The approximate structure of the practical part of the WRC. General requirements for FQP registration

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How to write an introduction correctly thesis

So let's get started.

Introduction of thesis

Introduction is a very important part part of the diploma and term paper. The introduction reveals the rationale for the need to study the problem selected by the student and presents a scheme for conducting a diploma or course study.

The introduction of a thesis, as a rule, takes 3-5 pages of printed text. The introduction of the term paper should be 2-3 pages of printed text.

The introduction can be conditionally divided into several parts:

I The relevance of the thesis (course) work; the degree of development of the research topic; Problems.

II Object and subject of research.

III Purpose and objectives (they reveal the way to achieve the goal).

IV Hypothesis.

V Methods used in writing a thesis (course) work.


VII Brief description of the structure.

I Relevance in the introduction of the thesis

The relevance of the topic of the thesis (course) work characterizes its modernity, vitality, urgency, importance, significance. In other words, this is the argumentation of the need to study the topic of the thesis, the disclosure of the real need for its study and the need to develop practical recommendations.

The relevance of the thesis should not take more than 1.5 pages introduction of thesis (from practical experience, we will say that too detailed relevance tires the directors of thesis and they will cut it down for you anyway).

The relevance of a term paper usually takes a little less than a page of printed text.

The following words must be present: relevance and practical aspect of these problems are related to…. or the relevance of the thesis is (or manifests itself) in the following…. or issues concerning this and that are very relevant... Or just " The relevance of the thesis "and then start with a new sentence.

After describing the relevance of the topic, you can write: the relevance of the topic of the thesis is associated with the significant spread of the phenomenon under study and lies in the need to develop recommendations for improving work in the area under consideration.

If you can't describe the relevance in your own words? You don't need to do this. Then how to determine the relevance of the chosen topic?

Practical advice!

  1. Search the Internet for coursework, diplomas on your topic and look at them for introductions. Compare, select all the most important in a separate document Word "Introduction".
  2. Pick up a few books (which touch on your chosen topic). At the very beginning of chapters, the importance and significance of what is written below is always described. This will be your relevance.

II Object and subject of research in the introduction of the thesis

Research object of the thesis is a certain area of \u200b\u200breality, a social phenomenon that exists independently of the researcher.

Subject of study - these are features, properties or aspects of an object that are significant from a theoretical or practical point of view. The subject of research shows through what the object will be cognized. In each object of research, there are several subjects of research and focusing on one of them means that other subjects of research of this object simply remain aloof from the interests of the researcher.

A VERY SIMPLE EXAMPLE: the object of research is a person, the subject of research is skin. This object has many subjects for research, such as the lymphatic, circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, etc. But for the researcher, only the skin matters, it is the subject of his direct research.

For example, in the field of humanities, the object of research is the sphere of social relations (institutional education), within which the research will be conducted. The object reflects the problem in one or another social relationship.

Subject in thesis - This is an element of social life, with a relative autonomy of existence. The object reflects the problem situation, considers the subject in all its interconnections. An object is always wider than its subject. If the object is a field of activity, then the subject is the studied process within the framework of the thesis object. The subject in the introduction to the thesis is indicated after the definition of the object.

Example # 1

The object of the thesis (course) work are legal relations arising in the course of tax audits.

The subject of the thesis (course) work is the current legislation Russian Federationregulating relations on conducting tax audits, as well as scientific publications that touch upon these issues, judicial practice.

Example No. 2

The research object is small and medium-sized businesses.

Economic relations arising in the planning and organization of small and medium-sized businesses.

Example No. 3

Sibavtotrans LLC motor transport enterprise, the main activity of which is the provision of services for the transport of passenger and freight transport.

The subject of research is economic relations arising in the process of accounting, analysis of the financial results of the enterprise.

Example No. 4

The research object is modesty as a systemic personality trait.

The subject of research is ethnopsychological features of the modesty of students from Russia, USA, England, Germany.

Example No. 5

Object of study - children 12 years of age.

Subject of study - behavioral features of 12-year-old children.

III Purpose and objectives in the introduction of the thesis (course) work

Purpose of thesis or course work shows what the student wants to achieve in his research activities, the goal shows what the final result needs to be achieved in the thesis.


The purpose thesis (course) work is the consideration of the legal regulation of tax audits, the identification of urgent problems arising during tax audits, as well as the search for ways to improve the mechanism for conducting tax audits.

Tasks reveal the path to achieving the goal. Each task, as a rule, is devoted to a chapter (or paragraph) of the diploma or course work. Tasks can be introduced with the words:


To uncover;


To develop;




Refine, etc.

The number of tasks should be 4-5. The tasks must be reflected in the conclusion, conclusions and recommendations.


The objectives of the thesis (course) work in connection with this goal are:

1. to consider the division of contracts into agreements (transactions) and contractual obligations;

2. investigate typical and mixed contracts;

3. to disclose the features of contracts in favor of their participants and contracts in favor of third parties;

4. consider organizational and property contracts;

5. investigate public contracts and contracts of accession;

6. to identify other types of civil contracts.

You can start like this: “To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set: 1., 2., 3., etc.

IV Hypotheses and in the introduction of the thesis

Thesis hypothesis (term paper) represents the expected result that the student plans to achieve as a result of writing a thesis.

An assumption (hypothesis) can be made in the following words:

- "it is possible if"

- "will be carried out efficiently if available (provided)"

- "the creation will provide."

V Research methods of thesis

Research methods are ways, methods of knowing an object. At any thesis and term paper the method of analysis of literature, analysis of regulatory documents on the topic of thesis is used, as well as analysis of documents, archives, etc.

In your thesis and term paper, you can write the following methods used:

Literature analysis;

Analysis of regulatory documents on the topic of thesis;

Study and generalization of domestic and foreign practice;





Theoretical analysis and synthesis,


Concretization and idealization,

Induction and deduction,




Historical method,

Special law and comparative law (if you are writing a law degree).

VI Scientific novelty and practical significance of the problem under study

Scientific novelty of the thesis is formulated depending on the nature and essence of the chosen topic of the diploma. Scientific novelty is formulated differently for theoretical and practical diplomas.

So, in the first case, it is determined by what is new in the theory and methodology of the subject under study, and in the second, it is determined by the result that was obtained for the first time, confirmed or updated, or develops and clarifies the previously established scientific ideas about the subject under study and practical achievements.

The practical significance depends on the novelty of the diploma and makes it necessary to write it. In other words, defining practical value means defining the results to be achieved. This is a very important element of the introduction to thesis.

When writing a term paper, scientific novelty is not always indicated.

Vii Brief description of the structure

At the end of the "introduction" section, it is necessary to describe the structure of the thesis. It's very simple, let's show with examples:

1. “The introduction reveals the relevance, determines the degree of scientific development of the topic, object, subject, purpose, objectives and research methods, reveals the theoretical and practical significance of the work.

The first chapter examines the general classifications of civil contracts.

The second chapter is devoted to the division of contracts into separate types.

In the conclusion, the results of the research are summed up, the final conclusions on the topic under consideration are formed. "

2. The structure of the work is determined by the subject, purpose and objectives of the study. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion.
The introduction reveals the relevance, determines the degree of scientific development of the topic, object, subject, purpose, objectives and research methods, reveals the theoretical and practical significance of the work.

The first chapter examines the concept and types of securities and corporate equity securities. The second chapter reveals the features of corporate equity securities as objects of civil transactions. The third chapter is devoted to the issues of legal regulation of the issue of corporate securities.

