Who is the general director of NTV. Castling of professionals. PPK is now doing nothing for NTV

1994-1996 -artist of the publishing house TypeMarket. Author of original fonts

1996 -at the invitation of Yuri Grymov participates in the design of the RTR channel

1997-1998 -chief designer of TNT television network

1998-2001 -leading designer, NTV-design

2001-2006 -art director of NTV, head of the NTV-design studio

since 2006 -strategic Marketing Director of CTC Media and General Director of Shandesign Studio

The biggest illusion is that on TV, content is more important than design. Not like the future, the present belongs to the brand. But it's like a comedy del arte: there must be masks here. There must be Pierrot, there must be Arlecchino, there must be Columbine, and so on. There should be their own state-owned channels expressing the state-owned point of view - “guardians”. There must be their antithesis - a progressive channel opposing the condo-state guardians. I do not even mention their names, it is immediately clear what these channels are. They just have to be: without a minus there will be no plus, without a shadow there will be no light. And there must be a channel that exists between the two and performs all other functions, that is, "well, I'm not that much of a guardian, but I can watch the show."

Teledesign is always very expensive because it is associated with technology. Over the past year, viewers' attention to news has grown by 36%, this was not the case a year ago, everyone did not watch the news with such frenzy, and it is understandable why. At the same time, the antithesis to this is the rise in views of entertainment TV, because those who have seen enough news can no longer see them, they want to forget a little.

I would say that television design appeared in this country from the NTV channel

Fragments of the design of the NTV channel in the mid-2000s

NTV channel screensavers of the early 2000s

My the latest story in "NTV-Design" was writing a new positioning of the NTV brand. First of all, I compared NTV with a man, Vladimir Vysotsky, who is simultaneously loved by the intelligentsia, and miners, and the military, and convicts, and everyone. He is a poet, a rowdy, an alcoholic and a drug addict. He is loved by a wide variety of women, he is reckless, he is open, honest and at the same time absolutely Russian. The absolute genotype of a Russian man, a Russian man. This is how I wanted to see NTV, it was for this NTV that I made a new branding, and even for some time it was like that. Under this positioning, the channel grid changed, the content changed, new programs, everything new. But, probably, my vision was different from what the channel management wanted then. They, of course, experienced an incredible take-off, but they completely burned out the clearing. It's one thing when we joke about the bandits from "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", and another thing when it turns into the fact that the bandits joke a little about Vysotsky. It all depends on the proportion, because the channels are no different from each other, everyone does the same thing.

You have to understand that everything that happens in our market is not unique. This is an existing thing somewhere that has been worked out, sold and is working. When we repositioned NTV, we looked at American FOX. This is the main production principle: find a successful story and do the same. This principle works in cinematography, the same principle works in television.

Time is very important on television. You need at least four years: despite all the screams, shouts, demands to ban, you need to stand for four years, and you will be remembered, understood and accepted. An amazing thing - you will show your knee every day, and after a while your knee will become a superstar. This is how it works. That's why they call him a zombie box, etc.

An amazing thing - you will show your knee on TV every dayand after a while the knee will be a superstar

In terms of style, I single out TNT, Channel One, Dozhd, Moscow 24 and Vesti 24. Everything the British do is very cool, Lambie-Nairn is a style icon.

I returned to TV, actually at the invitation of Gusinsky, in order to create the newly created TNT network. Then I made two types of logos: one was futuristic, and the second was in the style of NTV-Design, it was made together with Boris Miroshin, he inserted two century letters instead of grotesque for me, and we got such a big-eared Cheburashka. The channel directors chose the avant-garde one, and Gusinsky chose the Cheburashka. And for some time the TNT TV channel was with this Cheburashka. But with the arrival of Roman Petrenko on the channel, they chose the first logo that is still alive. It must be understood that then the channel's share was "-1", that is, it did not seem to exist, despite the fact that TNT was the first channel on domestic TV, which began to show serials (it was at the request of Korchagin and Solovyov that the first series " Streets of Broken Lanterns ”and was shown first on the TNT channel - few people know).

