Technical Fire and Rescue College named after Hero of the Russian Federation V.M. Maksimchuk. Computer Information Technology Engineering College

Director - Alexander Mitrofanovich Manaenkov

GBPOU Technical Fire and Rescue College named after Hero Russian Federation V.M. Maksymchuk - an educational institution that has united in its structure a TWO-STAGE education system, the purpose of which is to create necessary conditions to receive:

Initial vocational education (NGO) along with receiving secondary (complete) general education
Secondary vocational education (SVE)

The college implements social partnership with government agencies, services emergency response Ministry of Emergency Situations. Agreements on cooperation have been concluded with the Agencies for the provision of civil protection measures in the Northern Administrative District and the Southern Administrative District of the city of Moscow, the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia for the city of Moscow, the UMC EMERCOM of Russia for the city of Moscow.

College graduates, depending on the profession or specialty received, are employed:
- firemen, inspectors of the State Fire Control Service, chiefs of the guard in the fire departments of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the city of Moscow;
- computer operators and ACS technicians to the Emergency Monitoring and Forecasting Centers, the Crisis Management Center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in Moscow, the Force Control Center;
- auto mechanics and technicians for maintenance and repair of special equipment in a specialized fire and rescue squad of the Civil Protection Department of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the city of Moscow;
- in the search and rescue squads of the Civil Protection Agency of the administrative districts.

Qualification: Technician. term of study: on the basis of 9 classes - 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian language, physical training
Qualification: Technician - rescuer. Duration of study: on the basis of 9 classes - 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian, mathematics, physical training
Qualification: Technician. Duration of study: on the basis of 9 classes - 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian, mathematics
Qualification: Information systems technician, specialization: monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations. Duration of study: on the basis of 9 classes - 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian language, mathematics, computer science
Qualification: Technician. Duration of study: on the basis of 9 classes - 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian language, mathematics, computer science
Qualification: Firefighter. Duration of study: on the basis of 9 classes - 2 years 5 months. Entrance exams: physical fitness
Qualification: Car repair mechanic. Duration of study: on the basis of 9 classes - 2 years 5 months. Entrance exams: no
Qualification: Hardware and software... Duration of study: on the basis of 9 classes - 2 years 5 months. Entrance exams: no /

- Conversational English
- Operator of electronic computers
- Car Repair Locksmith
- Car driver
- Fundamentals of rescue operations
- Fire-technical minimum
- Participation in the training of voluntary fire brigades (DPD)
- Industrial alpinism
- Cynologist
- Gas and smoke protection
- Fire Safety Technician

Circles and sections: PF, Boxing, Fire and rescue sport, Military-patriotic association "Kursant", Football, Athletics, "Firefighters", Young firefighter, Amateur performances, Ho, Basketball, Volleyball, Volunteer movement, Hand-to-hand combat, Musical creativity collective "Orange" , Arm wrestling, SAMBO wrestling, "Inspiration" club, Arts and crafts club

From childhood I dreamed of creating computer games, and after the 11th grade I decided where to enter. Together with a friend, we entered here to program in computer systems. We also graduated from college together; we have been working for a year in a prestigious company. So far, very fond memories of college

