What you need to take with flu. Influenza pills: antiviral agents. Antiviral drugs from influenza and ORVI of a wide range of action

How to treat flu? One of the most common virus infections affecting the respiratory tract, the flu develops after contact with the script. There are many different types of influenza virus, some of them cause a serious response of the body to an infectious agent attack, especially with weakened immunite and attaching a bacterial infection, and then hospitalization is required. But in most cases, the treatment of influenza is held at home. How to treat flu at home?

Types of influenza viruses

To properly implement therapeutic measures in the treatment of flu, you must at least superficially understand which the types of viruses exist. As a rule, a common virus is reported while waiting for an epidemic, when forecasting the incidence rate in the current season, selection of vaccine for prevention, as well as during the exceeding epidemiological threshold.

Three common groups of influenza viruses are distinguished:

  • A is a group that can affect not only people, but also animals, and birds. Cases of infection from animals is extremely rare, as well as the inverse way of infection. Viruses of this group are distinguished by high contagiousness, reproduction rate and are the cause of rapidly increasing epidemics: for 6 weeks it can get sick to half of the population in a particular area.
  • V - more "slow and weak" group. As a rule, during the epidemic of viruses from the group, about a quarter of the population, and mainly infection affects people with weakened immunity: children, elderly, having chronic or somatic diseases at the time of the virus appearing;
  • C is the most rarely affecting a group with isolated cases of the disease.

Why is it important to pay attention to the type of virus? Predictions of scientists make it possible to prepare in advance, to understand why other prevention measures need to be vaccinated, and also to be aware of which from family members will have the greatest danger of contact with the fallen and for what period.

How to distinguish flu?

The symptoms of influenza is quite pronounced and reflects the defeat of the body with viral infection. The flu is characterized by a sharp, sudden principle of the disease without indisposition for several days, gradually lifting the temperature, the increase in the severity of respiratory symptoms. The clinical picture of the influenza is characterized by manifestations that quickly arise during the first day. These include:

  • the increase in body temperature: indicators of the thermometer fluctuate from 38 to 40 ° C. Hypertermia can accompany a small chills, feverish state;
  • along with the temperature increases overall disabilities: headaches begin, in most cases in the forehead, Visbrovya; pain and "lubrications" in the joints and muscles, most often - in the limbs, but perhaps in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt, shoulder belt;
  • light-friendly arises, pain in the eyes, pain when changing the position of eyeballs;
  • the development of the disease is accompanied by a feeling of nausea and / or vomiting after 24-36 hours, in most cases - after eating, drinking, preparations;
  • on the second-third day after the manifest, respiratory symptoms begin to appear: cough, runny nose, inflammation of nasopharynx, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc.

The characteristic symptoms of influenza also include painfulness in the field of sternum, the phenomena of tracheite, can manifest themselves in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle, the lymph nodes are inflamed, especially in the cerzya-occipital part.

The shape of the influenza depends on the virus, its species, features, reproduction rates and the release of toxins in the bloodstream, and the degree of body resistance. In the early stages to prevent the transition of influenza from a light form to heavy helps the reception of certain antiviral drugs.
Depending on the severity of the clinical picture, three forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • a light form is characterized by a temperature lift to subfebrisy indicators, there is a slight ailment, inflammation of the mucous respiratory tract;
  • the medium-free form proceeds with a temperature of 38.1-40 ° C. Headaches, weakness, sweating, pain in the muscles are, but general symptoms are quite moderate. Catarial manifestations are expressed by a painful coughing with pain behind the sternum, shortness of breath, rhinitis, voices, etc.;
  • the heavy form is accompanied by hyperthermia with indicators from 40 ° C, chills, strong headache, fragmentation, nausea and vomiting. Respiratory symptoms pronounced, complications often arise.

The treatment of medium and severe flu should occur under the control of the doctor, since probable complications that change the functions of the cardiovascular system, urinary organs and paths, as well as the addition of bacterial infection can be perceived by the patient as part of the current viral disease. And such manifestations require separate therapy.

Especially prone to complications after influenza infection. Children, elderly, people with weakened immunity, as well as those who do not withstand the time for rehabilitation and immediately returns to active life, physical exertion, etc. The average treatment period is 5-8 days. At the same time, at least 2 weeks after recovery, it is necessary to avoid unnecessary loads on the body (sports, visits to the bathhouse, saunas, the use of "heavy" food, alcohol, etc.).

Influenza treatment at home: nutrition and mode

As a rule, with influenza disease, the patients sharply decreases appetite, nausea, headache, fever does not contribute to the desire. However, it is in this period that the body actively processes nutrients and needs support. Unfortunately, patients often, asking how to treat the flu, forget about the need to comply with the principles of dietary food.

The first principle for a given disease is the use of a large amount of fluid. Increasing the body temperature can entail the development of dehydration, the symptoms of which are often taken for a part of the clinical picture of the influenza. With dehydration, the body spends additional reserves for the fight against infection, the virus develops more actively, which leads to the development of severe complications.

What can and need to drink?

  • Fresh fruit and vegetable juices (carrot, mixed juices), diluted with water.
  • Dining mineral water, mainly without gas.
  • Compote from dried fruits.
  • Cranberry fruits, lingonberries.
  • Herbal teas:, mint, etc.

It should be abandoned with coffee, strong tea, beverages with high sugar content. Recent natural broths can also be included in the category of fluids used in the treatment of influenza and sharp respiratory diseases: they combine and drink, and nutrients.

If the reception of any fluid provokes nausea and vomiting you need to drink small portions (on a teaspoon) every 5 minutes. In warm water, you can add some orange, lemon juice, sugar or honey, or use dehydration preparations (reciprons). It is especially important to restore the water-salt balance, if the course of the disease is complicated by multiple vomiting.

Optimal nutrition during the disease, fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C (citrus, cabbage, etc.), protein products (meat, bird, low-fat fish) in boiled, baked, cooked on a couple of way, eggs, and nuts and dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese). During the day, consumption of at least 50 g of protein is needed.
To the categorically not recommended products and drinks in the period of the disease include:

  • coffee, strong tea, cocoa;
  • sweets (candy, chocolate), fresh pastries;
  • fried dishes, fatty, sharp food;
  • any alcohol;
  • a negative reaction is often observed when using cow's milk, butter cream.

The mode of day with acute diseases is always bedding: the maximum number of rest during the day and night, including during the recovery period. The patient needs to ensure peace, the influx of fresh air (frequent ventilation of the room), as well as allocate separate dishes, towel, often change the wedding and bed linen.

Antiviral drugs

Among the antiviral drugs used for influenza, there are medications with proven effectiveness against certain strains, common medications and means with unconfirmed efficiency, which are popular thanks to advertising.
When choosing a medication, it is necessary to consult with the doctor: in all opposite drugs (Rimantadine, Ribavirin, Virazol, Tamiflu, Relezine, Amixin, etc.) there are contraindications, as well as the optimal period of reception, dosage and course of therapy. If it allows the course of the disease and the patient's health, without the results of the analysis on the definition of the strain, the treatment of light flu is better to carry out symptomatic means.

How to treat flu: symptomatic therapy

In most cases, the treatment of flu is based on the help of the body independently cope with the virus. How to treat flu at temperatures, headache and other unpleasant symptoms?

  • The headache shows such preparations like ibuprofen (nurofen), paracetamol.
  • Rougom, the congestion of the respiratory tract is eliminated using the active and frequent washing of the nasopharynx with an anti-salt solution, after which the local vessels of the drugs are used (nasivin, naphtycin, etc.).
  • It is not recommended to reduce the temperature to 38.2 ° C if the patient has a well tolerate hyperthermia, there is no danger of cramps and other complications. Above - for well-being. Paracetamol, ibuprofen is used to reduce.
  • To facilitate the flipping and improving sputum removal, drugs-musolics are used (Lazolyvan and analogs, ambobexal, bromgexine, etc.). The choice of the drug is carried out by the doctor based on symptoms.
  • Pain and inflammation in the throat can be removed by rinsing, applying a solution of soda food, chamomile decoction, calendula, furacillin and other local action preparations with softening and antiseptic effect.

Combined means (antigrippine, terraflu, Coldrels, etc.) refer to medical drugs. In most cases, the effect is achieved by the exposure to the antipyretic and anesthetic (paracetamol, ibuprofen), antihistamine (reduced edema of mucosa and respiratory tract) and vitamin C in combination with hot drink.

How to treat flu with complications?

With the average and heavy form of the influenza, the main treatment is directed not only to the fight against infection, but also to the prevention of complications.
The most common complications include:

  • viral pneumonia;
  • bacterial pneumonia against the background of viral infection;
  • complications of other respiratory organs: sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the biliary system.

How to treat flu with complications? The selection of therapy is exclusively a doctor after diagnosis. Basic principles - in combination of drugs aimed at combating the main infection and secondary disease, as well as accounting for the state, age and individual patient reactions.


