The secrets of the incredible weight loss of the star of the TV screen - Ksenia Borodina. All about how Borodina Xenia lost weight after giving birth Borodina told the secret of losing weight

Many young girls and women ask the question: how did Ksenia Borodina lose weight? In the past few years, the figure of the host of the Dom-2 project has changed several times, and in a drastic way.

Every girl dreams of a perfect figure. Sometimes it happens that the figure is directly related to success and career. It can be difficult for famous people to keep themselves fit.

After giving birth, Ksenia managed to achieve stunning forms quickly enough, and she still maintains harmony. In this article, you will learn everything about the diet, nutrition system and physical activity of Ksenia Borodina.

Borodin before weight loss

The reasons why Ksenia Borodina recovered:

  • Ksenia has never been thin, genetically she is inclined to be overweight. Fans of the presenter remember that for the first time they saw her rather slender, her weight at that time was about 50 kg, but very soon, against the backdrop of an unstable schedule, nervous work and hormonal disruptions, Borodina recovered greatly.
  • There was not enough time for full-fledged physical activity. The TV presenter admits that she tried to lose weight many times before, adhered to various rigid mono-diets, for example, cucumber, and sometimes even starved.
  • The birth of daughter Marusya and divorce from her husband led to even greater problems with the figure, according to some sources, Ksenia recovered by 12 kg. Then Borodina firmly decided to lose weight, followed by a series of diets, fasting and excessive physical exertion, the presenter herself admitted that this had a strong effect on her well-being and appearance.
  • After strong restrictions, the weight always returned back, therefore, Ksenia had to come up with her own weight loss technique, which allowed her to keep fit all the time.

Diet of Ksenia Borodina

Now many variations of this diet have appeared on the Internet, and it is already difficult to say which of them the presenter actually lost weight on.

However, it is known that cucumbers were its basis, and the following rules can be distinguished:

How did the presenter lose weight?

After a long period of severe food restriction, the star realized that it was necessary to deal with excess weight in a complex way, without starving, playing sports and doing various procedures.

Borodina had to give up many of her favorite unhealthy foods, such as sweets, go in for sports thoroughly and build a sleep schedule, it is impossible to lose weight without these three basic rules.

How much weight did Borodina lose?

How much could the TV presenter throw off? This question worries many of her fans.

When Ksyusha first appeared in the Dom-2 project, her weight was only 50 kg, but after a few years it reached 63-64 kg, and after the birth of her daughter Maria, it even reached 70.

In her interviews, the star said that now she weighs 46-47 kg with a height of 164 kg, that is TV presenter managed to lose more than 20 kg!

Supply system

Borodina realized that the diet would not lead her to a reliable and long-term result, because after severe dietary restrictions, it was not possible to lose weight, the kilograms then returned with a vengeance.

In addition, during diets, many do not stand up and, on the contrary, overeat.

Now Ksenia says that she is not obsessed with food, does not count calories and does not like fasting days. She adheres to a special nutrition system, thanks to which she has maintained an excellent shape for several years.

Here are its main principles:

  • Full, fast food, sweet and fatty.
  • It is forbidden to eat foods that are too high in calories, such as nuts and legumes.
  • It is also necessary to exclude various sauces from your diet: mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard.
  • Compliance with the diet, namely: drinking 2 liters of water per day, as well as drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning and before each meal - this helps to stretch the stomach a little and dull it.
  • Fractional nutrition, that is, eating in small portions every 3-4 hours. So you will not remain hungry and will not break into harmful foods.
  • At the heart of the nutrition of the TV presenter are. They give a feeling of satiety for a long time, and also do not have a negative effect on the stomach, and their calorie content is very low.

Remember that for effective weight loss, foods cannot be fried; oil can only be seasoned with salads.

For cooking meat and fish, it is better to use a grill to help, it does not take away all their useful substances from the products, a double boiler and an oven are also suitable. Vegetables are best eaten raw, as they contain a lot of healthy fiber.

Physical exercise

To keep herself in perfect shape, the presenter chooses a combination of 2 types of loads: strength and cardio. In this way, you can simultaneously lose weight by removing excess fat and build muscle, thanks to which metabolism can speed up by 40 percent.

