Partisans of the Kuban during the years of WWII photography. Kuban in the fire of the Great Patriotic War. Leaflet of the partisans of the Apsheron detachment, printed "We will come soon!"

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Partisan movement in the Kuban On September 3, 1942, by the decision of the regional committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, a regional headquarters of the partisan movement consisting of P.I. Selezneva, P.F. Tyulyaev and K.G. Timoshenkov and approved the deployment of partisan detachments in the bushes. There were originally seven bushes: Anapsky, Novorossiysk, Krasnodar, Neftegorsk, Maikop, Mostovskoy and Sochi (reserve), each was assigned a certain group of detachments, a total of 126. On September 18, 1942, the Krasnodar regional headquarters of the partisan movement issued its first order.

During September 1942, there was not a day that was not marked by one or another episode of the partisan struggle. According to the operational reports of the Southern headquarters of the partisan movement, more than a hundred cases of combat contact between partisans and the enemy were recorded this month. At the same time, the partisans provided assistance to the military, acting as guides. For example, during the period from September 20 to October 7, 1942, detachments of the Neftegorsk Bush conducted eight army reconnaissance units behind enemy lines and withdrew 500 Red Army soldiers from the enemy’s location. The most combat-ready partisan detachments began to practice raids on garrisons and individual fortified positions of the enemy. The most famous among this category of operations carried out by partisans in September 1942 was the raid of the partisans of the detachment named after. Gastello of the Apsheron region to the garrison in the village of Konoboz. The raid was carried out at dawn on September 27, Sunday, after a thorough reconnaissance, by 64 partisans, including a group of 18 submachine gunners. 50 (according to other sources 90) dead Nazis remained at the battlefield, many wounded. The partisans seized a heavy machine gun, burned all the timber and disappeared. Partisans of the Ladoga partisan detachment with the commanders of the 23rd regiment of the NKVD border troops. Lagonaki, October 1942

Partisans of the Maryansk detachment "Kubanets" In September 1942, partisans increasingly began to carry out sabotage on communications behind enemy lines, cutting telephone wires, mining roads, blowing up bridges. Already on September 11, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe villages of Ilskaya and Kholmskaya, an enemy echelon with ammunition, blown up by the Chernoerkovskiy partisan detachment, derailed. The reports also mention a military train destroyed in September by partisans of the Storm, Boikiy and Resolute detachments between Abinskaya and Lineyna. As a result of this sabotage, up to 200 enemy soldiers and officers were eliminated.

Simultaneously with combat activity, the partisans' propaganda work was carried out among the population of the occupied regions. A printing house was set up in the Apsheron partisan detachment, reports from the Sovinformburo were printed and distributed, an appeal to the workers of the region and an ultimatum to the workers of the narrow gauge railway demanding to stop working. The detachments of the Novorossiysk bush published and distributed leaflets with an appeal to the population, and on September 26 the first issue of the newspaper Partizanskaya Pravda was printed. "Avenger" - newspaper of the partisans of the Seversky district

On the Severskaya-Afipskaya line, an enemy echelon was derailed, and two vehicles with fascists were blown up on a dirt road. During the mining of the railway track with home-made mines (made on the model of anti-personnel mines with an increase in explosive up to 1.2 kilograms), brothers Yevgeny and Gennady (Genius) Ignatov, the sons of the commander of the Stalin partisan detachment P.K., died from a mine explosion. Ignatov.

The participants of the operation were presented for government awards on March 7, 1943. Yevgeny Petrovich Ignatov, born in 1915, who was the commander of intelligence in the detachment and at the same time - a group of miners, and his younger brother, a fighter of the detachment Gennady Petrovich Ignatov, born in 1925, were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Anti-fascist underground in the region The anti-fascist underground has become more active in the occupied territory of the region. In general, three relatively independent blocks can be distinguished in the underground movement in the occupied territory of the Krasnodar Territory. The first is an organized underground made up of workers from the Soviet party activists and the NKVD, specially left behind enemy lines. This underground network suffered heavy losses in the very first weeks of the occupation. The second block was the partisan underground, which partisan headquarters and detachments began to create starting from October - November 1942. Such underground groups, which arose in many settlements of the region, performed the tasks of assisting the partisans in collecting intelligence, distributing leaflets, supplying the detachments with medicines and food, but in some cases also switched to independent actions against the enemy. The third block in the anti-fascist movement in the occupied territory was the spontaneous underground, formed on the basis of the activities of patriotic groups of the population (and lone patriots).

One of the most famous operational groups of the NKVD Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory - "Kubantsy" - successfully engaged in reconnaissance in occupied Krasnodar and adjacent areas, making up to 60 group and single crossings across the front line. On the night of February 12, 1943, the scouts, together with advanced military units, entered the liberated Krasnodar. This picture "Kubans" was taken "as a keepsake" on February 10, 1945 - on the eve of the second anniversary of the liberation of Krasnodar and three months before the Victory.

Until now, many pages of the history of the partisan movement are in the archives classified as "secret".

The partisan movement in the Kuban was created by order of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in the summer of 1942, when the Wehrmacht army was already on the borders the edges. More than six and a half thousand people then decided to fight behind enemy lines.

- In 1942, in the Kuban, everyone went to partisans: old people, women, and even children. They lived in the woods in dugouts like this - wooden walls, wooden tables. But the most important thing is what was inside these dugouts - maps and almost every partisan detachment had such books. They were called "Partisan Companion". This little book tells how to act behind enemy lines. Here is the first chapter: “Attack suddenly, unexpected raid. Everywhere show exceptional restraint, be able to let the enemy in at a very close distance - 30, 20 and even 10 meters. Courage, bordering on impudence, is the main quality of a partisan,” says Alexandra Proskurina, special correspondent.

Lightning and bold. The Abinsk partisan detachment "Quiet" acted in exactly this way. The main tasks of the fighters were reconnaissance, destruction of communication lines, undermining bridges and the railway. Scouts lived in the forest for weeks. On September 23, 1942, a group of several people patrolled the surroundings of a country road near the village of Abinskaya. The partisans knew that a small German convoy was to pass through here. The road was mined. As soon as the lead car appeared, there was an explosion.

During the sortie, the partisans killed four soldiers and took the survivors prisoner. One of them is an officer. Already in the camp it turned out that the prisoner was carrying important documents, including maps with the location of German units . This information was immediately passed on to the command of the Soviet divisions. And the partisans who took the “language” were presented with a state award. During the two months of the existence of partisan detachments in the region, more than one and a half thousand fascist soldiers were killed and wounded, 73 vehicles, four armored cars and even one aircraft were destroyed.

“Snipers played an important role in this. They sat along the roads, waited for enemy troops, and some, especially female partisans, destroyed more than two dozen fascists, ”says Vladimir Cherny, head of the KubSU department.

In the occupied villages and villages, the Nazis staged real "purges". In connection with the partisans, the invaders suspected even those who appeared on the street after six in the evening, which was punishable by execution. Despite this, the saboteurs continued to work. In the occupied settlements, they distributed newspapers and leaflets not only among civilians, but also among enemy soldiers.

“Propaganda activities brought great results. The partisans managed to attract a few dozen Slovak soldiers to the side of the Red Army to re-agitate, ”explains Vladimir Cherny, head of the KubSU department.

The only partisans of the heroes of the Soviet Union in the region are the Ignatov brothers. They died when a train was blown up, in which more than 400 enemy soldiers were traveling.

The Ignatov brothers were buried near the road. They were awarded the highest award of the Soviet Union posthumously. In May 1943, the reburial of the remains took place in Krasnodar - the funeral procession stretched over several blocks. The Ignatiev brothers were buried at the All Saints Cemetery. A street and a library in the regional center are named after them.


Chapter I. Formation and development of the partisan movement on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory during the defense of the Caucasus 29-78

1.1. The formation of partisan detachments in the Kuban and the deployment of their activities in August - September 1942 29 - 55

1.2. Organization of combat activities of the partisans of the Kuban in October-December 1942 55-78

Chapter II. Partisan struggle on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory in the conditions of the Soviet offensive in 1943 79-114

2.1. Participation of partisans in the liberation of the Kuban in the winter - spring of 1943 79-96

2.2. Actions of partisan detachments at the final stage of the battle for the Caucasus and their overall results 96-114

Chapter III. Combat activity and everyday life of the Kuban partisans 115-160

3.1. Features of the tactics of the partisan detachments of the Kuban. .. 115-135

3.2. Composition of detachments and organization of partisan life 135 - 160

Conclusion 161-166

List of used sources and literature 167 - 186

Introduction to work

The Great Patriotic War is one of the most tragic periods in the history of Russia in the 20th century, causing not only increased attention from professional researchers, but also wide public interest. The victory, paid for by millions of lives of Soviet citizens, went to the people at an extremely high price, the war became a difficult test for the entire Russian society. The memory of the sacrifices made continues today to affect the study of the history of the Great Patriotic War, imposing additional responsibility on researchers for the content of the works being created.

