Summary of the lesson on the topic "Capital letter" L. Abstract of a writing lesson for primary classes "spelling the letter l, l"

Abstract of a writing lesson in 1st grade on the topic "Capital letter" l ".

The purpose of the lesson:

- create conditions for getting acquainted with the spelling of the capital letter l,

Correction of attention, development of fine motor skills and thinking,

Contribute to the education of accuracy, interest in writing lessons.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

We came here to study

Do not be lazy, but work

Listen how - carefully

Work like - diligently

Do you love to travel? And why do people go on a trip? (Learn new).

Today in the lesson we will learn a lot of new things.

II. Updating existing knowledge.

We are going with you into space. And where we go, you will tell by answering the riddle.

There are no wings, but this bird
Will fly and land on the moon.? (Lunokhod)

And after how many seconds we will fly, say, naming the number of syllables in the word Lunokhod.

Let's remember the rule of division into syllables.

1. Division into syllables.
How many vowels are in the word,
So many syllables.
Each of the students knows this.

So, the countdown: three, two, one, “Start”.

The planet of letters and sounds greets you. But, for some reason, the queen of the planet is sad.

The men of this planet are in trouble. They got lost in the forest. And they can't find their way home. Let's help them?


We see 2 houses. What color?

Blue and red.

How do we know who lives in which house?

Vowels in red, consonants in blue.

Vowels and consonants ”. (We can sing the vowels)

What letters will live in the red house?

Uh, uh, oh, uh, uh

And in blue?

M n, p.

Physical education

Hamster, hamster, hamster

Striped barrel.

Homka gets up early
Washes her neck, rubs her cheeks

Hamster sweeps the hut

And goes out to charge

1,2,3,4,5 - the hamster wants to stand up strong.

III. Preparation for the perception of a new topic.

Today we will learn to write one of the letters. Be attentive to the assignments, and you can name the topic of the lesson yourself.

Look at the board, what is shown in the illustrations?

Ladder, magnifier, moon.

What sound do words begin with?


Show the letter that stands for the sound [л].

Listen to the tongue twister.

La-la-la - she removed the trash,
Lu-lu-lu - sweep the ashes
Le-le-le is a vase on the table,
Li-li-li - found lilies of the valley.
Lo-lo-lo - the glass broke.
La-la-la - warm earth.
Liu-lu-li - I'll heat the stove

(Children repeat the tongue twister in chorus and one at a time)

The teacher reads alone, then the children repeat.

What sound is heard more often than others?


What letter are we going to learn to write today? (Letter l)

That's right, but we know that letters are lowercase and uppercase, i.e. big and small. Today we will learn how to write the lowercase letter L.

IV. Work in a notebook.

Repeat rules when writing

5. Finger gymnastics

(First we unbend the fingers from the bun, starting with the big one)


(Bend into a fist, starting with a large one)

This finger went to the forest

This finger found a mushroom

This little guy was cleaning the table

This is good, this is angry

Finger, finger, thump and thump. (2 times)

Analysis of the letter sample.

Examining a sample of the lowercase letter L.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the lowercase letter L.

Viewing the presentation "Letter with a Secret" and pronouncing the letter writing algorithm.

Work in writing.

V. Physical education.

Vi. Primary consolidation of the studied material.

1. Work in a notebook.

Writing syllables.

2. Let's get acquainted with the queen of the planet we flew to.

Give her name, removing the extra letter. (A, y, l, e)

Why is this letter superfluous? (All other vowels)

How to distinguish vowels from consonants?

The vowel can be sung.

3. Return to Earth.

VIII. Lesson summary.

Lunokhovers made of cardboard are on the tables for children ..

Who was interested, it is clear in the lesson, color the lunar rover yellow... And if difficulties arose, then - red. There is a starry sky on the board. The students are fixing their moon rovers.

Thank you for the lesson.

Writing lesson in class " Special child»

Topic: "Letter capital letter "L"

Lesson objectives:

    teach children to write correctly the capital letter "L" and its connections; exercise in writing the studied letters, in writing out their elements; teach children to compare the spelling of letters, find the same elements;

    develop the graphic skills of students, their attention, memory, concentration, enrich the vocabulary of children, develop;

    cultivate accuracy and respect for each other;

    Correct mental activity,

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, we continue our journey across Bukwolandia. Our train makes a stop every day at one of the stations, and we learn a new letter, get a lot of information. And in order not to forget what we have learned, we repeat what we have learned.

