Where Greek is spoken. What language do the Greeks speak? Dates and times

Common phrases









I do not understand

Δεν καταλαβαίνω

den catalavaino

What is your name?

Ποιο είναι το όνομά σου?

drink eine then onoma su?

How are you?

Πώς είσαι?

pos eise?

Where is the toilet here?

Πού είναι η τουαλέτα?

pou einai and toilet?

What is the price?

One ticket to...

ένα εισιτήριο για…

ena eisiti "rio gia ...

What time is it now?

Τι ώρα είναι?

ti o "ra eine?

Do not smoke

Απαγορεύεται το κάπνισμα

Apagorevete that capnism



Do you speak English?

Λέτε στα αγγλικά?

lete sta anglica

Where is…

Πού είναι…

uh uh…


I need to book a room

Θα πρέπει να κλείσετε ένα δωμάτιο

Fa prepe on cliset ena domatio


symbol "with

I want to pay the bill

Θέλω να πληρώσω τον λογαριασμό

fe "lo na pliro" so tone logariasmo"


diawati "rio

Store (shopping)



To wrap up

Πακέτο το

No change

Very expensive

πολύ ακριβά

poly acriva



leophorei "o





Please make a stop

παρακαλούμε να κάνετε μια στάση

parakalo "mind na ka" nete mia sta "si







The airport



emergency cases

help me

βοηθήστε με

woifiste me

Fire Department

πυροσβεστική Υπηρεσία

pyrosvestiki "ipiresi" and





asphenopho "ro



nosokomey" about


pharmaceutics" about


I want to book a table

Θέλω να κλείσω ένα τραπέζι

fe "lo on kleso this ladder" zi

Check please (bill)

Παρακαλούμε ελέγξτε (λογαριασμός)

paracalou "me ele" nkste (logariasmos)

Language in Greece

What is the language in Greece

The official language in Greece is Modern Greek, developed on the basis of the ancient Greek language.

In the world, more than 10.5 million people speak Modern Greek: the population of Greece and 82% of the population of Cyprus. The language is also spoken by those members of the Greek diaspora who are scattered throughout the world.

Official language of Greece is the main among the local population, but most Greek regions have their own local dialects, quite different from the official version of the language.

Greek alphabet is incredibly complex and has been continuously used by the inhabitants of the country and speakers of other languages ​​​​of the Greek group since the late 9th - early 8th century BC. It consists of 24 letters, the names and spelling of which have changed only slightly since the origin of the language.

But do not worry in advance: many Greeks speak English. In hotels and restaurants, the staff, as a rule, is fluent in the language of Foggy Albion. Well, with the locals, if necessary, you can negotiate in sign language.

Russian-Greek phrasebook: how to explain yourself in an unfamiliar country. Popular phrases and expressions for travelers.

  • Hot tours to Greece

Greek (Modern Greek ελληνική γλώσσα) is spoken today by 10 million inhabitants of Greece and about 82% of the population of Cyprus. It is one of the oldest Indo-European languages ​​and one of the oldest written languages ​​in the world. The richest literature was created in the Greek language at all stages of its existence.

In modern Greece, the literary language exists in two versions: kafarevusa (καθαρεύουσα) - a language that follows the ancient Greek writing standards, but with a modern pronunciation, and dimotika (δημοτική) - a form of language close to spoken. The official variant of the Greek language is Dimotika (since 1976)

Greetings, common expressions

hello hello hello Yasas, yasu, I
Good morning Kalimera
good evening Kalispera
Goodbye Yasu
To health! Steen igiya soo!
How are you? Are you canis?
Are you dancing? Yesis chorevete?
No I don't dance Oh, den chorevo
Thanks Efcharisto
Please (please) Paracalo
Sorry Signomi
What is your name? Me lene?
My name is... That is onoma mu ine...
I don't speak Greek De milao elinika
Yes OK Nah, Endaxy
Not Oh and
How much does a city tour cost? Poso kani yiros tys polis?
Is there a guide who speaks Russian? Iparhi xenagos, pu dear rosica?
I am a foreigner and do not know the city. Could you help me find...? Ime xenos ke den xero tyn pain. Ta borusate na me voitysete na vro...?
I'm lost. Help me please Khatyka. Voityste me, paracalo.
Please show on the city plan the place where I am now Dexte mu, paracalo, one hundred shediagrama thousand policy to meros pu vriscome tora
Let me pass Epitrapste mu na peraso