With the onset of cold weather, the number of people who are ill with influenza increase dramatically. If this disease does not bypass you, you should familiarize yourself with information about medicines that can be used. Otherwise, it is possible to be confused in all the variety of antivirus, immunomodulating, antibacterial drugs.

Why the influenza is prescribed with influenza

Disease pathogens are different types of viruses. Because of them, the protective forces of the body decrease, the upper respiratory tract, the walls of the vessels are affected, the diseases of the heart, kidney, nervous system and other organs, inflammation can develop. Do not hope for immunity, protective forces of the body. It is extremely important to start taking antiviral pills in time, overwhelming the activity of viruses. Medicines effectively violate their structure and contribute to the formation of interferon.

The benefits of influenza tablets in the first day of the appearance of symptoms. If you start drinking them later, the likelihood of complications is reduced. In the season of infection, doctors recommend taking antiviral drugs from colds and flu in preventive purposes. In order not to get sick, preferably additionally:

  • wearing a mask;
  • often wash your hands;
  • use oxolane ointment.

Do antibiotics help with cold and flu

A group of drugs does not pose a threat to viruses, but still is often prescribed in viral diseases. The fact is that their use is advisable in suspected complications. Havory people may have angina, bronchitis, otitis and other diseases, whose pathogens are pathogenic organisms. Prior to the beginning of their treatment, the antiviral pills from influenza, ORVI, and after starting the reception of the wide range of action.

Effective flu cure and cold

You can deal with diseases with different drugs, but you should not buy them yourself, relying for the advice of acquaintances or your own experience. Doctors after consultation will write anti-virus pills from influenza, means to strengthen, restore immunity. There are a lot of drugs combining both actions. With the appearance of complications, antibiotics are received. Check out more about the list of drugs and their taxes.

Effective antiviral drugs

For the treatment of influenza can be used:

  1. Remantadine. Famous inexpensive drug, overwhelming flu viruses A. After taking a patient, pathological inflammatory processes are stopped, symptoms decrease, the risk of complications are prevented.
  2. Kagole.Another famous drug from influenza belonging to the group of antiviral drugs. It has a positive effect as a result of stimulating interferon production at the physiological level.
  3. Cycloferon.It has an impact on the cells of the immune system, stimulates the production of interferon. Maximum activity is achieved 2 hours after taking cycloferon.
  4. Inhavirin.Tablets promptly suppress the reproduction of the virus, stop development. Especially well, the tool struggles with the disease at the initial stage - the reproduction of cells.

Symptomatic antipples

These drugs are prescribed to reduce, eliminate individual disease symptoms. For example, the relevant means are used to facilitate the cold, to reduce the temperature - antipyretic and so on. Overview of some drugs:

  1. December. Effectively eliminates the infections of the oral cavity, pharynx, removes painful sore throat. It has bactericidal and fungistatic action. Tablets with a cold and flu need to be dissolved every 2 hours. Suitable for children and adults.
  2. Ferwex. Safe remedy, quickly removing cold symptoms: throat pain, elevated temperature, concreteness, nose swelling. Recommended to take 4 times a day.
  3. Sinufort.Symptomatic preparation for restoring nasal respiration, elimination of congestion. When used, the mucous membrane of the nose is irritated, the sinuses are independently cleaned of pus and mucus.

Influenza preparations for children

Before consulting with a doctor, children can be treated with symptomatic means, but antiviral can only be given after the appointment by a specialist. Names of popular medicines:

  1. Arbidol. Children's option is produced in tablets. The tool has the ability to block influenza viruses, run the enhanced production of interferon in the affected cells. Arbidol reduces the "contagious" diseases for others, facilitates the symptoms, is the prevention of complications.
  2. Tamiflu. Used only for the treatment and prevention of influenza. There are many disputes about the feasibility of use, so doctors discharge only with the complicated and progressive course of the disease. Contraindicated to children under 12 months.
  3. Aspirin. Pills Flying from influenza dissolve in water, are a symptomatic agent. Suitable only for the treatment of children over 14 years old. The reception helps to reduce the temperature, articular pain, eliminate weakness, lethargy.

Learn how to choose for adults and children.

Flu and cold The most famous and common diseases. How to treat a cold and flu using modern medicine or to give preference to folk remedies we will tell in this material.

What is a cold (ORVI)?

Cold is the National Name of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection)

Penetrating microbes are penetrating through the respiratory organs and affect the nose, a throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi. The cold usually proceeds easily, lasts from 2 days to 2 weeks is accompanied by a small increase in body temperature, a runny nose, cough.

One of the main reasons is the weakening of the organism immune protection. The fact is that the upper respiratory tract contains a huge number of dangerous microorganisms. Their reproduction and development restrains immunity. When immunity weakens microbes activate.

The risk of a cold rises when you wet my legs, sit in the draft, get cold water. As a result of supercooling, spasm of vessels occurs and the blood supply to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is disturbed, which in turn leads to a decrease in protective substances concentration.

ORVI is ill and from already a sick person. Pathogenic microorganisms go to a healthy person through the items with which they contacted the patient, as well as during communication with the cold, especially if he sneezes or cough.

From this it follows that a person with good immunity in most cases is not subject to colds. A weak immunity almost always leads to the fact that the foci of chronic infection is formed in the nasophal.

What is flu?

Flu (INFLUENZA, GRIPPUS) - acute respiratory disease of viral etiology, which flows with the phenomena of general intoxication and lesions of the respiratory tract. The flu virus is very easily transmitted. The most common transmission path of infection is air-drip. It is also possible (albeit more rare) and the household transfer path - for example, infection through household items.

When coughing, Chihannia is a conversation from the nasopharynx of a patient or a virus carrier, particles of saliva, mucus, sputum sick microflora, including influenza viruses, are thrown out. For a short period of time around the patient, an infected zone is formed with a maximum concentration of aerosol particles. Particles of more than 100 microns (large phase) are quickly settled. The range of their dissipation usually does not exceed 2-3 m.

Virus influenza The epithelium of the respiratory tract (mostly trachea) is selectively. Spinning in cylindrical epithelium cells causes their degenerative changes using the contents of epithelial cells to build new viral particles. The massive yield of mature viral particles is often accompanied by the death of epithelial cells, and the necrosis of the epithelium and the associated destruction of the natural protective barrier leads to virusemia. The toxins of the influenza virus together with the spree of epithelial cells have a toxic effect on cardiovascular, nervous (central and vegetative) and other organism systems. The influenza infection leads to the suppression of immunity, and when the secondary bacterial flora is introduced, various complications may occur through the necrotic surface of the respiratory mucosa.

Disease influenza accompanies high mortality, especially in small children and the elderly. The flu epidemic happens every year usually in the cold season and amazed to 15% of the population of the globe. Influenza is an acute highly contagious disease, which is characterized by sharp toxicosis, moderate catarrhal phenomena with the most intensive lesion of the trachea and large bronchi.

Signs and symptoms of colds and flu

The cold usually begins with throat pain and a cold, while the body temperature rises rarely and if it rises not higher than 38 degrees. If the temperature rose above then it is definitely influenza.

Consider the main symptoms of colds and influenza:

1. High temperature (heat) - Powers more on flu than cold. If the temperature rises not to panic. High rates of mercury column suggest that the immune system is struggling with infection. And the larger the temperature the greater the organism is the production of interferon - a specific protein, which neutralizes viruses. For this reason, doctors are not recommended to reduce the temperature in the first days of the disease, if it does not rise above 38.5-39 degrees.

2. Nasal Convenience, Rubber Chihanye - Classic signs of colds. Despite the fact that sharp symptoms of colds pass in a few days, a runny nose can persist a week or longer. With the flu, the nasal congestion is rumidated less often.

3. Sore throat - most often the first signal about the start of the cold. But sometimes the sore throat can be a symptom of influenza. Whatever the reason, rinse the throat with salt solution - it will help soften the irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat. If the sore throat is accompanied by temperature, swollen glands or vomiting, then be sure to consult a doctor

4. Cough It occurs both in cold weather and with flu. Strong, harmful cough is rather a sign of influenza.

5. Little malaise, weakness Appear at a cold, but strong weakness exhaustion of the body is a faithful influenza satellite. Although the acute stage of the disease usually lasts 3-4 days, weakness can stretch on weeks.

6. Headache Rather, points to the flu than a cold. If the headache is accompanied by skin rash, pain in the neck or difficulty when walking, consult a doctor. Strong headaches may be a sign of meningitis or other dangerous diseases

7. Pain in muscles and lubrication in the whole bodyAlso indicate the flu. Of course, the cold can cause painful sensations in the body, but compared to the flu they are transferred easier.

