Russian lesson "The big letter in the nicknames of animals" - Elementary classes - Materials for lessons - Base of materials for an interactive whiteboard - Interactive whiteboards and projection equipment

Lesson summary. What's new have you learned? How are animal nicknames spelled? What do you need to know about a word in order to spell it correctly?

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Russian language grade 2

summary other presentations

"Paired consonants at the end of a word" - Chizhi. Dove. Eyes. Make a proposal. Knives. The frost creaks. Dictionary work. Voiced consonants. Rescuer. Exercises in writing words. Exercises in writing words with paired consonants at the end of the word. Multilevel task. Coast. Bear. Voiceless consonants. Write off suggestions. Tie a knot. Friend. Who is a bear. The word must be changed so that after the consonant there is a vowel.

"Syllables and Word Wrap" - Find the mistake. Street Mistake Pal-to-Zay-ka Ko-ro-bok Building. U-face Mistake Pa-lto Za-yka Korobo-k Z-danie. Make a word from syllables. Iron, cups, thread, needle, cat. This is how the dunno transferred the words. Spring Lilies of the valley Hedgehog Currant. Word wrap. Checking.

"Unstressed verifiable root vowel" - Choose a verifiable word. Write down the continuation of the poem. The unstressed vowel being checked at the root of the word. Choose words that have an unstressed vowel at the root. Which word has an unstressed vowel at the root of the word. What unstressed vowel should be written. Continue the statement. What unstressed vowel should be written. How many times does a checked unstressed vowel occur in the root of a word? The task. What unstressed vowel should be written in a word.

"Nicknames are written with a capital letter" - A problematic question. Karkusha. Picture dictation. Sparrow. Animal nicknames are proper names. In the summer, Katya and Ivan lived in the village of Sosnovka. Rex puppy. Tiger. The name of the animal must correspond to the color, external features. A lion. Eagle. Capital letter in the nicknames of animals. Are the animal names given correctly? How are the names of animals spelled. Ginger the cat loves milk. A minute of calligraphy.

"" Tasks in the Russian language "Grade 2" - The tasks of the supplement impose restrictions on the answers of students. Tasks with an alternative type of answers. The ending is the mutable part of the word. Underline the correct answer. Tests on the most difficult to learn topics. Insert the word you want. State standard. General requirements to test tasks. Multiple choice tasks differ in the variety of choice. Using test items in Russian lessons.

"Word hyphenation rules" 2nd grade "- More fun And faster, faster, faster! We begin to squat - One - two - three - four - five. A consonant, sonorous, always soft. Y zh utyre. For warm-up from behind the desks We rise. Classwork. September 28. I was at a loss ... Lesson of the Russian language in the 2nd grade (program of L. V. Zankov). The most useful thing for me was ... Running on the spot. We twist the mill with our hands, To knead the hangers. They answered like fighters! Conclusion: the letter y cannot be separated from the letter in front.

Lesson objectives:

  • to introduce students to the concept proper name;
  • learn to write a capital letter in animal names;
  • develop memory, speech, logical thinking

Mobilizing stage

Formulation by students of the topic and purpose of the lesson:

Writing on the board:



Uch-l. Read the words written in the first column.

Uch-k. hamster, cow, cat, dog

Uch-l. What do these words mean?

Uch-k. These are the names of animals.

Uch-l. Read the words in the second column.

Uch-k. Friend, Murka, Fomka, Burenka

Uch-l. What do the words in the second column mean?

Uch-k. The words in the second column denote animal names.

Uch-l. What is common in the spelling of the words in the second column?

Uch-l. Focusing on the recording and meaning of the words in the second column, formulate the topic of the lesson.

Writing on the board:

Subject:… letter in… animals.

Uch-k. Topic: Big letter in animal names.

Uch-l. According to the topic and chalkboard note, state the purpose of the lesson.

  • … from … proper name;
  • learn to write ... the letter in ... animals.
  • get acquainted with the concept proper name;
  • learn to write a capital letter in animal names.