For the good of the cause

How do you say it's called? Metaxa? Pos ipate lege afto? Metaxa?
Pour me some more! And put a couple of bottles with you Vale ke alo, que dose mazi mu dio bukalla!
No, I feel good and yes, I'm sure I want to take a dip in the fountain Ohi, kala ime, ne, ke ime siguros oti felo na kano banio sto sindrevani
How to get to the nearest pharmacy? Pu ehi pharmakio edo conda?
Are you sure this is a real fox fur coat? Iste siguri oti afti and guna ine apo tis polikis alepus?
Are you saying I look like a snow queen in it? I take it baby Esis lete oti me afti and guna ime san vasilisa tu pagu? Tin pernod, agapitos
Kiss Me Philise me
You are beautiful like a Greek god Ise omorphos san ellinikos feos
My baby Moro mu
Where are you from? Apo pu isse?
I'm from Russia Yme apo tin Russia
Where do you live? Pu menis?
Are you married? Isa pandremeni?
You are married? Ise pandramenos?
Do you have children? Ehis pedya?
How many children do you have? Posa pedia ehis?
I His
You esi
We Amis
You Esis
He Aftos
She Afti
Man Andras
Female Gyneka
Boy Agori
Girl cinnamon
Child Pedi
Grandmother I-I
Granddad Papus
Sorry Signomi/me sinhorite
Many Poly
Few Ligo
big Megalo
small Micro
What it is? You ine afto?
Who is it? Pkos ine aftos?
Where is it? Pu Ying?
When? Sweat?
What is the price? Posa stihizi?
I want to eat Pinao
I'm thirsty dipsao
I don't speak Greek Dae cute elinika
How are you/doing/? Are you kan/is/-ete/?
Thank you, OK Kala, efcharisto
Thanks, I don't want Efcharisto, de/n/body
I have to ask you Echo na sas kano mya paraklisi
Help me please Voitiste me, paracalo
Have a nice holiday! Kali Xekurasi/Anapafsi!
Bon Appetit! Kali Orexy!
Are you dancing? Chorevate?
Where are you from? Apo pu irtate?
I came from- Irta apo
Moscow You are mosha
St. Petersburg Agia Petroupoli

Numbers and numbers

One aisle
Two Dio
Three Tria
Four Tessera
Five Pande
Six axi
Seven Epta
Eight Octo
Nine Ennia
Ten Deka
Twenty Ikosi
Twenty-one Ikosi ena
Twenty two Ikoshi dio (etc.)
Thirty Trianda
Fourty Saranda
Fifty Peninda
Sixty Exinda
Seventy Evdominda
Eighty Ogdonda
Ninety enaninda
Hundred Ekato

The airport

What is my baggage allowance? Am I poso ipervenun se varos and aposkeves mu?
How much do I have to pay for overweight baggage? Poso prepi na pliroso ya kate eilo parapano?
I was not met. Can I announce on the radio that I am waiting under the arrivals board? My surname... Den me ekhun sinandysi. Borite na anakinosete one hundred radio, oty perimeno kato apo tone binaka afixis? That epitheto mu ine ...
I can't find my suitcase. Where can I apply for lost luggage? Dan borough on the vro tyn roller mu. Pu boro on a dyloso I tys hamenes aposkaves?


Where is the bus stop for the city? Pu ine and stasi that leophoriu, pu drink the shame of pain?
This place is free? Ine eleutero afto then katizma?
Where can I buy tickets for the boat? Pu boro on agoraso isityrya am I a vapor?
How much is an hour of parking? Poso kani mya ora tys stasis?

