Background training courses of neurologists. Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Vocational Education. Objectives of the professional retraining course of the specialty "Neurology"

Institute of Eastern Medicine RUDN

Description of the curriculum of the Department of Algology and Rehabilitation

Cost: 55,000 rubles.

Volume: 540 AK. hours.

Description of the course

Dates: As Group

Number of listeners in the group: 1-5

Venue: Moscow, ul. Miklukho-Maclay D.6 (Institute of Eastern Medicine)

Qualification requirements for listeners: the presence of higher medical education in the specialty "Therapeutic case" or the specialty "Pediatrics"

Availability of training in the internship / redeference in the specialty: neurology

Cost: 55,000 rubles.

Training duration: 540 academic hours.

Full-time form of education

The document received by listeners on the basis of the implementation of the program:

Diploma of professional retraining, specialist certificate

The main content of the program:

After passing the course, the listeners seize the following knowledge and skills:

1. Topic diagnostics of diseases of the nervous system and clinical assessment of neurological status.

2. Causes, mechanisms of development and manifestations, pathological processes underlying the diseases of the nervous system; Etiology, pathogenesis and pathomorphology, leading manifestations, the outcomes of the most important vascular, degenerative, demyelinizing, infectious, hereditary, oncological and other diseases of the nervous system;

3. Qualification requirements for a doctor neurologist, his rights and obligations, the principles of organizing work in state, non-state medical and preventive institutions and insurance companies;

4. Basics of clinical pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and principles of pharmacotherapy of the most common neurological diseases; Principles of dietotherapy, psychotherapy, medical physical education and physiotherapy in the treatment of common neurological diseases;

What is the "Institute of Medicine"?

"Institute of Medicine" is a distance learning system of the National Academy of Modern Technologies.

The Academy is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Among the teachers of the Academy of Doctor, candidates of science and practice with extensive experience. The Academy carries out a set of listeners for additional professional programs, actively cooperates both with individuals and legal entities, provides services on the portal of suppliers.

How to turn on advanced training and pass learning?

The form of training in advanced training programs - correspondence (using remote technologies, via the Internet). You can pass the training program without leaving home. "Institute of Medicine" provides all students access to a unique educational system that contains all the necessary materials.

  • select the desired program
  • sign up for her
Registration of a personal case. After submitting an application, the courses listener must be filled in the personal account of the questionnaire for obtaining the pro-form statements and the contract for a personal matter. The signed set of documents is directed electronically through a personal account.
After the formation of a personal case and pay for learning, each listener offers access to the educational system through a personal account. In the personal account there are all the necessary materials for studying and executing the curriculum.

Materials. We provide our listeners with topical training materials, so you do not have to look for anything else. Lecture materials are submitted in PDF format, they can be studied through a personal account (online-view), download any electronic devices and media, as well as if necessary.

Training schedule. For each listener, a graph of the educational process will be presented in his personal account containing recommendations on the development of disciplines. Because distance learning, then each listener can adapt a schedule for learning, determine the procedure for studying materials and perform testing for self-control. You can start learning on any convenient working day. After the training materials are posted in the Personal Account, they will be maintained throughout the entire training period.

Syllabus. In order to fulfill the established curriculum and successfully complete the training, careful study of materials is necessary. As a certification event, a final test work is provided (answers to five tasks), compiled by the course materials.

In the event that the listener for good reasons does not have time to fulfill the curriculum for the entire period of study, it can be extended training for another while, and it is completely free.

Completion of learning and receiving documents. The program can be considered completed if the listener for the end of the training period does not have academic debt and are provided with all the documents necessary for personal affairs. Preparation of qualifications documents after completion of the course is carried out within 1-10 business days (usually 3-4 days). To receive documents, listeners can either by Russian Post (sending by registered letter), or personally.

How to do professional retraining and pass learning?

Form of training in professional retraining programs - correspondence (using remote technologies). You can pass the training program without leaving home. The Institute of Medicine provides all students access to a unique educational system provides not limited to the period of access to all necessary materials.