In the conclusion, the results of the study are summed up, the final conclusions on the topic under consideration are formed.

TIP! It is more convenient to compose the introduction after writing the main part of the thesis. The fact is that as it is written, an introduction is also drawn up (relevance, novelty, etc.).

Some scientific advisers require to indicate the research problem in the introduction to the thesis. If you need to identify a problem, read: "

You will learn how to correctly draw up footnotes in term paper and in a diploma from the article "How to make footnotes correctly in term papers and diploma papers"

If you have or have any difficulties with writing a thesis, you can entrust the writing of a thesis to order to the specialists of our portal working on the Exchange

General requirements for bachelor's FQP:

Volume not less than 50 pages and not more than 90 pages;

List of sources used (the total number of literary sources should be 40–45 titles) among which there should be at least 50-60% of articles in academic journals.

The official publication of each source is not older than 5 years.

A mandatory requirement for a bachelor's FQP is a demonstration of the student's mastery of scientific knowledge on the chosen topic. Accordingly, it should contain a review of scientific literature, highlight the main problems analyzed, and demonstrate knowledge of the main points of view and concepts on this topic.

In the FQP of a bachelor, the applicant must demonstrate mastery of standard research methods, calculation skills and the use of computer programs, the ability to generalize and analyze factual material using theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

FQP should include an analysis of a significant amount of scientific literature, demonstrate not only awareness, but also a certain independence of the author in the analysis of a theoretical problem, the ability to put forward some independent, scientifically grounded judgments, ideas on a selected topic, draw conclusions based on analysis of evidence.

The student's FQP must:

Differ in the depth of presentation, scientific approach and system analysis of the points of view existing in domestic and foreign science;

Include information gained from practice in the organization;

Show the student's ability to substantiate the relevance of the topic, creatively approach the chosen topic, use the methods of scientific research;

Meet all the requirements for the design of thesis.

Introduction - this is the introductory part of the WRC. In this small section, the author must show: the relevance of the topic, object, subject, goal, objectives, defended provisions, materials, research methods, novelty of results, theoretical and practical significance of the work.

1. Relevance of the research topic - the degree of its importance at the moment and in this situation for solving specific problems. When revealing the relevance of the research topic, it is necessary to show the main thing, based on two directions of its characteristics:

lack of study of the chosen topic (certain aspects of the topic have not been fully studied and the research is aimed at eliminating these gaps);

solving a specific practical problem based on the data obtained in the process of research.

Rationale for relevance requires answering the following questions:

Why is new scientific knowledge, which is supposed to be obtained as a result of research, necessary for practice?

What determined the choice of the topic?

Why is this topic interesting to you?

What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe research?

What has been done by researchers before you, and what do you have to do?

The question (phenomenon) of research stands on the border of the known and the unknown. To pose a research question is to find this boundary. The problem arises when the old knowledge has shown its inconsistency, and the new has not yet taken an expanded form. Consequently, a scientific problem is a controversial situation that requires a solution. Justify the relevance - analyze, explain why this problem needs to be studied at the present time.

2. The object of research (what is being considered) is a process or phenomenon that gives a problem situation for study.

3. The subject of the research (how the object is considered, what new relations, properties, aspects, functions this research reveals).

Options for determining the subject and object of research:

The object and the subject of research are related to each other as a whole and a part, general and particular;

A subject is what is within the boundaries of an object;

The research subject determines the research topic.

The self-esteem of a younger student can be the object of research. In this case, the subject of research may be factors in the formation of his self-esteem.

The object of the research is demographic policy, then the subject of the research is the mechanisms for the implementation of demographic policy pursued by the executive power of the Leningrad Region.

4. Research objectives are what we want to get as a result of research. What result does the researcher intend to obtain, how does he see it? The purpose of the study can be associated either with the identification of any regularities, connections of the object, or with the development of guidelines for solving the research problem. The formulation of the goal is to briefly and meaningfully disclose the desired result, the sought solution to the problem.

For example: “Purpose of graduation qualification work - ... "or" The purpose of this work is to study (description, definition, establishment, research, development, disclosure, coverage, identification, analysis, generalization, etc.)

5. Research objectives (What needs to be done to achieve the goal?) Are those research activities that need to be performed to achieve the goal set in the work. By their very nature, tasks represent a detailed research goal with a focus on a hypothesis. The number of tasks can be dictated by chapters or main paragraphs of the work. Usually, five to six tasks are formulated. The formulation of objectives is important because they determine the content of the work.

An example of formulating tasks: “To achieve the goal set in the final qualifying work, the following tasks were identified:

reveal ...


develop ...

7. Materials and research methods - brief information on the amount of materials and a list of methods by which the research was carried out.

For example, theoretical methods (inductive, deductive), organizational methods (comparative, longitudinal, complex). Methods - these are the ways of solving the empirical problems posed in the study. Empirical methods proper are methods of gathering facts. These include: observation, introspection, conversation, survey (interview, questionnaire), testing, experiment, etc.

8. Scientific novelty. For research work scientific novelty can be subjective (determined in relation to the researcher), that is, the modeling of solutions of laws known to science is extended to a new sample.

9. Theoretical and practical significance. Theoretical significance - the value of work in the field of fundamental knowledge. The practical significance lies in the possibility:

Solutions based on the results obtained for a particular practical problem;

Conducting further scientific research;

Using the data obtained in the process of training certain specialists.

The volume of the introduction should not exceed 2-3 pages of machine text.

The main part of the WRC contains, as a rule, two (three) chapters, each of which is divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs.

FIRST CHAPTER - theoretical (literature review). Its content depends entirely on the chosen topic, and will include those questions and problems that are most directly related to it.

A chapter can contain several subchapters. The chapter briefly examines the history of the issue and the degree of its study, analyzes the current state of the problem under study. The content of the chapter should correspond to the topic of the research. The number of cited literary sources (domestic and foreign) should be sufficient to fully cover the issue. When describing the literature data, figures and tables with reference to the source can be used.

When searching for sources of scientific literature on a topic, it is necessary to use all types of publications. Search through catalogs, card indexes and bibliographic indexes of libraries, as well as search engines "The Internet".

SECOND CHAPTER - practical. Here, from an analytical point of view, a characteristic is given of the object of research, on the materials of which the work is carried out, and a deep analysis of the problem under study is carried out using various research methods.

The results of research and observations carried out directly by the performer are presented. Statistically processed data can be presented in the form of tables and figures (diagrams, graphs, diagrams, photographs, etc.). In this section, the results of our own research are analyzed and commented on. Based on the analysis, patterns are revealed.

A comparison of the results obtained with the data of other researchers studied from literary sources is given, as well as the revealed patterns are explained on the basis of their own views and literary sources.

In this section, it is advisable to summarize the study, including theoretical and practical parts, as well as reflect the prospects for further research.

THIRD CHAPTER - practical. In the third chapter of the work, on the basis of the processed practical material, concrete ways of solving the problem are proposed, the effectiveness of the proposed measures and the financial consequences of their practical implementation are substantiated.

The third chapter should address the following issues:

2. Development of an algorithm or methodology for solving the problem;

3. Assessment of the quality (effectiveness) of the implementation of the proposed measures.

In the first section of the 3rd chapter, recommendations and proposals for improving the activities of the research object are developed, based on the rationale and conclusions of the first and second chapters of the WRC and on the statement of the research problem.