Almost a year ago, the top manager of VGTRK Alexey Zemsky became the head of the NTV channel, which has been losing its audience for the past few years. In the first interview in his new position, he tells Kommersant how he plans to change the channel, how he is going to attract new viewers and why NTV will not give up its action-packed series.

- When your appointment was announced, many called you a compromise figure. What do you yourself think about this?

Well, how do you answer ... As Faina Ranevskaya said, I don’t want to write badly about myself, but good is indecent.

- What did the shareholder want from you?

Stop the decline in the share and improve financial performance in the future. Since 2012, NTV has been losing 1–1.5 pp of its share per year. When I arrived at the end of last year, the first thing we did was conduct case studies, which upset us a lot. The main complaint from loyal and disloyal viewers was that the channel was monotonous. They said that NTV is one long series, and described it as aggressive, black, yellow. It is very difficult to change this, since a loyal viewer, accustomed to such content, wants to watch it and will search everywhere. Shifting his focus to other content isn't easy. This is not one or two years, it is a gradual, consistent development and change.

- What do people want to see on NTV?

It is impossible to find out by requests. We know what the audience definitely doesn't want: aggression, melodrama, popular characters. She wants real people.

Projects about detectives and investigations, the hallmark of NTV in recent years, still form your grid. How did you start the change?

It is clear that the action-packed series will remain with us. We will not go anywhere from investigators, police officers, bandits, but the tone and quality will certainly change. We are moving away from unreasonable aggression. After all, a detective story and a melodrama can be action-packed. At NTV, the backbone is men 18+, we do not want to lose them. We will switch this audience a little, show that there is another cinema - no less interesting, no less action-packed. We will need time to change the face of the channel. The main content, which gives 35-40% of the share, is prime-time series on weekdays. Their production cycle is one and a half years, or even two. The mesh will gradually thin out. We have reflected this in our strategy, and the shareholder supports us that there should be an evolutionary approach. You cannot change dramatically.

- How do you want to see the face of the channel?

Each channel forms its own face on iconic projects. Currently, there are about a hundred new TV series in production, of which 75% are new and 25% are continuation of old, well-known entertainment brands. We have an amazing project "Walking through the agony", there is a licensed series "The Bridge" with Mikhail Porechenkov and Ingeborga Dapkunaite, there are still a large number of very decent series with new faces, famous directors, a very good literary basis. Which one will shoot, we do not know. For September alone, the channel has prepared about 30 premieres, among them there will be three big shows: "Secret for a Million", "Kinoshow", "Psychics vs. Detectives".

- NTV is famous for its projects about representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Will there be new heroes?

The hero of NTV is a simple person. Regardless of who he is by profession, life circumstances and character make it difficult for him to put up with injustice. This is a person who can go against the environment, fight alone or rally a team around him. A man of action is our hero.

- How long does it take to transform NTV?

We presented the shareholder with several options for the channel's development strategy. They differed in two respects: the number of premiere hours and the financial result. A strategy was chosen in which this ratio is optimal. In accordance with it, we are now producing a new product. Since the beginning of the year, 95–96% of premieres have been content produced in 2014–2015. This season, our new television projects have already begun to appear - talk shows, programs, documentaries, and new series will begin to arrive at the end of April. We hope there will be 70-75% old content this season. In the 2017/18 season, we expect that there will be 75% new.

- Will you stop showing projects ordered before you?

We have existing contracts for some items from 2014-2015, which will be valid until the end of 2018. The series ordered by us will be airing starting from April. Gradually, the old will be washed out in favor of the new product.

- And what is the budget allocated for this?

It hasn't changed much compared to last year. It's just that the budget has other priorities.

- How?

More money goes to production.

- And before that, where did the money go?

Prior to this, NTV was actively engaged in the construction of its new building.

It was assumed that the new television center will be ready by early 2017 and will become the center of the "media village", which will house all divisions of Gazprom-Media. How is construction going?

It was founded a long time ago, it has everything to become the best television center. But, unfortunately, life hinders us a little.

- In what sense?

It is expensive to invest in technology, iron, production facilities, production walls.

- Do you have an understanding when it will be launched and everyone will move there?