The historiography of the military theme includes tens of thousands of general and special works of various genres, but its development has always been significantly influenced by the conjuncture, reflecting the close interconnection of science, ideology and politics. As a result, the picture of the events of the Great Patriotic War that developed not only in the mass consciousness, but also in historical science was filled with propaganda myths and ideological stereotypes. Despite the six decades that have passed since the end of the war, there are still some kind of "blank spots" in its history.

Dogmatism and exaggeration did not escape the coverage of one of the most difficult problems in the history of the Great Patriotic War - the partisan movement in the occupied Soviet territory. The new methodological situation in Russian historical science makes it possible to overestimate many aspects of this problem. At the same time, the rejection of excessive glorification of the problem, inherent in the historiography of previous years, is sometimes accompanied by a downplaying of the partisans' contribution to achieving victory, and attention is focused on negative issues in the history of the partisan movement.

The desire to comprehend the problem as a whole often comes into conflict with the specific circumstances of the development of the partisan movement in a particular region of the country, and the fascination with general reasoning does not

4 inevitably leads to schematism and simplifications. Meanwhile, the creation of a reliable and scientifically substantiated picture of the partisan movement is associated with the identification of its specifics in various regions of the country, based on the use of all sources currently available to researchers. Certain features also characterize the development of the partisan movement on the territory of the Kuban, the history of which is an integral part of the battle for the Caucasus as one of the most important battles of the Great Patriotic War.

Scientific relevance The topic lies in the need for a comprehensive development of such a complex and little-studied problem of a regional nature as a partisan movement on the territory of the Kuban during the Great Patriotic War. Comprehension of the processes of formation and development of the partisan movement in the Kuban allows not only to reveal the general and special features of resistance to the invaders in a particular region, but also to significantly supplement the system of ideas about the development of events in the territory occupied by the enemy, to understand their logic, essence and significance as the most important components of the Soviet-German opposition in general.

object this study is a partisan movement in the Kuban, considered as an integral part of the resistance to the invaders in the territory they occupied during the Great Patriotic War.

The subject of the study is the formation and development of the partisan movement in the Kuban, its effectiveness and results, organization and management, the interaction of partisans with units of the Red Army, their tactics, social composition and everyday life.

Chronological framework studies are limited to the period of German occupation of most of the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, which lasted from July 1942 to October 1943. At the same time, an analysis of the processes of preparation and formation of detachments, the results and consequences of partisan actions required, in a number of cases, to turn to events that go beyond the indicated chronological framework.

Geographic scope The work is determined by the administrative boundaries of the Krasnodar Territory and the Adygei Autonomous Region, which was part of it, as a region in which the partisan movement during the war years had certain specifics.

Historiography of the problem. Questions of the history of the partisan movement in the occupied Soviet territories quite often attracted the attention of domestic and foreign authors. They are reflected both in generalizing works and in special studies. Repeatedly, researchers also turned to the partisan movement in the occupied territory of the Kuban during the Great Patriotic War. An analysis of the historiography of the problem allows us to distinguish three main stages in it: 1) the war years and the first post-war decade, 2) the second half of the 1950s-1980s, 3) from the beginning of the 1990s. until now. The main criteria for the proposed periodization are: expanding the range of issues under study, their reflection in generalizing works and special studies, the degree of knowledge of the problem, and the development of its source base.

The first works about the actions of Soviet partisans came out directly during the war. 1 Their authors emphasized the nationwide character of the partisan movement, the origins of which were discovered in the Patriotic War of 1812, and as a theoretical justification they cited the provisions put forward by K. Marx, F. Engels, V. I. Lenin on the essence of partisan struggle as a form of action of the oppressed masses. Special works promoted the most effective partisan experience, contained advice to partisans on how best to cross the front line, position themselves in the forest, disguise themselves, set up an ambush, organize an attack on a settlement, and carry out other actions. 2 At the same time, coverage of these issues was limited by censorship requirements.

1 Mints I. Partisan war. M., 1941; Volin B.M. All-People's Partisan Warrior. M., 1942; Sidel-
R. R. The struggle of Soviet partisans against the fascist invaders. M., 1942; Ponomarenko P. K. Partizan
movement in the Great Patriotic War. M., 1943, etc.

2 Afanasiev L. To help the partisan. M., 1942; Companion of the partisan. M., 1942, etc.

During the war years, the first publications appeared in the central and local press, describing the exploits of individual partisans and the actions of a number of detachments of the Krasnodar Territory. For conspiratorial reasons, even the names of some authors, participants in the partisan movement, were not disclosed. The first experience of summarizing information about the Kuban partisans was the brochure of the editor-in-chief of the regional newspaper I. I. Yudin, who described partisan actions on enemy communications and attacks on enemy garrisons, fighting in the Maikop forests and in Novorossiysk, the struggle in the oil fields and the participation of partisans in the liberation of the region by Soviet troops. I. I. Yudin not only used significant factual material on the actions of the partisans, but also for the first time summed up the results of their activities. 2

The works of the war years are distinguished by their journalistic and applied nature, fragmentation in presentation and increased emotionality in descriptions. It is no coincidence that some historians have proposed to consider them not as studies, but as historical sources. 3 However, most experts did not agree with them and continue to consider the literature of the war years as the initial period in the development of Soviet historiography of the problem.

After the war, the development of issues of the partisan movement in the Kuban was continued. Among the authors of works on this problem were former members of the partisan movement. So, the secretary of the party bureau of the Maikop partisan detachment No. 1 "People's Avengers" I AM. M. Semkin in the anniversary edition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Adygea Autonomous Region, wrote a section on the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War, in which he cited new facts and general results of partisan actions

1 Partisans of the North Caucasus // Red Star. 1942. December 13; Taman partisans // Red Fleet.
1943. May 20; Lapigonov I. Maikop partisans // Grozny worker. 1942. October 10; Kikilo I.
People's Avengers // Adygeiskaya Pravda. 1944. January 29; February 4, 11, 16, 18; Serafimov G. Maikopskie
partisans // Ibid. 1945. February 12, etc.

2 Yudin I. Partisans of the Kuban. Krasnodar, 1944.

3 Logunova T. L. Soviet historiography of the people's struggle in the rear of the Nazi troops 1941 - 1945.
M., 1984. S. 100 and others.

4 Krinko E.F. The North-Western Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War: problems of historiography and
source study. M., 2004. P.17 and others.

7 Adygea. 1 But the main role in the development of this problem in the post-war period was played by the first Ph.D. dissertations on the history of the region during the war years. N. I. Novak characterized the leading role of the Krasnodar regional, V. M. Glukhov - Adygea regional, A. P. Khmyrov - the Novorossiysk city party organizations, and G. P. Ivanov - the Krasnodar Komsomol organization in the partisan movement. The significance of the problem under consideration was determined by the fact that in these works it was, as a rule, disclosed in special chapters or sections. Other studies have also been devoted to the issues of the partisan movement in the region. 3

All this makes it possible to consider the war years and the post-war decade as the stage of the birth of the historiography of the problem, when the first facts were accumulated and their partial generalization took place. The possibilities of researchers in those years were largely limited not only by the very situation in science, which was under strict ideological control, but also by the narrowness of the source base, since the archives remained practically inaccessible.

Significant changes in the development of the partisan movement occurred in connection with the "thaw", which contributed to the expansion of historians' access to archives. In the 1960s - 1980s. the problem under consideration is reflected in fundamental works on the history of the Great Patriotic War and World War II, the history of the USSR and the CPSU, generalizing works on the history of the Adygei Autonomous Region and the Krasnodar Regional Party

Adygea during the Great Patriotic War // Adygei Autonomous Region. Dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the autonomy of Soviet Adygea. 1922-1947. Maykop, 1947. P. 220-233.

