Gbow Gymnasium 642 earth and universe. About gymnasium

Yes, now I have nothing to fear, and I have nothing to lose either. The head teacher and school lawyer will no longer come to me with a demand to remove the entry from the site and with the threat that they will destroy both a person and a teacher. Before that, one of my friends wrote on the site, but now I know this site and write myself.
My work at this school began with shock. When I was hired, director P. Troshkeev told me that children and parents are demanding. I thought demanding meant knowledge.

From the very first lessons of literature, I felt some kind of discrepancy: 7th grade students never wrote essays, grades were only 4 and 5. I analyzed the texts, and my parents scribbled complaints that “the grades are not the same as ours is not a literary school” ... Well, not all, of course, but those that are considered successful at school. In the end, this disgruntled 7th grade filed a complaint that I was corrupting minors. And all this for the sake of fives in the quarter, a week before the marks are given.

And it was so. I taught a lesson for which I have a diploma "For the moral exploit of a teacher": "Comparison of the context of the life" The Story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom "and I. Bunin's story" Clean Monday "

So, the parents, allegedly having a record of this lesson, were going to submit it to the prosecutor's office, since this story about sex and children was turned on. The next day, an act of non-fulfillment of my job duties was drawn up, as I exceeded the limits of the work program and the "plus" category. I'm not even talking about the boorish form in which the head teacher Neelova I.A. told me everything. I tried to justify myself (now I understand that there was nothing to justify) to show a quote from the 7th grade literature textbook (according to the program) about group love and group marriage in Kalevala. To this, the head teacher called me a sexually concerned woman.

The act was followed by control by the administration. All my lessons were attended, checked by minutes, by notes and minutes were kept.

I decided to leave, unable to withstand this pressure. But two days before leaving for another school, Neelova even spoke to me politely and promised that all this would not drag on like a train.

I stayed. But then she again fell in love out of ignorance. The RCOKA was monitored along the river. Yaz is in grade 7, it was necessary to submit a monitoring report throughout the school. I did it until nightfall and in the morning, as requested at the RCOC, I sent it. In the morning, the head teacher called me and said that I had no right to send without correcting. I asked what the correction was. It turns out to be falsification of the results: remove 2, convert 3 into 4 and. etc. After this report, life in this school turned into a real nightmare for me.
I had to quit my job in March as constant stress was impossible. It's a pity the children (except for the product of this school 7 gamma) were good. How much could be done with them. Indeed, even during these six months, children have already taken part in competitions and won prizes.
My colleagues tried to convince me that this is the case in all schools. I, working not in a gymnasium, say no, not like that! Now I am in a warm team, where I am respected, where the life of children is in full swing, creativity is in full swing. The whole team is a single team, not a bunch of persecuted teachers drinking valerian and novopassit. Yes, the children are not high school students, but since it is not the parents who run the show, the discipline is at the level. And most importantly, you can work with children to the fullest and understand that you are there.

Yes, now I have nothing to fear, and I have nothing to lose either. The head teacher and school lawyer will no longer come to me with a demand to remove the entry from the site and with the threat that they will destroy both a person and a teacher. Before that, one of my friends wrote on the site, but now I know this site and write myself.

My work at this school began with shock. When hiring director Troshkeev P. A. I was told that children and parents are demanding. I thought demanding meant knowledge.

From the very first lessons of literature, I felt some kind of discrepancy: 7th grade students never wrote essays, grades were only 4 and 5. I analyzed the texts, and my parents scribbled complaints that “the grades are not the same as ours is not a literary school” ... Well, not all, of course, but those that are considered successful at school. Finally, this disgruntled 7th grade filed a complaint that I was corrupting minors. And all this for the sake of fives in the quarter, a week before the marks are given.

And it was so. I taught a lesson for which I have a diploma "For the moral exploit of a teacher": "Comparison of the context of the life" The Story of Peter and Fevronia of Murom "and I. Bunin's story" Clean Monday "

So, the parents, allegedly having a record of this lesson, were going to submit it to the prosecutor's office, since this story about sex and children was turned on. The next day, an act of non-fulfillment of my job duties was drawn up, as I exceeded the limits of the work program and the "plus" category. I'm not even talking about the boorish form in which the head teacher Neelova I.A. told me everything. I tried to justify myself (now I understand that there was nothing to justify) to show a quote from the 7th grade literature textbook (according to the program) about group love and group marriage in Kalevala. To this, the head teacher called me a sexually concerned woman.

