Megapire Association - Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation for Affairs of Veterans, Military Personnel and Members of Their Families

“In the 90s of the XX century, thousands of officers of the Armed Forces found themselves on the sidelines of life. For many of them, this was a real tragedy. After all, they all gave their best years to the army. - to survive in those conditions that are dramatic both for Russia and for the Armed Forces. Having gone through serious difficulties, we created the socio-economic base of our organization and began to help those who are in difficulty. First of all, the Armed Forces, veterans, the younger generation. Us supported by state bodies, public organizations, famous military leaders, scientists and cultural figures, for which we are very grateful to them," said the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association, Major General Vladimir Bogatyrev.

At the end of October 2018, the National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR) celebrated its 25th anniversary. It is safe to say that much has been achieved in the past years, but much more remains to be done. Megapirovtsy, as representatives of a truly officer alloy, are ready to continue working for the benefit of their homeland and Russian society.
Yesterday's servicemen started almost from scratch. Nerves and pain for comrades, uncertainty about the future, carelessness and callousness of officials, moral decline in society, disrespect - all this the defenders of the Motherland had to face and fight in civilian life.
Despite the difficulties and obstacles, the Association managed not only to survive, but also to develop successfully. It has become a rallying base for the officer backbone of the Russian army, people of honor and duty, with vast managerial experience, high spiritual and moral qualities. The organization is widely known as having united under its wing many prominent and honored officers whose main goal is to serve their Fatherland and people.
Even by its name, the Association symbolizes the strength and steadfastness, loyalty and commitment, honesty and decency of the people working in it. "Megapyr" in Greek means - heat-resistant. In industry, it refers to a group of chromal-type alloys capable of withstanding temperatures over a thousand degrees. Such alloys are used in rocket science, in the manufacture of heating elements for electric furnaces. Among themselves, the employees of the Association call this alloy "officer's", as if confirming that the hardening they received during their service in the army is akin to the strength of "Megapyr".

Support for the Russian Armed Forces is one of the main directions of the Association's work. After all, its representatives know firsthand the problems of the army and understand that most of them are generated not by the military organization itself, but by some disregard for people in uniform on the part of society and the state.
And, first of all, the Association focused on helping young commanders in their professional growth. As you know, generals and even marshals work in Megapire, who have gone through a harsh life school, sniffed both front-line and polygon gunpowder, who pass on their experience to the younger generation of officers. At the same time, the organization patronizes some units and encourages the best sergeants and officers of the Armed Forces.

A special area of ​​Megapira's work is caring for the children of those who laid down their lives in battles while performing military duty. The Association patronizes the children of servicemen who died in Chechnya, South Ossetia and other "hot spots". They are paid monthly stipends until they reach the age of 18.
Megapirovtsy provide active assistance to schools and local administrations in the patriotic education of the younger generation, as well as preparing young men for military service. In 2011, with the support of reserve officers, the Choreopolis choreographic studio was formed at the Darya Center for Aesthetic Development.
Today the Association unites more than forty complementary commercial and non-commercial structures. At the same time, Megapir, thanks to its numerous social and economic projects, is known in various circles of Russian society, the political and financial elite. However, the most valuable thing is that ordinary citizens know about the Association, and especially those who once needed help.

On January 15, 2019, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Association "Megapir" - President of the Fund for Support of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces "OFFICER BROTHERHOOD" (hereinafter referred to as the Fund), Colonel General Vladimir Zaritsky summed up some of the activities of the organization.

The main efforts of the Foundation in 2018 were aimed at holding events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the National Association "Megapir" and the 15th anniversary of the All-Army competitions for commanders of artillery batteries for the Challenge Cup named after Marshal of Artillery Vladimir Mikhalkin.

The Foundation cooperates with the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation in the preparation and holding of competitions, competitions of professional skills of military personnel, moral and material incentives for the winners.

The Foundation took part in meetings with the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Oleg Salyukov, in extended meetings of the Military Council of the Ground Forces, which discussed measures to develop competitiveness among the troops, holding competitions between military personnel (crews, crews, units), awarding winning teams with challenge cups named after outstanding military leaders.

This year, there have been innovations in holding All-Army competitions in military specialties in the branches of the Armed Forces and branches of service. Representatives of the National Association "Megapir" took part in the presentation of 63 challenge cups named after famous military personnel, purchased at the expense of the Association, to the best teams that participated in the competition.

