Perennial rudbeckia - varieties with photos, planting seeds, care. Growing rudbeckia from seeds Rudbeckia dissected perennial planting and care

Ornamental plants are the best decoration for any home or garden. They become a stylish element of landscape design, enlivening and harmonizing the space.

One of the representatives of the flora overseas, but adapted to our conditions, is the bright and colorful annual rudbeckia, the cultivation of which from seeds is available to flower growers.

It is also actively used in landscape design, performing the function of decorating flower beds and living borders. Unpretentiousness and ease of propagation and cultivation make it more and more popular among flora lovers.

How to grow annual rudbeckia from seeds

Rudbeckia ( Rudbeckia) got its name according to the classification of Carl Linnaeus, in honor of the famous Swiss family of botanists, the Rudbecks. The genus includes about 40 annual and perennial species and belongs to the family Asteraceae or Compositae.

The first settlers of America who paid attention to this flower were given the name "Black-eyed Susanna". This is the name of the plant in its homeland in North America, the "Golden Ball" rudbeckia is called in Germany.

Botanical description of the plant

Annual species have some characteristic features. So, in height, the stems of adult specimens grow from 30 to 300 cm. The leaves are oval or ovoid in shape, they usually reach about 20 cm in length, they are pinnately dissected or divided in shape, there are whole leaves. In the lower part of the plant, they have long petioles, the upper ones are sessile.

An adult bush can grow up to 1.5 m. Flowers are collected in a basket inflorescence, the receptacle of which has a convex shape. They are located on high peduncles, 10-15 cm in diameter with membranous bracts.

Baskets are distinguished by the brightness of reed flowers that do not bear fruit. Some varieties are golden yellow, while others are golden yellow to brownish. But all flowers have a very bright color. The middle flowers are tubular, also of different colors, from yellow to black-brown, bisexual. From them, the fruit develops into an achene.

Two ways to grow: seedlings and seeds

Growing any variety is possible with seedlings and seeds. Each method has its fans, since both have both advantages and disadvantages.

When planning to grow from seed, it is important to pay attention to soil selection. The time for planting is no less important: since each variety requires the right temperature when planting in the ground.

Annual varieties can only be propagated by seeds. If you provide for all the conditions and comply with the basic requirements, then planting with seeds guarantees a good result.

Seed preparation

For propagation by seeds, you can buy planting material in the store or collect it yourself. When collecting seeds at home, the rules for seed preparation should be taken into account, since the store material has already gone through the drying process and the necessary pre-sowing treatment.

Preparation is an important stage in planting seeds for seedlings. Of particular importance is the process of maintaining the water balance of the seed. Seeds are preliminarily kept in water at room temperature for 15-20 hours. Then dry on a paper towel. Before sowing, seeds prepared in this way are mixed with river sand.

The best time for planting seeds: March - early April, so that in June the seedlings of flowers get stronger for planting in open ground. Flowers are planted at the end of the last June frosts.

Soil preparation

Rudbeckia is not demanding on the composition of the soil: a universal type substrate is suitable for normal seed germination, which can be purchased at a specialized store. But you can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, peat soil and sand are combined, and for better disinfection, they heat it in the oven or pour boiling water over it, then allowing it to cool before planting the seeds.

Ready-made soil is filled with containers (boxes or ordinary flower pots of sufficient volume). The seeds are laid out, evenly distributing them over the surface and sprinkling with a small layer of earth or sand.

Seedling Care

Watering is best done with a spray bottle so as not to erode the soil and damage the seedlings. Until seedlings appear, containers with seeds should be covered with glass or film. It is necessary to regularly ventilate and spray them, observing that condensation does not appear.

Planting containers are best placed in a lit place, protected from direct sunlight. Whenshoots appear. The recommended pecking temperature is 20 degrees. If a constant temperature and humidity is maintained, seedlings should appear in 10 to 12 days.

When can seedlings be planted in the ground

Plants are not planted in a flower bed until the probability of the return of spring frosts disappears. Until this time, rudbeckia should be warm.

During this period, they are prepared for future planting in a flower bed, they are taken out into the street in pots or boxes, gradually increasing the time spent where they can harden.

You can also sow seeds directly into the ground, waiting for the maximum warming of the soil, and in most regions of the country this period does not begin until mid-June. Flowering with this method may not occur.

When choosing a place for the permanent growth of rudbeckia, it is important to highlight areas illuminated by the sun. A plant that is in partial shade will grow, but will begin to flower later and the flowers will be faded.

flower care

After planting flower seedlings in the ground, plant care includes:

  • watering,
  • top dressing,
  • weeding,
  • earth loosening,
  • pruning,
  • pest control.

Watering plants moderate, as the land dries up. If there is enough rain during the flowering season, additional moisture may not be needed.

top dressing important for active growth and flowering, especially on infertile soil. Two top dressings per season are enough: the first should be done during the development of green mass, the second - at the stage of ovary formation. Flowers are not demanding on the types of fertilizers: any top dressing for flowering plants sold in stores is suitable. Apply fertilizer to the soil or use an aqueous solution during irrigation.

Weed removal contributes to the healthy development of plants. You can combine weeding with loosening the soil.

Pruning annual varieties produced throughout the flowering period. They do it in order to prolong the flowering season and at the same time preserve the decorativeness of the bushes. The pruning procedure involves removing dead stems and buds, as needed.

Pest control. The unpretentiousness of rudbeckia is manifested not only in rapid growth and active flowering, but also in resistance to pest attack. This danger is reduced with good flower care. Sometimes the leaves or stems show signs of the presence of pests.

  • The appearance of brown spots on the leaves may be a herald of the attack of leaf nematodes.
  • Yellowing of the leaves and mechanical damage means the appearance of aphids, garden mites or other garden inhabitants.