To enroll in the program, it is necessary to fulfill the following steps:

  • select the desired program
  • sign up for her
  • make payment (online or by receipt in the bank)
After applying and its payment, each listener offers access to the educational system through a personal account. In the personal account there are all the necessary materials for studying and executing the curriculum.
Registration of a personal case. The courses listener must be filled in the personal account of the questionnaire for the preparation of statements and the contract for a personal matter. The signed set of documents is directed electronically through the personal account.

Materials. We provide our listeners with relevant materials, so you do not have to look for any other way. Lecture materials are submitted in PDF format, they can be studied through a personal profile (online view), download any electronic devices and carriers, as well as if necessary.

Training schedule. Because distance learning, then each listener can adapt a learning schedule to determine the procedure for studying materials, testing and exams. You can start learning on any convenient working day. After the training materials are posted in the Personal Account, they will be maintained throughout the entire training period.

Syllabus. In order to fulfill the established curriculum and successfully complete the training, it is necessary to study the materials and timely execution of attestation activities. For each discipline, testing compiled exclusively under lecture materials. Each testing can be held several times (the main attempts - three, it is possible to receive and additional attempts for free). Of all attempts, the best result is fixed as a final.

In addition to testing on disciplines, it is provided for the implementation of final testing (answers to five tasks), also compiled by the course materials, and the final interdisciplinary exam (testing).

In the event that the listener for good reasons does not have time to fulfill the curriculum on time, it can be extended to training for another time, and it is completely free.

Completion of learning and receiving documents. The program can be considered completed if the listener for the end of the study period does not have academic debts and are provided with all the documents necessary for personal affairs. Preparation of a diploma of professional retraining with the assignment of qualifications after the completion of the course is carried out by a maximum within 10 working days. To receive documents, listeners can either by Russian Post (sending by registered letter), or personally.

What documents are needed for professional retraining?

For those who wish to learn training on a professional retraining program, the following set of documents are required:

  • copy of the passport (without registration page);
  • a copy of the document on changing the name / name / patronymic (if required);

What documents are needed for admission to advanced training?

For persons who want to go through training program, the following set of documents are required:

  • copy of a diploma of medium professional or higher medical education
  • a copy of the document on the change of the surname / name / patronymic (if the name in the diploma does not coincide in current);
  • treaty and application (formed automatically).
The contract and the application is automatically generated in the listener's personal account after filling in the questionnaire (the action is available after registering the program). Documents must be sent through your personal account in electronic (scanned) form.

Will there be qualifications in the diploma?

Graduates who successfully completed training and granted a diploma of higher or secondary vocational education, a diploma diploma is issued with qualification assignment. In an issued document, a qualification assigned to a graduate is reflected in a separate record. Exact qualifications are reflected on individual pages of courses. Other qualifications recording options are not allowed.

No you can not. The current legislation establishes a single requirement for applicants to additional professional programs: the availability of a medical education diploma.

What to choose: Improving qualifications or professional retraining?

The site "Institute of Medicine" presents additional professional programs to which professional retraining programs and advanced training courses are presented.

Professional retraining is completed by issuing a professional retraining diploma with assignment. This type of program is provided for those who need to receive medical qualifications for employment or meeting the requirements for education at work.

Qualifying courses are programs that systematically (every 3 years) must be held all doctors to confirm the qualification category, compliance with the current educational standard. Unlike professional retraining programs, the advanced training program does not assign qualifications, designed for those who are doctors. Courses are completed by issuing a certificate of improving the qualifications established in accordance with the requirements of the Sample Legislation.

From 04 to 05 July 2020on the basis of the night, the "Training Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education" will undergo a course of advanced training on the topic: "Ultrasonic navigation and electromyographic control in the treatment of cervical dystonia Botulinic toxin type A".

June 13-14 2020 "The use of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (bruxism)". Training holds a leading neurologist of the headache clinic and vegetative disorders of Alexander Weene Academician, Associate Professor of the Department of Nervous Diseases IPO First MIMU. THEM. Sechenova, Ph.D. Latysheva Nina Vladimirovna .

Course specificity: The course is focused on the practitioners of BTA doctors and beginners.

Location: Medical Center "Practical Neurology", 117218, Moscow, ul. Krzhizhanovsky, d.17, korp.2, travel scheme

From 06 to July 07, 2019on the basis of the night-party, the "Training Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education" will be held a course of advanced training on the topic: "The use of botulinical toxin type A in the treatment of facial hypercines and blephaline".

