Harsh thread year. Regulations on the V All-Russian Contest of Military Embroidery “Severe thread. V. Requirements for the participants of the Competition

Jury composition:

  • Chairman - Head of Section (Cultural Programs) of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, candidate of psychological sciences FALLER Olga Vladimirovna;
  • Deputy Head of the "TsDRA" of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Anatoly Anatolyevich PUKLICH;
  • consultant of the department (cultural programs) of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Natalya Petrovna SIVOCHUB;
  • Head of the Department of Military Patronage of the "TsDRA" of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Galina Aleksandrovna KARASEVA;
  • head of the scientific and educational department of the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Defense of Russia KAMINSKAYA Lyudmila Anatolyevna;
  • editor of the department of culture, member of the editorial board of the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation PAVLYUTKINA Irina Vladimirovna;
  • master of artistic embroidery, muralist NOSENKO Olga Alekseevna;
  • Eduard Vladimirovich DORONIN, head of the group of cultural and artistic work of the department of military patronage work "TsDRA" of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, finalist of the "Silver Thread" competition;
  • Deputy Director for Projects of the Studio of Military Artists named after M.B. Grekov Samarskaya Tatyana Aleksandrovna.

After discussing the works sent to the competition, the jury decided to award:
In the age category up to 16 years

GRAND PRIX - Ilya Lanshakov, 13 years old (Primorsky Territory), "I am a Suvorovite of a great country - Russia!".

1st PLACE - Collective work - Yan Mikhailov, 12 years old; Kasperovich Denis, 12 years old; Chernov Pavel, 11 years old (Sevastopol), "Thanks to great-grandfather."

II PLACE - Teamwork - Max Bergman, 13 years old; Daineka Maksim, 11 years old (Sevastopol), “In combat service”, “Quiet Harbor”.
2nd PLACE – Maxim Alekseenko, 13 years old (Vladikavkaz), "Tankman".

III PLACE - Alekseev Egor, 12 years old (Vladivostok), "Sailing Regatta".
III PLACE - Golodnykh Pavel, 12 years old (Vladivostok), "To the Far Shores".
III PLACE – Vorobyov Vasily, 12 years old (Vladivostok), "Pallada at Sunset".
III PLACE – Anna Sklyarenko, 10 years old (Belgorod), “We are faithful to this memory! ".
III PLACE – Bondarenko Valeriya, 15 years old (Arkhangelsk), pouch with embroidery “Calendar”.
III PLACE – Sofya Kolygina, 14 years old (Arkhangelsk), pouches with embroidery “Falcon”, “Coat of Arms”.

Competition winners:

1. Anastasia Molodykh, 14 years old (Kyzyl), “Nursing Spoon”, pennant “Severe thread”.
2. Chamzryn Ai-Kat, 14 years old (Kyzyl), “Victory Day!”.
3. Mongush Chinchi, 13 years old (Kyzyl), "Eternal Flame".
4. Dirchin Aldynay, 14 years old (Kyzyl), “Military helmet”.
5. Saaya Aiza, 14 years old (Kyzyl), "Kiset".
6. Collective work - Adelmurdin Ruslan, 12 years old; Voronov Ilya, 12 years old; Farkhutdinov Ruslan, 12 years old (Kazan), "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!", pouch "Happy tankman's day".
7. Unkovsky Vladimir, 13 years old, (Sevastopol), "Nakhimovets".
8. Dontsov Stanislav, 13 years old (Sevastopol), “Monument to the Scuttled Ships”.
9. Yana Pikuleva, 15 years old (Moscow), "Warrior - Liberator".
10. Unguryan Daria, 15 years old (Moscow), “The Motherland Calls”.
11. Ekaterina Ukhanova, 15 years old (Moscow), Russian Aircraft.
12. Collective work - Olga Borovikova, 12 years old; Kots Anastasia, 12 years old (Moscow), Order of the Patriotic War.

In the age category from 16 years old

GRAND - PRIX - Olga Sergeevna Frantskevich (Tver region), "Cornflower Field", "Be patient dear", "A Moment of Life".

1st PLACE - Agafonova Elena Sergeevna (Moscow region), "Standing firmly in the ranks."

II PLACE - Pashkova Elena Ivanovna (Chelyabinsk region), "I will serve in the army."

III PLACE - Kizhegulova Galia Tulusbaevna (Moscow region), "Tankman's helmet".
III PLACE - Bokovina Irina Alexandrovna (Trans-Baikal Territory), "Cat-front-line soldier".

Competition winners:

1. Collective work - Khlyanova Oksana Valerievna, Kolosov Victor, Kovalenko Tamara Ilyinichna, (Orenburg), "To the Victory Day".

2. Kustova Olga Bogdanovna (Arkhangelsk), "Katyusha".
3. Collective work - Kruse Christian Viktorovich, Komarov Andrey Yuryevich (Moscow), "Eternal Memory".
4. Collective work - Spiridonov Valentin Vasilyevich, Spiridonov Pavel Vasilyevich (Moscow), "And the city thought - the exercises are going on ...".
5. Lopaeva Agnessa Vladimirovna, (Moscow), "Peace-Peace".
6. Nefedova Irina Valentinovna, (Arkhangelsk region), "I'll be back ...".
7. Yulia Alexandrovna Russak, (St. Petersburg), Frigate Mirny.

