Guessing if I made the right decision. Solution layout

This section contains free fortune telling online from various systems that will help open up your intuition, improve relationships, predict your future, get the answers you need and make the right decisions.

The art of prediction can be traced through the entire history of mankind and got its beginning even before the advent of writing. Any fortune-telling online is based on secret knowledge hidden from the uninitiated. It is no secret that many signs literally lie on the surface, but few see them. All we need to do during a fortune telling session is to tune in and ask the right questions that the Universe will answer.

We are glad to present you various tools for fortune telling on the Internet. You are embarking on a magical journey, during which you should leave your everyday logic. Read the answer that is relevant to your problem and listen to your own intuition, which will allow you to go beyond simple cause and effect.

Online fortune telling options:

Traditional divination: dominoes, Book of Changes, fortune telling on simple maps online, fortune-telling by quotes, layouts of the soothsayer Lenormand, Tarot, online fortune-telling on a crystal ball, folk fortune-telling (on coffee, wax, etc.)

Ancient fortune-telling: Book of Fates, Catherine's fortune-telling, Oracle of Sibylla, Mirror of the World, Tibetan fortune-telling MO, fortune-telling of Pythagoras, Oracle Mahjong, Wheel of Fortune, Arabic fortune-telling.

Modern fortune-telling: Gold fish, fortune telling on hearts, fortune telling on a guy or a girl.

Ancient fortune telling with the help of the Book of Fates. The most important questions in the life of every person, the answers to which on the Internet will help to lift the veil of your destiny.

The old fortune-telling, built on 40 symbols, is a favorite pastime of the ladies-in-waiting at the court of Catherine I, realized in the form of an online prediction.

Virtual divination uses a little-known translation of an ancient Chinese book of wisdom with additions by the philosopher Confucius.

Divination by the ancients magic symbols online. There are many ways of fortune telling on the runes, each of them can correspond to your chosen topic. We offer you 2 of the most famous of them: and.

The tarot cards are probably the most famous and most mysterious of all known divination systems. These cards can provide answers to almost any question.

A collection of various fortune-telling: a layout for one card, a layout for three cards, card fortune-telling by name, card fortune-telling for four kings, fortune-telling for a wish, fortune-telling for the success of an enterprise.

Fortune telling is based on the system of the zodiacal constellations and their characteristics. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can look at your question from the point of view of astrology.

Fortune-telling online for four cards, "Cross" layout, "Gypsy layout for 36 cards".

This fortune-telling will help you better understand how things will turn out during the day that has begun. Fortune-telling is based on the effect that crystals have on a person and his Destiny.

The numbers on the face of the dominoes will predict an event. Just online fortune telling.

With the help of this love fortune telling, you will find out everything about your beloved.

Find out which wish will come true the fastest?

With the help of this fortune-telling, you can immediately highlight the most important aspects of your life and get advice on how to solve a particular case.

This numerological fortune-telling will help you find out how to act to resolve the issue.

The magical fortune-telling "Wheel of Fortune", created by a medieval occultist, will help you find out the future.

Ask your question to the soothsayer.

Ask your question to the Mirror and find out if your wish will come true.

A collection of traditional fortune-telling that you can do yourself, and a base of figure meanings that can be used for fortune-telling on tea and coffee, as well as fortune-telling using shadows, mirrors and wax.

This fortune-telling gives an exact answer to the question posed. The basis of this fortune-telling is the Arabian Kabbalist, who divines the future and predicts the fate of every person.

This is one of the modern fortune-telling that gives a forecast for the near future. You need to guess fortune no more than once a month, or when the situation you were guessing at has changed significantly.

This divination is based on the ancient game of dominoes, originally from China. The wisdom of Mahjong Diviners will help you find a solution and learn more about your situation.

Over the course of our lives, we have to make various decisions many times. And it often happens that we hesitate: to act this way or otherwise?

Or we don’t understand at all how we should act ... What to do in such cases? How to behave so that you do not regret what you have done later? In fact, there are many ways to help you.

Method one. Reasoning.

It is suitable for people who think rationally, who are used to reasoning with.