2. Graphic dictation.

On the first line we write a dictation:

For students at the 1st level of education:

- We put the handle on top, go left and up, linger on the line, go down an inclined line down, perform a "rocker", climb the hook to the middle, connect the two parts with a "secret", "secret" an oblique line down, "rocker", hook to the middle. (The letter a")

- We put the "rocking chair", we go far to the right and up in the additional line. In the middle part of the additional line we write out a "secret", in a "secret" an oblique line downward, write a loop in the middle of the working line. (The letter a")

- We put the "rocking chair" on the lower ruler of the working line, go far to the side up and without reaching, write out the "secret", according to the "secret" an inclined line down, "rocker", a hook to the middle, "secret", according to the "secret" sloping line down, "rocking chair", hook to the middle. (Letter "m")

- We put the "rocking chair" on the lower ruler of the working line, we go far to the side up (up to 1/3 from the bottom in the additional line), in the middle 1/3 we write out the "secret", according to the "secret" an oblique line down, "rocker", hook just above the upper ruler of the working line, "secret", "secret", an oblique downward line, "rocker", hook to the middle. (Letter "M")

- We put the "rocking chair" on the lower ruler of the working line, go far to the side up and, before reaching 1/3, write out the "secret", according to the "secret" an oblique line down, "rocking chair", a hook to the middle. (Letter "l")

Check: the student reads letters, errors are underlined in green.

Now, guys, take a close look at this dictation line. Maybe you noticed something? (The lowercase letter "l" does not have a pair - an uppercase letter).

What do you think we will be doing today in the lesson? (Learn to write the capital letter "L").

When do we capitalize a letter? (The first word in a sentence, names, surnames, patronymics of people, animal nicknames, names of cities, lakes, rivers).

Level 1 - Find the capital letter "L" on the ribbon of letters.

Level 2 - Find the printed letter "L".

Level 3 - find the letter "L" among 4 letters

What color should you paint over the rectangle with the capital "L"? (In blue, since the letter "L" stands for consonants).

Now let's play.

The most attentive game.

The rules are simple. Stand up.

If you need to write a word with capital letter - clap your hands. If with a little - we are silent.

Murka, Ivan, dog, cat, Sharik, Moscow, Volga, Green street, a student of Platonov.

1st level-letter in capital letters,

2 level-printed;

Level 3 - shading letters;

Well done. Sit quietly. Get ready to work on.

The teacher, unnoticed by the children, turns on the tape recorder to play the audio recording of the frog croaking

Guys, you can hear someone croaking in our class. Let's get a look.

(An image from a beautiful frog appears on the multimedia board

Who is it who came to our writing lesson? (This is a frog)

Children, admire this handsome man.

He brought a letter. Let's read.

Level 1 student reads a letter at the blackboard

Dear Guys!

Please help me learn how to write my name.

Do you know what my unusual and difficult name is?

Larik or full name - Larion.

Guys, can we help Larik learn how to write a name? (Of course we will help)

A Russian proverb says: "Life is given for good deeds." You must always come to the aid of everyone who needs it.

3.Graphic analysis and capital letter "L".

Look closely at the capital letter "L". What are the elements of the letter that are familiar to you. ("Rocking", "secret", oblique line, hook)

Show the teacher a sample of writing the letter "L" with the pronunciation of the algorithm.

I check the readiness for the letter. (Landing, the position of the writing on the desk, the position of the handle)

2nd level of study

We write along the dotted line under my dictation.

How many letters did you write? (Four)

4.Letter words Lara, Larion.

Guys, read the word on the next line. (Lara)

Why is it written with a capital letter? (This is the girl's name)

Who can give their full name? (Larisa)

How many syllables are in the word Lara? (Two syllables)

How to determine how many syllables are in a word? (How many vowels in a word, so many syllables in it)

Underline vowels with one stroke, consonants with two strokes.

Write Lara's name along the dotted line and once by yourself.

Find the name of the frog on the line. (Larion)

Let's read it in chorus.

Prepare your palms. How many syllables are in the word Larion? (three)

Underline vowels with one stroke, consonants with two strokes.

Get ready to write. Checking the fit. Write Larion's name along the dotted line and once by yourself.

Well, frog, did our friendly class help you learn how to write a name? Turning on the audio recording of the croaking frog

Guys, you and I taught the cheerful frog to write the capital letter "L" and his name, which means we have done a good deed.

Now let's rest. Stand up.

5. Physical education for a minute.

Let's put our legs apart with the letter "L".

As if in a dance - hands on hips.

Leaned left, right ...

It turns out wonderfully well.

Left - right, left - right

Leaning over from the heart!