From insects, plants are treated with insecticides, which can be purchased at the store.

Annual varieties with photos and names

Plants with an annual life cycle have varieties with distinctive features.

Covering (Rudbeckia amplexicauli)

It blooms for a long time - from June to September. The name of the plant comes from the unusual arrangement of reed flowers, the petals of which fall down, as if clasping the stem, making flower arrangements very aesthetic; Flower up to 80 cm, see photo:

Hairy or hirta (Rudbeckia hirta)

Grow both annuals and perennials. Its varieties have pubescent stems and simple or double flower baskets, up to 10 cm. Tall, has a meter stem. The petals of basket flowers have a specific color: bright yellow at the edges, towards the middle the petals become dark brown.

Many different hybrids have been bred from Hirta by breeders, there are varieties from golden yellow to orange among undersized rudbecks (up to 35 cm). Popular varieties: Cherry, Goldflam, Toto Rustic.

Cherry Brandy - a kind of hairy. A low plant up to 60 cm with bright golden or burgundy flowers turning into different halftones. Basket up to 10cm in size. It looks good in flower beds, next to flowers of light colors and colorings. Resistant to cutting.

"Marmalade" - variety (Rudbeckia hirta). The flower grows up to 60 cm with yellow-bronze petals and large flowers. The flowering period of the marmalade variety is long, lasting all summer. Photo below:

Toto Rustic(Toto Rustic) - grown as an annual and as a perennial plant. It forms compact bushes up to 30 cm tall, the flower basket is distinguished by a two-color color of reed flowers. Used in group plantings, it looks bright next to cereal plants, along fences and fences, emphasizing the rural style.

Three-lobed (Rudbeckia triloba). It has stems branched to the base, covered with branches with medium-sized flowers. The height of the stems is up to 140 cm, the bush is straight and unstable. The flowers are yellow with a black center, arranged quite often, the bush looks magnificent. They don't bloom for long. They like partial shade and moderately dry soil, but fertile.

Frequent cutting of flowers prolongs flowering, some flowers can be left to ripen to get seeds. Looks good with zinnias, delphinium, goldenrod.

Riesenfeude forms a tall bush with large baskets of flowers, tubular flowers form a cylindrical shape in the middle of the flower.


This is a type of annual plant, characterized by long stems, up to 1 meter and a convex receptacle (up to 2 cm), from tubular flowers. This variety got its name due to an interesting transition in the shade of the flower from golden to orange and brownish;

It blooms profusely until frost, can grow in light partial shade, but full shade affects the growth and condition of the plant. Soils like loamy, moist.

"Autumn forest" (Herbstwald) is a popular variety of bicolor rudbeckia. A bushy and lush plant up to 70 cm. Basket up to 7 cm, from tubular flowers of dark, almost brown color in the middle of the inflorescence and marginal reed petals. Marginal flowers are arranged in several rows (varieties with single-row petals are also found), of different colors (from yellow to red-brown tones).

Medicinal use and design

The unpretentiousness in care and the aesthetic appearance characteristic of rudbeckia are complemented by its medicinal properties. A wide range of rudbeckia properties is used by fans of traditional medicine and a healthy lifestyle, and by people who love to decorate their homes with natural plant compositions.

Healing properties

Rudbeckia has a range of useful properties, so it has long been used for therapeutic purposes. The healing properties are determined by the rich chemical composition of the plant. The leaves and flowers contain a set of essential vitamins, valuable sugars, tannins, alkaloids, saponins.

The substance scopoletin, belonging to the category of coumarins, performs an antibacterial, antispasmodic effect. Successfully fights inflammation, slowing down the development of diseases. Among them are diseases of a respiratory and neuralgic nature, inflammation of the gallbladder, and skin lesions.

For medicinal purposes, infusions are used, which are prepared from flowers or leaves, fresh or dried. Sometimes preparations are prepared based on the roots of the plant. When using a drug from a plant, you need to check your body for sensitivity to them.

For landscaping decoration

The bright colors inherent in rudbeckia inflorescences make it the best decoration, both as the main component of landscape design and as a bright addition to the main composition. They are used to decorate flower beds, framing a fence or border. The flower looks good on alpine slides and in a solo version.

Watch the video: Rudbeckia, cultivation and care

Some gardeners prefer mono-compositions, others dilute the bushes with other colors. Bright and harmonious compositions can be obtained by combining rudbeckia with chrysanthemums, asters, lobutaria or daisies. Of the simple flowers with which flowers coexist and are harmonious, calendula, marigolds and gaillardia.

The choice of planting method depends on the design ideas of gardeners: if you want to create an imitation of a rural garden, it would be ideal to place rudbeckia interspersed with daisies, creating simplicity and lightness. A design containing this flower interspersed with asters will be more noble and strict. For the autumn garden, the best combination of "black-eyed suzanne" will be chrysanthemums and asters.

Growing annual rudbeckia from seeds will be a useful experience for beginner flower growers, an ideal decoration for a personal plot of any design direction.

By following the recommendations of planting and care specialists, it is possible to ensure successful reproduction and flowering of this plant. Rudbeckia will delight with bright sunny flowers until late autumn, and therapeutic properties will help in improving health.

Health to you, dear readers!

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Rudbeckia is an annual or perennial plant from the Astrov family, uniting several dozen varieties.

In nature, flowers grow mainly in North America, for decorative purposes they are grown mainly in Europe.

Rudbeckia grows in wet meadows, forest edges and among shrubs.

In garden plots, the plant loves moisture, especially during a period of intensive growth.

The soil must be fertile, not acidic and not heavy.

