If the child is hyperactive what kind of sport to do. The most suitable sport for the most active children. Does temperament influence the choice of the sports section

Do you need sports and exercise for hyperactive children? And should hyperactive children be forced to play sports?

I must say right away that you should never force it. Yes, you, most likely, will not succeed! Trying to force hyperactive children to do anything is futile. And, here, to help them find something to do is, just, for which they will say "thank you" to you in the future. Plus, the respect shown to your hyperactive child will pay off. You and your son or daughter will become like-minded people!

As for sports, we have all heard about their benefits. Even a few simple exercises throughout the day will keep your child strong, energetic and collected. But let's turn to the facts.

Hyperactive children have an unstable, very sensitive nervous system. In fact, it is a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system. But it is known that physical activity neutralizes the effects of stress on the body. The famous physiologist, the creator of the science of higher nervous activity, IP Pavlov, noted that physical exercise "is the greatest remedy in the case of a disorder of higher nervous activity."

The benefits of sports and exercise have been known since ancient times. The ancient Roman physician Galen (130-200 AD), who was engaged, among other medical sciences, neurology, wrote: "Thousands and thousands of times I have restored health to my patients through exercise."

The great ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (who lived around 460–370 BC) also used physical exercise to heal his patients.

Today, with the development of medicine, high-precision medical equipment has also appeared. It confirms that moderate physical activity improves metabolism and tissue regeneration in the body, stimulates neuroregulatory function.

This is not the case with sports. Intensified training affects the body more severely, causing stress. We are, of course, not talking about children's sports clubs. Classes in them are built on the basis of basic pedagogical and medical standards. But, entering the brutal world of professional sports, one has to forget about these norms. The main thing here is the result. And all means are good to achieve the goal.

However, the majority of parents, and especially those who educate, when choosing a section, mean its improvement and harmonious physical development. We will also proceed from these principles.

Exercise and types of stress

All physical exercises can be divided by type of load into:

  1. aerobic (performed rhythmically, evenly, for a long time and train the respiratory and cardiovascular systems)
  2. strength (resistance exercises that strengthen the muscles)
  3. stretching (various stretching and twisting)

For the harmonious physical development of the child, it is desirable to combine these types of loads.

In any sport, experienced trainers begin each lesson with a warm-up and warming up the muscles. Warming up is important because it prevents injury: warmed-up muscles are more flexible. They handle loads more easily, stretch better. Given the increased propensity of hyperactive children to injury, this is especially important. Light aerobic activity such as jogging is used to warm up.

The second step in most workouts is strength training. To maintain optimal balance, it is important to develop all muscles evenly. By working out various muscle groups, the guys become physically stronger.

It is known that it is highly undesirable to abruptly interrupt a workout. Therefore, the final phase of any session involves stretching and flexibility exercises. In addition to flexibility, such exercises stimulate regeneration processes, allow you to recover from stress. They even out breathing, slow down the heartbeat and pulse.

What sports to choose

When choosing a sport and section, you need to take into account many factors: the child's health, the level of initial physical fitness, abilities, character and, of course, personal preferences.

At what age to start playing sports

If a child does not have health-related restrictions, he has a huge choice. There is only an age range for starting classes. The minimum age is recommended, before which the child will most likely not be enrolled in the section. However, it is not too late to take up any kind of sport at an older age.

6-7 years: Swimming, aqua aerobics, diving, figure skating, tennis, hockey, aerobics, gymnastics, acrobatics, trampoline jumping, dancing, aikido, basketball, ski tourism, chess, American pool

8-9 years: Athletics, football, volleyball, handball, biathlon, freestyle wrestling, water polo, fencing, judo, sambo, taekwondo, Russian billiards

After 10-12 years: Rowing, sailing, shooting, wushu, karate, mountaineering, rock climbing, boxing, kickboxing, weightlifting, equestrianism

Does temperament influence the choice of the sports section

How it affects! This table covers 4 main types of temperament... You can determine your temperament using a test. Although, psychologists note that it is extremely rare for a person to show one specific type. Much more often you can see their combination. In this case, when choosing a sports section, you should focus on the one that is shown brighter.