Ksenia trains 5 times a week, but the duration of the workout is only half an hour, which almost any busy person can afford.

For training you will need:

  • any cardio simulator (treadmill, bike, ellipse);
  • dumbbells weighing 2-7 kg (beginners can exercise with their own weight or take lighter dumbbells);
  • stopwatch.

The strength part of the workouts varies every day, but you should always warm up: this way you will warm up the muscles and joints, which will help to avoid injuries and sprains. To warm up, use any cardio machine for 5-7 minutes. You should be sweating a little and your heart rate should be 130 beats per minute.

Now let's get to the strength training.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

  • On the third day we have a rest.

Day 4

  • On the fourth, we repeat the program of 1 day.

Day 5

  • On the fifth day, repeat the program of the second day.


How does Borodina manage not to gain weight?

The secret to keeping Xenia Borodina slim is very simple: moderate nutrition, exercise and healthy sleep.

Now the TV presenter does not follow her diet so strictly, as she has a good metabolism and frequent physical activity, but the principles of nutrition described above remain unchanged.

Photos before and after

The popular TV presenter Ksenia Borodina is today the idol of millions. She is slender, refined and seems to have not a single extra gram. How does Ksenia manage to keep in perfect shape, and is there really Borodina's signature diet?

Ksenia Borodina's signature diet: myth or reality

On the Internet, you can often hear about the popular diet with which Ksenia Borodina regained her shape after the birth of her daughter. The secret of this diet on each site is different, as well as the approximate nutrition plan that is published by online publications. Many argue that the secret to the destruction of extra pounds in the regular use of cucumbers, which consist mainly of water. Another version involves eating green vegetables and fruits.

In reality, Borodina's miraculous cucumber diet does not exist, and what is written on the sites is just fiction, which has little to do with the TV presenter's real method of losing weight.

Weight loss at "HOUSE-2"

At the very beginning of the filming of the television project "Dom-2", Xenia began to have health problems. Due to a violation of the hydrobalance in the body and hormonal failure, the TV presenter faced the problem of excess weight. In addition, the screen also visually adds a few kilograms, as a result of which Borodin's own appearance completely ceased to suit Borodin.

This is what Ksenia looked like before losing weight

The girl tried many means and diets, which gave an effect very quickly, and the extra weight melted before her eyes. However, the weight was gaining again and stubbornly did not want to leave. As a result, the TV presenter had to return to her former shape with enhanced training and a strict diet.

How Borodina manages to maintain weight

After giving birth, Ksenia really recovered, but in just a few months she was able to lose about 16 kg, restoring her previous shape. Now Borodina weighs 46 kg with a height of 165 cm!

To lose weight in the first months after the birth of her daughter, Ksenia became:

  • actively walk with the child, daily walking several kilometers;
  • monitor nutrition, taking into account the amount of calories and fat, while trying to balance and diversify the diet;
  • drink freshly squeezed juice;
  • do fitness three times a week with the permission of doctors.

Like two sisters: Ksenia Borodina with her grown daughter Marusya

These measures have helped to lose those extra pounds and keep in great shape now. There are no fasting days in the life of a TV star, she does not support fasting. But she prefers a proper nutrition system and regular exercise in the gym.

In nutrition, Ksenia adheres to the following rules:

  • it is forbidden to eat sweet pastries and bread;
  • a strict ban on any fast food;
  • it is rarely possible to allow fried meat in small portions, controlling its composition;
  • instead of chocolate, you should give preference to energy bars;
  • While exercising, it is recommended to drink protein shakes.

Products that are allowed for consumption:

  • skinless chicken or turkey;
  • fish cooked with steam;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • fresh greens.

Prohibited Products:

  • fried and spicy dishes;
  • flour products;
  • sweets;
  • pork;
  • alcohol.

How Borodina lost weight after the second birth

After the second birth, Ksenia lost weight just as easily and quickly. The TNT star followed the proven path: proper nutrition and physical activity. Borodina did not exhaust herself with diets and did not train to exhaustion. The TV presenter was engaged in pleasure: to the best of the gym, swimming, walking.

