Burkov Alexander Leonidovich - Deputy of the State Duma. Biography, family

Russian statesman and politician. Acting Governor of the Omsk Region since October 9, 2017. Ph.D. in Economics. Deputy of the State Duma of the V, VI and VII convocations, chairman of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the Political Party "Fair Russia", member and first deputy chairman of the faction "Fair Russia".


After graduating from high school, he entered the heat and power faculty of the Ural polytechnic Institute them. S. M. Kirov.


Technocratic governors nominated to Federation Council Mizulina and ambassador to Moldova

Acting Governor of the Omsk Region Alexander Burkov will leave Elena Mizulina as his representative in the Federation Council, sources told RBC. Russian Ambassador to Moldova Farit Mukhametshin may become Senator from Samara Region

Putin replaced the governor of the Omsk region

Spravedlivoross Alexander Burkov has been appointed Acting Governor of the Omsk Region

By his decree, Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of the governor of the Omsk region, Viktor Nazarov, who, in about two weeks, became the ninth head of the region to leave his post "of his own free will."

Alexander Burkov became Acting Governor of the Omsk Region

President Vladimir Putin has appointed Alexander Burkov, acting governor of the Omsk Region. The decree can be found on the Kremlin website. The head of state today held a working meeting with Alexander Burkov, at which he informed him of his decision.

President Vladimir Putin has appointed Alexander Burkov Acting Governor of the Omsk Region

The head of state held a working meeting with Alexander Burkov, during which he informed about the decision to appoint him as interim governor of the Omsk region. The relevant information appeared on the website of the president, Kremlin.ru. Vladimir Putin also signed a decree "On the early termination of the powers of the Governor of the Omsk Region." As stated in the text of the decree, in connection with the statement of the governor of the Omsk region, Viktor Nazarov, on the early termination of his powers, his resignation was accepted at his own request.

Protest Voter Disqualified Systemic Opposition

One of the results one day voting on September 10 became low indicators of the systemic opposition parties. These political structures themselves agree with this assessment only in part, stating such reasons as the total use of administrative resources, the municipal filter, pressure on candidates and falsifications. Experts believe that, for various reasons, the attention of a significant part of the protest electorate is switching to non-systemic opposition.

The State Duma will help the Kremlin with laws, and the opposition - with a tribune

In the fall, the State Duma will focus on the implementation of the presidential message to the Federal Assembly. To do this, it is necessary to approve 98 laws: 50 of them have already been adopted, 23 are under consideration, another 25 bills have not yet been introduced. At the close of the spring session, Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin said that international cooperation and parliamentary control would also be a priority. As explained by the chairman of the committee on regulations Olga Savastyanova (“ United Russia»), Control is planned to be strengthened in three directions: to expand interaction with the Accounts Chamber, to achieve a longer discussion of state programs and to strengthen control over the implementation of Duma resolutions based on the results of government hours.

Communists will march through the streets

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation will stage widespread street campaigns in the last week before the single voting day, so that regional and municipal elections on September 10 become "fair and democratic." Other parties intend to use the time remaining before the elections only for direct communication with voters.

The election headquarters of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation announced: the party is starting the pre-election campaign "Reds in the City".

Roizman and Burkov will not withdraw from the elections in Yekaterinburg

At the beginning of last week, some of the most popular politicians in the Sverdlovsk region, candidates for the post of the head of Yekaterinburg, Yevgeny Roizman, nominated by Civic Platform, and the leader of the local Socialist-Revolutionaries, Alexander Burkov, held a conciliatory meeting, after which rumors appeared in the local press about the imminent removal of someone one in favor of the other. By the end of the week, both candidates decided to continue their participation in the race, considering that this is the only way to prevent United Russia from coming to power. Political analysts, however, believe that none of the candidates has a guaranteed victory yet, everything will be decided by the “doubting majority” of voters.
link: http://www.rbcdaily.ru/politics / 562949988736432

Alexander Burkov: A real war is being waged against a JUST RUSSIA

The situation is commented on by the deputy of the State Duma, leader of the regional branch of the A JUST RUSSIA party in the Sverdlovsk region, Alexander Burkov:
- You also need to understand that the bills that are now being submitted to the Regional Duma and the State Duma in the interests of the majority and against United Russia are proposed only by Just Russia. Only we brought it up for discussion by the State Duma and forced the ruling party to consider a bill on the indexation of public sector wages.