Temperament Sports
Touchy, sensitive, restless, aggressive, excitable, fickle, impulsive, optimistic, active, amenable to moods
Boxing, various types of single combats, team sports
Sociable, open (contact), talkative, approachable, sympathetic, cheerful, carefree, proactive
Team games, obstacle course, fencing, karate, kayaking, mountaineering, hang gliding
Passive, calm, reliable, even, manageable, peaceful, judicious, prudent, benevolent
Running, skiing, cycling, weightlifting, billiards, chess, yoga, martial arts
Quiet, rigid, anxious, reserved, uncommunicative, pessimistic, reasoning prone, easily upset
Sailing, dancing, yoga, shooting, equestrianism, javelin throw, discus throw

Sports propensity depends on body type

The table shows the average statistical indicators. But, you need to understand that, just like temperament, physique rarely fits 100% to a certain type. Despite this, the main, dominant type can be distinguished.

Body type Sports
Tall, often stooped, thin bone, flat chest. Bone relief and joints are clearly visible. The legs are often O-shaped. Sluggish, poorly developed muscles.
For them, sports that require endurance strength and high speed are difficult. But they succeed where short-term stress and acceleration are required.

Track and field athletics, especially sprinting, dancing, rhythmic gymnastics.

Thin bone, the back and legs are often straight, the chest is cylindrical, with a large volume of lungs. High muscle tone with low muscle mass.
With low strength, medium endurance and speed, they have good results in sports and balance exercises.

Track and field athletics, skiing, artistic gymnastics, acrobatics, various jumps, swimming, biathlon, cycling, rowing, football.

A massive skeleton, a well-developed chest, a significant amount of muscle mass.
Average indicators of strength and endurance. Succeed in sports that require balance, speed and flexibility.

Football, hockey, tennis, long jump, shot and javelin throwing, running, artistic gymnastics, weightlifting, martial arts, mountaineering.

Massive skeleton, broad bone, broad chest, straight back. Significant muscle tone and volume of muscle mass. Differs in the predominance of adipose tissue.
Small lung volume. With significant muscle strength, endurance is low.

Wrestling, various martial arts, hockey, shooting, weightlifting.

Sports and exercise for health problems

By using physical exercise wisely, it is possible to achieve significant improvements in the health status of children with various diseases. But there are a few rules.

  1. You can do it only with the permission of the attending physician
  2. We'll have to give up intense training and ambitions associated with athletic achievement
  3. The trainer must certainly be informed about both the disease and the recommendations of your doctor.

Hyperactive children

Sports, like any exercise, can be of immense benefit to hyperactive children. Only when choosing a section for a hyperactive child, one should take into account the peculiarities of his illness and the doctor's recommendations.

  1. Avoid large groups and team sports. Hyperactive children find it difficult to learn the rules and cannot effectively interact in a large group. In addition to peer ridicule and an inferiority complex, such activities can also increase hyperactivity.
  2. For hyperactive children, sports and exercises with high strength loads are strongly discouraged. Eliminate various types of wrestling and weightlifting from your list
  3. You should not choose highly traumatic sports and exercises for hyperactive children. Children with ADHD manage to get traumas and various injuries, as they say, out of the blue. And what can we say about boxing, basketball, football, hockey, equestrian sports, golf, handball, weightlifting, artistic gymnastics, acrobatics, fencing, shooting, mountaineering, rock climbing, diving and even tennis!
  4. Aggressive sports are also by no means acceptable for hyperactive children. Kick boxing, boxing, various types of martial arts should be prohibited
  5. Hyperactive children quickly lose interest in monotonous repetitive activities, making it difficult for them to engage in sports such as running

What is left? What sport is suitable for the hyperactive?

Here list of safe and healthy sports for hyperactive kids.

  1. Swimming
  2. Water aerobics
  3. Dancing
  4. Rhythmic gymnastics
  5. Athletics
  6. skiing
  7. Aerobics
  8. Trampoline jumping
  9. Aikikai is a type of aikido (only with the permission of a doctor)
  10. Billiards
  11. Chess

Often, hyperactive children have other health problems. An unstable nervous system, unfortunately, provokes a number of psychosomatic (and not only) disorders. All of them must be taken into account when choosing a sport and a sports section for hyperactive children.

