The approximate structure of the practical part of the WRC. How is WRC issued? Formatting text material

3.1. The work should be written in a scientific style, logically consistent. You should not use both overly lengthy and complexly constructed sentences, and overly short, laconic phrases that are weakly related to each other, allowing for double interpretation, etc.

FQP is not written from the first person, wording like "I considered", "The purpose of my work", "I think", etc. are excluded. The work should be written using neutral formulations such as "It is possible to draw a conclusion", "A study was carried out."

In the final qualifying work, the unity of the presentation style must be observed, spelling, syntactic and stylistic literacy must be ensured in accordance with the norms of the modern Russian language.

3.2. Table of Contents sheet.

The "Table of Contents" sheet should list the following mandatory items:


1. The title of the first chapter.

1.1. The title of the first paragraph of the first chapter.

1.2. Etc.

2. The title of the second chapter.

2.1. The title of the first paragraph of the second chapter.

2.2. Etc.

List of sources of information.


The main part of the WRC consists of only 2 chapters : theoretical and practical, divided into paragraphs. The total number of points, both in theoretical and practical parts, must be at least three and no more than five.

Each chapter, paragraph should include a complete idea and information. The chapter and topic of the WRC cannot be named alike. A chapter or paragraph cannot have a one-word title.

3.3... In the introduction the relevance and significance of the topic, the degree of its elaboration in the literature, incl. the existing in science and practice approaches to the problem formulated in the theme of the WRC are determined, the purpose and tasks of the work are formulated, the practical materials used by the author and the structure of the work are characterized. The volume of the introduction should be small - 1.5 - 2 pages.

The introduction to the WRC necessarily contains the following elements:

- Determination of the topic of work. It is necessary to provide several (2-3) phrases from educational literature that characterize the basic concepts of the topic.

Relevance of the work. It is necessary to indicate the current situation, why the problem raised in the topic is relevant. Justification can begin with the phrase: “ The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that ...».

Purpose of work. The goal shows the direction of the disclosure of the topic of the work. For instance: " Graduation goal qualification work - ... "or" The purpose of this work is to study (description, definition, establishment, research, development, disclosure, illumination, identification, analysis, generalization) ...

Tasks of the final qualifying work. Tasks are ways to achieve a goal. In accordance with the main goal, 3 - 4 target tasks should be identified that must be solved to achieve the main goal of the study. Each of the tasks is formulated in accordance with the chapters of the work.

An example of formulating tasks: " To achieve the goal set in the final qualifying work, the following tasks were identified:

1. Reveal ...

2. Conduct…

3. Develop ...

- Object and subject of the WRC. An object is a process or phenomenon chosen for study. The subject is narrower and more specific. It is located within the boundaries of the object and reflects any side (aspect, properties, signs, relationships) of the object to be studied. For instance: “The object of the research is the economic activity of the enterprise. The subject of the research is the influence of the results of economic analysis on making effective, well-grounded decisions. "

- Information base for writing FQPs (sources of information). The sources that were used to write the work are listed. for instance: « The theoretical basis of the final qualifying work was the research ...

The practical part of the work was carried out on the basis of documents ... (specific documents are listed) "

"When writing the final qualifying work, literature was used on ... For the analysis in the practical part, materials were used ...".

- Work structure... This element indicates how many chapters the work consists of, given and given summary chapters.

3.4. In the theoretical section of the main part of the FQP, theoretical aspects of the topic are presented based on an analysis of the literature, and discussion issues are considered. The content of the theoretical chapter should strictly complythe topic of the WRC.

If the subject of the WRC allows, then paragraph 1.1 gives a characteristic of the normative documents governing the issue under study. Clauses 1.2 - 1.5 deal with various theoretical aspects of the topic.

The practical section of the main part describes the student's observations and experiments, research and their methodology, provides an analysis of the results obtained, conclusions .

3.5. The scope of the conclusion should be 1 - 2 pages.

In the first part of the conclusion, it is necessary to reflect the main conclusions that the student came to when studying the theoretical aspects of this topic (based on educational and scientific literature). These conclusions should reflect the relevance of this topic and its practical significance.

In the second part of the conclusion, it is necessary to reflect a brief formulation of the results , which the student came to when performing the practical part (conclusions for each problem posed in the introduction).

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How to write an introduction correctly thesis

So let's get started.

Introduction of thesis

Introduction is a very important part part of the diploma and term paper. The introduction reveals the rationale for the need to study the problem selected by the student and presents a scheme for conducting a diploma or course study.

The introduction of a thesis, as a rule, takes 3-5 pages of printed text. The introduction of the term paper should be 2-3 pages of printed text.

The introduction can be conditionally divided into several parts:

I The relevance of the thesis (course) work; the degree of development of the research topic; Problems.

II Object and subject of research.

III Purpose and objectives (they reveal the way to achieve the goal).

IV Hypothesis.

V Methods used in writing a thesis (course) work.


VII Brief description of the structure.

I Relevance in the introduction of the thesis

The relevance of the topic of the thesis (course) work characterizes its modernity, vitality, urgency, importance, significance. In other words, this is the argumentation of the need to study the topic of the thesis, the disclosure of the real need for its study and the need to develop practical recommendations.