A minute of calligraphy

Uch-l. The letter that we will write for a minute of calligraphy occurs in every word of the first and second columns.

Uch-k. This is the letter TO.

Uch-l. Describe what sound it means in these words.

Uch-k. The letter k denotes the sound [k], it is a consonant, voiceless, paired, solid, paired.

Uch-l. Determine the order of the letters in this row.

Kka Kke Kkyo

Uch-k. The capital letter is written first in the combination TO, second - lowercase to, the third letter is an alphabetical vowel.

Uch-l. When writing letter combinations, pay attention to the intersection of the loop at the letter TO with the upper line of the operating line.

Children complete the task with commentary.

Vocabulary work

Uch-l. You will find the dictionary word in the words denoting the name of animals, which corresponds to the nickname Druzhok.

Uch-k. Friend is the name of the dog, so the dictionary word is dog.

Uch-l. What does the word dog mean?

Uch-k. A dog is a domestic animal most often used by humans for protection.

Uch-l. Write this word in a notebook, highlighting the unchecked unstressed vowel about.

Children are doing the task.

Uch-l. What task can you do with the words of these two columns?

Uch-k. It is necessary to combine the names of animals and their corresponding nicknames.

The students call words in pairs, the teacher rearranges the cards on the board.


hamster Fomka
cow Burenka
cat Murka
dog friend

Uch-l. What conclusion can you make about the spelling of animal nicknames?

Uch-k. Animal nicknames are written with a capital letter.

Uch-l. Read the rule on page 23.

All proper names (first and last names of people, nicknames of animals, etc.) are written with a capital letter.

Share the rule with each other while working in pairs.

Children complete the assignment, the teacher asks one student to tell the rule to the class and give examples.

Physical education

I will name phrases. If the words in it are written with a small letter, you squat. If at least one word in a phrase is written with a capital letter, you stand on your toes, raise your hands up.

cat Fluff
fluffy cat
dog Laika
cow night
vigorous cow
mountain goat
siskin Pyzhik

Consolidation of the learned

Exercise 1

Uch-l. On the board are written in a column common nouns, which were part of phrases during vocabulary work.


Focusing on the words of the first column, remember and write down the names of the animals. Do not forget about the learned spelling.

Students complete the task independently. Then a check is performed.

Exercise 2

Uch-l. Read the two texts yourself (tutorial page 22).

Who is there dancing on the wave
Sends hello to you and me?
This is our Dolphin Dolphin! ..

A. Kushnir

The ship went to sea. Suddenly a dolphin appeared. He sailed for a long time after our ship.

Uch-l. Who are these texts about?

Uch-k. It's about a dolphin.

Uch-l. Why in the first text the word dolphin is written with a capital letter, and in the second with a lowercase?

Uch-k. In the first text, this is a proper name, and in the second, the name of the animal.

Uch-l. What does the second capitalized word mean?

Uch-k. Dolphinich is the middle name of a dolphin, invented by the poet. He represents him as a rational being, close to a person, therefore he gives a middle name.

Uch-l. What else applies to proper names. Add new information to the rule.

Uch-k. Proper names include first names, surnames and middle namespeople, nicknames of animals.

Uch-l. Write down a sentence, in two words of which there is a sound-letter mismatch: there are fewer sounds than letters.

Uch-k. This suggestion:

This is our Dolphin Dolphin! ..

In words Dolphin Dolphinthere are fewer sounds than letters, since the soft sign does not mean sound.

Lesson summary

Uch-l. What are proper names?

Uch-k. Proper names include names, patronymics, surnames of people, nicknames of animals.

Uch-l. How are proper names spelled?

Uch-k. Proper names are written with a capital letter.

Uch-l. What vocabulary word do you remember?

Uch-k. This word dog.


Uch-l. Look at the drawings of dogs given to you. What breed is this dog?

Uch-k. This is a shepherd dog.