How to distinguish symptoms of cold from symptoms of influenza? Many specialists offer to measure temperature. Flu manifestations often repeat the symptoms of colds - nasal congestion, cough, pain and ailment. But among the signs of a cold, the temperature is rarely found above 38 ° C. With the flu, most likely, the temperature will rise immediately, and you will feel terrible. Pain in muscles and lobs in the body is also more likely of influenza than symptoms of colds. The table below will help you determine what kind of diseases you are sick. Use this knowledge to immediately distinguish the cold from influenza. Then, with the symptoms of influenza, you can immediately take an antiviral drug




Increased body temperature Seldom Often above 38 degrees
Headache Seldom Pronounced
Pain Weak Peculiar, often strong
Weakness Moderate weakness Can last up to two or three weeks
Strong depletion Never Early and pronounced
Rubble Usually Sometimes
Sneezing Usually Sometimes
Angina Usually Sometimes
Discomfort in chest, cough Moderate Expressed; strong
Complications Sinusit or pain in the ears Bronchitis, pneumonia
Prevention Good hygiene Annual flu vaccination
Treatment Only temporary symptoms Anti-virus drugs (Omeltamivir or Zanamavir) within 24-48 hours from the beginning of the diseasenia

Prevention of cold

Prevention of colds is to strengthen immunity. So how to strengthen the immune system.

1. Preferably to start every morning with fresh juices. It will be vitamin recharging. Daily breakfast, lunch and dinner start with vegetables, fruits, can be in the form of salads.

2. Rest of rest after a busy labor day, which will be very useful to the entire body, in general, and the immune system, in particular. Tell at home in silence at least half an hour after work. Try not to think at this moment about anything, watch your deep smooth breathing.

3. It is very important to get enough sleep well, since a full healthy sleep strengthens the immune system. In the course of scientists conducted by scientists, it was possible to establish that people who do not have problems with sleep almost twice as much as they suffer from inflammatory chronic diseases than those who suffer from insomnia. It is also known that during sleep, all processes in the body are normalized - it comes to the norm of blood glucose, blood pressure.

4. Every day after you wake up, it is desirable to devote 15 to 20 minutes of morning charging. This conventional event will also benefit from the state of your immune system.

5. Many doctors to strengthen immunity recommend walking outdoors. If possible, it is better to replace a trip by walking on a bus or car for short distances. Movement strengthens muscles, the portability of physical exertion increases and, accordingly, the activity of the immune system is improved. Also in the fresh air improves the blood supply to the brain, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism and, among other things, the immune system.

5. Hardening is the most important method for the prevention of ARVI in our climate, it allows, if not completely avoiding "colds", then reduce the sensitivity of the body to it.

Hardening does not require very low temperatures, the contrast of exposure is important. We hardly harde the effects on the soles of the legs, on the skin of the neck, the waist. The duration of action should not be more than 10-20 minutes, more importantly repeatability of the impacts and gradually of their gain. Starting from the temperature of the water in the shower of 30-32ºС, reduce it every 2-3 days by 2ºС and after 10-15 days you reach the desired temperature (16-18ºС).

Hardening of children should be started from the first four weeks of life - to make a baby bathtubs during swarenia, gymnastics, in front of bathing. For preschoolers, it is not difficult to organize contrast air baths: before the awakening, open the window in the bedroom, reducing the temperature to 14-15 ° C and waking up the child, play with flies from warm in the cold room.

In the summer you need to give the child to run barefoot. Good harden swimming, druising with water outdoor temperatures, a game with water. In winter, it is not necessary to panic, if you easily dressed the child will come to the balcony, if suddenly the wind glowing will open the window if the child will open at night. Morning, driving barefoot in the snow, pouring cold water - dangerous and not necessary types of hardening.

Fully protecting from the "cold" disease when contacting a new virus, hardening can not. However, protection against infection in a hardened person is much more efficient than that of an unkilled one, therefore the number of ARVI, especially heavier, it will be much smaller.

Thus, summing up the foregoing, it can be noted that in order to strengthen the immunity, it is important to keep a healthy lifestyle, follow the power and get enough sleep. Beware of drafts, ice drinks, cold wind, do not walk after bathing with a wet head. Do not wash your head before bedtime. Dress up the weather, trust the thermometer outside the window, and not a sun, which shines, but does not warm. And you never catch up. Then you will be healthy and cheerful!

Influenza Prevention (Barrier Preparations)

Remantadin - Means for the prevention and treatment of influenza A for adults and children over seven years old. It is taken during the first 2-3 days of the disease (the accurate dosage must be clarified by the doctor - it fluctuates depending on the body weight). Those who communicate with a sick family member or employee, doctors recommend the preventive course: one tablet daily for 5-7 days. For schoolchildren, teachers, doctors and all who are busy in service and catering, this course is lengthened three times (ie 15 days).

Oxoline Ointment. It will protect against all modifications of the influenza virus if it lubricates the nasal mucosa in the morning and in the evening for 25 days. Its active substance "slows down" the reproduction of viruses, already penetrated into the cells, and destructive for those that only "are going" to penetrate them.

Epsilon-aminocapronic acid - Effective means of treating and preventing influenza. 1 gram of dry matter dilute 10 milliliters of boiled water and instil the nose 3-4 times a day. If the powder of this substance is mixed with pure vaseline, the ointment can be used twice a day.

Interferon human leukocytaria- Medicine for the prevention and treatment of not only flu, but also a viral runny nose, which everyone used to call Orvi. The medicine is made of human blood and contains purified proteins capable of stopping the unrestrained breeding of the virus. This drug is harmless to kids and pregnant women. While the danger of infection is preserved, interferon needs to be bought into the nose every 2 hours of 1-2 drops. If you work, another scheme will be acceptable for you: 5 drops in each nostril 2 times a day. Thus, you protect the nasal mucosa - the main "gates" of infection. For the treatment of influenza, you can use such a scheme: in the first hours of the disease, it is for 3-4 drops every 15-20 minutes for 3-4 hours, and then 4-5 times a day for 3-4 days.

Medehenamic acid. Stimulates the production of "own" interferon. With a preventive purpose, it must be taken 1 tablet 3 times a day for 5-7 days.

Specific donor immunoglobulin. It is obtained from the donor blood of volunteers (specially infected influenza), after their body has developed an antibody to the virus. This medicine is used in emergency situations: if you are coming a responsible travel, protection of dissertations, important negotiations, etc. We need these medicines in order not to replenish the group of people (by the way, it is 30 percent of the population of our country), which are sick with flu annually. Note that during pregnancy, breastfeeding, with severe diseases of the liver, kidney, cardiovascular system, during epilepsy, some thyroid diseases (for example, thyrotoxicosis), it is possible to use these drugs, only consulting the doctor during the flu epidemic is worth dramatically Your lifestyle:

- more often carry out the room in which you are;

- Travel in a crowded bus, prefer a hiking;

- Temporarily give up crowded parties

- Without extreme need, do not stand in queues;

- Before and during the epidemic period, take multivitamins (or at least vitamin C).

Recipes for the prevention of cold and flu

Prevention of cold and influenza recipe №1

The simplest option is to mix 150 grams of honey and 1 lemon, grated on a shallow grater along with the leather (or crushed in a blender).

Such a mixture can be used as a delicious medicine for the prevention of influenza and colds, in the morning on an empty stomach, drinking with a small amount of water. You can eat and just with tea as sweetness. No one even guess that he eats a preventive agent!

Prevention of cold and flu recipe №2

Very common and very effective recipe - with walnuts and dried fruits: a glass of walnuts, a glass of raisin, a glass of kuragi, lemon, 300 gr. All crushed in a blender or meat grinder, mix with honey. Take a tablespoon before eating 3 times a day.

The tool strengthens the immunity very well, it helps with weakness and overwork. It is impossible for schoolchildren's best suitable for schoolchildren, because they know no obstacle.

Prevention of cold and influenza recipe №3

Someone calls this recipe "Pasta Amosov", someone "Jewish vitamin". In any case, the thing is delicious and incredibly useful - just a storehouse of all sorts of trace elements and vitamins.

Take it all robust: Raisin, Kuraga, figs, prunes, walnuts, honey. Plus 1-2 large lemon leaf. All chop in a blender or meat grinder and mix with honey. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

In the morning, such a paste can be, for example, add to oatmeal - it turns out an incredibly useful and delicious breakfast.

Prevention of cold and influenza recipe №4

Honey-lemon bath

7 crushed lemons with a peel place in the container and fill with hot water. Leave for 2-3 hours. Then, in the prepared hot bath, pour lemons juice. Put the skin and flesh in the gauze bag and immerse in the water. Then pour honey to the bath (pre-100 g of honey it is necessary to dissolve in 100 g of warm water). Take such a preventive bath 2 times a week before bedtime for 15-20 minutes.

Prevention of cold and flu recipe №5

0.5 l vodka insist in the dark 2 tbsp. Spoons of finely peeled garlic for two weeks. Take an incomplete teaspoon (30 drops) 2-3 times a day before meals. Start take 2 months before spring and autumn. Strengthen immunity and clean the vessels. My 73-year-old familiar accepts this tincture and has not known the flu and colds for a long time. Sometimes the nose will be laid - and on this ailment will end.