The young mother also adjusted the daily routine. Lack of sleep is one of the causes of weight gain.

Ksenia believes that you should not limit yourself to food, this will only harm the weight loss system. With a strong desire for a prohibited product, it is better to eat a small portion, but not bring your body to a state of exhaustion.

The TV star does not forbid eating even at night. It is important to choose the right low-calorie food, such as fresh vegetables or fruits.

The secret of the ideal appearance of the presenter lies not in a branded diet, which does not exist in reality, but in long and hard work on oneself, constant training and healthy eating.

The most important thing is to want to succeed and put maximum effort into it!

Ksenia Borodina lost weight: before and after photos

Ksenia Borodina is a public person. Therefore, it must always look perfect. It so happened that the TV presenter had extra pounds after the birth of her daughter, with which she began to fight. Thanks to her perseverance, Ksenia was able to lose more than ten kg.

What is the diet of Ksenia Borodina?

The main criteria for effective weight loss from Xenia:

  • First of all, you need to have great motivation and a positive attitude.
  • You need to have complete information about the state of your body. To do this, you must undergo a complete examination, pass the necessary tests. After that, you should calculate your suitable weight, develop a strategy for following up. You need to set yourself up for dropping kilograms in a certain period of time.
  • Rapid weight loss, and even more starvation, according to Borodina, should be avoided. Since this can lead to unpleasant consequences in the body. It is recommended to eat well, 1500 - 2000 calories per day.
  • Overeating, starchy and sweet foods should be avoided. You should consume foods with a low glycemic index.
  • Physical exercise. The famous TV presenter went for a walk with her newborn daughter for five hours a day, went to the gym for a workout. If a person does not have such an opportunity, it is necessary to increase physical activity in everyday affairs. For example, walking up the stairs, avoiding elevators. You can also go dancing, swimming pool, fitness and walking.
  • Ksenia urges to stop using diet pills. Telediva is confident that these funds do not have a positive effect on the health of the body.
  • Drink a lot of water in its pure form (from two liters per day).
  • Use massage and lymphatic drainage to remove toxic substances from the body.
  • If during the feast a large amount of high-calorie foods was eaten, it is necessary to arrange fasting days. You can unload the body with rice, kefir or buckwheat. On such days, you should consume no more than a thousand calories. Meals should be no more than 200 ml or 200 mg.
  • You need to listen to your body. Even if there is absolutely no time for yourself, you should find at least a little.
  • You need to believe in yourself and in the result that will turn out, thanks to the observance of all the recommendations. You need to program yourself to get the perfect body.
  • You always need to monitor your calorie content and diet and energy consumption. You should eat enough healthy food to saturate the body with nutrients, no more.

Almost all of these recommendations have been well known for a long time, so you can often find negative reviews about this diet, supposedly Borodina did not discover anything new. Ksenia herself is sure that although these rules are familiar to everyone, they really work if they are followed. As an example of high-quality weight loss, she cites her own result.

Ksyusha does not hide the fact that in addition to following these recommendations, she often resorts to such cosmetic procedures as: bowel lavage, mesotherapy, leech treatment, LPG endermology. Although these procedures are very effective, they have one drawback - this is a high price. If it is not possible to visit beauticians, then you can keep your body in shape in other ways. For example, start swimming or dancing.

Ksenia is quite serious about counting kilocalories in her diet. Since calories themselves are energy that enters the human body from food. If you spend less calories per day than you consumed, the process of gaining extra pounds begins. That is why, in order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to keep a daily calorie count.

This method of losing weight will be useful for those people who do not have the desire or ability to use ready-made diet menus. That is, those who develop such a menu for themselves.

There is one more, no more valuable advice for weight loss from Ksenia Borodina: it is strictly not recommended to limit yourself in everything. The TV presenter declares with confidence that if you always forbid yourself any products, sooner or later a breakdown will occur.

Ksyusha declares that she will not endure for a long time if she wants any high-calorie product. Over time, she developed a habit of healthy eating, so she no longer wants forbidden food.