In all other respects, these flowers are quite unpretentious. In the temperate climate zone, rudbeckia can be grown in sunny or slightly shaded areas.

Rudbeckia photo: variety selection

All varieties of rudbeckia are divided into annual (biennial) and perennial.

The most popular annuals include:

. Rudbeckia hairy

These flowers are grown as an annual or biennial. The plant has branched stems, the leaves are shaped like an egg. Inflorescences in size reach 10 cm. The color is rich yellow. Gardeners most often plant low varieties up to 35 cm (Goldflamme), 45 cm (Indian Summer) and 60 cm (Goldstrum). The Goldflamme variety has a beautiful red-brown center.

. Rudbeckia bicolor

It grows up to 70 cm. The inflorescences are bright, up to 8 cm. They have two rows of orange and yellow flowers, sometimes with a black base. The flowering period falls in June and continues until the first cold weather. The most popular variety - Herbstwald - a plant up to half a meter in height with burgundy-brown flowers up to 7 cm.

. Rudbeckia clasp

It grows up to 80 cm. The leaves are oval or oblong-sharp. Color from bright yellow to brown.

. Rudbeckia triloba

A lush, but short flowering plant, reaching a height of 140 cm. The leaves are rich green, oval. Inflorescences are small, dark brown in color.

Among the perennials are:

. Rudbeckia brilliant (radiant)

Perennial flowers up to 60 cm in height. The leaves are elongated, narrowed. Flowers up to 9 cm, formed from orange and rich red flowers. One of the varieties - rudbeckia variabilis, is distinguished by orange-yellow, and in the middle - purple flowers. The Goldstar variety is also common with golden flowers and a protruding brown center.

. Rudbeckia dissected

Grows up to two meters. The flowers are large, up to 10 cm. Formed from several rows of bright and light yellow flowers. The most popular variety is the Golden Ball - double flowers up to 10 cm in size. The plant is highly frost-resistant. Flowering occurs at the end of June - beginning of July.

. Rudbeckia western

An unusual plant resembling a chamomile. Some varieties are devoid of reed flowers and look like a black cone surrounded by greenish bracts. Bushes grow up to 150 cm.

. Rudbeckia giant

Very tall, drought and frost tolerant plant. Leaves are bright green and waxy. The flowers are yellow in color, grow on a protruding cone-shaped receptacle.

. Rudbeckia glossy

Bush up to two meters with bright shiny foliage. The size of the inflorescences is 11-12 cm. The flowers are green and yellow. The varieties Goldshirm and Herbstonn look very harmonious on the site.

. Rudbeckia is beautiful

The height of the flowers is only 50 cm. The leaves are rounded, the flowers are up to 10 cm, orange-yellow in color.

. Rudbeckia hybrid

The inflorescences are very large (up to 20 cm), the color is yellow or yellowish-brown. Some flowers are purple in color. Flowering begins in June. The plant is frost-resistant, does not need to be covered for the winter.

Planting and caring for rudbeckia: sowing (photo)

All varieties of the plant (with the exception of terry ones) reproduce generatively. Perennials can reproduce by dividing the roots. If you do not want to deal with seedlings, you can sow the seeds directly into the soil. This is done towards the end of June.

Seeds are sown on prepared beds with an interval of 15 cm. A small layer of soil is poured on top, then the beds are sprinkled abundantly. In autumn, rosettes with leaves will sprout, which will turn into lush bushes the next year.


Reproduction by seedlings should begin at the end of March. Seeds are sown in containers and sprinkled on top with a small layer of earth. Then they are gently sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

If you cover the boxes with foil and maintain the temperature at 21-22 degrees, shoots will appear in 1-2 weeks. During this time, the earth should be moistened and periodically ventilated. Film condensation must be removed.

As soon as two pairs of leaves appear, the seedlings need to be planted at large distances from each other. Then they can begin to leave for several hours on the balcony.

Planting rudbeckia in the ground (photo), further care

Rudbeckia is planted in open ground at the end of May, when night frosts disappear. For the plant, you need to choose a sunny place with fertile and cultivated soil. Sand is added to clay soil for digging. In general, it is recommended to enrich any soil before planting a plant with compost. You can also choose a semi-shady area - rudbeckia will grow well here.

The process of planting rudbeckia is shown in the photo. The plant is planted in open ground at a distance of up to 40 cm. If summer has already come, the seedlings will quickly take root. If the spring has dragged on and the nights are still cold, in the evening the flowers should be covered with agrospan. This is done until the seedlings are accepted, then the cold will no longer be dangerous.

In one place, annuals grow from three to five years, therefore, after planting, it is advisable to mulch the earth with a layer of compost (up to 8 cm).

The planting procedure itself does not have any features: first, the soil is enriched with fertile components, then a hole is dug. The plant is added dropwise with the top layer of soil, watered and mulched at the end.

Rudbeckia care (photo)

Rudbeckia is a rather unassuming plant. It needs moderate watering, because when the soil is excessively moist, it gets wet, but even with severe drought it feels bad. It is better to water the flowers at the same time - in the morning or in the evening. In hot weather, the frequency of watering should be increased.

After watering, the soil is loosened, while weeds are removed. Long plants need to be tied to supports to avoid breaking the stems. Withered inflorescences are removed with part of the peduncle to the top healthy leaves.

top dressing

Rudbeckia care necessarily includes top dressing. This process is not difficult. Top dressing is carried out every year before flowering. For this, moderate portions of complex fertilizers are used. They are brought into the ground or sprayed around the inflorescences. The procedure for feeding and caring for rudbeckia can be seen in the photo. Gardeners often use potash fertilizers before flowering begins.

