The letters that are written. Lowercase letter: rules of use

Let's say a user needs to create an Apple ID. This process is simple, but sometimes there is a misunderstanding. For example, for a password, you must enter a lowercase or uppercase letter as required by the system. What does this mean?

In fact, everything is simple. Lowercase letters are those that are written in lowercase. In other words, these are small letters: a, b, c, d, e, etc.

Uppercase letters are those that are written in uppercase, that is capital letters: A, B, C, D, E, etc.

If everything is clear with lowercase letters, then what about uppercase letters? Let's show an example on an iPhone keyboard. If you need one uppercase letter, press the arrow key once and select the letter you want, it will be written in uppercase, further letters in lowercase.

If you need to write several uppercase letters, click on the arrow twice, then all letters will be uppercase. Press the arrow again to disable the function.

What about a computer keyboard? For writing capital letter you need to press the Shift key. Here she is:

To write multiple uppercase letters, you can press the Caps Lock key - in this case, all letters will be written in uppercase, or hold down the Shift key.

A few tips for creating a password. They are simple, but it's worth sticking to them so that no one can find out your data.

  • The length of the password should not be less than 8 characters, or better - at least 12 characters.
  • Password must contain numbers.
  • The password must contain both lowercase and uppercase letters.
  • Try to use different letters and numbers, not the same.
  • Do not use dates in your password that are relevant to you. For example, you shouldn't use your year of birth.
  • Do not tell anyone your password under any circumstances.
  • Change your password periodically - at least once every few months.

Often such a letter has a different grapheme.

In many languages, capital letters are used at the beginning of the first word of a sentence, at the beginning of their own names or nouns, often at the beginning of each line of poetic text. They are often used for highlighting. So, for example, in headings, words or entire phrases can only contain uppercase letters. Abbreviations can be written in uppercase or a combination of uppercase and lowercase.

The division into uppercase and lowercase letters is present in the Greek, Latin, Armenian alphabets, as well as in the Cyrillic alphabet. There are no capital letters as such in the Georgian script, however, some parts of the text, for example, headings, can be typed in lowercase letters, built in the manner of uppercase letters - between two imaginary horizontal lines. In addition, the Unicode standard introduced characters for the ancient Georgian letter "Asomtavruli", corresponding to the capital letters of the Greek, Latin and Armenian letters - this makes it possible to introduce capital letters in the Georgian letter in the future. In many writing systems (Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Glagolitic, Indian, Thai, and others), letters are not divided into uppercase and lowercase.


Russian language

In Russian, a capital letter is placed at the beginning of a sentence and at the beginning of direct speech or quotation. Also written with a capital letter:

  • Proper names (names, surnames, patronymics of people, animal nicknames, names of countries, cities, rivers, lakes, mountain ranges and individual peaks, etc.).
  • The names of firms, companies, etc., names are enclosed in quotation marks.
  • Some positions and titles ( RF President, Your majesty).
  • Individual words in special cases ( Homeland as a synonym for the name of the home country, but “ kangaroo homeland - Australia»; the God as a designation of the deity of a monotheistic religion (more often - Christianity and Islam), but ancient greek god, beautiful as god etc.).
  • Optional, but often, the pronoun "you" ("you") and all its word forms when used as a polite address to one person in personal correspondence, official documents, etc.
  • It is used to highlight in official texts the names of documents, designations of the parties, participants, etc., for example: "... The customer undertakes to pay to the Contractor ...", "... The parties have come to an agreement ...", "... failure to comply with the requirements of the Rules entails ...". As a rule, a clarifying entry is made at the beginning of the document - "..." Rules of conduct in public places "(hereinafter referred to as the Rules) ..." or "... LLC" Dandelion "and Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov (hereinafter referred to as the Parties) ...".
  • Currently, under the influence of business documentation regulations, there is a tendency towards the unjustified use of capital letters at the beginning of words. This applies to the names of positions, divisions, institutions and departments. Business participants (“as noted by the Deputy Head of the Communications Development Department…”, “… we respect our Clients…”, “… all Customers of our products were satisfied with its quality…”).

The letters of the Russian alphabet have two options for graphic display: uppercase, or uppercase, and lowercase, or small.

Our speech is made up of sounds. When we need to write down our thoughts or statements on paper, special graphic icons are used for this - letters. The set of letters arranged in a certain order makes up the alphabet. In total, there are 33 letters in Russian, each of which has two options for graphic display, for example:

  • B and B;
  • G and g;
  • Sh and sh.

So, according to the outline they distinguish uppercase, or uppercase (large) letters and lowercase (small).

