A script dedicated to the day of the Russian language on June 6. Presentation "June 6 - International Day of the Russian Language". Assignment to the audience "Tell the phraseological unit"

Since 2011, the Day of the Russian Language has been celebrated by the entire Russian-speaking world. Now on June 6, they not only remember the anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin, but also share knowledge about the means of communication that he created - the literary Russian language. How not to turn this undertaking into a formality?

Who celebrates the All-Russian Day of the Russian Language

First of all, it is a holiday for teachers of literature. So now they have already stopped calling the teachers of the Russian language and literature, which is a pity. This is all the writing fraternity, friendly and at war with Glavred, Advego and Spelling (online programs that edit the text). They are library workers, quiet fighters against narrow-mindedness. They are writers, engineers of human souls. These are journalists, soldiers of the pen. These are poets, God's tricks.

On this day, they have a lot of trouble: a lot of events that they want to catch. These are performances of student theaters, and author's songs of bards around the fire, and games with words in the library. Moreover, it is necessary to take part in the dispute after the speech of the researcher-philologist on the modern understanding of the word "impartial".

But not only they are attracted by the Day of the Russian Language. Not yet disappeared, like mastodons, readers - those who cannot imagine their life without a book. Who writes letters to relatives, not SMS messages. Who composes congratulatory poems himself, and does not buy a suitable postcard in the store.

Who loves Russian

Once in a TV show A. Rosenbaum used a rare word, almost never found already, preserved only in the dialect of a few localities, which are considered to be remote places. The host immediately reacted: "Why did you say that?" The maestro's answer: "I love the Russian language."

Yes, a word in the wrong case can hurt the ear. The declension of non-declining verbs blows up the brain. Mat kills on the spot. But a rare phraseological unit, an elegant turn, a successful pun delight a real connoisseur of the language.

Such a person considers the Day of the Russian Language to be a personal holiday. In the morning he turns on the recording of the song "My coffee and my contract", then he listens to a miniature by M. Zhvanetsky about the teacher of the Russian language B. E. Dukker and takes a volume of Teffi.

But such amateurs are one in a million. In the bulk - the cannibals Ellochka, who with a dictionary of 30 words manage to live their whole lives. Pushkin - 20,000, and here - 30. Cool. What to do?

All-Russian lesson "Day of the Russian language"

In schools, there are several thematic lessons that have a strong impact on young hearts. This is an All-Russian reserved lesson, an ecological lesson, lessons of life safety, kindness, peace. Now there is an All-Russian lesson dedicated to the Day of the Russian Language. Prepare for it in advance.

A tournament may be announced around the school, including different tasks for children: linguistic games, charades and similar activities with words. For each grade, the level of academic knowledge gained is taken into account, so the options are more difficult for the senior school age.

On the day of the event, the general lineup tells about the creation of this holiday, the winners of the tournament are awarded and actions are coordinated. Children go to classes, where the teacher conducts the lesson "Day of the Russian language".

The program for the lesson is entirely a product of the teacher's creativity. In some schools, this day was dedicated to a famous literary figure and told about him. In others, they played interesting games with words, somewhere they read poems by Russian poets.

How to teach a lesson

The lesson dedicated to the Day of the Russian language can be combined. So the guys will gain valuable knowledge, they will not be bored. In addition, the participation of as many students as possible in the assignments will only increase interest in the event.

The beginning of the lesson is a five-minute viewing of a selection of films with catchphrases. Then a discussion with the students of the phrases of famous writers who have entered folklore as proverbs.

Then the teacher gives an idea of \u200b\u200bparlor games with words, explains the rules of the game "burime", explains the origin (from French bouts-rimés, which means - "rhymed ends"). We can give examples of the works of Pushkin, who loved this game very much and composed masterly.

A small task - to write burime according to given rhymes - can be offered to students by dividing the class into two or three groups. The most successful ones are then placed in the school wall newspaper.

The rhymes can be taken from the works of M.Yu. Lermontov, A.S. Pushkin, S.A. Yesenin.

Events dedicated to the holiday

On the day of the holiday, they remember the game of Ivan Klimenko, who proposed the "Russian word game" and which the whole world is now playing. Of course, schoolchildren will not enter into a real virtual game. But you can make it easier for them by creating a simple version like Erudite. This version of the game can be offered to both younger and older students.

