3 sentence with homogeneous complex. §32. Proposals with homogeneous members. What question is answered

423. Read it. Find and highlight the main members of the sentences. Ask them questions.

How do the second and third sentences differ from the first? And the second from the third?

What has changed in this proposal compared to previous ones? What question is there?

The second and third sentences differ in that they have two predicates.
The fourth sentence differs in that it has three subjects. The question arises: can there be two or even three predicates in a sentence and how can they be called?

424. Read it. Find and highlight the main terms in the sentences. Ask them questions.

Compare offers. What is the difference? What conclusion can you draw?

Specify in the explanatory dictionary the meaning of the adjective homogeneous. Why do you think these members of the proposal are called that?

There are several predicates in sentences 2,3,4, they are separated by commas and connected by the union and. it can be concluded that a sentence can have several predicates with one subject or several subjects with one predicate. A sentence with several subjects or predicates is called a sentence with homogeneous members. In the explanatory dictionary, the word homogeneous is interpreted as follows: the same, referring to the same group (genus, category).

425. Read an excerpt from G. Sapgir's poem "Forests-miracles". What members of the proposal does the forest song consist of? Read it with a listing intonation. Are there homogeneous members in this passage? How should this sentence be read? Write off the forest song.

The forest song consists of subjects. There are homogeneous predicates in this passage: let us sit down, we sing. When reading this poem, the intonation of the enumeration is needed.

426. Read the text to yourself. What words should be read with enumeration intonation? Read aloud, respecting the intonation of the enumeration.

Prove that ancient Russian names speak of the richness of the Russian language. Have you met these names? Where? Tell me. What do you think, what surnames were formed from these names?

By the nature of the child: Besson, Molchan, Nesmeyana, Neulyba, Dobr, Smirnaya. For those feelings that the children aroused in their parents: Lyubim, Lyubava, Milava, Nechai. These names are found in the surnames that originated from them: Belyai - Belyaev, Molchan - Molchanov, Bulgak - Bulgakov, Smirnoy - Smirnov, Lyubim - Lyubimov, Nechai - Nechaev, Chernyai - Chernov, Nekrasa - Nekrasov.

427. Write off the proposals. Find and designate the main members. Are there any homogeneous ones among them? Show graphically which members of the sentence are homogeneous. Read sentences with homogeneous members. Don't forget about the intonation of the enumeration.

428. Write off the text. Find and highlight the main terms in each sentence. Show graphically homogeneous terms.

Underline familiar spelling, explain spelling.

Consider again sentence schemes with homogeneous members. What sign separates homogeneous members in the letter?

429. Read it. Determine which schema matches each proposal. Write in the order of the schemes.

At night, birches and spruces doze in the fields amid the melodies of a blizzard.

There is a goby in the yard and chews its tongue.

The sun will come out again, it will look into our windows.

430. Write down proposals for schemes.

Geese and swans nest on the lake.

Geese and swans swim, splash, dive.

In summer, the robins and nightingales sing so wonderfully.

431. Write off the text. Place, where necessary, a comma between homogeneous members. Show graphically homogeneous terms.

432. Make up and write down proposals for schemes.

Volga and Oka flow into the Caspian Sea.

White lilies and yellow water lilies bloomed in the pond.

Bright stars twinkled, shone, shone.

433. Make up and write down sentences that contain: 1) two homogeneous subjects with one predicate; 2) three homogeneous subjects with one predicate; 3) two homogeneous predicates with one subject; 4) three homogeneous predicates with one subject. Place punctuation marks correctly. Spelling underlines.

434. Read the text. What is it the main idea? List the punctuation marks that you know. Which of them are put only at the end of the sentence, and which - only inside the sentence?

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text: punctuation marks, as intonation, allow you to more accurately understand the text, help convey what cannot be conveyed only in words. Punctuation marks: period, question mark, exclamation mark, ellipsis. In the middle of a sentence, you can put a comma, a dash.

435. What can punctuation marks tell about the meaning and intonation of these sentences?

Make and write down suggestions for these schemes. What are these suggestions for the purpose of the utterance and intonation?

436. Read it. What questions do the highlighted words answer? Which members of the proposal do they belong to? Which members of the sentence are the highlighted words - major or minor? What conclusion can you make about homogeneous members of the proposal?