Uch-l. Color the medal green, if you understood everything in the lesson, blue, if you did not understand all the tasks, red, if you were not comfortable in the lesson. A medal will help you remember in a word dog unchecked unstressed vowel ABOUT.

purpose: to form the ability to write with a capital letter the beginning of a sentence and proper names.


  • practice the spelling of proper names;
  • develop the ability to distinguish between proper and common nouns that match in sound, and write them correctly;
  • develop students' speech, spelling vigilance, logical thinking, calligraphy, attention.

Learning outcomes:

  • students will learn how to capitalize the beginning of sentences and proper names;
  • the ability to work in pairs.

Sources: textbook "Russian grammar" grade 1, ed. "Almatykіtap" 2012; internet resources, presentation

Equipment: ICT, cards, test task.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

We must be in order
Pens, books and notebooks.
Each thing has its own place.
And our motto is:
"Everything you need at hand"

II. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson. Slide number 1, 2

Today in the lesson we will visit the country with you Capital letters... The topic of our lesson is "How the names of people and animal nicknames are written." Today we are going to clarify your knowledge about proper names and spelling of names of people and nicknames of animals.

Where do we usually start a writing lesson? Why do we need this stage of the lesson? Open notebooks, write down the number.

1.Cleaning No. 3

I will open my notebook,
And I'll put it down.
I, friends, will not hide from you:
I hold the pen like this!
I'll sit up straight, won't bend
I get to work.

Why are some words written with a small letter, and others with a capital? Underline the capital letter.

2. Dictionary. Slide number 4

I will ask riddles, you write down the answers in a column.

Long ear, lump of fluff
Jumps dexterously, loves carrots.

The hungry mooes, the well-fed chews.
All children give milk

Coloring - grayish,
By her behavior she is thieving,
Hoarse screamer,
Famous person -
Who is it?

Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up.

Answers: hare, crow, rooster, cow

What do these words have in common? What letter are these words written with? Why?

Give nicknames to these animals. With what letter do we write nicknames? Why? Come up with suggestions.

III. Educational and cognitive activity

1. Children read the verse
An ordinary letter suddenly grew
Has grown above all letters - girlfriends.
The letter did not want to grow,
The letter is entrusted with an important task.
A letter is placed at the beginning of the line,
So that everyone noticed the beginning.
Name, surname are written with her,
To be more noticeable and more visible to them,
To sound loud and proud
Your name, the name of the street, city.
A big letter is not a trifle at all!
There is a sign of great respect in the letter!
- What words are written with a capital letter?

Teacher: Names: Maxim, Ildar,
Dastan, Vova, Nursultan.
Ira, Vika, Albina,
Angelica and Karina.
All surnames: Shukanov,
Kholkin, Reshetnyak, Isyanov.
Nicknames: Barsik and Fluff,
Murzik, Sharik and Druzhok.
Cities: Semey, Taraz, Astana, Ekibastuz,
Washington, Paris, Hanoi -
We write with the letter we are big!

Why do we call proper names?

What are your proper names?

2. Exercises for consolidation. Slide number 5

Written answers to questions. P. 152, exercise. 2

What's your name? How is your mother's name? What are your friends' names?

Dima, when you grow up, what will they call you? (Dmitry)

Slide number 6

Guys, now we will solve the puzzles. The names of the children are encrypted in them. You must write down the name and form from it full name or incomplete. Sveta - Svetlana, Valya - Valentina, Anatoly - Tolya, Nadezhda - Nadya. (Please note that Valya is the name of a girl and a boy)

How do we write these words? Why? And what is the patronymic of Anatoly's children?

Patronymic names are given on behalf of the father. Which of you has a middle name?

IV. Physiotherapy for the eyes. Slide number 7-10

V. Intellectual transformation. The game "Find the nickname of the animal" (interactive) Slide number 11

Now we are going to play the game "Find a nickname". To do this, execute
ex. 5 sec. 153. Work in pairs.