In the cafe

Where can you eat here? Edo pu ta borusa on cymbiso?
Please bring the bill Farte to logariasmo, paracalo
Efcharisto i tyn paripisi
Bon Appetit Kali oreksi
Do you have a menu in Russian? Ehete ena catalogo hundred rosik?
What is your signature dish? Are you special ehete?
Can I order something else? Boro on parangilo typota alo?
I rested very well! Xekurastika poli kala!
table refectory
Breakfast Proevma, proino
Dinner Evma
Dinner Deepno
Menu Maine
Cheese Tyri
Sausage salami
Ham bacon
Olives eleies
Shrimps Garides
squids Kalamarakya
Soup soup
Bean soup Fasolada
Meat creas
A fish Psari
Fruit Fruta
Ice cream Pagoto
Water Nero
Coffee with milk Cafes me gala
Wine paint
White wine Aspro/lefko/paint
Red wine Kokino paint
Dry wine xero beauty
Sweet wine Glyco paint
Semi-sweet wine imiglico paint
Whiskey Whiskey
Beer Bira
Where can you wash your hands? Pu boro on plino that herya mu?
Bon Appetit kali orexi
Waiter please... Garzon, paracalo
Some more bread Ligo psomi akoma
fork ena piruni
spoon ena kutali
Sugar Zakhar
Ashtray Tasaki
Pack of cigarettes Ena pak it qigaro
Delicious Poli nostymo

In the shop

What is the price? Poso cani?
I want to buy souvenirs Telo on agoraso merica souvenir
Too expensive Ine poly akrivo
I need to exchange USD for EUR Hreazome na halasso dolarya i evro
How much do I owe you? Posa sas offilo?
I want to buy gifts Telo na agoraso merica dora
Can I arrange tax-free for tourists with this amount? Boro na kano turistyko tack fries apafto to poso?
Shop Kataistima, shops
Gift, souvenir Doro, souvenir
Cash register Tamio
Price Timi
Size Numero
Growth Megetos
Color Chrome
Can you recommend me-? Borite on mu ipodixet-?
For woman/girl I am a gyneca/coritzi
For man/boy I am andra/agori
Can be tried on Boro on dokimaso
Is there anything better? Ekhete like a calitero?
Is there anything cheaper? Iparhi typote ftynotero?

In a hotel

Permission to call? Boro on tylefoniso?
E hete domatyo me erkondysion?
Hello! I pre-booked a room. My surname... Herete! Angazarisa ena domatyo apo prin. That epithet is mu ine ... On that diavatyryo mu.
Can I use the safe? Boro on chrysimopisso that khrimatokivotyo?
Hotel xenodocio
Housemaid Camariera
Luggage Aposkeves
Single Room Monoclino domatio
Double Room Diklino domatio
Key Clydia
hot/cold/water Zesto/cryo/nero
Towel Petseta
Where is the hotel? Pu vrisquete to xenodochio?
How much is the room per night? Poso styhizi then domatyo tyn measure?
Do you have air conditioned room? Ekhete domatyo me erkondysion?
Can you give me a room on another floor? Fight on mu dosete ena domatyo with alo orofo?
Give me the key please Doste mu, paracalo, then klidi
Permission to call? Boro on Tylefoniso?
Please change bed linen Paracalo, alakste that asproruha
I'm leaving (we're leaving) Fevgo (fevgume)
Thanks for the good service Efcharisto ya tyn paripiisi

In the museum

What time does the museum open? Pote anigi to musio?
What exhibitions are open now in the city? Are you the ecthesis of the liturgun of the Torah of shame of pain?
Do you have a guide who speaks Russian? Ehete kanen kanen ksenago pu dear rosika?
Can I invite an interpreter? Borite on phonaxete the tone of metaphrases?
How much is admission? Poso kani ena isityryo?