The relevance of the thesis should not take more than 1.5 pages introduction of thesis (from practical experience, we will say that too detailed relevance tires the directors of thesis and they will cut it down for you anyway).

The relevance of a term paper usually takes a little less than a page of printed text.

The following words must be present: relevance and practical aspect of these problems are related to…. or the relevance of the thesis is (or manifests itself) in the following…. or issues concerning this and that are very relevant... Or just " The relevance of the thesis "and then start with a new sentence.

After describing the relevance of the topic, you can write: the relevance of the topic of the thesis is associated with the significant spread of the phenomenon under study and lies in the need to develop recommendations for improving work in the area under consideration.

If you can't describe the relevance in your own words? You don't need to do this. Then how to determine the relevance of the chosen topic?

Practical advice!

  1. Search the Internet for coursework, diplomas on your topic and look at them for introductions. Compare, select all the most important in a separate document Word "Introduction".
  2. Pick up a few books (which touch on your chosen topic). At the very beginning of chapters, the importance and significance of what is written below is always described. This will be your relevance.

II Object and subject of research in the introduction of the thesis

Research object of the thesis is a certain area of \u200b\u200breality, a social phenomenon that exists independently of the researcher.

Subject of study - these are features, properties or aspects of an object that are significant from a theoretical or practical point of view. The subject of research shows through what the object will be cognized. In each object of research, there are several subjects of research and focusing on one of them means that other subjects of research of this object simply remain aloof from the interests of the researcher.

A VERY SIMPLE EXAMPLE: the object of research is a person, the subject of research is skin. This object has many subjects for research, such as the lymphatic, circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract, etc. But for the researcher, only the skin matters, it is the subject of his direct research.

For example, in the field of humanities, the object of research is the sphere of social relations (institutional education), within which the research will be conducted. The object reflects the problem in one or another social relationship.

Subject in thesis - This is an element of social life, with a relative autonomy of existence. The object reflects the problem situation, considers the subject in all its interconnections. An object is always wider than its subject. If the object is a field of activity, then the subject is the studied process within the framework of the thesis object. The subject in the introduction to the thesis is indicated after the definition of the object.

Example # 1

The object of the thesis (course) work are legal relations arising in the course of tax audits.

The subject of the thesis (course) work is the current legislation Russian Federationregulating relations on conducting tax audits, as well as scientific publications that touch upon these issues, judicial practice.

Example No. 2

The research object is small and medium-sized businesses.

Economic relations arising in the planning and organization of small and medium-sized businesses.

Example No. 3

Sibavtotrans LLC motor transport enterprise, the main activity of which is the provision of services for the transport of passenger and freight transport.

The subject of research is economic relations arising in the process of accounting, analysis of the financial results of the enterprise.

Example No. 4

The research object is modesty as a systemic personality trait.

The subject of research is ethnopsychological features of the modesty of students from Russia, USA, England, Germany.

Example No. 5

Object of study - children 12 years of age.

Subject of study - behavioral features of 12-year-old children.

III Purpose and objectives in the introduction of the thesis (course) work

Purpose of thesis or course work shows what the student wants to achieve in his research activities, the goal shows what the final result needs to be achieved in the thesis.


The purpose thesis (course) work is the consideration of the legal regulation of tax audits, the identification of urgent problems arising during tax audits, as well as the search for ways to improve the mechanism for conducting tax audits.

Tasks reveal the path to achieving the goal. Each task, as a rule, is devoted to a chapter (or paragraph) of the diploma or course work. Tasks can be introduced with the words:


To uncover;


To develop;




Refine, etc.

The number of tasks should be 4-5. The tasks must be reflected in the conclusion, conclusions and recommendations.


The objectives of the thesis (course) work in connection with this goal are:

1. to consider the division of contracts into agreements (transactions) and contractual obligations;

2. investigate typical and mixed contracts;

3. to disclose the features of contracts in favor of their participants and contracts in favor of third parties;

4. consider organizational and property contracts;

5. investigate public contracts and contracts of accession;

6. to identify other types of civil contracts.

You can start like this: “To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set: 1., 2., 3., etc.

IV Hypotheses and in the introduction of the thesis

Thesis hypothesis (term paper) represents the expected result that the student plans to achieve as a result of writing a thesis.

An assumption (hypothesis) can be made in the following words:

- "it is possible if"

- "will be carried out efficiently if available (provided)"

- "the creation will provide."

V Research methods of thesis

Research methods are ways, methods of knowing an object. At any thesis and term paper the method of analysis of literature, analysis of regulatory documents on the topic of thesis is used, as well as analysis of documents, archives, etc.

In your thesis and term paper, you can write the following methods used:

Literature analysis;

Analysis of regulatory documents on the topic of thesis;

Study and generalization of domestic and foreign practice;





Theoretical analysis and synthesis,


Concretization and idealization,

Induction and deduction,




Historical method,

Special law and comparative law (if you are writing a law degree).

VI Scientific novelty and practical significance of the problem under study

Scientific novelty of the thesis is formulated depending on the nature and essence of the chosen topic of the diploma. Scientific novelty is formulated differently for theoretical and practical diplomas.

