Visual aids for the formation of the syllable structure of the word. Division into syllables How many syllables are in the words "dangerous" and "spruce"

How to determine how many syllables in a word are taught in the first grade. However, if the kid knows how to divide a word into syllables already at preschool age, this is a great advantage. Subsequently, it will be easier for him to quickly learn to read and write correctly. How do you know how many syllables are in a word?

Syllable division rules

The most basic rule for dividing a word into syllables is as follows:

how many vowels there are in a word, so many syllables.

Let's give an example:

  • Table - 1 vowel, 1 syllable
  • Cat - 2 vowels, 2 syllables, etc.

However, in order to correctly divide a word into syllables, you need to know a few more rules.

Syllables are open and closed. Open ones end in a vowel, and closed ones end in a consonant. When dividing a word into syllables for reading, we form open syllables.

For instance:

Ko-shka, ta-bu-ret, pi-ra-mi-da, for-e-squeeze.

As you may have noticed, the rules for division into syllables for reading differ significantly from the rules for hyphenation. In the latter case, it is recommended not to wrap one vowel on another line and not to separate letters from a prefix, root or suffix. In children's books designed specifically for teaching reading, words are divided into open syllables. One vowel can make up one syllable. Thanks to this rule, it is easier for children to pronounce words by syllables, focusing on the vowels. Subsequently, they themselves begin to easily determine how many syllables are in the word, and how to make the division.

How many syllables are in the words "dangerous" and "spruce"?

Let's take as an example the division into syllables of the words "dangerous" and "spruce".

In general, the words "dangerous" and "spruce" are quite light, and it will not be difficult to determine how many syllables there are.

Dangerous (4 vowels, which means 4 syllables): o-pas-sno-e (we refer the letter "c" to the third syllable in order to get open syllables according to the rules of dividing words into syllables for reading).

However, from the point of view of phonetics, the last syllable will not be considered open, since the letter "e" denotes two sounds: "y" and "e". But since we cannot divide the letter "e" into sounds in writing, this syllable is considered open.

A similar situation is with the word "spruce". According to the phonetic transcription, it has three sounds and three letters: [yel (soft)]. But since there is only one vowel sound, it turns out that the word "spruce" has one syllable.

More examples

Let's give some more examples to determine how many syllables are in a word. Let's take more difficult words, where it will be more difficult to determine how many syllables.

  • Drive up: drive-zip
  • Record: recap-live

In such seemingly complex words, we still focus on general rule and divide the word into open syllables.

There is only one exception to this rule:

If there is a soft consonant in the middle of a word, then it joins the previous syllable, for example:

  • T-shirt: mike,
  • Sanka: Sanya, etc.

In other cases, the rule for dividing words into syllables in Russian remains unchanged.

How to teach a child to divide words into syllables?

In order for the kid to correctly separate words, it is necessary that he accurately distinguishes vowels among consonants. When the child learns how to correctly separate the letters of the alphabet into vowels and consonants, you can start with syllables. First ask your child to divide the word so that each syllable ends with a vowel. When the child learns to read well, you can practice on separate fragments of the text. Gradually, the division into syllables will cease to be a problem.

Train with your child: this way he will feel your interest in his new skills and knowledge, encourage you to study. Let her only bring satisfaction to the baby.

Irina Artamonova

Among the various speech disorders in children preschool age one of the most difficult to correct is such a special manifestation of speech pathology as a violation syllabic structure of words... I bring to your attention some benefitsthat I use when working on syllabic structure of words.

1. Incentive material for work on the correction of violations syllabic structure of the word.

IN manuals collected speech and visual material for carrying out work to correct violations syllabic structure of words... 14 classes are presented wordsallocated by A. K. Markova.

2. Collect the bouquet

purpose: exercise children in division words to syllables.

Equipment: three vases with pockets and syllabic schemes, a set of colors - pictures.

Game progress: the child is invited to collect bouquets of flower-pictures, paying attention to how many syllables are their names.

3. Shop

purpose: exercise children in division words to syllables.