Today in our regional Duma there is a bill in which we say that social benefits have not been indexed since 2008. And the inflation index for the city in this case is 8-10%. This means that over the years, social benefits have fallen in price by 25%. They are silent about this. These laws are simply inconvenient for the ruling party.
link: http://www.spravedlivo.ru/news / position / 2456.php

Alexander Burkov: "In the Sverdlovsk region, a victory was stolen from a JUST RUSSIA"

The leader of the Sverdlovsk "Social Revolutionaries" Alexander Burkov states that the final data of observers and members of precinct commissions from A JUST RUSSIA do not coincide with the voting results entered by the regional electoral commission in the GAS elections. According to the Sverdlovsk "Social Revolutionaries", the real picture of the voting in the elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation at 04:00 on December 5 (45% of the protocols received) is as follows: A JUST RUSSIA - 24.96%, LDPR - 15.88%, Patriots of Russia - 0.93%, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 16.88%, Yabloko - 4.28%, United Russia - 32.2%, Just Cause - 1.97%.
link: http://www.justmedia.ru/news/politics / 2011/12/05/100512

"Fair Russia" has nominated its candidate for mayor of Pervouralsk: not Burkov, but one post worth something

There is a new candidate in the elections for the mayor of Pervouralsk. As the correspondent of "URA.Ru" reports, he was nominated by the Sverdlovsk branch of "Fair Russia" and his name is not Alexander Burkov at all. The leader of the regional cell decided to refuse to participate in the campaign, inviting fellow party members to support Eduard Potapov, deputy head of the territorial administration Federal Service financial and budgetary supervision in the Sverdlovsk region. Prior to that, the 41-year-old resident of Sverdlovsk worked in the UBEP of the criminal police of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Sverdlovsk Region.
link: http://ura.ru/content/svrd/09-02-2011 / news / 1052125089.html

Alexander Burkov: "We must demonopolize the political system!"

The lot determined Alexander Burkova the second to answer the questions of the moderators and the public. He began with policy statements and then answered tricky questions. You can find out how "Spravedlivaya Russia" differs from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the next issue of the video version of the debate on the e2e4.tv video portal.
link: http://e2e4.tv/f/projects/ atyi-batyi

Alexander BURKOV: "The elections in the Sverdlovsk region for a JUST RUSSIA turned out to be quite successful"

Summing up the results of the campaign, the head of the regional branch of the party in the Sverdlovsk region, Alexander Burkov, turned to the Urals with words of gratitude for their support. “Thanks to all the voters who came to the elections to support our party and its candidates, all those who helped organize the voting and monitor violations of the law,” he said.
link: http://turinsk.info/blog/462. html

Alexander Burkov: "Lame Horse" was almost repeated in Yekaterinburg

“Communications were built back in the Soviet years, all this time no one followed them and, accordingly, no one repaired them,” says Alexander Burkov, State Duma deputy, Chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the JUST RUSSIA party in the Sverdlovsk region. - In Soviet times, such events would have been unambiguously followed by the resignation of the representative of the authorities responsible for this incident. Now they can get away with it. Because of this outrage in Yekaterinburg, “Lame Horse” was almost repeated.
link: http://www.ncnews.su/2011-10-17

State Duma Deputy Alexander Burkov: I will demand the removal of United Russia party Marina Kharitonova from the elections and the initiation of a criminal case against her

State Duma deputy, leader of the Sverdlovsk Socialist-Revolutionaries Alexander Burkov commented on the scandal with the discovery in the public reception of Marina Kharitonova, a candidate for deputy The Legislative Assembly The Sverdlovsk region from the United Russia party, the black newspaper against the Fair Russia party, as well as more than 50 food packages. “The crime was solved by the famous blogger and city Duma deputy Leonid Volkov,” Burkov says.
link: http://vybor-naroda.org/ lentanovostey / 8869

Alexander Burkov: Levitin allowed to ruin our aviation

On Tuesday, September 20, a government hour is to be held in the State Duma with the participation of Transport Minister Igor Levitin, who will answer questions from parliamentarians regarding acute structural problems of Russian civil aviation. Alexander Burkov, a member of the State Duma Committee on Transport, spoke about the situation in this area and the degree of responsibility for it of Minister Levitin in a special comment for NP:

- I believe that the Minister of Transport Igor Levitin is responsible for what happens to our civil aviation. It was under the leadership of Levitin that the Ministry of Transport stimulated the purchase of foreign aircraft, which led to a decrease in demand in the domestic market for domestic products. The minister could influence this process, but he allowed the Russian aviation industry to be ruined by outsourcing orders.
link: http://www.novopol.ru/- aleksandr

Uzbekistan: Collegium of the military court upheld the verdict of Yuri Korepanov

Moscow was concerned about the fate of Y. Korepanov, the "Fair Russia" party sent an official request from the State Duma to the Russian Foreign Ministry, and the party leader Sergei Mironov on January 31 discussed the situation with the Uzbek Ambassador to Moscow Ziyadulla Pulatkhodzhaev. "The result of the negotiations was the postponement of the picket at the Uzbek embassy in Moscow, scheduled by the Just Russia activists and the colonel's relatives for February 2, 2010, and Ziyadulla Pulatkhodzhaev expressed hope for a successful resolution of the problem with Korepanov," said Russian State Duma deputy from the Sverdlovsk region Alexander Burkov.
link: http://www.fergananews.com/ news.php? id \u003d 16335

Alexander Burkov took part in the development new program party A JUST RUSSIA

Nikolai Levichev, head of the Just Russia parliamentary faction, was elected as the chairman of the A JUST RUSSIA party. Sergei Mironov did not leave the party, he became the Chairman of the Council of the A JUST RUSSIA party established at the Congress of the Chamber of Deputies. State Duma deputy from the Sverdlovsk region Alexander Burkov was almost unanimously elected a member of the Presidium of the Central Council.

Alexander Leonidovich Burkov began and developed his political career in his native Urals - in the Sverdlovsk region. Here the deputy from the Just Russia party took the first steps, carried out a number of social innovations. In this regard, his appointment as Acting Governor of the Omsk Region in 2017 was quite unexpected. Burkov himself, however, considers this step "logical".

“It is more convenient for a new person to build equidistant relations between government and business, political and economic elites in the region,” he said, commenting on his appointment.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Burkov (accent on "y") was born on April 23, 1967 in the mining town of Kushva, Sverdlovsk region. His parents are from here, but his paternal grandfather moved here from the Volga expanses - from the Republic of Mari El. My father worked as a crane operator at a local mill roll factory. Mom worked on the railway: from a ticket clerk for 40 years, she rose to deputy head of the station.

Alexander Burkov in childhood and his mother

At first, the family - parents and two children (even older brother Victor) - huddled in a communal apartment. Then the plant gave his father a separate apartment. Childhood, like many boys of that time, was spent in the yard.

“We climbed construction sites and old houses that were being demolished. Broke both legs and arms. And, of course, boyish fights were common, ”recalls the governor.

As he grew older, the young man became interested in athletics, also played volleyball and basketball as part of the school team. I tried to spend my leisure time in motion, as a result of which I did not study brilliantly.

“And I didn’t strive to be an excellent student,” he says in an interview now.

Particularly "lame" in the student humanitarian subjects: Russian and english languages, but physics and mathematics were among my favorites. Therefore, the guy, long before graduation, decided to enter the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI). Having become a student of the heat and power faculty, Alexander moved to Sverdlovsk. He lived in a hostel, was a drummer in a construction team. Student years calls

"The most fun and interesting part of life."

Career and politics

Burkov graduated from the university in 1989, becoming a thermal power engineer. Immediately I got a job in my specialty at the enterprise "TEA Malachite". But the time was difficult, the 90s were approaching, salaries were small, and they were delayed. By that time, Alexander Leonidovich was already married, he had to support his family. I had to earn extra money, worked in the "black" job, but was able to earn money and solve the housing issue.

In the early 90s, Alexander Leonidovich tried to do business. He worked in a managerial position in a private enterprise "East Line", was responsible for cargo transportation, as they say now, logistics. However, in business he did not see the application of his knowledge and abilities and decided to try himself in the civil service: in 1992 he was invited as a specialist to the Working Center for Economic Reforms under the government of the Russian Federation. Here Alexander Leonidovich began his political biography.