At the beginning of the season, flowers can be fertilized with a solution consisting of nitrophoska (a tablespoon), potassium sulfate (a tablespoon) and agricola-7 (the same amount). The listed components are dissolved in 10 liters of water. 3 liters of fertilizer are required per 1 m2. After 14 days, the procedure is repeated.

Rudbeckia care: pests and diseases (photo)

Rudbeckia often becomes the object of attention of the leaf nematode, which grinds through its leaves. Brown spots appear on the foliage, after which it becomes thinner and dies. Fallen damaged leaves should be destroyed immediately. It is important to ensure that it does not accidentally get into the compost. If an annual is damaged in the fall, all plant residues must be burned, and the site should be properly dug up and spilled with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Rudbeckias can be attacked by leaf-eating insects such as caterpillars and grubs. In general, the plant rarely gets sick and is exposed to pests if planting and caring for rudbeckia are carried out according to agrotechnical requirements.

Perennial rudbeckia is a very beautiful plant that is popular with many gardeners. And it is not surprising, because in inclement autumn weather it is it that will remind you of sunny warm days with its flowers, similar to small suns. Rudbeckia is also loved for its ease of care and unpretentiousness.

From the history

Rudbeckia (Rudbeckia) is a plant that belongs to the genus Herbaceous and the family Asteraceae. There are annual, biennial and perennial representatives of this culture. In total there are about 40 species. North America is considered the homeland, where rudbeckia is still found in large numbers on the prairies today. When the first settlers appeared on the territory of North America, they called the flower "black-eyed Susanna", after the appearance of Europeans, it was called "sun hat".


The plant got its current name in honor of the Swiss botanists - the father and son of the Rudbeks. Today, rudbeckia is common in many countries of Europe and Africa as an ornamental perennial or annual crop.

Important! Many mistakenly believe that rudbeckia and echinacea are the same plant. They are outwardly similar, and the homeland is the same continent. But there are differences. It is also worth understanding that echinacea has a number of useful medicinal properties, and information about the similar benefits of rudbeckia is an unconfirmed myth.


The great advantage of rudbeckia is that even before flowering, the bush of this plant is of high decorative value. The height of the bushes depends on the variety and can be from 0.5 to 2.5 meters. Some species even reach 3 meters. Stems are straight or branched.

The leaves are whole, from 5 to 20 cm. In the lower part of the plant, they are located on cuttings, and in the upper part they are sessile. Depending on the variety, they can be different: oval, whole, pinnately dissected, ovoid, pinnatipartite.

Inflorescences are represented by baskets (about 15 cm), which are framed by petals. Their color can be completely different, ranging from traditional yellow to purple-black.

The height of the bushes depends on the variety

After flowering, fruits are formed in the form of an oblong achene, which in some cases is framed by a small crown. The seeds are dark gray in color and small in size.

On a note. Brilliant rudbeckia seeds retain their germination capacity for 2-3 years.

The main types of plants

Rudbeckia is divided into an annual (biennial) plant and a perennial. Each of them is represented by a large number of species. Some of them are found in natural conditions, others are intended for growing in home gardens or in pots at home. The most common and popular varieties should be considered.

Rudbeckia fine or beautiful

Perennial, which reaches 50-60 cm in height, with oblong, slightly rounded leaves. The edges are jagged with irregularities. The flowers are bright orange. Mostly found in moist soils of North America.

Rudbeckia is beautiful

Rudbeckia brilliant

A perennial that reaches a height of 60 cm, while it is distinguished by whole, narrow lanceolate leaves. Inflorescences reach 9 cm and consist of orange or dark red tubular flowers. In nature, there are varieties of rudbeckia Hirta, Goldstar, Goldsturm, which have golden flower petals and a brown core.

Rudbeckia dissected

This plant reaches a height of up to 2 meters. Rudbeckia dissected is distinguished by a strongly branched horizontal rhizome. Pinnately divided leaves are located on powerful stems. The inflorescence has a diameter of 10 cm, it consists of 1-3 bright yellow flowers.

dwarf species

This is a small dwarf plant that does not exceed 30 cm in height. Most often, dwarf rudbeckia is used for growing on border beds, in indoor pots or on balconies and loggias. The color of flowers (diameter - up to 10 cm) can be varied: from yellow to purple-black.

Rudbeckia Dwarf species

Rudbeckia terry or hairy

A separate type of rudbeckia, which combines many varieties. Coloring can be varied. There is white, blue, red, yellow rudbeckia. Shoots up to 1 meter high. The plant lives no more than 2 years and reproduces with flowers. This species is distinguished by the presence of a hard pile on the foliage and shoots.

Basket inflorescences abundantly cover the bushes during the flowering period. Flowers are about 10cm in diameter.

Rudbeckia hybrid

This is a large group that combines hybrids of various varieties of garden plants (hairy, glossy and sprawling). The stems are hard, leafy, reach a height of up to 70 cm. The upper leaves sit on the stem, the lower ones grow on petioles. Hybrid rudbeckia is distinguished by rather large inflorescences, the diameter of which reaches 19 cm. The flower petals resemble tongues in shape, most often painted yellow, sometimes yellow-brown representatives are found. The fruit is a small achene in which dark black shiny seeds are located.

Interesting fact. There are approximately 1800 pieces in one gram, and germination lasts up to 3 years.