Equipment: cards- "money" with two, three, four circles drawn on them, subject images: carrots, beets, radishes, peppers, garlic, pumpkin, dill, plums, cherries, watermelon, potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, lemons, bananas, grapes, pineapple, apples, strawberries, apricots, tangerines, currants, blackberries, strawberries ...

Game progress: children are encouraged to buy only the product in the name of which there are so many syllableshow many circles are on their cards- "Money"... Children come to the table and say their choice word by syllableby showing your card. If the player did not make a mistake, they take "money" and issued "purchase"... The winner is the one with the most pictures.

When automating sounds, we select pictures with the automated sound and "buy in the store" only those items whose names consist of one, two, three or four syllables.

4. Syllabary houses.

purpose: exercise children in the selection words of different syllabic structures.

Equipment: panels depicting three houses, object pictures.

Game progress: children are invited to distribute the pictures to the houses in accordance with the number syllables in words... In a one-story house "Live" pictures whose names consist of one syllables, in a two-storey house "Live" pictures with names consisting of two syllables, in a three-storey house "Live" pictures with names consisting of three syllables.

5. Beads and syllables.

purpose: selection exercise words of different syllables, syllabic analysis of words.

Equipment: fragments of beads strung on laces, object pictures.

Game progress.

Option 1. The child picks up the wordsin which there are so many syllableshow many beads are on the string.

Option 2. The child calls pictures and string as many beads on a string as syllables in a word.

H and t

hand - tand - yu This script allows you to divide words into syllables. Remember that the rules for dividing words into syllables and hyphenation rules are different rules.

How to break a word into syllables

1. In the Russian language there are sounds of different audibility: vowel sounds are more sonorous than consonant sounds. It is vowel sounds that form syllables, are syllabic. A syllable is one sound or several sounds uttered by one exhalation push of air: water, na-u-ka.
There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels.
Consonants are non-syllable. When pronouncing the word, consonants "stretch" to the vowels, forming a syllable together with the vowels.

2. A syllable can consist of one sound (and then it is necessarily a vowel) or several sounds (in this case, in a syllable, in addition to a vowel, there is a consonant or a group of consonants): rim - o-bo-dock; country - country; night light - no-chnik; miniature - mi-no-a-tu-ra. If a syllable consists of two or more sounds, then it necessarily begins with a consonant.

3. Syllables are open and closed.
An open syllable ends in a vowel sound: water, country.
The closed syllable ends in a consonant sound: sleep, lay-ner.
There are more open syllables in Russian. Closed syllables are usually observed at the end of a word: no-chnik (the first syllable is open, the second is closed), o-bo-dock (the first two syllables are open, the third is closed).
In the middle of a word, a syllable, as a rule, ends in a vowel sound, and a consonant or a group of consonants standing after a vowel usually goes to the next syllable: nochnik, dictor.
In the middle of a word, closed syllables can form only unpaired voiced consonants [y], [p], [p '], [l], [l'], [m], [m '], [n], [n'] (sonorous): May-ka, Sonya-ka, co-scrap.

4. Sometimes two consonants can be written in a word, but one can sound, for example: to get rid of [izh: yt ’]. Therefore, in this case, two syllables stand out: and-live... Division into parts from-live follows the rules of word transfer, and not division into syllables.
The same can be seen in the example of the verb to leave, in which the combination of consonants zzh sounds like one sound [w:]; so the division into syllables will be - leave, and division of the word for hyphenation is leave.
Especially often mistakes are observed when highlighting syllables in forms of verbs ending in -sat, -sat.
The division twist-Xia, presses-Xia is division into parts for transfer, and not division into syllables, since in such forms the combination of letters ts, ts sounds like one sound [c].
When dividing into syllables, the combinations of letters ts, ts completely fall back to the next syllable: wiggle, squeeze.

5. When several consonants are combined in the middle of a word: two identical consonants must necessarily go to the next syllable: o-ttech, d-d; two or more consonants usually go to the next syllable: sha-pka, equal. The exception is consonant combinations, in which the first is an unpaired voiced (sonorous): letters p, ry, l, l, m, m, n, n, y: mark, dawn, bul-ka, insole, ladies, ban, bath, bark.