After 3 years of work at the center, he earned the position of head of the Regional Policy Department. By this time, he already had a deputy mandate of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region (subsequently elected repeatedly - in 1998, 2000, 2004).

Having established himself as a good manager, Burkov in 1995 received an important position - deputy chairman of the regional government for state property management. He was engaged in the nationalization of the Ural enterprises, fought, in his words, with "privatization." He worked in a team at that time of Governor Eduard Rossel.

In 1998, due to a conflict with the governor, Burkov resigned and resigned, incl. and deputy mandate. But the relatives of the Kushvins supported their fellow countryman in difficult times and nominated him as a deputy to the regional legislative assembly in the Kushvin district. And soon Burkov organized and headed the May movement, whose goal was to eliminate another social injustice - cutting pensions for Russian pensioners.

In 1999, Alexander Burkov was promoted to the post of head of the region, following the results of the vote, he took second place (28.25%), losing to his former leader, Eduard Rossel. Burkov at that time was 32 years old.

During his tenure as a politician Burkov initiated several social movements and organizations: "Industrial Parliament of the Sverdlovsk Region", "For social guarantees workers "May" "," Union of state employees of the Urals "and others. The All-Russian Public Association “Russian Union of House Councils” (RSDS), which he created, received the widest resonance, which implies reforming the problematic sphere of housing and communal services in the real interests of owners.

Later, in 2013, the first congress of the RSDS was held and the program "Fair Housing and Utilities" was presented, which is currently being implemented by the Centers for the Protection of Citizens' Rights of the "Fair Russia" party in 78 regional capitals across Russia.

Burkov has been sharing the interests, goals and objectives of the Fair Russia party since 2007. It was then that he became the Secretary of the Bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party "Fair Russia: Homeland / Pensioners / Life" in the Sverdlovsk region.

In the same year he became a deputy of the State Duma from spravoorosov In 2011 he was elected to the Presidium of the Central Council of the party. He headed the committees on transport, housing policy, solved the issues of organizing the preparation and conduct of election campaigns. He worked in the State Duma as the first deputy head of the Just Russia faction. In 2013, the politician was awarded the Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

In October 2017, the President appointed Alexander Burkov Acting Governor of the Omsk Region.

Immediately after the appointment on Twitter, they made a collage of photos of Alexander Burkov and two other appointed heads of regions - (Samara region) and (Nizhny Novgorod region). The creators of the collage noted the striking similarity of officials and began to joke about

"The secret factory of governors and the cloning technology used by the Kremlin."

Personal life

The politician does not like to talk about his personal life. It is only known that Alexander has been together with his beloved wife Tatyana for over 25 years. Young people studied together at UPI, but they began to meet only after graduation and soon got married.

Governor Burkov's wife was born into an intelligent family: mother is an economist, father is an engineer. She was engaged in business, opened several outerwear stores in Yekaterinburg. With the birth of her son Volodya in 2012, she left her job and devoted herself to her family.

The spouses have a joint hobby. Both are fond of cross-country skiing. And the husband is also an avid hunter. Not active in social networks, there is an Instagram account of the press service.

Alexander Burkov now

On September 9, 2018, Alexander Burkov won the election for the governor of the Omsk region, gaining 82.56% of the vote. Despite the fact that his acquaintance with the Siberian region is just beginning (he arrived there for the first time in October 2017), the politician is determined.

Burkov is convinced of the region's high industrial and agricultural potential and intends to implement the existing opportunities.

“A Siberian is not only someone who was born in Siberia, but also someone who came here to live and work. For me, Omsk is not a springboard. I came here for a long time, ”he says.
Governor of the Omsk Region from 14 September 2018
(Acting since October 9, 2017)
The president Vladimir Putin Predecessor Victor I. Nazarov
Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
December 24 - 9 October 2017
Birth 23 april(1967-04-23 ) (52 years old)
Kushva, Sverdlovsk region, RSFSR, USSR The consignment Fair Russia Education Academic degree phD in Economics Activities politician Awards Alexander Leonidovich Burkov at Wikimedia Commons


After graduating from high school, he entered the heat and power faculty. In 1989 he received a degree in heat and power engineering.