The TV star knows for sure that you will have to pay a high price for rapid weight loss. Since after a while negative consequences are noticeable. Based on all this, Ksenia advises to overcome yourself, to choose a long, measured path to perfection, but very effective: healthy nutrition and physical activity.

Cucumber diet of Ksenia Borodina

The diet is designed for a maximum of five days. Fresh cucumbers are a staple in the diet. Salt should be avoided throughout the diet. For dressing salads, instead of it, you can use lemon juice, spices. You can also use any greens.

Let's go to the menu:

  • For breakfast, you should eat a salad of cucumbers and herbs with a slice of whole grain bread. Fill this dish with low-fat yogurt or sour cream.
  • You need to dine with a mixture of cucumbers and Beijing cabbage with a small addition of olive oil, also boiled unsalted chicken breast.
  • Snack: boiled egg with cucumber and a piece of rye bread. Salad dressing should be low-fat sour cream.
  • For dinner, you should also eat a salad. This time with a fresh mix of cucumber, tomato and sweet pepper. You can season with olive oil and lemon juice.

However, you need to drink plenty of mineral water, green tea. It is allowed to add different vegetables to salads except potatoes. Tomato should be consumed once a day. Chicken breast can be replaced with turkey or lean beef. The only condition is that the meat must be without salt.

Ksyusha's protein diet

Such a diet implies many prohibitions, but due to them, weight loss becomes very effective. It is necessary to exclude such products: flour products, rice, alcohol, vegetable and animal fats, salt, sugar and some vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots).

Losing weight with this diet can last as long as you like. It will not bring harm to the body. With the help of such a diet, it is possible to lose up to ten kilograms of excess weight.

Below is the menu:

  • Breakfast is recommended with oatmeal, which must first be steamed with boiling water, with kefir of the lowest fat content.
  • Snack: a couple of apples.
  • For lunch, you can choose foods to choose from: lean meat, fish, or a couple of eggs.
  • For an afternoon snack, you should please yourself with some kind of fruit, with the exception of grapes and bananas.
  • For dinner - a boiled egg, vegetable salad and yogurt with the lowest percentage of fat content.

The changed forms of show business stars are immediately noticeable. And if there can be an explanation for the presented, then we are talking only about pregnancy and childbirth. Otherwise, fans and just viewers express the opinion that weight gain is due to excessive and malnutrition. Once upon a time, Ksenia Borodina, the host of the Dom-2 TV project, as well as a DJ and host of events, also went through this. The woman had a chance to lose weight as many as three times, two of which fell on the consequences of pregnancy. How Ksenia Borodina lost weight after giving birth, what is the secret of her success, harmony and attractiveness?

Ksenia Borodina gained popularity in 2004, when the television project Dom-2 was launched, which has been going on for 12 years, and the girl remains her devoted host. At that time, Ksenia Borodina was very young and weighed only 50 kg. But after health problems, the girl began to delight the audience with magnificent forms, however, from which she quickly got rid of in the future.

Ksenia Borodina before and after losing weight looks attractive. Even weight gain immediately after the opening of the project could not keep fans away from her. Therefore, when the woman began to recover rapidly, the audience became worried - what is the reason?

The TV presenter herself today talks about the hormonal failure that occurred in the body, as a result of which the girl began to "get better from the air." After losing weight, ads began to appear on the Internet about the system of Ksenia Borodina, who was able to lose weight with the help of pills, drops, solutions, implantation of bubbles and other nonsense. In fact, Ksyusha Borodina went to the clinic, where she began to undergo treatment. In addition, the girl went on a low-calorie diet, where she simply excluded sweet, fatty, flour and carbohydrate foods from the menu. Protein foods and fresh vegetables began to predominate in her diet.

This helped Ksenia Borodina return to her previous fit form. But not for long, because the woman became pregnant and again began to fight for an attractive figure.