The third chapter ends with an economic assessment of proposals. The student must justify the proposed solutions in terms of financial and economic significance.

At the conclusion of the WRC the student must sum up the study of the topic, reasonably state his views on the main issues discussed in the work, draw conclusions.

Conclusions are formulated on the basis of the tasks and briefly reflect the most important results of the work.

The conclusion should not contain new information, facts, arguments, etc., its conclusions should logically follow from the main text of the work.

The conclusion should reflect the significance of the work, confirm its relevance in modern conditions.

List of sources used is a list of all information sources used in the work. Information about the sources included in the list must be given in the original language.

The WRC must have applications. As a rule, based on materials of an auxiliary nature that were used by the author in the process of developing a theme. Such materials include:

Various provisions, instructions, copies of documents; on the basis of which the WRC was carried out;

Schemes, graphs, diagrams, tables, which are inappropriate to place in the text, as they are of an applied or illustrative nature;

Techniques, diagnostics, which were used by the author of the WRC in the research process;

Illustrative material, including examples that are referenced in the text.

Appendices are drawn up on the last pages of the work and are included in its scope.

Each appendix should start with a new sheet and have a thematic title and designation.

Applications, as a rule, are performed on A4 sheets.

1.5 General requirements for presentation style

FQP is a scientific work. Therefore, it must meet the requirements of this genre and be written in the style of a scientific text.

A scientific text is characterized by a formal-logical way of presentation, subordinating to itself all the linguistic means used by the author. A presentation of this kind should be holistic and united by a single logical connection, since it pursues a single goal - to substantiate and prove a number of theoretical propositions.

Everything in it is aimed at solving the assigned tasks and achieving the final goal, which are clearly spelled out in the introduction. In a scientific text, everything that does not directly work for the realization of the goal is superfluous and unnecessary: \u200b\u200bthe expression of emotions, artistic beauty and rhetoric.

When writing an FQP, you should use a conceptual apparatus, that is, an established system of terms, the meaning and meaning of which should not be vague for you, but clear and clear.

Scientific speech involves the use of certain phraseological phrases, linking words, introductory words, the purpose of which is to show the logical relationship of this part of the presentation with the previous and next, or to emphasize the rubrication of the text.

For instance:

Introductory words and phrases, for example “so”, “in this way”, show that this part of the text serves as a generalization of the above;

The words and phrases “therefore”, “from this it follows that ...” indicate that there are causal relationships between what has been said above and what will be said now;

Words and phrases “in the beginning”, “first”, “second”, “first of all”, “finally”, “at the conclusion of what was said” indicate the place of the stated thought or fact in the logical structure of the text;

The words and phrases “however,” “nevertheless,” “however,” “meanwhile," express the existence of a contradiction between what has just been said and what will now be said;

The phrases “let's take a closer look ...” or “let's move on to ...” help a clearer rubrication of the text, as they emphasize the transition to a new, not highlighted section of the presentation.

The syntax of a scientific text is distinguished by an abundance complex sentences... It is complex, especially complex sentences that are able to adequately convey the logical mechanisms of scientific argumentation and cause-and-effect relationships that occupy the most important place in a scientific text. An indicator of the culture of scientific speech and the professionalism of the researcher is a high percentage of complex and complex sentences in the text. A continuous stream of simple sentences gives the impression of primitiveness and semantic poverty of presentation.

The traditionally established form of presenting a scientific text presupposes maximum detachment from the presentation of the author's personality with his subjective preferences, individual characteristics of speech and style, and emotional assessments. This effect of detachment, impersonal monologue is achieved by a number of syntactic and stylistic means, for example, “Several new principles identified”, third-person narration, etc.

In addition, a feature of the modern scientific text is the almost complete exclusion from the use of the personal pronoun of the first person singular - "I". Where the author needs to identify himself in the first person, the plural pronoun “we” is used. Structures are formed “We believe”, “it seems to us”, “in our opinion”. However, the text should not be overwhelmed with the word "we". For stylistic diversity, it is worth resorting to other constructions that provide the proper level of impersonal text.

In the process of preparing an FQP, as an example, it is possible to recommend using the following functional-syntactic and special lexical means:

Means indicating the sequence of presentation: "first", "first of all", "then", "first" (second, etc.); "Afterwards", "after";

Means indicating the opposition of individual theses of presentation: "however", "at the same time", "meanwhile", "while", "nevertheless",

Means indicating the existence of a cause-and-effect relationship: "therefore", "therefore", "because", "thanks", "in accordance with", "due to";

Means reflecting the transition of presentation from one thought to another: “before”, “turn to”, “consider how”, “dwell on”, “emphasize the following”;

Means summarizing the presentation or part of the presentation: "so", "in this way", "means", "in conclusion, we note", "on the basis of what has been said," "therefore."

In addition, in some cases, pronouns, adjectives and participles, such as "given", "this", "these", "such", "named", "mentioned", "indicated", can act as the means under consideration.

A few words about general stylistic "prohibitions" that must be kept in mind when preparing texts for written works. In the content of a written work, as a rule, it is not allowed to use:

Colloquial speech, arbitrary word formation, including professionalism;

Various scientific terms that are similar in meaning to denote the same concept;

Unit abbreviations physical quantities - when used without numbers (except for units of physical quantities in the heads and sides of tables and in the decoding of letter symbols included in the formulas).

In the final qualifying work, the unity of the presentation style must be observed, spelling, syntactic and stylistic literacy must be ensured in accordance with the norms of the modern Russian language.

CHAPTER 2. Requirements for formalization of FQP

2.1 General requirements

FQP is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 (Bibliographic link); GOST 7.32-2001 as amended. Changes No. 1 dated 01.12.2005, IMS No. 12, 2005 (Report on research work); GOST 7.1.-2003 (Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drawing up).

The text should be printed observing the following margin sizes: right - 10 mm, top and bottom - 25 mm, left - 30 mm.

Font - 14, type Times New Roman.

Line spacing is one and a half.

Paragraph - 1.25 cm.

All pages are numbered sequentially. The numbering should be continuous from the title page to last page, including all illustrations, tables, etc. both within the text and in the appendix.

Pages should be numbered in Arabic numerals, observing continuous numbering throughout the text. The page number is placed in the center of the bottom of the sheet without a dot.

Title page are included in the overall page numbering. There is no page number on the title page. The page number "2" is put on the sheet "content".

Text alignment - in width.

Word hyphenation is not allowed.

The font color of the main text of the WRC is black.

1. Introduction 8-10%

2. Chapter 1 30-40%

3. Chapter 2 30-40%

4. Conclusion 6-10%.

The text of the FQP should be carefully checked by the student, who is fully responsible for typographical errors and errors. Work with a large number of typos is not allowed for protection.

The total volume of work should not be less than 50 pages (excluding attachments) including a list of sources used.

Each section of the work (introduction, chapters, conclusion) should be started on a new sheet (page), and subsections ("paragraphs") should be placed one after another close to each other and separated by two free lines.

The statistical data presented in the work should be presented in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams.

When using quotations and statistics cited in the text, at the end of the quotation subscript is made or in brackets the ordinal number of the source is indicated according to the list of references and through a dot the page number, for example,.

The work is carried out on sheets of A4 format, numbered and bound.

2.2 Selection of headings of sections and subsections and their placement

The headings of the structural elements of the main body should be placed in the middle of the line without a period at the end and printed in capital letters from paragraph indentation.