So, in the first case, it is determined by what is new in the theory and methodology of the subject under study, and in the second, it is determined by the result that was obtained for the first time, confirmed or updated, or develops and clarifies the previously established scientific ideas about the subject under study and practical achievements.

The practical significance depends on the novelty of the diploma and makes it necessary to write it. In other words, defining practical value means defining the results to be achieved. This is a very important element of the introduction to thesis.

When writing a term paper, scientific novelty is not always indicated.

Vii Brief description of the structure

At the end of the "introduction" section, it is necessary to describe the structure of the thesis. It's very simple, let's show with examples:

1. “The introduction reveals the relevance, determines the degree of scientific development of the topic, object, subject, purpose, objectives and research methods, reveals the theoretical and practical significance of the work.

The first chapter examines the general classifications of civil contracts.

The second chapter is devoted to the division of contracts into separate types.

In the conclusion, the results of the research are summed up, the final conclusions on the topic under consideration are formed. "

2. The structure of the work is determined by the subject, purpose and objectives of the study. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion.
The introduction reveals the relevance, determines the degree of scientific development of the topic, object, subject, purpose, objectives and research methods, reveals the theoretical and practical significance of the work.

The first chapter examines the concept and types of securities and corporate equity securities. The second chapter reveals the features of corporate equity securities as objects of civil transactions. The third chapter is devoted to the issues of legal regulation of the issue of corporate securities.

In the conclusion, the results of the study are summed up, the final conclusions on the topic under consideration are formed.

TIP! It is more convenient to compose the introduction after writing the main part of the thesis. The fact is that as it is written, an introduction is also drawn up (relevance, novelty, etc.).

Some scientific advisers require to indicate the research problem in the introduction to the thesis. If you need to identify a problem, read: "

You will learn how to correctly draw up footnotes in term paper and in a diploma from the article "How to make footnotes correctly in term papers and diploma papers"

If you have or have any difficulties with writing a thesis, you can entrust the writing of a thesis to order to the specialists of our portal working on the Exchange

The title of the practical part, as a rule, formulates the research problem on the example of a specific organization.

1. Purpose of the study- given in the first sentence.

Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise,on the basis of which the research is carried out (status of the enterprise, morphological features of the organization, organizational and management structure, features technological process etc).

Research methods.

3. Research progress.After the name of each method is formulated, the purpose is given. hisuse and description is given. Further - the application of the research method in a particular organization is revealed. All materials on the application of research methods (questionnaire forms, internal documents for ensuring the protection of the organization's / enterprise's data) are placed in the Appendices. The analysis of the results obtained is carried out, a conclusion is made. To obtain more accurate results, more than one, but several research methods are used.

4. General conclusions.At the end of the research, general results (conclusions) on the entire topic are summarized. The methodology used should confirm or refute the hypothesis of the research. If the hypothesis is refuted, recommendations are given on possible improvement of the organization's activities and technology for protecting the organization's / enterprise's data in the light of the problem under study.

5. In custodya short list of the results obtained in the work should be presented. The main purpose of the conclusion is to summarize the content of the work, to sum up the results of the study. In the conclusion, the obtained conclusions are presented, their correlation with the purpose of the work and the specific tasks set and formulated in the introduction is analyzed, it forms the basis of the student's report on defense and should not be more than 5 pages of text.



The text part of the work should be performed in a computer version on A4 paper on one side of the sheet. Font - Times New Roman, font size - 14, typeface - regular, one-and-a-half spacing, justified alignment. Pages must have margins (recommended): bottom - 2; top - 2; left - 2; right - 1. The volume of the FQP should be 40-50 pages. The following share of the main listed elements in the total volume of the final qualifying work is recommended: introduction - up to 10%; sections of the main part - 80%; conclusion - up to 10%.

The entire text of the WRC should be divided into component parts. The text is broken down by dividing it into sections and subsections. The content of the WRC should not contain the same wording of the title of one of the constituent parts with the title of the work itself, as well as the coincidence of the titles of sections and subsections. The titles of sections and subsections should reflect their main content and disclose the topic of the WRC.

Sections, subsections must have titles. Paragraphs, as a rule, do not have headings. Section headings, subsections and paragraphs should be printed with paragraph indentation 1.25cm s capital letter without a period at the end, without underlining, font number 14 "Times New Roman". If the title consists of two sentences, separate them with a period. Headings should clearly and concisely reflect the content of sections, subsections.

When dividing the WRC into sections in accordance with GOST 2.105-95, the designation is made by serial numbers - Arabic numerals without a dot. If necessary, subsections can be divided into items. The item number must consist of section, subsection and item numbers, separated by dots. At the end of the number of a section (subsection), paragraph (subparagraph), do not put a full stop. Each section should be started with a new sheet (page).

If a section or subsection consists of one item, then it should not be numbered. Clauses, if necessary, can be divided into subclauses, which should be sequentially numbered within each clause, for example:

Types and main dimensions


Enumerations may be given within clauses or subclauses. Each listing should be preceded by a hyphen or lowercase letterfollowed by a parenthesis. For further detailing of the enumerations, it is necessary to use Arabic numerals followed by a parenthesis.



b) _____________

1) ________

2) ________

in) ____________

The page numbering of the main text and appendices should be continuous. The page number is put in the center of the bottom of the sheet without a dot. The title page is included in the general numbering wRC pages... Page number on title page and the content is not affixed.