Uppercase letters

A bit of history

In ancient times, large, capital letters were written only at the beginning of a book, as well as a chapter, sometimes a paragraph. Each piece of text began with a beautifully designed, ornate capital letter... Such letters were not simply written, but drawn, or prescribed. This is where this "talking" name of the initial large letters of the handwritten text comes from.

In the monuments of the XVI century, especially after the introduction of printing, big letter began to write at the beginning of each sentence after a period. In later works, the capital letter is occasionally found in the proper names of people and the names of cities. The first attempt to systematize the use of a capital letter in the XVII was made by M. Smotritsky, who wrote a grammar in which he recommended starting each sentence with a capital letter, as well as the beginning of each line of verses, proper names, and even the names of sciences: Grammar, Logic, etc.

The next attempt to streamline the rules for the use of capital letters was made by Academician J.K. Grot. His reference book for schools "Russian spelling" has gone through twenty editions.

Spelling capital letters

The choice of capitalization is based on the semantics of the words. The main postulate of spelling is that proper names are written with a capital letter, for example:

1.names, surnames, nicknames, pseudonyms, nicknames, names of characters in literary works:

  • Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov;
  • Saltykov-Shchedrin;
  • Demyan Bedny;
  • Catherine the Great;
  • Richard the Lionheart;
  • Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko;
  • Elephant and Pug;
  • Dragonfly and Ant.
  • Buratino and Malvina;
  • Santa Claus;
  • murka the cat:
  • White Bim Black Ear.

If the proper name of a literary hero is used in a derogatory sense and becomes a generalized common noun, then in the plural form it is written with a lowercase letter:

  • buns;
  • dogevichi;
  • the Raskolnikovs;
  • boxes;
  • khlestakov;
  • silent.

2.The names of international organizations, government agencies, senior government positions, official and unofficial names of states are written with a capital letter:

  • United Nations;
  • Red Cross;
  • President of Russian Federation;
  • Chancellor of Germany;
  • The State Duma;
  • Federal Assembly;
  • Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • The Upper House of the State Duma;
  • Republic of Poland;
  • Republic of Tuva;
  • kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

However, in the unofficial text, the names of the highest positions of states without specifying a specific person are written with a lowercase letter, for example:

The implementation of the agreements signed will be controlled by the presidents of these countries.

3. Geographical and astronomical names are written with a capital letter, except for generic names (city, river, mountain, region, edge, street, star, constellation, etc.) for example:

  • North America;
  • Kamchatka region;
  • South Pole;
  • Red sea;
  • Big Dipper;
  • Milky Way;
  • constellation Big Dog;
  • andromeda's nebula;
  • Sea of \u200b\u200bRains.

4.The names of historical eras and events, names of calendar periods and celebrations are written with a capital letter:

  • Renaissance;
  • Ancient Rome;
  • renaissance;
  • Victory Day;
  • Battle of Grunwald;
  • Olympic Games;
  • May 1, March 8.

But the names of ongoing events are written with a lowercase letter:

  • alumni meeting day:
  • donor day;
  • open Day;
  • subbotnik;
  • sunday.

5.The names associated with religion are written with a capital letter:

  • God, Savior, Creator, Jehovah, Sabaoth, Yahweh;
  • Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven;
  • Allah, Shiva;
  • Holy Mother of God;
  • saint Basil the Great, Blessed Xenia, Apostle Paul;
  • Bible, Psalter, Koran, Talmud, Vedas;
  • church of the Icon of the Mother of God, Notre Dame Cathedral;
  • Palm Sunday, Trinity, St. Elijah's Day, Christmas, Ramadan, Great Lent, Christmastide.

But the names of church services are written with a lowercase letter:

liturgy, Vespers, Matins, Mass, All-night Vigil, Compline.

6. Pronouns are written with a capital letter as a form of expression of politeness when addressing a specific person in letters, official documents and business correspondence.

By means of uppercase and lowercase letters, proper names and common nouns are distinguished.


The names of God, the Mother of God and related pronouns and definitions are written with a capital letter; the word "name" - with a lowercase.

God is Lord, One God, Lord Almighty, "Creator of heaven and earth." "Our Father; Like you are in heaven ... "

Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, "the only begotten, who was born of the Father."

Holy Spirit - "To the Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere ..."

The Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, "Blessed Mary", "Blessed King, Blessed Mother", Most Pure and Most Blessed, "Unbelievable Bride".

Holy Trinity: "... I thank You, Holy Trinity."