Example: Chapter 1. GENERAL PART

If headings contain several sentences, separate them with periods. The title of each new part and paragraph in the text of the work should be highlighted in bold.

Subsections should be numbered within each section. A subsection number consists of the section and subsection numbers, separated by a dot. A full stop is not put at the end of the subsection number. Sections, like subsections, can consist of one or more items.

Example: Chapter 1. GENERAL PART

1.1 General requirements

Subsections within a section are two spacing after the end of the previous subsection on the same page if there is room for text on it. The presence of text outside of sections and subsections is not allowed, placement on different pages subsection heading and its text. Therefore, after the section heading, the name of the subsection is printed in two intervals, and then, after 1.5 intervals, the text of the subsection.

The headings of subsections and paragraphs should be typed with an uppercase (capital) letter without a period at the end, without underlining. If the title is 2 or more lines, then the spacing will be 1.5.


1.1 General requirements

The names of the individual constituent parts of the WRC are not numbered: content, introduction, conclusion and list of sources used.

2.3 Design and numbering of illustrations, tables and formulas

All tables, formulas and diagrams included in the work should be drawn up clearly and accurately, provided with headings, numbered with Arabic numerals.

Illustrative material contained in the WRC can be represented by drawings, graphs, diagrams, figures, photographs, etc. Illustrations of any kind are called drawings.

All figures in the text should be referenced. Figures should be placed immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. Illustrations, with the exception of the illustrations in the appendix, should be numbered with Arabic numerals consecutively. The figure caption is located below it in the middle of the line. The word "Picture" is written in full and its name is placed in the middle of the line under the illustration. There is no period at the end of the name.

The illustrations, if necessary, can have a name and explanatory data (figure text). The word "Figure" and the name are placed after the explanatory data and positioned as follows: Figure 1 - Details of the device

Figure 1 - Distribution of foreign investment by groups of regions, in%

The test should not contain illustrations in the form of diagrams, figures, tables, without links to them.

For clarity of presentation of the material, numerical values \u200b\u200bare recommended to be placed in tables. The title of the table should reflect its content, be precise and concise.

The table name should be placed above the table on the left, without indentation, in one line with its number separated by a dash.

All tables are numbered. Tables, with the exception of annex tables, should be numbered with Arabic numerals sequentially.

It is allowed to number tables within a section. In this case, the table number consists of the section number and the sequence number of the table, separated by a dot, for example, Table 1.1. The table should be placed immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

The table is bounced off the text by an empty line above and below. The table must be necessarily aligned to the center of the page.

Table 1 - Number of resident population (thousand people)

Continuation of table 1

It is allowed to use a font size smaller in the table than in the text. The font of the text in the table is 12, type Times New Roman. Interval - 1.0

The headings of the columns and rows of the table should be written with a capital letter in the singular, and the subheadings of the graph - with lowercase letterss if they form one sentence with a heading, or if they have a meaning in their own right. At the end of the headings and subheadings of tables, periods are not put.

Graph headers are written parallel to the table rows.

Table 1 - Number of students (people)

Entering empty columns and lines into the table is not allowed. If there is no data in any row of the table, then a dash (dash) is put in it.

The numbers in the tables are arranged so that the classes of numbers in all columns are located exactly one below the other: units under units, tens under tens, etc. In one column, the same number of decimal places must be observed for all values \u200b\u200bof quantities.

It is allowed to transfer the table to another page, observing the numbering of the columns and indicating "Continuation of Table 1" above.

Tables on the left, right, and bottom are usually delimited with lines.

Additional explanations to the table, if necessary, are drawn up in the form of a footnote. The footnote sign is placed immediately after the word, number, symbol, sentence to which the explanation is given. The footnote sign is performed in superscript Arabic numerals with a parenthesis. It is allowed to use asterisks instead of numbers "<*>". It is not allowed to use more than three stars on the page.

The footnote is placed at the end of the page with paragraph indentation, separated from the text by a short horizontal line to the left. A footnote to the table is placed at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

Equations and formulas should be separated from the text on a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation must be left at least one free line. If the equation does not fit on one line, then it must be wrapped after the equal sign (\u003d) or after the plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (x), division (:) or other mathematical signs, and the sign at the beginning next line is repeated. When transferring a formula on a sign symbolizing a multiplication operation, use the sign "X".

Formulas should be numbered by ordinal numbering in Arabic numerals in parentheses in the rightmost position on the line.

Numbering of formulas within the section is allowed. In this case, the formula number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the formula, separated by a dot, for example (3.1).

The order of presentation in the report of mathematical equations is the same as for formulas.

The values \u200b\u200bof the symbols and numerical coefficients included in the formula should be shown directly below the formula. The meaning of each character is given on a new line in the order in which they are given in the formula. The first line of the decryption must begin with the word "where" without a colon after it.

Break-even point calculation

TB \u003d Sc / (P - Sv), (1)

where TB is the critical production volume;

Sc is the amount of fixed costs;

P - price per unit of services of LLC "XXX";

Sv is the sum of variable costs per service unit.

Registration of transfers

In the text of the WRC, it is often necessary to provide information in the form of transfers or lists. Similarly generated data may be present in the clauses and subclauses of the WRC. Lists are subdivided into: bulleted, numbered and alphabetic.

Bulleted lists

For bulleted lists, which include large chunks of text that consist of more than one sentence, it is customary to start with capital letter, and at the end of the text fragment put a period.

If the fragments of the enumeration are small, single-line, then they begin with a small letter, and end with a semicolon. For fragments of lists that do not have punctuation marks inside them, containing one word or word and its definition, it is allowed to separate the list items with commas.

Bullet list examples:

· Bachelor's work; - bachelor's work;

· thesis. - thesis.

Numbered Lists

For numbered lists containing large text fragments, it is common to use Arabic numerals with a period after them. After this point, the text must start with a capital letter and end with a period. If the fragments of the enumeration are small, then they are numbered in order, using Arabic numerals with a parenthesis after them. In this case, the text must begin with a lowercase letter and separate the list items with a semicolon. It is unacceptable to use Roman numerals in the numbering of lists!

An example of a numbered list:

1. Municipal government.

2. Public administration.

Letter Lists

For alphabetic lists, use as identifiers big letters of the Russian alphabet and a period after them in the case of enumeration elements consisting of large text fragments. For small fragments of the enumeration, small Russian letters with a parenthesis are used. If the final qualifying work is drawn up by a computer method, then it is permissible to use the letters of the Latin alphabet as well.

An example of a letter list:

A. Municipal government.

B. Public administration.

In one paragraph or subparagraph of the text part of the diploma, it is recommended not to give more than one list. However, if there is no way to avoid multiple enumerations, then you need to use different forms of identifiers in different lists.

Styling notes, links, and footnotes

Notes in the work lead, if necessary, explanations or reference data to the content of the text, tables or graphic material.

Notes should be placed immediately after the text, graphic material or table to which these notes refer. The word "Note" should be capitalized with paragraph indentation and not underlined. If there is only one note, then a dash is placed after the word "Note" and the note is printed with a capital letter. One note is not numbered. Several notes are numbered in Arabic numerals without a period. A note to the table is placed at the end of the table with a line indicating the end of the table.


Note - ______________________________________________


Several notes are numbered in Arabic numerals in order:


1 ____________________________________________________________

2 ____________________________________________________________

3 ____________________________________________________________

References are governed by GOST R 7.0.5-2008 "Bibliographic reference".

Footnotes can be subscript (that is, at the bottom of the work page, on the page where the quote or phrase is placed), and inline.