Prevention of cold and influenza recipe №6

The finely chopped garlic slipper swallow an empty stomach, not chewing and not drinking water. Then there is no unpleasant feeling for any or those around you. After a week of "garlic" breakfasts, the immune system will strengthen so much that no colds in neither in the nearest, or in the future you are no longer afraid. To extend the effect, take advantage of this simple recipe for longer - and you will not catch up with years.

Prevention of cold and influenza recipe number 7

Finely cut 1 kg of white bow, fill it with 1.25 liters of cold water, close the lid tightly and boil 1 hour on the pretty heat. Then add 1 cup of sugar, hind, let it leave another 1 hour. After that, pour 1 cup of honey into the drink, hold on the heat of 30 minutes, but do not boil and then put on 1 st a spoon of souls, a hunter, a thyme and chamomile, 2 articles of coltsfoot, 1 h. A spoon of yarrow and nine root . After cooling, strain. Store drink in the refrigerator. Drink 1 tsp 3 times before meals daily.

Prevention of cold and influenza recipe №8

In a glass of warm milk, add 10 drops of garlic juice and drink before bedtime.

Prevention of cold and influenza recipe №9

Raise immunity decoction from rosehip. 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry chopped rose hips filled 0.5 glasses of boiled water and boil on low heat under the lid for 10 minutes, then insist in a warm place for 3 hours. Drink at 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day

Prevention of cold and influenza recipe number 10

Walnut jam. Take 20 green nuts finely cut and add 200 grams of sugar and mix. Jam is ready. It has a lot of useful substances that will help raise immunity and get rid of cough

Treatment of colds and flu

First of all, you need to pay attention to daily regime . If you are sick, then continue the working mode is not only dangerous, but also immoral, as it creates a threat to infection around. From the first days of the disease, it is necessary to take a sick leave (required with the flu, preferably at ARVI) and lie at home. So you will avoid complications and will not be an infection source for others.

If the patient has a large temperature, it is laid bed regime. And only on the 2nd day is semi-noar, and then the usual mode.

Due to the fact that at a temperature in the body, the amount of fluid is reduced abundant drink. Use of juices, morse, tea, simple or, better, alkaline mineral water is necessary. The sick child should drink just a day before the liter of fluid (along with the volume of liquid food). In adults, water exchange is better adjustable, but they also need to drink at least 2 liters per day. Slide on the fruits, decoctions, compote, but purchased juices and nectars contain too many sugar, and this is an excess calorie and load on the pancreas.

D. toxins output From the body it is necessary to drink 40 ml per kilogram of weight per day. Optimal liquid - clean water room temperature. For example, a patient weighing 50 kg should drink 2000 ml of water, and a sick weighing 80 kg - 3200 ml of water per day.

Moderation in food after all, the food is always a load on the body, so there is no choice during the disease. In no case should not be forcibly feeding sick children - they will not lose weight for 2-3 days of unloading. With flu, especially in the days of high temperature, it is necessary to abandon meat and heavy protein food. But when the temperature comes down with freshly chicken chicken broth. He is called "Jewish Penicillin" in the people. Once the great philosopher and the doctor Rambam cured the son of Sultan Saladin from pulmonary disease with chicken broth. The impact of the action of this fund is that in the skin chicken a lot of cysteine, promoting the removal of sputum (many acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bis known to many).

Symptomatic treatment Does not affect the cause of the disease - viruses, does not reduce the duration of the disease, but facilitates the patient's condition. The manifold of the symptoms of influenza and ARVI led to the fact that the patients sometimes use several drugs - from temperature, from pain, from a cold, from cough, from muscle and headaches, etc.

1. What to do at high temperature?

If the temperature jumped to 41 degrees, then it is necessary to take urgent measures to reduce it, otherwise fiber cramps can begin. In children reduce the temperature must be started with 38.5-39 degrees, since a small body tolerates it worse

Some children feel bad even at a temperature of 37.5. In this case, of course. It is necessary to use antipyretic agents. It is impossible to increase the temperature in children with neurological diseases.

Figure 42 on the thermometer scale is critical. Increasing the temperature to such a mark disrupts the features of the brain. In this case, it is necessary to call an ambulance

But reducing the temperature is not necessarily enough to grab the pills. At first, it is enough to normalize the body's water balance. The fact is that the high body temperature leads to dehydration. Therefore, it is necessary to drink more water, tea, juice. Especially good drinks with anti-inflammatory and antipyretic herbs.

If you accepted the antipyretic but the temperature has already reached 40 degrees, then it is necessary to wipe the patient with the following composition.: Alcohol, water, vinegar is mixed in equal portions. Such wipes will reduce the temperature in 30 seconds by 1 degree, which is simply necessary when the temperature is already 40 degrees, and the medicine has not yet started to act.

Open another secret. In pharmacies now a large number of antipyretic funds, but they all contain either Ibufen or paracetamol. If, after receiving the antipyretic with Ibufen, the temperature is not reduced within an hour, you can take another antipyretic but already with paracetamol.

If the flu proceeds without complications, the fever continues 2-4 days and the disease ends for 5-10 days. Possible repeated lifts of body temperature, however, they are usually due to the layering of the bacterial flora or other viral respiratory infection.

2. Treatment of a runny nose

Most patients prefer to use vasoconducting drops into the nose, considering them completely safe. And this is not quite so. Many drops are easy to overdose, especially in children. Vasomotoring drops improve nose breathing only in the first three days of the disease. In the following days, the physiological solution (or its analogues is most effectively cleaning (or its counterparts, including a cooked home of a salt salt - on ½ cup of salt water at the knife tip), 2-3 pipettes in each nostril 3-4 times a day - In a position lying on the back with a hanging down and back head. By the way, such treatment contributes to the removal of microbes and is quite efficient from the first hours of ORVI.

In the presence of a purulent rhino, they are sometimes prescribed in the nose of "Potargol" drops, but without a council with a doctor, it is not necessary to apply them. Antibiotics in the nose can not be applied - they easily cause allergies. Also do not bury oil drops into the nose - they easily fall into the lungs, where they provoke the formation of chairs of chronic inflammation

3. Treatment of sore throat.Well helps warm drinking - tea with jam or honey, milk with a pinch of soda. The throat is spooling with tincture and chalfts, chamomile, calendula, salt solution (on the tip of the knife on ½ glass of water) (1-2%) with the addition of soda chopping. It is possible to use numerous pastels and sprays sold in a pharmacy, mint pills.

4. Treatment of cough which often accompanies ORVI due to the inflammation of the pharynx and the plugness of the mucus from the nasopharynx in the larynx, does not require special efforts except those described above (nasal toilet, softening means). Beneficial means of central action (glauzin, butamirate, dextromethorphan) show their effect only with a dry cough, which, with ORVI, usually becomes wet quickly, and with it these means are contraindicated. Expectorant means stimulate the cough center in the brain, they are represented in pharmacies a large number of non-prescription mixes, but it should be remembered that young children can cause vomiting, as well as allergic reactions.

The study of some of these tools has shown the same efficiency with sugar syrup with a night cough in patients with ORVI, and a spoon of buckwheat honey reassured the night cough even better than the medicine. Similar studies gave the basis of WHO Recommend the treatment of ARVI to be limited to "domestic means": tea with lemon, jam or honey, milk with alkali (soda, alkaline mineral water), which from time immemorial served as reliable means when coughing

Medicines for the prevention and treatment of cold and flu

1. Antiviral medicines: Groprinosin, Tamiflu, Releza (including high-pathogenic swine flu virus N1H1), amiksin, Kagelin, remantadine, Inhavirin, Orvimime (remantadine) Syrup for children, Viferon, amiksin antiviral

2. Immunostimulating medicines: Arbidol, Ocilloccinum Homeopathic Granules, Garl Homeopathic Tablets, Immunal Drops and Tablets, Flupopheferon Drops for Emergency Prevention, Derinat, Anaferon Homeopathic Preparation, Inflocid and Aflube Homeopathic Preparations, Cordradflu, IRD, IRS 19 -.

3. For symptomatic treatment of cold and flu Coldrels Tablets, Powders, Syrup, Teraflu in different forms, Ferwex Powders, Gripopoflu Powders, Talka, Codelmikst, Lexipal Powders, Agri (Antigrippin) Homeopathic Tools, Antigrippin Ferry Tablets, Rinzasp Powders, Rens

4. J. arching Anti-inflammatory drugs Panadol (including children's forms), Effergangan (including children's forms), Nurofen (including children).

5. Preparations for treatment, prevention inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx Strepsils, Faliment, Anti-Angine Formula, Faringosept, HomeOneopes Homeopathic Dragee, Hexoral.