The second time the children recite the poem and do the exercises.

6. Work with proposals.

Read the sentence. (Macaw is small.)

How many words are there in this sentence? (There are two words in this sentence)

What rules for writing sentences do you know? (The first word in a sentence is written with a capital letter, the words in the sentence are written separately from each other, a period is put at the end of the sentence)

Do you know the word Ara? (This is a parrot. A level 1 pupil's reading about the Macaw parrot: The South American Macaw parrot is a common inhabitant of zoos and apartments. The parrot is almost a meter long from the beak to the end of the tail. The bird's beak is so strong that it can bite into a thick iron wire. Thanks to this, the Ara easily bites through the hard bones of the fruit. Various tamed animals live in the Indian villages, among them the Ara parrots. Before the holidays, the Indians pull out their beautiful feathers from parrots for their own decorations, but compensate the birds for the damage caused by decorating the birds with colored bows and ribbons In addition, Macaws are excellent guard dogs, warning residents with loud hoarse cries when strangers approach the village).

So, now we know a lot about the macaw parrots.

Build a diagram of this proposal.

Read the second sentence. (Is Lara small?)

How many words are there in this sentence? (There are three words in this sentence)

How are these offers different? (Number of words, intonation)

What are the similarities between the proposals? (There are similar words: small, small, which differ in one letter)

Guys, why do they say that: Ara is small. Lara is small.? (A problem arises)

To solve the problem, turn to the help words on the board. (The words "he, she, it" are printed on the board)

Read it.

Which of these words fits the word Ara? (The word Ara is suitable for "he", because this is a parrot - a masculine word)

What word goes with the name Lara? ("She" because it's a girl is a feminine word)

I check the fit, the position of notebooks, pens.

Guys with a red circle on their desk write sentences along the dotted line. Who has a green circle - on a free line.

A game. "Divide the words into three groups."

(Pictures on the board: macaw parrot, lion, lily of the valley, lego, swallow, lily and the words "he", "she", "it")

Use colored chalk to connect the picture with the corresponding word. The magnets determine the color of the chalk.

IS HE - blue chalk

SHE - red chalk

IT - yellow chalk

Collect the words, read. (Small, small, small)

Make sentences using the words "he", "she", "it" (He is small. She is small. It is small)

Checking the fit. Write down the words "small", "small", "little" on the corresponding lines.

What can you say about the next line in the variable part? (The letter element is written here)

What are the letters of this element? (Letters "M", "L", "A")

Complete the letters.

So, the letters are scattered, make up a word. (Broke)

Write this word.

And now let's imagine that you and I lined up in a column, as in a physical education lesson. The teacher stands in front of the column. Which student seems superior to him? First or last? Why? (First, because it is closer)

Now you will write the uppercase L with decreasing height.

7. Lesson summary.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

a) How to write the capital letter "L".

b) Repeated the rules for writing sentences.

c) Learned about the macaw parrot.

Frog, are you happy with our lesson? An audio recording of croaking turns on

Guys, Larik wants to give you funny, friendly frogs (souvenirs are handed out on behalf of Larik)

1. Motivation to correctional activities.

Hello guys! My name is Anastasia Anatolyevna, and I will teach you this lesson today.

I will open my notebook and lay it down.
I, friends, will not hide from you, I hold my pen like this.
I will sit up straight, I will not bend, I will take up the work.

2. Knowledge update and trial learning action.

Guys listen to the poem

"Affectionate lion"

Affectionate lion.

The lion washed his forehead with his left paw,

And he became affectionate, kind and sweet.

All the animals rejoice

But they don't believe the lion.

It has been clear to them for a long time

That affectionate lions

They only go to the movies.

V. Dronov

Do you agree with this? Maybe they are affectionate with someone?

What other animals do you have? lyou know?

Name, intonationally highlighting the sound [л] or [л].

What letters do you think we will learn to write today?

That's right, guys, today we will learn how to write correctly lowercase and uppercase letters L, l

3. Revealing place and reasons of difficulty.

And nowprepare your hand for writing.

Let's perform finger gymnastics "Horse":

I tear the grass with one hand

I tear with my other hand too.

I'll feed the horse with grass.

That's how many fingers I have!

Checking the landing at the desk

We open our recipes on page 23 and

consider a sample of the lowercase letter L.

We begin to write the letter l just above the bottom line of the working line, round it, bring it to the bottom line, then move up, deviating the line to the right, and bring it to the top line of the working line. From this point, where we finished writing the first element, we begin to write the second - a stick with a rounded bottom. First, we go down the written, and then we make sure that a corner is formed between the first and second elements.