This crossword puzzle is solved on the blackboard, and on the teacher's desk, the guys take the missing cards with letters. After using the letter, the card is returned to the teacher and exits the game. In the process of compiling, linguistic disputes are inevitable, which word can be inserted into the crossword puzzle. It is very educational and broadening.

Capable, creatively gifted guys can please with a pantomime. The task contains a description of famous writers: appearance, some works, the character of the characters. Tasks are listed on cards. The person presenting the pantomime chooses one of the proposed ones and tries, without using speech, to convey information to those who guess.

Antonyms and synonyms are another variation on wordplay. Game scheme: the presenter thinks of a word, for example, “loyalty”. He says: "My antonym is betrayal, my synonym is devotion." Participants guess the word. Quest cards are required to play.

With such events, students will remember the Day of the Russian Language for a long time. Successful burimes, amazed by the complexity and beauty of phraseological units, will enter the lexicon of students. This will achieve the goal of popularizing the Russian language.

Action plan

For the celebration, the level of training of students should be taken into account. Lower grades can participate by painting thematic pictures. The secondary school is capable of performing poems. High school students can prepare a theatrical performance.

Primary School:

  • Drawing competition "Illustration for the work of a Russian writer".
  • Competition of poems by Russian poets.

Secondary school:

  • Scene "Russian pun" in the genre of stand-up.
  • KVN "Untranslatable wordplay" based on phraseological units.

Senior classes:

  • Competition for readers "Live pictures" based on the works of A.P. Chekhov.
  • Literary and musical scene based on the work of MABulgakov "White Guard".
  • Dispute "Russian language in the XXI century."
  • Songs of bards - poems to music.

The literary characters' costume ball will end the day. At the ball - a competition for the presentation of costumes: each participant reads a quatrain-riddle about himself. Mazurka, waltz, minuet sound. Demonstration performances of dancers.

The evening ends with the awarding of the winners, presentation of certificates and valuable gifts. The photographer captures individual moments, then everyone sees his photo review in the school wall newspaper.

Winner's reward ceremony

Without encouragement, it will not be possible to conduct a worthy competition. Praise means a lot to a child, especially at school. Certificates of honor "The smartest", "The most well-read", "The best illustrator" - an inexpensive performance of the award, but very important for the one who received it.

For the participants of the performance, a tea party is suitable as a prize: a cake with the inscription "For Actors". Parents can arrange this in the dining room. At the table, individual episodes of the play will be remembered, and the guys will let off steam.

Pantomime is an original genre, the best gift is a photo of the stage process. A keen high school student can be a photographer. With a digital machine, you can make a quick printout on paper - and you get an excellent memory of school time.

If you use your imagination, then everything will go great. Children like it when they are taught. Therefore, do not let the holiday take its course and do not turn it into a boring repetition of the rules of the Russian language. And in the future they will remember the school with gratitude.

Day 1 - Opening of the week of the Russian language and literary reading. Visit to the city library.

Day 2 - Quiz "NATIVE SPEECH". Preparing for the competition "There is in the autumn of the original ..."

Day 3 - Olympiad for connoisseurs of the Russian language and literary reading. Speeches by guest artists, writers or interesting people - literature lovers (if possible).

Day 4 - Literary meeting in the school library.

Day 5 - Minutes of poetry "There is in the autumn of the original ...". Presentation of illustrations of poetry.

Day 6 - Closing of the week of the Russian language and literary reading. Winner's reward ceremony. At the end of the subject week, all activities are summarized and the best class and best students are awarded.

The script for the opening of the week of the Russian language and literary reading at school.

Music sounds in the hall, the whole school gathered for the opening of the week of the Russian language and literary reading.

5 readers enter the hall, followed by a storyteller. The storyteller holds a magic box in his hands.


- Good afternoon and good hour!

I am a funny storyteller.

I came to you from fairy tales,

I found the way myself!

I'll tell you a little later.

I only know every hour

Full of fabulous wonders.

In classrooms, in your school

There will be more miracles!

Disciple: What do you have in your hands, storyteller?

Storyteller: The casket is magical, and it contains different words, the rules of the Russian language, interesting questions and exciting adventures.

Disciple: Can we look into your chest?

Storyteller: Yes, look.