The act was followed by control by the administration. All my lessons were attended, checked by minutes, by notes and minutes were kept.

I decided to leave, unable to withstand this pressure. But two days before leaving for another school, Neelova even spoke to me politely and promised that all this would not drag on like a train.

I stayed. But then she again fell in love out of ignorance. The RCOKA was monitored along the river. Yaz is in grade 7, it was necessary to submit a monitoring report throughout the school. I did it until nightfall and in the morning, as requested at the RCOC, I sent it. In the morning, the head teacher called me and said that I had no right to send without correcting. I asked what the correction was. It turns out to be falsification of the results: remove 2, convert 3 into 4 and. Etc. After this report, life in this school turned into a real nightmare for me.
I had to quit my job in March as constant stress was impossible. It's a pity the children (except for the product of this school 7 gamma) were good. How much could be done with them. Indeed, even during these six months, children have already taken part in competitions and won prizes.
My colleagues tried to convince me that this is the case in all schools. I, working not in a gymnasium, say no, not like that! Now I am in a warm team, where I am respected, where the life of children is in full swing, creativity is in full swing. The whole team is a single team, not a bunch of hounded teachers drinking valerian and novopassit. Yes, the children are not high school students, but since it is not the parents who run the show, the discipline is at the level. And most importantly, you can work with children to the fullest and understand that you are there.

My child is in the second grade of this gymnasium. The main reason why I gave it there was English. But even now we can say that while studying in this gymnasium, and without resorting to the services of a tutor, your child will not know the language! The first year, they simply pulled out money from us, as a result, by the end of the year the child did not even know the alphabet !!! When at the beginning of the second grade I came to Sorokina E.P. with this question, I was categorically told that my child was dumb, and the teachers were the best. And nothing in their address, she doesn't even want to hear. To interest the student in the subject, the goal is not even worth it. For the main curriculum, the textbook is the worst it can be. Only thanks to classes with a tutor, I see my child's interest and knowledge in this subject. As for the rest, there are no complaints, I am very pleased with the class teacher. And then, we were lucky with her, only by the end of the first grade. When the previous teacher was asked to remove the collective statement from the parents. A significant plus in this gymnasium is that primary School separated from the middle, and from the older. Children are surrounded only by their peers. Classes are also separated by floors, and their routes do not intersect in any way. There is a plus in this - this is the absence of bullying between different ages. In the extended day group, each class has its own teacher, which allows you to maintain your own microclimate and cohesion in the class. There are a lot of additional circles and sections, both paid and free, to which each child is assigned by a special worker. It is because of these conditions and territorial convenience that I will leave my child in this gymnasium until the end of primary school. But from 5 klaas, we will search educational institution with a more decent level of education.

Dear Parents! Do not send your children to study in this gymnasium! They will only pull money from you, and you will study on your own, if you want!

I say right away that we are talking about the 1st building, maybe my child has been in this school since the 7th grade and I do not know what is happening in other buildings
Let's get down to business, starting with the building itself, repairs, classrooms, etc.
The building looks like a solid 4, but inside everything is deplorable - when you enter mirrors, beautiful sofas and changing rooms, but as soon as you go up to the 2nd floor, you see narrow corridors, old floor, terrible old desks, there is no gym as such, just a room in a dungeon with a terrible ceiling and a few fitness machines, the dining room itself is beautiful but the food !!! THIS IS SOMETHING !!! The assembly hall is very small when some kind of event children are like sprat in a bank !!! The medical office does not work !!!
Well about appearance like everything, so I conclude on a C with a minus, then about the teachers. Let's start with good geography A.V. Popov is a wonderful teacher, the main thing teaches not only geography, but also just life, biology N. B. Bereza is a wonderful teacher for those WHO GO TO THE DOCTOR, but for other children she is a very demanding teacher and my child problems arise with her, chemistry - O.G. VAKHROMOVA she is a wonderful person, but she is a teacher for a weak 4, everything is bad with physics, a teacher is a boor and again a boor (L.N.) and she teaches on a 3, algebra G.A. Rybakova is a good teacher, but she often breaks down at the children and there have been cases to tears, REQUIRES FULL SUBMISSION TO HER INvented RULES !!!
Teacher from St. Petersburg A.A. Galetskiy, NOT A BALANCED PERSON, HE CANNOT WORK WITH CHILDREN !!!
Everything about teachers, I do not agree with those who say that they are extorting money, there is no such thing, extracurricular life is so-so for a solid 3, in principle, like the whole school, I said everything, and then decide for yourself