After graduating from the university, he became an employee of the tourist cooperative "Malakhit" (later East Line), which was headed by the Ural businessman Anton Bakov, who graduated from the same university. Then Bakov and Burkov went into politics together, and since that time Bakov has been Burkov's "political patron" for more than 10 years, which is described in the documentary book Yoburg, published in 2014 by the writer Alexei Ivanov.

In the early 1990s, both worked in Moscow at the Workers' Center for Economic Reforms under the Russian Government.

Deputy of the Sverdlovsk Regional Duma

In November 2017, Oksana Fadina, Minister of Economy of the Omsk Region, nominated his candidate for mayor.

On September 10, 2018, in the election of the governor of the Omsk region, he won 82.56% of the vote. 550,232 residents of the Omsk region voted for him with a turnout of 44%. [ ]

Personal life

Alexander Burkov is married and has a son, Vladimir.


Alexander Burkov is fond of sports. He was engaged in track and field athletics, volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis and alpine skiing (I had to quit due to injury). Now he is engaged in skiing (cross-country skiing), goes hunting, practices yoga and equestrian sports.

Compromising evidence

After Burkov was appointed acting governor of the Omsk region, information appeared in the media about his brother's conviction. In 2014, the Oktyabrsky District Court of Yekaterinburg sentenced Viktor Leonidovich Burkov, the former deputy head of the administration of the Oktyabrsky District of Yekaterinburg, who was initially accused of extorting a large bribe from representatives of a commercial firm. Later, the charge was re-qualified from part 5 of Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Extortion of a bribe on a large scale”) to Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Abuse of official powers”). The verdict was guilty: Burkov received four years "probation", and he was forbidden to work for four years in state structures and local governments.

Alexander Leonidovich Burkov - Russian politician, Acting Governor of the Omsk Region since October 2017, elected Governor in September 2018. Included in the State Duma (from V to VII convocation) from the faction "Fair Russia".

early years

Alexander Burkov, named after Alexander Nevsky, was born on April 23, 1967 in the small town of Kushva near Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Parents were ordinary working people: his father was a crane operator at a roll shop at a local mill shaft plant, his mother was a cashier at the Goroblagodatskaya railway station. The politician has a 6-year-old brother, Victor.

At school he studied, by his own admission, average, constantly grabbed three in Russian and English, but had a penchant for the exact sciences and physical education. He was engaged in track and field athletics, basketball, volleyball. From a young age, he was distinguished by his patriotism - he enjoyed going to the lessons of military-patriotic education, he thought about entering a military school, but was rejected for sight.

After leaving school, Burkov entered the Faculty of Heat Power Engineering and Heat Engineering of the Ural Polytechnic Institute named after I. Kirov (Sverdlovsk). From the first year he was an active "construction brigade", he still fondly recalls the days spent in the "Prometheus" student brigade. Having received a degree in heat and power engineering in 1989, Burkov began working at the Sverdlovsk TAL Malakhit plant.

Political career

In 1994 Burkov became a deputy of the Regional Duma. In 1998 he entered the House of Representatives of the Regional Legislative Assembly for the Kushvin District and soon announced the creation of the Industrial Parliament of the Sverdlovsk Region organization, taking the place of its chairman. In particular, he managed to achieve the cancellation of the privatization of the Uralmash plant No. 9.

In 1999, the politician took part in the elections for the region's governor, but lost to his main rival Eduard Rossel. During the pre-election race, Burkov managed to defend his dissertation at the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and receive a PhD in Economics.

In the fall of 1999, Burkov headed the Peace, Labor, May bloc, created on his initiative, and in December he took part in the elections to the State Duma of the III convocation (the bloc earned less than 1% of the votes and did not get into the Duma). 8 years later, Alexander Leonidovich became a member of the Fair Russia: Homeland-Pensioners-Life party and, after the scandalous departure of Yevgeny Roizman and Yakov Nevelev and the split of the party, the chairman of its regional branch.

In the winter of 2007, the young politician was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the 5th convocation - Burkov began to work in the transport committee. In the spring of 2011, at the V Congress of A Just Russia in the capital, Burkov became a member of the Presidium of the Central Council. In 2011, the politician became one of the deputies of the State Duma of the VO convocation. When he was a deputy, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. In early September 2016, Alexander Leonidovich was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation.

