MIREA (1967)

After the transformation of VZEI into MIREA, reviews about the institute began to note the training of extremely valuable engineering personnel for the radio and electronic industry, for the science-intensive branches of mechanical engineering and instrument making, for control systems and automation equipment. At first, MIREA did not have its own area at all, since it was based on the territory of MEI, in one of its buildings. Gradually, the institute received and expanded its own areas to six buildings: on Preobrazhenka and on Vernadsky Avenue. Educational and scientific complex MIREA, reviews of which are also positive, is located on Borovskoye highway. The complex includes the building of an information and computing center and a scientific and technical library.

During the existence of MIREA, the responses of students did not change the tone: it is interesting to study there, the university cooperates with fifty enterprises from the sphere of high-tech production, which are the basis for the work of departments. Educational programs are certified according to international standards, the latest scientific laboratories and student design bureaus have been created at MIREA. Student reviews cannot be negative regarding a university that has academies from such iconic manufacturers as Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, EMC, Huawei and many others.

Military department

MIREA has base departments at the leading enterprises of the military-industrial complex, therefore MIREA is one of the educational units. Reviews about and specialties very often mention this with gratitude.

Here cadres are forged both for the power structures and for the reserve of the RF Armed Forces. This is a civilian university, but the military department has been preserved, and reserve officers are leaving from here. Here students are taught one day a week from the fourth to the eighth semester, classes last six hours, after which students are given two hours for self-study.


One of the first questions when entering MIREA is a hostel. There are also enough reviews about him, but, unlike reviews about teaching and about the quality of university training in general, opinions differ in them. First of all, because it is simply not enough: with a huge number of students, the number of places in the hostel is simply incomparable - there are only 297 of them. There is always competition for a place of residence. Naturally, certain categories of students are out of competition: orphans, the poor, the disabled and others.

Nevertheless, the students speak well of the hostel itself: there are good conditions for recreation, study, and sports. There is a library, Internet access in a computer room, a canteen, a gym, a medical isolation ward and a storage room. Security is provided by access control and round-the-clock video surveillance. All entrances have fire and alarm buttons, installed


MIREA includes ten institutes that implement HE programs: Master's, Specialist and Bachelor's. The Institute of High Technologies, as a structural subdivision of MIREA, trains bachelors, masters, specialists and graduate students. There is a long range of areas and specialties here. Also, engineering, technical and managerial personnel are upgrading their qualifications and undergoing retraining. A lot of research work is being done. The teaching staff of the institute includes more than 75 percent of those with academic degrees and titles.

The most numerous responses received in mIREA University Faculty of Cybernetics. Reviews indicate that its graduates are in great demand. (To be precise, not a faculty, but an institute of cybernetics.) It is such a subdivision in which there is an educational department, sixteen departments, educational and research centers and laboratories. Among applicants, software engineering is of particular interest from all areas and specializations of MIREA. Reviews of masters who received such an education indicate that this specialization is worth spending another two years after the bachelor's degree on the pleasure of doing science.

Other institutions:

  • innovative technologies and public administration,
  • information technologies,
  • integrated security and special instrumentation,
  • radio engineering and telecommunication systems,
  • fine chemical technologies,
  • technical aesthetics and design,
  • management and economics,
  • electronics.


In the structure of MIREA there are three more institutes of a special warehouse in addition to the ten mentioned above. it international institute computer science with training programs for foreigners, the institute of pre-university training with programs for students of colleges and schools, as well as the institute of additional education.

And a number of non-specialized faculties exist as part of MIREA. This is the faculty of general training (physics, chemistry, higher mathematics and much more), the evening faculty with the same higher education programs, the faculty of distance and correspondence education and the college of instrumentation and information technology.

MIREA also has twelve branches that are also the most favorable. Most of them are located near Moscow: in Sergiev Posad, Fryazino, Serpukhov and other cities.

Who writes reviews?

More than seven thousand students, both Russian and foreign, can write reviews at MSTU MIREA. Surely not everyone wrote, but it is simply impossible to read completely what students and graduates think or remember about MIREA. Because there are a lot of reviews. Both graduate students and doctoral students were noted there, of which there are significantly more than two hundred and fifty in the university.

Future applicants who pass pre-university training, and there are also many of them - more than a thousand. And especially a lot of reviews from those who receive additional education, but this is understandable: well over ten thousand people study at MIREA (MGUPI). There are also reviews about the training of doctors of sciences and candidates of sciences, who are trained and defend in twenty specialties. At MIREA, six dissertation councils are constantly working, where dissertations are defended and scientific degrees are obtained.


At MIREA, more than two thousand teachers and professors give their experience and knowledge to the younger generation. Of this seemingly huge number, it is possible to single out well beyond 1000 candidates of sciences and associate professors, plus about 3600 professors and doctors of sciences, 5 corresponding members and full members of the RAS and about 100 members from other academies. And there are also about 50 laureates of the State Prize and the Government Prize in MIREA.

That is why such reviews about MIREA. Moscow, or rather its applicants, with all the abundance of options for obtaining higher education, very often chooses this particular university. There are many pluses and almost no minuses, judging by the reviews. There is a developed training base and excellent technical facilities. Students practice in design offices. For example, in STC "Electronics", technopark, international laboratory LEMAC. They greatly praise the higher mathematics of the Faculty of Cybernetics: and because they teach very well and treat students with unremitting attention.

International activity

Cooperation in science and education with foreign universities is the most important component of the strategic line of the university's development, therefore, relations with them are very close: joint research works, practical seminars and conferences are carried out, teaching and student mobility is developing in the form of exchange of leading teaching personnel.

Now MIREA is in close contact with institutions in France, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, Japan, Taiwan, China, USA, Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam, Korea and many others. MIREA is also a member of many international unions and associations.

academic mobility

Scientific cooperation with foreign countries presupposes joint scientific research, for which special joint units have been created. The key area of \u200b\u200bsuch work is to support academic mobility, that is, implementation with preliminary development of educational programs, training and internship of students abroad, obtaining two diplomas - MIREA and a partner university, exchange of leading teachers and professors for lecturing and conducting scientific research.