Dear parents, if you decide to send your child to gymnasium 642, then I advise you to think about academic classes.
If you don't know, then not so long ago academic classes joined the 642 gymnasium.
What I can say about these classes is only kind words.
First, very good, educated teachers.
Secondly, this is the renovation of the building in which your children may be trained. Large dining room and delicious, edible dinners. Thirdly, it is, so to speak, a guarantee that your child will write the USE for the score that he needs to enter the chosen university. Very good preparation in all subjects.

Bought for a pretty wrapper. Many beautiful words and pathos, many beautiful signs and pictures, on the days of open doors they proudly showed electronic boards, laboratories, Lego construction, a robot and other "exclusive" bells and whistles, and now I have already learned that all this is in every school and there do not shout about their uniqueness.
I ran into the administration of this strange institution, my eyes went up to my forehead, and it felt like I got into an appraisal, the most inadequate behavior, communication methods, concocting some kind of slander and delusional statements and demands, teachers decide who will teach and who will not, when you are indignant - blackmail like, "if you complain, your child will have a disgusting reputation and will be a poor student" .... What can such anthropoids teach !? And about the eternal and good, I generally keep quiet, and I need to explain to the child that he should respect "THIS" !?
Learning is only independent, although no - they help - they sold us a manual - how to teach a child English, the policy of the institution - the teacher must teach a C, the rest themselves (it is not clear then why they require not only knowledge but also an understanding of the subject from the students, which they themselves do not explain, and why do they take credit for the achievements of children in their studies?) I'm tired in the evenings after my work to do theirs, to work as a teacher, and when I explain the child understands everything, I succeed without special education, and why their teacher (deserved) does not succeed !? It turns out that this is not a school at all, but an extended kindergartenwhere children spend time while parents work.
In general, we make legs from there, any high school will be better than this den.

We study in elementary school on Opochinina. I read horrible reviews about our school - now it's scary to live on :) We haven't seen any horrors yet. Terrible fees for additional lessons compare to the price of private english courses... And remember that you also need to drive to the courses. And this is also extra time. I agree that a child with additional English lessons at school will not be able to learn English for 5 on his own. It is necessary for the adult to constantly work with the child. Do your homework with your child. It will take up your time, but learn the language. That’s why she is a gymnasium in order to give more knowledge and demand more. We are satisfied with our knowledge, although good marks baby half mine. If the parents are not ready to devote their time to the child's lessons, then of course you should not go to gymnasium - it is better to choose a school with a regular program.
Where is the collection for households. I see - the guards are sitting, the intercom is working, every year some piece of the school is being repaired.
The child likes food, living conditions are 4. Of the worst - in the toilet in one booth there is no door, and one does not close well. They try to repair it periodically, but either the children break it, or the repair is not of high quality.
They bought their own desks, because We didn’t like the old ones. bought cheap ones and they were all loose in 3 years.
The child likes the teacher, the relationship in the classroom is normal. lessons and households. I think the needs are justified.
When they were choosing a school, they did not find another one with a normal extended program. My friend's daughter goes to a regular school. At 18-00 their school closes. We have an extended stay late and, surprisingly, free.
I pick up after 18, go home, finish my lessons, mainly English and math almost until nightfall, but we study from 9-30.