Special Prize:

Collective work. Center "Integration". Leader Panteleeva Galina Anatolyevna, (Moscow), "Saint Patrons of the Russian Army and Navy".

I. General provisions

1. This regulation determines the procedure for organizing and holding the V All-Russian Contest of Military Embroidery "Severe Thread" (hereinafter referred to as the Contest).

2. The competition is designed to promote in every possible way the development of cultural and leisure work, the education of citizens of the country, including military personnel and their families, feelings of honor, dignity and professional pride in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the promotion of the best army and navy traditions, the revival and preservation of embroidery traditions on military subjects, creative growth and professional consolidation of craftsmen working in the field of arts and crafts.

3. The competition is held in three stages:

the first stage (March - October 2019) - submission by the participants of the Competition of images of works (at least three) for participation in the Competition;

the second stage (October - November 2019) - determination of participants in the final exhibition of the Competition;

the third stage (November 2019) - holding the final exhibition of the Competition, the city of Moscow, the federal state budgetary institution of culture and art "Central House Russian Army named after M.V. Frunze” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Central House).

II. Organization and holding of the Competition

4. The Organizing Committee of the Competition (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee) manages the organization and conduct of the Competition.

5. The organizing committee consists of a chairman, deputy chairman, members of the organizing committee and a secretary.

6. Organizing Committee in the prescribed manner:

  • develops and approves the plan for the preparation and holding of the Competition;
  • provides organizational and informational support of the Contest;
  • approves the composition of the jury, the minutes of the meetings of the jury, the rules of the Competition.

III. Competition Jury

7. The Jury of the Competition is approved at the meeting of the Organizing Committee.

The Competition Jury members are responsible for the following tasks:

  • selection of works submitted by the participants of the Competition;
  • assessment of the works submitted by the participants of the Competition;
  • determination of the winners of the Contest and distribution of prizes.

8. The works of the participants of the Competition are evaluated according to the system of votes, one vote from each member of the jury. Evaluations of the works of the participants of the Competition are reflected in the protocols, according to which the total number of votes for each participant of the Competition is determined.

9. The winner of the Contest is the participant of the Contest who received the largest number of votes.

In the event that two participants receive an equal number of votes in the final of the Competition, the winner of the Competition is determined by the decision of the chairman of the jury.

IV. Competitors

10. Participants of the Competition on an initiative basis can be artists and craftsmen in embroidery, embroidery in combination with textile techniques, textiles, studio teams,
creative associations, workshops, enterprises, educational institutions, museums, federal state budget institution culture "State Russian House of Folk Art", all lovers of embroidery.

V. Requirements for the participants of the Competition

11. The works submitted for the Competition are delivered by the participants personally or by mail to the address: 129110, Moscow, Suvorovskaya Square, 2, building 1, Central House of the Russian Army, office. 307 B, (marked "Severe thread").

Works must be framed and fully prepared for exhibiting.

Competitive works are accompanied by a questionnaire of the participant of the Competition in the form set out in the annex to this regulation, in two copies, one of which is attached to the back of the work.

Works made in any embroidery technique are accepted for the Competition.

It is allowed to use various materials and techniques, including machine embroidery, appliqué, collage, painting combined with embroidery.

12. The Competition accepts:

  • interior items, cultural and household items, clothing, uniforms or their individual embroidered elements;
  • embroidered pictures (decorative panels);
  • works on military topics, including those made according to schemes, sets and ready-made drawings from books and articles on embroidery, factory or other replicated samples.
  • The number of participants in the final exhibition of the Competition is determined by the jury.

VI. Requirements for the works of the participants of the Competition

13. The requirements for the works of participants in the Competition include:

  • compliance with the theme of the Competition;
  • craftsmanship and workmanship;
  • originality of the idea;
  • overall aesthetic impression.

14. In the works of the Contest participants it is not allowed: the use of commercial and political advertising, obscene and offensive images, comparisons and expressions, including in relation to gender, nationality, religion, profession, social category, age, official state and religious symbols, objects cultural heritage; propaganda and public demonstration of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols similar to Nazi paraphernalia or symbols of organizations banned in the Russian Federation, humiliation of the honor and dignity of other persons.

VII. Awarding of the participants of the Competition

15. The competition is held in two age categories: under 16 years old and over 16 years old.

  • the winner of the Competition is awarded the Grand Prix of the Competition with a diploma and a valuable gift;
  • first, second and third prizes are awarded.

Participants of the Competition, who won prizes, are awarded with diplomas of the first, second and third degrees with a valuable gift.

Participants of the final exhibition of the Contest are awarded with diplomas of laureates of the Contest.

16. Notifications about the results of the Contest are sent to the participants of the Contest who won prizes within ten days from the date of signing the minutes of the jury meeting.

17. The winners of the Competition are notified in advance about the date and time of the solemn awarding ceremony.

18. Participants of the Competition bear full responsibility for observing copyrights when creating competitive works.

All claims to the organizers of the Contest from third parties regarding the legality of using materials included integral part in the competitive work are assigned to the participant of the Competition.

The participant of the Contest gives the organizers of the Contest the right to:

  • processing your personal data;
  • photo and video filming of works to create video and printed materials in order to promote the Competition.

IX. Return of works

19. Return of works is carried out within six months after the awards ceremony.

20. Participants of the competition or their representatives pick up the works on their own.

X. Financing of the Competition

21. Financing of the Competition is carried out at the expense and within the limits of the funds allocated to the Central House under the state task for 2019.