Write down the text, underline the grammatical basis in the sentences. Show graphically the homogeneous members of the sentence.

437. Sleep. Underline the main terms. Graphically mark the homogeneous members of the sentence. What are they - major or minor? Explain why a comma is or is not placed between homogeneous members.

What are these suggestions for the purpose of the utterance and intonation? Underline spelling in words and between words. Explain the spellings.

438. Read it. What signs are at the end of a sentence? Which sentence should be read with enumeration intonation? Why? What signs should you put in this proposal?

Write off the second and third stanzas. Open brackets, insert missing letters.

Show graphically homogeneous terms.

Matryoshkas carry iodine
Bandages, cotton bags.
And Vanka suddenly gets up
With a rogue smile.
- believe me, I'm alive!
And I don't need a nanny!
It's not the first time for us to fall -
That's why we are Vanka - Vstanki!

439. Dictation with preparation. Read it. Underline and explain spelling. Underline simple pencil the main members of the proposals. Show homogeneous terms. Put commas where appropriate. Close the tutorial. Write under dictation.

1. The concept of homogeneous members.

2. Unions with homogeneous members.

3. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

4. Generalizing words for homogeneous terms.

Homogeneous members of the proposal - these are members of the same name, connected with each other by a compositional connection and performing the same syntactic function in a sentence, i.e. united by the same relationship to the same member of the proposal. Homogeneous members are connected or can be connected by compositional conjunctions and pronounced with the intonation of enumeration. In the absence of unions or when they are repeated, homogeneous members are also connected by connecting pauses. Both major and minor members of a sentence can be homogeneous, for example:

The gardener fell silent, put the tube behind the bootleg (PS) - homogeneous predicates;

Caps and kerchiefs, greatcoats and overalls (E.N.) - homogeneous subjects walked by Dunyashka;

At the corners album sheets Vasya painted birds, animals and angels (PS) - homogeneous additions.

Homogeneous members of the proposal can be uncommon and widespread, those. may carry explanatory words, for example:

Everything stirred, woke up, sang, rustled, spoke (T).

My horse jumped through the bushes, tore the bushes with his chest (L.)

Homogeneous members can have the same morphological expression, but they can be dissimilar, for example:

Now she is kind of quiet, bright and affectionate in words (K.V.)

The presence of homogeneous members of the proposal is not seen in the following cases:

1. When repeating the same words in order to emphasize the duration of the action, many persons or objects, increased manifestation of a sign, etc., for example: Food, food in an open field (P.); Here is a dark, dark garden (N.)

2. In whole expressions of phraseological nature: both day and night; both old and young; neither this nor that; neither give nor take; neither back nor forth, etc.

3. When two verbs are combined in the same form, acting as a single predicate (in the meaning of an action and its purpose, unexpected or arbitrary action, etc.), for example, i'll go and see the class schedule; took it and did the opposite, etc.

To connect homogeneous members of the sentence, the following categories of compositional unions are used:

1. Connecting unions: and, yes, (meaning "and"), neither ... nor, etc. Union and can be single and repetitive. A single union shows that the listing is exhaustive, for example: Outside, screeching, barking and howling were heard (Ars.).

The repetition of the union and before each homogeneous member of the sentence makes the row unfinished and emphasizes the enumerative intonation, for example: Both the sling, and the arrow, and the crafty dagger have spared the winner for years (P.).

Union and can connect homogeneous members in pairs, for example: They converged: a wave and a stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire are not so different among themselves (P.).

Recurring union no no used in negative sentences, acting as a union and, eg: For the rain, neither the sea nor the sky was visible (M.G.)

Union yes (in the meaning of "and") is used mainly in colloquial speech, its use in works of art gives speech a touch of simplicity, for example: And Vaska listens and eats (Cr.); Open the window and sit with me (P.).

Union yes is also used as repeating, but cannot stand before the first homogeneous member, for example: A Dog, a Man, a Cat, and a Falcon swore to each other once in eternal friendship (Cr.).

Alliances also, yes, and have connecting meaning, for example: I peacefully enjoyed my work, success, fame, as well as the works and successes of friends (P.)