All students say in which prestigious institution they study, referring to its name. I beg you, whoever you tell, no one has heard of any RANEPA.
Everything inside is well arranged and cozy. The toilets are dirty, there is practically no paper, and there is no soap either. Dryers on some floors are barely working. A huge disadvantage is that sometimes there are no trash cans in women's stalls ... well, you yourself understand why they are needed, women's accessories in this case are lying around somewhere for a push - not surprising. Sometimes, they paste on the doors some offers to work as a mortgagee, well, it's not surprising here either.
Teachers love to lie and scare. If you do, don't trust anyone, doubt everything and check everything. Think with your head, don't be naive.
The director said at the meeting that they would exclude all truants who have more than 120 hours per semester (60 couples, about 15 days). I may already be wrong in numbers, perhaps I am wrong, but something like this. This is one example of their lying and intimidation. For each truancy, it was necessary to write an explanatory note and explain personally the reason for the truancy, sign for three people. "I went to the hospital" - will not work. Need help. As a result, a person who went to college 40 times in 3 years of study received a diploma! And the person who lost the card from the entrance is excluded, although the session is closed and went daily. Fair, huh?
Adults are treated like children. Not on a pair? The curator calls the parents.
The locker rooms are full of trash. At the beginning of the year, you will have to stand for 25 minutes. It's good that they guessed to make everyone take their thing on their own.
There is no place to sit in the dining room. (by the way, it is better to take food with you, because there you can go broke) In the corridors it is worse than in the subway, the crush is terrible. We wanted to remove the set after grade 11, maybe it will resolve a little. I think they shouldn't have done it. Maybe good for college, but for people? Everyone is trying to make learning more mobile and convenient, with such a solution it will not work.
Everyone is accepted for paid education. I remember the recruitment was 25 people, in the end there were 31 in the group. So don't worry.
Physical education is complete tin. If there is no preparation or you just hate it, do something to avoid going there.
Who got to Anna Petrovna, do not worry, you will hand over everything. Not in a month, so in six months. How many nerves did this teacher spend on me ... "God knows 5, I am 4, you are 3". For 3 you need to learn 8 topics by heart, ideally. Do you want a red diploma? Learn everything at once, especially its subject, do not delay, do not think that it will carry over, do not think that you will write off. It was easier to write off the exam, probably.
About knowledge. 4/10. Some teachers just wanted to chat and sit on the phone. Eh, I would like to know accounting. I tried to somehow figure it out myself, but with this discipline as with mathematics. An explanation is needed. A good teacher was fired because she was swearing, a good woman, albeit with her cockroaches, taught the subject as it should be. They would have fired better accounting teachers)))
Some teachers simply dictated 10 sheets and nothing was clear, but as leaders on coursework and thesis - perfect and caring.
About term papers and diplomas. Get ready to steam with the design and retype everything 40 times. For some reason, each teacher has his own vision of design. By the way, nobody lets you print anywhere. It is better to throw the whole group on the printer, IT WILL BE MOST USEFUL.
About the atmosphere. There are a lot of non-Russians who like to sort things out, a lot of cattle. Who smokes can no longer smoke. Just get out of the college campus, breathe a little and that's it - you're already high for the day.
Overall, the college is good. If this is your choice, do it.

Why more than 15 positive ratings for 2015? Because they are fake. In college, IT learns things that were relevant 10 years ago. Then graduates get a job for 20-25 thousand. Or not in their specialty. There is no teacher with specialized higher education in programming. Programmers are taught by a mathematician at best.

Technical colleges in Moscow after grade 9 on a budget basis

Rating of technical colleges in Moscow after grade 9 on a budgetary basis. List of the best technical colleges, vocational schools, colleges and technical schools in Moscow after grade 9 at state universities.

Searching results:
(establishments found: 10 )


10 20 30

    State budgetary professional educational institution of the city of Moscow "Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning"

    GBPOU "Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning" was founded in 1951 and has passed more than half a century of training for the construction industry.

    Specialties: 5 Cost:

    The Moscow Technical School of Space Instrumentation is, perhaps, the only technical school in Russia that provides training in the entire spectrum of specialties related to automatic systems control of aircraft, computers and its software.

    Specialties: 4 Cost:

    The college was founded in 1997 as a structural subdivision of the Moscow state university Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI).

    The College of Computer Science and Programming was founded in 1947 as the Moscow Electrovacuum Technical School.

    Specialties: 0 Cost:

    The college is public educational institution secondary vocational education. Training is carried out on a budgetary and commercial basis.

    Specialties: 3 Cost:

Technical colleges are the backbone of a healthy economy and development in Russia. It is here that workers are trained for various industries. Metallurgists, locksmiths, cable workers, carpenters, electricians and all other specialists in the real sectors of the economy receive their education in the country's technical colleges. The country's industry is booming, recovering from the crisis. And the production requires specialists who can work with their hands. Although automation is replacing human labor, most of the work is performed by the personnel of enterprises.