To do this, you need to cross a horse and a quivering doe. I'd like to turn this into a big house for Gazprom-Media, but, I repeat, there are difficulties. TNT has some production processes, NTV has others, and Match TV has others. The holding also has the Red Media company, which generally follows different laws. You need to comply with the technology and not spend extra money. This is the first thing. The second is that the times are not easy and it is very difficult to do it now.

The main backbone of NTV is men, while the channel is trying to attract a female audience. Why is she NTV and how do you plan to interest her?

The female audience is most liked by advertisers, we cannot ignore this. At the same time, we are not going to give up leadership in the male audience, but we want to rejuvenate it a little. Already now NTV has a good female audience aged 25–44 on weekends from 9:00 to 14:00 with a share of 10.4%. A quarter of women aged 25 to 54 are watching Speak and Show. Since the beginning of the year, we have launched "New Morning", this program is chosen by 70% of women. We want to attract even more women. For this, in the new season we are launching products that start running from Friday evening to Sunday evening. But these will be programs that are interesting to both sexes.

- What is your planned share for this year?

We closed the 2015/16 season with a share of 10.2% for the target audience and we assume that the coming 2016/17 season should end with a share of at least 10.5%.

This can hardly be considered in isolation from the surrounding reality. We do not know what competitors will do. How their viewer will behave. How much thematic TV will grow, to which there is now a very large outflow. We do not know how an active viewer will behave in the digital segment. Although the consumer still watches what the TV channels have produced online, the question is how to monetize it and whether the meter will be able to calculate it.

- The key telemeter TNS Russia recently came under the control of VTsIOM. What do you think of this story?

TNS is a large technology company. I think the new owner should understand all the processes, conduct an audit, including the technological one. I hope the company will not stand still, will develop together with the market and respond to the challenges it gives us. What will happen next, you have to watch. We have a very difficult process ahead of us in 2018 - switching off analogue broadcasting. I think new attitudinal research will be required. Moreover, then it will finally become clear how to measure the same digital. By this time, there will be instruments, and the channels will be prepared for this, and the meter.

- What is the most difficult part of your job?

Put yourself in the shoes of a channel viewer. The people who make the content aren't necessarily adherents. There is a stunning example: on one of the holidays we put Pokrovskie Vorota into prime-content that had never been on NTV. Do you know what the audience was? 2.7%. That is, four times less than the average. This means that the viewer of the NTV channel is not used to watching such a product on the NTV channel. And the trouble is that over the long years of the existence of the concept that was on the channel, most of the viewers developed the habit of not going to NTV. There are three times less accidental visits to NTV than to Channel One. The viewer does not have the habit of wondering what we have new. So in our strategy for the first time in recent years 12 the marketing budget appeared. A person may never find out what's new on NTV if we don't tell him about it from other sources. We hope this way to attract a viewer who has not visited NTV for a long time. And maybe, by accidentally entering, he will slightly change the idea of \u200b\u200bthe channel.

- Has the NTV agenda changed in connection with the elections? Do you spend more time on news?

We inform about what is happening in the country. And the elections, which will be held on September 18, are one of the most important informational reasons. But we refused to place direct advertising and campaigning in the form of televised debates.

- Why?

We are a federal channel, but not a state one. Therefore, it is not our responsibility, it is our right that we can exercise on a commercial basis. There were two components. First, we calculated how much money can come to the channel from those budgets that parties are ready to allocate for their direct advertising and campaigning. Then we, roughly understanding what direct advertising would be like, analyzed how it could transform the channel. Then, look, 14 games. How long should a televised debate take for 14 people to speak out, argue and then draw a conclusion?

- Everyone will get tired.

And we also thought that everyone would get tired. Therefore, we decided with the editor-in-chief Alexandra Kosterina, who is responsible for information, public and political broadcasting, that we would better inform people about what is happening, about the course of the elections, about the election campaign, and this is our main and direct responsibility.

- Are you satisfied with the quality of public and political broadcasting of NTV?

The share of news programs is equal to or higher than the average share of the channel. Central Television traditionally runs 3–5 pp above the average share. As for other socio-political programs, I can say that viewers began to come to NTV, who never came. You just need to turn on and see "Meeting Place", "Most", listen to the topics discussed. I will return to the research we did. An amazing thing came to light: when loyal viewers were asked why they watch news on NTV, they answered that NTV differs from its competitors in that, firstly, it tells the truth, and secondly, it gives an independent view of what is happening. And our news is very different from the official news.