From July 20 to July 21, 2019on the basis of the night-party, the "Training Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education" will be held a course of advanced training on the topic: "The use of botulinical toxin type A in the treatment of local hyperhydroposis".

From July 13 to July 14, 2019on the basis of the night-party, the "Training Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education" will be held a course of advanced training on the topic: "Polyneropathy. Complex diagnostics of hereditary diseases of the nervous and muscular system » .

Training conducts Kurbatov Sergey Aleksandrovich

Course specificity: The course is aimed at obtaining hereditary polyneuropathies based on modern international experience.

From 16 to 17 November 2019on the basis of the night-party, the "Training Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education" will be held a course of advanced training on the topic: « Motonia.Complex diagnostics of hereditary diseases of the nervous and muscular system " .

Training conducts Kurbatov Sergey Aleksandrovich , Candidate of Medical Sciences, Neurologist, Neurogenetic, doctor of functional diagnostics AUZ in the "Voronezh Regional Clinical Advisory-Diagnostic Center", Member of the ROO "Society of Nervous Muscular Diseases Society"

Course specificity: The course is directed to receive differential diagnostic skills hereditary momotonis based on modern international experience.

From July 27 to July 28, 2019on the basis of the night-party, the "Training Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education" will be held a course of advanced training on the topic: "Dystonic hypercines in the practice of a neurologist's doctor. The use of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of dystonic hypercines ".

From 02 to 03 February 2019 « Myopathy.Complex diagnostics of hereditary diseases of the nervous and muscular system. " .

From 08 to 09, 2018. On the basis of the night-party "Training Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education" will be conducted by the author's express course of advanced training on the topic: "Features of medical communications in English. Patient at a doctor's reception " .

Training conducts Zubarev Kirill Vadimovich, Professional Lingvo-Coach (English, Spanish), has a teaching experience in the leading universities of Moscow: FGBOU to Moscow Pedagogical State University, Russian Institute of Theater Art (Gityis), Ano to Moscow Humanitarian University, NiU "Higher School of Economics", ANO in the "Institute of Contemporary Art". The author of the program for the study of Spanish and English in the largest companies: Novartis, Sibneft, PSI, Alpha Bank, Winery Hall, Café Cavita, etc.

"Algorithms of electronized examination of patients with suspicion of neuromuscular diseases".

Training holds the chairman of the ROO "Society of non-muscle disease professionals", General Director of the Medical Center "Practical Neurology", lead neurologist, doctor of functional diagnostics professor, D.M. Nikitin Sergey Sergeevich . Assistrate Murtazina A.F. (Neurologist, doctor of functional diagnostics).

Course specificity: The course is designed for medical professionals in the method of electromyography and practicing it at least 1 year. It is aimed at obtaining the skills of constructing the study algorithm at different levels of damage to the peripheral neuromuscular apparatus, the interpretation of the data obtained and the registration of research.

Detailed document:

Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex (Maspk) invites you to pass professional retraining courses in the specialty "Neurology". Neurologist is one of the most sought-after and complex medical professions. The doctor who received this specialty is engaged in the treatment and prevention of nerve diseases.

A professional in neurology is obliged to possess very extensive knowledge about the human nervous system, including the central nervous system (head and spinal cord) and peripheral (it includes all other nerves). It is no secret that the work of the nervous system, especially the brain, is still a lot of mysteries. That is why in the most developed countries of the world, neurology is in the forefront of scientific research. Thus, in the global plan, specialization in the field of neurology is a real opportunity to make a scientific career. The demand for further study of the human nervous system will only grow, because the newest discoveries of neurologists made it possible to cure patients previously considered hopeless.

Of course, in addition to purely scientific work, neurologists as practicing specialists are extremely demanded. The direction in the ability of the neurologist receive people with the most different diseases, since the nervous system is closely related to the functioning of absolutely all organs. This makes the task of diagnosing diseases is very difficult even taking into account all modern research methods, but the more increasing the value of doctors - the true professionals of their case. Many diseases of the nervous system are difficult to reveal at the initial stage, and at later stages they can lead to irreparable failures in the work of the body. Neurologists belong to those doctors who really save human lives and help protect against irreversible negative changes in health.