2 Ivanov G.P. The Komsomol of the Kuban in the Great Patriotic War (June 1941 - May 1945): the day .... cand.
ist. Sciences. Krasnodar, 1948; Glukhov V. M. Adygea during the Great Patriotic War: dissertation .... cand. ist.
Sciences. Maykop, 1949; Novak N. I. Krasnodar regional party organization during the years of the Great Fatherland
military war (1941 - 1943): thesis .... cand. ist. Sciences. Kiev, 1951; Khmyrov A.P. Bolsheviks of Novorossiya
ska during the Great Patriotic War: dis. ... cand. ist. Sciences. M., 1951.

3 Chukhrpy P. G. Partisan movement against the Nazi invaders in the Black Sea paradises
onakh of Kuban during the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union // Proceedings of the Odessa University.
Odessa, 1954. Vol. 114. Series of historical sciences. Issue 4. S.51 -72, etc.

4 History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. 1941 - 1945. M., 1961. T.2-3; History of the second
world war. 1939-1945 M., 1975 - 1976. V.4-6.

5 History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. T.5. Book 1. M., 1970. S.248 -272; History of the USSR
from ancient times to the present day. M., 1973. T. 10.

8 organizations. 1 Special studies and collections of articles summarized information on the history of the partisan movement in the occupied territory of the USSR and the RSFSR. 2

In the late 1950s - early 1960s. the first works directly devoted to the partisan movement in the Kuban appeared - N. Ya. Latkina, N. A. Samoilo, A. P. Khmyrova. 3 In addition, this problem was revealed by studies carried out on the materials of the entire North Caucasus, primarily the dissertation and articles of V. I. Sivkov. 4 But the most significant contribution to its development was made by the works of G.P. Ivanov, who introduced into scientific circulation a significant amount of new information on the history of the partisan movement in the Kuban, gave him a generalized description, identified features, based on a thorough study of materials from central and local archives. 5 The scientific and pedagogical activity of G. P. Ivanov contributed to the emergence of a scientific school of military researchers in the region. 6 Largely under his influence in the second half of the 1960s-1980s. A. S. Shakumidov,

1 Essays on the history of the Krasnodar organization of the CPSU. 2nd ed. Krasnodar, 1976; Essays on the history of Adygea.
Maykop, 1981. T.N. Soviet period.

2 Soviet partisans. M, 1961; Bychkov A. N. Partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War
us 1941 -1945 Brief essay. M., 1965; Behind enemy lines. M., 1974; Makarov N. I. Unconquered land Ros
sian. M., 1976; The party is at the head of the people's struggle behind enemy lines. 1941 - 1944 Moscow, 1976; Ponomaren-

to P.K. Unsubdued: (National struggle in the rear of the fascist invaders in the Great Patriotic War). M., 1986, etc.

3 Latkin N. People's avengers // In the battles for the Kuban. Krasnodar, 1958. S. 149 - 167; Khmyrov A.P. Partisans
Novorossiysk unit during the Great Patriotic War (August 1942 - September 1943) //
Scientific notes of the Krasnodar House of Scientists. Krasnodar, 1959. Issue 2; Samoilo N.A. Communists Kras
of the Nodar region at the head of the partisan struggle in the Kuban (1942 - 1943) // Issues of the history of the CPSU. 1962.
No. 4.S.117-129.

4 Sivkov V. I. Party organizations at the head of the partisan movement in the North Caucasus in the period of Ve
of the Great Patriotic War: thesis .... cand. ist. Sciences. Pyatigorsk, 1965; he is. Party organizations in
head of the partisan movement in the North Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War // Scientists for
squeaks of the Pyatigorsk State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Stavropol, 1966.
T.27. pp.28-96id.

5 Ivanov G.P. Behind enemy lines. Maykop, 1959; he is. Communist Party - organizer and leader
struggle in the rear of the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War (based on the materials of couples
political organizations of the North Caucasus). Krasnodar, 1969; he is. In the rear of the frontline. partisan
movement in the North Caucasus. Brief military-historical essay. M., 1971, etc.

6 The personal and professional influence of G. P. Ivanov is described in a collection of works dedicated to his
memory. See: Man. Scientist. Teacher. Memories of Professor G.P. Ivanov. To the 80th anniversary of the
living. Krasnodar, 1999.

9 V. F. Truntov, V. I. Cherny, S. N. Yakaev and other researchers. 1 Local historians made their contribution to the study of the problem, establishing a number of unknown facts about the activities of individual detachments and groups. 2

In general, the 1950s - 1980s. represent a stage in the further formation and development of the historiography of the partisan movement in the Kuban. Its study led to the emergence of special studies, the expansion of their problems, the introduction of new sources into scientific circulation. At the same time, the interpretation of various issues of partisan struggle, being under the influence of ideology, was simplified and dogmatized; there was no serious analysis of the difficulties and contradictions in the development of resistance to the invaders. The successes of the partisans were associated, first of all, with the party leadership, reliance on the military-theoretical heritage of Marxism-Leninism.

In the early 1990s in the study of partisan struggle in the occupied territory of the Kuban, a new stage began, associated with significant changes in the life of the country, the declassification and publication of archival documents and other materials, and the updating of research methodology in domestic historical science. The new generalizing works on the history of the Great Patriotic War and the partisan movement in the USSR reveal miscalculations in the formation and organization of the partisan movement, the activities of various bodies in the creation of partisan detachments, the participation of Red Army soldiers in them, issues of everyday life and life of partisans, other subjects that remained for a long time. time without attention

« knowledge of researchers.

Shakumіїdov AS Activities of the Adyghe party organization during the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941 - 1945: the day .... cand. ist. Sciences. M., 1967; Truntov VF The exploits of the Komsomol members and youth in the rear of the Nazi invaders (Based on the materials of the Don and the North Caucasus) // Scientific Works of the Kuban State University. Issue. 150. Krasnodar, 1972; Cherny V.I. Activities of the Caucasian party organizations to assist the Soviet troops during the battle for the Caucasus (July 1942 - October 1943): dis. ... cand. ist. Sciences. Krasnodar, 1978; Yakaev S. N. Party leadership of the Komsomol of the North Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War. Rostov-on-Don, 1988, etc.

2 Zhernoklev I.V. Partisan paths. Notes of a local historian. Krasnodar, 1972, etc.

3 Great Patriotic War. 1941 - 1945. Military-historical essays. In 4 books. M., 1998 - 1999; Party
zan movement. Zhukovsky; M., 2001; Perezhogin V. A. Partisans and population (1941-1945) // Fatherland
natural history. 1997. No. 6. P. 150 - 154; he is. Soldiers of the partisan front. M., 2001 and others.

The regional historiography also notes the need for "cleansing from mythologization and embellishment of the partisan movement." 1 The expansion of researchers' access to archives has contributed to the emergence of new works, among which dissertations and monographs by E.F. Krinko, S. I. Linz, and other historians. Based on a deep study of documents, they rethink the degree of effectiveness of the actions of the partisans, their relationship with the population of the region, reveal the tragic fate of a number of Kuban detachments. At the same time, these researchers emphasize that the partisans contributed to the victory by doing everything that depended on them in those difficult conditions. Along with them, a number of authors adhere to traditional approaches to the study of the problem, reducing its characteristics to a description of the heroic deeds of partisans. 3

In general, researchers got more opportunities to further develop the history of the partisan movement in the Kuban during the Great Patriotic War. As a result, a number of previous provisions of Soviet historiography are currently being revised, little-studied aspects of the problem are being revealed, and a new system of ideas about the actions of partisans in the Krasnodar Territory is gradually being formed. At the same time, the modern stage is distinguished by research pluralism and diversity in approaches to the problem, and the rejection of outdated provisions is a rather painful process.

A lot of foreign studies were also devoted to the actions of Soviet partisans, written from positions that are in many respects the opposite of those

1 The contribution of the Kuban to the Victory over fascism. Krasnodar, 1996. P.22.

2 Shebzukhov M. Kh. Rear - front (rear of the North-Western Caucasus during the war years 1941 - 1945): experience, lessons.
Maykop, 1993; Boldyrev Yu. L. Artistic culture of the North Caucasus during the Great Patriotic Wars
noah war. SPb., 1996; Chuguptsova N.A. Local authorities and war. Local authorities of the North Caucasus
during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Krasnodar, 1996; Krinko E. F. Occupational
regime in the Kuban (1942 - 1943): dis. ... cand. ist. Sciences. Moscow, 1997; JanuszS. B. Bankruptcy of the German
fascist strategy in the Caucasus: dis. ... cand. ist. Sciences. Stavropol, 1998; Malysheva E. M. Test.
Society and power: problems of interaction during the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945. Maikop,
2000; Linets S. I. The North Caucasus on the Eve and During the Nazi Occupation: State and Particularly
developmental features (July 1942 - October 1943): dissertation .... Dr. ist. Sciences. Pyatigorsk, 2003, etc.