The children look into the chest and take out a card with the word "Rain" written on it. Then the students speak in turn.

- Which of you watched the rain? What can rain do?

- He can hardly "drip".

- It can "diverge".

- "Pour as if from a sieve",

- "To pour with a wall".

- "Pouring like a bucket."

- The Russian language has found its own verb for each type of rain. The main thing is to teach them how to use them.

They say in chorus: The Russian language is rich and powerful.

- We will answer many questions during the week of the Russian language and literary reading.

- This week we will visit the library.

- Let's try to cope with the Olympiad tasks.

- We will tell and listen to works about autumn.

- We will visit the autumn poetic forest.

- We invite everyone to a week of Russian language and literary reading.

Scenario of the holiday "Minutes of poetry" There is in the autumn of the initial ... "(closing of the week)

During the holiday, music on the theme of autumn by Sviridov, Tchaikovsky and others is played.

Teacher: Today is the last day of the week of "Russian language and literary reading" and we dedicate our moments of poetry to autumn. More and more often the sky begins to frown, the wind roars. The first month of autumn came up.

Teacher: High above your head, begin to turn yellow, turn red, turn brown a leaf on the trees.

With a red brush, the mountain ash lit up.

Leaves fell, I was born.

Hundreds of bells were arguing.

The day was Saturday, John the Theologian.

I still want to gnaw

Hot rowan bitter brush.

Children's performances (material is selected by the teacher).

Teacher: Swifts disappeared. The air is empty. And the water grows cold.

Fearlessly autumn

With empty eyes

Looks between the trunks

Pensive pines

Straight, thin-leaved

Golden birches ...

Children's performances (material is selected by the teacher).

Teacher: More and more often, leaves will be torn from the branches until the winds blow, leaf falls, they will not tear off the entire luxurious outfit from the forest.

Longer, blacker

Cold nights

And the days are getting shorter

And the sky is brighter ...

Children's performances (material is selected by the teacher).

Teacher: When, waking up in the morning, for the first time you see frost on the grass, write down: "Winter is coming."

Children's performances (material is selected by the teacher).

Teacher: Parents also decided to take part in the poetry festival.

Parents' speeches (the material is selected by the teacher or parents).


- God created the world out of nothing.

Learn, artist, from him,

And if your talent is a grain

Do miracles with her

Grow immense forests

And myself, like a fabulous bird,

Ride high into the sky

for 1st-2nd grade

1. Guess riddles:

He is kinder to everyone in the world

He heals sick animals.

And one day a hippo

He pulled it out of the swamp. (Aibolit)

He is cheerful like a balalaika,

And his name is ... (Dunno)

I don't have a pussy in my bag

I have Lariska in my bag. (Shapoklyak)

2. A fabulous attraction.

Who owns the fabulous things?

- Golden Key. (Pinocchio)

- Glass slipper. (To Cinderella)

- The flower is seven-flower. (To the girl's wife)

- Broken trough. (To the old woman)

What magic means did the fairytale heroes have?

- The soldier from Andersen's tale. (Flint)

- At the Snow Queen. (Magic mirror)

- Baba Yaga. (Broom, stupa)

- At Koshchei the Immortal. (Egg with a needle)

- At the cat. (Boots)

Literature quiz assignmentsfor 3rd grade

- What was Baba Yaga's flying machine? (Broom and stupa)

2. Fabulous ads.

m, who cannot wake up in the morning when the alarm rings, we suggest purchasing a cockerel made of pure gold, which will help you out anytime, anywhere! Address ... ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel". A.S. Pushkin)

Literature quiz assignmentsfor 4th grade

1. Intellectual warm-up.

- To whom did Goodwin give his heart? (To the Tin Woodman)

- What kind of tablecloth feeds your fill? (Self-assembled tablecloth)

- Name Baba Yaga's aircraft. (broom and stupa)

- What was the name of the "blind" cat, the fox's friend Alice? (Basilio)

- "Poor priest put his forehead." Who? (Balde)

- Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the wife of the prince? (Frog)

- What flowers did the stepdaughter pick in the fairy tale "Twelve Months?" (Snowdrops)

- Nickname of Nikita, who saved Kiev from the snake. (Kozhemyaka)

- The cat in Russian fairy tales. (Bayun)