It also happens that there are too many contraindications. And then the doctor will most likely recommend replacing sports with exercise therapy exercises for hyperactive and children with ADHD. Listen to your doctor's advice.

In addition to hyperactive children, other children also need sports or exercise. Here are some guidelines for them:

Children with autism

Team sports should be avoided. But it is worth trying your hand at such forms as:

  1. Swimming
  2. Athletics
  3. Cycling
  4. Bowling
  5. Hiking

Children with cardiovascular disease

Depending on the severity of the disease, the attending physician determines whether children can play any sports. However, first of all, all aerobic and power loads will be excluded from the list of permitted ones. Perhaps the doctor will recommend a course of exercise therapy.

Children with respiratory diseases

With a mild course of the disease, with the permission of a doctor, during the period of remission, children can engage in the following sports. However, the exercise regimen should be gentle. In addition to these sports sections, exercise therapy and breathing exercises will be useful for sick children.

  1. Swimming
  2. Dancing
  3. Athletics
  4. Basketball
  5. Volleyball
  6. Aerobics

Children with visual impairments

The degree of impairment plays an important role. If there is a slight deviation from the norm, then it does not interfere with the activity, especially if the children wear glasses or contact lenses. Complicated disease requires an individual approach. Here the last word belongs to the attending physician.

  1. Swimming
  2. Dancing
  3. Sailing
  4. Rowing
  5. Race walking
  6. Biathlon
  7. Chess
  8. Checkers

Children with scoliosis

Appropriate exercise can improve the health of children with scoliosis. The main thing is to consult a doctor, follow all his prescriptions and, in no case, violate his prohibitions and restrictions. In addition to exercise therapy exercises specially designed for this disease, sports such as:

  1. Swimming
  2. Race walking
  3. Nordic pole walking

Children with flat feet

The arch of the foot in children is formed by about 10 years of age. However, the doctor can notice violations in its development at an earlier age. Flat feet are different. Only an orthopedic surgeon can choose adequate treatment and physical activity for children with flat feet. In any case, you need to know that the classes recommended for children should not be held as full-fledged sports training, but in the form of gentle therapeutic and therapeutic exercises. After consulting a doctor, you may:

  1. Swimming free style
  2. Horseback Riding
  3. Oriental martial arts
  4. Skiing

Children with gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases

For children with stomach diseases, it is important to avoid stress on the abs, strength exercises, various martial arts, weightlifting and mountaineering. However, it makes sense to take a closer look at sports such as:

  1. Swimming
  2. Race walking
  3. Easy running
  4. Tennis

All diseases, of course, cannot be enumerated. In each specific case, the recommendations of a specialist observing and treating a child are important. One thing can be said: a positive attitude, moderation, persistence in dealing with an illness and discipline can work wonders.