A few words about the primary school on Opochinina. My son studied in grades A and D for the 2013-2014 academic year. In class A worse, in class D better. I have something to compare with, since another child goes to school No. 4. I categorically do not advise class A, but you can go to class D, the teacher is not bad, but young and she lacks a little experience.
The extended course is well organized. A child can be at school from 8.00 to 20.00 free of charge. Moreover, he will always be under supervision and will not get bored.
The school has a large number of paid and free circles. There are plenty to choose from. The quality of paid circles is better, if you have money, you will not regret it.
The school has good teachers among the class teachers. She is a very good teacher of the history of St. Petersburg.
Strong enough program: Perspective.
First and foremost. There is no school spirit here, but the spirit of a commercial enterprise that provides paid services in the field of education is clearly traced. Those. I want to say that the main task of this school is to make money, not to teach children. If your task is not knowledge, but a certificate, then you are welcome.
The closeness of the school to parents and the generally hostile attitude of the administrative staff towards students and parents are straining.
The English club Humpty-Dumpty leaves a double impression. The wrapper is prettier than the content. Its leader is a good organizer, which is important, but does not inspire trust as an English teacher. An interesting pastime in the spirit of the English language will be there, but the classes do not reach the level of a language school, in my opinion.
Not all teachers can teach children in the Perspective program. This program needs appropriate teachers, and of the current 1 grade, only teachers in Grades B and C can handle it. For teachers in grades A and D, the School of Russia program would be more suitable. By the way, classes B and C are overcrowded, in the D class there is a shortage, and people are fleeing from the A class. During the year 4 or 5 people left the A class. We are included.
Conclusions: it is quite possible to put up with the disadvantages of the school if you are sure that the child will have a good teacher. If you don't get to a good teacher, there is nothing to do in this school.

A few more words about extortions and household needs. Again, about the building on Opochinin. Elena, I disagree with you a little about the rationality and organization of spending money on business. The intercom works, but only from the central entrance, and has not read cards from Havanskaya for six months. Is it really impossible to find the time and money to ensure the safety of our children in six months?
The food also leaves a lot to be desired, my child did not like it. He often came home from school hungry. By the way, the food is imported, which does not improve its quality. But the taste and color ... as they say ...
You cannot additionally buy juice, pie or bun.
Another question for the school bus, why for each trip parental committee pays 600 rubles to the driver? Does he not have an official salary and does not have money allocated from the school budget for the maintenance of the bus?
I think that fees for additional classes in English and the history of St. Petersburg are justified. In my opinion, they complement our education program well. And they stand the same as in other schools. Moreover, parents can refuse paid lessons.
For economic needs, a monthly "voluntary contribution" of 850 is collected, for this purpose they give bills. It is not necessary to pay them, although they do not speak openly about it.
The conclusions are the same - you can turn a blind eye to this if you have a good class teacher in elementary school.

We have been studying in academic classes since September 2014.
Great attitude towards children from teachers. Interesting lessons in which children discuss various issues, and teachers tell what they know and studied, and did not read in a textbook. The child developed an interest in learning. Despite the high workload, he copes well with everything. A high level of preparation in all areas. Much attention is paid to both mathematics and languages.
I am very pleased that we made the right choice. Honestly, after the "horror" of elementary school, it was hard to believe that there are still normal schools in our country

Son went to training courses on Opochinin. Very pleased. The high level of the teacher is felt. The child learned a lot, learned a lot and, most importantly, learned to take a responsible approach to his studies. Therefore, for the preparatory - definitely excellent. What will happen next - we'll see.

Egor, I would not write anything, but these reviews will be read by those who are going to go to this school, and for some reason you have a lot ... inconsistencies. For example, you can buy pies, rolls and milk (according to the child, sausage in the dough - 30 rubles, milk - 15 rubles, no longer remembers), and children from our class buy them, by the way, most of them and food in the cafeteria are eating. Our class gives nothing to the driver. In grade 1 A, there was a problem not with education, but with the fact that a couple of boys hurt and beat other children, and the parents did not take any measures about this, despite the teacher's requests (the mother of one of the offended girls told me about this), when these boys left the classroom, everyone sighed calmly, and since then, everyone likes to go to school. Our children learned a lot during their studies at school, and all parents of our class are satisfied with the quality of education.