Are the animals named correctly?

cat bug
dog crested
chicken Burenka
cow Sivko-Burka
foal Murka

Problem. Slide number 12-13

Teacher: - Reading the book, I noticed that the word rose is written with a small letter, and then I met the same word with a capital letter. Could it be so? Come up with sentences with the words: Ball - ball, Button - button, Eagle - eagle.

Slide number 14. Work in rows. Mutual verification.

Look at the blackboard. There are sentences written here, each of which has two words: one designates an object, and the other the name, surname or nickname of the animal. Write down the sentences using the spelling rules:

1) Ivan pancakes ate a lot of pancakes.
2) our balloon caught the balloon.
3) sasha cucumbers collected a bucket of cucumbers.

What words did they capitalize on? Why?

Slide number 15

Vi. Lesson summary. Slide number 16. Test. Choose the letter you want. Insert a capital or small letter.

Option I: mushroom (R, p) ... hedgehog, dog (R, r) ... hedgehog
cat (S, s) ... tender, first (S, s) ... tender
Option II: parrot (P, p) ... small, green (P, p) ... small
flower (L, l) ... ilya, girl (L, l) ... ilya

What do you need to know to choose the right letter? (You need to think about the meaning of the word in the sentence)

Cross-check slide 17.

Today we have talked only about some groups that belong to proper names. What words should be written with a capital letter? Slide number 18

Composing a cluster

Proper names are the names of people, nicknames of animals, the names of fairy-tale characters, the names of cities, etc.

Vii. Reflection. Slide number 19

Today in the lesson I remembered ...
I was curious to know ...
It was difficult for me ...
I want to praise ...

Municipal educational institution
"Main secondary school number 7 of the city of Belovo"

"The big letter in animal names"
Russian language lesson in 2nd grade

Belova Larisa Sergeevna,
teacher primary grades

Belovo 2011

Russian language lesson in grade 2
Topic: Big letter in animal names.
Planned result:
-be able to distinguish between common and proper names, write proper names with a capital letter.
1) separate the names of animals and their nicknames;
2) write down the names of animals with a capital letter;
Pedagogical task: to foster love for animals, work on the culture of behavior (nicknames).

I. Organizational moment.
The lesson begins
It will go to you, children, for future use.
Try to understand everything
To write correctly!
Read the proverb "You can do it yourself - teach another", it will be the motto of our lesson.
II. A minute of calligraphy
-And now get ready for a minute of calligraphy.
- The letter that you will write, you will determine yourself by decrypting this entry
October - oh
January - w
March - ?
August - l
D. This is the letter v, October is the autumn month, January is the winter month, August is the summer, March is the spring.
D. Determine the sequence of letters in this row.
va, wb, cv, ...
E. The first letter is in and the second letters are in alphabetical order.
- Underline the most beautiful connections of letters, count how many beautiful connections you have underlined, write in the margins.
III. Reiteration
-Look at the blackboard.


Among these letters, proper names are hidden, without rearranging the letters, find these words and write them down. What letter will you write with?
- Why are these words written with a capital letter?
- In what cases is the capital letter still written? (In animal nicknames)
IV. Lesson goal setting
U. - Who guessed what we will work on in the lesson?
- Today in the lesson, learn to write the names and nicknames of animals.
- Listen to the sounds and determine what kind of animals they are (sounds of animals are heard, children guess and a picture of this animal appears)
-Who can be superfluous? (Crow is a wild bird, cat is not a dictionary word)
- What two groups can you divide into? (Birds and animals)
- Write down only vocabulary words in a column. What letter will you write with? (With a small one, because these are common words). dangerous places in words.
Reconciliation with the board.
-Check what is written.
V. Working on a new topic
-Create and write down a nickname next to the name of the animal.
- How will you write nicknames? (With a capital letter, these are your own words)
-Read what nicknames you wrote down.
-Do you have any pets? What and what are their names?
- Can you give nicknames to people? (no, people have names, animals have nicknames)
-Often the guys come up with various offensive nicknames for their comrades,
remake their names and surnames and do not understand that thereby deeply
insult human dignity.
- How do you think, can such people be called educated,
cultural? Why?
Working with phraseological units.
Read the phraseological units and explain the meaning.
Like a chicken paw (write carelessly, sloppy)
Get up with cocks (get up very early)