Rudbeckia hybrid

The best varieties of perennial rudbeckia

Today, there are a huge number of varieties of this plant on sale. Each of them is worthy of attention, but it is still worth highlighting the most popular:

  1. Rudbeckia Cappuccino is a representative of the hairy species. The cappuccino is distinguished by a straight, slightly branched stem, on which inflorescences of about 8 cm are formed. The tubular flowers are painted in coffee red, and the lingual ones have an orange-yellow hue. Differs in abundant flowering until late autumn. Planting and care of Cappuccino rudbeckia is not much different from other representatives of similar colors.
  2. Variety Marmalade belongs to the Compositae family. During the season, a huge number of inflorescences are formed. The flowers are very large, the leaf platins seem to hover above the core and are densely covered with hairs.
  3. Rudbeckia hairy Mareno is a perennial herbaceous plant that has dark red flowers. It has relatively early flowering from July to October.
  4. Rudbeckia Amber. Srednerosly plant, up to 60 cm, which is characterized by good resistance to drought. Flowers are golden yellow. The diameter of the inflorescences is about 10 cm.
  5. Rudbeckia Golden Ball has been very common since ancient times. This is a perennial plant that reaches a height of 2.5 meters. The flowers are shaggy and resemble a small beautiful yellow ball. Popular because of its unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases.
  6. Rudbeckia purpurea. This variety is a very close relative of Echinacea. Powerful shoots reach a height of up to 1 m. The first inflorescences appear in mid-July, in colder regions - in early August. The flower can be up to 10 cm in diameter.
  7. Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy. Rudbeckia stems of this variety are about 0.5 meters high. The flowers of the plant have a cherry color with a dark burgundy color. They look great in flower beds and are used in landscape design. There is a rudbeckia variety Cherry Brandy annual or perennial.
  8. Rudbeckia Toto belongs to the hairy variety. This is a dwarf bush, the height of which does not exceed 30 cm. It looks good in border compositions and other flower beds.
  9. Another popular undersized variety is Goldsturm brilliant rudbeckia, whose flowers are yellow with a dark core. The variety of rudbeckia Goldsturm perfectly tolerates weather changes and pleases with beautiful flowers for a long time.
  10. One of the most common hybrids is Gloria Daisy, whose height does not exceed 70 cm. The original plant during breeding was hairy rudbeckia. Differs in abundant flowering, capable of self-sowing.

Rudbeckia golden ball

On a note. No less popular among gardeners are such varieties as Rudbeckia Terry Hat, Mokka, Cherokee Sunset, Green-Eyes, Gold Flamme, White Swan, Golden Ray, Little Goldstar, Herbston, Vanabalis, Fulgida and others.


Rudbeckia can be planted by growing seedlings or by sowing in open ground. In the latter case, the seeds are sown in May, in colder regions - in early June. By autumn, the plant will sprout, and it will be possible to plant the seedlings in a permanent place. If planting occurs immediately in a permanent place, then abundant flowering can be expected next year.

You can also sow seeds and seedlings at home. Sowing is carried out in April. At the end of May, it will already be possible to plant seedlings in the beds.

Important! The plant is not demanding on the soil, it can grow even on clay soils, but it is still better to choose a fertile area with good lighting.

Features of care

Note. Rudbeckia is a very unpretentious plant, even a beginner who is not experienced in floriculture can take care of it.

Rudbeckia is a very unpretentious plant.

Rudbeckia does not belong to capricious crops, therefore, for its good growth, simple agricultural measures are sufficient:

  1. Timely watering. The plant loves sunny places, so it is important to monitor the condition of the soil. The occurrence of a period of slight drought will not affect the bushes. During the period of active growth, watering intensifies, this will help to get more abundant flowering.
  2. Pruning. To ensure abundant and long flowering, regular pruning of dry inflorescences is required. For the winter, the bushes are cut off completely, additionally sheltering from frost with spruce branches and dry foliage.
  3. Top dressing. For active growth, it is enough to feed the flower twice a season. For the first time, complex mineral fertilizers are applied (1 tbsp Agricola is diluted in a bucket of water and about 3 liters of solution are poured under each bush) in early spring to help form a powerful root system. The second time top dressing is performed after 20 days. The ideal option would be the following composition: for 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp is taken. l. nitrophoska and finished fertilizer Ross. Consumption - 3 liters under the bush.


In addition to sowing seeds, for propagation, you can use the method of dividing the bushes. It is recommended to carry out the division every 5-6 years. The old bush is dug up and divided into parts. Then new plants are planted in compliance with the distance.

Rudbeckia breeding

Important! It is better to engage in reproduction during the period when the plant has already entered the phase of active growth. The ideal time would be early spring or autumn.

Diseases and pests

The advantage of rudbeckia is its high immunity to diseases and pests. In rare cases, powdery mildew can be encountered when growing such flowers. When a white coating appears in the form of specks of flour, measures should be taken: treat with a 1% solution of colloidal sulfur. It is also advisable to use copper sulfate for treatment. 80 gr. is added to a bucket of water. funds.

There are cases of defeat by a leaf nematode. Its appearance will be signaled by brown spots on the leaves, which, if left untreated, die off. Processing is carried out with special preparations. If the treatment did not save, then all damaged areas are removed and burned.

Important! With proper care of flowers, the risk of developing diseases and pest damage is minimal.

Periodically check the foliage of small shrubs for the presence of leaf-eating insects.

Rudbeckia is a perennial flower that will become a worthy decoration of an alpine hill and flower bed. She is very loved for the fact that she retains her attractive original appearance in bouquets for a long time.

Rudbeckia, despite its rather familiar, “rustic” appearance, is very often used by landscape designers in compositions. There are three reasons for this: long, steady flowering, excellent compatibility with most crops, the ability to be decorative in areas under the scorching direct sun, where other garden flowers simply will not survive.

Another popular name for rudbeckia is the golden ball. This is the name of the variety, but gradually it became a household name from a proper name and is often used when talking about terry varieties of rudbeckia in general. In the West, rudbeckia is called "blackaid suzan" ( Black-eyed Susan), that is, Black-eyed Susanna. Another common household foreign name is daisy gloriosa (that is, gloriosa daisy). The Germans call the plant "Sun Hat". It is quite obvious that a plant that has received so many bright, figurative names cannot be boring.