In the thesis, scientific and special terms, designations and definitions established by the relevant standards, and in their absence - generally accepted in the special and scientific literature, should be used. If a specific terminology is adopted, then a list of accepted terms with appropriate explanations should be given before the list of references. The list is included in the content of the work.


All illustrations placed in the final qualifying work must be carefully selected, clearly and accurately performed. Figures and diagrams should be directly related to the text, without unnecessary images and data that are not explained anywhere. The number of illustrations in the WRC should be sufficient to clarify the text presented.

Illustrations should be placed immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

The illustrations placed in the text should be numbered with Arabic numerals, eg:

Picture 1, Picture 2

It is allowed to number illustrations within a section (chapter). In this case, the illustration number should consist of the section (chapter) number and the sequential number of the illustration, separated by a dot.

The illustrations, if necessary, can have a name and explanatory data (figure text).

The word "Picture" and the name are placed after the explanatory data, in the middle of the line, for example:

Figure 1 - Document route

Faculty of Social Communications

Department of Journalism and Public Relations



Moscow - 2008


Real Methodical instructionsare intended for students of all forms of education of the International Independent Ecological and Political University (hereinafter referred to as MNEPU), members of the Final Attestation Commissions and the faculty of MNEPU as a guide to the preparation and defense of final qualification works (hereinafter referred to as: WRC). Methodical instructions determine the procedure for the development of publications, planning the structure, volume, content and design of the FQP, the timing of its preparation, presentation for defense and organization of defense, as well as appropriate control and assistance to students at all stages of their work on the topic.

FQP completes the process of theoretical, methodological and practical training of students. In this work, the student must independently, under the supervision of the head of the FQP, develop a chosen topic, show elements of creativity in the course of the research, analytically substantiate the proposed provisions and practical advice... The FQM is based on an in-depth analysis of factual material based on an objective study of the history and state of the research object in the process of its development, as well as statistical or other information and special literature.

When writing the FQP, knowledge gained by graduates in the course of their studies, as well as materials collected by them during the period industrial practice... An important role is played by the information that students receive and generalize by participating in the work at departments, enterprises, in student scientific conferences.

The objects of research are general and specific issues of the specialty (or specialization) chosen by the student, the activities of modern market and budgetary structures, enterprises and organizations or specific objects. The graduate needs to get acquainted with the domestic and foreign state and experience of work on the problem studied in the FQP.


The objectives of the WRC are the systematization and consolidation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students when performing complex tasks with elements of research, as well as determining the readiness of MNEPU graduates to perform professional duties.

The main tasks of the WRC are:

Theoretical substantiation and disclosure of the essence of professional (information, psychological, social) categories, phenomena and problems on the topic of FQP;

Analysis of the collected and processed factual material;

Finding ways (ways, methods) to improve the organization and efficiency of a specialist's work on a specific problem or object of professional activity (journalism, public relations);

Development of substantiated conclusions on the state of the research object in the WRC, practical proposals and recommendations for improving the efficiency of the object.


FQP is an independent creative research of a student on a topic chosen by him. It is necessary to highlight the points of view on the object of research that are available in modern professional literature and be sure to state your attitude towards them. FQP should reflect knowledge of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, other normative materials, research on the topic of work, publications of leading experts, demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate the concepts of various authors, the use of various methods of analysis and generalization of factual material. FQP is certified as "excellent" when it contains:

Presentation of the views of modern scientists and specialists on the problem or object under consideration, a wide range of special literature has been involved in its development;

Substantiation of the theoretical and practical significance of the development of the problem for the current stage of development of the studied branch of knowledge;

Understanding the historical development of views on the issue under study (problem, object) and its relationship with specific industry conditions;

Research methodology for questions, problems or objects;

Collected, processed, systematized and analyzed using modern computer methods and technologies, primary materials;

Independent judgments (or calculations), which are of fundamental importance for the development of the topic;

Reasoned theoretical generalizations and presentation of one's own opinion on the issue under study (problem or object);

A high level of design of all work and its presentation during the defense.

Works of a creative nature and characterized by the depth of the topic development;

Works of great practical importance.

FQP score goes down 1 - 2 points, if a:

The requirements for works with excellent marks have not been partially met;

Individual sections of the WRC are presented superficially, without a proper theoretical foundation.

The work deserves an assessment "Unsatisfactory" when:

Contains gross theoretical errors, superficial argumentation on the main provisions of the topic;

Instead of theoretical coverage of issues, confirmed by analysis of the processed primary material, superficial descriptions of facts or examples are given;

Compiled in nature.

WRC rated "Unsatisfactory", is completely processed and presented for defense again in accordance with the regulation on the Final Attestation of Graduates of the International Independent Ecological and Political University.


3.1. Tasks of the graduating departments and dean's offices of MNEPU

Organization of WRC preparation begins with the development of their topics. To this end, the graduating departments submit by October 1 of each year a list of topics approved at the meetings of the department for further informing students (no later than 6 months before the start of the FQP).