6. Antitussive and mucolytic drugs: Lazolyvan (including a solution for inhalations), ADC, Synecode (including Children), Fluditec, Codelak in different forms, Liebexin.

7. Extraplast plaster-compress At temperatures and symptoms of colds in children; Plock to relieve nasal breathing in children's cutting.

8. With a cold Tizin Ksilo and Tizin Ksilo Bio, Vibrotil, Ximelin Extra, Nazivin (including for children), naphtizin - vasoconductive nasal drops during routine; Rinofluuimucil, Sinuopret - diluting mucus preparations (with a cold).

9. Drugs allowed for use in pregnant women: antipyretic - Panadol, in the nose - Aqua Maris, Pinosol, oxolin ointment; From cough - Dr. Mom, Gedelix, for rinsing - chamomile decoctions, eucalyptus.

10. During the epidemic in public places it is advisable to apply barrier means of protection:

Oxolin ointment; Nazawal plus spray (barrier ringing agent is an invisible mask).

11. Tools and devices for washing the nasopharynx Akwalor (sea water); Dolfin ("Nasal shower"); Sprays for irrigation Physiomer (sea water), detachment of the sea (including Razimin Baby in newborns), Quicks (sea water), Maeriner, Humera (Seawater), Aqua Maris Sea Water.

Antiviral medicines in the treatment of flu

There are no radical means for treating influenza and today. This is due to the fact that the influenza virus is constantly changing. There are two groups of anti-infamous drugs with a specific antiviral action with proven clinical efficiency:

amantadine, Rimantadine and their analogues

zanyvir, Omeltamivir.

In the treatment and prevention of influenza, nonspecific antiviral drugs are also used, they include:

interferon and interferon inductors,

Immunoglobulins are used to bind viruses and their toxins. They are prescribed with severe complicated forms of influenza intravenously in the hospital. In medical practice, the anti-influenza donor gamma globulin (immunoglobulin) and human immunoglobulin are polyvalentin are used. At home, these drugs are not prescribed.

1. Amantadine, Rimantadine and their analogues

Suppress the reproduction of viruses, but have a narrow spectrum of action - effective only with respect to various strains of influenza virus type A. are used for the prevention and early treatment of influenza. These studies have shown that the appointment of these drugs during the first 48 hours from the beginning of the disease leads to a reduction in the duration of flu symptoms. And if they are prescribed before the appearance of the symptoms of the disease, they can prevent the development of the disease. Unfortunately, the amantadine and Rimantadine often forms resistance and these drugs become ineffective to the 5th day of treatment in third of the patients. According to the Center for Control and Prevention of Diseases - CDC (USA), resistance to Amantadin and Rimantadine increased. Therefore, in the 2006-2007 season. CDC experts did not recommend applying Amantadine and Rimantadine to prophylaxis, nor for the treatment of influenza A. In addition, these drugs have side effects, such as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (abdominal pain, nausea, decrease in appetite) and 5-10 % of patients violation of the functions of the central nervous system (excitement, anxiety, insomnia).

Amantadin (Trade names: Mudeadan, Midtan, PC Merz)

Antiviral and, at the same time, anti-phaquinsonic drug, reduces the duration of the symptoms of the disease by 50%. It is appointed in the first 48 hours from the beginning of the disease at a dose of 200 mg per day inside; The duration of therapy is 3-5 days or 48 hours after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease. Currently, for the treatment and prevention of influenza, it is rarely used due to side effects.

Rimantadin (trade names: remantadine, alginime)

To date, the main preparation for the treatment and prevention of influenza caused by the A. virus is produced in the form of tablets and syrup for children. It must be taken inside after eating, drinking water. For the treatment of influenza, 100 mg is prescribed at 100 mg 2 times a day for 5-7 days after the symptoms of the disease. Elderly patients in the nursing homes, as well as with severe kidney and liver damage - 100 mg 1 time per day. The treatment of influenza and should be started for 24-48 hours after the appearance of symptoms of the disease and continue within 5-7 days.

Alginime. (rimantadine for children older than 1 year)

Dosage form - syrup. For the treatment of influenza, algire is taken according to the following scheme:

children from 1 to 3 years old - in 1 day 10 ml (2 teaspoons) of syrup (20 mg of rimantadine) 3 times a day (daily dose of 60 mg); 2 and 3 days - 10 ml 2 times a day (daily dose - 40 mg); 4 day - 10 ml 1 time per day (daily dose of 20 mg).

Children from 3 to 7 years old: in 1 day - 15 ml (3 teaspoons) syrup (30 mg) 3 times a day (daily dose - 90 mg); 2 and 3 days - 3 teaspoons 2 times a day (daily dose of 60 mg); Day 4 - 3 teaspoons 1 time per day (daily dose of 30 mg).


Is an analogue of Rimantadina. Antiviral action has an anti-influenza type A virus, as well as a hypotensive and sedative effect. According to the mechanism of action, it is similar to remantine. It is used to treat flu. Produced in tablets of 50 mg. Treatment scheme: in the 1st day of 0.1 g 3 times, in the 2nd and 3rd - 0.1 g 2 times, in the 4th - 0.1 g 1 time. In the 1st day of the disease, a single reception is possible at a dose of 0.3 g (instead of 3 times 0.1 g). Take inside before eating. When taking the drug decreases blood pressure and drowsiness appears. Contraindications are the same as for Rimantadina. Datiforin is not intended to appoint treatment without the participation of a doctor.


It has antiviral activity against influenza viruses A and B. On antiviral activity is close to Rimantadina. It is used for prevention and early treatment during the flu epidemic. Produced in tablets of 50 mg.

The method of application and dose: inside, after eating, in 200 mg 1 time per day, daily within 4 days.


Domestic antiviral chemotherapy. Tablets are available in 0.1 g and in capsules of 0.05 g and 0.1 g. The mechanism of antiviral action is not accurately installed. It is believed that the drug specifically suppresses the viruses of influenza A and B, and also stimulates the products of interferon and normalizes the immune system. It is used for the treatment and prevention of influenza caused by viruses A and B. Therapeutic effect is expressed in reducing the symptoms of influenza and the duration of the disease. Warns the development of postgrippose complications, reduces the frequency of exacerbations of chronic diseases. Accepted inside. Treatment scheme.

Adults and children over 12 years old: 0.2 g every 6 hours for 3-5 days;

Children 6-12 years old: for treatment - 0.1 g every 6 hours for 3-5 days;

Children 2-6 years old: for treatment - 0.05 g every 6 hours for 3-5 days

Arbidol. Flu prophylaxis.

Ribavirin (Trade name Arviron, Ribamidil, Virazol, Rebeatol, etc.)

The drug is very close to Amantadine, equal to him by efficiency, less often gives side effects. Suppresses the reproduction of influenza a and q viruses for treating influenza is taken in capsules of 200 mg 3 - 4 times a day for 3 to 5 days. Treatment should be started at the first sign of the disease. It can be assigned to children over 6 years of 10 mg / kg per day at 3 - 4 receptions. Course - 5 days.

2. Zanyvir and Ozheletamivir

This is a new class of specific anti-influenza drugs. These drugs are effective for influenza A and in types, the principle of their action is to inactivate the enzyme necessary for the influenza virus for growth and reproduction. Effective both in prevention and in the treatment of influenza caused by influenza A and V. If you begin to take these drugs immediately after the first symptoms appear, they can reduce the duration of the disease for one day or more. Omeltamivir is a drug for taking inside, while Zanamivir is intended for inhalation use, similar to the inhaler used in bronchial asthma, and it should not be used to patients with bronchial asthma or lung diseases. In 1999, they were approved for the treatment of influenza A and in control over drug control and food - FDA (USA).

Both drugs can cause side effects, such as: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and difficulty in breathing. They can also contribute to the development of resistance to antiviral therapy in the virus, but rarely in 2% of cases.

Zanyvir (Trade name Zanamivir, Releza)

Released in the form of a dosage powder for inhalation in Rotadiski. Treatment should be started no later than 36 hours after the first symptoms appear. Inhaled with a dishefer. Treatment: adults and children over 7 years old - 2 inhalations 2 times a day for 5 days. The total daily dose is 20 mg.

Oseltamivir (Trade name Tamiflu)

Produced in 75 mg capsules. It is accepted inside, regardless of meals no later than 48 hours from the beginning of the development of flu symptoms of 1 tablet 2 times a day for 5 days. Contraindicated in children under 12 years and with severe renal failure.

In November 2006, the manufacturer Tamiflu demanded to include a warning about the fact that after applying the Tamiflu in patients with influenza, especially in children, the risk of confusion of consciousness increases and may cause self-injury. It was recommended to conduct a thorough observation of patients using Tamiflu to early detect signs of abnormal behavior. Discuss the possible side effects with your doctor before the start of antiviral therapy.