- Why did they decide that?

This is the opinion of our viewers.

Does it happen that NTV shows something to the detriment of your personal ideas about what can be shown on TV?

Let's formulate the question again.

For example, NTV showed a film about Mikhail Kasyanov, where the hero was filmed on a hidden camera in a rather intimate situation. Why show it on TV on the evening prime?

NTV has one of the most powerful television investigative teams in our country. They find different stories, and it's not a matter of a week or a month. They develop topics for six months. Therefore, we sometimes have similar products. If you think that some things should not be shown on TV at all, I probably agree with you. But in this case, when in such a position people discuss such issues, their potential voters should know about it.

Does it really deserve a better time on the grid with the whole family in front of the TV? Maybe the politician Mikhail Kasyanov already does not remember how many viewers NTV has.

Your previous work experience speaks more about you as a person who specializes in the technical organization of production, broadcasting, than in producing, creating TV content ...

You don't know much about me.

But when you were appointed, colleagues in the shop described you in this way. Does it bother you to manage the channel?

The knowledge and experience that I received at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, on the one hand, helps me, and on the other hand, it hinders me greatly. The work processes that were built in the VGTRK ... I really miss them here.

- Which ones?

Television is a collective work, and the work processes in it are practically the same everywhere, except for the nuances, and the whole technology is built on this. That's when these technological processes are absent, then a person who is used to working in them is a little more difficult.

Previously, the key partner of NTV was the First Production Company (PPK), which was associated with former first Deputy General Director Oleg Adamov. Who are the key suppliers now?

Last year, NTV ordered a serial and software product from about 50 manufacturers. Now we have 50 companies based on TV series alone, and another 20-25 make program content. The PPK produced a wide variety of products, including news programs and public affairs. We decided that these projects should be created and controlled by the channel itself. Some of the programs were transferred to the NTV staff, some are now being produced by the NTV subsidiary, NTV-Center. And we gave a small part to independent producers. This is done to control the financial flows of production. And we believe that the strategically important content for NTV should be done by the channel itself.

- Does the PPK do nothing for NTV now?

- And what will WeiT Media do for NTV?

It is no secret that Timur Weinstein, Deputy General Director and General Producer of NTV, is the founder of WeiT Media. We agreed on the shore and signed a memorandum on the volumes that NTV can order from WeiT Media, if what they offer suits NTV. This does not mean that we take everything that WeiT Media brings to us.

- What will it be? TV shows, shows?

These are series, one of the most iconic - "The Bridge". Shooting is underway right now. From television projects - this is "Hunt", a licensed product in the English format Endemol Hunted. This is one of the most ambitious projects on Russian television.

- At the end of last year, NTV's revenue dropped by 20%, while the overall market fell by 14%. What are the feelings for this year?

Autumn will show everything. This year we were not very competitive, as of September 1, we had 128 premiere hours for prime on our shelf. For the normal existence of the channel, there must be at least a thousand of them. And by the end of this year, that is, until December 31, we need more than 300 premiere hours. Some products will come and we will put them off the wheels. But if at least one of them does not play, we will not be able to exchange it for another premiere product.

- That is, if the series does not go well, you will not take it off the air?

We'll probably shoot. And, probably, we will be forced to put on reruns, which we do not want and which absolutely must not be done in the high season. But, unfortunately, it so happened that there is just not enough product that we can surprise and compete with.

- That is, we can talk about a serious lack of content in this TV season.

Yes. We don't just have a deficit, we have, let's say, very little of it. Moreover, when we look at the statistics on the shares of TV series that NTV shows not the first season, but the fifth, tenth, fifteenth, we see that since 2012, all sequels have a drop in share by 1-1.5 pp in each season. Now we see this on the example of everyone's favorite "Streets of Broken Lanterns". Now is the last season just. And what can we do? There is no other product. It will only appear at the end of April at its best.