Swearing in Greek

What a trickster! You exipnos!
stinky Vromiari
Don't annoy me Mi me ecneurisis
you have a fake coat And guna su ine mufa
You smell like rotten feta Esi mirizis san vromiki feta

Dates and times

Monday Deftera
Tuesday trity
Wednesday Tatarty
Thursday Pumpty
Friday Paraskevi
Saturday Savvato
Sunday kyriaki
Tonight Apopse
Tomorrow Avrio
Tomorrow night Avrio then vradi
Today Simera


Rest Anapavsi xekurasi
Tourism Turismos
Vacation adya
Holidays Diacopes
Day off Argia, repo
Automobile Aftokinito
Airplane Aeroplano
Tourist Office Turistico graphic
Guide, tour guide Xenagos
Excursion Ekdromy
City Tour Iiros yew polis
Sea Talas
Island Nishi
Beach Amudya
The mountains Wuna
I like to travel Mu aresi on taxidevo
Tomorrow we are going on a tour Avrio pame ekdromi
I liked the excursion to the monasteries And ekdromi hundred monastery mu arese
I love the Aegean Mu aresi poli to egeo
What is the water temperature? Tee thermokrasiya eh nero?
How much does it cost per hour? Poso stykhizi afto tyn ora
How many kilometers from here to Thessaloniki Posa chiliometer ine apo to Thessaloniki

Speech irregularities

Democracy, Republic Democracy
affirmative particle yes Wai
Table meal
Sound Background

... And yet you, as in ancient times, are wonderful, You are great with every facet of the past ... (Byron about the Greek language)

Even people far from linguistics can easily recognize English or French speech; in Swedish they say "something similar to German."

But the Greek language, despite the fact that it is one of the oldest and is used in a European country, few will guess. Let's figure out what kind of language the Greeks speak.

Language is, first of all, a reflection of the history of the people and its prevailing mentality. And the history of Greece is the richest: for centuries, Greek was the language of communication of the people of the ancient world in the Mediterranean countries. With its help, trade was conducted, as well as military, scientists and creative people communicated. A bit of history Starting from the II millennium BC.

The Balkan Peninsula, the Peloponnese and the adjacent islands were inhabited by various proto-Greek peoples: Achaeans, Ionians, Aeolians. Later they were pressed by the Dorians. The tribes spoke their own dialects. These strangers managed to suppress the local population - Pelasgians, Lelegs - and their dialects.

Over the following centuries, the city-states fought among themselves, developed new lands, and established trade and cultural ties. Accordingly, their dialects influenced each other: they assimilated and acquired borrowings. In the 5th century BC. with the development of art and literature, a tendency has arisen when one dialect becomes more popular than the others.

So, it was customary to write lyric poetry in the Dorian dialect, and tragedies were composed only in Attic. In the IV century BC. Athens acquires a huge political and cultural authority among its neighbors, and the Attic dialect of this state becomes a kind of standard for all ancient Greek prose, and a little later for literature in general.

In the III century BC. after the conquests of Alexander the Great, the concept of “Koine” appears - a single “mixed” language of the peoples who inhabited his vast empire, the basis of which was the same Attic dialect. It is in Koine that the Greek Gospel is written and to this day they serve the liturgy in the Greek Orthodox Church. During its heyday until the 3rd century AD, Koine Greek becomes the lingua franca of the countries of the eastern Mediterranean. In other words, it was the language of international communication in certain areas of activity: trade, science.

Simultaneously with colloquial Koine from about the 1st century AD. educated people begin to write in the classical Attic dialect, which has re-entered the "fashion" among writers. Thus begins a long (until the middle of the 20th century) period of diglossia - the parallel coexistence of literary and spoken languages. After the establishment in 146 AD. In the Roman protectorate over Greece, a strange thing happened: the Romans not only did not force the Greeks to forget their own speech, but also considered it important for themselves to learn the language of the conquered people.