What does rudbeckia look like? Flowers are arranged on straight, medium-leaved stems with a height of 25 cm (for example, the Maroccan Sun variety is 45 cm high or Toto Gold is 25 cm) to 3 m (for example, the Herbssonne variety is 2 m high). A bush in diameter can be from 30 cm to one and a half meters. Stems covered with hairs branched or solitary. Baskets of inflorescences are quite large, from 8 to 15 cm, combined rich autumn colors (bright yellow, bright red, black). A feature that distinguishes rudbeckia from other members of the Astrov family is a convex receptacle that looks like a bump.

Rudbeckia seeds are small, shiny, dark gray (see photo). You can store them for 2-3 years, during this period they retain good germination.

Photo of the lower and upper leaves of rudbeckia.

Rudbeckia is both a perennial and an annual. Theoretically, many varieties are perennials, but they are grown either as annuals or biennials for several reasons: winter frosts - while the plant reproduces well and easily by seeds, thickening and aging of the bush

Species and varieties

Very often rudbeckia is confused with echinacea, we are asked - is it the same thing or not? We explain the difference between these two plants. It is echinacea that can be found on sale under the name rudbeckia purple or pink. Many varieties sold under the erroneous name rudbeckia, such as 'White Swan', are echinacea.

In the title photo, the Tiger Eye variety.

Rudbeckia and echinacea are really very close. In the West, even a trendy hybrid of these two plants appeared - Echibeckia (Echibeckia), we have not yet heard of such a plant.

Echibeckia ‘Summerina Brown Tuin’

Types of rudbeckia:

  1. Rudbeckia clasping (Rudbeckia amplexicaulis)- an annual plant.
  2. Rudbeckia dissected (Rudbeckia laciniata)- it was this species that became the ancestor of the famous variety "Golden Ball", whose name has even become a household name.
  3. Rudbeckia glossy (Rudbeckia nitida)- Another ancestor of the mass of hybrid varieties.
  4. Rudbeckia brilliant (Rudbeckia fulgida)- also became the "source" for many hybrids.
  5. Rudbeckia sun-gazing (Rudbeckia heliopsidis)- a rare plant in cultivation.
  6. Rudbeckia hairy (Rudbeckia hirta)- another species that gave life to so many modern varieties (for example, rudbeckia hirta Cherokee Sunset). It is one of the symbols of the state of Maryland (along with a white oak, a retriever dog, a Baltimore oriole and four more symbols).
  7. Rudbeckia bicolor (Rudbeckia bicolor)- characteristic bicolor flowers.

Photo of dissected rudbeckia - Rudbeckia laciniata

Rudbeckia "Golden Ball"

Rudbeckia nitida

Rudbeckia fulgida

Incomparable hairy rudbeckia (Rudbeckia hirta), photo of the charming variety ‘Prairie Sun’

Rudbeckia bicolor

Varieties of perennial rudbeckia


  1. Goldquelle(in Russia they call Goldkel) - terry golden plentiful flowers-balls, plant height 80-100 cm, winter-hardy.
  2. Maroccan Sun- flowers of different sunny shades, terry, similar to chrysanthemum flowers, long flowering - from the end of June until frost, low bush - 45-50 cm.
  3. Maya- a medal-winning variety, an unusual combination of a compact bush (45 cm) and densely double spherical inflorescences of bright yellow color (diameter 9-12 cm).

Variety Moroccan Sun


  1. Herbssonne- simple yellow flowers, very tall (up to 2 m) bush. In Russia, this variety is called "herbszonne".
  2. black beauty- an exotic variety. There are no reed petals, the flowers are, in fact, black cones, looks great in compositions, height - 120-150 cm.
  3. Toto Gold- low, even dwarf (25-30 cm) container plant with simple sunny flowers 5-7 cm. Grows well in pots, suitable for balconies, terraces. In general, Toto is a series of undersized varieties, very similar and differing only in color.
  4. Toto Rustic- a plant 30 cm high, flowers are large, red-yellow, with a brown middle, very showy, similar to flashes of flame. We often call this variety simply - rustic.
  5. Moreno- an unusual color of the petals, a very deep velvety red. Chocolate core with bright yellow anthers. The flowers are large - 15 cm in diameter. The height of the plant is average - about 65 cm. This is a variety of hairy (sometimes also called hairy) rudbeckia.
  6. Irish Eyes- a tall plant 75 cm, flowers - 10 cm, yellow-orange, wide petals. Feature - light centers with a button.
  7. Gold Sturm- flying flowers (12 cm in diameter), with very expressive spherical almost black centers, bush 60 cm high. Abundant flowering, flowering plant looks like a cloud of exotic bees.
  8. Denver Daisy- bush height 90 cm. Flowers - chamomile, two-color, excellent cut variety.
  9. cherry brandy- low profusely flowering plants, flowers - cherry.
  10. Cordoba- compact bushes, two-tone bright luminous flowers (dark red and yellow). Height - 45-60 cm, suitable for growing in a container.
  11. Henry ailers- rudbection with the narrowest petals, pure yellow flowers, without a golden hue, bush 1.5 m. Valued for grace and delicacy.

In the photo Toto Mix, on the left is the Toto Gold variety.

Variety Moreno (Moreno), the photo does not accurately convey the red tint - such velvety deep tones are quite difficult to photograph.

Rudbeckia brilliant, grade Goldsturm

Sort ‘Denver Daisy’

Rudbeckia 'Cordoba'

Sort Henry eilers


  1. Annual plants are grown from seeds.
  2. Perennials, as a rule, by daughter rosettes, or by dividing the bush.

On sale you can find both seeds and rhizomes.