In July 2018 at the Luga training ground ( Leningrad region) passed the final stage of the All-Army competition of artillery battery commanders for the Cup named after Marshal of Artillery Vladimir Mikhalkin, the winner of which was the team of the Western Military District.

Holding a press conference of the Interfax North-West news agency dedicated to innovations in holding competitions in military specialties in the branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the armed forces, organizing and holding All-Army competitions for battery commanders named after Marshal of Artillery Vladimir Mikhalkin at the Luga combined arms training ground.

The Fund takes part in events held by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation within the framework of international cooperation, the International Advisory Committee of Organizations of Reserve and Reserve Officers(MKK).

Solemn events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the National Association "Megapir".

Participation in the events of the IV International Army Games, the scientific and business program of the International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2018", the 53rd International Military Scientific Conference.

Awarding of the winners of the IV International Army Games "ArMI-2018" in the Alabino training center.

Rewarding foreign representatives of the IWC member countries with a commemorative medal of the OFFICER BROTHERHOOD Foundation for cooperation in the field of mutual enrichment military culture and universal values.

Closing of the International Army Games in the training center "Alabino".

The Fund participates in socially significant events held by the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public organizations in military garrisons.

Moscow garrison

Victory Day Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

On the 120th anniversary of the birth of the Hero Soviet Union, Marshal of Artillery Vasily Kazakov.

Solemn events dedicated to the Day of the Rocket Forces and Artillery.

On the 50th anniversary of the Alexander Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital.

Saint Petersburg garrison

Discussion at the Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy of the main directions in the development of missile forces and artillery, as well as the theory and practice of their combat use.

Opening of the bust of the founder of the Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy - Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich.

Transfer of the restored Battle Banner of the 1st Leningrad Artillery School to the St. Petersburg Suvorov Military School.

Awarding the winners of the Cup final of the Head of the Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy in ice hockey.

Tver garrison

Opening of the second stage of the Alley of Memory of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, members public organization"Artilleryman" named after Alexei Sviridov.

Visit to the 79th Guards Rocket Artillery Novozybkov Red Banner Orders of Alexander Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky Brigade.

Kolomna garrison

Opening memorial sign about the Kolomna School and its graduates in the Memorial Park of the Kolomna City District.

Opening of a renovated bas-relief with cannons of the 1820 model on Kolomna cadets street.

solemn meeting, dedicated to the Day Rocket troops and artillery.

The Fund is actively involved in organizing and holding meetings with veterans and reserve officers, signing agreements on cooperation and joint activities with veteran organizations.

Per last year the Fund's management met with veterans and reserve officers of the cities of Naro-Fominsk, Smolensk, Tver, St. Petersburg, Luga, Kolomna, the veteran organization of the Missile Forces and Artillery of the Moscow Military District.

The Fund signed Agreements on cooperation and joint activities of the Fund with the military commissariat of the city of Moscow, the public organization "Artilleryman" named after Alexei Sviridov in Tver and the Charitable Foundation "RESURRECTION".

An important activity of the Foundation is the presentation of officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, employees of institutions, military personnel of formations and universities, activists of the veterans' movement for public awards.

By the decision of the Board of Directors and the Board of the National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR) for the successes and high results in educational and scientific activity 8 best servicemen of the Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy (cadets, students and adjunct) became laureates of the Marshal of Artillery Vladimir Mikhalkin Award for Excellent Study.

By the decision of the Board of Directors and the Board of the National Association "Megapir" for active work in the organization, more than 700 veterans of the associations of reserve officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were awarded the commemorative anniversary medal "25 years of the National Association" Megapir ".

By the decision of the Supreme Council of the Forum "Public Recognition" for a great contribution to strengthening the power and glory of Russia, 9 officials of military-industrial complex enterprises, employees of institutions, officers of departments, formations and universities were awarded diplomas.

By the decision of the Council of the Officers' Assembly of Reserve Officers of the National Association "Megapir" for the observance and enhancement of the traditions of the officer corps, officer honor and dignity, Gratitude was awarded to 12 officers and veterans of institutions, departments, formations and universities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

By the decision of the International Advisory Committee of Organizations of Reserve and Reserve Officers for conscientious work, high professionalism, education of the younger generation, 26 officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and activists of veteran organizations were awarded the medal "Officer Solidarity".