Double unions how ... and, not so ... how, not only ... but (a) and, not so much ... how much ... so much, though ... but, if not ... then comparisons matter, comparisons, for example: Although it looks simple, it has a wonderful property (Cr.).

2. Adverse alliances: a, but, yes (meaning "but"), however, on the other hand, etc.

Union and shows that instead of some objects, signs, actions, others are established, i.e. that one concept is asserted and another is denied, for example: She put on the Tit of Glory, but did not light the seas (Cr.).

In the absence of negation, the union andindicates opposition, for example: For a brave dog years, and a cowardly one bites (proverb).

Union but introduces a shade of limitation, for example: On the right bank there are peaceful but still restless auls (L.T.)

Union yes introduces a colloquial tone, for example: He who is noble and strong, but not smart, is so bad, even if he is with a good heart (Cr.).

Emphasize the opposition of unions butand but, eg: I hesitated a little, but sat down (T.).

A connecting union can act as an adversarial union and, eg: I wanted to go around the whole world, and did not go around a hundredth (Gr.).

3. Separating unions: or, either, whether ... whether, then ... then, not that ... not that, etc.

Union or (single or repeated) indicates the need to choose one of the concepts expressed by homogeneous members and excluding or replacing each other, for example: I was released with Yevseich to the river every day, either in the morning, or in the evening (Ax.)

Union or, with the same meaning (usually repetitive), is colloquial, for example: Gavrila decided that the mute either escaped or drowned along with his dog (T.)

Recurring union then ... then indicates an alternation of phenomena, for example: The stars flashed with a faint light, then disappeared (G.)

Recurring union whether ... whether has a separative enumeration value.

Recurring unions not that ... not that, or ... or indicate the uncertainty of the impression or the difficulty of choosing, for example: My heart is either lazy or tender (G.)

In the Russian language, it is customary to distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

Homogeneous definitions are each associated directly with the word being defined and are in the same relationship to it. Homogeneous definitions are interconnected by compositional alliances and enumerative intonation or only by enumeration intonation and connecting pauses.

Homogeneous definitions are used in two cases: a) to designate the distinctive features of different objects, b) to designate different features of the same object.

Ex.: Red, green, yellow, blue panels of light fall on passers-by (K ..)

Chapaev loved a strong, decisive, firm word (Ch.)

Definitions are heterogeneous if the preceding definition refers not directly to the noun being defined, but to a combination of the subsequent definition and the noun being defined, for example: The sun disappeared behind advanced low ripped cloud (L. T.).

Heterogeneous definitions characterize an object from different angles, in different respects, for example: large leather briefcase (size and material), oblong pale face (shape, color), beautiful Moscow boulevards (quality, location).

A generalizing word is usually a grammatical form of expression of a generic concept that unites subordinate concepts based on material proximity, the grammatical form of expression of which is homogeneous members of a sentence, for example:

The village, haystacks, paths, everything was covered with snow (E.N.).

Everywhere: in front, behind, on the left, on the right - boundless native spaces were spread (K.V.).

Often in the role of a generalizing word, words are used that denote a concept with a wide scope, for example:

Across the river, along the roads, in the steppe - everything was empty (T.).

The generalizing word can be in front of homogeneous members or follow them. Sometimes homogeneous members are found between the subject - the generalizing word - and the predicate, for example:

A crowd of buildings: human, barns, cellars - filled the yard.

For the purpose of strengthening, the words are placed before the generalizing word: in a word, in a word, eg:

River, forest, groves, fields - in a word, everything is pleasant to our eyes.

1. Homogeneous Sentence Members Are members of the proposal that
are associated with the same word in a sentence and usually respond to
the same question. They are also the same members of the proposal,
united with each other by a compositional connection.

Both major and minor members can be homogeneous members.

Let's give an example:
The old carpenter Vasily and his apprentice do the work without haste,

There are two series of homogeneous members in this proposal: homogeneous
subjects Vasily and the student correspond to one predicate -
homogeneous circumstances of the course of action slowly, thoroughly
depend on the predicate (perform (how?) slowly, thoroughly).

2. Homogeneous terms are usually expressed with the same part of speech.

Here is an example: Vasily and the student are nouns in
nominative case.