The writers and poets of Ancient Rome successfully translated Greek authors and even wrote in Greek themselves. None of the Greeks knew Latin. Only Plutarch tried to study Latin in the last years of his life, but did not succeed in this. In 395 AD The Roman state collapsed: the Byzantine Empire was formed in the east with the capital Constantinople. In the 6th century, Koine Greek became the official language of the state. Of course, over several centuries it has changed, having been influenced by other languages: Latin, Slavic, Armenian, etc.

Hundreds of years later, in 1453, weakened by internal strife and crusades, the great Byzantium fell under the onslaught of the Ottoman army. For 400 years of the Turkish yoke, literary Greek did not develop. But he was not forgotten in Europe.

All enlightened people of that time considered it necessary to be able to read the works of ancient Greek scientists and poets in the original. By the way, in Russian pre-revolutionary gymnasiums, when studying Greek, they meant precisely the classical Attic dialect. Largely thanks to the efforts of the Greek Church, the oral language, albeit somewhat “ Turkic", survived until Greek independence in 1930.

"Linguistic Wars" in Greece At the beginning of the 19th century, the most important question arose before the free Greeks: in what language would the laws of an independent country be written and children would speak? The diglossia provided for two options: to turn to the language of Orthodox Byzantium or to revive the Attic dialect of classical Athens, the language of Aristotle and Plato.

Since classicism came into fashion in Europe at that time, the second option seemed the most attractive to the Greeks: it would be nice to consider yourself the direct heirs of a great world culture. But in reality, such a radical return to the past was no longer possible.

As a result of fierce disputes, a language “purified from borrowings” appeared, kafarevusa, largely preserving the vocabulary and grammar of the ancient Greek Koine, combined with the pronunciation that was modern at that time. It became the language of government, science and literature: books were written and spoken by educated people. But kafarevusa, according to many linguists, was far from the language of the common population.

For everyday communication systematized folk - dimotics, which was a natural continuation of the same ancient Greek Koine. The spoken language has many Italian, Slavonic, French and Turkish words. It is much simpler kafarevusy grammatically and more "alive".

"Linguistic War"(there were also street fights) continued until the reform of 1976, when dimotics was introduced into the course of the school curriculum. But only in 1982 did it become the official and only language of the Greek Republic.

So modern Modern Greek, as it is also called, is the vernacular spoken language. Despite its turbulent history, the current Greek language has retained over 80% of its original vocabulary unchanged. He is a representative of the Indo-European family of languages, but does not have "close relatives", such as Italian or German, that is, the only one in his group.

Greek is spoken today by 10 million inhabitants of Greece and half a million of the Greek population of Cyprus.

It is known by the Greeks living all over the world - in Russia, Canada, the USA, England, Australia. Several features of the Greek language It will not be difficult for a Russian-speaking person to learn how to read and pronounce Greek words: common letters in the alphabet and many similar sounds for which our speech apparatus is already adapted.

With some effort, it is even easy to get rid of the Russian, more rough, accent. The only difficulty in phonetics can be caused by voiced and voiceless interdental similar to English, especially when they are adjacent to consonants.

In Russian, these sounds are written in letters "F" (aFina) or "D" (lydia) and pronounce accordingly. The Greek language lacks the indefinite form of the verb inherent in many European languages. In literal translation, the sentence "I want to go to the movies" will sound like "I want to go to the cinema" or "Can he buy bread?" how "He can buy bread?".

In interrogative sentences, instead of the question mark familiar to Europeans «?» Greeks put a semicolon ; «.

Another feature is that the Greeks use articles of the appropriate gender with proper names, that is, the female name Elena is used with a feminine article: and Eleni.

In the Greek language, the vocative case has been preserved (by analogy with the Ukrainian language) in the masculine gender. To call a Greek man, you need to change the ending of his name: About Aggelos - Aggila.