Nouns and adjectives used in the meaning of nouns when naming the Lord and the Mother of God are also written with a capital letter, some adjectives when naming the Lord and Mother of God:

God-Infant, Born, Crucified, Risen, To the Climbed Voivode, Zealous Intercessor. "To the Lady and Mother of the Redeemer, accept the prayer of Thy servants unworthy, and intercede to the One who is born of Thee: O, Lady of the world, wake the Intercessor."

True God; Holy Mother of God.

The names of the ranks of the angels

are written with a capital letter:

Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Authorities ...

Guardian Angel (no hyphen, both capitalized)

Forces of Heaven

Heavenly Forces ethereal

Heavenly Host

Names Related to the Cross

With a capital letter, words are written, denoting the Cross on which our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified:

The Cross of Christ - "Ascended to the Cross".

Honest and Life-giving Cross, Tree of the Cross.

In all other meanings, "cross" - with a lowercase letter: take on the cross of Christ (suffering), overshadow oneself with a cross, altar cross, pectoral cross, cross with decorations.

Church Names

are written with a capital letter:

Holy Church

One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church (without commas)

Body of christ

Names of the faces of saints

written with a lowercase letter:

apostles, martyrs, saints, saints, etc. The naming of this or that saint, with or without a proper name - with a lowercase letter: Saint Spyridon, Saint Seraphim, “the apostle visited Corinth,” etc.

Exceptions: Saint Sergius, Saint and Wonderworker Nicholas.

Names of Churches and Religious Associations

Orthodox Churches: all words of the name, except for prepositions, are written with a capital letter: the Orthodox Church of Constantinople, the Orthodox Church in Poland, the Orthodox Church in America.

Non-Orthodox Churches: all names, except prepositions, are capitalized: Roman Catholic Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Methodist Church, Protestant Churches, Ancient Undivided Church, Oriental Orthodox Churches (non-Chalcedonian).

The naming of Old Believer communities does not contain the word "Church"; the name of the interpretations of the Old Believer communities (Fedoseevsky, Pomor) is written with a lowercase letter. The name of a certain community is written with a capital letter: the Moscow Preobrazhenskaya Old Believer community, the Riga Grebenshchikovskaya Old Believer community.

Titles and titles

All words, except for official ones, in the titles of the Heads of Churches, both Orthodox and non-Orthodox, are written with a capital letter, and in relation to the leaders of Orthodox Churches only the word Primate or Primate is used: His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Patriarchal Locum Tenens, Deputy Patriarchal Locum Tenens , His Beatitude Patriarch (Pope and Patriarch), His Holiness Pope, His Holiness Catholicos of the East and Metropolitan of Malankara, Archbishop of Canterbury, Primus of All England and Metropolitan, Bishop-President of the Episcopal Church in the USA.

When referring to clergymen of any rank, all words are written with a capital letter: His Holiness, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy, His Beatitude, His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch, His Eminence (for metropolitans and archbishops), His Eminence (for bishops), His Eminence abbots, archpriests), His Reverend (for hieromonks and priests).

Deacons have no special treatment (Father Deacon).

The hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The words "Patriarchal Exarch", denoting the ruling bishops of vast territories, are written with a capital letter. The word "exarch" in the meaning of a representative is written with a lowercase letter: the exarch of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia under the Patriarch of Antioch and the whole East.

Holy Synod.

Church holidays

The holiday of Easter and all words, except for service ones, in the names of all twelve holidays are written with a capital letter (except for the word temple: Introduction to the temple Holy Mother of God): Easter, Holy Easter, as well as Anti-Easter, Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, Day of the Holy Spirit, but the day of Pentecost, Trinity - Day of the Holy Trinity, Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem - Week of Vai.

In the names of great non-twelve-year holidays, the first word is necessarily written with a capital letter: the Circumcision of the Lord, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, the Beheading of the head of St. John the Forerunner, the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, but: the memory of the holy apostles Peter and Paul.

a) Renewal of the holy church of the Resurrection - Word Resurrection.

The position of the honest robe of the Most Holy Lady of our Theotokos, the Transfer of the Image of our Lord Jesus Christ not made with hands (the image not made with hands is a name that has become its own), the First and Second acquisition of the honest head of John the Baptist, but: the feast of the Acquisition and the Preaching of Pentecost etc.

b) Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other disembodied Heavenly Forces

Cathedral of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John

c) on the day of the transfer of the relics ... the acquisition of the relics ...

d) New Years

In the names of holidays dedicated to saints, without indicating the event or circumstances associated with the establishment of the holiday, all words are written with a lowercase letter: the memory of the prophet Elijah, the memory of the holy martyr Hermogen, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

Celebration in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy" (not an "icon" and not an "icon").