- Who called the country of fairy tales "Lukomorye"? (A.S. Pushkin)

2. Fabulous ads.

- Who wants to exchange an old broken trough for a new one or an apartment for new house? Turn into a fairy tale ... ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" A.S. Pushkin)

- Fashionistas and women of fashion! Who wants to get a magic mirror that can speak? Our address ... ("The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" by A.S. Pushkin)

- To work on the farm requires: a cook, groom, nanny, carpenter, gardener. Bonuses and bonuses are paid based on the results of work for the year. Contact the address ... ("The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda". A.S. Pushkin)

- For those who cannot wake up in the morning when the alarm goes off, we suggest purchasing a cockerel made of pure gold, which will help you out anytime, anywhere! Address ... ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel". A.S. Pushkin)

- The "Buyan" trading company offers branded goods: sables, black-brown foxes, Don stallions, pure silver, gold. And all this at affordable prices! Company address ... ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan". A.S. Pushkin)

3. Assignment for ingenuity.

- I walked along the Humber Jumber,

By humber jumber johnny.

And suddenly I saw-rig-ma-zdig

Boni is dragging behind her.

Oh, be with me hob-ma-gog,

My hob-ma-gog-ma-goni.

I'd shoot a nig ma jig

For stealing poor boni. ("The Fox and the Hen")

This completely new holiday is celebrated in Russia on June 6. This decision was made in 2011, and is due to the fact that it was on this day that the great Pushkin was born. Calling our poet the founder of the modern Russian language, we are not at all cunning. Paying a well-deserved tribute to this man, June 6 marks two related holidays.

150 million people on the planet Earth are considered to be Russian-speaking, and another 100 million speak it as a second language. Russian is the most widespread Slavic language, moreover, it is also the most widespread European language when viewed from a geographical point of view. It is also a language that astronauts who want to get to the International Space Station must learn! Various concerts are held on this day, including Slavic folk music, festivals, exhibitions and competitions.

Date picking is not a toy -
Pushkin was born on this day.
Every Russian knows it
He respects his language.

Glorious, strong and mighty
Sometimes it is burning -
Our pride for centuries.
Happy birthday language!

How wonderful the Russian language is!
How powerful! How great!
Of course, there is no better one -
Any Russian poet has proved that.
How picturesque
And diverse
How amazing
How beautiful!
Today, you will remember for centuries
Day of the glorious Russian language!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Russian Language and I want to wish that there are always necessary and important words with which you can express any emotions, feelings, hopes and desires. May our mighty one live forever, may no one succeed in desecrating or tarnishing the great Russian language.

great and powerful
Our favorite language.
Teaches him today
Chinese and Tajik.

Alexander Pushkin himself
I wrote poems on it,
But the rules are of course
Its not that easy.

And everyone to whom he is dear
I want to congratulate.
Let it flourish
Flies to all regions.

Let through generations
It grows stronger and lives.
Let oblivion not know
Will never die!

Happy Russian language day
Today I congratulate you,
Worldwide understanding
I wish the language.

I wish that russian speech
Sounded in any country
So that a solid Russian word
It was appreciated all over the Earth.

Congratulations to everyone who writes,
Knows, loves, says
Well, maybe he just heard
About our great language!

On the birthday of Sasha Pushkin,
Whose poems sound like music
Along with culture and arts
We are celebrating Language Day.

Let's celebrate the holiday with the whole world.
May it be durable
Let there be an interlocutor
On this holiday of Russian speech.

Day of the Russian language -
Holiday of all Russia,
The honor of our people
Valor of the Russian people!

Our native language, beloved,
We got used to it from childhood,
We are the memory of our ancestors
We will not give it to anyone.

Let's take care of our pride
We will give children
Our great, mighty tongue,
He is invincible in the world!

We celebrate language day
And congratulations today
Everyone who knows Russian
Writes and reads correctly.

Express yourself carefully
Accurately, succinctly and clearly:
Say what you want
But you love your language.

We will tell you in Russian,
Believe our words,
What is mighty, handsome, great
Our best language!

On this holiday of Russian speech
And native language
Your life is simple, carefree,
Happiness let the river flow

Spills wider
Well, Russian is our language
Remains the best in the world
And more powerful than others!