3 Savv R. Kh. Takhtamukaysky district during the Great Patriotic War (June 1941 - 1945). Part 1-2.
Takhtamukay, 1995; Lzashikov G. X. Adygea during the Great Patriotic War. Maykop, 1998; Ozov L. Yu.
Patriotic work and feats of arms of the youth of the North Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War
wars (1941 - 1945): thesis ... cand. ist. Sciences. Stavropol, 1999 and others.

what Soviet historians claimed. So, back in the early 1950s. the leadership of the US Air Force organized a special program for researching the partisan movement in the USSR during the war years, based on captured documents. One of its results was the appearance of a fundamental work edited by J. Armstrong, which stated that the Soviet "peasantry was indignant at the partisans, considered them at best a lesser evil." Only the inhuman measures of the German authorities, their cruelty caused a rise in resistance to the invaders. 1 This conclusion was substantiated by other Western researchers. In particular, supporters of the “missed Russian chance” theory widespread in West German historiography (G.-A. Jacobsen and others) argued that the German leadership, relying on the “blitzkrieg”, did not develop any plans to “defeat Russia with the help of the Russians themselves ". Soviet historians have sharply criticized these provisions, reproaching Western authors for trying to belittle the role of the national struggle behind enemy lines and falsify its nature.

Thus, considerable experience has been accumulated in domestic and foreign historiography in studying the partisan movement in the Kuban during the Great Patriotic War. In works of a generalizing nature, this problem is considered in the context of the history of the war, the development of Soviet society and the region. Special studies reveal various aspects of the history of the partisan movement in the Krasnodar Territory. The state of scientific elaboration of the problem makes it possible to single out the range of basic issues that determine its study, to use the problematic principle in characterizing the existing historiography.

A detailed analysis of the problem allowed a number of researchers to identify stages and periods in the development of the partisan movement in the Kuban during the war years.

1 Soviet Partisans in World War II. Madison, 1964. P.44.

2 Ivanov A. G. Exposing the bourgeois falsification of the Soviet partisan movement in the years of Veli
of the Patriotic War, the role and activities of the CPSU in its organization and development: thesis .... cand. ist. Sciences.
M., 1974; Grinkevich L. D. Criticism of the main falsification concepts of the newest Anglo-American
bourgeois historiography of the Soviet partisan movement in 1941 - 1944: thesis .... cand. ist. Sciences,
M., 1984, etc.

12 us. A sufficiently reasoned periodization of the partisan movement in the Kuban was proposed by G.P. Ivanov, who divided it into two periods. First

Organizational (autumn 1941 - July 1942), second - military operations
Kuban partisans during the occupation (August 1942 - October 1943). This
period, in turn, he divided into three stages: the stage of formation of couples
the Tisan movement, the development of tactics of struggle during the first clashes
ny with the enemy during the offensive of the German troops; active stage
partisan struggle in conditions of relative and temporary stabilization
front in the foothills of the Caucasus; the stage of maximum assistance to those attacking from
Veteran troops (January - October 1943). 1 The advantage of this periodi
tion is that it not only takes into account the evolution of partisan actions
actions directly during the period of occupation, but also draws attention to the
preparatory work for the formation of partisan detachments.

The study of the organization, forms and methods of fighting partisans, based on declassified materials, allowed the Maikop researcher E.F. Krinko to propose a different version of the periodization of the partisan movement in the Kuban, considered in combination with the actions of the underground and popular sabotage. It also involves the allocation of two periods in the development of partisan struggle in the Krasnodar Territory, divided, in turn, into stages. The first period - the development of popular resistance during the defense of the Caucasus - is limited to August - December 1942. It highlights the stage of the formation of popular resistance to the invaders in August - September 1942, during which partisan formations deployed and began hostilities, and the stage of its further development in September

December 1942 The second period - the rise of the struggle in the period of the liberation of re
Gion in January - October 1943. It is divided into a stage of active mutual
actions of partisans with units of the Red Army during the liberation of pain
part of the territory of the Krasnodar Territory in January - March 1943, and beyond
the final stage in the development of resistance on Taman and in Novorossiysk in app-

1 Ivanov G.P. During the years of trials. Krasnodar. 1967. P.49-50.

13 relay - October 1943." This periodization closely links the development of the partisan movement in the Kuban with the events of the battle for the Caucasus and the evolution of the occupation regime, and also takes into account the dynamics of the partisan actions themselves, their relationship with the Red Army units.

Considerable attention in Russian historiography was paid to the organization and management of partisan actions on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. According to the approaches that have developed in Soviet historical science, the main role in the partisan movement as its organizer and leader was played by the Communist Party. 2 At the same time, the activity of the partisans was often identified with the spontaneous protest of the people against the occupiers. Only modern historiography gradually reflects the previously hushed up role of the NKVD in the partisan movement. 3 On the materials of the Krasnodar Territory, this problem was first considered in his Ph.D. 4 More complete information is contained in a collective work prepared by the FSB Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory and revealing a number of little-known issues in the history of the regional state security agencies during the war years, including the creation and actions of operational-Chekist groups during the German occupation of the Kuban. Its authors rely on declassified documents from the archives of the regional FSB department. 5

The motives for the participation of Soviet citizens in the struggle against the invaders in previous years were associated, first of all, with the nature of the Soviet system, the desire to defend socialist gains, to prevent the restoration of pre-revolutionary orders. Recently, researchers have been more

1 Kriiko E.F. Life behind the front line: Kuban in occupation (1942 - 1943). Maykop, 2000, p.156.

2 Gaur G. T. Party leadership of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War: dis. ...
cand. ist. Sciences. M., 1967; Kayushina N. V. Party leadership of the partisan struggle in the occupied
Territory of the RSFSR in 1941-44: dis.... cand. ist. Sciences. L., 1988, etc.

3 Popov L. Yu. NKVD and partisan movement. M., 2003 and others.

4 Martianov V. E. Bodies of the NKVD of the Krasnodar Territory on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War
(1937- 1945): dis.... cand. ist. Sciences. Krasnodar, 1997.

5 Not marked “secret”. From the history of the Kuban security agencies. Essays, articles, documentary stories.
Krasnodar, 2005.

14 they talk about the various motives of the participants in the resistance, along with the desire to defend Soviet power, patriotism is usually indicated, "the desire to defend the large and small Motherland, their relatives and friends, over whose lives a mortal threat hangs." one

Perhaps the most complex and painful problem considered within the framework of this topic is the relationship of partisans with the local population. In the domestic historiography of the previous decades, it was believed that all Soviet citizens initially supported the partisans, who were the defenders of their interests. On the contrary, Western scholars and émigré authors emphasized the "unbridled cruelty" of the partisans. According to C. O. Dixon and O. Heilbrunn, innocent people suffered in the partisan war, because, being unable to eliminate the threat of partisans, the enemy shot hostages instead of them: “When Soviet partisans could inflict damage on the Germans, they did not take into account the fact that to what extent this could affect their compatriots. 2 D. Karov claimed that almost the entire population of the USSR hated the party, the Soviet system and Stalin, but turned out to be “forced to fight in the same ranks with their robber”, 3 gave examples of moral decay in partisan detachments, including the Kuban, emphasized the lack of communication between partisans with the people. But in his work there are direct errors and inaccuracies.

There is no unity of opinion on this issue in modern Russian historiography. A number of authors turned to assessments that were first proposed by foreign researchers and were previously criticized in Russian historical science. For example, B. V. Sokolov pays main attention to those negative moments in the history of partisan struggle that Soviet researchers bypassed, citing the facts of robbery and extermination of the civilian population by separate detachments dressed in German

The Great Patriotic War. 1941 - 1945. Military-historical essays. Book four. People and War. M..1999.S.131.