On my own behalf, I will say that this school has pluses (many), there are minuses, of course, not without them, but for those who are going to enter school, I heartily advise you to find real acquaintances or acquaintances (better than several, because if a CHILD has problems, parents often shift the blame for them to the school !!!) in order to hear from them factual information about how things are going, because all the reviews on the Internet are biased in one way or another and represent reality in a somewhat distorted form. I did just that at one time, and I do not regret our choice.

My daughter is studying in high school since 1st grade. There are absolutely no extortions. We pay only for new textbooks, which then remain for themselves. School level is good, not excellent, but acceptable, there is strong teachers, there is not much. But on the whole it was a solid 4. English is not transcendental, but normal. If your child wants to learn, then he can be an excellent student and a good student. If not, then the unsatisfactory result is obvious. Do not blame the teachers, they are trying to push something into your child. The main thing is to explain to the child that it is his duty to study for 11 (9) years, and then let him do where the soul wants (or does not). In general, the school gives good education, the appearance of the school is good, the inside is bad. Really bad, very narrow corridors (on Havanskaya), terrible gymnasium (ibid.), Food on Opochinina leaves much to be desired. But there are their own. +
If you send your child to Gymnasium No. 642 you will not regret, of course, if your child is able to study well. Good luck!

Gymnasium №642 "Earth and Universe" - one of the largest educational complexes Petersburg and the largest educational institution in the Vasileostrovsky district.

All 4 buildings of the gymnasium are located in one of the most beautiful areas of the city - on Vasilyevsky Island. Building 1 is located on Havanskaya Street, where the first classes of the gymnasium were opened in 1993. Then the school had no more than 150 students. Today, more than two thousand children are studying in 77 classes of the gymnasium.

The youngest pupils of the gymnasium are located in the 3rd building, on Nalichnaya street. Here is a preschool department - a kindergarten with comfortable conditions and an expanded curriculum.

One of the largest divisions of the gymnasium is the primary school. IN last years the gymnasium annually recruits 8 first grades. Children from the 1st grade study English, serious attention is paid to mathematical preparation. Children are happy to participate in educational projects. In the classroom at their disposal interactive whiteboards and multimedia equipment, stationary and mobile computer labs, micro laboratories and electronic voting systems. All children have the opportunity to work with a speech therapist and seek advice from a psychologist. In the afternoon, after lessons and until 9 pm, groups work in the gymnasium extended day... All children from the 1st to the 6th grade can spend their time in them interesting and useful.

In high school with a gymnasium program, subjects are mainly taught at an advanced or advanced level. In the gymnasium, equal attention is paid to both the subjects of the humanities, as well as the physical and mathematical and natural sciences. High school students are trained for a unified state exam in any of the chosen and necessary areas. High-quality training allows graduates to demonstrate high USE results.

A special place in the gymnasium is occupied by the structural unitDepartment of additional education for children ... It is one of the largest in St. Petersburg and has more than 120 groups. Theater, variety and art studios, vocal and dance creative associations, linguistic, intellectual and family clubs, sports clubs - this is not a complete list of all associations represented in the gymnasium.

Unique historical documents and exhibits are presented in the gymnasium museum "Luch" - Leningrad teacher. Over the years, the museum has collected more than 1000 exhibits. And today the museum rightfully occupies a leading place among school museums in terms of the wealth of the fund.

One of the priority tasks of the school teachers is to preserve the health of children. For several years in a row, the gymnasium has been an experimental platform for the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process. The gymnasium, which from year to year demonstrates successes and achievements in the field of health preservation of schoolchildren, was recognized "School of Health of St. Petersburg" and became the winner in the city competition of the same name.

Other merits were repeatedly noted. The gymnasium occupies 21st place in Russia and 2nd place in St. Petersburg in the ranking of advanced schools... Annual competition winner "Top 500 best schools Russia ", "Top 200 Schools Providing High Opportunities for Developing Student Talent", ranks 9th in Russia in subjects of philological and social-humanitarian profile. Annually included in National Register "Leading educational institutions Russia ".