Christmas Eve, Epiphany Eve, Christmastide.

Names of posts, weeks and days of the week

The first word in the title of the post is written with a capital letter: Great Lent, Peter's Fast, Assumption Fast, Rozhdestvensky (Filippov) Fast.

The word "Week" in the meaning of "Sunday" is written with a capital letter (in the plural, too - to distinguish from weeks): Week of the Publican and the Pharisee, Week of the Blind, Week of the Samaritans.

The word "week" is always written with a lowercase letter. In the names of the weeks, only the words "Passionate", "Light" and "Trinity" are written with a capital letter: Passionate week, Light week, Easter week, Trinity week, Cheese week.

In the names of the days of Holy Week, both words are written with a capital letter: Great Monday, Great Tuesday, etc.

In the names of the days of Bright Week, the word "Bright" is written with an uppercase letter, the day of the week - with a lowercase letter: Bright Monday, Bright Tuesday, etc.

In the names of some Saturdays, the word Saturday is written with a lowercase letter, the name - with an uppercase: Saturday Trinity, Saturday Dimitrievskaya, but: Saturday Akathist, parental Saturday.

Names of temples and monasteries

If the temple is consecrated in the name of a saint, then in its name all words, except for proper names, are written with a lowercase letter: a temple in the name of Saint Trimifuntsky Spyridon.

If the temple is consecrated in honor of any holiday or icon, then the name of the holiday and the icon retains the capital letter: the temple in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, the temple in honor of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael, the temple in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

If the name of the temple is given in an abbreviated form, then it is also written with a capital letter: Nikolaevsky temple (or Nikolsky, depending on local tradition), Assumption temple.

Note: the names of the saints in the names of churches are given in the Slavic vocalization: Alexievsky temple (not Alekseevsky), Mikhailovsky (not Mikhailovsky), Dimitrievsky (not Dmitrievsky).

Some temples have their own names, single ones. These names are written with a capital letter: Kulich and Easter, Nikolsky Naval Cathedral, Prince Vladimir Cathedral (not Vladimirsky).

Cross temple.

The names of monasteries are spelled in the same way as the names of temples. If the location of the monastery is indicated, then it is written with a capital letter, since the name of the city in which the monastery is located was included in the name: Moscow Danilov Monastery, Odessa Assumption Monastery, Vilensky Holy Spirit (not Dukhovsky) Monastery. The word "Lavra" is always written with a capital letter: Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Pochaev Dormition Lavra.

Holy Mount Athos (it is traditional to use only two words of the name in the text - Holy Mountain, Mount Athos, Holy Athos).

Deaneries and representations abroad: Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church to the Patriarch of Antioch and the whole East, Representation of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in New York, Hungarian Orthodox deanery, Patriarchal parishes in Finland, Patriarchal parishes in the USA and Canada, Western European Exarchate, Central European Exarchate.

Names of parts and accessories of the temple

The names of all parts of the temple are written with a lowercase letter: narthex, meal, altar, apse, etc.

The names of all the accessories of the temple are written with a lowercase letter, except for the naming “Royal Gates”: throne, altar, Solea, a mountain place, iconostasis, etc.

The names of sacred vessels and objects are written with a lowercase letter: diskos, star, liar, except:

Holy Chalice, Chalice - as containing the Holy Gifts, but: tabernacle,

Holy Shroud.

The names of all sacred garments are written with a lowercase letter.

Deisis, not Deisus, capitalized.

The titles of the books of the Holy Scripture and the service books

are written with a capital letter:

Holy Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Book of Job, but: Song of Songs, Second Book of Kings, Book of Isaiah, Gospel, Four Gospels, First Epistle of the Apostle Peter.

Service Book, Trebnik, Monthly Menaion.

Colored Triod, but colored Triod.

Lenten Triode, but Lenten Triodion.

Liturgical terminology

Church Charter, Church Charter.

The names of the services of the daily circle are written with a capital letter: Vespers, Compline, Matins, Great Friday hours, Great Vespers, Christmas hours, Tsarist hours, Epiphany hours, but: Andrew's standing, Mary's standing.

Divine Liturgy, Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, the Body and Blood of Christ.

The names of the readings and hymns are written with lowercase letters, except for Blessed (without quotation marks), Theotokos (with the Theotokos), Trisagion: troparion, kontakion, great litany, etc., stichera on "Praise", or on "Praise" (also resisted in the liturgy, the term, and even more often used), the Gospel stichera, antiphons, sedate, alleluiarium.