The former general director of NTV Vladimir Kulistikov several years ago in an interview with Kommersant, when asked why NTV shows corpses, maniacs and other trash, replied that the channel follows the preferences of its audience. Do you think television needs to accustom the viewer to other things? They will watch what you show them.

Not. They will watch what they like. You know, when Shakespeare organized his theater, which had 12 actors, they performed in the square. Imagine what it is: a market square, a stage, actors play something on them. At the opposite end of the square, the thief is put in a waste barrel and held over him with a sword so that he plunges. And at the other end of the square, a bear is being hunted. People will look at this, these are base feelings that in any century and in any country will move people. So, Shakespeare's main task was to get the viewer to come to him. Actually, the same task is faced by any television channel.

In the face of severe shortages on the shelf, which you are talking about, how strict is your selection of projects? Of the ten conventional scenarios in development, how many will go on air?

From two to ten different product requests are brought to the channel every day. There are 100 TV series in launch now, of which 75 are new, 25 are sequels. To launch the 75, the production management screened out more than 2,000, if not 3,000 applications. There are different applications. Sometimes one piece of paper comes with three lines. And it happens that they bring the script of all 24 episodes. On television programs, a lot of producers came with the words: "Well, now, finally, let's sow good, eternal." And they bring very good products. And we understand that they are good, but they will not be watched on NTV.

- Why? Are you used to bear and barrel?

Yes. But nevertheless, I think that people did not immediately switch from the bear to Shakespeare on his edge of the square. You need to convince the viewer, once. Secondly, he cannot be deceived. He should know that if he turns on NTV, he will see a certain product of a certain quality and genre.

The old NTV was famous for its information journalism. Dmitry Chernyshenko, the head of Gazprom-Media, said that the channel must be restored to its former image, "news is our profession." What do you think of it?

NTV at all times was distinguished by its presentation of information. And we, of course, still have our own face. We have Vadim Takmenev with the best information and analytical program, and he has no equal on Saturday. In order to continue the entavash traditions, in the spring we launched the NTV Vision. Every Saturday we will be airing documentaries by journalism stars. Moreover, they choose the themes and genres themselves. We will see Tatyana Mitkova, Inna Osipova, Vadim Glusker, Vladimir Chernyshov, Sergei Kholoshevsky, Gleb Pyanykh and many others. And then, you know, what a story, everyone remembers the good old NTV. But if we now turn on the information and analytical programs that were shown in the late 1990s and very early 2000s, after watching them, I think you will be very surprised.

- What do you mean, what will we be surprised at?

Then it was all new. But in the late 1990s - early 2000s, behind the loud words that journalism should be independent, information wars were veiled, and sometimes it was a struggle for property and for survival. Now, having watched these programs, we would call it that. Yes, then NTV found this form, yes, there was such a time, but it was just new, so we now remember about it that way.

- What do you think about the quality of Russian television in general?

Now there is an opportunity to catch non-Russian channels, watch any one and compare it with the Russian ones. In this case, not just one day, but watch the season. If there is one show per season, this is an event. And we taught our viewer that we surprise them very often.

- What are the findings this season?

We will have a big two-hour show "Secret for a Million" with Lera Kudryavtseva on Sunday, where guests will tell their secrets. We want to use the luggage and experience of NTV, which the channel has acquired over the years of communication with the stars, when NTV spied on, spied on. There is contact with the stars, our team knows how to work with them. Projects are being launched that have not been seen on Russian television for a long time. This is satire. There were several programs "Saltykov-Shchedrin-show" in the previous season, we had a crazy success in the network. This year it was slightly reformatted, there will be three hosts: the famous satirist Mikhail Zadornov, Alexey Kortnev and the cavalier Dmitry Kolchin. We will also show the "International Sawmill" with Tigran Keosayan. There will be news from other countries, their fears about us, their leaders in the international arena, how they relate to this, this, the fifth, the tenth.

- So NTV will work with humor?

This is not humor, this is satire. We have to make a product for Saturday and Sunday that both men and women watch. It is absolutely clear that we probably will not do ice shows, dances, or talent shows. What for? These are occupied niches. Colleagues have perfectly recruited their viewers, they love them. We must look for our own.