Research results have shown that the use of ozheltonivir significantly reduces the frequency of the development of influenza complications, such as pneumonia and bronchitis, requiring the appointment of antibiotics both in healthy and risk groups. There are separate reports of decreasing influenza mortality and its complications in patients with risk groups that took Omeltamivir.

3. Interferons

Interferons are used to treat and prevent various viral infections, including flu and other ARVI. The main effect of interferon is due to the fact that they activate substances that slow down the reproduction of viruses. Since the mechanism of their action is universal, they are effective for any viral infections. In the treatment of influenza and other ARVI, the following interferon preparations are used: the native leukocytar interferon alpha is made of human blood. The use of this drug in the 1st day of the disease is able to suspend or soften the flow of influenza and a number of other ORVI. 1000 units / ml in the form of nasal drops of 5 drops in the nasal moves 4-6 times a day. Less effective than recombinant interferon drugs.

Recombinant Interferon Alpha 2β (tradename Viferon )

No components of human blood are obtained by genetically engineering. It has a pronounced antiviral action, protects cells from damage, activates the immune system, has antioxidant activity. It has proven high efficiency for ORVI and flu. Viferon can be taken to everyone, including pregnant women and children, including newborns and premature.

Vifer Suppositories are made in 4 versions, depending on the number of interferon, which is part of 1 suppository: 150 thousand meters, 500 thousand meters, 1 million meters, 3 million meters of interferon in one candle, respectively. In addition to interferon, Vitamins E and C are included in the candles.

Viferon-1.Realous candles for children of chest and preschool age are prescribed 150,000 meters in one candle in combination with vitamins E and C.

Viferon-2. Rectal candles of 500,000 students on 1 candle daily with a 12-hour interval for 5-10 days.

Viferon-3, 4. Rectal candles of 1 and 3 million for adults.

Viferon ointment for the nose. Lubricate the nasal moves 2 times a day during the entire period of the disease. You can combine with rectal candles.

Recombinant interferon alpha2. (Trade name Amphipferon, Alfaferron, Interlock, Inferon, Leukinferon, Lokferon, Realdiron, Sventeron, Egiferon)

Mix of various subtypes of natural interferon alpha. Does not contain blood components. Get genetically engineering. The mechanism of action, indications are similar to the recombinant alpha2b interferon. With influenza and ORVI are prescribed for treatment and prophylaxis in the nose. The most frequently used drug is flu. Unlike a candle, the drops in the nose prevent the breeding of viruses in the nasal mucosa, that is, where they penetrate the body. The mechanism of action is based on preventing the reproduction of any viruses entering the body through the respiratory tract. Already on the second day of the drug, the patient significantly reduces the number of viruses allocated during breathing, and, accordingly, decreases the risk of infection with people in contact with him. Blocks the reproduction of all types of human viruses, affecting the respiratory tract. And, given that during the "epidemic of the influenza", the flu is sick with only 10 to 25% infected, and the rest suffer from other respiratory diseases against which vaccination and fluids do not protect, the flu is especially useful in this situation, since:

Has a high healing efficiency

Highly efficient as a drug emergency prevention of influenza and other ORVI

There is no effect of addiction to the action of the drug

Viruses are unable to gain resistance to infrapperone (interferon does not interact with viruses, it blocks the playback mechanism)

Non-toxic and safe

Allowed to use in children to one year, including newborns.

Allowed to use in pregnant women.

By 60-70% reduces the number of complications in patients with ORVI

50-70% reduces the number of medications taken by patients

No contraindications on compatibility with other drugs, including antiviral drugs.

Can be used in conjunction with vaccine-philatics

Tens times reduces the amount of viruses of viruses from the nose in patients with acute respiratory infection (analog bandage), that is, significantly reduces the contagiousness of the patient.

It has a pronounced anti-epidemic effect.

Assign a place in the nose. In the first hours, the diseases are buried in each nasal stroke of several drops (age norm) every 15-20 minutes for 3-4 hours, then 4-5 times a day for 3-4 days.

children up to 1 year - 1 drop in each nasal stroke 5 times a day (one-time dose 1,000 me, daily dose 5,000 IU);

children from 1 to 3 years - 2 drops in each nasal stroke 3-4 times a day (one-time dose 2000 me, daily - 6000 - 8000 me);

children from 3 to 14 years old - 2 drops in each nasal stroke 4-5 times a day (one-time dose 2000 me, daily dose 8000-10000 me);

adults - 3 drops in each nasal stroke 5-6 times a day (one-time dose 3 000 me, daily dose of 15,000 - 18,000 me).

Recombinant interferon gamma (trade name inhanaron)

No components of human blood are obtained by genetically engineering. It has pronounced antiviral, immunostimulating and immunomodulatory action. It is used in the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI, including at the "avian influenza" in the composition of comprehensive therapy. Produced in solution for intranasal use. At the first signs of the influenza or ARVI, there are 2 drop of ingaron in each nasal stroke after the toilet of the nasal strokes 5 times a day for 5-7 days. After instillation, it is recommended to massate the nose wings with your fingers for a few minutes for the uniform distribution of the ingarone in the nasal cavity. Children under 7 years old are not prescribed.

4. Interferon inductors

This is a group of natural and synthetic compounds that cause the formation of their own interferon in the patient's body and thus antiviral, immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory effect. Antiviral action is associated with the suppression of the breeding of the virus. Effective against many viruses, including influenza viruses and ARVI. Apply in children over 7 years old. The most studied and widely used in the treatment of patients with synthetic compounds: amixin, cycloferon, neovir.

Tilororon (trade names Amixin, Lavegox)

Produced in tablets. The peak of the formation of Interferon falls for 18 hours from the moment of its introduction. Fully disappears from the blood flow to 48 o'clock. Take inside, after eating, for the treatment of flu and other ORVIs according to the following scheme:

adults 125-250 mg / day for 1-2 days, then 125 mg after 48 hours. Course 1 week (but not more than 6 tablets per course);

children over 7 years old - 60 mg per day in the first 2 days, then 60 mg after 48 hours (only 3-4 tablets).

Methylglukin acryon acetate (trade name Cycloferon )

Available in 150 mg tablets. The peak of interferon products reaches 8 hours from the moment of its introduction and is saved to 48-72 hours. It combines well with other drugs used in the treatment of influenza and ARVI. Does not cause side effects. Allowed in pediatric practice - a tableted form from 4 years, a solution for injection - from year to prevent and treat influenza and ARVI. Flu treatment diagram and ORVI:

In adults: four pills for reception inside 30 minutes before meals, not chewing on 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 days (20 tablets). Treatment must be started at the first symptoms of infection. With severe flu flow, six tablets are accepted on the first day.

In children, cycloferon is appointed in the following age doses:

At the age of 4-6 years 150 mg (one tablet),

at the age of 7-11 years 300-450 mg (2-3 tablets),

older than 12 years 450-600mg (3-4 tablets) at the reception once a day

With influenza and ORVI, the drug is prescribed in age doses to 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 days and then one every three days. The course of treatment is from 5 to 15 methods depending on the gravity of the condition and severity of clinical symptoms.

Oxodigidroactor sodium (trade name Neovir )

It is the inducer of the last generation interferon. It is used in the prevention and treatment of heavy influenza forms and other ORVI intramuscularly. Its feature is high efficiency in the treatment of herpes infection. Even after the first injection, 60% of patients cease rash, soreness disappears. The possibility of using the drug for children, people of elderly, pregnant and nursing women are not investigated. Contraindication to the use of neovir is a pronounced deficiency of the kidney function.

Treatment scheme: intramuscularly 250 mg (1 ampoule) or 4-6 mg per kg of body weight. Course treatment: 5-7 injections with an interval of 48 hours. Course duration: 10-15 days.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cold and flu

For a long time, folk remedies in the form of irregularities have been used for the treatment of cold and influenza. Modern medicine came to the fact that inhalations over hot pores need to be prohibited, as this can lead to a deterioration in the state of the patient and further promotion of the virus into the lungs. But no one refused from the bravery. Here are some folk recipes

one . Black currant leaf tea with cold

2-3 tbsp. Spoons of dry crushed leaf of black currant pour into a porcelain kettle with steep boiling water, insist 10-15 minutes and drink hot at half a glass - a glass 2-3 times a day with a cold and flu.

2. Infusion of Sage at Orz

Prepare the infusion of the Drug Salfius of the Medicine in the ratio of 1:20 and drinking it 1/4 cup 3 times a day with sharp respiratory diseases and protracted bronchitis.

Infusion of Sage has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, softening, binding and hemostatic actions.

3. Broth of blackberry leaves when cold

Take 3 tbsp. Spoons of dry shredded blackberry leaves Size, pour 0.5 liters of boiled water, cook on low heat for 7-10 minutes, insist of half an hour - hour, strain and drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day with colds and influenza.

The decoction of blackberry leaves has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, coat, expectorant and soothing effects.