2 Dixon Ch. O., Heilbrunn O. Communist partisan actions. M., 1957. P.76.

3 Karov D. Partisan movement in the USSR in 1941 - 1945. Munich, 1954. P.7.

form, in order to provoke a rise in dissatisfaction with the actions of the invaders. According to him, the partisans "sometimes became no less a disaster for the civilian population than the German occupiers." one

However, the majority of regional researchers, revising certain provisions and revealing the "blank spots" of this problem, follow the established tradition, believing that the majority of the Soviet population supported the partisans, which ensured the success of the people's struggle behind enemy lines. At the same time, modern Russian historians point out that "unfortunately, there was no complete unanimity and unity in the fight against the German invaders among the partisans and the population." 3

Noteworthy are the developments of military historians devoted to the tactics of Soviet partisans, various forms and methods of partisan actions, and the organization of the material supply of detachments. 4 Only recently have works containing an analysis of the social composition of the Kuban partisans appeared. 5 The reassessment of the results of the partisan movement in the Kuban is facilitated by the publication of the works of the famous Soviet saboteur I.G. ". 6 V. I. Boyarsky analyzes the lost opportunities in the development of the partisan movement during the war years, the specifics and effectiveness of partisan actions. 7 In this regard, modern research is of interest, rethinking the partisan

1 Sokolov B.V. Occupation. Truth and myths. M., 2002. P.2.

2 Malysheva E. M. In the struggle for victory (social relations and economic cooperation of workers and
peasants during the war years 1941-1945). Maikop, 1992, p.202 and others.

3 Lipets S. I. The North Caucasus on the eve and during the Nazi occupation: state and special
developmental features (July 1942-October 1943). Rostov-on-Don, 2003 P.473-474.

4 The experience of the partisan struggle of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War and the peoples of Europe in
years of the second world war. M., 1964; Absalyamov M. A., Andrianov V. N. Tactics of the Soviet partisans //
Military history magazine. 1968. No. 1. P. 42 - 55; Andrianov V. N. Intelligence activities of the party
zan // Ibid. 1971. No. 8. P. 20 - 28; he is. Basing and logistics of partisans in
years of the Great Patriotic War // Military History Journal. 1972. No. 5. P. 80 - 84 and others.

5 Kriiko E. F. The social composition of the partisans of the Kuban (1942 - 1943): the possibilities of the source base //
Russian society and wars of the XX century. Materials Vseros. scientific-practical. conf., ate. 100th anniversary of the beginning of Russian
Sco-Japanese and the 90th anniversary of the First World War. Adler, May 27 - 28, 2004. Krasnodar, 2004. P. 73 - 75.

6 Starinov I. G. On the war behind enemy lines // Issues of the history of the CPSU. 1990. No. 5. P.79.

7 Boyarsky V. I. Partisans and the army. History of Lost Opportunities. Mn., 2001.

movement on the materials of neighboring regions. 1 The formation of a more reliable picture of the partisan movement in the Kuban is also facilitated by the appearance of works that introduce new data on the fate of individual detachments operating in the occupied territory. 2

Summing up the historiographical review, it should be noted that certain research traditions of studying the partisan movement in the Kuban have developed in domestic and foreign science. A solid factual material has been accumulated, a number of important conclusions and generalizations have been made and used in the preparation of this work. At the same time, at present, the degree of study of the problem does not correspond to its scientific significance; in the history of the partisan movement in the Kuban, there are still many unknown aspects.

The purpose of this work is a comprehensive analysis of the processes of formation and development of the partisan movement in the Kuban during the Great Patriotic War, its essence and features. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

analyze the process of formation of the partisan movement, identify and reveal its main stages and their features;

trace the efforts made by the leadership of the region to form detachments, assess the degree of their preparedness for combat operations under enemy occupation;

reveal the management system and organization of the partisan movement in the occupied territory of the Krasnodar Territory, its compliance with the tasks facing the partisans;

1 Aliev K.-M. Light and shadows of guerrilla warfare. M. - Stavropol, 2003; Linets A. S., Linets S. I. Partizan
movement in the Stavropol Territory during the Nazi occupation of the region (August 1942 - January
1943). Pyatigorsk, 2005, etc.

2 Armavir partisan detachment//Armavirites in the Great Patriotic War 1941-45. Armavir,
2005. P.80 - 111; Belyaev S. A. From the history of the partisan movement in the Kuban. Teuchezhsky partisan
detachment "Voroshilovets" of the Adygei Autonomous Region // The Great Patriotic War in the context of history
rii of the 20th century. Materials international, scientific and practical. conf. (Adler, May 27 - 31, 2005). Krasnodar, 2005.
S.22 - 25; Ivanov V. A. From the history of the partisan movement in the Kuban. Krasnogvardeisky partisan
Detachment of the Adygei Autonomous Region // Ibid. P.78 - 80; Winners. Maykop, 2005. P.593 - 607,641 -
656 etc.

consider the tactics of the Kuban partisans, highlight the main directions of their activities;

to characterize the features of the social composition of the partisan detachments of the Kuban, their daily life, the system of supply and material support.

Theoretical and methodological basis dissertations constitute a number of fundamental research principles: historicism, scientific objectivity, systematic approach. Their application allows us to consider the partisan movement on the territory of the Kuban during the Great Patriotic War in its development, specific historical conditionality, taking into account the interaction of various factors, to select the most significant provisions for understanding the essence of the problem on the basis of the achieved level of scientific knowledge. The actions of the partisans and their effectiveness are evaluated taking into account their capabilities, in the context of the general situation in the province during the battle for the Caucasus.

These principles are implemented using a number of specific methods of historical analysis, each of which allows us to solve certain problems. The periodization method makes it possible to single out the stages in the development of the partisan movement on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. The historical-comparative method makes it possible to compare the development of the partisan movement in the Kuban at each of the stages, to highlight its features in comparison with the all-Russian indicators. The dissertation also used the methods of critical interpretation of sources and problem-chronological presentation, logical and concrete analysis, which determine the study of historical facts and sources, taking into account the conditions for their occurrence, specific reasons that caused certain phenomena.

source base research has compiled both published and archival documents. In 1957, the Historical Archive magazine published the first special publication of 35 different documents from the funds of the party archive of the Krasnodar Territory Committee of the CPSU: orders and resolutions

18 nin of the governing bodies and the command of individual detachments, operational and reconnaissance reports, memorandums, reports, leaflets, oaths of partisans. Three years later, a separate publication of leaflets of the Kuban partisans was published, the text of several leaflets was also presented in a generalizing collection.

Documents describing the partisan movement in the Kuban were published in thematic collections devoted to the development of the Krasnodar Territory during the Great Patriotic War. 3 Separate materials on the problem are found in collections of a generalizing nature on the history of the Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar and Adyghe Komsomol organizations. 4 These publications present, first of all, Soviet documents from local archives, while they were selected in accordance with the stereotypes prevailing in historiography. In particular, no documents were published that could at least somehow testify

0 contradictions that sometimes arose in relations between partisans and
population. Particular attention was paid to showing the role of the communist
party as an organizer and leader of the people's struggle, and vice versa, not
materials were presented that revealed the role of the NKVD - NKGB in
organization of the partisan movement.

In the 1990s new publications of archival materials on the problem under consideration have appeared, among which a special volume devoted to partisan struggle in the occupied Soviet territory from the Russian Archive series stands out. It contains declassified documents of the State Defense Committee (hereinafter referred to as GKO), the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Council of People's Commissars, the People's Commissariats for Defense, Internal Affairs and State Security of the USSR, the State

1 Partisan movement in the Kuban (1942-1943)//Historical archive. 1957. No. 3. P.3-47

2 Leaflets of party, Soviet, Komsomol organizations and partisans of the Kuban during the period of the Great Fatherland
war // Our land. Krasnodar, 1960. Issue 1. pp. 124 - 139; Behind enemy lines. Party org leaflets
Nizations and partisans during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. M., 1962.

3 Documents of courage and heroism. Kuban in the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 Sat. documents and
materials. Krasnodar, 1965; The feat of Novorossiysk. Sat. documents and materials. 2nd ed., add., corrected.
Krasnodar, 1978.

4 Documents and materials on the history of the Krasnodar organization of the Komsomol (1918 - 1976). Sat. Krasnodar,
1978; Reader on the history of the Kuban (1917-1967). Documents and materials. Part 2. Krasnodar, 1982;
Documents and materials on the history of the Adyghe organization of the Komsomol, 1917-1985. Maykop, 1985.