Write the elements of the letter L in the air.

Consider a sample of the lowercase letter L.

How many elements are in the letter l?

What are arrows for?

Circle the elements of the letter.

Circle the Flowers pattern.

We circle carefully, we try

Add the elements of the letter L. on the first line.

On the second line, add the letter L.

Read the syllables on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th lines.

I write syllables on the board.

Guys, pay attention, what connections are we using here?

Write syllables and words, paying attention to the connection of letters.

4 ... Building a project for getting out of difficulties.

The letter L consists of two elements. We start writing from the middle of a wide auxiliary term. We draw the line obliquely down, cross the upper line of the working line, lead down, slightly deviating to the right. We bring the line to the bottom line of the working line, round it to the left and slightly rise above the bottom line of the working line. We begin to write the second element from the same point as the first element. We draw a line downwards, we cross the top line of the working line. Almost reaching the bottom line, round to the right and bring it to the bottom line of the working line; we go up to the middle of the working line.

Write the elements of the letter L in the air.

Consider a sample of the capital letter L.

How many elements are in the letter L?

What are arrows for?

Circle the elements of the letter.

Trace around the tree pattern.

Add the elements of the letter L. on the first line.

On the second line, add the letter L.

And now we will rest, get up from the desks

We will rest a little,

Let's get up, take a deep breath

Children walked in the forest

Nature was watched.

They looked up at the sun

And their rays warmed.

Miracles in our world:

Children have become dwarfs.

And then everyone stood up together,

We have become giants.

Butterflies were flying

They flapped their wings.

Clap together

We stamp our feet!

5 ... Implementation of the project of getting out of difficulties.

Read the syllables on line 3.

Write the syllables, paying attention to the connection of the letters.

Read syllables and words to each other, check the reading is correct.

See how syllables are spelled.

Dictate the syllables.

Which: uppercase or lowercase - the letter is at the beginning of words? Why?

Take a look at the last line. What is written here?

How are the boundaries of the sentence indicated in the letter?

What is this proposal for the purpose of the statement?

Read the sentence expressively, with intonation.

Write a sentence using a sample.

The most attentive game.

The rules are simple. We get up from our desks.

If you need to write a word with a capital letter - clap your hands. If with a little - we are silent.

Lida, spoon, Luda, horse, Larisa, Lenya, varnish, chandelier, leaf, fox, Lena.

Well done. Sit quietly.

Take a look at the illustration.

Whom do you see?

What's happening?

Come up with a little story about girls. What are their names?

What's on the line? How many words? What needs to be done to make words become a sentence?

How many sounds are in the word Lina? Syllables? Are there soft consonants? What indicates their softness?

6. Reflection.

What letters did we learn to write in the lesson today?

When is a capital letter written?

Practice writing the learned letter, syllables, and words at home.

1. Organizational moment

- Hello children! My name is Alexandra Leonidovna and today I will teach you a writing lesson.

Good morning the day has begun
First of all, we drive laziness.
Don't yawn in class
And work and write
- Check if everything is ready for the lesson, tidy up your workplace, because neatness and cleanliness are the keys to success.

If we did everything right, then we can continue the lesson further.

Knowledge update. Goal setting.

  • Now we have a writing lesson, let's remember what we met in the reading lesson?
  • Let's guess who came to visit us today?

A very strange old man,
Instead of a nose, a knot!
Walks through the forest
He guards the forest.
And the old man is called ...
The old man ... (Lesovichok)

  • But why is he sad here?

But it turns out he cannot cross the river and return home)

  • What should we do?

(help Lesovichk return home)

  • Let's help him. And for this we need to actively work in the lesson and complete assignments.

What new sounds did you meet in the reading lesson?[l], [l ']. Is the sound [l] voiced or dull?

  • What letter represent these sounds?L, l.

- How will we characterize them?(Capital and block letter el)

Statement of the educational problem.

  • What do you think we should learn in the lesson?

(In the writing lesson, we will write lowercase l, syllables, words, sentences with this letter).

  • What should be remembered in writing lesson?

(We must write beautifully.)

  • Let Lesovich tell you how to work in a writing lesson. Let's remember the rules:
  • We must write beautifully.
  • Let's.
  • Sit straight,
  • feet touch the floor
  • the chest does not touch the desk,
  • the notebook is tilted,
  • we hold the pen correctly,
  • It is necessary to write elements at the same distance from each other.