4. Infusion of elderberry black with honey with cold

1 tbsp. A spoonful of elderberry fouls with a glass of steep boiling water, withstand 15 minutes on a boiling water bath, then remove and give cooling at room temperature. After 30-40 minutes, the infusion is strain, add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of honey, stirring and take 1/4 cup 2-3 times a day as a coating agent with a cold.

5. Milk with honey with cold

Every year, the inhabitants of our country spend on anti-virus drugs from cold and flu more than thirty billion rubles. Some choose an effective medicine on the recommendations of the pharmacist, others in bright advertising, price, beautiful packaging, the advice of girlfriend or neighbor, and someone comes correctly and goes to the doctor. I want to introduce a list of the most popular and efficient antiviral drugs. And also familiarize you with the peculiarities of each influenza. Quickly put you "on your feet."

All drugs from influenza, depending on the mechanism of their action, can be divided into the following groups:

  1. vaccine preparations that stimulate the production of antibodies to influenza causative agents;
  2. preparations that increase the protective properties of the body by activating interferon generation;
  3. true antiviral drugs that suppress the virus reproduction due to the inactivation of neuromidase (oseltamivir, zamevir) and those that block the M2 channels of the viral cell (amantadine, remantadine).

Effective fluids from influenza and ARVI are new drugs that are on the market for more than 10-40 years. Their "young age" is explained by prolonged tests before they went on sale. To your attention a list of drugs in which the best preparations from influenza and ORVI presented:

  • Inhavirin;
  • Remantadine;

Inhavirin is an effective medicine against influenza, ARVI and other diseases of viral etiology. Inhavirin, although a new medicine, but managed to earn good reviews from those who tried it for treatment and.

The basis of the drug of vitaglutam or imidazolyetanamide pentandionic acid.

Mechanism of action. The drug has antiviral, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Inhabirin is adversely acting on adenoviral infection, flu, and in, respiratory syncytial virus, paragripping virus. Activates the production of interferons, cytotoxic lymphocytes (T-killers) in the body. Vitaglutum suppresses the breeding of the virus at the stage of the formation of the kernel.

By reducing the production of inflammatory proteins, the drug removes inflammation.

Inhavirin perfectly removes intoxicating symptoms, catarrhal phenomena leads to a speedy normalization of body temperature.

Side effects rarely occur in the form of non-heavy allergic reactions.

The drug does not apply with increased sensitivity to its components and in children.

Inhavirin is capsules for receiving inside of 60 mg and 90 mg. The average price in Russia:

  • Inhavirin 60 mg, 7 capsules - 380 rubles;
  • Inhavirin 90 mg, 7 capsules - 480 rubles.

Arbidol is a good medicine for influenza and ORVI, which consists of umiphenovir and auxiliary substances.

Mechanism Action: Tablets Arbidol have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Umiphenovir perfectly copes with flu viruses A and B, coronavirus associated with severe respiratory syndrome by blocking the merger of the viral cell's fat membrane with the cell membrane. Increases the products of interferon, immune cells, enhances the activity of phagocytes.

The drug is well tolerated patients. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur.

The drug does not apply with increased sensitivity to its constituent and in children until three years.

There are no data on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Arbidol does not affect the speed of physical and mental reactions, so it can be used in patients whose activities require increased attention.

The arbidol is produced in the form of tablets of 50 mg, capsules of 100 mg, 200 mg, powder for suspension 25mg / 5 ml bottle 37 g,

The average price in Russia:

  • Arbidol 50 mg, 10 tablets -180 rubles;
  • Arbidol 100 mg, 10 capsules - 250 rubles;
  • Arbidol is a maximum of 200 mg, 10 capsules - 500 rubles;
  • Arbidol powder for suspension 25mg / 5 ml bottle 37 g - 300 rubles.

Tamiflu - the most effective cure for swine flu and influenza V. Tamiflu consists of oseltamivir and auxiliary substances.

The drug is widely used for the prevention and treatment of swine flu and other influenza airpasses A and V.

Mechanism Action: The drug with a pronounced antiviral action for influenza viruses A and V. Tamiflu acts directly to the virus by inhibiting neuromidase, without which the virus cannot apply to the body and multiply.

The drug effectively reduces the intensity and risk of complications, shortens the contagious period. When using the drug in order to prevent influenza, 90% of people taking tamiflu are not ill.

Tamiflu does not develop resistance.

The drug does not apply with increased sensitivity to its constituent and renal failure.

When pregnancy and lactation, the Tamiflu is prescribed with caution when the expected effect exceeds the risk of adverse reactions and the pathology of the fetus.

Side effect of the drug:

  • dyspepsia: Nausea and vomiting are observed after receiving the first dose. With further reception, dyspepsia passes;
  • very rarely: diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, cramps, cough, insomnia, malaise, nasal bleeding, decrease in hearing, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, urticaria, bronchitis, sinusitis, increasing lymph nodes.

Note! In some patients who took the Tamiflu for the prevention or treatment of influenza, convulsions and violations of the Consciousness of the Type of Deliya were observed. The cause of such reactions was not possible to find out.

Tamiflu is produced in the form of capsules of 30 mg, 45 mg, 75 mg and powder for a suspension of 12 mg / 1 ml.

The average price in Russia:

  • Tamiflu Capsules 75 mg 10 pcs. - 1360 rubles;
  • Tamiflu Powder for suspension 12 mg / 1 ml bottle 30 g - 1140 rubles.

Replanes and Tamiflu are anti-virus drugs from influenza A and V. The active substance of the drug - Zanamivir. Releza is produced in the form of a powder for inhalations through a dischecher.

Mechanism Action: The drug has a pronounced antiviral effect on influenza viruses A and V. Zanamivir acts selectively for the virus, by inhibiting neuromidase, without which the virus cannot be distributed in the body and multiply.

The drug effectively reduces the intensity of influenza symptoms, reduces the risk of complications and shortens the contagious period. Reseability does not develop resistance.

The drug does not apply with increased sensitivity to its components. Patients with bronchospasm in history, require careful observation in the treatment of Relemsa.

Side effect of the drug:

  • allergic reactions: urticaria, swelling of quinque, rarely with Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necroliz.
  • bronchospasm;

Note! In some patients who conducted inhalations of radleys for the treatment of influenza, bronchospasm and violation of breathing were observed. If you are sick of asthma or chronic bronchitis when using Releza, have an inhaler with salbutomol or another bronchoditator.

The average price in Russia:

  • Relay 20 doses with dischaler. - 1200 rubles.


Remantadine is an old proven remedy for the prevention and treatment of influenza and GRVI and tick-borne encephalitis based on Rimantadine.

The mechanism of action of the drug. The drug has an antiviral action. Remantadine is the Amantadine derivative (anti-parkinsonic drug), which stops the process of reproduction of the virus. The preparation is effective at the beginning of the disease.

Reception remantadadine is contraindicated to persons with acute pathology of the liver, acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys, thyrotoxicosis, increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. Remantadine is not prescribed pregnant.

Adverse reactions:

  • violation of attention and concentration, sleep impairment, headaches, dizziness, irritability, fast fatigue;
  • dry mouth, rejection of food, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

Attention! The drug is prescribed to faces with hypertension and older people, as it increases the risk of stroke.

Remantadine is produced in the form of tablets of 50 mg and a capsules of 100 mg.

The average price in Russia:

  • Remantadine 50 mg, tablets 20 pcs. - 205 rubles;
  • Remantadine 100 mg, capsules 10 pcs. - 160 rubles;

Amixin, as above, the names of influenza and ARVI are widely used for their treatment and prevention. The basis of amiksina - Tiloron.

Mechanism of action. Amixin has good antiviral and immunomine effects, by increasing the formation of interferon cells of the intestinal, liver, T-lymphocytes and neutrophils. The drug also suppresses the reproduction by the virus due to the cessation of the transmission of viral proteins. AMICIN Active in relation to influenza viruses, hepatitis A, B, C, herpes, cytomegalovirus,

The drug is not used with increased sensitivity to its components, in children before seven age, pregnant and nursing mothers.

Adverse reactions arise rarely in the form of nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, allergic manifestations.

AMICSIN is produced in the form of tablets covered with a shell of 60 mg and 125 mg.

The average price in Russia:

  • Amixin 60 mg, 10 tablets - 600 rubles;
  • Amixin 125 mg, 6 tablets - 700 rubles.

Antiviral drugs should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to choose an effective and safe drug for you, given your age, the severity of the disease and the accompanying pathology. Self-medication can harm your body.

Viral diseases have a certain incubation period. During this time, measures can be taken to minimize intoxication and complications. But few people know what to do at the first symptoms of influenza and what to take.

In order to take adequate measures, everyone should understand the nature of the viral disease and its flow, know how to treat the first signs. It is also necessary to understand the types of influenza, with consequences arising from here. In general, we will study the problem in order.