By the decision of the Board of the Fund, 155 veterans and reserve officers of the Armed Forces were awarded with a commemorative anniversary medal "100 years of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army and Navy" for conscientious work, active work in a veteran organization and in connection with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

By the decision of the Board of the Foundation, 329 veterans and reserve officers of the Armed Forces were awarded the commemorative medal "Officer Brotherhood" for active work on the military-patriotic education of young people.

The Foundation supports the All-Russian military-patriotic public movement for children and youth "UNARMIA" everywhere.

Great assistance in this direction is provided by a member of the General Staff of the All-Russian Children's and Youth Military Patriotic social movement"UNARMIA" (VVPO "UNARMIA") Alexander Kanshin.

In 2018, the Foundation took part in the ceremony of entry of 55 schoolchildren into the ranks of the Yunarmiya, handing them sets of uniforms purchased with the funds of the Megapir National Association.

I left an unforgettable impression with the youth of Beslan.

The Foundation actively cooperates with the VOSKRESENIE Charitable Foundation in order to provide comprehensive assistance in the construction of the Main Temple of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, to promote the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the areas of spiritual development of the individual, the preservation and restoration of monuments of Russian Orthodox culture.

At meetings with military personnel and members of their families in military units and military camps, employees of the Foundation bring information about the construction of the Main Temple of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Patriot park near Moscow, talk about the activities of the RESURRECTION Charitable Foundation, the receipt of donations from Russian citizens, due to abroad, as well as from legal entities.

In October 2018, the President of the Foundation, Colonel-General Vladimir Zaritsky, published on the website and in in social networks appeal to military personnel and veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Let's build the Temple together!"

By the decision of the Resurrection Charitable Foundation for assistance in the construction of the Main Temple of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Resurrection of Christ", Gratitude was awarded to 112 donors of feasible funds.

At joint events with CEO Charitable Foundation "RESURRECTION" by Alexander Kanshin in military garrisons.

The Foundation attaches great importance information support its activities, the activities of veteran organizations, the creation video photo archive of joint events.

In 2018, the Foundation continued to work on filling the content of the official website, which was visited by more than 24 thousand users. In the sections of the site you can find out the history of the organization, contact information and links to the sites of our partners, read informational messages about the activities of the Foundation (events, congratulations to anniversaries, condolences for veterans and reserve officers who have left us), watch the video library and photo gallery.

More than 3 thousand users visited the Fund's official pages on social networks Facebook, VKontakte and YouTube. The Foundation has the opportunity to communicate with friends, acquaintances and colleagues, upload their photos and videos, publish notes, post links and create interest groups.

Work continued to improve the design and manufacture of paraphernalia with the Foundation's logo: flags and table flags, quarterly and pocket calendars, letterheads and folders, packages, postcards and envelopes), the "Officer Brotherhood" medal, pennants, songs were recorded and video clips "Ordzhonikidze Combined Arms" were mounted and "Army Komsomol".

The songs "Church of the Resurrection of Christ" and "Hearts of Soldiers' Mothers" are being prepared for recording, a selection of musical works has been carried out, which are used during ceremonial events and professional holidays in the types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. A booklet on the activities of the Association Fund, 3 editions of which were published in 2018, aroused great interest among military personnel and reserve officers. Video and photo archives of the Foundation were created and processed, which contain 28 video films and more than 4200 photographs.

The Foundation regularly congratulates the teams of military units (units, universities), military-industrial complex enterprises, veterans and reserve officers, their families on state and professional holidays, memorable days and anniversaries.

In 2018, the Foundation sent congratulations to officials of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and reserve officers:

with public holidays - Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, New Year and Merry Christmas;

with professional holidays and memorable days - the Day of the Ground Forces, the Day of the Tankers, the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery, the Day of the Military Air Defense, the Day of the RKhBZ Troops, the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces, the Day of the Military Signalman.

The Foundation pays close attention to handling appeals from reserve officers and their families.

In 2018, to the Fund in writing, by phone and e-mail listed on the website, 12 reserve officers asked to help in solving the problems that had arisen. All appeals received by the Fund were considered within the established time limits, and the applicants were provided with assistance and responses were sent.

In general, the tasks for 2018, set by the Chairman of the Council of the National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR) Alexander Kanshin, set by the OFFICER BROTHERHOOD Foundation, have been fulfilled.