Inline lines are usually formatted in square brackets, where the source number is indicated in order (in the list of sources used) and the page number from which you took the quote or phrase, for example:.

In the case of footnotes, bibliographic information about the cited source is placed on the same page as the quotation. At the end of the quotation, a number is put that indicates the ordinal number of the footnote on this page (or the ordinal number of the footnote in the work in the case of continuous numbering).

At the bottom of the page, after a shortened horizontal line, this number is repeated, followed by bibliographic information about the source.

For the design of the footnote, a smaller font size is used than in the text of the work.

An example of a footnote formatting:

The text of the quote in the text of the work. one


1 Ivanov I.I. Theoretical foundations.-M.:, 2000.-P.25.

FQPs can be of both applied and analytical nature. Bachelor's qualifying work, as a rule, should include:

- problem statement;

- review of the state of the issue and substantiation of the relevance of the topic of work;

- a brief description, research, calculation, design, and analysis of research and / or design and calculation results;

- the formulation of conclusions on the work performed.

Articles, scientific reports published and prepared by a student for defense can be accepted as FQPs. The admissibility of the indicated equivalent is determined by the issuing department.

1.3 Requirements for WRC Master

The master's thesis is prepared during the entire period of study in the master's program. The final qualifying work of a master can be based on the final qualifying work of a bachelor. The recommended volume of a master's thesis is 90 - 100 pages of printed text without attachments.

FQP master requires the necessary availability:

- setting the research or development problem;

- analysis of the current state of the issue under consideration with justification of the relevance of the topic, its novelty;

- performed theoretical and theoretical (theoretical) and / or experimental studies;

- generalization of the results obtained and the formulation of conclusions and specific recommendations based on these results;

- substantiation of the effectiveness and practical value of the implementation of the expected FQP result.

By the decision of the graduating department, articles, monographs, scientific reports published in the editions of the list of the Higher Attestation Commission, in which new scientific results obtained by the author are presented, can be accepted as a master's thesis. The admissibility of the indicated equivalent is determined by the issuing department and is drawn up in the form of an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department, the methodological commission of groups of related areas and specialties in the form of a decision

2 Requirements for the structure and content of the WRC

The following requirements are imposed on the FQP:

    correspondence of the title of the work to its content, clear targeting, relevance;

    logical sequence of presentation of the material;

    correct presentation of the material, taking into account the accepted scientific terminology;

    the reliability of the results obtained and the validity of the conclusions;

    scientific writing style;

    registration of work in accordance with the requirements of these guidelines.

The FQP consists of two mandatory parts: an explanatory note (PZ), including the calculated part and graphic (illustrative) material. The volume of the FQP should be sufficient to describe the ways of achieving the assigned tasks, but not overloaded with unimportant details.

The explanatory note should include structural elements in the sequence shown below:

    title page(the first page, not numbered, but considered see Appendix A);

    the task (terms of reference) (2nd page, not numbered, but considered);

    manager's review, filed to the agreed WRC (3rd page, not numbered);

    anti-plagiarism check results(4th page, not numbered);

    annotation in Russian and english language for FQP bachelors (5th page, not numbered) or abstract in Russian and English (for master's theses), for bachelors, abstracts in Russian and English must be placed on one page;

    introduction (main inscription indicating the page number (appendix B);

    the main part;


    list of sources used;

    definitions, designations and abbreviations (this section is included in the PP if necessary);

    annexes (this section is included in the PP if necessary. The number of pages in the annex is not included in the calculation of the recommended length of the WRC explanatory note)

WRC pages are numbered in Arabic numerals, sequentially numbered throughout the text, including annexes of all formats. The page number is affixed in the lower right part of the sheet without dots and dashes.

On the title page, assignment page and annotation (abstract), the page number is not put down, however, these pages count towards the number of pages.

Requirements for registration title page presented in app. AND.

The task issued in accordance with the FVGUPS ST 02-13 standard.

annotation in Russian and English is brief description WRC in terms of content, purpose and novelty of work results.

abstract (for WRC master) must contain:

- title of the work, information about its volume (number of pages), number of illustrations and tables, number of sources used, number of applications;

- a list of keywords;

- the text of the abstract;

Information about the most significant publications and reports.

The keywords in the aggregate should give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe content. These are words or phrases from the text of the work that carry a semantic load from the point of view of information retrieval. The list includes from 5 to 15 key words (phrases) in the nominative case, typed on a line separated by commas in capital letters.

The abstract text should contain:

- description of the research object;

- the purpose of the work;

- relevance and practical significance of the work;

- research methods;

- the results obtained and their novelty;

IN content of WRC the exact names of all sections and subsections of work with the page numbers from which they begin are indicated. A sample of the content is presented in Appendix D.

In introduction to WRC the author substantiates the research topic, its relevance, novelty and practical significance, briefly characterizing the current state of the scientific problem (issue), which the work is devoted to, determines the goal, object and subject of the research. Based on the research objectives and subject matter, a working hypothesis is formulated. On the basis of the working hypothesis, research tasks are put forward, methods for their solution are determined. The novelty and relevance of the work must be indicated, the need for it is substantiated, the possibility and forms of using the obtained material are determined. It is desirable to briefly disclose the meaningful structure of the FQP, i.e. comment on the sections indicated in its table of contents.

The main part of the WRC consists of two or three sections and depends on the nature of the work. The structure of the PP should coincide with the list of sections of the assignment for the WRC. The sections reveal the content of the research performed; the main attention is paid to the thoughts and developments of the author of the FQP. The nature of the FQP depends on the chosen topic, goal, object, subject of research, and the factual material used. The key task of any research is the accumulation of our own, scientifically new materials, their processing, generalization, explanation of facts, followed by the formulation of conclusions and proposals.

The headings given in the content should exactly (without abbreviations and wording changes) repeat the headings of sections and subsections.

Conclusion of the WRC is a short, sequential, logically coherent presentation of the results obtained and described in the main part of the study, the conclusions of the study, built on the analysis of the ratio of the results obtained with the general goal and specific objectives of the study The number of conclusions should not be large, usually it is determined by the number of tasks assigned, since each task must be reflected in the conclusions in a certain way.

The final part of the WRC also assumes the presence of a generalized final assessment of the work done. At the same time, it is important to indicate what the main meaning of the work was, whether the goals were achieved, whether the tasks were solved, what new scientific tasks arise in connection with the research and its results, and to outline the prospects for further work. Finally, it is appropriate to include practical suggestions and recommendations that go beyond the main text of the WRC.

List of sources used when working on a WRC, it is placed after the text of the work and precedes the appendices. It is an obligatory part of the final qualifying work. The list includes bibliographic information about the sources used in preparing the work. When preparing master's theses, references to their own publications are required, all sources included in the list must be mentioned in the text of the work by means of links. The design of the bibliographic list is determined by GOST 7.1-84, GOST 7.80-2000.

Examples of the design of the list of sources used are presented in Appendix D.

When choosing information sources, it is necessary to take into account the degree of their novelty and relevance for their own research. The degree of obsolescence of information sources is determined by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1623 of 04/11/01: for mathematical, natural science and general professional disciplines -10 years , for general humanitarian, socio-economic, special disciplines -5 years .

The criterion of novelty does not apply to additional literary sources recommended for in-depth, fundamental study of the problem.

Each appendix should start on a new page with the word "APPENDIX" in the upper right corner and have a meaningful title.