Try to calculate the consequences of this or that action. Your best bet is to write down all the pros and cons on a piece of paper to make it clearer. Let's say you have been offered a new job, but you are in doubt whether to agree or not. Take a sheet, divide it into two halves and on one write down all the advantages of the proposed position, for example, "big salary", "growth prospects", "social package", on the second - negative factors - "work far from home", "irregular schedule" , "Little information about this company" and so on.

Look at both halves of the sheet and count how many pros and cons you got. Now highlight what is your priority. After all, suppose a salary and career may well compensate for some inconvenience. And it also happens that money and career are not the main thing for you, but you want to return home early and spend the weekend with your family. This method will simply help you to visually sort everything out on the shelves, and so it will be easier to finally make a decision.

Method two. Intuition.

Suitable for people with an intuitive mindset. Listen to what. If you were offered a job or, say, marriage, and the offer seems to be good, but for some reason you are not tempted to accept it, so maybe you shouldn't? And, on the contrary, if your mind doubts, and your heart prompts you to do just that, shouldn't you follow his lead? If earlier your intuitive premonitions have already been justified, then it means that you can quite trust them.

Method three. Try fate.

This is for magically minded citizens. It's about different. Not even necessarily traditional, like cards or I Ching. You can just think: "If the next candy I get from this bag is green, then I will go to this place, and if it is red, then I will refuse the trip." The main thing is to get the candy without looking.

You can "tell fortunes" and with the help of a clock. Connoisseurs say that if on the watch face when you glance at it. if there is a "jackpot" - say, 11 hours 11 minutes, then you can be sure: the upcoming meeting or enterprise will be successful for you. If the first two digits more second two, say 21 hours zero three minutes, you should not rush to make a decision. If on the contrary, for example, the clock shows 15:39, it means that the time is running out for you: hurry up so as not to miss your chance.

Now on sale there are special balls for making decisions. You formulate a question, shake the ball and look at the answer in the window. Just remember that the ball does not predict the future, but only tells you what to expect and how best to act in a given situation.

Method four. Reading the signs of fate.

Suitable for those who are interested, if not in mysticism, then in psychology, etc. As you think about a solution, pay attention to what is happening around you. Suppose you are about to go somewhere, but you are in doubt whether to go or not. And then all of a sudden the phones start ringing and requests of friends fall on you, you lose the keys to the apartment and find that the soles of your shoes have flown off ... Most likely, Providence tells you: you should not go to this meeting.

Or someone offers you cooperation, and his surname turns out to be the same as that of a person whom you knew many years ago and with whom you had some kind of unpleasant situation ... Was it by chance?

Or you are planning a trip, and suddenly, by a strange coincidence, you come across a post on the Web of a former client of the same travel company who recalls with horror how he used its services ...

They ask you for a large amount of money, and then the title of the note catches your eye: "Firm N has gone bankrupt" ...

You have had a stabbing in your lower back for the third month now, but you still can't decide whether to go to the doctor. And then catch a snippet of someone else's conversation in the subway: "I did an ultrasound scan yesterday, they said - a kidney stone ..."

You are wondering whether it is worth going on a date to the gentleman who invited you, and they sing on the radio: “Do not go to his meeting, do not go. He has a granite stone in his chest. " Isn't it a hint?

A "picture" can also carry a hint. For example, you are not sure whether you should connect fate with this particular person. And suddenly you see a couple of gentle swans on the pond. Or, on the contrary, you meet a couple of desperately fighting cats on the street ... Make the appropriate conclusions.

Of course, you shouldn't take literally every little thing for. But if a word or event attracted your attention, engraved in your memory, or it seemed to you clearly that “this is all about you,” that it is connected precisely with your situation, then it makes sense to take this into account. Good luck with your decisions!

Layout "Solution"

Layout "Solution" relevant in cases where the objective situation requires you to make a certain decision.
A typical range of questions: "Should I accept the offer?", "Should I go to ...?", "How should I proceed?" ...
The cards by themselves will not make a decision for you, but they will highlight the range of topics related to the question and the situation that gave rise to it, and also help to reveal the patterns arising from this or that decision.
It should be noted that this alignment does not apply to those questions that can be answered in monosyllables "Yes / No", for such questions, use the " Card of the day ".
Are removed from the deck 7 cards... The meaning of the positions of the cards in the layout:
Unknown (significator)- a figurative representation of what lies in the background of a problem, a question or the way in which you make a decision;
3 cards of the top row (beginning, development, total) agree, make a positive decision;
3 bottom row cards (start, development, total)- what can happen if you give up, make a negative decision.