In the second variant of ADHD, the clinical picture is mediated by a fundamentally different pathological mechanism. The main role in this variant is played either genetically or by mutation-mediated lack of synthesis
the leading neurotransmitter of the brain - dopamine. There is evidence that children with the most pronounced hyperactivity are carriers of the mutant gene. Thus, the second option is based on the need for neuropsychological adaptation of the brain, which has neurotransmitter deficiency, to environmental conditions. One of the main mechanisms for such adap-
tation - increased stimulation of the cortex by the brain stem structures, which externally manifests itself as motor tirelessness, hyperactivity without preliminary
Children with the second type of ADHD are characterized by motor tirelessness from birth. It seems that their productive activity is such an activity
not only does not interfere, but on the contrary - its prohibition reduces the success of adaptive indicators. At the same time, sedatives (valerian, diphenhydramine, sedatives
tranquilizers) act on them in a paradoxical way. Such children abandon daytime sleep early, but if it is imposed on them, then after it they are often "out of place" - too rude and irritable. Quite often, they learn reading and counting early, show high results in intellectual tasks, but this is pseudo-giftedness, manifested in the high speed of intellectual operations, while they do not have true cognitive self-activity. They are sloppy doing any job right from the start.
the beginning, and not when they get tired. And absolutely such children do not tolerate various kinds of prohibitions and restrictions on their physical activity. Therefore, "putting them in a corner" is not only meaningless, but also dangerous (remember the "leader of the Redskins" from the story of O. Henry).
The ratio of the first option to the second is approximately 9 to 1. But it is precisely the children of the second option that constitute the main problem for neurologists, since, in contrast to the first option, they cannot be helped by only regime measures.
and are forced to rather quickly "get acquainted" with psychotropic drugs, alas, making them not so much less active as inhibited. To that
Today, all psychotropic drugs used do not solve the main biological problem of ADHD, but only allow achieving a certain and, alas, only temporary symptomatic improvement.
Today, no less important for the development of programs for effective pedagogical support is the problem of determining the severity of the DVH syndrome. The fact is that his clinical picture in both cases only suggests the severity of the condition. The severity of violations of self-regulation of behavior depends on the macro- and microenvironment in which the child grows up, the presence of conditions that compensate or decompensate the severity of such disorders. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the so-called normative, that is, physiological
mental immaturity of mechanisms of inhibitory regulation of brain activity, especially in children under 7 years of age. First of all, this masks the really existing level of personality.
noble immaturity and the level of unformedness in their methods of self-regulation of behavior.
Thus, the diagnosis of ADHD is a complex task, in the solution of which both doctors should participate (diagnosis of ADHD variants) and educational psychologists who are able to adequately determine the development of subjectivity and
the formation (adequacy) of the social position, in particular the position of the student.
Considering all of the above, it becomes obvious that in the case of DVH syndrome, we are faced with a complex of medical, psychological and pedagogical problems, the solution of which should be not only complex, but
and intersystem. Therefore, the creation of a support system, where educational and health care institutions would interact, can be considered as the main condition for modern and effective assistance to children.
with ADHD.

I greet you, dear parents, on my page. I am glad that you are absolutely not indifferent to the topics of parenting and are stopping by here to take part in another discussion.

We have already talked a lot about such a feature of the child's body as, we studied the reasons for this phenomenon, read the recommendations of psychologists in order to somehow help those parents in whose families such lively ones live.

In continuation of this topic, I propose to think about whether sports for hyperactive children can become an assistant in the fight against excessive energy. Parents of superactivists and others, how about?

Lesson plan:

Why is a hyperactive "doctor sports"?

It would seem that hyperactive guys are so constantly on the move, and it seems that the feeling of fatigue is simply alien to these fidgets. Why else physical education and training, if the body is in good shape all the time? It turns out, very much even why!

What do we know about hyperactive kids? Inattentive and restless with irrepressible energy, unable to do one thing for a long time.

In fact, such a child does not care what to do with himself, he has one rule: do not waste precious time in vain with folded hands. Why not channel this powerful energy charge in the right direction, giving your parents a break for at least a couple or three hours?

In addition to the undoubted health benefits, the sports section for hyperactive children fosters endurance and composure, because each workout is built, first of all, on discipline and established rules, which you will have to learn to follow.

Wise parents of hyperactive children should always remember a few tips before putting on a sports uniform for the future champion.

  • The child's interest is always in the first place, you should not send him to the sport of “your dreams” according to the principle: “I didn’t succeed, let him at least succeed!”. The hyperactive sports club must choose itself and has the last word!
  • It is not easy for parents who are put in the conditions of “chamomile”, when “I love - I don’t love”, it is not easy to decide which type and section to choose, because in addition to taking into account the children's opinion, where their special child would like to study, you should also find such a special coach, who will steadfastly withstand the onslaught and will be able to find the key to a difficult ward.
  • You should not panic if your child has "... a drama club, a circle based on a photo, and he still wants to sing ...", let him look for his sport by trial and error. Remember yourself in childhood: wherever we have not been registered and where only we have not tried our hand. And for a hyperactive athlete, more physical education means better physical development!