Alexander Burkov ("Fair Russia"). Debate

Personal life of Alexander Burkov

Alexander Leonidovich is married. The politician met his wife Tatyana while still a student, but began dating after graduating from university. His wife supported him in the most difficult times, when Burkov had to work as a loader - the factory salary was desperately lacking. The couple are raising their son Vladimir.

According to the tax return, in 2016 the politician earned 4.5 million rubles, his wife - 480 thousand rubles. Burkov owns: a house with an area of \u200b\u200b37 sq.m., a plot of 24 acres and 1/2 apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b180 sq.m. His wife owns 1/4 of the land, 1/4 of a house with an area of \u200b\u200b325 sq.m., 1/4 of an apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b71 sq.m. and an apartment of 43 sq.m.

In his free time, Burkov is fond of hunting.

Alexander Burkov now

In early October 2017, Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of the 54-year-old Governor of the Omsk Region, Viktor Nazarov, who had held this position since mid-2012, and appointed the acting head of the region, Burkov.

It was reported that at the end of September, Nazarov went to a meeting with Sergei Kiriyenko to select candidates for the post of mayor of Omsk, but instead was dismissed early. Burkov became the only member of Fair Russia among all Russian heads of regions. At the beginning of October, the media reported that, before assuming a new position, Burkov, among other candidates for governor, underwent training in Sochi, in which he jumped into a mountain river from a 7-meter cliff.

Alexander Burkov was born on April 23, 1967 in the city of Kushva, Sverdlovsk region... After school in 1989 he graduated from the heat and power faculty of the Ural federal university named after the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, specializing in heat and power engineer. Then he worked for one year as an engineer at TAL Malachite in the city of Yekaterinburg.

Since 1990, for five years Burkov worked in various positions at the Working Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of Russia: specialist of the II category, head of the regional economy department, head of the regional policy department. In 1991 he served as deputy general director the Russian-American joint venture East Line.

Burkov until 1998 was Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region - Chairman of the Committee for State Property Management of the Sverdlovsk Region. In 1998 at the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch Russian academy sciences defended his thesis on the topic: "Institutional factors of effective reform of property relations", receiving the degree of candidate of economic sciences.

Burkov was repeatedly elected a deputy of both chambers of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region: the Regional Duma and the House of Representatives in 1998. In April 1999 he was elected chairman of the regional Council of the movement of workers for social guarantees "May". In October of the same year, he headed the electoral bloc "Peace, Labor, May", which took part in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation on December 19, 1999.

Also, Alexander Leonidovich was the initiator and leader of the regional public organization "Industrial Parliament of the Sverdlovsk Region", the electoral bloc "Union of State Employees of the Urals".

In 2007 Burkov joined the A Just Russia: Motherland / Pensioners / Life party. Over the next year, he acted as the secretary of the bureau of the Council of the regional branch of the party in the Sverdlovsk region.

In December 2007, Alexander Leonidovich was elected to the State Duma Russian Federation V convocation on the federal list of the party "Fair Russia: Homeland / Pensioners / Life". Was a member of the Transport Committee. A year later, he was elected chairman of the Council of the regional branch of the "Fair Russia" party in the Sverdlovsk region.

Since April 2011, the politician has become a member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the Fair Russia party. Re-elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation on the federal list of "Fair Russia" in December 2011. He served as First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Federal Structure and Local Self-Government Issues.

Burkov initiated the creation of an all-Russian public association, which made it its task to control the housing sector through public self-government of citizens - house councils. In July, at the organizational congress of the Russian Union of House Councils, he was elected the leader of this All-Russian Movement.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Alexander Burkov was elected a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the Just Russia political party. Regional group No. 44 - Sverdlovsk region. He held the post of first deputy head of the faction of the political party "Fair Russia". He was also a member of the State Duma committee on housing policy and housing and communal services and the commission on legal support for the development of organizations in the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. The start date of powers is September 18, 2016.

Almost a year later, at a meeting on October 13, 2017, the State Duma adopted a resolution on the early resignation of the deputy powers of Alexander Burkov, who was appointed on October 9, 2017 as acting governor of the Omsk region until the election of the head of the region.

At a meeting of the Ministry of Culture of Russia on February 18, 2019, the Governor of the Omsk Region, Alexander Burkov, was appointed curator of the theatrical direction of the cultural working group of the State Council of the Russian Federation.

He is married and has a son.