How great and beautiful is our Russian language,
Century after century, only gaining strength,
He penetrated into our lives from infancy,
Absorbed with mother's milk.

We are proud that we speak one
The language that was spoken in the past
Pushkin, Lermontov, Repin, Bryullov,
Those who, like us, were proud of him.

We want to congratulate you today, friends,
Happy day of the great Russian word,
Happy native language day,
Glorifying him over and over again.

An hour of entertaining Russian language dedicated to the Pushkin Day of Russia

Purpose of the event:

    develop intelligence, attention, memory, imagination; instill an interest in learning the native language and literature;

    create conditions for fostering love for the native language; fostering a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, responsibility.

Equipment:multimedia presentation.

The game is attended by students of 5-6 grades (2 teams) and the jury.

Game progress.
Introduction by the teacher:

Good afternoon, dear guys!

On June 6, our country celebrates two literary holidays at once - Pushkin Day of Russia and Day of the Russian Language, because it is impossible to imagine the Russian language without its creator - Pushkin (slide 2).

Poet's birthday
Celebrates the whole world
After all, it is better known
Than Pushkin,
There is no one in the world!

Today, within the framework of the Pushkin Day and the Day of the Russian Language, we have gathered for the "Hour of Entertaining Russian Language". We will spend this hour with you in the form of a competition between students in grades 5-6.

Introducing Our Teams (Team Introductions)

A super objective jury will follow the progress of our tournament (presentation by the jury)
- Our tournament will consist of seven rounds. For each correct answer, you will receive points. The team with the most points will be the winner and expert in the Russian language. So let's get started.

First round "Warm-up" (slide 3)

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin ... It seems that there is no poet closer and more understandable to the Russian heart. But Alexander Sergeevich would not have been that Pushkin if he did not carry in his work an eternal secret that you want to understand, to unravel for you.
The epigraph to our event will be the words of Semyon Stepanovich Geychenko, who for many years was the director of the Pushkin reserve in Mikhailovsky.
From the proposed words, collect the famous statement of S.S. Geichenko about Pushkin.

Seemingly simple words, but what a wise thought.

Pushkin is always a discovery and always a secret.

I hope that our today's event will help you to discover something new for yourself about Pushkin.

Second round Game "Find a new word" (slide 4)

From the proposed word "Lukomorye" in 3 minutes you need to make up new words. Who is bigger?

(onion, sea, scrap, they say, injection, ohm, count, rum, pestilence, measles, lump, mule).

Many wonderful poems belong to Pushkin's Peru, many of which are included in the treasury of world poetry. Let's remember some of them.

Third round "Supplement the lines of poems by A. Pushkin"(slide 5)

1.Fed in captivity ... young

2. ... my harsh days

3. Let's drink from grief, where is ...?

4. In the blood burns ... desires

5. Goodbye, free ...

6. ... my decrepit

7. Imprisonment rushed ...

8. How the prophetic is being assembled now ...

9. I remember the wonderful ...

10. ... captivating happiness

12. My ..., we will devote to the fatherland

12. I ... erected myself not made by hands

13. What are you laughing, my ... zealous?

14. It's time,…, wake up!

15. How ... pure beauty

16. We are free ...

17. In crimson and ... dressed forests

18. ... the sky is dark

Participants write the inserted words on sheets of paper and then give them to the jury for verification

(eagle, girlfriend, mug, fire, element, dove, years, Oleg, moment, star, friend, monument, horse, beauty, genius. Birds, gold, storm).

And now we will remember the wonderful tales of Pushkin (slide 6)

They will help me and you again

Pushkin's fairy tales - a wonderful country!

She opened her doors!

These tales over and over again

The fourth round "Riddles based on Pushkin's tales in alphabetical order" (slide 7)

Who reads Pushkin's tales.

Riddles quickly guess

The teams are given puzzles in turn. For the correct answer, they receive a point.

If we know this tale,

Then we scratch our forehead in thought:

Why, hiring Baldu,

Hoping for a sly pop?

What a beast in a hustal house

Creates profit for the prince,

"Whether in the garden, in the garden ..." -

Sings a song loudly?

Cannons from the pier are firing

Everyone is now told to say

What is the name of this island

Where do fairy tales live?

Lyudmila is his younger daughter.

And the son-in-law - Ruslan is now held in high esteem.