The words "service", "rank", "succession", "akathist" in the names of services are written with a capital letter without quotation marks: Service to St. Nicholas, Akathist of the Mother of God before Her Kazan Icon, Follow-up to Holy Communion, but: Eucharistic Canon, Great Canon ...

Note: When singing or reading is dedicated to a saint, then in the title of prayers the name of the saint is put in the dative case: troparion To the Monk Sergius; if it is a holiday, then the name of the holiday is put in the genitive case: the service of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The phrases "many years" and "eternal memory" are in quotes and with small letters.

After the initial words of regularly recited prayers, the ellipsis is not put: "Heavenly King", "Our Father", "Virgin Mary", "Most Honorable", "Angelic Cathedral", etc.

The names of all seven Sacraments are capitalized, including the word "Sacrament": the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the Sacrament of the Priesthood, the Sacrament of Marriage, the Holy Eucharist, Holy Baptism, etc.

Some commonly used words and phrases

name day

Diocesan Administration - Oryol Diocesan Administration

cathedral - Odessa Cathedral of the Assumption

clergy went to the meeting of Vladyka "with glory"

prayer service with blessing of water (not "with blessing of water" or "prayer with water")

pray for someone (not “for” someone)

memorial service for the ever-memorable archpriest

to ordain deacon (presbyter) to the Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God

concelebrate the metropolitan (we can only speak of clergy, since one metropolitan cannot concelebrate to another, unless the latter is the Primate of the Church. On the ministry of two or more bishops: “The Liturgy was celebrated by the metropolitan ... and the archbishop ... and the bishop ... ")

The names of the institutions of the Moscow Patriarchate

Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate

Publishing Council of the Moscow Patriarchate

Publishing House of the Moscow Patriarchate

Study Committee at the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church

Missionary Department at the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church

Department of the Moscow Patriarchate for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies

Art production enterprise of the Russian Orthodox Church "Sofrino"

Word check:

Russian spelling and punctuation rules (1956)


Uppercase letters

Section 92. The first word of the text is written with a capital letter, as well as the first word after the period, ellipsis, question and exclamation marks that end a sentence.

Note 1. Usually the first word of each line in poems is capitalized, regardless of the presence or absence of a punctuation mark at the end of the preceding line.

Note 2. After an ellipsis, which does not end a sentence, but indicates a break in speech, the first word is written with a lowercase letter, for example: And this week for me ... that ... my son died (Chekhov).

Note 3. If a question mark, or an exclamation mark, or an ellipsis appears after a direct speech, and in the following words of the author it is indicated to whom this direct speech belongs, then after the named signs the first word is written with a lowercase letter, for example:

    - Yes, it beats gloriously! - said Bulba, stopping (Gogol).
    - Do you need to live? - sighing, asks Migun (M. Gorky).
    - Now the wind should blow ... - says Sergey (M. Gorky).

Section 93. The first word is written with a capital letter following the exclamation mark placed after the address or interjection at the beginning of the sentence, for example: Oh Volga! After many years, I brought you hello again (Nekrasov). Oh! Hurry that night would pass (Chekhov).

Note. The word following an exclamation point after an interjection in the middle of a sentence is written with a lowercase letter for example: I still cannot forget two old men of the past century, who, alas! not anymore (Gogol).

Section 94. The first word after the colon is capitalized:

1. If this is the beginning of direct speech, for example: Pushing me into the kitchen, Boleslav said in a whisper: "This is a man from Paris with an important assignment, he needs to see Korolenko, so you go, arrange it ..."(M. Gorky).

2. If this is the beginning of a quotation, which is an independent sentence, and the first word of the quotation begins with itself a sentence in the quoted text, for example: He opened the book and read: "Pushkin spent the autumn of 1830 in Boldino."

Note. A quote included in a sentence as a continuation of it is written with a lowercase letter for example: Once and somewhere it was beautifully said that "the story is an episode from the boundless poem of human destinies." This is very true: yes, the message is a novel that has fallen into parts, into thousands of parts, a chapter torn from a novel. (Belinsky).

3. If it is the beginning of separate headings of the text, starting with a paragraph and ending with a period (see §).

Section 95. Names, patronymics, surnames, pseudonyms, nicknames are written with a capital letter, for example: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov (Andrey Pechersky), Macbeth, Ivan the Terrible, Scipio the Elder, Ivan Ring, Nightingale the Robber, Richard the Lionheart, Vladimir Red Sun, Peter the First (Peter I).