The main requirements for the subject of FQP are: relevance; direct connection with the possible practical application of the knowledge of graduates in accordance with the specialization in the direction of training (specialty); sufficient provision of the necessary literature and the possibility of using factual material.

The choice of FQP topics and their assignment to full-time and part-time students is organized according to the schedule of the educational process of the MNEPU. Students choose topics for FQPs independently, guided only by their scientific interests, practical experience, knowledge of special professional literature on the chosen problem. The graduating departments are obliged to assist students in choosing topics.

Having chosen the topic of the FQP, the student submits an application to the head of the graduating department in the form established in the MNEPU.

The head of the Department of Journalism and Public Relations determines the head of the FQP. The leaders of the FQP are appointed from the faculty of the MNEPU and attracted specialists. Assignment to graduates of FQP topics and leaders is carried out by order of the Rector of the MNEPU.

If the FQP includes structural parts that require specialized processing, at the suggestion of the Department of Journalism and Public Relations, by order of the rector of the MNEPU, a consultant may be appointed on special issues or a separate structural component of the FQP. The FQP consultant should not be an employee of the Department of Life Sciences and Social Development.

3.2. FQP tasks

Within two weeks after the Rector signed an order on assigning topics to students and appointing FQP leaders, the latter, together with the students, develop, clarify and agree on tasks for completing FQPs with their registration according to the model established in the MNEPU.

The task for the implementation of the FQP is the basis for the development of the FQP leader and the student of the schedule and plan for the FQP preparation. The schedule for the preparation of the FQP should be drawn up within one week immediately after receiving the assignment for the FQP in two copies and approved by the head of the Department of Journalism and Public Relations. One copy is with the student, the second - with the head of the FQP.

3.3. Schedule of the FQP

The WRC schedule includes the following stages:

Development of a work plan and an approximate list of scientific, statistical, factual and other primary materials required for the analysis;

Compilation of a preliminary bibliography on the subject of WRC;

Collection of information and its processing;

Writing the first (theoretical) part of the work;

Writing the second (analytical) part of the work;

Writing an introduction and conclusion;

Presentation of the first edition of the work to the head of the WRC;

Preparation of the final version of the work, its registration and submission for review to the head of the WRC;

Reviewing the work (for a specialist);

Preparation of WRC presentation.

Not later than two weeks before the start of the work of the Final Attestation Commission, the Department of Journalism and Public Relations, together with the heads of the FQP, conduct an intermediate attestation (pre-defense) of students' work. Students who have not completed the tasks set by the schedule are not allowed to defend the FQP. The decision on the possible admission of such students to further preparation of the FQP is made by the dean of the faculty on an individual basis for each specific case.

In the process of compiling the Content, the theoretical level and practical significance of the FQP as a whole is predetermined. It should be borne in mind that the presentation of individual sections (paragraphs) should be subordinate to the disclosure of the topic as a whole. The structure of the Content should be logical, the issues to be developed are specific and interrelated.


Three (or two) chapters, where theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem under study are considered, the degree of elaboration of individual issues is noted; a professional description of the object under study is given; analyzed it existing state; recommendations are formulated to substantiate the effectiveness of individual proposals;

Conclusion containing the results of the work performed.


The collection of factual material is carried out by the student, as a rule, in the process of industrial practice (or independently) and is a crucial stage in the preparation of FQP. Its quality, the objectivity of its conclusions will largely depend on how correctly and fully the factual material is selected and analyzed. The facts and digital material presented in the WRC must be reliable.

The analysis of the factual material should be carried out in a certain sequence. First of all, one should determine purpose and objectives of the analysis, that is, the final result, which should reflect the essence of the problem under consideration. Then the set of indicators (or criteria) necessary for the analysis is determined, the approximate sequence of their calculation (definition), materials and methods of analysis are studied.

After choosing the characteristic indicators (criteria) and methodology, the student proceeds directly to the analysis of the collected material. Not only the system of generalizing indicators is analyzed, but also particular indicators, and their determining factors in the dynamics of the problem (issue, object) under study over the past few years. Then the identified trends are formulated, and their qualitative and quantitative characteristics are given.

Systematization, analysis and processing of factual materials presuppose the use of tables, diagrams, graphs, drawings, diagrams in FQP, which not only contribute to the clarity of the material presented on the pages of the work, but also more convincingly reveal the essence of the study.

The collection and processing of factual material is the most time-consuming stage in the preparation of an FQP. In order to speed up processing in the systematization of such material, it is recommended to widely use a systematic approach, reference information systems and computer technologies.



The experience of writing FQPs indicates that the most optimal structure for constructing a work is a structure that includes an introduction, three (or two) chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

The WRC should consist of interrelated theoretical and practical parts:

1. Introduction

In the introduction it is necessary:

Justify the relevance of the selected topic;

Define the goal and list the specific tasks set by the WRC;

Indicate the organizations, materials or base of which are used in the implementation of the WRC;

Describe the scientific novelty and scientific and practical significance of the work;

Describe the research methods that were used to write the FQP;

Indicate the structure and scope of work.

