Correct project. Application for the contest "Points of Growth" Project: Center for Economic and Business Information

Resource scientific and methodological center continuing education GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory" for the second year in a row holds a regional competition of innovative projects and programs in the field of additional education children. The competition is held in order to identify, disseminate and implement positive innovative experience in the field of additional education for children.

V.G. Igishev,
candidate of pedagogical sciences,

Deputy Head of RSMC NO
GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory"

The main idea of ​​the competition there was an exchange of experience between educational organizations and groups of authors, as well as the creation of a single platform (base) of the best innovative practices that have been successfully tested and received a qualitative result.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of educational practices conducted to identify the diversity of innovations in education and their public support. The attractiveness of such practices is increasing year by year, and the project activities of the teaching staff not only increase the prestige educational organization but also brings additional resources, including financial ones.

The main goals and objectives of the competition:
  • activation and support of innovative activities of educational organizations to update the content, technologies, methods and methods of training and education in the field of additional education for children;
  • actualization of innovative results, solutions and products of educational activities;
  • familiarization of the pedagogical community with effective innovative practice;
  • exchange of experience in the development and implementation of innovative projects in the field of additional education for children;
  • creation of a platform for updating, exchanging experience and introducing innovative educational solutions in the field of additional education for children.

The site became the main resource for placing competitive projects. In total, during the collection of applications in the first year of the competition, 65 projects from 28 organizations in Moscow, of them:

  • General education organizations - 50%
  • Additional education - 21%
  • Professional - 18%
  • Research and production organization - 4%
  • Associations - 4%
  • Social centers - 3%

As part of the competition, 7 nominations were announced in which projects could take part:

  • Management of the system of additional education for children;
  • Non-formal education and educational leisure;
  • Special educational needs of children and adolescents;
  • Recreation and health improvement of children;
  • Remote technologies;
  • Pre-professional training;
  • Network educational projects implemented in cooperation with various institutions and organizations;

It should be noted that in the age of the Internet and online learning, not a single application was submitted in the "Remote Technologies" nomination, as a result of which the examination took place in 6 nominations.

Most of the projects were sent in the category "Non-formal education and educational leisure" - 26 works, which indicates an unconditional interest in developing and training programs of all types and levels, implemented by all participants in the educational services market.


The expert team of the competition consisted of prominent representatives of the Moscow education sector, both formal and informal sectors, candidates and doctors of sciences, represented organizations such as the Higher School of Economics (HSE), the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education, the Moscow Innovation Agency, MIOO, Inlerno. Specialists of the Resource Scientific and Methodological Center for Lifelong Education of GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory" took part in the expert evaluation of the projects. The maximum number of points that the submitted work could score is 30 points. The average value of the evaluation of competitive works was 23.4 points. There were no frankly weak works and the leadership was tight.

Prior to the evaluation of applications for participation in the competition, the experts had to familiarize themselves with the documents of the competition and the project application and evaluate the application for participation in the competition personally in information system, access to which is carried out through the official website of the Resource Scientific and Methodological Center for Lifelong Education.


The main issue of the Points of Growth competition was reflected in the distribution of applications by nominations. In terms of popularity, as already noted, the topic of non-formal education and educational leisure turned out to be the most popular, and least of all - technology. distance education. From which we can conclude that the system of distance education in the field of additional education in Moscow is underdeveloped, or that these projects and groups of authors find other niches for PR and professional self-expression. The problem field can be considered the lack of stable knowledge both in the field of the general culture of project management, and the lack of experience in writing project applications. During the face-to-face round of the competition, some contestants had a noticeable lack of experience in public speaking in the format of defending ideas and projects, which affected the rating of projects.


Based on the results of the examination, the projects-finalists of the "Points of Growth" competition were included in, as well as the federal bank of best practices in the field of additional education.