But before proceeding directly to interactive fortune-telling, I strongly recommend that you first carry out verification in order to find out if you can now slightly open the curtain of the unknown, whether the fortune-telling will be correct.
The verification process is extremely simple: 10 cards will appear in front of you, which will need to be opened in turn. If more than half of the cards will be in the natural, direct position - you can close the verification window and go to the selected fortune-telling; if in inverted- fortune telling on Tarot cards is not recommended now, an erroneous answer may be received.
However, in the process of verification, one more situation may arise - equal number of cards upright and upside down. This happens in the following cases:
1) most often, cards in a similar way are "demonstratively silent" (they do not give "the go-ahead" for fortune-telling or refusal), when a person turns to fortune-telling by chance: out of boredom, for fun or out of curiosity (look at the pictures of the deck, test different layouts, etc. .P.); when a question is born just for the sake of just trying to read fortunes, in fact, there is no real need to get an answer to this question. In this case, you don't even have to try to make a deal: virtual Tarot cards are not fun and not a subject for "testing", except for contradictions (including repetitions of the same card in a straight and inverted position within the same deal) You are nothing else you won't get (!) from such a "toy fortune-telling";
2) if you do not have experience of "live" (not computer) fortune-telling on Tarot cards, but you are trying to virtually use this particular type of fortune-telling and are in a difficult situation, experiencing a real need to get clarifications (an answer), the fact that during verification, an equal number of straight and inverted cards constantly falls out can be an important signal - you cannot now guess on Tarot cards on your own, for the correct interpretation of your situation you need the help of a professional fortuneteller.
note : verification of fortune-telling IS NOT fortune-telling itself, therefore, having opened all 10 cards, you can re-click on each of them if you have doubts about the direct or inverted position of each card. After clicking on the map again, a window will open with the specification of the direct / inverted position of the map and its symbolic character. But the characteristics of the cards in this case will not be to have a relationship with the question you are interested in is just a test before starting this fortune-telling!

You can answer the question: what were your happiest years? For most of us, this childhood is a time when there is still no need to make decisions; when you can live according to the laws created by mom and dad, kindergarten and school; and when you are responsible only for yourself and, perhaps, also for the puppy that you brought home in secret from your mother. What a pity that this blessed time is ending so soon. We are growing up. Increasingly, we are faced with the problem of choice, more and more often we have to make informed decisions.

Many psychologists advise to solve important problems as follows: go to bed and turn on the subconscious. But what to do when insomnia appears due to anxiety? European scientists from the University of Amsterdam also note that the brain works best in a dream, when decisions are counted, and the answer is chosen at all levels, including the subconscious. So, transfer the fortune-telling to another day, and now it's better to go to bed. If you need to know the answer right now, and sleep is unattainable, try all the same to seek advice from a tarot reader.

Fortune telling is your chance to find out the right decision

In the process of making the final decision, one must act gradually. So it is in divination. If, after you have received extensive information from the layout, you remain at a loss. If the alignment has not brought you clarity and reassurance, you can make fortune-telling for the final decision. Layout gradually (card by card):

  • decompose the current situation on the shelves;
  • find out the reasons due to which you were put before a choice.

The layout for the final decision is carried out as an additional, clarifying layout. By laying out the cards, you tempt fate, so you should not resort to fortune-telling too often.

Fortune telling on the mysterious Tarot cards by means of layouts solve difficult questions. One of them is the choice of the final decision. Seven cards take part in the layout. The depicted plots on three Tarot cards will tell you what a person can do in a given situation. The next three cards will indicate the result that will be obtained from what the person has done. The seventh (most important!) Card will indicate the solution. It is considered a prediction card and shows what is extremely difficult to avoid.

Good day.
I opened the "secret pocket" when explaining
recommended to do this alignment. The situation is this: both are not free, we meet more than a year... I would like to clarify how everything will end. I am Aries and Cancer. I wondered who S. would stay with: 1 with me or 2 with my wife.
S is a knight of cups.
Cards: 3,1,5 - 8 swords, 3 wands, 2 arboretums.
Cards: 4,2,6 - the king of swords, 7 cups, the lady of the arboretum.
Thank you in advance.