And you, knowing the name of the prince,

Call him right now ...


He is invisible and powerful

He drives flocks of clouds

He walks in the open

Ships - help at sea.

The magic happened secret:

The island was uninhabited

Now ... Just answer you,

What's built on the island?

On the day when in its capital

Saltan's son began to reign,

With the permission of the Queen

He gave himself a name.

Wasn’t enough for her.

And the hut is already not enough for her.

Well, quickly tell me,

What then did the old woman become?


And who, tell me, friend,

Loudly cockerel

Everyone shouted: “Ki-ki-ri-ku!

Reign lying on your side! ”?

The royal daughter lives

Seven heroes.

And who is the princess waiting for?

Remember soon!

In front of the princely palace

The squirrel has a wonderful home

And this is not the first year

What kind of tree is growing?

That it is costly to quarrel with the king,

Hardly anyone will argue now.

Than, say, King Dadon

The sage's spirit is out?

Prince Elisha

Long walked towards his love.

Who was this hero

For a young princess?

The king has a second wife,

Whiling away days

Spoke in secret

With this little item.


Thirty-three years - such things -

The old woman by the sea was spinning all the yarn.

And my grandfather lived as an unsuccessful fisherman.

What kind of housing did they have, tell me?


The hour of love has come to Guidon.

The swan also fell in love.

Remember than lovers

Did your mother bless you right there?

A simple tooth can hardly be

To gnaw a golden nut.

Oh yes, a fabulous nut!

What's inside those nuts?


A fairy tale is a lie! Yes, there is a hint in it,

Fierce greed is a reproach.

The old woman sheds tears,

What clothes can not be washed.

Chernomor is at least bearded

Yet he is not rich in growth.

All people of this height

The name is very simple.

Many interesting fairy tales

A scientist cat can tell.

So name the place

Where does the green oak grow with the chain?


He weaves wreaths for lovers

Lights the lamps at night.

He is the god of pagan love.

You remember him, name him.

Chubby, light-eyed,

He shines in the deep darkness.

Call it soon, friend,

Gilded Horn!

Swan with all its magic power

At the time of the second turn

Prince Guidon is familiar to us

Such a simple insect.

This witch is an evil old woman.

Changes himself by witchcraft:

It will fly into the window like a snake,

Then suddenly it appears as a black cat.

The old man had been fishing for many years.

He was often without luck.

Could you remember,

What did he go fishing with?

In a fairy tale devils pledged to the priest

Something to pay to the priest's death.

That's why Balda went to them, without arguing,

To return with a full sack soon.

This golden bird

I put Dadon on the needle.

Kohl sits that bird quietly,

Then everything is peaceful around the king.


A couple of times the old man threw the net,

But I caught only grass and mud.

Who, tell me, for the third time

Suddenly caught on the net?

Near the forest tower,

Not letting the evil go to the house,

He diligently served.

What was the name of this dog?


A dream come true for three sisters.

Who, tell me, did she become

That only one dreamed

Weave a sea of \u200b\u200blinen?


The tale was crowned with a feast.

We were treated to honey and beer.

Not a drop got into my mouth,

Everything just flowed down on them.

At the wedding of Ruslan and Lyudmila

He was also among the knights named.

Shouting at a feast and at a feast,

But as mean and weak as a warrior in the field.

The fifth round "Competition of captains"

Read an excerpt from the novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

The cart rushes through bumps, Merchants, hovels, peasants,
Booths, women, boulevards, towers, Cossacks,
Boys, shops, lanterns, Pharmacies, fashion stores,
Palaces, gardens, monasteries, balconies, lions on the gates
Bukharians, sleighs, vegetable gardens, And flocks of jackdaws on the crosses.

Rewrite in alphabetical order all objects that "flash past" the rushing wagon.

At this time, the rest of the team members perform the following task.

Sixth round "Fabulous items" (slide 8)

Oh, how many items are there
From different fairy tales, look!
What I noticed from Pushkin,
Name it very quickly.

It is necessary not only to name the subject, but also the name of Pushkin's fairy tale, where this subject occurs. For each correct complete answer, you will earn a point.