Based on the foregoing, we can make a general conclusion that this competition should develop both in terms of the scale of participants and in nominations, be filled with educational events accompanying the competition. It is necessary to maintain the proper informational, methodological and organizational level of the competition to expand the range of participants and relevant innovations in the field of additional education for children in Moscow and the regions Russian Federation. Therefore, we propose to make the second competition open with the opportunity to join it for all the main participants in the process of additional education for children in Russia - managers of organizations, groups of authors, and teachers.

The organizing committee of the competition for the 2017/2018 academic year proposes to include in the program nominations aimed at displaying, first of all, the information, expert and project management experience of organizations in the form of defending the development program of the institution, public reports, general developmental programs for additional education for children and websites of organizations. It also invites all participants to go through the topics: "Project Management in an Educational Organization", "Strategic Planning" and "Technologies for the Development of General Developmental Programs" with public defense of competitive programs and public reports at the country's main playground in the Moscow Palace of Pioneers.

Since August 2017, the Points of Growth program has been launched in the network of libraries of the Central District of Moscow. For the pilot part of the project, seven units were selected, which by May 2018 will gain a second life. Libraries should become not only a place for issuing and reading books, but also full-fledged cultural centers, points of attraction not only for residents of their district, but for the whole city. Each of them will receive its own unique focus - from a social center to a multimedia platform.

What libraries are included in the program?

LIBRARY No. 16 Cultural Center of Mercy and Tolerance named after F.P. haaza

Project: Cultural Center for Mercy and Tolerance. haaza

The mission of the project is to help people become kinder, more merciful, to provide support to those who need it. The flagship program of the Cultural Center is training people with disabilities in socio-cultural design, assistance in the implementation of their own projects. On the basis of the Cultural Center, charitable lectures, art residences, exhibitions, support groups, book clubs and creative studios are planned.

LIBRARY No. 18 (Children's Department, OORHiVDO)

Project: Smart Me

Do you want your child to say: "I'm smart"? Then you need to immediately become a resident of our project. It will allow you to intellectually develop the child, make his books best friends, discover many interesting facets. To do this, we changed the space, invited professional and interesting teachers, worked out the program in detail and updated the book fund.

LIBRARY №4 named after E.A. Furtseva

Project: Women's Cultural Center

This is a new conceptual platform in the center of Moscow: modern space, hot topics lectures and master classes, exhibitions and bright events create a lively atmosphere for all women who are tired of stuffy offices and boring home life. The main task of the center is to help you find yourself, gain confidence in the future, gain personal and professional development skills, learn how to communicate and adapt to difficult situations. Each woman in our center is a whole story, with her experience and wisdom, talents and abilities, and most importantly, she is ready to share it with everyone who joins our project.

LIBRARY №2 Department of economic information

Project: Center for Economic and Business Information

The goal of the project is to develop the library as a system center of expertise for lectures, discussions, business games with the participation of experts in the field of economics, law, and entrepreneurship. Coverage of economic issues both globally and in a mixed form, creation of a single innovative platform for business communications and self-development. Classes will help people become more financially savvy: "How to run a household", "How to use credit correctly?", "How to draw up a personal financial plan" and many other important questions for each person. All seminars will be conducted by financial consultants.

LIBRARY №3 (Children's department)

Project: Public Center

Opening: early April

The main project of the library is the Public Center for teenagers. The name of the cultural center refers to social networks, which unite the audience around a variety of publics dedicated to cinema, literature, psychology, music, art. Now the Public Center is a space for the implementation of various cultural projects for teenagers and with them. There is a writer's workshop "Quick Writing Pen", a storytelling workshop by Ksenia Zorina, a film school, a laboratory for making zines, a poetry school, and a discussion club "Book Guide". Classes are held on the site for the educational projects "Synchronization" and "Art Subscription", the psychological teenage center "Perekryostok", the Russian Chess School and the "Coddy" programming school.

LIBRARY №3 named after N.A. Dobrolyubova

Project: Trend Library

Opening: end of April

The project is dedicated to everything that is fashionable, relevant, in demand, interesting and is in trend today. As a result, the library will become a modern intellectual space, where you can not only listen to lectures on beauty and healthy lifestyles, communicate with opinion leaders and attend master classes.