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Hello dear tarot readers.
I ask you to help in the interpretation of the cards. The child is ill. Now we are making a decision to transfer from the current clinic to another clinic to other specialists. It is very scary to be mistaken. She asked the question: What will happen if we take the child from the current clinic, and what will happen if we do not do this and she stays in the one where she is now.
S- hanged man
3, 1.5 - 8 of Wands, King of Cups, 3 of Wands
4,2,6 - 7 Cups, Rider of Wands, Ace of Denarii

Thank you for your help

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There is no unambiguously preferred solution to the problem.
To begin with, your role here is very small. Very little depends on you. Therefore, there is no need to rush and make convulsive movements. Everything will be as it should happen. You need to calm down.
There is no danger in both options. Both options have their pros and cons. If you focus on the predicted ending of this situation (remember that this is no more than three months, if a certain period is not set), then in the first case you will have hope, in the second you will have to start a new financial round, but there will be money for it.
I do not see a threat, so you need to sit down and very calmly make a choice. The way you think is preferable.
By the way, more in health matters you need to rely on medical specialists. And your common sense, of course.
Good luck!

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Hello! Asked a question to keep the relationship or break up? Dropped: Jack of Swords, Ace of Cups, and King of Swords. This is if I decide to say that we disagree. If I don't say this: the emperor, the world and the tower. Signifier: four of swords. Please explain what this means. Thanks in advance, this is very important to me.

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Dear Erkin Erkin, please do not leave my question unanswered:
Anya 21:02 21-Mar-2019

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The first row, what will happen in life if I continue the relationship, the second - if not

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I asked a question about choosing a life path.
Where to direct your feet and energy.
Top row - administrative work in the educational institution: Priestess, 6 denarii, rider of wands;
Bottom row - leaving for creativity: 3 swords, an ace of swords, the Sun.
The signifier is the hermit.
Thanks in advance for the recommendations on the layout.

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Hello dear Erkin Erkin! Help, please, re ... be.
My boyfriend is behaving very well now, the relationship has leveled off. He loves, he says. But he is quick-tempered, impulsive. By the time of our relationship, you can get married. But it seems that due to his characteristics and lovingness, he may seek love with others. That is, he can give up for the sake of another.
And I want mutual love and stability. With him.

What will happen if I am in a relationship with him?
7, S -Chariot
3-Star, 1-4 Cups, 5-Fool
4 - 6 Cups, 2 - 8 swords, 6 - The Hanged Man

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Good day!
Please help me choose, in one line a Star in another World.

First line, should I try to realize myself in a creative profession? To direct all efforts into this area? Then the financial issue becomes very, very acute.

Second line, should I look for a job in a field in which I have experience, and push creativity to the background? I'm not sure if the strength will be for something else, but fin. stability.

S Lady of Cups
King of Cups, Star, Rider of Wands
Lady of Swords, Peace, 6 Swords.

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Dear Erkin, please help me to re ... be in a relationship with a man.

He is not free, now he lives in another city. There was a moment when our relationship could go from friendship to another plane, but I stopped it because he has a wife. Now we just communicate at a distance, correspond. But I have feelings for him that are difficult for me to cope with.

I asked the cards a question: what will happen if I do what I want and let our relationship go beyond friendly.

7 - Eight of Wands
3-1-5 - 7 swords, Knight of Cups, 3 of wands
4-2-6 - Devil, 10 swords, Hermit

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Broke up with a boyfriend, it has long been impossible to restore relations.
Question: what will happen in the summer if I try to further restore relations?
S 5 swords.
If I continue to try:
1) Sun 3) Ace of Denarii 5) Devil (he scares me)
If I leave him
2) 10 wands 4) 9 denarii 6) 9 swords
I like the first line better, but the devil frightens.
Help: what to do? Love very much.