The main tasks of the Fund for 2019:

1. Optimization of the organizational and staffing structure, identification of representatives of the Fund in federal (military districts), large military garrisons and organization of interaction with them.

2. Cooperation and joint activities with DOSAAF of Russia, veteran organizations of the Ground Forces, Missile Forces and Artillery, military air defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, missile troops and artillery of the Moscow Military District, the military commissariat of the city of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Kolomenskoye, Tver, Saratov, Yeisk, Znamensky and Luga garrisons, aimed at social protection of reserve officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and their families, holding events of military-patriotic education.

3. Signing of agreements on cooperation and joint activities with veteran organizations of the Main Directorate of Combat Training, troops of the NBC protection and engineering troops Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military commissariat of the Moscow region, Sevastopol, Samara, Tula, Kursk, Tambov and Ryazan garrisons.

4. Interaction with the leadership and veteran organizations of the Main Directorate of Combat Training, MFA, military air defense, NBC protection troops, engineering troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in organizing, conducting, moral and material incentives for military personnel (divisions) - winners of competitions (competitions, competitions) at Cups of the National Association "Megapir" named after the famous military leaders (servicemen), teams - winners of the V Army International Games in 2019.

5. Development of draft Regulations and layouts of Commemorative signs for submission to the meeting of the Board of Directors and the Board of the National Association "Megapir":

about the award "FOR EXCELLENT STUDY" named after Marshal of Artillery Vasily Ivanovich KAZAKOV - for military personnel of the Military Academy of Military Air Defense (Smolensk);

about the award "FOR EXCELLENT STUDY" named after Generalissimo Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov - for pupils, the Suvorov Military School (St. Petersburg);

on the Badge of Honor "FOR MERIT" of the Fund for Support of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces "OFFICER BROTHERHOOD".

6. Interaction with the Main Headquarters of the All-Russian Children's and Youth Military-Patriotic Public Movement "UNARMIA" in carrying out activities aimed at the military-patriotic education of the younger generation.

7. Continuing cooperation with the RESURRECTION Charitable Foundation in order to provide comprehensive assistance in the construction of the Main Temple of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the implementation of spiritual and educational activities, the promotion of the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the areas of spiritual development of the individual, the preservation and restoration of monuments of Russian Orthodox culture.

Fund apparatus

The National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR) was established in 1993. Today it includes dozens of economic, charitable and public associations. MEGAPIR is widely known as an organization that has united under its wing many prominent and honored officers whose main goal is to serve their Fatherland and people.

MEGAPIR - translated from Greek, heat resistant. In industry, this is a group of alloys such as chromal, consisting of different proportions of chromium, iron and aluminum, capable of withstanding temperatures well over a thousand degrees. So, by its name, the Association symbolizes the state of firmness and inviolability, fidelity and commitment, honesty and decency of people working in it. However, its creation is a forced step. Fifteen years ago, a group of officers and generals of the Ground Forces, retired, thought about how to help the reformed Russian army, its officers and generals, who suddenly found themselves out of work. As a result, "MEGAPIR" emerged - the National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces.

There are three main areas of activity. First, raising the authority of the Armed Forces and the prestige of military service. Secondly, support for veterans of the war and military service, families of fallen servicemen. And, finally, the military-patriotic education of young people and their preparation for military service.

In Rostov-on-Don, in 2003, the Representative Office of the Association was established in the Southern Federal and at that time the North Caucasian military districts, which organizes and coordinates the practical implementation of the main activities of the National Association.

The representative office consists of: Ovchinnikov A.I. -supervisor; Medvedev B.A. - Deputy Head, Chairman of the Board of the Rostov Regional Public Organization of Veterans of the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies; Tkachenko A.G. -Chairman of the officers' meeting in the Rostov region.

Together with local authorities, the district command, the veteran community, the Representative Office takes part in military-patriotic events, discusses various issues public life. These are all-Russian public holidays (meetings, processions, laying of wreaths and flowers), dates significant events in the regions (formation of republics, territories, regions, liberation from Nazi invaders).

On a regular basis, educational events are organized and carried out in the sponsored Neklinovskaya
general education boarding school with initial flight training. All the most important school events, such as graduations, taking the oath, meetings with veterans, school anniversaries, public holidays, are attended by members of the Representatives. Financial assistance in organizing events is required.