If there are several applications in operation, they are numbered sequentially in capital letters. Supplementary or additional materials that cannot be included in the main text for technical or other reasons are included in the appendix.

To graphic (illustrative) material should include:

- demonstration sheets (posters);

- drawings, diagrams, tables, diagrams, etc .;

- computer presentations.

Drawings are drawn up in accordance with the ESKD standards, for the corner stamp see Appendix E.

The title of the practical part, as a rule, formulates the research problem on the example of a specific organization.

1. The purpose of the study- given in the first sentence.

Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise,on the basis of which the study is carried out (status of the enterprise, morphological characteristics of the organization, organizational and management structure, features technological process etc).

Research methods.

3. Research progress.After the name of each method is formulated, the purpose is given. hisuse and description is given. Further - the application of the research method in a particular organization is revealed. All materials on the application of research methods (questionnaire forms, internal documents for ensuring the protection of the organization's / enterprise's data) are placed in the Appendices. The analysis of the results obtained is carried out, a conclusion is made. To obtain more accurate results, not one, but several research methods are used.

4. General conclusions.At the end of the study, general results (conclusions) on the entire topic are summed up. The technique used should confirm or deny the research hypothesis. If the hypothesis is refuted, recommendations are given on possible improvement of the organization's activities and data protection technologies of the organization / enterprise in the light of the problem under study.

5. In custodya short list of the results obtained in the work should be presented. The main purpose of the conclusion is to summarize the content of the work, to sum up the results of the study. In the conclusion, the obtained conclusions are presented, their relationship with the purpose of the work and the specific tasks set and formulated in the introduction is analyzed, it forms the basis of the student's report on defense and should not be more than 5 pages of text.



The text part of the work should be performed in a computer version on A4 paper on one side of the sheet. Font - Times New Roman, font size - 14, typeface - regular, one-and-a-half spacing, justified alignment. Pages must have margins (recommended): bottom - 2; top - 2; left - 2; right - 1. The volume of the FQP should be 40-50 pages. The following share of the main listed elements in the total volume of the final qualifying work is recommended: introduction - up to 10%; sections of the main body - 80%; conclusion - up to 10%.

The entire text of the WRC should be divided into component parts. The text is broken down by dividing it into sections and subsections. In the content of the WRC there should be no coincidence of the wording of the title of one of the constituent parts with the title of the work itself, as well as the coincidence of the titles of sections and subsections. The titles of sections and subsections should reflect their main content and disclose the topic of the WRC.

Sections, subsections must have titles. Paragraphs, as a rule, do not have headings. Headings of sections, subsections and paragraphs should be printed with a paragraph indentation of 1.25 cm with a capital letter without a period at the end, without underlining, font number 14 “Times New Roman”. If the title consists of two sentences, separate them with a period. Headings should clearly and concisely reflect the content of sections, subsections.

When dividing the FQP into sections according to GOST 2.105-95, the designation is made by serial numbers - Arabic numerals without a dot. If necessary, subsections can be divided into items. The item number must consist of section, subsection and item numbers, separated by dots. At the end of the number of a section (subsection), paragraph (subparagraph), do not put a full stop. Each section should be started with a new sheet (page).

If a section or subsection consists of one item, then it should not be numbered. Clauses, if necessary, can be divided into subclauses, which should be sequentially numbered within each clause, for example:

Types and main dimensions


Enumerations may be given within clauses or subclauses. Each listing should be preceded by a hyphen or lowercase letter followed by a parenthesis. For further detailing of the enumerations, it is necessary to use Arabic numerals followed by a parenthesis.



b) _____________

1) ________

2) ________

in) ____________

The page numbering of the main text and appendices should be continuous. The page number is placed in the center of the bottom of the sheet without a dot. The title page is included in the overall page numbering of the WRC. The page number on the title page and content is not put down.

In the thesis, scientific and special terms, designations and definitions established by the relevant standards should be used, and in their absence - generally accepted in the special and scientific literature. If a specific terminology is adopted, then a list of accepted terms with appropriate explanations should be given before the list of references. The list is included in the content of the work.


All illustrations placed in the final qualifying work must be carefully selected, clearly and accurately executed. Pictures and diagrams should be directly related to the text, without unnecessary images and data that are not explained anywhere. The number of illustrations in the WRC should be sufficient to clarify the text presented.

Illustrations should be placed immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

The illustrations placed in the text should be numbered with Arabic numerals, eg:

Picture 1, Picture 2

It is allowed to number illustrations within a section (chapter). In this case, the illustration number should consist of the section (chapter) number and the sequential number of the illustration, separated by a dot.

The illustrations, if necessary, can have a name and explanatory data (figure text).

The word "Picture" and the name are placed after the explanatory data, in the middle of the line, for example:

Figure 1 - Document route

The final qualifying work, as a rule, is carried out on a real topic on the orders of organizations, enterprises or individuals. The subject matter may include objects of competitive programs and initiative topics of a search nature, performed at a conceptual and theoretical level.

Themes of the final qualifying work are determined by the graduating department, while the student is given the right to choose a topic up to proposing his own topic with the necessary justification for the expediency of its development. The topic of the FQP is formed in the course of training at 4, 5 courses.

The topic of the thesis chosen by each student and the personal scientific advisor assigned to the graduate are approved by the head of the graduating department. The topic of work should be relevant, correspond to the profile of the specialty, the current state of the theory and practice of design.

Work on one topic of the final qualifying work of several students is allowed only if the topic is complex in nature, while each of the students works on a separate part of it and on an individual assignment.

Description of the main directions of the FQP topics

The topics of the WRC are characterized by the following main areas:

· Real design and artistic design -on assignments of enterprises, firms, design and educational institutions - with a design object within the boundaries of traditional types of interior design, organizing decorative items on a scale from an ensemble, a complex - to a piece, experimental thing. The pedagogical (methodical) part in such works can be autonomous and relatively independent of the design object.

- Development of residential interiors.

- Development of public interiors.

- Development of industrial interiors.

· Development of a set of didactic materials

It involves the development of illustrative-graphic or textual support of the academic discipline (tables, models, visual aids, handouts); the draft of the teaching aid. The design and didactic-methodical parts in such works have only formal boundaries. The content of these parts is as integrated as possible.

- Development of a case by discipline.

Methodological support course of lectures.

- Visual presentation of the course (illustrative-graphic, projection, multi-media, etc.).

- Methodological principles and design means of transformation, re-profiling of interiors or objects of decorative and applied design.

- Design and production of visual materials for the study of the discipline (shaping, color science, design, etc.) using the methods of model transformation and combinatorics.

· Research direction

It involves the implementation of FQP in the form of scientific research on the history and theory of design, technical creativity of students, in close relationship with the specific tasks of design education, with the technologies of forming a design culture in the younger generation. In the works of this direction there should be scientific novelty, creative understanding of design problems. This area also includes works on the pedagogy and psychology of design education, devoted to the study of the problems of the development of the creative abilities of the individual, the formation of complex skills of creative activity (in its most diverse aspects) in educational institutions design and artistic profile, the development of psychological and pedagogical technologies for the development of creativity and teaching design.

A mandatory requirement for such works is a high level of culture of presentation and technique of presenting research results. Graduation qualification works of research topics can be offered to students who have shown aptitude and aptitude for research work.

- The social role of design in the structure of modern society. Educational potential of design.

- Specificity of design (project) thinking as a typological problem (on the example of the emergence of types and types of design).