Moscow technical colleges

In Moscow, the volume of production is falling, but this does not in any case discredit the technical ones. It has always been considered prestigious to receive a diploma in Moscow. Another plus of the capital's education is modern equipment. The number of enterprises in Moscow may be falling, but high-tech enterprises appear. Studying at Moscow colleges makes it possible to undergo an internship using the best equipment.

The IT sphere is developing rapidly. The latest devices are required in virtually every industry. Therefore, instrument technicians will always be in demand and receive a huge wages... To get a good education, you should go to a technical college at universities. You can get excellent theoretical training in them, but take a course in college labor skills.

Technical colleges after grades 9,10,11

Going to technical college after graduating from ninth grade is a bold decision, but a completely justified decision. Although the material will be given with great difficulty and you will have to assimilate fundamental knowledge on the fly, the knowledge gained will be immediately applied in practice. This approach to learning to improve the performance of the cognitive process. Having received a specialist diploma in the shortest possible time, it will allow you to start working in your specialty from a young age, until the skills acquired during training are outdated. In essence, this is an exchange of years of study for years of practice and experience.

The need for technical colleges

They pay great attention to the theoretical foundations of the studied processes, which somewhat distracts from the practical application of skills. Higher education prepares theorists and managers. At the same time, the country needs skilled workers who can engage in the production of public goods. Universities have graduated a huge number of managers. But if there is no one to manage, then their education is useless. Therefore, Russia began to support colleges of various kinds. Colleges will soon train the required number of workers. Therefore, you should hurry with your choice and get an applied education as soon as possible and get a promising job with a good salary. Only high-tech production can improve the well-being of the population and Russia's ability to enter world markets. Available domestic IT products will also improve the standard of living. Technical colleges and their graduates raise the standard of living in the country and the prestige of Russia in the eyes of the world community.

For 30 years, Synergy College has been a leader in the ratings among colleges in Moscow and Russia. Here you will receive a quality education by combining traditional academic knowledge and many years of experience of practicing teachers. The college concentrates some of the most popular and demanded areas from the field of Economics and Management to the field of IT technologies and Design. Graduates of the 9th grade have a unique opportunity to enroll in the continuing education program, which allows them to combine studies at school and in college and, already in the 2nd year of the College, receive a diploma of secondary vocational education. Synergy College students annually participate and win awards in various professional championships and olympiads, such as Clockwork Orange, WorldSkills Russia 2018, Moscow Masters by WorldSkills Russia standards. Synergy College in 2019 successfully confirmed State accreditation until 2025, which allows issuing

Synergy teaches at 14 faculties in more than 100 programs: entrepreneurship, economics, management, information Technology, hotel and restaurant business, linguistics, internet marketing, design, psychology and many other areas that are available remotely. The university accepts students at all levels of education: college, undergraduate, graduate, first and second higher education. Currently, Synergy University has 35 thousand students. In the educational process, Synergy University gives preference to practice-oriented training programs designed in accordance with the requirements of the modern labor market.

The College of Architecture and Civil Engineering decides difficult tasks continuous training of specialists competitively demanded in the labor market in conditions of territorial remoteness of structural divisions educational institutionlocated in the North administrative district the city of Moscow. Employers note the high level of training received at the College, which contributes to the rapid career growth of graduates. Over the past period, the college has graduated more than 4000 specialists who successfully work at various construction enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Polytechnic College. N.N. Godovikova sees her task as providing effective, competitive education for the younger generation. For this, the college switched to an innovative development path that allows for the growth of learning outcomes. The close ties of the college's sites with social partners-employers and foreign colleagues allow us to flexibly respond to changes in the profession market caused by the emergence of new production technologies, to adjust the set of required professional competencies for the training of future specialists. The introduction of modern educational and information technologies makes it possible to train practice-oriented and in-demand specialists in the labor market.