With the support of the Representative Office, ten excellent students for their efforts and successes were awarded an excursion trip to Moscow. During the visit to the capital of Russia, students had the opportunity to visit museums and theaters, Red Square, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. A meeting with the legendary Marshal of the Soviet Union D.T. Yazov. In memory of the meeting, everyone was given the book "Marshal Yazov".

For second place in All-Russian competition in flight training and other types of aviation activities, the 10 best pupils were awarded 500 rubles each. Two pupils-orphans of the school monthly receive a scholarship of 500 rubles from the MEGAPIR Association.

In Rostov-on-Don, the reception and creation of officer meetings continue. So for 2010 Marshal of the Soviet Union Yazov D.T. were presented in the District House of Officers Certificates of a member of the officers' meeting to 35 officers, among whom were the Hero of Russia, retired Colonel General Labunets M.I., Colonel Vasin S.L., Lieutenant Colonels Toporin Yu.V., Avdeev V.G. and others.

In a solemn atmosphere at the Drama Theater. Gorky were presented by Ovchinnikov A.I. certificates to the Chief Director of the theatre, reserve captain Sorokin N.E., Afghan soldiers, reserve officers, captains Shcherbakov A.I., Topilin SP., Marsak D.I. and others. In 2010, certificates were accepted and handed over to 156 people.

The representative office organizes quarterly meetings with fellows and their parents. All children of the servicemen of the Rostov region who died in the line of duty receive a scholarship of 500 rubles until the age of 18.

Monthly, materials on the activities of the Representative Office are published in the National Priorities magazine, the newspapers Military Bulletin of the South of Russia, Arguments of the Week, special issues of the Bulletin of the Representative Office of the National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR) are monthly held.

In 2010, the Representative Office of the Association was the initiator, organizer and main financial sponsor of the Artistic Gymnastics Championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Rostov-on-Don. Five young talents of the Olympic Reserve School receive monthly scholarships of 2,000 rubles each.

The representative office, based on the "Concept of the Federation for military service for the period up to 2020" adopted in February 2010, developed a proposal for the preparation of an appropriate program in the Rostov region. First Deputy Head of the Administration (Governor) of the Rostov Region - Vice-Governor S.I. Gorban noted the need to prepare a Regional program for pre-conscription training of youth.

In the practice of the work of the Representation, a special place is given to the staff of the District Military Hospital, the wounded, sick servicemen, reserve officers who are being treated. "MEGAPIR" meets with them, provides moral and material assistance, participates in various events held by the leadership of the medical service of the district and the hospital. Such meetings of reserve officers with hospital patients have already become a good tradition.

Head: Ovchinnikov Alexander Ivanovich

Address: 344068, Rostov-on-Don, st. Evdokimova, 37-A, of. 5.

October 30, 2012 at the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill held the XI Conference of the National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR) (as a general meeting).

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association A.N. Kanshin.

In connection with the election of A.N. Kanshin as President of the International Advisory Committee of Reserve and Reserve Officers, he asked to be relieved of his duties as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association and proposed to elect Major General V.N. Bogatyrev, who previously worked as the Head of the Administration - First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association. This proposal was unanimously supported by the conference delegates.

The conference agreed with the proposal of the Chairman of the Board of the Megapir Association, retired Colonel General Yuri Dmitrievich Bukreev, to name the Megapir Foundation after the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General Vitaly Andreevich Ulyanov.
The conference participants laid flowers at the memorial in the Hall of Fame of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War.

At the end of the conference, the Vice-President of the International Advisory Committee of Reserve and Reserve Officers, Chairman of the International Officers Club, Chairman of the Club of Generals of the Republic of Slovakia, General Frantisek Blanarik, presented the medals “Officer Solidarity:

President of the Fund "Army and Culture", People's Artist of the USSR, Lenin Prize Laureate Vasily Semyonovich LANOVOY;

Chairman of the Board of the "Military Philosophical Society" of the Association "Megapir", Colonel of the Reserve Alexander Pavlovich KOVALEV;

Chairman of the Council of Representatives of the Megapir Association in the Kamchatka Territory, reserve lieutenant colonel Viktor Aleksandrovich IVANCHIKOV;

Chairman of the Council of Representatives of the Megapir Association in the North-Western Federal and Western Military Districts, Colonel of the Reserve Yuri Nikolayevich KLENOV;

Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, representative of the Megapir Association in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Colonel of the Reserve Valery Ivanovich VASILEV;