If desired, it is easy to understand the grammar, which is somewhat reminiscent of the grammar of the Russian language: free word order in a sentence, the presence of cases and three genders. As for vocabulary, linguists believe that a Russian-speaking person can easily recognize the meanings of 1000 Greek words. Learning Greek, like any foreign language, is an interesting and useful process, as it allows you to get to know the culture of another country more deeply. In addition, knowing at least a few phrases will make a tourist trip to Greece much more enjoyable.

Literary language of Greece

Literary language of Greece

The official language of Greece is Greek, or rather modern Greek, which is used by the intelligentsia and official authorities. A large number of dialects that cannot always be understood at all, even if you are fluent in the literary form of this language, can confuse the traveler.

The vast majority of the regions of this country have their own local dialects, pronunciation specifics, which can have a large number of local features. Nevertheless, modern Greek is understood by everyone, even if they continue to communicate with you exclusively in the local dialect. In written speech, only modern Greek is used, rare exceptions are dialogues in literary works that emphasize the colorfulness of the characters. Currently in Greece there is a gradual unification of the language, which is associated with centralized education and the media, which broadcast exclusively in the state language.

Due to the great importance of the tourism industry, which employs more than half of the population, the vast majority of service workers, restaurants, hotels at the household level know English, French or German, or even several languages ​​at once.

The whole world knows that Ancient Greece was a large ancient state, many of whose achievements formed the basis of modern civilization. For example, Greek, which was spoken by great scholars and generals, is still actively used in international terms. Of course, over the years of its existence, it has changed a little, but in general, the ancient Hellenes and modern Greeks could understand each other. Would you like to start learning Greek? Do not rush to answer! We advise you to read this article first, because ahead of you are waiting for entertaining facts about the Greek language, as well as popular words, phrases and expressions for tourists planning a trip to Greece.

The first beginnings of a new language of communication appeared in Greece along with a wave of migration to the local lands of the Indo-Europeans. Scholars disagree whether it was originally their language, or whether it acquired unique forms and separated from the Indo-European language family already when the settlers became the native inhabitants of Greece. One thing is certain: the so-called Proto-Greek language was formed 2,000 years before our era.

A little later, he formed the basis of the language of the Mycenaean civilization. It was in the Mycenaean-Cretan dialect that the first written monuments of the country were written: tablets with syllabic linear B. According to scientists, they were written in the 14th-12th centuries. BC, and were found and deciphered only in the middle of the 20th century.

The next stage of development is the VIII-VII century BC, when Greece supplements the language with an alphabet based on the Phoenician letter. Further, the state, and with it speech, begin to climb to the peak of its development. Many written monuments appear, in which four main dialects are used:

  • Ionian;
  • dorian;
  • Aeolian;
  • attic.

Initially, the Ionian dialect was the most popular, but the increased dominance of Athens brought the Attic dialect to the fore.

And in the time of Alexander the Great, Koine appeared - a mixed colloquial dialect, formed on the basis of the classical Attic language. All the captured tribes and colonies, who had previously communicated in the local dialect, tried to learn the Greek language. Koine later formed the basis of the literary language: the Bible, the works of Plutarch and many other works were written in it.

Interestingly, after the seizure of territories by the Roman Empire, the Greek language continued to be highly valued, and every self-respecting Roman could speak it. And from the moment the Byzantine Empire was founded and until the Middle Ages, the Greek language again becomes official for these places. Then came the Ottoman dictatorship and the imposition of Turkish dialects, which led to a new round in the development of the language.

Old Greek and Modern Greek

Under the pressure of the Turkish yoke, the Greek language became not prestigious, if not completely persecuted, and in addition, local dialects and adverbs were mixed in with it. And soon the Greeks realized that they were gradually losing their national features. Thus, in the 19th century, a movement of supporters of independence developed, who wanted to create new pages in the history, culture and traditions of Greece.

At that moment the Greeks were divided. Part of the nation emigrated, part succumbed to Turkish influence, and many residents of Greece were migrants from neighboring countries. Consequently, there were many dialects: some retained knowledge of ancient Greek, others mixed the language with Turkish, and others spoke with an accent “brought” from their homeland. To establish mutual understanding, a common language was needed, and local minds began to puzzle over this task.