Objectives of the professional retraining course of the specialty "Neurology"

Professional retraining rate program in the specialty "Neurology" Includes the following sections:

    The most common neurological pathologies.

    Symptoms of neurological pathologies.

    Urgent Care.

    Diagnosis by instrumental and laboratory surveys.

    Infectious and infectious-allergic diseases of the human nervous system.

    Vascular diseases.

    Hereditary diseases.

    Injuries of the nervous system.

    Principles and methods for treating neurological patients.

    Organization of neurological service in Russia.

    Ethics and deontology in neurology.

Training is remotely. Students of courses receive round-the-clock access to the extensive base of educational materials. Classes are conducted by highly qualified specialists. It is assumed to feed online. The courses listener region does not matter, the main thing is access to the Internet.


    Returning on demand specialty.

    Current knowledge in the field of neurology.

    At the end of the courses, listeners receive a diploma of the established sample.

Requirements for listeners of courses for doctors and prospects for the specialty

Neurologist doctors are required in polyclinics, in the neurological departments of hospital hospitals, in private medical centers, in scientific institutions. A neurologist can additionally get a narrower specialization. It will have a positive effect on the amount of wages, and also prevents fatigue from the monotony of work. For example, if a doctor carries out a consultative reception of patients with his hands (), he hardly threaten professional burnout. Over time, the neurologist can become the head of the department, the head of his own medical center or to receive an invitation to a large scientific domestic or foreign laboratory.

Become a listener of professional retraining courses in the specialty "Neurology" and to obtain additional education in this area in Maspk in the presence of a diploma about the end of the medical university.

Duration of training nephroologs

* Check more information about the programs from the manager

The duration of training in courses for doctors varies from 280 to 506 academic hours.

Head of the Department

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Zykov Valery Petrovich

Head of the learning part

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Chukin Mikhail Yuryevich

125373, Moscow, ul. Gerets of Panfilovtsev, 28, Children's City Clinical Hospital. PER. Bashmaeva

[Email Protected]

Full nameAcademic degreeScientific titlePosition
Zykov Valery Petrovich doctor of Medical Sciences Professorprofessor
Co-chairman of the Children's Section and a member of the Presidium of the Society of Neurologists of Russia, a member of the editorial board of journals "Neurology and Psychiatry of them S.S. Korsakov", "Life with children's cerebral paralysis", "Epilepsy and paroxysmal states", a member of the International Association of Children's Neurologists, Scientific Secretary of the Academic Council RMAPO "Pediatrics and Surgery", a member of the Academic Council of the RMAPO "Domestic Diseases, Nervous Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Member of the Academic Council by Rnim. N.N.Pirogov "Nervous diseases, mathematical biology."

Edited by Professor V.P. Zykov in collaboration with employees of the department published guides for doctors: "Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system in children" (2006), "Diagnosis and treatment of hereditary diseases of the nervous system in children" (2008), "Treatment of diseases of the nervous system in children" (2000 , 2004, 2009), "Diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the nervous system in children" (2013), the monograph "Tiki in children" (2002), textbooks: "Methods of research in children's neurology" (2002), "Children's neurology in matters and issues and Answers "(2003)," Control Tasks for Neurology of Children's Age "(2005)," Diagnostics and Treatment of Stroke in Children "(2006, 2008)," Ischemic Stroke in Children "(2011)," Sleep Disorders in Children "(2011 ).

The sphere of scientific interests - ticks in children, motor disorders, strokes, early epilepsy, neuroreability concept.
The doctor of the highest category, holds advisory and therapeutic work at Tushinsky children's hospital.

Milovanova Olga Andreevna doctor of Medical Sciences assistant professorprofessor
The direction of clinical activity is congenital defects of brain development, epilepsy and epileptic syndromes in children and adults, diseases of the nervous period of the perinatal period, children's cerebral paralysis, ticks, psychosomatic disorders.