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

Final words of the teacher:

The name of Pushkin will never be forgotten. He is always with us: in hundreds of beautiful books, in the names of streets and squares, in monuments and museums. We can say that Pushkin became a particle of each of us, a particle of our mind, our heart, a particle of the Motherland (slide 9)

Of course, Pushkin is unlimited

Inexhaustible like a spring.

But to complete our performance

The time limit dictates.

But Pushkin is and will be with us

And after a hundred, and a thousand years.

It will not fade, it will not fade ...

Our great Russian poet.

View presentation content
"Shitikova V.A."

An hour of entertaining Russian language

Shitikova Vera Alexandrovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Krasnolipkovskaya Secondary School"

Birthday of the poet Celebrates the whole world After all, it is better known Than Pushkin, There is no one in the world!

Opening always

this is "Pushkin -

and always a mystery "

"Pushkin is always a discovery and always a mystery"

S. S. Geichenko

Find a new word game oesiyass.


"Complete lines of poems A. S. Pushkin "

1 fed in captivity ... young

2. ... my harsh days

3. Let's drink from grief, where is ...?

4. In the blood burns ... desires

5. Goodbye free ...

6. ... my decrepit

7. Imprisonment rushed ...

8. How the prophetic is being assembled now ...

9. I remember the wonderful ...

10 ... captivating happiness

12. My ..., we will devote to the fatherland

12. I ... erected myself not made by hands

13. What are you laughing, my ... zealous?

14. It's time, ..., wake up!

15. How ... pure beauty

16. We are free ...

17. In crimson and ... dressed forests

18. ... the sky covers with darkness

Pushkin's tales live in the heart,

They bring light and joy to all children!

They will help me and you again

Find yourself in that magical land again!

Pushkin's fairy tales - a wonderful country!

She opened her doors!

These tales over and over again

Riddles based on the tales of A.S. Pushkin in alphabetical order

"Who reads Pushkin's tales,

will quickly guess riddles "

Comparative characteristics modernist currents

Oh, how many items are there From different fairy tales, look! What did Pushkin notice Name very quickly

  • http://bk-detstvo.narod.ru/skazki_Pushkina.html
  • http://images.yandex.ru
  • http: // аida.ucoz.ru
  • http://deti.mail.ru/poetry/197987/ Riddles based on Pushkin's tales in alphabetical order
  • G. Alexandrova. Entertaining Russian language (series "Not boring textbook"). St. Petersburg, "Trigon", 1997
  • Volina V.V. Merry grammar. - M .: Knowledge, 1995
  • Pirogova L.I. Collection of word games in the Russian language and literature; Pleasant with useful. - M .: School press, 2004.- (Russian language and literature at school. Library of the journal "Russian literature". Issue 15)

More than 250 million people in the world speak Russian. For the celebration of the Day of the Russian language, the date was set on June 6. This is the birthday of Alexander Pushkin, the great writer, poet, playwright. In addition, Pushkin is considered the creator of the modern literary Russian language. It makes no sense to list the works of Alexander Sergeevich - they are familiar to any person living in Russia or speaking Russian.

Russian is one of the largest languages \u200b\u200bin the world, the most widespread of the Slavic languages, as well as the most widespread European language in a geographical sense. It is interesting that spoken Russian is compulsorily studied by all cosmonauts who are to work on the International Space Station.

According to the latest data, there are more than 150 million Russian speakers in the world, and more than 100 million speak Russian as a second language.

It's not scary to lie under the bullets dead,
It's not bitter to be left homeless
And we will save you, Russian speech,
Great Russian Word.

We will carry you free and clean
We will give it to our grandchildren, and we will save from captivity

Anna Akhmatova

The beauty of our heavenly tongue will never be trampled by cattle.
The great Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov.

Charles V, the Roman emperor, used to say that spanish it is decent to speak with God, French with friends, German with the enemy, Italian with the female sex. But if he knew Russian, then of course he would have added that it is decent for them to speak to everyone, because I would find in him the splendor of Spanish, and the liveliness of French, and the strength of German, and the tenderness of Italian, and wealth, and a strong depiction of Latin and Greek.

The great Russian scientist Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov
The Slavic-Russian language, according to the testimonies of the foreign aesthetes themselves, is not inferior to Latin either in courage, Greek or in fluency, it surpasses all European languages: Italian, Spanish and French, not to mention German.

G. Derzhavin

As a material for literature, the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over all European ones.