From 30.03.15 "Syllabus train" To consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables, I propose to play with the children the game "Who will go in which carriage?" In this funny syllabic train there are several trailers with 1, 2, 3, 4 windows.

Must split words into syllables (according to pictures).

- Tellwho will travel in which carriage according to the principle: "The word should have as many parts as there are windows in the carriage"

For example: "The word" beetle "has one syllable, which means that the beetle will go in the first carriage"

Who will go in which carriage?

From 23.03.15 Choose a word with a syllable .... We consolidate the ability to hear a certain syllable in a word. For this I propose andgroove exercise "Choose a word with a syllable ...". The sequence of performing mental actions:

  1. Name all pictures.
  2. Divide words into parts.
  3. Name words ending with "LA", "ЛЫ", "LO".


Paddle, knots, doll, shark, broom, saw, hollow, dolls

From 16.03.15 Draw the syllable and sound scheme of the word. Offer your child:

Divide the word into syllables (parts). Draw a syllabic diagram. What is the first syllable? second syllable, etc.

Explain why there are so many syllables in a word. For example: "The word" fox "has two syllables, because there are 2 vowel sounds -" I "," A "

Name the sounds in this word in order. Draw a sound scheme. Tell how many sounds there are in a word and what each sound is (vowel - consonant, hard - soft).

From 9.03.15 Match the scheme to the word. We consolidate the skill of dividing words into syllables (parts). This will help syllabic schemes. Print out syllable diagrams and pictures. Glue the pictures into your notebook. Offer your child:

  1. Split each word into syllables according to the algorithm specified in the recommendations from 24.02.
  2. Pick up a suitable syllabic scheme for the word and connect her with a pencil with the desired picture.
  3. Explain why a particular syllabic scheme fits a particular picture.

What are the syllabic schemes

Find the syllable scheme for the word

From 2.03.15 Drawing up a story from pictures. Let the child look at the pictures and compose a story based on them so that at least three sentences are obtained for each picture. The longer the story, the better. To beginit is necessary with a sentence that tells where or when this story happened. AND at the end maybe a sentence explaining why the boy never teased dogs again. It's good if the children come up with a name for the boy and a nickname for the dog.

Compose a story "You can't tease dogs"

From 24.02.15 Division of words into parts. Children learn to divide words into syllables. Syllable - this is part the words. IN kindergarten children often confuse the concept of "syllable" and "word", so it is better to use the concept of "part" (word). The main thing is that the children understand well how to divide the word into parts. First, remember and name the vowel sounds with the child, because the children learned the rule " There are as many parts as there are vowels in a word. " Letters will help to recall vowel sounds:

A, O, U, I, E, S

Now you need to perform the following mental actions in sequence:

1. Pronounce the word slowly, stretching out the vowel sounds: buuuu syyy.

2. Name the vowel sounds: " U "," A ".

4. Make a conclusion: "In the word" beads " 2 vowels means 2 parts ".

5. Pronounce the word in parts: "boo - sy".

6. Name the parts by order: "The first part" BU ", the second part" SY "

Divide the words into pieces

(beads, Marina, teeth, sleeves, bananas, pear, flags, work)

From 16.02.15 Vowel sounds in a word. We strengthen the ability of children to name vowel sounds in a word. This is very useful when dividing words into parts (syllables) according to the basic principle "As many vowels in a word, there are so many parts." For this I propose a game exercise "name the vowel sounds in the word." Do not hurry! Do not ask your child to name vowel sounds right away, otherwise unnecessary problems may arise. Perform the exercise with the child in stages.

1. Name the vowel sounds: "A, O, U, I. E, Y".

2. Pronounce the word (from the pictures) slowly, as if singing each sound, highlighting the vowel sounds with your voice - " ffaaaa rrttuuuu kk ".

3. Name the vowel sounds: "A", "U"

4. Count and answer: "How many vowels are in the word" apron "?" "There are 2 vowel sounds in the word" apron "

Name the vowel sounds in the word

(banana, bull, apron, cabbage, lights, table, pear, soup, geese, drum)