But homogeneous members can also be morphologically heterogeneous:

A young lady of about thirty-two entered, blazing with health, with
laughing lips, cheeks and eyes.
In this sentence, among homogeneous definitions, the first is expressed
a noun phrase in the genitive case (about thirty-two years old),
the second - with the participle (blazing with health), the third -
a combination of three nouns in the instrumental case with a preposition with
with a dependent participle (with laughing lips, cheeks and eyes).

Note. Sometimes a compositional connection can connect and
dissimilar members of the sentence.
Here is an example: It is not clear who and how spread it across the district
news of the birth of a white boy.
Union words in the subordinate clause are different members
sentences (subject who and circumstance of the course of action as, but
they are connected by a creative union and).

3. Homogeneous members are connected by creative unions and intonation or just intonation. If homogeneous members are separated by a comma, then
commas are placed only between them. Before the first homogeneous member,
no commas are placed after the last homogeneous term.

Punctuation marks for homogeneous penisx.

A) Unionless connection - a comma is put between homogeneous members.

* , *, *
Let's give an example:
A strange, motley, dense life passed with terrible speed.

Single connecting unions (and, yes \u003d and) or separating unions
(either, or) - no comma is placed between homogeneous members.

* and *; * or *.

Let's give an example:
She cried and stamped her feet;
In some places, along the way, you come across a white birch or weeping willow.

Unions and, yes and, yes, can have connecting meaning. These unions
they introduce not homogeneous, but connecting members of the proposal. In that
case, a comma is placed before the union.
Let's give an example:
People made fun of her, and rightly so.
“People made fun of her, and rightly so;
What can you order to draw an artist, and even a bad one.
- What can you order an artist to draw, and a bad one at that.

Adversary alliances (but, but, but, however \u003d but, yes \u003d but) - comma between
homogeneous members are set.
*, and *; *, but *; *, but *; *, but *

Here is an example: He looks handsome, but young;
Now the lake did not shimmer all the time, but only in a few places;
Our kindergarten is small, but cozy.

D) Double and paired unions (if not ..., if not ..., then; not
so much ... so; although ... but also; like ..., not only ..., and; but also;
how; as much ... as; not that ... but; Not really...,
a) - a comma between homogeneous members is put.
Not only but *; both * and *; although *, but also *.

Let's give an example:
The rainbow stretched not only over the outskirts of the city, but also far
I have instructions from both the judge and all our friends to reconcile
you and your friend;
For Vasily Vasilievich, although it was familiar, the power of Erofei was heavy

Homogeneous members can be combined with a general word. Generalizing
the word is the same member of the sentence as other homogeneous
members, answers the same question, but has a general meaning:

The generalizing word denotes the whole, and homogeneous members are parts of this

Outside the city, from the mountain, a village was visible: squares of blocks, wooden
buildings, spilling gardens, church spiers;

A generalizing word denotes a generic (general concept), and homogeneous
members - species (more specific concepts):

A bird screamed shrilly: roosters, geese, turkeys (Fadeev).

Generalizing words are expressed in different parts of speech, but most often
pronouns and pronouns and nouns:

The forest is always beautiful: both in winter days and in spring (always -
pronominal adverb); Everything here: the building and the greenery - perceived
especially me (everything is a pronoun).

Self-control task
1. Find homogeneous terms in the given sentences.
What parts of speech are they expressed?
Explain the spelling of the selected words, parse them by composition
a) Visitors to the exhibition viewed metal products with interest,
glass vases, national costumes, embroidery, ornaments from
mother-of-pearl brought from distant islands.
b) People came to the meeting to exchange experience, to understand the
mistakes, outline a plan for further work.
c) Eduard walked quickly, with measured steps, without looking around.

Sentences with homogeneous members are widely used in oral and written speech. After reading the article, you will find out what it is, familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of using homogeneous members of a sentence, as well as the rules of punctuation when writing them.

What are homogeneous members of a proposal?

Homogeneous Sentence Members are members of a sentence that perform the same syntactic function. In a sentence, they refer to the same word and answer the same question. Homogeneous members of a sentence can be represented by any independent part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) and indicate an object, sign, action or circumstance.