Note 1. Articles and particles for foreign surnames and first names are written with a lowercase letter, for example: d'Artois, van Beethoven, de Valera, Leonardo da Vinci, von der Goltz, la Motte, Baudouin de Courtenay, de la Barth, Abd el Kerim, Ker-oglu, Ishmael-bey.

Articles and particles merged with surnames, as well as those that are attached to a surname with a hyphen, are written with a capital letter, for example: Lafontaine, Lavoisier, Vancouver, McDonald, Van Dyck... All surnames starting with about (attached to the surname with an apostrophe) and with mac-, sen-, san- , eg: O'Connor, McMahon, Saint-Simon, de Saint-Mopan, San Martin.

Note 2. Chinese surnames (they appear before names) are written together, regardless of the number of syllables, and begin with a capital letter. In Chinese names (after the surname), the first part begins with an uppercase letter, the second, if any, is written with a lowercase letter and appended to the first with a hyphen, for example: Qiao (surname) Guan hua (name), Zhan Xai-fu, Chen Yi.

In the personal surnames and names of Koreans, Vietnamese, Burmese and Indonesians, all parts are written with a capital letter and are not connected with a hyphen, for example: Ho Chi Minh, U Nu, Ko Tun, Aung San, U Nu Mung, Takin Kode Hmeing.

Note 3. Individual names of people, which have turned from proper names into common nouns, are written with a lowercase letter, for example: womanizer, don Juan, philanthropist, mentor.

But if such names of people are only used in a common sense, but have not become common names, then they are written with a capital letter, for example: Maybe own Platons and quick-witted Newtons Russian land beget (Lomonosov); Gogols and Shchedrins are not born every day.

Note 4. Individual names of people, used in a contemptuous sense as a generic name, are written with a lowercase letter, for example: azefs, quislings.

Note 5. The names of objects and phenomena, formed from the names or surnames of people, are written with a lowercase letter, for example: ohm, ampere, pendant (physical units), ford (car), browning, mauser (types of automatic pistols), french breeches (types of clothing), napoleon (pastry).

Note 6. Names of ranks, titles and positions are written with a lowercase letter, for example: minister, President, Marshal, Honored Scientist, Scientific Secretary, Senator, State Councilor, Pope, King, Shah, Khan, Pasha.

Note 7. The names of the highest positions and honorary titles in the USSR - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal Soviet Union - written with capital letters.

Section 96. Individual names related to the field of religion and mythology are written with a capital letter, for example: Christ, Buddha, Zeus, Venus, Wotan, Perun, Moloch.

Note. Individual names of mythological creatures, which have become common nouns, are written with a lowercase letter, for example: moloch of imperialism.

Section 97. The individual names of animals (nicknames) are written with a capital letter, for example: Emerald, Strider (horses); Pestryanka, Belyanka (cows); Lady, Chestnut, Scatter (dogs); Murka, Gray (cats).

Note. Individual names used as names of animal species are written with a lowercase letter, for example: cow (cow), bear (bear), watchdog (dog).

Section 98. The names of the characters are written with a capital letter in fables, in dramatic and other works of art, expressed in names that usually have the meaning of common nouns, for example: Hermit, Bear, Donkey, Cannons, Sails (in Krylov's fables); Goblin, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus (in Ostrovsky's The Snow Maiden); Falcon, Oh (M. Gorky); Someone in gray (at L. Andreev).

Section 99. Adjectives formed from individual names of people, mythological creatures, etc., are written with a capital letter (see §§ 95-98):

a) if they are possessive in the full sense of the word (that is, they express the belonging of something to a given person, a mythological creature) and contain the suffix -ov (-ev) or -in (no subsequent suffix -sk- ), eg: Marx's "Capital", Dalev dictionary, Zeus's anger, Lizin's work;

b) if they are part of names equal in meaning to the "name", "memory" of such and such, for example: Lomonosov readings.

Note 1. Adjectives formed from individual names of people are written with a lowercase letter:

a) if they are not in the full sense possessive, for example: pushkin style, Suvorov tactics, X-ray room, Adam's apple, Graves' disease, Pasteur station, Sisyphean labor, Aesopian language, Procrustean bed;

b) if they are in the full sense possessive, but contain the suffix -ovsk- (-evsk-) or -insk- , eg: tolstoy's estate, Turgenev's "Notes of a Hunter", Pushkin's apartment.

Note 2. Adverbs formed from individual names of people are always written with a lowercase letter, for example, pushkin-style, Suvorov-style.