Member of the Megapir Association, head of the VEAKON group of companies, reserve major Vladimir Viktorovich GORBUNOV;

Chairman of the Board of the Foundation "Support for Veterans and Officers of the Military Medical Service" of the Association "Megapir", Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Colonel of the Medical Service of the Reserve Vladimir Ivanovich KHANZHOV;

First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Megapir Association, Executive Director of the Forum "Public Recognition", retired colonel Boris Mikhailovich SAMSONOV;

President of the Electric Power Association "Corporation United Electric Power Complex", Doctor of Technical Sciences Anatoly Fedorovich DYAKOV;

Dean of the Faculty of International Business and Business Administration of MGIMO Vladimir N. SHITOV;

General of the Army Makhmut Akhmetovich GAREEV, President of the Academy of Military Sciences;

Member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, representative of the Megapir Association in the North Caucasian Federal District, Alexander Viktorovich KUCHER.

The participants of the conference were welcomed on behalf of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by General of the Army Yu.N. Yakubov is an assistant to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for work with veterans. He announced the order of the Minister of Defense and presented the medals "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth" to the First Deputy Chairman of the Association, retired colonel B.I. Volkov and the Chairman of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Association, retired Colonel-General M.D. Popkov.

The conference also received numerous greetings from the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, State Duma, other law enforcement agencies, the Government of Moscow, the Government of the Moscow Region, a number of heads of subjects of the Federation of Veterans and other public organizations.

On behalf of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, General of the Army N.E. Rogozhkin, Lieutenant General Rovensky conveyed warm words of greeting.
During the conference, a new composition of the Board of Directors of the Megapir Association was elected:

1. BOGATYREV Chairman of the Board of Directors, Major General of the Reserve
Vladimir Nikolayevich
2. VOLKOV First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, retired colonel
Boris Ivanovich
3. ALEKSEEV First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, reserve lieutenant colonel
Alexander Anatolievich
4. BUKREEV Chairman of the Board of the Association - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, retired Colonel General
Yuri Dmitrievich
5. KANSHIN Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Megapir Group of Companies - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors
Alexander Alexandrovich
6. EFIMOV Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, retired colonel
Igor Evgenievich
7. MOISEEV Head of the Advisory Group of the Association - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, retired Colonel General
Nikolai Andreevich
8. MAHUKOV Association Manager - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors
Sergey Georgievich
9. NAVOZNOV Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, retired major general
Viktor Semenovich
10. AZAROV First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General of the Reserve
Vitaly Mikhailovich
11. BARANETS Member of the Supervisory Board of Public Television, military observer for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper
Viktor Nikolaevich
12. VELIKHOV Secretary of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian scientific center"Kurchatov Institute", Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician
Evgeny Pavlovich
13. GAREEV President of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation, General of the Army
Mahmut Akhmetovich
14. GORBENKO Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Colonel of the Reserve
Alexander Nikolaevich
15. GROMOV Member of the Federation Council (Representative of the executive body of state power of the Moscow Region), Hero of the Soviet Union, retired Colonel General
Boris Vsevolodovich
16. DVURCHENSKY Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of Moscow, Colonel of the Reserve
Viktor Alexandrovich
17. DYAKOV President of the United Electric Power Complex Corporation, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Anatoly Fedorovich
18. ZUBKOV General Director of the Megapir Publishing House, Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Association
Vladimir Nikolayevich
19. IVANCHIKOV Representative of the Association in the Kamchatka Territory
Viktor Alexandrovich
20. KABOLOV Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, retired major general
Soltan Nalikovich
21. KAMENSKY Representative of the Association in the Central Federal District
Pavel Fedorovich
22. KOVALEV Director of the Department of Territorial Policy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Colonel General
Yuri Pavlovich
23. KOZLOV Chairman of the Board of Directors of Megapir Construction and Production Company LLC, Colonel of the Reserve
Viktor Alexandrovich
24. LANOVOY President of the "Army and Culture" Foundation, National artist USSR
Vasily Semenovich
25. MAEV Chairman of DOSAAF of Russia, retired colonel general
Sergey Aleksandrovich
26. MIKHALKIN President of the Officer Brotherhood Foundation, Marshal of Artillery
Vladimir Mikhailovich
27. OVCHINNIKOV Representative of the Association in the Southern Federal and Southern Military Districts, retired Colonel General
Alexander Ivanovich
28. POPKOV Chairman of the Editorial and Publishing Council of the Association, retired colonel general
Mikhail Danilovich
29. SAVVATEEVA Head of children's and youth programs of the Association
Olga Mikhailovna
30. SAMSONOV First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Association, retired colonel
Boris Mikhailovich
31. SAMUSEV General Director of High Technology Implementation Center LLC, reserve lieutenant colonel
Alexander Alexandrovich
32. SIMONENKO Head of the Medical Educational and Scientific Clinical Center named after P.V. Mandryka of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Professor, Major General of the Medical Service of the Reserve
Vladimir Borisovich
33. SOROKIN Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the International Union "Commonwealth of Public Organizations of Veterans (Pensioners) of Independent States", Admiral of the Fleet
Alexey Ivanovich
34. SURKOV Vice-President of the research and production company "Geotechnology", Lieutenant General, retired
Mikhail Semenovich
35. Timoshev President of the Foundation for the Promotion of Scientific Research on Security Problems "Science XXI", lieutenant general of the reserve
Rafael Mirgalievich
36. TYUSHKEVICH Chairman of the Council of the Military Philosophical Society of the Association, Major General, retired
Stepan Andreevich
37. UVAROV Head of the municipality TROPAREVO-NIKULINO
Nikolai Valentinovich
38. KHADIKOV First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
Azamat Taimurazovich
39. CHUGUNOV Head of the Project Management Department of OAO Gazprom, retired colonel
Leonid Semenovich
40. YAZOV Chairman of the Council of the Officers' Meeting of the Association, Marshal of the Soviet Union
Dmitry Timofeevich
41. YAKUBOV Assistant to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for work with veterans, General of the Army
Yuri Nikolaevich


