Northwestern Polytechnic Institute. Russian universities. Specialties of higher professional education

License series AAA No. 000003 dated 18.06.2010
Certificate of state accreditation BB series No. 000364 dated 26.04.2010

North-West State Correspondence technical University traces its history from the Central Branch Correspondence Mechanical VTUZ, founded in 1930. In 1957, the university was transformed into the North-West Correspondence polytechnical Institute (SZPI), and in 2000 received the status of a university and its current name.

SZTU is the only technical university in the country specializing in continuous (part-time and part-time) education, although there is also a full-time form of education.

At present, NWTU is a powerful scientific and educational complex.

Institutes and faculties:

  • Energy Institute (EI)
  • Institute of Instrumentation and Security Systems (ISSOB)
  • Mechanical Engineering Institute (MTI)
  • Institute of Information Systems and Computer Engineering (ISiVT)
  • Institute of Intelligent Electronic Systems (IIES)
  • Institute of Road Transport (IAT)
  • Institute for Management of Manufacturing and Innovation Programs (UPIP)
  • Institute for System Analysis, Automation and Control (ISAAiU)
  • Faculty of secondary vocational education "College of NWTU"
  • Intersectoral regional center for advanced training and retraining of personnel (CPKiPK)
  • Linguistic Center (LC)
  • Faculty of General Professional Training (FOP)
  • Faculty of training and retraining of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel

Specialties of higher professional education

  • Institute for Management of Industrial and Innovation Programs
    • 080105.65 - Finance and credit
    • 080504.65 - State and municipal administration
    • 080502.65 - Economics and management at the enterprise (by industry)
    • 080506.65 - Logistics and supply chain management
    • 080507.65 - Organization management
  • Energy Institute
    • 140101.65 - Thermal power plants
    • 140104.65 - Industrial heat power engineering
    • 140211.65 - Power supply
    • 140601.65 - Electromechanics
    • 140602.65 - Electrical and electronic apparatus
    • 140106.65 - Power supply of enterprises
  • Mechanical Engineering Institute
    • 150104.65 - Foundry of ferrous and non-ferrous metals
    • 150202.65 - Equipment and technology of welding production
    • 150501.65 - Materials science in mechanical engineering
    • 151001.65 - Mechanical engineering technology
    • 240301.65 – Chemical Technology inorganic substances
    • 240401.65 - Chemical technology of organic substances
    • 261001.65 - Technology of artistic processing of materials
  • Institute of Road Transport
    • 190205.65 - Hoisting and transport, construction, road machines and equipment
    • 190601.65 - Automobiles and automotive industry
    • 190701.65 - Organization of transportation and transport management (by type)
    • 190702.65 - Organization and traffic safety
  • Institute of Instrumentation and Security Systems
    • 200101.65 - Instrument making
    • 200402.65 - Engineering in biomedical practice
    • 200501.65 - Metrology and metrological support
    • 200503.65 - Standardization and certification
    • 280202.65 - Environmental Engineering
  • Institute of Radio Electronics
    • 210106.65 - Industrial electronics
    • 210201.65 - Design and technology of radio electronic means
    • 210202.65 - Design and technology of electronic computing facilities
    • 210300.68 - Radio engineering
    • 210302.65 - Radio engineering
    • 210302.62 - Radio engineering
  • Institute for Systems Analysis, Automation and Control
    • 220100.62 - System analysis and management
    • 220100.68 - System analysis and management
      Master's programs:
    • 220100.68-07 - System analysis of organizational and management activities in large systems;
    • 220100.68-05 - Theory and mathematical methods of system analysis and control in technical systems;
    • 220100.68-01 - System analysis of decision making models data
    • 220201.65 - Management and informatics in technical systems
  • Institute of Information Systems and Computer Engineering
    • 230101.65 - Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks
    • 230102.65 - Automated information processing and control systems
    • 230105.65 – Software computing and automated
    • 230201.65 - Information systems and technologies (in computer networks)
    • 230201.65-01 - Information systems and technologies in business
    • 230202.65 – Information Technology in education

The North-West State Correspondence Technical University implements a multi-level training system, including educational programs for secondary, higher and additional professional education. According to the main provisions of the Bologna process, the university is making a transition to educational standards of a new generation, providing for a two-stage system educational programs HPE - bachelor's and master's degrees.

NWTU has specially equipped laboratories and highly qualified teachers. For a number of specialties in machine-building, energy, metalworking, the number of university graduates in demand by 80% covers the needs of enterprises in the real sector of the economy of the North-West region of the Russian Federation.

The university has 6 innovation and research centers, small innovation enterprises, a distributed network of business incubators is being formed. Nine interdepartmental innovation projects are being implemented for the systemic modernization of the educational and laboratory facilities of the departments, resource centers are being created on the basis of territorial "points", strategic partnership agreements have been concluded with more than 200 organizations.

St. Petersburg is the third official name of the famous city of our country. One of the few cities that has about a dozen unofficial names. As soon as they do not call the Northern Capital of our homeland - and Northern Venice, Northern Palmyra, Nevagrad and the city of White Nights, and perhaps the most common name in modern everyday life is Peter.

According to Rosstat, at the beginning of 2012, about 5 million people lived in St. Petersburg. The territory of St. Petersburg is divided into 18 districts, including 21 villages and 9 cities, such as Krasnoe Selo, Sestroretsk, Pushkin, Kronstadt, Lomonosov, Zelenogorsk, Kolpino, Pavlovsk, Peterhof.

Peter is the northernmost city on the planet with a population of over a million. Due to its geographical location, the city has both advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantages include wet damp weather almost all year round - there are just over 60 sunny days a year, the rest of the time is cloudy. And the advantages that compensate for the cloudy St. Petersburg weather include the close distance to Europe - to the border with Finland about 2 hours by car, and the distance to Helsinki is 388 kilometers. Therefore, many residents of the northern capital spend their holidays and go shopping in Finland, and also buy real estate for recreation. Real estate in South Karelia on the shores of the Saimaa lakes is in high demand.

Sea port

Located on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, St. Petersburg has the most large seaport in the Baltic Sea, through which important trade routes pass and the transportation of goods, goods and industrial raw materials, both from Russia and from Europe to our country.

The port is located in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland and on the islands of the Neva delta. The seaport of St. Petersburg consists of 60 berths: river, fish, passenger, ship repair, as well as berths of the shipyard Severnaya Verf, Kanonersky shipyard , Baltic shipbuilding plant.

The main loading companies organizing the work of the docks are stevedoring companies Petrolesport , NEVA-METAL , Baltic Bulk Terminal , and Petersburg oil terminal ... One of the largest stevedores of the St. Petersburg port is OJSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg", owned by the Dutch company Universal Cargo Logistics Holding B.V.

The terminal of the oil loading company is located at the port of Bronka Neste ... More than 30 survey companies operate in the port: Baltic Independent Surveyors, LLC, Bureau of Independent Surveyors, Inter Marine Service , Mortrans and etc.

Mechanical engineering is one of the priority and leading directions of the St. Petersburg industry. A large number of transport and machine-building enterprises are concentrated in the northern capital. It was in the suburbs of St. Petersburg that the opening of the first Russian Toyota car assembly plant in December 2007 took place.