Rudbeckia seeds

seedling method

  1. Sowing in early April. The optimum temperature for seedlings is 15-20°C.
  2. The seeds are only slightly sprinkled with earth, or slightly pressed in, the box is covered with glass.
  3. Sprayed from a spray bottle.
  4. Seedlings - after 2 weeks.

This is how rudbeckia grows.

seedling care

Two weeks before planting, you should begin to accustom the plants to the open air.

Young plants are planted in open ground at the end of May, or at another time - it is important that there is no threat of frost - the plants are sensitive to them. The distance between plants is at least 30 cm.

Rudbeckia grown from seeds will bloom in June-July. Flowering time - until late autumn.

Sowing seeds in the ground

In this case, a flowering plant can only be obtained next year. Seeds are sown in a permanent place in June-July, by autumn the plant forms a rosette, then leaves for the winter, blooms early - in June.

Seeds, as well as when sowing seedlings, are not buried, or lightly sprinkled with earth. Spraying - regularly.

The division of rhizomes

Plants are dug up in early spring, they look at how much renewal buds are on the rhizome. On each part of the division there must be at least one such kidney. Separated parts are seated in the right places and at the required distance. The soil for planting should be prepared in advance - dig, fertilize.

In the same way, old (older than 3-4 years) bushes are rejuvenated. In the middle of such bushes, dead shoots usually accumulate, they are removed, young rhizomes are planted.

Many gardeners note that the plant reproduces well by self-sowing. The only exceptions are terry varieties. It can be an aggressor - in the spring, young rudbeckia from seeds that have fallen in the fall appear where it is needed and not needed.

Features of growing individual varieties

Varieties that can be grown from seeds: Golden Ray (Sedek), Amber, My Friends (Gavrish), Cherokee Sunset (Search), Marmalade, Green-eyed (Aelita), Autumn Forest "(Plasma seeds), Sunbeckia Sophia Yellow (Green Edem nursery, Kyiv).

Growing from seeds of these varieties at home is carried out according to the scheme described above and presents absolutely no difficulties. But, of course, there may be nuances. For example, it is not always possible to observe planting dates (seeds were bought late, etc.). It's okay, the question of when to plant, if we are talking about rudbeckia, can be answered: almost always.


For example, many growers like Cherry Brandy. However, it is easy to notice disappointment in the reviews: the seeds either germinate very poorly, or the seedlings are weak, or the plant does not please with its appearance - the color is not as bright (not red as in the photo), the bush is not as lush and grows very slowly. In addition, it is not clear whether it is an annual or a perennial. As experience shows, this rudbeckia, like many varieties, can be left for the winter, with late sowing of seeds, it will bloom in the second year - and in this case, early lush flowering and a beautiful unusual color are really ensured.

Landing, seat selection

Where to plant rudbeckia in the country? Rudbeckia loves open, sunny places. It can grow in partial shade, however, flowering will not be so bright. Almost any soil is suitable, including poor, but the largest and most colorful flowers and thick, lush bushes can be obtained on fertile, loose, cultivated soils. Sand and compost are added to clay dense soil, regularly loosened, fertilized with organic matter.


The plant is unpretentious, no special care measures are required. The plant is moisture-loving, but it grows well and blooms in dry areas. To care for an adult plant, it is enough to perform the following steps:

  1. Water during severe droughts during active growth.
  2. Fertilize with a complex fertilizer for flowering plants.
  3. Remove faded buds.
  4. In late autumn, it is necessary to cut the stems at the root.
  5. If the winters are severe, it is advisable to cover the roots of the plant with any covering material.

Application in landscape design

Rudbeckias are good in group plantings, as a rule, they are planted in several pieces - such a bright curtain looks great on its own, or in a large mixborder.

Variety Cherry brandy in a mixborder.

Lagerstroemeria, Rudbeckia Herbssonne, Syrian Hibiscus, Panicum Grass, Spirea ‘Ogon’, Echinacea.

Rudbeckia 'Prairie Sun' and Ageratum 'Blue Horizon'

Rudbeckia and perovskia

Grade Goldsturm and phloxes

Antirrinum majus ‘Rocket F1 Weiß’, Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’, Salvia ‘Mystic Spires Blue’ and Salvia species farinacea, Verbena Buenos Aires.

Large varieties with double flowers (golden balls) are often planted along fences, buildings, arbors, benches. Plants are unpretentious, bright - great to hide and disguise unsightly surfaces.

Flowers are suitable for cutting: they last more than a week.

What is combined with rudbeckia in a flower bed?

What to plant next? From the examples above, it is clear that either tone-on-tone gamma or contrast is ideal. Rudbeckia is an excellent partner for:

Review on video

A story about a plant from Yana Fedorova.

A flower such as rudbeckia belongs to the herbaceous plants of the Aster family. Rudbeckia comes from the prairies of North America, where European colonists once saw it for the first time and were fascinated by its beauty.

In the material you will learn more about this flower, see photos of different types, find out what are the features of growing, planting and caring for these flowers.

  • annual;
  • two-year;
  • perennial.

Depending on this, the methods of planting and growing them differ. They also differ from each other in appearance depending on the species. For example, the height of rudbecky can reach 0.5 - 3 meters. The leaves of the plant can grow up to 20 cm and have ovoid or oval shape. The flowers of the plant are large and bright, their diameter reaches 10-15 cm, they are also collected in inflorescence baskets, rising heads up on a highly placed peduncle.

Lingual bracts, depending on the type of rudbeckia, can have different shades:

  • golden yellow;
  • plain;
  • dark brown;
  • red-brown.