XI reporting and election conference (as a general meeting of participants)
National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR)
(on the first item on the agenda)

After listening and discussing the report of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Associations of Reserve Officers of the Armed Forces (MEGAPIR) A.N. Kanshina "Report on the work of the Board of Directors for the period from October 2010 to October 2012 and the development strategy of the Association" XI reporting and election conference:
notes that during the reporting period the Association has taken significant steps in the development and strengthening of the socio-economic base, increasing the role in the public life of the country, the implementation of regional policy, youth and children's programs; expanding international cooperation; philosophical reflection and research problems military history and military construction; promotion and development of the best traditions of the officer corps of Russia and its Armed Forces;
considers that there are considerable reserves for increasing the efficiency of the Association's activities, provided for by the charter, as well as the goals and objectives of the organizations that are part of it.

The XI Reporting and Election Conference decides:

1. Take note of the report on the work of the Board of Directors.

2. Implement the following strategic directions for the development of the Association:
- raising the social status of reserve officers (retired), actively using their potential in the interests of strengthening Russian society and the state, and the country's national security;
- formation among reserve officers (retired) of relationships based on the observance and enhancement of the traditions of the officer corps, officer honor and dignity;
- definition and implementation of social programs in the interests of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military service, family members of military personnel who died in the line of military duty;
- development of patronage over formations, military units and ships;
- support for children and youth charitable intellectual, cultural, educational, sports and health programs in the interests of forming a highly educated, spiritually, morally and physically healthy generation of Russian youth brought up in the spirit of patriotism;
- expansion of the Association's assets in federal and military districts, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities, as well as abroad;
- further development the economic base of the Association and the structures included in it, the implementation of the principle of social responsibility of business.

3. In 2013-2015:
- to carry out a further increase in the role of the voluntary association of the Officers' Meeting of Reserve Officers of the Association. Creation of regional and municipal officer meetings in all subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as municipalities where there are representative offices (representatives) of the Association;
- to complete the formation of a system of representative offices (representatives), as well as councils of representatives of the Association in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, to fine-tune their interaction with military authorities, state and public structures in the interests of implementing the statutory goals and objectives of the Association in the field;
- annually summarize the work experience of representative offices (representatives), disseminate best practices, strengthen them with active personnel;
- continue the practice of rewarding the most efficient representations (representatives) who have achieved tangible results in their work.

4. The Board of Directors to develop interaction with civil society institutions, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Civic Chambers of the regions, public councils of law enforcement agencies, both chambers Legislative Assembly, the Security Council and the Government of the Russian Federation, the Russian Ministry of Defense, other law enforcement agencies in which the law provides for military service, to initiate, participate in the development and implementation of legislative and other regulatory legal acts.