2. Theoretical and methodological assessment of the studied problem or object

In this part, based on the study of the literature, the role and essence of the problem (object) under study, the necessity and possibility of its in-depth analysis, taking into account modern requirements (and computer technology), the choice of the methodology and specific methods of the student's work on the disclosure of the tasks set in the FQP is substantiated. Given a brief description of the degree of development of certain aspects of the problem (object), their shortcomings are indicated and the main ways of improvement are outlined. In the absence in the literature of a unified point of view on the issue investigated in the WRC, one should cite (with references to sources) the different positions of the authors, give their comparative assessment and be sure to formulate their own opinion.

Various quotations should not be overused in the WRC text. Quotes should be brought to the point and be organically interconnected with the content of the work. When quoting, be sure to indicate the source. Word-for-word borrowing of text, expressions from textbooks, special literature, normative and instructive materials without references is inadmissible.

3. Analytical part

The analytical part of the FQP is carried out according to literary sources; statistical information; materials of enterprises (and companies) collected independently or during practice. The composition of the analyzed indicators (criteria) is determined by the WRC work plan and specified by the WRC head.

In the process of analysis, the scales and rates of change of individual indicators, the patterns of their development, the relationship between them, factors affecting the level of various indicators and the degree of this influence are revealed. In addition, the analysis reveals the reasons for the negative aspects of the object's activity, determines the ways to improve the efficiency of work.

The analysis should use various methods and ways of presenting the results: tables, graphs, drawings, diagrams and diagrams, which give a specific and visual representation of the relationship of the studied indicators, the degree of influence of individual factors, etc.

This part of the WRC ends with specific conclusions based on the results of the analysis. Methodological literacy and depth of analysis testify to the professional qualities of the graduate.

The qualitative level of the analysis performed predetermines the applied significance of the FQP. The recommendatory part of the WRC is developed on the basis of previous results, generalization of the experience of similar recommendations and the use of special literature.

It is necessary to highlight the main groups of proposals for a more substantiated or improved solution of the issues considered in the WRC. For example, recommendations can be subdivided into groups: organizational, technological, economic, social, methodological, environmental and other. After that, specific proposals are formulated, and the expediency of their implementation in the object under study is substantiated.

Each recommended proposal is accompanied by a statement of its essence and content, professional justification. The place of the possible implementation of the proposal, its possible influence on the organizational (technological) level of practical activity or other expected efficiency is determined. The depth of development of individual proposals and the calculations (or justification) of their effectiveness are established jointly with the scientific advisor, depending on the content and importance of the recommendation.

5. Conclusion

The Conclusion is the final part of the entire WRC. It summarizes the main theoretical achievements, provides the most important conclusions and, in a generalized form, shows the effectiveness of the recommended proposals. The WRC ends:

List of used literature (bibliography);


The main provisions, analysis and practical recommendations of the WRC should be illustrated graphically. The volume, composition and content of the graphic part are determined together with the scientific advisor, depending on the nature of the topic being developed and recommendations.


The main responsibilities of the Department of Journalism and Public Relationsfor the guidance of the FQP students are:

Development of FQP topics;

Organization (together with the dean) of students' choice of FQP topics;

Selection, distribution and approval of WRC leaders;

Operational guidance, control, consulting and assistance to students in the process of preparing FQP;

Control over the content of the work of the leaders of the WRC;

Ensuring high-quality WRC review;

Conducting intermediate certification (pre-defense) of FQP - 2 weeks before the defense;

Registration of a student's admission to the defense of the FQP.

During the entire period of preparation and writing of the FQP, the student must systematically meet with his supervisor. These meetings are held in accordance with the approximate schedule: at first - at least three times a month, and later more often - as individual structural parts FQP and the emergence of significant issues.

Responsibilities of the leaders of the WRC include:

Development of assignments for the student to complete the FQP;

Assisting the student in compiling the Content of the FQP, as well as in the selection of literature;

Advising a student on the selection of factual material, methods of its generalization, systematization, processing and inclusion in the FQP;

Conducting regular meetings and interviews with the student during the preparation and writing of the FQP, providing him with the necessary organizational and methodological assistance;

Control over the implementation of the FQP preparation schedule;

Personal participation in intermediate certification (pre-defense) of FQP;

Checking the quality of the submitted work as a whole and drawing up a review.

The opinion of the head of the FQP is drawn up on paper sheets of A 4 format. It gives a description of the work performed, which indicates:

Compliance of the content of the FQP with the objectives of the assignment;

Advantages and disadvantages of WRC;

Completeness and quality of the development of the theme and parts of the WRC;

Degree of independence, personal creativity, student initiative in the performance of FQP;

Ability to work with literature, make calculations, analyze, generalize, make informed conclusions;

Systematic and literate presentation, the ability to design materials;

The final part of the review sets out the opinion of the manager on the admission of the FQP to defense and the possibility of assigning a specialist qualification to a graduate.


7.1. Scope of FQP and requirements for its registration

The recommended volume of the FQP should be 70 - 90 pages of printed text made on a PC in editors such as Word in 14 point font (Times New Roman) with a left margin of 3 cm, the remaining margins are 2 cm each for a white sheet of A 4 format. : chapters 1, 2, 3 - 20 - 22 pages each (with two chapters 30 - 35 pages), introduction - up to 3 pages, conclusion - up to 5 pages.