Sentences with homogeneous members refer to complicated sentences.

Which members of the proposal can be homogeneous?

Any members of the proposal can act as homogeneous ones. The table shows examples of the use of homogeneous members of a sentence with different syntactic roles.

Member proposal

What question is answered

Examples of


Masha, Sasha and Vitya walked in the yard.

I live at home kitty and puppy.


What to do? What to do?

Today in the lesson we squatted, ran and jumped.

Anya is good is reading, writes and he speaks in English.


Which one? What?

I bought yellow, red and blue balloons.

This table is not large, and little.


Indirect case issues

Grandma fed chickens and ducklings.

In the picture, the artist depicted fieldand lake.


How? Where? Where? Where from? When? What for? Why?

In winter and in the spring you need to eat more vitamins.

The path went on upthen way down.

In some cases, homogeneous members of a sentence can be represented by different parts of speech, phrases, phraseological expressions or phrases that perform one syntactic function ( He answered in the lesson (as?) confidently, on business, thinking it over well ).

How to find homogeneous members of a sentence?

To find homogeneous members in a sentence, you must:

  • Highlight the main and secondary members of the proposal;
  • Determine which members of the sentence answer one question and relate to one word;
  • Check whether they are connected by a compositional or non-union connection (whether they are pronounced with the intonation of the enumeration).

Example: Woman embroidered flower and bird. Flower and bird - additions, answer the question what?, refer to the word embroidered; connected by a compositional connection, between them there is a compositional union and.

Sometimes several members of a sentence can be homogeneous at once. Sentences of this type are more often used in written speech.

Examples of: Me and he talked and joked yesterday (homogeneous members of the sentence: me, he (subject) and talking, joking (predicates)).

Punctuation for homogeneous members of a sentence

In sentences, homogeneous members can be combined by union and non-union communication.

TOP-5 articleswho read along with this

Communication type


Punctuation rules

Examples of

Connecting or separating single (and, or)

There is no comma between homogeneous members of a sentence.

I made a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Solitary adversaries (uh, but, yeah), yielding (although)

A comma is placed before the union

He was late, but came.

Recurring ( then - then, and - and, or - or, neither - nor, yes - yes and etc.)

A comma is placed before the second and subsequent unions

It snows, then it rains.


A comma is always placed between homogeneous members.

He admired paintings and sculptures.

If a generalizing word is used before homogeneous members of a sentence, a colon is placed after it; if the generalizing word comes after homogeneous members of the sentence, then a dash is placed in front of it (I like different fruit: apples, bananas and oranges. About joys, about failures, about love - about everything was in this book).

Homogeneous members of the sentence are studied in Russian lessons in grade 4.

What have we learned?

  • Homogeneous members of a sentence have the same syntactic features, answer one question;
  • Homogeneous members of a sentence can be represented by any part of speech, phrase, turnover;
  • A comma, union, or a comma and union can be placed between homogeneous members of a sentence in a letter.

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Punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence

Homogeneous members of the proposal:

  1. Answering the same question
  2. Depend on the same word
  3. Pronounced with enumerative intonation

Homogeneous Sentence Members - these are members of the same name that are connected with each other by a compositional connection and perform the same syntactic function in a sentence, that is, they are united by the same relationship to the same member of the sentence. Homogeneous members can be connected by compositional conjunctions and pronounced with “enumeration intonation”. In the absence of unions and when they are repeated, homogeneous members are also connected by connecting pauses.

Details in the video:


At first,homogeneous members of a sentence are NOT ALWAYS the same part of speech. The most important thing is that they answer the same question and depend on one word!

Secondly, ANY MEMBERS of the sentence can be homogeneous: both the subject and the predicate, and the definition, and the addition, and the circumstance.

Examples of

Let us denote the homogeneous term by the sign?.


Homogeneous clauses can be used
no unions with single unions with repeated unions with double unions

In the garden there are blossoming roses, lilies, chamomile.

connecting unions, yes (\u003d and), or

Suddenly a storm came in largeAND frequent hail.

Autumn freshness, foliage And fruits, the garden is fragrant.

adversary unions, but, yes (\u003d but), but, however

The heart is not opened with an iron key, adobrota.

or or

or either

not that ... not that

1) and?, And?, And?

or?, or?, or?