Author / co-author more than 120 scientific works, two monographs: "Absissant epilepsy in children and adolescents: clinic, diagnosis, treatment," epilepsy and epileptic syndromes of infancy, childhood and adolescence (clinic, diagnosis, treatment, differentiation with non-epileptic paroxysms) " , co-author of two clinical guides.

Chukin Mikhail Yuryevich candidate of Medical Sciencesassistant professorassistant professor
Head of the learning part responsible for the department for scientific work of the Department. Author of more than 70 printed works, co-author of monoradia, 5 clinical guidelines, 5 textbooks. The doctor of the highest category. Scientific areas: stroke, epilepsy.
Komarov Irina Borisovna
candidate of Medical Sciences assistant professorassistant professor
Author / co-author of more than 100 scientific and teaching publications, including in guidelines for doctors "Diagnostics and treatment of hereditary diseases of the nervous system in children" (2008), "Treatment of diseases of the nervous system in children" (2009, 2013 G.), in teaching aids for doctors on ischemic stroke at childhood (2006, 2009, 2011), in the teaching agency "Sleep disorders in children" (2011).

The subject of the in-depth scientific activity of Komarova I.B. is the problem of ischemic stroke in children. Sphere of scientific interests Komarova I.B. It also includes problems of cerebral paralysis, headaches, congenital violations of amino acid metabolism in children, sleep disorders and vegetative disorders in childhood.

Conducts an outpatient reception at the TDB polyclinic separation, he oversees patients in the compartment of psychoneurology with clinical ordinators, advises in TDB offices.

Awazyan Sergey Oganesovich candidate of Medical Sciences assistant professorassistant professor
The main place of work: the NPC of medical care to children with defects in the development of the cranial-facial region and congenital diseases of the nervous system, the epileptology department. Author of 90 printed works, co-author of 2 clinical guides.
Chebanenko Natalia Vladimirovna candidate of Medical Sciences
assistant professor
Novikova Elena Borisovna candidate of Medical Sciences
assistant professor
Sosko Anastasia Sergeevna candidate of Medical Sciences
assistant professor

The Department of Neurology of Children's Age of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education was organized in 1965.

Until 1974, the Department was headed by Professor Maria Borisovna Zucker - the author of the first in Russia monographs on children's neurology: "Children's neurology" (1947), "Introduction to the neuropathology of children's age" (1970), "Clinical neuropathology of children's age" (1972), "meningitis And encephalitis in children "(1975).

From 1974 to 1999, the head of the department was Professor Evgeny Sergeyevich Bondarenko Collaborator of the Guides "Neurology of Children's Age" (1988-1992), "Acute Neuroinfections in Children" (1986). From 1999 to the present, the department heads Professor Valery Petrovich Zykov .

The main topics of lectures and seminar studies of the department.
1. Perinatal neurology.

  • Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, sharp period.
  • Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, recovery period ..
  • Vegetative-visceral dysfunction syndrome in infant children.
  • Congenital infections of the nervous system.
  • Vices of the development of the nervous system.
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Vaccinoprophylaxis. Neurological complications.
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Studies of the neurological status of a child of 1 year of life.
  • Congenital metabolic diseases with the damage to the central nervous
2. Epileptology.
  • Epilepsy. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Classification.
  • Generalized forms of epilepsy. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, treatment.
  • Focical forms of epilepsy. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, treatment.
  • Epistatus.
  • Febrile cramps.
  • Benign epilepsy.
  • Side effects of anticonvulsants.
  • Paroxysmal states imitating epilepsy.
  • Electroencephalography.
3. Extrapyramidal disorders.
  • Tiki, turret syndrome.
  • Subcortical degeneration.
4. Card-brain injury.
5. Brain swelling.
6. Insults in children
7. Migraine
8. Syncopes.
9. Study of the vegetative nervous system.
10. Dizziness.
11. Sleep pathology.
12. Miastations and miasthenic syndromes.
13. Scarm sclerosis.
14. Facomatomy
15. Tumors of the head and spinal cord.
16. Nervish muscular diseases. Electromyography.
17. Polineuropathy
18. Minimum brain dysfunction.
19. Vetebrogenic syndromes.
20. Cerebellum Ataxia
21. Meningitis
22. Encephalitis
23. Poisoning psychotropic drugs.
24. Methods of neurovalization (computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography)
25. Restorative therapy. Medical therapy. Laser therapy. Kinesotherapy. Reflexology. Methods of physical rehabilitation in child neurology.
26. Violations of speech in children.
27. Cognitive neurology (psychomotor development delay).
28. Headache
29. Enuresis.
30. DISCISERIZATION of neurological patients.
31. International Classification of Diseases - 10.