Handwritten performance of the FQP is not permitted. Works with spelling errors are not allowed for protection.

A significant deviation of the FQP from the standard volume (over 5 pages) in the direction of increasing or decreasing is allowed only with the permission of the head of the FQP. The standardized volume does not include annexes and a list of used literature (bibliography). The work must have a hard cover, be bound and sufficiently firmly bound (or bound), contain the title page of the sample established in the MNEPU, signed by the graduate, the head and head of the department of journalism and public relations, as well as the table of contents following the title page and including the names of all parts of the WRC (introduction, chapters and paragraphs, conclusion, bibliography and annexes) indicating the pages from which each of these parts begins.

The appendices include additional graphs, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, maps, tables, copies of documents, etc.) developed and directly related to the text of the FQP.

7.2. List of used literature

When drawing up a list of used literature for each literary source, the surname and initials of the authors, the exact name, place of publication, name of the publishing house, year of publication are indicated. For journal articles, the surname and initials of the authors, the title of the article, the name of the journal, the year of issue, the number of the journal, the pages occupied by the article in the journal are indicated. The list of references should include only sources directly used in the WRC, i.e. those that were cited, referred to, or if they served as the basis for the formation of the student's point of view. All figures, quotations and figures, borrowed from literary sources, should be provided with obligatory references to the source with a full description of the literary source in the bibliography.

The list of references is drawn up either in alphabetical order or in a certain form and sequence:

Laws of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other regulations. Documentary publications - collections of documents and materials, statistical reference books. Scientific works and textbooks in alphabetical order of the authors, indicating the place and year of publication. Magazine and newspaper publications in alphabetical order of authors, indicating the organ and time of publication. Archival materials indicating archives, funds, inventories and case numbers. Materials of the organization on the basis of which the FQP was prepared.

7.3. Numbering of the structural components of the FQP

For numbering in the WRC, only Arabic numerals are used. The page numbering in the WRC should be continuous, including all individual graphs, tables and annexes. The number is not printed on the cover page (page 1).

The numbering of chapters (sections) in the WRC should be continuous. The table of contents, introduction and conclusion are not numbered. Each chapter (section) must begin with new page... Paragraphs (subsections) in a chapter (section) are printed in a row and are numbered double with a dot. For example, 3.2.- the second paragraph of the third chapter. The paragraph mark is not printed.

The numbering of illustrations can be either continuous or related to a specific chapter (section). Each illustration should have a title. For example: Fig. 4. Organizational structure of the edition, or Fig. 3.5. - diagram of increasing the communicative efficiency of PR-messages about the product.

The tables are numbered similarly. For example, Tab. 1.2. Typology of carriers of corporate identity of the company.

Application numbering is continuous. For example: APPENDIX 4. Job description of the head of the public relations department. Each application must have a title and start on a new sheet.


The completed FQP, together with a written response from the head (and the consultant), within the established schedule, is submitted to the head of the issuing department to resolve the issue of admission to defense. The decision on admission is made out on the title page of the FQP and certified by the signature of the head of the Department of Journalism and Public Relations.

In cases of denial of admission to defense, the issue is considered at a meeting of the department, which makes a reasoned decision. The minutes of the meeting of the department are submitted for approval to the Rector of the MNEPU. If necessary, the head of the department can organize a preliminary defense of the FQP in front of the department commission. In this case, the decision on admission to defense is made by the head of the department on the basis of the conclusion of the department commission.

FQP in specialty and field of study (bachelors) subject toobligatory external peer review, after the decision of the head of the department on admission to defense.

To the WRC review specialists from among the teaching staff of other institutes and specialists from organizations are involved.

The review is drawn up on one or two printed pages, certified by the seal of the organization. The review must contain an objective assessment of the work performed. It reflects the following main issues:

Relevance of the topic, quality and merits of the work performed;

The degree of use of modern scientific achievements;

The ability of a graduate to analyze and summarize information;

Comments and additional questions on the work (required);

In the absence of a review, the FQP is removed from defense until the next period of work of the Final Attestation Commission.

In the event of a negative review, the final decision is made by the Final Attestation Commission while defending the WRC with a hearing by the Head of the WRC and the Head of the Department of Journalism and Public Relations, about which a special note is made in the minutes of the meeting of the Final Attestation Commission.

FQP with the decision of the head of the department on admission to defense, recall of the head of FQP and (for a specialist) review no later than three days before the defense is submitted to the Final Attestation Commission.


By the beginning of the defense, each student must develop the theses of his report, prepare answers to the comments of the reviewer and agree them with the head of the FQP.

FQP defense takes place at an open meeting of the Final Attestation Commission. The head of the FQP, the faculty of the MNEPU, students of the faculty and other persons have the right to be present at the defense.

At one meeting of the commission, no more than eight to ten WRCs are submitted for defense. Up to 30 - 45 minutes are allotted for the defense of one FQP, including 10 - 15 minutes for a graduate report.

The following approximate order of student protection is established:

1. Invitation of the graduate to the meeting - the secretary of the commission.

2. Announcement of the defense indicating the name of the graduate and the theme of the FQP - the chairman (or responsible member) of the commission.