I fancyTO noisy feasts,TO military camp,TOfighting fights.

Do not you hear me ,ORyou do not understand ,OR you just ignore it.

Snowstorms AND blizzard, coldANDdarkness did not prevent the polar explorers from landing on the ice floes.

not only but

like ... so

if not ... then

not so much as

although ... but

A comma is placed before the second part of the union!

not only but?

how? and?

These norms can be rememberedAS masters of sports,SO AND beginners.

Trap # 1!

A sentence can have several rows of homogeneous members, therefore, distinguish constructions with homogeneous members of the sentence connected by repeating unions, and constructions with several rows of homogeneous members, which are connected by a single union within a row.

Trees and herbs in summer and early autumn are juicy and fresh.

(This is a sentence with three rows of homogeneous members: two homogeneous subjects, two homogeneous predicates, and two homogeneous circumstances)

Commas are not used anywhere!

Thin rains fell on the forests, and on the fields, and on the wide Dnieper.

This is one row of homogeneous members, so they depend on one verb "seeded", they answer one question - Where? and are circumstances, therefore the comma is used as in repeated conjunctions.

Trap # 2!

Phraseological turns(stable combinations of words, no comma inside them):

  • Without any reasons
  • And day and night
  • Both old and young
  • And laughter and sorrow
  • Here and there
  • Neither back nor forth
  • Neither yes nor no
  • For no reason
  • Neither fish nor fowl
  • Not dawn
  • Not a rumor not a spirit

Algorithm of actions.

1) In each sentence, find homogeneous members of the sentence (see three signs of homogeneous members at the very beginning of the chapter).

2) Determine how many rows of homogeneous members are in the sentence. Consider each of the rows separately from each other.

3) Note what kind of unions they are connected: without a union, single, repeated or double union.

4) Build a diagram and place commas.

Analysis of the task.

Indicate the offer in which you want to put one

1) On the sides of the path with high and steep walls, rose hips stood and bloomed with scarlet and damp fire.

2) Only the tops of the trees and the winding edge of the opposite bank were visible.

3) His hand and face and blue overalls were shiny with soot and machine oil.

4) In the atmosphere of secret societies, Pushkin's life passed both in St. Petersburg and later in the south.

Answer option number 1.

Read Trap # 1 again.

We find homogeneous members of the sentence. There are three rows of them here: high and steep(what ?, depend on the word « walls » ), stood and bloomed(what did you do?), scarlet and wet(what ?, depend on the word "fire). Three rows of homogeneous members of the sentence, each of which is internally connected by a single AND union, therefore no commas are required.

Answer option number 2.

The proposal has one row of homogeneous members: tops yes edge(what ?, depends on the word "were seen"). They are united by a single union yes in meaning and

Answer option number 3.

The proposal has two rows of homogeneous members. At first, hand and face and overalls (what ?, are subjects), which are connected by a repeating union and... We place commas after each homogeneous member of the sentence: His hand, and his face, and his blue overalls. Secondly, from soot and oil(from what ?, depend on "shine"), they are connected by a single union andso no comma is required.

Answer option number 4.

One row of homogeneous members of the proposal: both in St. Petersburg and in the south(where ?, depends on the word "passed"). They are bound by a double union like ... so, so we put a comma only before the second part of the union, that is: both in St. Petersburg and in the south.

Thus, the correct option is answer # 4.


1. Indicate the offer in which you want to put one comma. (No punctuation marks are placed.)

1) Official medicine opposes self-medication and treatment with untested means.

2) The northern regions turned out to be unequal both in terms of the number of inhabitants and the possibilities of economic development.

3) Sometimes medicinal plants completely lose their medicinal properties or keep them to a small extent.

4) Swans majestically swam along the river or circled above the water or rested near their house.

2. Indicate the offer in which you want to put one comma. (No punctuation marks are placed.)

1) On the same lilac bush, I saw yellow leaves and buds that began to swell.

2) Gander talked to himself in a husky bass and picked up spilled seeds.

3) Our culture is strong not only and not so much by the capital's figures as by the inhabitants of the provinces.