5. Develop and improve the work of the Forum "Public Recognition". The Executive Directorate of the Forum annually, in connection with the Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, together with local representatives of the Association, state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and foreign states, award diplomas of the Forum to participants in the Great Patriotic War and home front workers.

6. Plan and implement a set of all-Russian and international actions, other events of the Association in connection with the preparation for the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.
Continue holding, together with Rossiyskaya Gazeta and the Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on National Security Issues and the Socio-Economic Conditions of Life of Military Personnel, Their Families and Veterans, the All-Russian Campaign "Society and Veterans".

7. In the international activities of the Association, to build up close cooperation with organizations of veterans of the armed forces of foreign states within the framework of the International Advisory Committee of Organizations of Reserve and Reserve Officers, as well as on a bilateral and multilateral basis in order to strengthen the international security system, friendship and cooperation between peoples and armies by methods " public diplomacy.
To support the efforts of the Coordinating Council of the International Union "Commonwealth of Public Organizations of Veterans (Pensioners) of Independent States" to strengthen fraternal relations between veterans in the post-Soviet space.

8. The military patronage work of the Association should be directed to the patriotic education of military personnel, support and participation in holding all-army and other competitions among officers, sergeants (foremen), soldiers (sailors) and units, as well as other events aimed at increasing the prestige of military service using broad opportunities and moral incentives established by the Officers' Brotherhood and Megapir foundations. Actively involve in this work figures of culture and art, while relying on the great authority in the troops of the Interregional Public Foundation for the Promotion of the Preservation and Development of Patriotic and cultural property"Army and Culture".

9. To the Union of organizations marching over military units and ships of the Armed Forces, to develop close ties between labor and educational teams with military units (ships) and military schools. The main efforts should be concentrated directly in the regions where troops (forces) are deployed (based) through representative offices (representatives) of the Association.

10. Together with public organizations, to initiate in the federal legislative and executive bodies the solution of the problems of the children's and youth movement, the issues of strengthening forms of state support for the families and children of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland.
To provide moral and material assistance to the scholarship holders of the Megapir Foundation - children whose fathers died in the line of military and official duty.
Actively cooperate with the State Museum - Humanitarian Center "Overcoming" named after N.A. Ostrovsky in helping people with disabilities, promoting their success in work, creativity, sports, and other activities.
Participate in the implementation of projects of the Interregional Public Organization "Achievements of the Young", the National Youth League of Martial Arts.

11. In the interests of the military-patriotic education of young people and preparation for military service, constantly interact with the DOSAAF of Russia, public and youth councils under regional and local authorities.
Persistently push for the restoration of teaching in schools and other educational institutions Russian Federation of basic military training as a separate academic discipline.
Interact and support activities cadet corps, patriotic clubs and associations, to actively involve children and youth in the actions carried out by the Association. To encourage children, adolescents, teachers, mentors, coaches, fruitfully working with the younger generation, to actively use the award of the Association "For fidelity to the traditions of older generations."

12. To promote the military-philosophical society in every possible way: deep understanding of the military-philosophical heritage; countering attempts to falsify the history of the Great Patriotic War and World War II; study of the development of the system of philosophical education in Russia; preservation of continuity, advanced training and scientific growth of young scientists.
To intensify the development of topical military-philosophical problems of the philosophy of war, the philosophy of the army, the philosophy of security, the philosophy of patriotic and military education, the methodology of history and military theory.

13. Organizations that are members of the Association, its regional offices (representatives) should better use the newspaper "Officer's Alloy" and the Military Philosophical Journal, the journal of the International Advisory Committee of Organizations of Reserve and Reserve Officers "Officer Brotherhood" and other periodicals, the Internet portal of the Association " Officers' Alloy" to exchange information, glorify the people working in it, develop and implement joint socially significant projects and programs.
Provide support to military journalists, develop them corporate spirit. To intensify the work of the Club of Military Journalists of the Association.
To continue the development of the Megapir Publishing House, the Megapirfilm studio, the Center for Public Relations and Information of the General Directorate of the Association.

14. The Board of Directors and the General Directorate of the Association to organize preparations for the 20th anniversary of the Association. At the same time, the main attention should be paid to building up the socio-economic potential of the Association, maintaining and developing the corporate traditions that have developed in the Association, and increasing the role of young personnel in the activities of the Association's organizations.