This is important: If you have unexplained weight gain, see your endocrinologist. The specialist will conduct an accurate examination with the delivery of the necessary tests, the results of which will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Weight loss after childbirth without dieting

Ksenia Borodina was able to lose weight after giving birth - at the moment, the TV presenter has two children. The first transformation cost the woman 16 kilograms shed. At the time of losing weight, rumors about a special system reappeared, which today the girl is actively promoting herself. But at that time, Ksenia Borodina did not follow a diet, but simply refused high-calorie foods. At the same time, the young mother walked in the park with a stroller - at least 2 hours a day, walking up to several kilometers. The second birth contributed to the set of more than 10 extra pounds, which the young mother twice got rid of in just 3 months, starting training after 40 days. What is the secret of success? The nutrition of Ksenia Borodina is now based on fruits and vegetables, with the addition of protein foods - the young mother still does not adhere to diets. But from training, the woman preferred a new simulator with the presence of electrical muscle stimulation.

A new fashion trend is called ESM training, which is carried out in a special suit - its weight is at least 3 kg. Electrodes are sewn into the suit, sending an electronic impulse to the muscles during training - a double effect on fat cells is obtained. During training, a personal trainer works with Ksenia Borodina, who assesses the condition of the trainee himself and regulates the supply of electric current. The diet of Ksenia Borodina is proper nutrition, and sports are ESM workouts that helped a woman get rid of more than 10 extra pounds in a couple of months.

Fundamentals of proper nutrition and diet

As mentioned above, the diet of Ksenia Borodina consists in proper nutrition, which mainly contains vegetables and fruits. With the help of a properly composed menu, a woman was able to lose weight and significantly change. As a result, in recent years, the TV presenter boasts a weight of 48 kg and no fat on the curves of her body.

Through proper nutrition, everyone can lose weight, even without the use of complex and strict diets - this is what Ksenia Borodina herself thinks, therefore she shares the secrets of her transformation and stable weight retention:

  • Fatty, fried, sweet and muffin should be abandoned - these are “reliable” enemies of harmony, because they contain a lot of carbohydrates and fats.
  • It is necessary to forget about seasonings in the form of mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces and other additives, because they are the cause of cellulite formation. They are not recommended to use even without a diet and weight loss.
  • The menu should include vegetables, herbs, some fruits, boiled or steamed meat and fish.
  • Every day you need to drink up to 2 liters of water - it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Half an hour before meals, a glass of water must be consumed - this technique can also be used on a diet, since this reduces appetite, a quick feeling of fullness comes with less volume consumed.
  • It is imperative to adhere to fractional nutrition - eat food in small portions, but 5-6 times a day. On a diet, it is important to exclude the feeling of hunger, because in the future you can break loose.
  • Salt and sugar are excluded from daily nutrition - for the first time on a diet, it is enough to simply reduce them in quantitative consumption.
  • Replace white bread with cereal.

Ksenia Borodina herself claims that you can easily lose weight if you use a diet based on eating soups. This first dish contains fewer calories, and its absorption in the body is much longer. After a small bowl of soup, you can walk full up to 4 hours.

Practical advice: If you choose a diet on soups, it is better to use puree soup - it better envelops the walls of the stomach, preventing the development of diseases of the digestive tract, and is also absorbed by the body longer than usual.

How Ksenia Borodina lost weight only she herself can tell, because the truth lies in healthy nutrition. Fraudsters and unscrupulous manufacturers of weight loss products used the name of the TV presenter and claimed that the grapefruit diet, the activated charcoal diet, the pill diet, and much more helped her lose weight. Ksenia Borodina herself claims that there was still an unsuccessful experience of taking pills in order not to break loose and lose weight even more. True, after that the woman had to fight again with unjustifiably gained extra pounds. Therefore, today, as an emergency transformation, a woman uses a cucumber diet. The cucumber diet lasts Ksenia Borodina no more than 3 days - this allows the TV presenter to lose up to 2 kg of weight, and she no longer needs it.

Also, a woman with an acute desire to eat something harmful turns to cucumbers, which she prefers to most vegetables. The benefit of cucumber is the content of tartronic acid, which breaks down carbohydrates and prevents them from being deposited in fat cells.