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Dear Erkin.
Please tell me what awaits me with a man. If it makes sense to dream about him or just concentrate only on work (he is my boss) or even change jobs and stop using him. A strange relationship now flirts, now avoids starting to be rude, and then looks into the eyes.
1,2,3 Rider of Swords, Jack of Cups, Ace of Swords
4,5,6 Jack of Swords, Tower, Lady of Cups
7 Knave of Wands.
Some jacks
The first row wondered if it was worth dreaming about
The second row was thinking about how to switch to work and stop reacting to his flirting
S may change jobs altogether

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Dear tarot readers! Tell me how to proceed. A very interesting acquaintance ensued ... by correspondence) And suddenly the man disappeared, stopped writing. I don’t know if it’s worth writing again or not .. I understand that here you can not guess and just write and that's it)) But still. Cards dropped S Wheel of Fortune 3. World 1. Priestess 5.8 denarii 4.9 cups 2.8 cups 6.10 cups
What do you think, Erkin, should I write it myself?) Both of us are already dofig years old, not young people))

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The Wheel of Fortune signifier is an even senior Arcanum. Even senior Arcana say that a person, in this case you are Vera, live by past events in his life. Because in the past with this person you had a correspondence relationship that you liked and because The Wheel of Fortune means a look into the future in your upright position, it says that you want to take your past relationship with him into the future and continue correspondence with him.

And the World map on 3 positions which means the network, the Internet, mobile communication only confirms your desire.
The priestess in the 1st position here means a connection with a person, but not an open, but a secret connection hidden from prying eyes. And since The Priestess has dropped to 1 position, which means your thoughts, then the Priestess pointed out that the reason for his sudden disappearance for you is an unexpected and incomprehensible secret.

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Therefore, on the 5th position, which means a crisis in the relationship, you dropped 8 Denarii, which indicated that you, under the influence of the Wheel of Fortune (the desire to continue communication with him in the future), are determined to write to him in order to restore relations.
If you add up all these 4 cards, then you have the Arkan Sun, which says that you will have a connection with him, but not constant, but rare, where he will suddenly appear and disappear for you, and enter into frank correspondence with you will not, therefore, you should not be frank with him, because he will be interested in learning about you, but about himself he will write vaguely and vaguely, in general terms, without specifics.

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If you wait until he himself shows up, which is indicated by 9 Cups in 4 positions, then you will have to wait for him for a long time, which in turn will give you an Arcanum of 8 Cups in 2 positions, which means that with a feeling of great regret you will decide that everything is over between you and you will be very worried about this. But you shouldn't worry, because in the 6th position you have 10 Cups, which means emotional joy, a burst of strength from relationships close to your heart, from the feeling that you are not alone. If you fold the lower cards with the Significator, then the Arcanum Devil falls out here, which indicated that the correspondence and relations that prolong your youth will continue with you with others too.

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Well, on April 8, write about the relationship with both men. Only in detail. If you want to know what to expect in the future

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Well you give Erkin! You are nowhere wrong at all! You mean the second man, how do you know, I didn’t write anything about him ... this is the man with whom I live. In general, we have been divorced for a long time, but we live together, with children) Only I did not understand something about April 8 ...

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I have feelings for 2 men, one is a former, that after 3 years he began to show new interest and the second is just a beginning novel.
Whom to choose: S: Emperor
1. Priest, Priestess, Justice.
2. Judgment, Empress, 10 wands.

Such a number of major arcana makes one think that the choice lies ahead of him. But who should you choose? Tell me please.

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Since you have a fateful choice ahead of you, please write. About which of the men were thinking laying out the top row and who were thinking about laying out the bottom row. I will read the layout

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The top row is a man with whom we talked for six months on the Internet, went on vacation two times, and for six months I visit him in the city. I loved him very much from the very beginning, but he did not have me, he was afraid of relationships and feelings. We parted. But we continue to communicate as friends. Recently invited to visit for the first time after parting. I am still not indifferent to him.
Bottom row - a man, also from another city, divorcing his wife (before me). We talked on an Internet for 2 months and spent a week together on vacation. I feel a spiritual closeness to him and he to me too, we have common goals, ideals, a vision of the world, a path in spiritual development. He gives me a lot as a mentor and as a man, in contrast to the first, whom I gave development.
Thank you for your attention to my question.