Below we consider some types of rudbeckia both annual and perennial

Planting, growing and caring for annual rudbeckia

Unlike perennials, annuals can only be grown from seeds. Seeds can either be planted in seedlings, or immediately in open ground. Consider both landing methods.

Planting seeds of annuals for seedlings

In this case, landing should be done at the beginning of April. To do this, you need to prepare a large and shallow container, a greenhouse or small peat glasses. In order for the seed to germinate, the earth must be heated to at least 16 degrees. If necessary, the planting site is watered with hot water.

Next, the seed must be pressed shallowly into the soil by 3 mm, or simply scattered over its surface, lightly sprinkled on top. After the planting process is completed, the seed does not need to be watered, just spraying is enough. Rudbeckia seedlings are very sensitive to frost, so the planted seed must be brought into the room and covered with polyethylene or glass.

In two weeks, sprouts should appear. Before planting in a permanent place, they should be placed in the sun and watered regularly. Two weeks before this moment, the flowers begin to harden, taking them out daily to the street, each time increasing the residence time.

With proper care, seedlings from the seeds of an annual rudbeckia are planted in open ground closer to summer. So that the flowers in the future do not interfere with each other, you need between low bushes leave a gap of 50 cm, and between high - 1 m, respectively.

With this method of planting, rudbeckia flowers will bloom from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

Planting seeds of annuals in the ground

The seed of annuals can be planted directly into the ground in the middle of summer. Thanks to this method of growing flowering, you will wait for the next season. Planting is carried out in the same way as for seedlings, only the distance should be greater.

Plant care for this cultivation includes such activities:

  • splashing;
  • thinning sprouts;
  • weed control.

Rudbeckia needs to be planted in a sunny area, so you will ensure the best flowering. High varieties are best planted along fences, and low varieties along flower beds and paths.

Features of planting perennial rudbeckia

The seed of perennial rudbeckia is sown directly in open ground. Landing is carried out in May, if the region is too northern, then in June. The flower is not particularly picky about the soil, even a clay surface will suit it, but the bed for planting and growing the plant needs to be fertilized so that the flower grows quickly and is lush.

After planting the seeds, they need to be on top sprinkle some earth and splash a little with water. The plant will sprout in the fall, then the seedlings can be dived to a permanent place of cultivation. And if you planted flowers immediately in a permanent place, then they will bloom the next season.

Perennial seeds can be planted at home or in greenhouses for seedlings in the month of April. And they are transplanted at the end of May. At the same time, make sure that the planting depth in open ground is the same as in the container before.

Features of care

Rudbeckia is a flower that, in terms of caring for it, is not too capricious and is durable. For comfortable growing care is very simple:

  • you need to water the flower on time. Rudbeckia loves moisture, but at the same time, he will not be afraid of a short drought either. Watering is increased during flowering;
  • feed rudbeckia;
  • plant pruning. It is necessary to remove dead inflorescences in time in order to activate the long-term flowering of plants and maintain its attractive appearance. In winter, rudbeckia bushes are cut at the root and covered with spruce branches or dry grass so that the flowers do not freeze.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Rudbeckia treats fertilizers well. You need to feed her twice during the season. The first time this is done at the beginning of growth, when the root system is already a little developed. For this, mineral fertilizers are used.

The second top dressing is carried out after 20 days, here it is better to take a solution based on nitrophoska and Ross fertilizer.

Reproduction features

Flowers reproduce not only through seeds, but also by division. Bushes are divided about once every five years. With long-term cultivation in one place, the flower capable of producing good seedlings. Large bushes are dug up and neatly divided into parts. Delenki need to be planted in the garden with a distance.

Reproduction of rudbeckia is best done before the plant enters the active phase of development. For example, in early spring or autumn after the plant has faded.

Dangerous diseases and pests

Rudbeckia is practically not exposed to diseases, only sometimes the plant can suffer from powdery mildew, when a white coating appears on the leaves and stems in the form of flour. For treatment, the flower is sprayed with a one percent solution of colloidal sulfur or treated with copper sulphate.

Another disease characteristic of rudbeckia in rare cases is leaf nematode. With it, brown heels appear on the leaves, provoking their withering. To fight in this case, you need to use special preparations or remove the damaged part of the plant and burn it.

As part of caring for rudbeckia, you should regularly check it for the presence of leaf-eating pests. The following species are dangerous for her:

  • leaf-eating beetles;
  • caterpillars;
  • thrips;
  • spider mite.

But all diseases and pests do not pose any danger to the flower if it is cared for correctly and on time.

Combination with other plants and application in design

In landscape design this flower is used in different ways, for example:

  • in the garden;
  • at fences and fences;
  • against the background of buildings;
  • along paths and sidewalks.

Growing in the garden gives their owners only pleasure, since rudbeckia are very unpretentious in caring for them. And they will delight your eye even in autumn, when other garden flowers have already faded.

If you plant rudbeckia with other plants, but you need to take into account its dimensions. Some of its varieties can grow up to 2 meters, so this will not be good for nearby light-loving plants.

High varieties that need to be tied up are best planted in the background of compositions. Very impressive next to rudbeckia will look chrysanthemums and asters, original compositions will be obtained in combination with echinacea purpurea.

Rudbeckia looks great both in monocompositions and in group plantings. good combinations of which are obtained with plants such as:

  • calendula;
  • marigold;
  • kosmeya;
  • gaillardia;
  • nivyanik;
  • monarch and others.

Both perennial and annual rudbeckia in terms of planting, growing and caring will not cause you significant trouble. They will make a great decoration for any area. If you all look after them faithfully, these flowers will delight you even in autumn.

beautiful rudbeckia