The cucumber diet from Ksenia Borodina is as follows:

  • for breakfast, fresh cucumber salad and one boiled egg are used;
  • for lunch - cucumber salad and a piece of lean meat, a piece of grain bread, herbal tea are also allowed;
  • for an afternoon snack - cucumber salad;
  • for dinner - a salad of cucumbers and green vegetables, herbs, you can season everything with a teaspoon of olive oil or lemon juice.

During the day on a diet, you can drink up to 2 liters of fluid, including herbal teas. With a strong feeling of hunger, you can eat a cucumber - during a cucumber diet, this is not forbidden. Thanks to the diet, Ksenia Borodina returns to shape, delighting fans with her elegance and harmony. From the foregoing, it follows that the diet of Ksenia Borodina from Doma-2 is just fiction and pranks of unscrupulous manufacturers of weight loss products. Proper nutrition helped the TV presenter and the young mother to lose weight after giving birth, and the girl uses the cucumber diet only on occasion, on the eve of a grand event. Ksenia Borodina, instead of a diet, tries to choose sports - classes in the fitness room, on simulators, and dancing. Therefore, the girl is always cheerful and looks young, radiating positive and gracefulness.

Top 7 best drugs for weight loss:

Name Price
990 rub.
147 rub.
990 rub.
1980 rub. 1 rub.(until 03.03.2020)
1190 rub.
990 rub.
990 rub.

The “We lose weight by 12 kg in a week” diet is a relatively new method of dealing with extra pounds, developed by a well-known blogger, TV presenter and actress. The first person to test this program was Ksyusha herself - by her own example, the girl showed the effectiveness of the technique.

Ksenia Borodina is not a nutritionist or nutritionist. Her nutritional advice is not the ultimate truth, which she mentions more than once in various interviews. But the girl’s diet “Lose weight in a week by 12 kg” turned out to be very effective, as evidenced by the positive feedback from a large number of star fans.

The celebrity released the book “Lose Weight Together with Ksenia Borodina”, the circulation of which was immediately taken apart. Book reviews are highly negative. The fact is that readers expected some specific steps and descriptions of actions to the figure of their dreams, but received only recommendations in matters of nutrition, psychology and sports. It also describes the protein express diet of Ksenia Borodina “Lose weight by 12 kg in a week”.

The express method "We lose weight in a week by 12 kg" is based on a balanced proper diet, which cannot but give positive results. Competently composed does not allow disruptions and deviations from the rules. The program provides for such an energy value of the menu that satisfies all the needs of the body. Therefore, during the course, there will be no feelings of hunger and thoughts of eating something forbidden.

Grocery list

During the period of weight loss, it is necessary to make a menu of low-calorie foods.

Borodina advises to focus on green vegetables, fruits and herbs. In priority:

  • cucumbers;
  • Lettuce leaves;
  • Sorrel;
  • White and cauliflower;
  • Green pepper;
  • Green vegetable soup.

During the diet and after its completion, the menu should not include high-calorie foods:

  • Bread and confectionery;
  • Fatty and fried foods;
  • Canned food, pickles and marinade;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks and packaged juices.

Ksenia Borodina focuses on the fact that the protein express diet “We lose weight by 12 kg in a week” does not contain anything starchy and sweet.

Menu for the week

Every morning, the TV presenter begins with a glass of clean water on an empty stomach. During the day, between meals, Ksenia also does not forget.

An approximate diet of a star, close to her daily diet:


  • Breakfast: with chicken chop, tea;
  • Lunch: orange;
  • Lunch: boiled beef with canned red beans and cucumbers;
  • Afternoon snack: protein shake;
  • Dinner: fish tartar.


  • Breakfast: on the water with nuts and dried fruits;
  • Lunch: ;
  • Lunch: grilled chicken breast with vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: berry-banana pie;
  • Dinner: mussels in cream.


  • Breakfast: flaxseed porridge with pieces of fruit;
  • Lunch: ½;
  • Lunch: beetroot, chicken;
  • Snack: Whole wheat pancakes with poppy seed filling;
  • Dinner: arugula salad with tuna.


  • Breakfast: coffee with two slices;
  • Lunch: pear;
  • Lunch: potato mousse with porcini mushrooms;
  • Afternoon snack: protein shake;
  • Dinner: beef steak with green vegetables.