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Good evening, help to re ... t in the situation. They lived with a young man for 7 years, different: both good and bad. There were more bad ones, stress led to illness, after which I realized that this was no longer possible. I decided to leave, and here, of course, good moments come into my head, from those best years. Maybe the best years of my life are ahead with him? A very painful gap, which is also aggravated by uncertainties with future work. I would be very grateful for any comment on the correctness of the choice made. S - star; 3- devil; 1-lady of swords; 5-moon; 4-Tower; 2-jack of wands; 6- eight of cups

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The star denotes the target. Most likely, you have not only a goal to get a divorce, but a more global goal. Change your life, possibly your image and work.
Devil. It's tough. You will have to go through some of the temptations of this world, how you get through it depends on you. if inverted, it is better, it is the path to the light, to the Creator. It can also mean false, worldly values, denial of the spiritual principle, falling into the worldly.

The lady of swords is a character. Perhaps a friend or mom. This character is your advisor, he can give an idea, and it's hard to say how useful these tips are. Here you need to do additional layouts.

The moon is our unconscious. These are our emotions, fears and worries. It can also be depression, withdrawal. A kind of night of the soul.
Perhaps moving to mom's house. In general, the desire to find protection alone is dreary and fearful. The moon is the twilight of the soul.

This line is not very happy ((
let's see the second.

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Thank you, in my opinion this is how it starts to happen. Is that just the outcome of all this?

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Tower. The tower is always something unexpected and sudden. This is when there is no time to think, but you just need to jump, or run.
There is a fire in the tower. This is the senior lasso, which means karmic, fateful, It can mean a certain occasion, a message that will be puzzling, if not dumbfounded. In general, something that will radically change the situation in life, suddenly. It may change for the better, but it will definitely change.

The Knave of Wands is a young man, not an old man. Maybe your husband. Since the wands, there will be a conversation with him.

Eight of Cups is also a sad card. Indicates disappointment. Refusal of what is and the search for something new. What is still undefined. It can be leaving, parting with a partner.
This card also speaks of illusion. a person throws away what he has and goes nowhere in search of something new. But this is an illusion, self-deception.
In the sense of prediction, it means that troubles will go away in one lunar month (28 -29 days)

In general, the alignment is ambiguous, there is something to think about)

Good luck. Sincerely, Igor.
[email protected]

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Good evening, dear!
Asked whether to continue my relationship with the martyr?
S strength
3,1,5 - 5 swords, empress ace of wands
4,2,6 - king of cups jack of cups moon
It so happened that the relationship began thanks to me, because I really liked the person, but now either I feel a complex because of this, or something, but the feeling that the person has no respect for me and treats the relationship frivolously. They do not mean anything to him ... for me, such a sense of self is very difficult to perceive ... and for 2 years I still think that we need to finish all this, but for some reason I do not have enough willpower for this ...

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Good afternoon, dear tarot readers! I'm talking about work again. The soul does not lie to the present one at all. Two months ago I turned to Tarot with a question to change or not. The answer was to stay. Time has passed, again I ask in the hope that the hour has come. 1 line - what will happen if I change jobs. 2nd line - if I stay.
3,1,5 - 7 wands; 10 cups; Knight of Cups
4,2,6 - Court; Emperor; Hermit
S - Justice
The Court in the second line is very intriguing. What is this "treasure" in a place that I don't know how to get rid of? The Emperor is there. I have bias to everything that I now have in terms of work, but in fact everything is good and you need to drop your ambitions? Help ra ... t, please. I’m just torn by doubts. I want to change something in my life. Thank you in advance.

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If you stay in your current job, the Court indicates that you will be subjected to sharp analysis and unconstructive criticism from your boss (the Emperor) who considers your attitude to work unsatisfactory and will himself offer you to quit (Hermit).

Well, does the time of your alignment say that you still quit? because with the fourth card you have a Tower. The tower here means a sudden, even for yourself, dismissal from your job.

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Thank you Erkin! My boss is a lady. The emperor does not look like a lady, so I did not expect this in the future. It is necessary, without waiting for the offer, to quit, apparently. She bothered me. Good luck to you!

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I did not call your boss a man. The boss can also be a woman, as in your case. After all, the head of the department does not write on the plates if the head is a woman. As the director of a garment factory or store does not write. And they write: the head of the department, the director of the store, the director of the factory.

Therefore, the Emperor just means the chief whose function is to distribute tasks (work) between subordinates and control their execution. Well, as a result, encourage or punish subordinates.

By the way. And what do you work for? What do you dislike about her? What does not suit you? Salary? Attitude towards you? Or the labor process itself?