There were two options: to return to the Byzantine Koine, or to go even further and speak the Attic dialect of the classical period. After much debate and reflection, it became clear that the ancient language is too outdated for the modern world. But the desire to connect oneself with centuries-old traditions was great, so there were essentially 2 languages: classical literary and simplified colloquial.

Kafarevusa and Dimotika

As a result, society was split into linguistic currents. Supporters of the national culture praised "Kafarevus" - a modernized language based on the grammatical norms of the Koine. It is considered a "pure", classical, literary dialect.

The intelligentsia was opposed by the broad masses of the people, who considered the simple colloquial Greek language to be “their own”. He received the name "Demotiki". Language disputes between the Greeks were so fierce that it even came to street strikes. It wasn't until 1976 that the government officially recognized the superiority of Dimotika and it became the country's official language. But you can still meet older Greeks who prefer to communicate in the high style of Kafarevus.

Dialects and pronunciation in Greek

If we talk about what language is spoken in Greece now, then the Greeks still have many dialects. Basically, the difference stands out in pronunciation, but this does not mean that you need to be able to pronounce each word in a dozen frets. In any region of Greece, modern Greek will be understood, just as the English language is understood by both the prim British and the Americans who think little about the "purity" of speech.

Also, foreigners are often scared that stress is of great importance in Greek. Indeed, in the past, in order to say a word correctly, one had to be able to understand three types of stresses, and even distinguish between two types of aspirations. But later, all these norms were simplified and, as a result, they were officially abolished altogether. Today in Greece, one accent mark and diaeresis (letter combination separator) are used.

Official Greek

As already noted, officially in Greece they speak the Modern Greek language of Dimotiki. He, by the way, is recognized as official in the Republic of Cyprus. More than 15 million inhabitants of the planet consider Greek as their native language.

Is it difficult to learn Greek

It can hardly be said that the Hellenic language is now particularly popular in the world. But still, many people take Greek lessons, for example, in order to start a new life in Greece or to familiarize themselves with ancient literature in the original.

Moreover, those who study the language of Greece have not only goals, but also directions: modern Greek is needed for communication, and Old Greek for reading ancient works. Of course, Modern Greek is much easier for foreigners to learn and practice. But if your interest in history knows no bounds, then you can easily master the ancient language in a year of intensive work.

So the question of whether it is difficult for a Russian person to learn Greek cannot be answered yes or no. It all depends on the interest and capabilities of the student, as well as on the qualities of the teacher. On average, modern Greek for basic everyday communication can be learned in six months.

The Greek alphabet has been in use since the 8th century. BC, and it is very likely that it was in the letters of the Greek alphabet that vowels were first designated. Over the years of use, the primer has not changed much: only for convenience, the names have been renamed, and several characters have been shortened. The modern alphabet of the Greek language has 24 letters, and we invite you to get acquainted with them right now.

If you are starting to learn Greek, then you definitely need to print out the alphabet and memorize it. This basic skill will be a good help for further language learning.

Greek for tourists - common phrases and words

Before traveling to another country, you must definitely learn a couple of basic phrases in order to be able to express your wishes and understand what they say to you. Therefore, we have compiled a very simple Greek textbook for tourists, which will help you navigate in everyday situations.