A. S. Pushkin

There are two kinds of nonsense: one comes from a lack of feelings and thoughts, replaced by words; another - from the fullness of feelings and thoughts and the lack of words to express them.
A. S. Pushkin

Our beautiful language, under the pen of unlearned and unskilled writers,
quickly tends to fall. Words are distorted. The grammar fluctuates.
Spelling, this heraldry of the language, changes at the will of each and every one.

A. S. Pushkin
Pushkin also spoke about punctuation marks. They exist to highlight a thought, bring words into the correct ratio and give the phrase lightness and correct sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notes. They hold the text firmly and prevent it from crumpling.

K. G. Paustovsky
Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors! Treat this powerful weapon with respect; in the hands of the skilled, it is able to perform miracles.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
A person's morality is visible in his attitude to the word.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
To deal with the language somehow means also to think somehow: approximately, inaccurate, incorrect.

A.N. Tolstoy

In fact, for an intelligent person, speaking ill should be considered as indecent as not being able to read and write.

Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

But what a disgusting bureaucratic language! Based on that situation ... on the one hand ... on the other hand - and all this is unnecessary. “Nevertheless,” and “to the extent,” the officials wrote. I read and spit.

A. P. Chekhov
Language is the confession of the people, His soul and life is native.

P. A. Vyazemsky
The Russian language is the language of poetry. The Russian language is unusually rich in versatility and subtlety of shades.

French writer Prosper Mérimée
The Russian language in skillful hands and in experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious.

A. I. Kuprin
Language is the history of the people. Language is the path of civilization and culture. That is why the study and preservation of the Russian language is not an idle hobby of having nothing to do, but an urgent need.

A. Kuprin
Follow the rule persistently: so that words are cramped, and thoughts are spacious.

ON. Nekrasov
Literature is valued everywhere, not because of its vilest examples, but because of those outstanding figures who lead society forward.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin
There is nothing sedimentary or crystalline in Russian; everything excites, breathes, lives.

A. S. Khomyakov
Before you is the bulk - the Russian language!

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol
Language, our magnificent language.
River and steppe expanse in it,
In it there are the rattles of an eagle and a wolf's roar,
Chant, and ringing, and incense of worship.

Konstanty Dmitrievich Balmont about the Russian Language
Pushkin language

We'll have no one to blame
When we can't keep
What are you used to like the sun -
The great Pushkin language !!!
The price is only money and goods,
And a heart-rending cry is terrible for a lie ...
And they trample a wondrous gift with mud -
Priceless Pushkin language !!!

But this is the fear of the temporary worker ...
And the life of the ages in the future is a moment!
Coming to the peoples for centuries

Immortal Pushkin language !!!

Great and mighty, truthful and free
Cheerful, sparkling, cool, lively, folk,
HE expresses thoughts directly!
In the days of grievous thoughts, in the days of terrible doubts,
When trouble creeps on our doorstep
LANGUAGE does not die, it gains strength
And it remains RUSSIAN forever!
IN IT there are words: "dear", "dear", "saint",
"Fatherland", "Russian Land" -
From home to home, from end to end
It is for the Russian heart - its own!
English and German, Chinese and Turkish
Maybe good languages
But ... RUSSIAN is the slender, richest, gentlest, free
Temporary workers and thieves in spite of!
From ancient times to the present, the original spirit of Russia
Neither turmoil nor war can disintegrate ...
Enemies and their hirelings will be beaten here again,
And Russia was, and is, and will live!
We think in Russian, we pray in Russian,
We go into battle under the Russian "Forward!"
LANGUAGE is the soul of the people, it is through all adversity
To descendants the word of ancestors carries!
LANGUAGE is a joy to their own, with HIM a brother finds a brother,
The domineering actor is afraid of HIM.
THE LANGUAGE GREAT RUSSIAN is a kind of alarm bell! ..
VERB that unites people!
The LANGUAGE is needed by the people, the LANGUAGE serves the people,
LANGUAGE with the people everywhere and everywhere.
IN HIM - the brave Russian knight, in HIM - the Third Rome and Kitezh,
HE is in our Faith, in Truth and in Destiny!
HE inspires Russians, HE calls for abuse
For the Russian spirit, for the triumph of the mind.
Long live Russia and our beautiful language! -

Russian bard