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I work as a pharmacist. I won't change my profession, because I can't do anything else. The salary is not satisfied with the attitude of the management towards all employees. As for slaves, no respect. The labor process is also quite peculiar, let's put it this way. I don't like it, I constantly feel as if humiliated. From this Bad mood, lowering self-esteem, etc. Well, you yourself understand. I have to quit this job, but I haven't found a new one yet.

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Look for the Light. He who seeks will find. Good luck and patience in your job search.

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Thank you, Erkin. And all the best to you.

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Hello! Please help me understand. A new apartment was bought, but its finishing is going with obstacles and financial losses. I already doubted if it was mine? She asked the question: What will happen if I move to live in a new apartment and what will happen if I don't? Cards dropped out: 7-Ten of Wands; 3,1,5 - Tower, King of Swords, Strength; 4,2,6 - Three of wands, Jester, Horseman (Knight) of cups. Thanks in advance!

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The junior Arcana show your behavior, and the senior Arcana show you a recommendation from the outside, from the Higher Forces. You got 2 major Arcana: Strength and Tower. Through Arkan Tower, you are advised not to move to a new apartment. This is due to the fact that between the Tower and the Force, the Arcan Priest is invisibly located in an inverted position. In a direct position, the Priest calls to enter into new, unknown relationships, i.e. move to a new apartment. And since your Priest is inverted, he recommends not to enter into a new relationship, i.e. not to move to a new apartment, but to stay where you live now.
And Sila recommends that you complete the renovation of your apartment, i.e. renovate, and when apartment prices rise, sell it at a profit.

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Erkin, thank you! All the time I am amazed at your gift to see like that. Only I have a question, how did you see that the Priest is inverted? What indicates this?

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You dropped the Tower earlier than the Power, therefore, first we interpret the Tower and only then the Power. To get from the Tower to the Force, you need to go through the Arcanum, which is invisibly located between them. We make the calculation: Tower (16) - Priest (5) = Strength (11). As you can see, the Priest is here with a (-) sign. Therefore, it appeared before us in an inverted position.

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Erkin, thanks for the clarification! Now I understand. Good luck to you!

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Dear Erkin Erkin, Help me understand the alignment. We have been dating a man for two years. Almost everything suits me, but in Lately conversations about the wedding began to come in. It scares me, because I don't see him as my husband. He will need a child, and I'm afraid I won't be able to, I already have two of them. He is a Taurus.
S. King of the Denarii.
- Let it be as it is?
3. Peace.
1. 4 denarii.
5.10 cups.
- Leave him?
4. Rider of Denarii.
5.7 of wands.
6. Priestess.
Thank you in advance!

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If you leave everything as it is, then the current relationship with him (the relationship of lovers) you will develop into a family relationship. If you part with it, then you will not be able to restore them.

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Good day, dear masters!
Help me hear the answer of the cards, I'm not a tarot reader at all ....)))
I don’t love my husband, but he’s not a stranger to me, he has been married for more than 10 years, but has reached the point, every minute next to him annoys him, he is also bad, swears, screams, my daughter is crying ... I love another, someone else ... I don’t expect anything other than a warm relationship with him, I don’t expect to part with my husband, not because I’m in a hurry to jump onto someone else. But I understand that it's time to decide, either turn off yourself, remain a robot and live with my husband, just I don't know for what ... or still get rid of this marriage ...
What will happen if I break up with my husband (I mean that I will have a lover)
3-jack of denarii
1-9 wands
5-ace of cups
If I stay with my husband (I will stop all communication with my lover)
4-3 cups
2-8 cups

Does the first option seem lighter to me?
I would be grateful if you could tell me!

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If you part with your husband, you will internally rejuvenate and take wings from the feeling that you have received the Chance to start a full life and find happiness, although it will not come by itself, but it should be worked on. This is indicated by the Ace of Cups in the top line.

If you stay with your husband, then you will lose your lover, which is indicated by 2 Swords in the bottom line and you will leave your husband anyway, as indicated by 8 Cups and the Arcanum Justice based on the time of your alignment. Justice fell to you the fourth in a row Arkan. Four here means looping, i.e. focusing on the same thoughts.