LIBRARY №18 named after V.A. Zhukovsky

Project: Lyalin Center

What is library theater or library theater? How to make attractive platforms for the creativity of young people and spectators? Can library users be called these viewers? What is more important: the silence between the bookshelves or the creative mess? You are interested? This project will give comprehensive answers and tell about the methods of implementing theater projects in the library.

Competition "Points of growth" - 2016/2017

We announce the end of the competition of innovative projects "Points of Growth". The second (final) stage took place on May 26, 2017 at the Moscow Palace of Pioneers.

The teams presented their projects in the Small Hall of the Palace of Pioneers and invited guests to the presentation of the projects and public discussion.

At the end of the day, experts summed up the results of the competition and determined the winners. It is worth saying that a significant role in the counting of votes was played by the public vote, thanks to which they became known winning projects:

  • In the nomination "Special Educational Needs of Children and Adolescents" project was the winner "Slavic languages ​​and their evolutionary differences"(GBPOU PC named after N.N. Godovikov JV "School").
  • In the nomination "Management of the system of additional education for children" the winner was the project "Implementation of the technosphere model in the institution of additional education at the Center for Extracurricular Activities "On Sumy"" (GBOU DO TsVR "On Sumy").
  • In the category "Non-formal education and educational leisure" projects are the winners "Paper sculpture as a meta-subject educational result"(GBOU School No. 1273) and "Lessons of needlework for children 5-6 years old" (GBOU School No. 554, Moscow).
  • In the nomination "Network educational projects implemented in cooperation with various institutions and organizations" the winner was the project "Networking as a condition for the development of additional education to improve the quality of education" ( GBOU Gymnasium No. 1569 "Constellation").
  • In the nomination "Recreation and rehabilitation of children" project was the winner "Universal Security Code"("Coordinating Center for Social Support of Youth "Innovations"").
  • In the nomination "Pre-professional training" project was the winner "Multilevel system of training students in the field of "robotics" GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory".

All winners of the competition received diplomas and certificates for advanced training courses at RSMC NO.

Expert team- Candidates and Doctors of Science - represented such organizations as the Higher School of Economics (HSE), the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education, the Moscow Innovation Agency, MIOO. Specialists of the Resource Scientific and Methodological Center for Lifelong Education of GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory" took part in the expert evaluation of the projects.

The maximum number of points that the submitted work could score is 30 points. The average value of the evaluation of competitive works was 23.4 points. The largest number of papers was submitted in the category "Non-formal education and educational leisure" - 25.

Participated in the competition - 65 design work from 28 organizations. Of them:

  • General education organizations - 50%
  • Additional education - 21%
  • Professional - 18%
  • Research and production organization - 4%
  • Associations - 4%
  • Social centers - 3%

Competition "Points of Growth" enters the homestretch

The competition for small and medium-sized businesses "Points of Growth" continues. Those who are not participating yet can join the project - applications are accepted until October 15th.

Recall, the project of the publishing house "Soviet Siberia" "Points of Growth", organized jointly with the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Entrepreneurship Development Novosibirsk region, aimed at discovery. In our region, there are many promising and interesting small and medium-sized businesses that have something to be proud of. The competition is held in five sectors: Agriculture, construction and finishing, trade and public catering, services, medicine.

There are three nominations in each branch. The first is Economic Breakthrough. It will evaluate dynamically developing enterprises with an average annual increase in revenue of at least 20 percent. In another nomination - "Young Director" - the contenders for victory will be heads of enterprises aged no more than 30 years old, who, however, are so talented and in love with their work that they were able to bring their enterprises to a net profit. The third nomination is “Towards people”. It is clear that we are talking about socially responsible business.

The winners will receive commemorative diplomas, five certificates worth 50,000 rubles for publication in 2018 in any of the fifteen media of the Sovetskaya Sibir publishing house, five certificates for the right to become a guest of the special section “Evening Conversation” in the Evening Novosibirsk newspaper, gifts and prizes .