Clinical residency and graduate school. Clinical orders are trained in one of the cycles of improvement of doctors as listeners, participate in clinical disclaimers, bypass and clinical and hospital conferences, take part in thematic classes under the program of the ordinature, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The orders will oversee patients in the psychoneurological departments of TDB and DKB No. 9 under the leadership of the staff of the department, are trained in the skills of outpatient work at the advisory receptions of the staff of the department. The orders will hand over exams after the first and second year of study. At the end of the residency are certified by the specialty "Neurology". The ordinators are given the possibility of conducting research and research and publication of the results of their own research, participation in the final scientific and practical conference of the Department with the presentation of scientific work.

Competitive reception in the residency and graduate school is carried out according to the results of the interview. Perhaps the non-competitive enrollment and training on commercial conditions with the provision of a hostel is possible.

The main scientific directions of the department - teaks and turret syndrome, ischemic stroke, epilepsy, brain disgenesis, neuroimmunology, neurorelabation, development of the concept of rehabilitation potential.

The origins of the department are a course of neurology at the Department of Pediatrics of the Tsivo (head. Department of Academician G.N. SPEARSky). Professor M.B. Zucker, the first head of the department - a student of Professor Rossolimo G.I. In 1911, Grigory Ivanovich Rossolimo for his money organized the first institute of children's psychology and neurology in Moscow and developed clinical and diagnostic methods of child surveys. MB Zucker belongs one of the first most complete descriptions of infectious neurological diseases in children. Professor Bondarenko E.S., the second leader of the department - a student of Academician L.O. Badalian, whose school for the first time in Russia laid the foundations of studying the pathogenesis of hereditary diseases of the nervous system and epilepsy since 1999 to the present, the head of the department professor V.P. Zimkov Student Academician Guseva E. and Professor Bondarenko. V.P. Zykov Co-Chairman of the Children's Section and a member of the Presidium of the Society of Neurologists of Russia, a member of the editorial board of journals: "Neurology and Psychiatry them S.S. Korsakov", "Life with children's cerebral paralysis", "Epilepsy and paroxysmal states", Member of the International Association of Children's Neurologists develop the topic Ticose disorders and vascular diseases in children.