Where to put the hyperactive soul?

This is understandable, special children with increased activity are not expected everywhere. Those sports where the bet is on the team are not suitable for them: it is difficult for them to negotiate with other participants.

Traumatically dangerous training should also be excluded from the "sports diet" of hyperactive athletes: such children perform dangerous actions thoughtlessly and are awkward, more often than others being injured for these reasons. So parents are unlikely to succeed in raising Pele or Tyson.

When making a decision, one should make a choice in favor of the physical activity where there is competition, because both victories and defeats have a very large contribution to the formation of the personal "I" in cases with hyperactivity.

Psychologists have sketched out a small list of potential types of sports destinations where hyperactive children can participate.

Note to parents!

I came across information on the Internet pages about how old they are officially taking children to various sports schools. Suddenly, it will come in handy:

  • 6 years: gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, tennis, acrobatics, sports dancing, chess, wushu,
  • 7 years: basketball, alpine skiing, sports tourism,
  • 8 years: athletics, biathlon, ball hockey, volleyball, handball, speed skating,
  • 9 years: sailing, equestrian sports, cycling, pentathlon fencing, Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling, taekwondo,
  • 10 years: rowing and canoeing, crossbow and bullet shooting, karate, weightlifting,
  • 11 years: mountaineering, rock climbing.

In fact, at the level of the regular section, newcomers are already recruited, as a rule, a couple of years earlier than established by the standards of sports educational institutions.

In the video you will find 10 rules for parents of hyperactive kids from Dr. Komarovsky.

If you were interested today, I will be sincerely grateful for your comments on this topic. It would be interesting to hear what kind of sports your families do. Or maybe there are champions among the readers?

I wish you good luck with everything!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!


with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder


1. Maintain a positive attitude in your relationship with your child. Praise him whenever he deserves it, emphasize success. This helps to build up the child's self-confidence.

2. Avoid repeating the words "no" and "no".

3. Speak with restraint, calmness, softness. (Shouts arouse the child)

4. Give your child only one task at a time to complete.

5. Use visual stimulation to back up verbal instructions.

6. Reward the child for all activities that require concentration of attention (for example, working with blocks, constructor, board games, coloring, reading).

7. Maintain a clear daily routine at home. Eating, homework, and sleeping times should be consistent with this routine every day.

8. Avoid crowds whenever possible. Visiting large stores, markets, etc. has an excessive stimulating effect on the child.

9. When playing, limit the child to only one partner. Avoid restless, noisy buddies.

10. Protect your child from fatigue, as it leads to decreased self-control and increased hyperactivity.

11. Give your child the opportunity to spend excess energy. Useful daily physical activity in the fresh air - walking, jogging, sports activities (gymnastics, swimming, tennis, but not wrestling or boxing, as these sports are traumatic).

12. Remember that the inherent hyperactivity of children with attention deficit disorder, although unavoidable, can be reasonably controlled by the measures listed.


Advice for parents of hyperactive children on admission

in sections and circles:

    You should not send a child under 4.5-5 years old to a group where learning is built according to the "school" type, that is, during the lesson, children should sit at desks or tables, raise their hands, answer in turn, write in notebooks, complete assignments, requiring great perseverance and concentration.

    Find a group where learning takes place in a playful way, where during classes children can freely move around the room, stand, sit, jump, answer at will, etc.

    If the manifestations of the hyperdynamic syndrome are very strong (the child is a "catastrophe"), up to 5-6 years old you can do without additional training, limiting yourself to what is done in the kindergarten.

    If you see that in a group of children the child is uncomfortable, difficult, do not hope that he will get used to it over time. Return to class next year when your child is older.

    If the child is asked homework, and the child decisively refuses to do them, do not force him! Let the child go to class with an unfulfilled assignment. If he is reproached there for an unfulfilled task, it will only benefit him.

    Best of all for hyperactive children, circles and sections are suitable, where the child will have the opportunity to run and jump more, the structure of which includes movement to a greater extent. Tested: a folk dance club, a theater studio, gymnastics, jogging or swimming are great for children.