Kulistikov Vladimir Mikhailovich is a well-known journalist and media manager. His life is a progressive path upward, he went through all the steps of the career ladder, reaching the top level.

Childhood and youth

On May 20, 1952, a son, Vladimir Kulistikov, appeared in a family of Soviet specialists working in a joint venture for uranium mining in Germany. The boy's biography in childhood was not much different from many Soviet children. He studied well at school and was able to enter the most prestigious university in the country.

Best start

In 1969, Kulistikov entered MGIMO, the Faculty of International Journalism. The future media manager always had a thirst for knowledge and read a lot, he also showed a high ability to study. foreign languages... He is fluent in five languages: English, French, German, Serbo-Croatian and Arabic. Having received the best education, Kulistikov gets the opportunity to realize his potential in various fields of activity.

After graduating from MGIMO in 1975, Vladimir Kulistikov did not go to work directly in his specialty - in journalism, but began to work in the Ministry of Foreign Trade. It was a great start to a career as a young professional. After working for three years in the ministry, Vladimir decides to change his field of activity, he is attracted by science, and he goes to the Institute of Scientific Information of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR for the position of a researcher. For seven years he has been studying European law, defending his Ph.D. thesis on legal means of settling international conflicts, confidently going up the career ladder.

However, in 1985 he decided to return to journalism and came to Novoye Vremya magazine as a columnist. The publication covered events in the world, differing in the relative freedom of expression by the authors of their opinions. Kulistikov came to Novoye Vremya, when, on the wave of perestroika, journalism is becoming a very interesting occupation. He worked in the publication for 5 years and worked his way up from a correspondent to deputy editor-in-chief. These were the years of immense popularity of the magazine, so that Vladimir Mikhailovich gains invaluable experience of working in large media, he is practicing not only his skills as a reporter, but also management techniques.

In 1990, Kulistikov worked in his direct specialty - he became his own correspondent in Moscow for the Arab newspaper "Al-Hayat" ("Life"). Times were difficult, especially from an economic point of view, and the journalist decides to test himself in business. He becomes an advertising consultant to the president of the Russian House commercial company, during these years the firm's turnover reaches $ 200 million a year. Despite his successes in real business, Kulistikov does not part with journalism, but is looking for new platforms for self-realization.

Life on the radio

In 1993 Savik Shuster - editor-in-chief of the Moscow Bureau brings Vladimir to the radio station "Freedom". For three years, Kulistikov has been working in radio, mastering a new sphere for himself. He begins with a correspondent, then becomes a commentator, and in 1993 he creates his weekly program "Liberty Life", in which the events of the day were covered live. Here the talent of a journalist is fully manifested: he knows how to present news brightly, gives accurate and witty comments on events. He also shows the ability to manage a creative team and good managerial qualities. He quickly outgrows the scale of the program, it is no longer enough for him to be the head of the program, Kulistikov goes in search of a new one again.

Television is a matter of life

In 1996, Vladimir Kulistikov came to NTV as deputy editor-in-chief of the information service. Here he begins to work under the leadership with whom the journalist has developed friendly relations, subsequently they will repeatedly collaborate on different channels. Vladimir Mikhailovich also conducts his own program "Hero of the Day", it is an interview with some interesting person... Many political and public figures, representatives of culture and art visited Kulistikov's studio. The journalist for a year of work in the program showed himself as a man of boundless erudition, with subtle humor and sharp tongue.

At NTV, Vladimir Mikhailovich found the best place to grow and realize his career and creative plans. In 1997, he became editor-in-chief of the information service and began to implement his numerous plans, while not forgetting about the main task, which the founders entrusted to him - increasing the ratings and attracting advertisers. Here Kulistikov's experience in business came in handy, he will apply management techniques to the media environment and achieve high results. In 2000, he became NTV, continuing to head the information service.

In the fall of 2000, Kulistikov left NTV for the first time to become chairman of the board of the Russian news agency Vesti. This short absence in the life of a television journalist showed him how much he loved this field and how successful he was in it. When a change of leadership took place on NTV in 2001, Kulistikov returned to NTV as the chief editor of the television company, as well as as a member of the board of directors.