Ability to distinguish common and proper names.
Physical training.
-I name a word, if it is a common noun - clap your hands, if your own - stomp.
House, Dasha, car, hand, bird, Elizabeth, Ivanova, chamomile, tree, Sergeevich, ball.

Why did you clap when you heard the word "ball"? (dog's name)
Why didn't you clap? (balloon)
-In Russian there are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently.
Determine which sentence will be a common noun and which will be a proper one? Ask for advice in pairs. Write down both sentences.

Writing common and proper names.
-Write two sentences, replacing the picture with a word.
Guarding the house.
The red one burst.

Mutual verification.
Swap notebooks and check with each other.

Do you like fairy tales?
Let's see if you know the most famous heroes.
We have hidden words in our class, find them and distribute them in two columns, into proper and common nouns)

Donkey Eeyore

With what letter are the words of the first column written? (with a small, these are common nouns)
- How do you write the words of the second column? (with a capital letter, these are own words)
- Write down three pairs of words (one student at the board)
Checking from the board

Do you like cartoons? Guess the heroes (after the children's answer, a picture of the hero appears)

You can't find a kinder cat in the world,
He can forgive everything to mischievous mice.
(Leopold the cat)

The whole life of a cat is a race for a mouse,
With which weave intrigues on each other.
(tom cat)

Lives in Prostokvashin
This is a very cunning cat.
(cat Matroskin.)

In this tale, the cat is blind
He always walks with a fox.
(Basilio's cat)
-Work in pairs, make and write down a sentence about one of the cats.
- Agree on who in the pair will read the sentence that you got.
- We listen and choose the most beautiful proposal.

Complete one of the sentences:
- In class I ...
- I understood)…
- I was …
- I need more ...

VII. Homework (optional)

1) Write off the text, replacing pictures with words, and come up with names for people and nicknames for animals.
In the summer we lived in….
In the mornings I fed ... and - ....
In the courtyard of ... lived ..., ... and ....

2) The names of the guys were hidden inside the funny signatures.
Find them and write them down in your notebook.
I went to the basement without fear!
At the dacha, the raspberries are already ripe.
Frogs don't ride the subway.
The donkey is not carried on the bus.
The tourist walked three hours to the city.
I brought the draft, but forgot the notebook.
I bought a hairdryer for my sister, and curlers for my mother.
Why can't snow be orange?
He was a small puppy, and barked loudly.
Mosquitoes buzzed in the tent until dawn.
I drew a rose in an oval, and a poppy in a circle.
On the table - pears, apples, apricots, plums.
Never come to class with a pineapple in your portfolio.
Archaeologists have found a treasure with gold coins in the ground.

List of references:
1. Agranovich E. D. Our friend Pishichitai. - M .: MAK Media, 2002.
2. Betenkova N.M. Grammar in Rhymes: Poetic exercises to develop children's initial reading and literate writing skills. - M .: New school, 1996.
3. Betenkova N.M. Spelling in rhymes: Poetic exercises to develop children's initial reading and literate writing skills. - M .: New school, 1996.

4. Betenkova N.M., Fonin D.S. Literacy competition: Didactic games and entertaining exercises in Russian for students primary school... - M .: Education, 1995.
5. Cheerful alphabet / Comp. L.E. Streltsova. - M .: Education, 1994.
6. Volina V.V. Fun grammar. - M .: OLMA-PRESS, 1999.
7. Volina V.V. Holiday Primer: A book for reading with entertainment. - M .: OLMA-PRESS, 2000.