  • Breakfast: protein omelet with tomatoes;
  • Lunch: a couple of peaches or;
  • Lunch: rice soup with light broth, meatloaf;
  • Afternoon snack: farm duck pie;
  • Dinner: cucumber and green pepper salad.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with raisins and figs, coffee with milk;
  • Lunch: two slices;
  • Lunch: green bean and turkey salad;
  • Afternoon snack: risotto with mushrooms;
  • Dinner: diet liver cake;


  • Breakfast: apple-rice casserole, tea;
  • Lunch: quince or apple;
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast with cucumber;
  • Afternoon snack: pate with rice chutney and cranberry sauce;
  • Dinner: kale and spinach salad.

The protein diet is not entirely complete in its chemical composition, therefore, if it is observed, it is necessary to drink a high-quality vitamin complex from a pharmacy in parallel.

The official website of Borodina has advertisements for dairy and European producers on its pages. Borodina believes that these funds can replace a full meal with a busy work schedule and no time to prepare healthy meals.

Reviews of Ksyusha's subscribers only with words of gratitude - indeed, in force majeure situations, a high-quality protein mixture helps out. Borodina also uses the new and relevant services of Moscow restaurants - "Eco-friendly food at home", when not food is delivered directly to the door, but ready-made meals only with the calculation of BJU and taking into account the principles of proper nutrition.

Cucumber Express Diet

If you need to lose a couple of kilograms and remove excess fluid from the body, the TV presenter recommends.

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The express course menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast: whole grain toast with fresh cucumber, unsweetened tea;
  • Lunch: , salad of cucumbers and herbs, seasoned;
  • Dinner: whole cucumbers or a salad of them.

At least 3-4 cucumbers should be consumed per day. The duration may vary depending on the goals and the state of health of the losing weight. Ksenia Borodina herself does not recommend sitting on such a menu for more than 5-7 days. At the end of the diet, it builds to switch to a complete balanced diet, presented above. A second express course is possible only after a couple of weeks.

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Not a single express method of losing weight will save the results obtained for a long time in the absence of physical activity. Ksenia Borodina encourages all diet participants to actively engage in sports - it does not have to be exhausting physical activity for several hours a day. Enough to lead an active lifestyle.

Ksyusha herself immediately after the birth of the child began to walk a lot with the baby. Regular walking is an ideal alternative to sports sections, for which there is not always enough time. Of course, when this became possible, the TV presenter immediately began to visit the gym.

Borodina claims that the protein express diet “We lose weight by 12 kg per week” will definitely give positive changes if it is strictly observed.

Secrets of a slim figure

Ksenia Borodina is under the gun of video cameras, which obliges her to always look perfect. The protein express diet “Lose weight in a week by 12 kg”, of course, gives its results, but it is not enough to be in shape all year round. To maintain the desired figure on it is necessary:

  1. Make a menu in advance, make a choice in favor of healthy natural products, avoiding fast foods and gastronomic "garbage";
  2. Great motivation and desire to look good - thoughts materialize;
  3. Fully know and meet the needs of your body. To do this, you need to undergo a medical examination, calculate your ideal weight and draw up a plan of action. When the protein express diet “Lose weight in a week by 12 kg” is over, a person should know which foods will benefit him, which ones will be deposited only in fats and constantly monitor his menu;
  4. Get in the habit of drinking water regularly - up to 2 liters every day;
  5. Exclude the option of complete starvation - this will not lead to anything good;
  6. Constantly maintain a normal level of metabolism with manual and hardware lymphatic drainage;
  7. Practice the use of fasting days on cucumbers or rice, especially after festive feasts, in which the menu is rich in fatty and fried foods, alcoholic beverages.

Xenia's protein diet "Lose weight by 12 kg in a week" is the only "brainchild" of the TV presenter. The girl has nothing to do with various dietary supplements, slimming drugs in boxes and most of the dubious weight loss methods attributed to her. Borodina really regrets that every second dubious site profits from advertising her name.

Ksenia Borodina actively communicates with her fans on the Internet, she has promoted pages in instagram(6.8 million subscribers) and in