In 2002, the journalist's contract with NTV expired, and he changed his place of work, leaving for VGTRK as deputies to Oleg Dobrodeev, chairman of VGTRK. For two years, Kulistikov goes through all the stages of a career in a television company and becomes the first deputy general director of VGTRK and director of news programs, for him news is still the most important thing.

Best project - NTV

From 2002 to 2004, there have been constant scandals on NTV between the team, the company's management and investors. The TV company needs a person who can bring everything back to normal. Also, all parties agree that not a new manager is needed, but a person familiar with the problems and concepts of NTV and well versed in news, and Vladimir Kulistikov becomes the best solution for the TV company. NTV became for him a place for the implementation of plans and significant achievements. In the period from 2004 to 2015, Kulistikov worked as the CEO of the television company, and during this time he was able to bring it back to the leadership position. During these years, NTV has been releasing a lot of new programs that have high ratings: "Maximum Program", "Profession - Reporter". Vladimir Mikhailovich does not hide the fact that he was faced with the task of extracting the maximum profit from the channel, and he successfully solved it. The changes led to the closure of some programs: Schools of Scandal, Today at Midnight, Real Politics, and Sunday Evening. The CEO was accused of removing news programs from the grid, replacing them with entertainment. But at this time, Kulistikov received government awards: Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 2nd and 3rd degrees,

Kulistikov Vladimir Mikhailovich - a born manager

Leading people in a large creative team is not easy. Vladimir Mikhailovich Kulistikov reached significant heights in this art. He, as a manager, was not interested in the nationality and sexual orientation of the employees; he says that he always chose employees according to their professional qualities, everything else did not matter. Colleagues on NTV speak very warmly of their former leader. Vladimir Takmenev notes that the TV company has acquired a new face, high-rating programs have appeared in its network: "Country and World", "Central Television", "New Russian Sensations". says that she and her colleagues are lucky that they were taught to work and think by such a professional as Vladimir Kulistikov. Vadim Glusker notes that their leader is distinguished by encyclopedic knowledge and impeccable talent of the leader.

Unexpected turn: resignation

In October 2015, everyone was struck by the sudden news - Vladimir Kulistikov was leaving NTV. He said that he was leaving the company for health reasons, that there was no reason for this event. But at that time, the channel had many difficulties: several journalists left the channel, disagreements with investors appeared, the growing pressure of the authorities, the economic crisis, so it is becoming more and more difficult for Kulistikov to implement his plans. And he decides to leave NTV. And within a few days he becomes an advisor to the general director of VGTRK Oleg Dobrodeev. History repeats itself, perhaps to be continued.

Family and Children

Many journalists hide the details of their private life, and Vladimir Kulistikov does the same. The journalist's son Dmitry, as you know, followed in the footsteps of his father, today he works as a correspondent for VGTRK "Russia". About his wife, Margarita Viktorovna Kulistikova, no details are known.

The NTV channel is broadcast in all regions of the Russian Federation, and the technical signal covers 97% of the population. The target audience of NTV is viewers aged 18+, for whom a wide range of content is presented on the air of the channel: news and socio-political talk shows, series and films, entertainment and educational programs, documentary and social projects.

The NTV news service operates as a round-the-clock information channel. Releases are released almost every hour, sometimes broadcasting is carried out in parallel from different studios to different orbits. Every weekday, the Information Directorate provides up to 5 hours of live original content. For many years, the NTV information service has been paying special attention to the topic of charity. In 2017, the channel aired more than 80 stories about people in need of help, with the title of a short number or a charitable account.

NTV is a pioneer in the development of new television ideas, formats and genre trends. These are social and political talk shows, lifestyle programs, big game shows, drama series, social projects and others.

NTV is the largest producer of action-packed serial content, which is in demand both in the Russian and international markets.

The channel actively creates socially significant and charitable projects. Thanks to the efforts of the channel, the New Year's Eve charity event "The Journey of Santa Claus with NTV" is taking place, and children left without parental care have the opportunity to show their creative potential in the "You're super!"

The professionalism of the NTV creative team has gained recognition in Russia and around the world. The TV company was repeatedly awarded with industry awards, and reporters, observers and NTV anchors received high government and journalistic awards.


127427, Moscow, st. Ak. Queen, 12