- Specificity of the requirements of ergonomics and engineering psychology in the design of the interior (public, residential, industrial, etc.).

- On the relationship between the evolution of design (change in theoretical views on its subject) and the professional target qualities of a specialist-designer in its preparation.

Stages of WRC implementation and organization of certification

The main stages of the WRC implementation:

- choosing a topic, receiving an assignment to perform an FQP;

- drawing up a schedule that provides for the determination of the main stages of the implementation of the WRC; availability of an individual schedule of consultations with the manager and consultants in related areas. The schedule for the implementation of the FQP is mandatory for all graduate students and is approved by the head of the department;

- selection and analysis of literature related to the problem under consideration; - search for practical materials (sketches, diagrams, etc.) necessary for the implementation of the FQP, creative understanding of their use when performing work;

- FQP performance;

- submission of the FQP to the supervisor, receipt of a response and elimination of the remarks indicated in it;

- FQP review;

- protection.

The diploma student is obliged to regularly attend consultations within the terms set by the head, at least once a week to report to him on the work done: submit the material, agree on the content and progress of the stages outlined in the schedule, make adjustments to the content and design of the work, eliminate the specified supervisor disadvantages. Considering that the FQP is an examination for professional maturity, the ability to work methodically correctly and independently, the graduate student must strictly observe the control schedule for viewing work at the department and the schedule of consultations with the head and consultants. The leader records the degree of readiness of the work as a percentage of the total volume of work, which allows him and the department, while defending the FQP, to give the author an objective assessment of theoretical and practical training. In case of systematic violations of the plan-schedule for the preparation of FQP, the head has the right to bring to the meeting of the department the issue of stopping the work by the student.

The completed work is signed by the student and consultants, submitted to the head no later than 10 days before the protection period. The manager's review should reflect the overall assessment of the completeness of all sections performed in the work, and the characteristics of the student's business qualities.

After the pre-defense, which is carried out no later than 10 days before the defense of the FQP before the State Electoral Commission (according to the graduation schedule), the department draws up a schedule for the sequence of defense of the FQP and is brought to the attention of the graduates. The content of the graduate's report must be agreed with the head of the FQP. The duration of the report is no more than 10 minutes.

Admitted by the department to the defense of FQP is sent for review for 7 days before protection. The reviewer's review must contain an analysis of the work done by the graduate:

3. General requirements for FQP registration

Registration of the practical part of the WRC

The technical and artistic means of performing the thesis, for example, washing, graphics, computer "filing", etc., are chosen by the author at his own discretion. Wherein necessary condition is the compositional and artistic-graphic unity of the entire graphic part of the work. The exposition may include diagrams, photos, perspective drawings, etc. The graphic "presentation" should clearly and fully disclose the solution proposed by the author, his creative idea.

The presented drawings for symbols, fonts and scales must strictly comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and be supplied with specifications.

Registration of the theoretical part of the WRC (explanatory note)

An explanatory note (PZ) is one of the main documents presented during the defense of an FQP. Its volume should be 60-70 pages of typewritten (computer) text.

The explanatory note should reflect:

- the relevance and significance of the topic, the degree of its elaboration in the literature, incl. the existing in practice approaches to the problem and the author's attitude to them are determined, the goal and objectives of the project are formulated, the data of practical activity used by the author, the methodology of the research carried out are characterized;

- a theoretical justification of the decisions made in the project (compositional, space-planning, economic) is given;

- the results of the work are summed up, the conclusions to which the author came when developing the topic of the thesis, about the possibility of implementing the results obtained into practice

3.2.2. Structure and content of sections (constituent parts) of the PP

The explanatory note should contain the following main structural elements:

- title page;

- assignment for FQP;

- manager's review;

- review;

- essay;

- introduction;

- the main part;

- conclusion;

- list of sources used;

- applications.

Title page is the first wRC page and is filled in according to certain rules (Appendix 1).

The task for FQP performance is drawn up on a special form.

abstractdrawn up in a concise form (no more than one page) and must include the volume of the FQP, the number of illustrations, applications, the number of sources used, a list of keywords, an annotation. The list of keywords should include from 5 to 15 words or phrases from the text of the PP, which to the greatest extent characterize its content and provide the possibility of information retrieval. Keywords are given in the nominative case and are printed in capital letters in a comma-separated period. The abstract reflects the structure of the explanatory note, its object, subject, purpose and objectives, the degree of development of the topic, methods, means, methods and ways of research, the results obtained in the course of the work and proposals for the implementation of the results, indicating the area of \u200b\u200btheir implementation (application), economic efficiency or the significance of the work, the forecast of the development of the research object. If the PP does not contain information on any of the listed structural parts of the annotation, then it is omitted in the text of the annotation, while the sequence of presentation is preserved (Appendix 3).

Introduction in short form should include the following parts:

- detailed name of the theme of the thesis project (work); application area and relevance of the work;

- the formulation of the goal and objectives of the WRC, the boundaries of the topic being developed;

- features of the approach to solving the selected topic;

- a statement of the state of the issue under study on the basis of the collected data and the justification for the use of the selected methods for solving the problem.

This, as a rule, short section makes up no more than 5% of the total volume of the note and is 1-2 pages of text.

Main partcontains most of the information (on average 70-75% of the total) and consists of three chapters, including paragraphs and subparagraphs if necessary. Each chapter should start with new page.

Chapter 1 is general theoretical and may contain a history of the issue, analysis of the situation, study of analogs, etc.

Chapter 2 comments and describes practical part WRC.

Chapter 3 contains the methodological part of the work.

The consistency of the structure and the purposefulness of the presentation of the main content is achieved only when each chapter has a specific purpose and is the basis for the subsequent one.

Conclusion, which is an independent part of scientific work, should not contain a retelling of the content or a repetition of the conclusions that were made in the chapters. Contains brief conclusions on the results of the work performed, an assessment of the completeness of the solution of the assigned tasks, proposals and recommendations on the specific use of the results of the WRC, its significance for practice. The conclusion should not contain new information, facts, arguments, and the conclusions should logically follow from the main text of the work.

Constructed in accordance with the rules established for bibliographic descriptions. Contains indications of the names and initials of authors, titles of articles, books, place of publication (for journals, indicate the name of the journal, year of publication, volume, page number), regulatory documents, databases, information and reference and search systems, electronic libraries.

In the application material can be submitted to justify the decision in the form of various options, illustrated with sketches, diagrams, photographs, etc.

3.3.3. Requirements for the design of the text part of the explanatory note

A prerequisite for issuing an explanatory note is its rigid fastening (sewing).

The content of the explanatory note is presented in the form of text and attachments (illustrations, diagrams, etc.). The text of the note is executed in Times New Roman font and must meet the following basic requirements: clarity of structure, clarity, consistency and consistency of the presentation of the material, accuracy of the information provided. The text should be on one side of a sheet of A4 paper. Paragraphs begin with an indentation of at least 1.2 cm. Sheets of an explanatory note should have the following margins: left - 30 mm, right - 15 mm, top - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm. The main text is written in 14 point size with one and a half space between lines. The explanatory note is carried out end-to-end numbering pages in Arabic numerals. The page number is put down in the middle of the page. The title page and table of contents are included in the general pagination of the text, but are not numbered.

Introduction, chapters of the main part, conclusion, list of sources used, applications should start on a new page. They should be typed in 16 "bold" size in capital letters and place in the middle of a line without a period at the end, without underlining ( CONTENTS, INTRODUCTIONetc.). Word hyphenation in headings and subheadings is not allowed.