§ one hundred. The individual names of astronomical and geographical objects (including the names of states and their administrative and political parts), streets, buildings are written with a capital letter. If these names are composed of two or more words, then all words are written with a capital letter, except for official words and generic names, such as: island, cape, sea, star, bay, constellation, comet, street, square, etc. ., or ordinal designations of the luminaries ( alpha, beta etc.), for example:

Astronomical names: Mars, Capricorn, Crown of the North, the star of Archduke Karl, the constellation Canis Major, alpha Ursa Minor, beta Libra.

Note. The words sun, moon, earth capitalized when they are used as astronomical names, for example: around Suns the following planets are in circulation: Mercury, Venus, Earth (with his companion By the moon), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; rotation period Earth; but: tillage, sunrise.

Geographic administrative-territorial and other names: Pamirs, Pyrenees, Dardanelles, North Pole, Trail of Cancer, New Guinea, Saint Helena Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, Balearic Islands, Balkan Peninsula, Cape Chelyuskin, Cape of Good Hope, Isthmus of Corinth, Lesser Alps, Rocky Mountains, Main Caucasus Range, volcano, Magnetic Mountain, Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, Laptev Sea, Strait of Gibraltar, Onega Bay, Ladoga Lake, Big Salt Lake, Lake Baikal, Blue Nile, Belaya River, Moskva River, Volga-Don Canal, Georgian Military Highway, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, West Kazakhstan region, French Equatorial Africa, Novgorod-Seversky, Askania-Nova, Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo, Kremlin1, Mokhovaya street, Gorky street, Entuziastov highway, Komsomolskaya square, Vosstaniya square, Bolshoi Kamenny bridge, Lieutenant Schmidt bridge , Summer Garden, Borovitsky Gate.

In the official names of Soviet republics and countries of people's democracies, the word republic written with a capital letter, for example: Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, People's Republic of China, People's Republic of Bulgaria.

Unofficial names of states and their parts, figurative names of geographical objects are also written with a capital letter, for example: Soviet Union, Country of Soviets, Soviet Bashkiria, Poltava region, Trans-Urals, White stone (Moscow).

Nouns that are part of complex proper names and conventionally naming an object are written with a capital letter, for example: Golden Horn (bay), Czech Forest (the mountains), Red Village (town), Small Bumps (the street), Big Dipper (constellation).

Note 1. The names of the countries of the world ( north, south, east, west, southeast, northwest etc.) are written with a lowercase letter, for example: the steamer headed south and then turned west.

But when they replace territorial names, they are capitalized, for example: languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the North and East.

Note 2. Articles and particles at the beginning of foreign geographic names are capitalized and attached with a hyphen, for example: Los Angeles, English Channel, Le Creusot, De-Castries.

Note 3. Service words that are part of foreign-language geographical names and are in the middle of the combination are written with a lowercase letter, for example: Boulogne-sur-Mer, Piazza di San Marco.

Note 4. Foreign-language generic names that are part of geographical names are written with a capital letter, except for those that are included in the Russian language, for example: Amu Daria, Rio Negro (although daria and rio mean "river"), but Varanger Fjord, De Long Fjord (word fiord exists in Russian as a geographical term).

Note 5. Geographical names used in a figurative sense retain their capitalization, for example: Munich (meaning "agreement with fascism"), Versailles (meaning "Peace of Versailles"), Sedan (meaning "military defeat").

Note 6. The names of animals, plants, tissues and other objects, as well as phenomena, derived from geographical names, are written with a lowercase letter, for example: saint Bernard (breed of dog), tsinandali (variety of wine), boston (fabric, dance).

Section 101. Adjectives formed from their own geographical names are written with a capital letter:

a) if they are part of complex geographic names, for example: Belgian Congo, Moscow region;

b) if they are part of complex individual names of people as their nicknames, for example: Dimitri Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky, Pyotr Amiens;

c) if they are part of complex names of historical events, institutions, etc., the capitalization of which is established below (see § 102).

Section 102. In the names of historical events, eras and phenomena, as well as historical documents, works of art and other material monuments, the first word is written with a capital letter, as well as the proper names included in them.

These include names expressed:

a) one noun, for example: October, Revival, Renaissance, Reformation, Domostroy; the same words can be used as common nouns, and then they are written with a lowercase letter, for example: in the XVI century. reformation touched upon various aspects of German culture; style renaissance;

b) a combination of an adjective formed from a proper name, with a noun, for example: Peter's reform, Sassanid era, Carolingian dynasty (but: pre-Petrine era, pre-Napoleonic wars), Edict of Nantes, Battle of Poltava, Paris Commune, Erfurt program, Lena execution, Peace of Versailles, Bener de Milo, Laurentian chronicle;

c) any other combination with an initial adjective or numeral, for example: Long Parliament, Time of Troubles, Magna Carta, One Hundred Days, Seven Years' War, Third Republic, July Monarchy, Great October Socialist Revolution, Great Patriotic War.