19 Military Political Directorate of the Red Army (hereinafter referred to as the GPU of the Red Army), the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement (hereinafter referred to as TsSHPD), the General Staff, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command (hereinafter referred to as the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command) and other materials from the funds of a number of central archives. one

Significant work on the publication of wartime documents in recent years has been carried out by Krasnodar archivists. Of particular note is the fundamental documentary trilogy, which recreates the events of the war years in the Kuban in chronological order, mainly according to the documents of the regional archival fund (responsible compilers - A. M. Belyaev, I. Yu. Bondar). The unique information contained in it characterizes the process of formation of detachments, their entry into combat positions, tactics of action, detachment life, interaction with the army in the field, and other little-studied issues of the history of the partisan movement in the Krasnodar Territory. The publication is accompanied by a fairly solid scientific

reference device. Various aspects of the problem are also characterized by other publications that introduce new materials into scientific circulation. 3 The Books of Memory of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea became a documentary publication of a special kind, containing, among other information, lists of dead partisans in individual areas. 4

A significant group of sources consisted of documents extracted from 283 cases of 10 funds of 5 archives of Moscow, Krasnodar, Maykop, Armavir, many of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. In the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (hereinafter referred to as RGASPI), materials from funds 17 (Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks) and 69 (TSSHPD) were used, containing regulatory and reporting documents on the development of partisan

Great Patriotic War: Sat. documents. T.9. Partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. / Russian archive. T.20. M., 1999.

2 Kuban during the Great Patriotic War. 1941 - 1945: Declassified documents. Chronicle of events.
In 3 books. Book 1. Chronicle of events 1941 - 1942 Krasnodar, 2000. Book 2. 4.1. Chronicle of events in 1943. Kras
nodar, 2003.

3 Kuban Cheka. State Security Bodies of the Kuban in Documents and Memoirs. Krasnodar, 1997, etc.

4 Book of Memory. Maykop, 1994 - 1995. Vol. 1-2; Book of Memory: Russian Federation. Krasnodar region.
Krasnodar, 1994. T. 1-9.

20 movement in the region, as well as fund 625 (Personal fund of the head of the TsShPD P.K. Ponomarenko).

The most valuable and informative layer of materials that reveals the problem under consideration is stored in the Documentation Center for the Recent History of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as TsDNIKK). These are, first of all, the documents of the partisan detachments and formations of the Kuban themselves, party bodies that regulated their creation and activities, and other sources. However, at present, there are certain restrictions for researchers to work with these materials due to the confidentiality of personal information, the presence of confidential information in them. Taking into account the existing order of access to these materials, the paper used the documents of the funds 1774-A (Krasnodar Territory Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks), 1774-R (Collection of documents on the history of the Kuban), 4372 (Southern Headquarters of the partisan movement (hereinafter - YSHPD)), characterizing the processes of formation and development of the partisan movement in the Kuban, its results, the relationship of partisans with the population and other aspects of the problem.

In the State Archive of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as GAKK), individual documents of the R-807 fund (Collection of documents and materials about the Great Patriotic War) were used, in the Repository of Documents of the Recent History of the National Archives of the Republic of Adygea (hereinafter referred to as KhDNI NAR A) - fund P-1 ( Adyghe Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks), in the archive department of the administration of the city of Armavir (hereinafter - AOAA) - funds R-22 (Collection of documents and materials of participants in the Great Patriotic War and internationalist soldiers), R-1271 (Collection of documents on the history of the city of Armavir and adjacent settlements). These are reports of party bodies, materials of inspections of detachments, memoirs and other sources of official and personal origin. The work also used a variety of materials from the fund of documents of the Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve (hereinafter referred to as KGIAMZ) and fund 4 (Great Patriotic War) of the National Museum of the Republic of Adygea

It should be noted that individual materials are often duplicated in various archival funds, due to the existing reporting procedure, as well as the very principles of their formation. In particular, the RGASPI, along with the TsTsNIKK, stores operational reports of the YShPD and other documents characterizing the combat activities of the partisan detachments of the Krasnodar Territory (including their records). In this regard, it seems appropriate to divide into three main groups all published and unpublished, archival and museum documents used in the work, depending on their types.

The first group consists of official documents. Among them, in turn, stand out, firstly, legal acts that regulated the procedure for creating partisan detachments and formations, the organization of their internal life, and participation in hostilities. These are directives and resolutions of higher and local party and Soviet bodies - the State Defense Committee, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, orders of the people's commissars of defense and internal affairs, resolutions of plenums and bureaus of the regional committee, regional committee, city committees and district committees of the party, city defense committees, regional, regional , city and district executive committees. The same group includes orders and instructions of the Commander-in-Chief of the partisan movement, the head of the TsShPD, YShPD, the Krasnodar Regional Headquarters of the partisan movement (hereinafter - KShPD), commanders of partisan formations and individual detachments of the Kuban.

Secondly, various types of clerical documents - protocols and transcripts of meetings of party and state bodies, characterizing the very process of making decisions on the organization of the partisan movement in the region, certificates and reports on the moral and political state and material support of detachments and formations, memos on the results of the audit their activities. They also include a variety of

22 operational sources of different form and subject matter: acts of combat operations, which indicated the composition and duties of participants, service diaries, operational and reconnaissance reports, certificates compiled on the basis of combat reports and containing general information about the actions of detachments and formations for a certain period of time .

Thirdly, reports of partisan detachments and formations, summing up the results of their activities. The most significant among them is the “Final Report on the Combat and Intelligence Activities of the Krasnodar Headquarters of the Partisan Movement (August 1942 - October 1943)”, which contains general information about the organization and main activities of the detachments and formations of the region, the results of their military operations, composition and losses Kuban partisans, the damage they inflicted on the enemy.

The second group of sources used in this work is made up of periodicals, newspapers and leaflets. The work used separate issues of central periodicals - the newspapers Pravda, Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Krasnaya Zvezda, the main regional newspaper - Bolshevik (since 1943 - Sovetskaya Kuban), the regional newspaper " Adygeiskaya Pravda", district and city newspapers - "Absheron Worker", "Bolshevik Pravda", "Tower", "For the Commune", "Novorossiysk Worker", "Under the Banner of Lenin - Stalin", "Socialist Tobacco Growing", containing information about the actions Kuban partisans.

During the period of occupation, the publication of a number of newspapers in the Krasnodar Territory ceased, others published special issues for the population of the occupied regions. Some regional newspapers became organs of partisan detachments and formations, the information published in them characterizes, first of all, the propaganda activities of the partisans of the Kuban. The extremely few combat leaflets and wall newspapers of partisan detachments contain descriptions of individual facts of the internal detachment life. 1 Newspapers published by

In particular, combat leaflets and wall newspapers of the party organization and platoons of the partisan detachment "Tikhiy" are stored in KGIAMZ. See: KPILMZ. F.D. No. KM 778/2.

23 initiatives of the occupying authorities - "Kuban", "Maikop Life", "Bulletin of Kuban" - published materials reflecting their reaction to the actions of the partisans. Propaganda tasks were also carried out by leaflets issued during the period of the German occupation of the Kuban by party and Komsomol bodies, individual partisan detachments and formations, as well as by the occupation administration.

The third group is represented by various sources of personal origin - memoirs and diaries of the Kuban partisans. A significant part of these materials, collected and recorded back in the 1950s-1980s, is stored in the archives and museums of the Krasnodar Territory (especially a large collection is in the fund 1774-R TsTSNIKK), many have not yet been introduced into scientific circulation. Memoirs and diaries were used in the work

V. G. Drevlyansky, S. S. Zhukov, V. E. Zinchenko, G. M. Kadushkin,

S. Ya. Kozlova, M. I. Laricheva, P. G. Obukhova, P. G. Romakhova, M. D. Ryzhykh,
V. G. Samokhina, Ya. R. Sverdlov, N. P. Sluzhava, Ya. D. Shchepilov and others
members of the partisan movement.

Published memoirs are comparatively few. 1 Basically, they were subjected to literary processing, reflecting a certain socio-political order. One of the most widely known published memoirs is the memoirs of the commander of the Krasnodar city partisan detachment P. K. Ignatov, who described in detail the preparation of the detachment, the development of combat tactics, and the organization of detachment life. 2 However, the researchers noted that this author exaggerated the role of his own detachment. 3 However, this feature is also inherent in other authors of memoirs. Recently, in separate editions, in special

1 were partisan. Memories of the Kuban - partisans of the Great Patriotic War. Krasnodar, 1975;
Volkov I. T. Behind enemy lines. Notes of a partisan. Krasnodar, 1979; Grezin V. I. People's Avengers. Krasno
gift, 1982; Schneider K. Partisan paths // For our Soviet Motherland! Memories of Veterans -
participants in the Great Patriotic War. Maykop, 1995. P. 104 - 107; Kohyuv S. Ya. Red-hot paths.
Notes of a partisan // Literary Adygea. 2005. No. 2. P.28 - 70 and others.