3. Characteristics of the graduate (specialization, department, manager, consultant, reviewer, availability of documentation, other information) - secretary of the commission.

4. Graduate report:

Purpose and main tasks of the WRC;

Relevance (with justification) of the FQP topic;

Object of study;

special attention).


5. Student's answers to questions from members of the commission.

You should give clear and concise answers, strictly according to the content of the question.


Publication of the WRC review - secretary of the commission (and audience). Discussion of the work by the members of the commission and those present at the meeting. Completion of the defense - the student's answers to the comments of the reviewer and the opponents who spoke.

The report should not be reduced to a mechanical reading of prepared abstracts, the presentation of the content of the report should be free and unconstrained. The visual part of the report is demonstrated in the form of a PowerPoint presentation (15 - 17 slides). The content of the presentation is agreed with the head of the WRC.

The results of the defense of the FQP are assessed by the final certification commission according to a four-point system ("excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory"). Discussion of the results of defense of each work is carried out at a closed meeting of the commission The decision on the assessment is made only by the composition of the Final Attestation Commission for the Secretary of the Commission enters the assessment of the defense of the FQP in the student's record book, on the title page of the FQP notes the acceptance of the defense (protocol number and date of defense).

The results of the defense of the FQP are announced to students on the same day, after the registration of the protocols, chairman The final certification commission.

In case of unsatisfactory assessment of the FQP, the graduate has the right to re-defense after revision and correction, but not more than once and not earlier than the next period of work of the Final Attestation Commission.

The general results of the defense of all FQPs are summed up by the chairman of the Final Attestation Commission and are subsequently discussed at the departments. Based on the results of the defense, the department can recommend individual works for publication.

Completed and protected FQPs with all accompanying materials (acts of implementation, discs, attachments) are the property of MNEPU and are stored in the archives of the University. The issuance of protected FQPs to individuals or organizations for familiarization (or other purposes) is allowed only with the permission of the Rector of MNEPU.

The structural elements of the FQP are:

  • title page;
  • content;
  • introduction;
  • the main part, consisting of 3 chapters;
  • conclusion;
  • list of sources used;
  • applications.

In administered

  • substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic;
  • the problem that the graduate student must solve in this work is formulated;
  • goals and objectives are determined, the solution of which is necessary to achieve this goal;
  • the object and subject of research are determined: object - where the research is carried out (country, city), on the basis of which organization; subject - what is being researched (for example, socio-economic, labor relations regarding ... etc.);
  • compositional features and a summary of the theoretical and practical parts of the work are given.

In the first chapter The FQP examines theoretical issues on the topic of the work, provides an overview of literary sources (books, magazines, monographs, newspaper articles, conference materials, etc.), highlights the legislative and regulatory acts. A literature review should show the degree student's knowledge of special literature, his ability to systematize sources, critically examine them, highlight the essential, evaluate what was previously done by other researchers, and present the current state of study of the topic.

The first chapter should create the basis (base) for subsequent chapters, which will concretize the theoretical provisions of the work. The volume of the first chapter of the thesis is 18-20 pages.

Chapter two is analytical. It provides a brief description of the research object in dynamics, reveals the features of the object's functioning. These usually include: general characteristics object of research (organization, structure, legislation, regulations, practice, etc., depending on the objectives of the FQP), targets and strategies of activity, results of product-market analysis, organizational structure of management, system of external and internal organizational, economic and information links, the strategic position of the organization, analysis of the financial condition of the company. A general assessment of the achievements is carried out and the problems in the research object are identified. In the conclusion of the second chapter, the graduate student defines a specific problem that he develops (solves), ways and methods of its solution.

The volume of the second chapter is approximately 18-20 pages.

Chapter Three is devoted to the practical solution of the problem. This part of the WRC should be of a project nature. Here new approaches and directions of activity, new products and technologies, new legislative and regulatory acts, etc. are being developed. A system of administrative, economic, socio-psychological measures and procedures is being developed to implement the proposed solutions into practice. Measures and ways of their implementation should correspond to the logic of the theoretical and practice-oriented analysis carried out by the author in the first chapters, and fully solve the assigned tasks.

In the third chapter, the results obtained are presented and analyzed, and a forecast economic assessment of the proposed solution to the problem is given. The volume of the third chapter of the work is 18-20 pages.

In custody the theoretical and practical results and judgments reached by the student as a result of the research are consistently stated. They should be concise, clear, giving a complete understanding of the content, significance, validity and effectiveness of the work. The results (conclusions) of the study must correspond to the set goals and objectives.

The volume of the conclusion is 2-3 pages.

List of sources used constitutes one of the important parts of the work. Each included literary source must be reflected in the text of the final qualifying work. If the author makes a reference to any borrowed facts or cites the work of other authors, then he must indicate where the materials are taken from. It is impossible to include in the bibliographic list those works that are not referenced in the text of the work, and which have not actually been used.

Applications are designed to facilitate the perception of the content of the work and may include: additional materials, illustrations of an auxiliary nature, questionnaires, methods, documents, materials containing primary information for analysis, tables of statistical data, etc.