Headings of subchapters (paragraphs) are typed in 16 "bold" type in lowercase letters and are indented (paragraph) 1.2 cm (as text). The next in the hierarchy heading (subparagraph) is typed in 14th "bold" type in lowercase letters and is indented (paragraph) 1.2 cm (as text). The distance between headings and text should be 2 spacing. The distance between the headings of the section and subsection is allowed to make 1-2 intervals.

Allowed to highlight words in the text in italics ( word), as well as highlighting additional headings in bold italics ( Title ).

An example of the design of the header hierarchy:

CHAPTER 1. TITLE 1.1. Title 1.1.1. Name

Abbreviations.The following abbreviations are used independently:

- abbreviations for geographical names: city (city), village (village), s. (village);

- words abbreviated for dates in digital form: c. (centuries), city (years), BC e .;

- words abbreviated with numbers in digital form: million, billion, thousand, copies, pcs.

2) If the text contains only one illustration, one table, one appendix, then the link should indicate: "... in the figure", "... in the table", "... in the appendix".

Bibliographic references are given as the serial number of the document in the list sources used, which is indicated in square brackets without a period, if the quote is not verbatim, it is written without quotes (for example,); if the quoted text is taken without changes, then the quote is put in quotation marks and the page on which this information is located in the source is indicated (for example,).

The text may contain links to applications, which are indicated in parentheses, for example, (Appendix 1, Fig. 2). Each application has its own numbering of figures and diagrams. If there is only one drawing in the application, then it can be omitted.

Tables.Each table must have a title. The period is not put at the end of the title. The title is placed above the table. All tables of the explanatory note should be referenced in the text of the document (for example, Table 1).

Tables are numbered with Arabic numerals by ordinal numbering within the entire text. The word "Table" and its serial number are placed above it in the upper right corner above the table name. If there is only one table in the text, then it is not numbered and the word "Table" is not written.

The column "Number in order" is not included in the table. Serial numbers are indicated in the first column of the table immediately before their name. There should not be empty cells in the table. If data are not available, a “-” sign is put.

Headings, as a rule, are in the nominative singular and are written in 14 "bold" type. The spelling of uppercase and lowercase letters in columns depends on the subordination of the headings of the upper and lower tiers. For instance:

Table 1


When filling out the table, it is allowed to use, in addition to the 14th, 10th or 12th font size.

Above the continuation or end of the table write: Continuation of the table. 2; The end of the table. 2. Tables are placed after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page, and, if necessary, in the appendix.

Illustrations.Illustrations include: photographs, drawings, sketches, plans, drawings, graphs, etc. Illustrations are denoted by the word "fig." and are numbered in Arabic numerals by ordinal numbering within the entire text. The word "fig.", The serial number of the illustration, and its name are placed under the illustration. Illustrations are placed after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page. All illustrations in the text should be referenced. For example: (fig. 1). Signature example: Fig. 2. Packaging. Armenia, 1978

List of sources used is placed after the main text of the explanatory note of the WRC and must contain information about the sources used in the performance of the work (educational literature, teaching aids, special studies on research issues and other periodicals, regulatory documents, articles of the Internet database). All bibliographic descriptions of documents in the list of information sources are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1-84, GOST 7.16-79, GOST 7.34-81, GOST 7.40-82. In bibliographic descriptions, abbreviations in the field of output data are allowed in accordance with GOST 7.12-93 and 7.11-78. Bibliographic descriptions of documents are arranged in alphabetical order of their elements of author's titles (surnames and initials of authors) or main titles.

Bibliographic description of documents(Appendix 4).

- title (books, articles);

- information related to the title (textbook, tutorial, monograph, etc.);

- source of publication (for an article - a journal, collection, etc.);

- place of publication;

- publishing house;

- the year of publishing;

- the number of pages (or pages on which the article is presented).

The publications in the bibliography are given in alphabetical order (first in Russian, then in foreign languages). For instance:

1. Runge V.F. Fundamentals of theory and methodology of design: textbook / V.F. Runge. Moscow: MZ-Press, 2003.252 p.

2. E.V. Tkachenko Art design: structure, content and development prospects of specialization / E.V. Tkachenko. Ekaterinburg: RGPPU, 2009.162 p.

3. Thuemlow E.Graphic design: corporate identity, the latest technologies and creative ideas / E. Tuemlow. Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2008.343 p.

Electronic resources

4. Famousdesigners [Electronic resource]. Access mode: / designers /.

5. Ivanova G.P. Design: history and theory [Electronic resource] / G.P. Ivanova // Site about culture and art. Access mode:

IN Annex diagrams, tables, drawings, photographs and drawings of analogs and design products are placed and must be signed, for example: Fig. 8. Title.

Norm control

One of the most effective means of controlling students' knowledge in the field of standardization and introducing the requirements of standards into the educational process is the standard control of educational documentation, which includes explanatory notes of final qualifying works. The implementation of the main provisions of the normative control provides both the graduate student and the teacher who supervises the FQP with a reliable tool for improving the quality of the graduate student's work and, ultimately, affects the quality of training of future specialists.

At the releasing department, a norm controller is appointed by the order of the head of the department. The text of the FQP and its annexes are subject to standard control.

The procedure for conducting normative control at the Department of Interior Design is established as the fulfillment of the main provisions of the explanatory note: compliance with the norms and requirements established by the state educational standard and other regulatory documents. Norm control is the final stage of the thesis. An explanatory note submitted for norm control must be fully completed in accordance with the assignment. It must be signed by the student and supervisor of the thesis.

It is prohibited to make any changes or additions to the work without the knowledge of the controller. The responsibility of the scientific supervisor of the FQP includes monitoring compliance with the requirements of the educational standard. The norm controller is not responsible for the artistic and technological solutions adopted in the project. Errors and deviations from the requirements of the standard identified during the standard control in the checked explanatory note are marked with a pencil so that they can be removed without affecting the quality of the document. A verified explanatory note, in which errors and deviations from the requirements of normative documents were found, together with the remarks of the normative controller, are transferred to the student for subsequent correction. The corrected explanatory note is re-sent to the standard controller along with the comments.

5. The structure and content of the final qualifying work (WQP) in areas

Real design

The WRC consists of two parts:

practical (graphic);

theoretical (explanatory note).

The scope of the practical (graphic) partis determined by the department depending on the chosen topic and conditions for the presentation of the exposition material and can be presented: on tablets 75x55 mm in size, electronic media (presentation, video, etc.). The amount and nature of the exposition material is discussed individually together with the head of the thesis and approved for review by the department.

Theoretical main part

An approximate structural model of the main part of the explanatory note (PZ) is proposed.

Chapter 1. Theoretical substantiation of the design problem (in strict accordance with the goals, objectives formulated in the introduction) .

1.1. General overview of the state of the art, the history of the development of the designed object.

1.2. Analysis of materials related to the design object, study of analogues, search for contradictions and, on their basis, clarification of the problem and tasks, selection of initial parameters.

Chapter 2. Development of the object.

2.1. Analysis of the design situation (design assignment, conceptual solution, search options, including the selection and justification of the optimal solution.

2.2. Compositional and space-planning solution: plans, sections, sweeps, perspectives, justification of the used finishing materials, built-in furniture, equipment, lamps, etc.

3.2. Stylish and color solutions.

Chapter 3. Didactic-methodical development related to teaching design (using the results of 1, 2 chapters).