1. Manuals for doctors and teaching aids

  • Zykov V.P., Naumenko L.L., Shitorova D.C., Shadrin V.N., Chukin M.Yu., Komarova I.B. Research methods in children's neurology (Tutorial) M.: RMAPO - 2002, 80 p.
  • Zykov V.P., Shitorova D.C., Shadrin V.N., Chukin M.Yu., Naumenko L.L., Komarova I.B. Children's neurology in matters and answers (Tutorial) M.: Paladin Poland 2003, 92 p.
  • Zykov V.P., Shitorova D.Ch, Shadrin V.N, Chukin M.Yu, Milovanova O.A., Komarova I.B., Novikova E.B. Controls Tasks on the neurology of children's age (tutorial) M.: Paladin Publishing House, 2005, 90 p.
  • Zykov V.P., Komarova I.B., Chukin M.Yu., Stepanishchev I.L., Ushakova L.V., Cherkasov V.G. Diagnosis and treatment of stroke in children (Tutorial) M.: Publishing House "Optima", 2008, 61 p.
  • Zykov V.P., Komarova I.B., Chukin M.Yu., Ushakova L.V., Stepanishchev I.L. Ischemic stroke in children (Tutorial) M.: Publishing House "Mai Print", 2011, 71 with
  • Zykov V.P., Komarova I.B., Chukin M.Yu. Sleep disorders in children (Tutorial) M.: Publishing House "Argus X" 2011, 87 p.
  • Zykov V.P., Shitorova D.C., Shadrin V.N., Chukin M.Yu., Komarova I.B., Milovanova O.A., Begasheva O.I. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system in children (Guide for doctors) M.: Publishing House "Triada X", 2006, 256 p.
  • Zykov V.P., Bondarenko E.S., Shitorova D.C., Shadrin V.N., Chukin M.Yu., Komarova I.B., Milovanova O.A. Diagnosis and treatment of hereditary diseases of the nervous system in children (Guidelines for doctors) M.: Publishing House "Triada X", 2008, 224 p.
  • Zykov V.P., Komarova I.B., Milovanova O.A., Chukin M.Yu., Shadrin V.N., Avazyan S.O., Stepanishchev I.L. other. Treatment of diseases of the nervous system in children (Guide for doctors). M.: Publishing House "Triada X", 2009, 416 p.
  • Zykov V.P., Bondarenko E.S., Chukin M.Yu., Shadrin V.N., Komarova I.B., Ayvazyan S.O., Shitorova D.C., Freidkov V.I., Novikova E .B., Safronov D.L., Mazankova L.N., Stovenikin V.M., Kurenkov A.L., Nikitin S.S., Begasheva O.I. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system in children. M.: Publishing House "Triad H", 2013, 432 p.
2. Video archive of clinical analysis conducted weekly on Thursdays.
3. Preparation of abstracts on topical problems of child neurology by listeners
4. Examination Package: Video Semicoic of Epileptic Seabeds, CT, MRI and NSG Specific Patients, Clinical Objectives, Theoretical Questions + Test Control.
5. Annual Scientific and Practical Conference of Residents and Postgraduates of the Department as a methodology for preparing physicians analysis of clinical material
6. Round table of listeners of the cycles of postgraduate training doctors.
7. Seminar "Neurology on the Internet" - a brief overview of leading neurological sites in On-Lain mode
8. Publication of updated lectures in periodic press. From the latter-in the magazine "Life with Palsy": Motor disorders in children of early age "" Sleep disorders in children "" Transit Motor Disorders "(2013).
9. Video tracking on 1 medical intercourse: ticks in children, breast-age disorders, stereotypes, arterial ischemic stroke in children, sleep disorders in young children:, free access.

1. Akimov G.A. "Differential diagnosis of nerve diseases" St. Petersburg, "Hippocrat", 1997.
2. Antropov Yu.F., Shevchenko Yu.S. "Psychosomatic disorders in children" M., 2000.
3. Badalyan L.O. "Children's neurology", M., "Medicine", 1984.
4. Bachshinsky S.E. Evidence medicine. Annual Directory. Part 2. Moscow, M. Sphere, 2003. p. 161.
5. Comncend to N.K. and others. "Children's Clinical EEG" M., "Medicine", 1999.
6. Barashnev Yu.A. "Perinatal neurology". M., 2001.
7. Veltishchev Yu.E., Tehin P.A. "Hereditary diseases of the non-purity system" M., "Medicine", 1998.
8. Gusev E.I., Boyko A.V. "Methods of research in neurology and neurosurgery" Tutorial. M., 2001.
9. Heskill S., Merlin A. "Children's neurology and neurosurgery" M., Antidore, 1996. (Translation from English).
10. Gekht B.M., Ilina N.A. "Nervous muscular diseases", M., "Medicine", 1982.
11. Guseeva V.I., Mikhailov I.B. "Pharmacotherapy of nervous diseases in adults and children." Guide for doctors. St. Petersburg Foliant; 2002.
12. Gusev E.I. et al. "Treatment of epilepsy: rational dosing of anticonvulsants", St. Petersburg, "Speech", 1999.
13. Dix M.R. and others. "Dizziness", M.: "Medicine", 1987. (Translation from English)
14. Duus P. "Topic diagnosis in neurology", M., 1997. (first with German.)
15. Zhurba L.T., Mastyukova E.M. "Violations of psychomotor development in children of the first year of life", M.: "Medicine", 1981.
16. Zinchenko A.P. "Acute Neuroinfection in Children", Leningrad: "Medicine", 1986.
17. Zykov V.P. "Ticose hypercines of children's age" M., 2000g. Tutorial.
18. Zykov V.P. "Tiki children's age", M., MBN, 2002.
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