2 Ignatov P.K. Notes of a partisan. M., 1949, etc.

3 Khmyrov L.P. Some issues of the partisan movement and its organization in the Kuban during the Great
Patriotic War (1942 - 1943) // Questions of the history of party organizations of the North Caucasus.
Krasnodar, 1966. S. 114.

24 Collections and periodicals published new memoirs of the partisans of the Kuban, freer in their assessments of the events in question. one

In the sources of personal origin, events are comprehended on the basis of the author's own experience, therefore they have been criticized more than once for their inherent subjectivity. Of course, certain errors and contradictions are inherent in them, but the time and conditions of creation affect any historical source. Modern researchers emphasize the prospects of using sources of personal origin as valuable evidence that makes it possible to present the events of the war through individual human destinies. They play a particularly significant role in covering the daily life of the partisans, their spiritual and moral state.

The scientific novelty of the provisions put forward in the work lies in the comprehensive study of the partisan movement in the Kuban as an independent and insufficiently developed historical problem based on the sources currently available to researchers and the current level of scientific knowledge, the introduction of a wide range of factual data into scientific circulation. The novelty of the study is also expressed in the following results and conclusions:

    The dissertation analyzes the genesis of the partisan movement in the Kuban, substantiates its periodization, gives a detailed description of the individual stages that are closely associated with the course of hostilities during the battle for the Caucasus.

    The general features and features of the struggle of the partisans of the Kuban, determined by a combination of objective and subjective factors, are revealed and revealed. The dissertation proves that the natural conditions of the Krasnodar Territory, the proximity of the front line and the short duration of the German occupation of most of its territory were of particular importance. Special

II, P. Vasilyeva//Krinko E. F. Life behind the front line. pp.214-219; Mezokh V. 4. Life and profession of a civil aviation test pilot. Maikop, 2001; Soldiers of Victory. Stories about the Great Patriotic War. Maikop, 2005, etc.

2 Senyavskaya E.S. Psychology of war in the XX century: the historical experience of Russia. M., 1999. S.19 and others.

25 The nature of the partisan movement in the Kuban was also determined by the system of organization of detachments and formations, their numbers and composition, and finally, by the very logic of formation, development trends, forms and methods of fighting partisans.

    On the basis of declassified materials, the complex process of the formation of partisan detachments, the difficulties and problems of deploying their combat activities, largely due to the unexpected occupation of the Krasnodar Territory for the Soviet leadership, are revealed.

    The complex relationship of partisan detachments with units of the active army, which received a simplified interpretation in Soviet historiography, is shown. Cooperation between the partisans and the army developed at different levels and in a variety of forms, but the potential for their interaction could be more effective if the military command took into account the specifics of the partisan struggle to a greater extent.

    A detailed analysis of the organization and management of partisan detachments, their structure is proposed, the role of the NKVD bodies that actually controlled partisan intelligence and counterintelligence, as well as the army leadership, primarily operational groups at the headquarters of the armies that fought in the North Caucasus, is revealed.

    The tactics of the Kuban partisans are subjected to a special study, various tactical methods are considered, and conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of their use. It is proved that the choice of methods of struggle depended on the capabilities of the Kuban partisans and the conditions of their activities.

    The socio-demographic and national composition of the detachments, the level of education, professional and party affiliation of the partisans are analyzed. Based on the analysis of the social composition of the detachments, conclusions are drawn that certain mistakes were made in their recruitment, and management measures aimed at strengthening detachment discipline are considered.

8. For the first time in historiography, the problem of the everyday life of the partisans of the Kuban is posed, the analysis of which is carried out through the study of their living conditions, food, clothing, dwellings, their weekdays and holidays, supply and armament of the detachments.

Provisions for defense:

    The development of the partisan movement in the occupied territory of the Krasnodar Territory during the Great Patriotic War was a complex and dynamic process in which two main stages are distinguished. The chronological framework of the first determined the defensive operation of the Soviet troops in the Caucasus in August - December 1942. The formation of the partisan movement took place in August - September 1942, when the Wehrmacht troops captured most of the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. In the context of the stabilization of the front line and the Tuapse defensive operation in October - December 1942, the partisan struggle continued to develop in the occupied territory of the Kuban.

    The second stage in the development of partisan struggle is associated with the offensive of the Soviet troops in the North Caucasus. In the winter - spring of 1943, the partisans, together with units of the army in the field, took an active part in the liberation of their cities and regions. The Novorossiysk-Taman operation, which ended the battle for the Caucasus, also became the period of the end of the combat activities of the Kuban partisans.

    The contradictory and inconsistent attitude of the Soviet leadership to the guerrilla war played a negative role in its preparation, and the unexpected occupation of the Kuban disrupted the planned exit of the detachments previously created in the region to the intended positions. Due to the natural conditions of the region, most of the detachments were located in the Soviet rear and systematically crossed the front line, the smaller part - in the occupied territory, mainly in the south, in the mountain forest zone. The activity of the partisans especially increased in September 1942, after which the number of their combat clashes with the enemy steadily decreased. Despite all the hard

27 sti and problems, the partisans of the Kuban contributed to the achievement of victory over the enemy.

    The basis of the partisan forces in the Kuban were detachments numbering several dozen people, most of which were created from the fighters of the fighter battalions and combined into formations - bushes. Various structures participated in the formation of the partisan movement, the most significant role in this was played, in addition to party committees, by the NKVD bodies, as well as operational groups under the political departments of the armies of the North Caucasian Front, then the leadership passed to specially created YSHPD, KShPD and cluster headquarters.

    The tactics of the Kuban partisans were varied, they widely used ambushes, raids, sabotage on communications, systematically carried out reconnaissance and propaganda activities, and used other methods of struggle. The use of individual tactics was often hampered by the lack of the necessary technical means and specialists.

    A significant part of the Kuban partisans were communists and Komsomol members. At the same time, from the very beginning, there were many people in their ranks who were incapable of conducting combat operations and living in the forest. In the future, most of these people left the detachments, the most combat-ready part of the partisans remained in them.

    In addition to the detachments created by the regional leadership, other spontaneous armed groups operated in the occupied territory of the Kuban, however, the sources currently available to researchers do not allow drawing reasonable conclusions about their composition and combat activities.

    In the conditions of partisan life, its own specific way of life was formed, which, at the same time, is an integral part of the world of everyday wartime.

Theoretical and practical significance work lies in the fact that it allows you to fill the existing gap in historiography in covering the current problem of the history of the Great Patriotic War. Separate provisions and results of the dissertation research can be used by teachers of universities and schools in the development of training courses on Soviet history of the 20th century, local history and related special courses, writing generalizing and special works on the history of the Great Patriotic War and the history of the Kuban. In addition, the material of the work can be used in the patriotic education of young people, as well as in the professional activities of local historians and guides of the Krasnodar Territory.

Approbation of the research results. The dissertation was discussed and recommended for defense at a meeting of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Armavir Institute of Social Education (branch) of the Russian State Social University. The main provisions of the dissertation were presented by the applicant in speeches at 3 all-Russian and 1 regional scientific and practical conferences. They are also reflected in the brochure and 5 articles. The total number of publications on the topic of the dissertation was 6 works with a total volume of more than 4 printed sheets.

The formation of partisan detachments in the Kuban and the deployment of their activities in August - September 1942

An important condition for the success of the partisans was their preparation for combat operations in the occupied territory, which included a whole range of various measures of an organizational, operational-tactical, logistical and personnel nature. First, the development of a system for organizing and managing the partisan movement, the formation of detachments and sabotage groups, an intelligence network, and governing bodies. Secondly, the development of the most effective tactics based on the generalization of previous experience of partisan operations, taking into account the natural-climatic, socio-economic and political features of the development of a particular region. Thirdly, the creation of a material basis for operations behind enemy lines - the laying of food bases, warehouses with weapons, uniforms, and equipment. Fourthly, the selection of candidates for detachments, their training in reconnaissance, demolition, fire, sanitary and other training. Naturally, it is no longer possible to carry out systematic and targeted training directly in the conditions of enemy occupation, therefore, it was essential to carry out these measures in advance, before the invasion of the Wehrmacht troops into the territory of the Krasnodar Territory.