The names of historical events, eras, etc., which are not proper names, are written with a lowercase letter, for example: paleolithic, feudalism, ancient world, crusades, middle ages, second world War .

Section 103. The first word in the names of revolutionary holidays and significant dates, eg: May Day, International Women's Day, New Year, January 9th.

If the initial ordinal number in such a complex name is written with a number, then the next word is written with a capital letter, for example: January 9, May 1.

Note. The names of religious holidays and fasts, as well as days of the week, months, etc., are written with a lowercase letter, for example: christmas, Trinity Day, Yuletide, Shrovetide, Great Lent, Eid al-Adha, Thursday, September.

Section 104. In the full names of the orders, all words except words orderand power, are written with a capital letter, for example: order of the Red Banner of Labor, order Patriotic War I degree, Order of Glory II degree.

Section 105. In the names of the highest party, government, trade union institutions and organizations of the Soviet Union, all words that make up the name are written with a capital letter, except for official words and words the consignment:

    Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
    Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
    Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
    All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union.
    Supreme Soviet of the USSR (RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR and other republics).
    Council of the Union.
    Council of Nationalities.
    Council of Ministers of the USSR (RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR and other republics).
    Supreme Court USSR.
    All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.
    Soviet Army and Navy.

Note. All words, except official ones, included in the names of some international organizations are also written with a capital letter: World Peace Council, United Nations Organization, Security Council, Red Cross and Red Crescent Society.

Section 106. In the names of ministries and their main departments, as well as in the names of other central Soviet institutions and organizations (except those indicated in § 105), the first word is capitalized. If they include proper names or the names of other institutions and organizations, then these proper names and names are written in the same way as when used independently, for example:

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for new technology.
    USSR Academy of Sciences.
    Main Publishing Department of the USSR Ministry of Culture.

In the full official names of Soviet institutions of local importance, higher educational institutions, entertainment enterprises, industrial and trade organizations, etc., the first word is written with a capital letter and the proper names included in the name, for example:

    Soviet of Working People's Deputies.
    Yaroslavl Regional Executive Committee of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies.
    Moscow State pedagogical institute named after V.I. Lenin.
    Kuibyshev State Opera and Ballet Theater.
    Pyatnitsky Russian Folk Choir.
    Stalingrad Tractor Plant.

Note. The rule of this paragraph applies to complex names of international and foreign central public and professional organizations and government agencies eg: World Federation of Trade Unions, All China Democratic Federation of Women, State Council of the Polish People's Republic, People's Chamber (India).

Section 107. In the official names of political parties, the first word is capitalized unless it is a word the consignment, eg: Polish United Workers' Party, Communist Party of Austria, Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, Union October 17 (but: party of socialist revolutionaries).

Conditional names in the names of political parties are written with a capital letter, for example: party of earth and will (or "Land and Freedom"), people's Will Party (or "Narodnaya Volya").

Note. Foreign names of political parties are written with a lowercase letter for example: kuomintang, Dashnaktsutyun (Armenian counter-revolutionary party), labor party.

Section 108. In the names of insignia, highlighted in quotes, literary works, newspapers, magazines, institutions, enterprises, etc. are written with a capital letter the first word and their own proper names, for example: "For Labor Valor" (medal), "Pravda", "Leningradskaya Pravda", "Evening Moscow" (newspapers), "New world" (magazine), "Russian truth" (legal document), "Word about Igor's regiment" (poem), "Woe from Wit" (comedy), "On the eve" (novel), "I visited again" (poem), "Prince Igor" (opera), "Hammer and sickle" (plant), "The path to communism" (collective farm).

In double compound names, the first word of the second name is also written with a capital letter, for example: "The Adventures of Chichikov, or Dead Souls", "The Power of Darkness, or the Claw is Stuck - the Whole Bird Is A Abyss".

Section 109. In the texts of official messages and documents, the spelling of the names of positions, titles, regulations, etc., with a capital or small letter is determined by special departmental instructions.

In special stylistic use, common nouns can be written with a capital letter, for example: Homeland, Human.

1 Word kremlin capitalized when it is the proper name of a city district, for example: Moscow is located in a circle: the Kremlin is in the center, then Kitay-Gorod goes etc. But: In Pskov, as in other old Russian cities, there is a Kremlin (here kremlin - a common noun in the meaning of fortress).