In writing lesson, the landing should be correct. Let's check all the distances: to the eyes, between the desk and you, as well as your back against the back of the chair.

Preparing to write a lowercase letter l

  • So, guys, so that Lesovichok can get across the Lena River, we must complete several writing tasks.
  • Let's stretch our fingers.
  • This finger went to the forest,
  • Found this finger a mushroom
  • This finger stoked the stove,
  • This finger cooked soup,
  • This finger ate everything

From that and got fat.

Acquaintance with the written letter L.

  • Consider on the table (on the board) the lowercase letter L. Compare written and printed letters. What is the difference.(A printed letter has 3 elements, and a written letter has 2; a printed letter has straight, sharp lines, and a written one has smooth, oblique lines)
  • What are the elements of the lowercase letter L.

(from two small curved lines)

- Now take the pens, show them to each other, put the recipes correctly, show the fit.

  • Open the recipe on page 23. Above the points, circle 2 elements, look at the direction of the arrows.
  • Children, what shall we call the girl who is depicted in your copybook? The name must begin with L, as we are currently studying this letter. (Lena)
  • There is a pattern next to it. Determine by the pattern what it does? Can large bouquets of flowers be plucked? Why?(It is impossible, because it causes great harm to nature).
  • Look how you need to draw a flower, let's draw it "in the air", and now circle along the points.

Learning to write a lowercase letter L.

1) Writing elements in the recipe.

First, we will write the letter l by elements, as shown in the recipe.

1 email - We begin to write just above the lower line of the working line, lead down to the lower line, round it smoothly to the right, lead upward sloping to the upper line of the working line, and without stopping, write a straight oblique line rounded down to the right ..

2 email - from the top line of the operating line down we draw an inclined short line to the bottom line of the operating line and round it just below the middle of the operating line.

2) Imaginary letter "in the air".

We are writing with me.

3) A portioned letter.

  • take a close look at the recipe, how many cells does a letter take? Please note that the rounding on the left side is wider, and on the right it is narrower(2 cells)
  • write the letter l according to the pattern, point by pointtwo letters,
  • now write the letter l to the end of the line,
  • find the most beautiful letter, underline it or put a red dot under it.


Work hard - we will rest.

Let's get up, take a deep breath

Hands to the sides, forward.

Left, right turn.

Three tilts, stand straight.

Raise your hands up and down.

Hands released smoothly

They gave everyone smiles.

Sit down.

Learning to write syllables and words based on a sample in writing.

1) Writing a syllable.

And now you and I will write syllables and words with a new letter L.

What syllables are there?

  • Remember what syllable connections are there?
  • Read the syllables in the copy. What are they?
  • Let's see what connections these syllables have.
  • Read syllables that have a lower connection, an upper connection.
  • What syllable are we going to write? (la)
  • How are we going to write?
  • Look at the board and watch my hand move. We register the letter l, then without interruption we continue to write the letter a, the connection is upper
  • Write this syllable in the air with me(I circle it with a pointer).
  • Now write the syllable according to the sample in the copy.
  • Pay attention to the fit.
  • Raise your hand, who did the pattern.
  • Well done, Lesovichek is very happy for you. And who did not turn out very nicely and look at your mistakes correctly. Pay attention to the slope of the letters, it should be the same for all letters, the connection is upper.

2) Writing the word.

  • Read the word. Let's say this word in chorus. How many syllables are in a word?
  • We look at how to write a word.
  • Read 2 syllables. Do you know him?

The same work is done with other syllables and words.

  • Find the word elephant, what syllable is in this word with the letter l, what is its connection, write it down.

Proposal letter

Read the sentence in the recipe.

What is the sign at the end of the sentence? What does the question mark tell us? (you have to ask)

How many words are there in a sentence?

Read 1 word, 2 word, 3 word.

How should you write the first word?

Why is the word Nina with a capital letter?

Guys, write down the offer, observing all the rules of the letter, pay attention to the landing.

(write on the board).

Lesson summary. Reflection.

Guys read the wordforest in chorus. How many syllables are in a word? (one)

What's the first sound? [l "]. What letter do we denote? (el)

Here, guys, we helped Lesovich to get across the river, having completed so many tasks. And now Lesovichok goes to his home in the forest.

He is very happy and thanks you very much.

And who among you guys will tell you what we learned about this letter and what we did with it in the writing lesson?

Now look at the recipe and tell me who liked their work?

What kind of work caused the difficulty?

Let's wave to Lesovichka and say goodbye.

Homework. Write the letter "l" in the recipe to the end of the line

The lesson is over. Goodbye, guys.