Greeting in Greek

Expression Pronunciation Translation
Γεια σου YasuHi,
hello (singular)
Γεια σας YasasHello (plural)
Χαίρετε HereteHello
(official uniform)
Καλημέρα KalimEraGood morning,
good afternoon
Καλησπέρα Kalisperagood evening
Καληνύχτα KalinIkhtaGoodnight
Αντίο adioGoodbye, goodbye
Θα τα πούμε σύντομα Fa ta pUme sindomaSee you soon

At a restaurant or coffee in Greek

Expression Pronunciation Translation
Καφές CafesCoffee
Ελληνικός καφές EllinicOs CafesGreek coffee
Φραπέ FrapEFrappe
Στιγμιαίος καφές StigmEos CafesInstant coffee
Χωρίς ζάχαρη Horis ZahariSugarless
Με λεμόνι Mae lamTheyWith lemon
Ενα Καφές σκέτο, παρακαλώ Ena Cafés sketo, paracaloOne black coffee please
Ενα Καφές με γάλα, παρακαλώ Ena KafES me gala, paracaloOne coffee with milk please

At the store in Greek

Expression Pronunciation Translation
Αγορά AgoraMarket
Παζάρι PazAriBazaar
Κατάστημα, μαγαζί KatAstyma; ShopShop, shop
Ανοιχτό AnichtoOpen
Κλειστό klistoClosed
Πόσο κοστίζει POSO KostyzyWhat is the price
Τιμή TymIPrice
Χρήματα, Λεφτά KhrImata, LeftAMoney
Μετρητά matritacash payment
Κάρτα MapPayment by card
Κιλά KeelaKilogram
Νούμερο NumeroSize
Πολλά PaulAMany
Λίγο LigoFew

We communicate with a doctor or in a pharmacy

Expression Pronunciation Translation
Γιατρός YatrosDoctor
Φαρμακείο PharmacioPharmacy
Νοσοκομείο SockIoHospital
Πρώτες Βοήθειες Protes VoizesAmbulance
βοηθήστε με VoifIste mehelp me
Φάρμακο PharmacoMedicine
Χάπια HAPHIATablets
Αλοιφή AlifIOintment
Πόνος DiarrheaPain
Αναγούλα AnagUlaNausea
ζάλη ZAliDizziness
Αιμορραγία AmoragiaBleeding
Τραύμα InjuryInjury
Κάταγμα katagmafracture
Εξάρθρωση ExArzrosiDislocation
Πληγή PligIWound
Πυρετός PiratOsTemperature, fever
Συνάχι SinAhiRunny nose
Βήχας VihasCough
Αλλεργία AllergiaAllergy
Ηλίαση EliasiSunstroke
Έγκαυμα EngavmaBurn

Airport, taxi, bus, buy tickets

Expression Pronunciation Translation
Λεωφορείο LeoforIoBus
Υπεραστικό λεωφορείο IperasticO LeoforioIntercity bus
Τραμ TramTram
Ταξί TaxiTaxi
Μετρό UndergroundUnderground
Τρένο TrenoTrain
Αεροδρόμιο AirfieldOmioThe airport
Αεροπλάνο AeroplanoAirplane
Εισιτήριο IsitYrioTicket
Θέση tesiA place
Ένα εισιτήριο για… Ena eisitIrio GiaOne ticket to...
Αφίξεις AfXisArrival
Αναχώρηση AnahOrisiDeparture
Στάση (stop)StasiStop
Παρακαλούμε να κάνετε μια στάση ParacalOume Na Kanete Mia StasiPlease make a stop

We speak Greek in the hotel

Expression Pronunciation Translation
ξενοδοχείο XenodochiioHotel
Ρεσεψιόν ResepseongAdministration
Δωμάτιο DomAtioNumber
Κλειδί ClidIKey
Διαβατήριο DiavatIrioThe passport
Θα πρέπει να κλείσετε ένα δωμάτιο Fa PrEpe Na Klisate Ena DomAtioI need to book a room
Έχετε ελευθερα Δωμάτια Ekhete ElEftera DomAtiaDo you have rooms available
Ναι, εχουμε Ne, EhumeYes, I have
Ολα τα Δωμάτια ειναι αγκαζαρισμενα Ola Ta DomAtia Ine AngazarismEnaAll rooms are booked
Όροφος OrophosFloor
Σκάλα RockLadder
Αποσκευές AposkavEsLuggage
Λογαριασμός LogariasmOcCheck