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Fairness means change, getting out of the relationship because of the behavior of an unwanted partner. Because such for you is your spouse, then Arkan Justice says that life with your husband will make you so disgusted that you still decide to part with him.

Now let's check this. To do this, add up all the Arcana in the bottom row if you stay with your husband. 3 Cups + 8 Cups + 2 Swords = 13 Death. Arcanum Death here means the end of what you and your husband used to have. Because before you had a relationship, then Arkan death indicated that they will end with you. It's a pity. But the time of your alignment showed this, and the bottom row confirmed it.

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Thank you! I read every word, absorbed into myself ... I am an air sign, indecisive, difficult ... but you need to make a decision, although it is terrible to make a mistake, thoughts that will improve over time, you just need to be patient, constantly circle over your head, delaying the moment, but it's been really bad for almost 2 years. You added confidence to me))) Thank you!

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Wise people say that we are not born in order to constantly endure and thereby turn our life into a nightmare, but to improve it even through parting.

And a popular saying echoes them and says: "Better a terrible end than an endless horror". The Ace of Cups in your alignment indicates a Chance to enter a new life, but not with the one with whom you are now living, but with another man who, with his attitude towards you, can give you joy, not a burden.

Yes, and looking at all this, my daughter will stop crying and will improve her attitude towards her father, because the closest relatives are those who live at a distance, and when you live together, misunderstandings cannot be avoided.

The choice, as they say, is yours Svetlana.

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Thank you for your wise words and kind parting words!

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Good luck Svetlana. I wish you a happy family relationship with the one you love.

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Thank you again! I will try!)))

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Hello! There is a relationship, we are meeting for 1.5 months. The man is serious, offers to live together, with the prospect of starting a family in the future. I am unsure, trying to weigh everything and calculate.
s-2 swords
3-1-5 4 of Wands, Justice, Jack of Cups
4-2-6 Peace, Devil, Priestess

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The top row where your behavior is indicated by the Jack of Cups, says that if you create a family with him, you will do it not out of love, but out of pity and sympathy for the person. And the time of your alignment, if you add it up, showed us the Suspended by the fourth Arcanum. The suspended one indicates that later you realize that you were in a hurry to start living a family life with him and will regret such a rash step.

The bottom row says that if you part with him, you will try to get in touch with him through social networks (the Internet), which is what Arkan Mir is talking about in 4 positions, and as a result, you will want to resume relations with him, which is what Arkan Devil says (temptation by a man ), Arkan Priestess (secret connection with him) and the invisible Arkan Death in an inverted position (unwillingness not to change anything in the current relationship).

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Considering all this, the alignment recommends that you do not rush with the Choice and do not agree to his proposal yet, but continue the meetings in order to get to know the man better, and tell him about it directly. If he is sincere with you and loves, then he will understand everything and continue to meet with you. If not, then agreeing to his proposal, a relationship with him for you can grow not into joy, but into a burden.

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I would like to make peace with a man.
I am faced with a choice whether to show myself (write to him) or just let everything take its course and wait for him to appear
S - 8 cups
if I write: 3,1,5 - sun, priest, death
if you just wait and do nothing: 4,2,6 - rider of swords, 8 of wands, rider of wands.
And here I did not understand anything, in the first case everything will start well, but will it end in parting? I don't want this at all
in the second case, everything is already bad, and soon there will be a fierce confrontation? or is it still a flame of passion?
Help me please!

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The cards recommend that you write to him. In the first line, the Sun means that you are waiting for a return. Priest means that you are ready to forgive him and start a relationship with him with blank slate as if there was nothing wrong with your relationship. And the Death card means that before you write to him, you need to mentally go back to the past and carefully analyze all the bad and good in your relationship with him so that when you write to him, give convincing arguments for him on the facts of what to refuse the bad in the relationship and what is good to develop. Then in this case, says Arkan Death, you can continue the relationship, but on a different, more positive channel.
If you wait until he writes to you or calls you, then the bottom row says that the relationship between you will not resume.

The layout recommends that you build a relationship with him, as indicated by the Arcanum Strength in the top line. True, Strength adds that if you decide to build a relationship with him, then you will first have to openly explain with him and only then expect an equivalent reaction from him, i.e. frankness.
If there is no frankness on his part, then the King of Swords in the second line recommends that you end your relationship with him after the conversation.

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