But even those who do not win this time will also win. After all, we talk about all the project participants on the pages of Soviet Siberia, Evening Novosibirsk, regional publications of the Novosibirsk Region, and also on the website

New companies are joining the Points of Growth project. We asked them the traditional question: what gives the competition and why is it important to declare yourself at the regional level as often as possible?

Maksim Kostyuchenko, director of LLC Siberian Building Mixes Plant Brozeks, believes that it would be useful for the company to once again “light up” in the funds mass media regional level.

— We supply our products to various regions of Russia. Three trucks go to Novosibirsk every day, but it’s hard to compete with branded brands,” says Maxim Kostyuchenko. “Participation in the competition will help people understand that products made in our region can compete at the interregional and international level. We understand that it is necessary to keep both the brand and the acceptable price in the market. It's not easy, but we try to do both, and so far we've succeeded.

Natalya Lenchenko, a public relations specialist at Podorozhnik, said that the company strives to participate in all city events, in the life of the city.

— We try to be part of Novosibirsk. Our inclusion in the Points of Growth competition is dictated by the same desire - it is interesting to look at others, to show oneself. Despite the fact that we have won market share, it is quite possible that someone else will find out about us. The fact that we strive to make fast food healthier, we do not fry, we cook everything with gentle processing. That we care about people's health. I think it will be good for the city.

Members of Points of Growth
Artyom DEMIDOV, director of the Games in Reality group of companies:
- This is very good project. I followed the competition for a long time, got acquainted with its conditions, description and realized that I wanted to take part in this event. Our goal, rather, is not to express ourselves more, despite the fact that the market for the services we provide is highly competitive. And not to show that we are better than others. We want to see what we ourselves are capable of, we want to assert ourselves, look at ourselves from the outside, get an assessment. Most likely, this is for yourself - yes, we can.

Vadim KAZANTSEV, premium consultant of the society for the protection of consumer rights "Quality Expert":
“Our desire to participate in such a project is driven by an educational goal. Ordinary consumers, for the most part, are insufficiently informed, poorly protected, and do not know their rights. Therefore, it is very important that they learn more, improve themselves, and be aware of their legal possibilities for restoring justice. In order not to make mistakes, do not make hasty conclusions in situations in which they constantly find themselves. Therefore, we wanted as many people as possible to know about us, so that they would take advantage of the knowledge that we can give in the future.

Svetlana GREBENSCHIKOVA, director of the Strelinka recreation center, Maslyaninsky district:
- We read the information that something similar was carried out last year. Recreation centers and other organizations in general declared themselves, informed the Novosibirsk region about the level to which they were able to rise, talked about their results. Since we worked fruitfully last year, became the "Leaders of Russia - 2016", we wanted people to know more about our base. We have developed a corporate and family holiday, people come to us from all over Siberia. This serves the development of domestic tourism. We, like others, contribute to the development of the Novosibirsk region.

Jury members
Vyacheslav BRATSEV, Deputy Minister - Head of the Department for Regulation of the Consumer Market and the Services Sector of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Entrepreneurship Development of the Novosibirsk Region:
“Today, the government is doing everything possible to make doing business attractive, affordable and prestigious. Creating a favorable business environment in the region and in each municipality is a key condition for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Using the potential of economic growth and innovativeness of small businesses is extremely important for the modern Russian economy and its future. The regional competition "Points of Growth" will become a good platform for disseminating experience in the application of organizational, financial and other technologies aimed at developing small businesses, to promote products and services of small businesses in the regional and interregional markets.

Igor RESHETNIKOV, Minister of Culture of the Novosibirsk Region:
- We became partners of the competition because it is a wonderful idea. Novosibirsk should grow precisely at the expense of those very points of growth - this project is very correctly named. Because if there are no these points that we must support, encourage initiatives, then stagnation will set in, development will stop. And when it comes from the media, it immediately reaches the population. This should be in all spheres, and we want to eventually adopt the idea of ​​“Soviet Siberia” and transfer it to ourselves, to the sphere of culture, including to implement it here. We are for everything new, progressive.