It is important to know what to take at the first signs of influenza

In contrast to colds, which are often confused with a flu due to similar symptoms, the flu arises suddenly and a certain sequence of emerging signs is characterized for it. If you remember them, everyone will know what to do with influenza symptoms.

  1. The disease arises due to infection from a sick person through the air, with sneezing, cough. First of all, viruses are settled on the mucous membrane of the respiratory channels - nose, larynx. It is for this reason that the first symptom is a hole in the throat, the swelling, because of which the nose is laid, there is a headache, fatigue, lethargy.
  2. Then the pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the epithelium cells and blood flow. Thus, they easily reach internal organs, respiratory tract. At the same time, the immune system is entering the struggle, destroying viruses, because of which the body temperature is growing. But there is a big minus, in the struggle and healthy cells, the products of decay of dead viruses and cells poison blood, inxication occurs. Hence the lobs in the body, headache, pain in muscles, dizziness.
  3. The first 2 points reflect the condition of the person with a light form, moderately. If it does not take measures to treat influenza, a heavy and hyperstoxic stage occurs. With severe, chills occurs, the temperature grows over the mark of 38.5 degrees, pain in the muscles, joints, the head is enhanced.
  4. The hyperstoxic stage is characterized by nausea, vomiting, convulsions.

IMPORTANT: Symptoms such as red rash by body, convulsions, vomiting signals the powerful poisoning of the body and the attachment of hazardous bacteria, causing diseases such as meningitis, pneumonia, encephalitis, bronchitis, otitis, etc. The urgent hospitalization of the patient and intensive therapy is necessary.

First signs of influenza disease: what to do

Acute respiratory viral infection may occur in different shapes. It all depends on the type of virus, the body's immune system and the treatment measures taken. We have already briefly studied which symptoms are accompanied by a flu, and we can determine whether this disease began or a banal cold originated. If, unfortunately, the signs correspond to the influenza, it is required to immediately begin to influence viruses and strengthen the immune system.

What to do at the first signs of influenza - Available methods

Viral infection affects the whole organism, the patient feels weakness, loses its forces, the immune system is suppressed. To preserve the supply of internal potential, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • At the first symptoms of colds and influenza are at rest and observe the bed mode. The body needs to gain strength to resist viral attacks. Even the slightest physical exertion can be tired of the patient, which contributes to the reproduction and dissemination of infection by body.
  • Drink more fluid. Water performs a number of very valuable functions. Firstly, it cleans the body from toxins, slags, withdrawing them through the urine, sweat and other produce of life. Secondly, a normal operation of organs, optimal thermoregulation and heat exchange, is needed to combat the virus, which is possible only in the presence of a certain volume of fluid. Thirdly, to facilitate the influenza state - dryness, merges in the throat, swelling it is necessary to moisten what happens with abundant drinking water. What to drink: warm water, milk, herbal teas, compotes, frost, juices.
  • How to treat the first signs of flu with nutrition - change the diet. It should be abandoned by harmful food: conservation, smoked, salting, roasted, oily, sweet, confectionery, alcohol. This type of product contains carbohylogen, fats, carbohydrates and other harmful substances. Components suppress the work of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, kidneys, liver, poison blood, which helps to reduce the level of immunity. It's time to draw attention to healthy diet - vegetables, fruits, greens, legumes, buckwheat, rice croup. Crude cereals, bran, fish, white meat perfectly clean the body from slags, regulate metabolic processes, enhance cell regeneration. Literally a week after the start of a healthy diet, there is a tide of strength, cheerfulness, energy, which minimizes the risk of complications for influenza.
  • Forget about bad habits. Smoking clogs the respiratory tract, lungs, bronchi, trachea. Finding into our body, the tobacco smoke allocates carcinogens, clogs the fabric, which is why oxygen fasting, vessel spasms occur. The work of cardiac, vascular, nervous, endocrine, urogenital systems, gasts is disturbed. Chronic diseases arise, directly affecting the suppression of immunity.
  • Reduce the stay time at parties. Disco, Nightclubs with overestimated health clubs are a real seatingman for infectious diseases, including influenza virus. The reason for this is a large accumulation of people and excessive waste of energy, vitality. It is better to abandon such entertainment and spend time in walks on the outdoor, fresh air, playing the ball, badminton. The best way to strengthen the domestic potential is the morning jogging, swimming, sports walking.
  • We harnessed. It is better to engage in hardening before the influenza virus struck. Take a contrasting shower, in about 2-3 weeks, start dosing with cold water. Useful walks on the grass on a barefoot. Stop massage, activation of points that respond to improved blood circulation and cell regeneration.

Smoking for the time of illness should be forgotten

Treatment at the first signs of influenza

Given the fact that the flu is a viral infection, antiviral therapy is necessary.

Than to be treated at the first signs of influenza

At the first signs of influenza, a specialist consultation and accurate diagnosis of the disease followed by effective treatment.

  • So, what to drink at the first signs: to exterminate a viral infection, it is recommended to receive equipment such as Amantadine, Remantadine, Kagole, Tamiflu.
  • According to scientists research, the maximum effect brings drugs based on natural interferon. Immunostimulants, immunomodulators of type Aflub, Viferon, Keeferon, Amizon and others stimulate the production of immune cellular protein and the body struggles independently with pathogenic microorganisms.
  • To reduce the mark on the thermometer, ibuprofen, paracetamol is prescribed. These funds have not only antipyretic, but anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and painkillers.

Important: To the mark of 38.5 degrees, the temperature is not recommended. There is a struggle of the cells of the body with viruses, and when the temperature is reduced, it is observed in the work of immunity and the risk of developing complications.

High temperatures will help to cope ibuprofen

  • As for the treatment of children, that is, the opinion of the harm for the children's body based on paracetamol. In this case, the appropriate means will be visifered in the form of rectal candle, ointment, tablets.
  • What to take to reduce the swelling, itching, the release of the respiratory channels is antihistamine Tueva, Supratin, Dizolin, Eden, and others.
  • Analgin, Ibuprofen, Spasmalgon, Salpaden, Tylenol are prescribed as anesthestication.

Important: Many parents in habit give drugs based on acetylsalicylates to children, which is categorically unacceptable. Aspirin causes the kids to the Ray syndrome - bleeding and increasing the permeability of the mucous membrane.

In the treatment, combined drugs are also used, which includes painkillers, antispasmodic, bronchorants, antihistamines, antiviral, antipyretic, sedatives: combigipripp, antigrippin, Coldrel, pharmacitro, etc.

What you need to do at the first symptoms of influenza: folk and accessible methods

  • Strengthen the protective functions of the body will help vitamin C contained in lemon, orange, tangerine, sweet pepper. But the champion in the content of ascorbic acid is a rosehip. It is necessary 2 tablespoons of fruits boil 15 minutes to the floor of a water liter and add to tea from the ratio of 1 to 3. Drink as ordinary tea 4-5 times a day per cup.
  • With the damage to the mucous membrane, it arises in the throat, which indicates the localization of viruses in the respiratory channels. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently apply the means of local destination for the lesion of microorganisms - streptocid, phaliament, lemon, mint lollipops, sprays with the content of antiviral components.
  • To destroy viruses in the nasal sinuses, removal of the swelling to apply the drops of Galazoline, pharmaceutical, naphtizin, etc.

Streptocid will help cure the hole in the throat

What to drink at the first signs of influenza

Even if the first symptoms are obvious, it is not too late to engage in the strengthening of immunity by folk remedies:

  1. Tea with lemon and honey. It is desirable that the drink is cooled, and honey in the size of one teaspoon to use as an additional component.
  2. Prepare a chamomile decoction. Plant flowers in fresh or dried in volume 2 table. Spoons twist in 300 grams of steep cook, insist for 15 minutes and drink 1/3 cup three times a day.
  3. Decoration of raspberry. For drink, it is suitable for leaves, stems and fruits of raspberries (in fresh or dried). To fervent boiling water (250 gr.) 2 table Supplements of plants, insist for 15 minutes. The remedy can be treated in tea in a ratio of 1 to 3 or drink a third of a cup three times a day.

Important: First of all, it is not necessary to think about how to drink at the first symptoms of influenza, but to make preventive measures to avoid infection. For this there is vaccination. Thanks to one vaccination in the season, the risk of infection or influenza will be minimized in a light form.

Prevention measures

As we already know, as a warning it is necessary to strengthen your health. Also during the next burst of the epidemic, it is necessary:

  1. Limit contacts with patients.
  2. Wear a cotton-gauze bandage.
  3. Complete vitaminization course.
  4. Regularly wash hands, face.
  5. Do not use hygienic objects and dishes of an infected person.

Personal hygiene is very important for flu prevention

And more, viral infection is not able to suppress the immune system if a person lives in a positive. Therefore, it is important to avoid stressful situations, depression, apathy, more time to spend time in a family circle outside the city, on the lap of nature to get a worst pleasure and pleasant impressions.