In this regard, it should be noted that back in the 1920s - early 1930s. in the USSR, considerable attention was paid to summarizing the experience of partisan struggle during the Civil War, secret bases and warehouses were created, detachment commanders, miners, saboteurs, and scouts underwent special training. But in the late 1930s the bases and special schools that had already been created were liquidated, and many commanders and specialists who had experience in partisan operations were repressed. The main reason for this was the approval of the military concept, which did not allow the recognition of the very possibility of conducting hostilities on one's own territory. behind enemy lines, suffered unjustified losses, their actions were fragmented and ineffective.

Only on June 29, 1941, the first official document appeared, calling for organizing a rebuff to the invaders in the occupied territory - a directive of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "To the Party and Soviet organizations of the front-line regions." It spoke of the need to create partisan detachments and sabotage groups to fight against Wehrmacht units, to incite a partisan war "everywhere and everywhere, to blow up bridges, roads, damage telephone and telegraph communications, set fire to warehouses, and so on." In the occupied areas, it was supposed to "create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all his accomplices, pursue and destroy them at every turn, disrupt all their activities." To manage this activity, it was necessary in advance, “under the responsibility of the first secretaries of the regional committees and district committees, to create from the best people reliable underground cells and safe houses in every city, district center, workers’ settlement, railway station, state farms and collective farms.”2

On July 3, in an address to the Soviet people, JV Stalin repeated aloud the main provisions of the directive, adding a number of new tasks. In particular, he spoke about the need to "set fire to the forests", urging "during the forced withdrawal of Red Army units" not to leave a single kilogram of bread to the enemy. Collective farmers had to evacuate livestock and grain to the rear areas, grain and fuel that could not be taken out had to be destroyed.3

These words reflected the obvious lack of understanding by the Soviet leadership of the specifics of the tasks and methods of partisan struggle; they did not contain any indications of the need for its thorough, comprehensive preparation. The chaotic implementation of calls to burn forests and destroy food, instead of distributing it to the population, could rather hinder the formation of the partisan movement than contribute to its development.

A more adequate reality program for the deployment of popular resistance was contained in the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the organization of the struggle in the rear of the German troops” of July 18, 1941, which specified the actions of local party organizations. They were entrusted with the task of “immediately organizing combat squads and sabotage groups” from the participants in the Civil War, well-proven fighters of extermination battalions and militia units, NKVD and NKGB workers, communists and Komsomol members. The partisan detachments had to be "provided with weapons, ammunition, money and valuables, for which the necessary supplies should be buried and hidden in safe places in advance." The need was noted “to take care in advance of organizing communications between partisan detachments and Soviet regions, for which purpose they should be provided with radio sets, use walkers, cryptography, etc., as well as ensure the sending and printing of leaflets, slogans, and newspapers on the spot.”

Participation of partisans in the liberation of the Kuban in the winter - spring of 1943

The second stage in the development of the partisan movement in the Krasnodar Territory fell on the period of liberation of its territory from the German invaders. The beginning of 1943 coincided with the transition of the troops of the Southern Front, created on January 1, 1943 on the basis of the Stalingrad Front, to the offensive in the direction of Rostov-on-Don, with the enemy grouping in the North Caucasus going to the rear. In an effort to avoid encirclement and prevent a "second Stalingrad", the Wehrmacht command began a hasty withdrawal of its troops from the North Caucasus, and on January 16 went on the offensive in the main direction of the ChGV of the Transcaucasian Front. On February 9, the Krasnodar operation began, during which the capital of the region was liberated on February 12. Putting up fierce resistance, the enemy withdrew his troops to the lower reaches of the Kuban River and to the Taman Peninsula.

During the period of the North Caucasian offensive operation in January-February 1943, the tasks and tactics of the actions of the Kuban partisans changed. Having reduced their activity at the end of 1942, in January of the following, 1943, the partisans went on the offensive, in close connection with the advance of the Soviet troops. The interaction of partisan detachments and formations with units of the active army also evolved, as in many other occupied regions of the USSR, it grew from operational to tactical.

In the first days of 1943, there were only isolated combat clashes between partisans and retreating enemy units. On January 6, 1943, the Kubanets partisan detachment of the Maryansky District, together with units of the Red Army, attacked the garrison of the village of Azovskaya, destroying more than 90 enemy soldiers and officers. , the commanders of individual detachments at that time created a network of new underground groups in the occupied territory of the region. So, the fighters of the Maykop detachment No. 1 T. D. Alifanov and N. A. Dmitriev, who were in the city in an illegal position, managed to organize a group in Maykop that prevented the arson of a number of enterprises and the destruction of their equipment at the time of the retreat of the invaders, and also saved 46 seriously wounded soldiers and commanders of the Red Army.2

In the planned offensive, the Soviet command attached significant importance to the actions of the partisan detachments of the Krasnodar Territory, designed to prevent the German retreat. On January 11, 1943, the Military Council of the Transcaucasian Front set the task for the KShPD to separate the actions of the Maikop, Novorossiysk and Krasnodar enemy groups, disrupting traffic on the railways Armavir - Belorechenskaya - Khadyzhenskaya, Krasnodar - Krymskaya - Novorossiysk, Krymskaya - Varenikovskaya - Sennaya; to disorganize the actions of the enemy with their ambushes, raids and sabotage. At the same time, the destruction should have been carried out "taking into account the rapid recovery when the Red Army units entered these areas." The partisans were also ordered to prevent the export of equipment, livestock, bread and other valuables, violating the railway communication Kropotkin - Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar - Timashevskaya, Krymskaya - Timashevskaya, destroying railways, bridges and crossings. In general, the retreat of the enemy should have been "turned into a stampede."

Features of the tactics of the partisan detachments of the Kuban.

The choice of optimal tactics testifies to the ability of partisans to adapt to the conditions of warfare, to determine their most effective methods and forms that allow them to carry out their tasks with minimal losses. The tactics of the Kuban partisans during the Great Patriotic War were determined by various circumstances, which can be divided into two groups. First, these are objective factors: the natural and climatic features of the region, the season, the proximity of the front line. Secondly, subjective - the number and personnel composition of the detachments, their combat experience and weapons. According to E. Ch. Guevara: “It is natural that the geographical and social conditions of the country determine the special character and forms that the guerrilla struggle will take in each individual case, but its basic laws are constantly in force.”1 The invariable signs of guerrilla actions, the necessary conditions for their success there remained surprise for the enemy, maneuverability and speed of movement, high vigilance and a variety of techniques used.

The main form of struggle at the first stage of the development of the partisan movement in the Kuban was ambushes on the roads and attacks on columns or individual soldiers, vehicles and convoys of the enemy. The ambush was an unexpected attack by partisans on a moving enemy object in order to capture and destroy it, in which groups of partisans of various sizes could be received, from squads and platoons to entire detachments.2 In August 1942 alone, the Kuban partisans carried out at least 29 ambushes, which accounted for more than half of all cases of collisions with the enemy in a month. In the future, this relatively simple tactical operation, which allowed not only to inflict certain damage, but also to capture trophies, remained one of the most common forms of partisan struggle in the occupied territory of the Krasnodar Territory. So, on September 14, the first combat operation was carried out by the Koshekhablsky partisan detachment, which ambushed between the villages of Barakaevskaya and Gubskaya. The partisans shot more than 60 German soldiers and officers, captured trophies without suffering losses.1

The martial art of the partisans in organizing ambushes was gradually improved, as evidenced by the choice of their place, objects, time, the use of camouflage, intelligence data, and also the effectiveness. Usually, when organizing ambushes in the battle formations of the partisans, a strike group was allocated that attacked the enemy, as well as a support group and a reserve. An important success factor was endurance and discipline, determination and accurate calculation. Partisans sometimes had to hunt down the enemy for hours, waiting for the right moment to attack. Since they were often opposed by an enemy outnumbered, it was necessary to suppress his firepower with a sudden throw, to strike such a blow that he could no longer recover.

Starting from August, but especially actively from September 1942, the Kuban partisans carried out sabotage on communications behind enemy lines, cut telephone and telegraph wires, mined railways, highways and dirt roads and bridges. On September 11, the Chernoerkovsky partisan detachment in the area of ​​​​the villages of Ilskaya and Kholmskaya derailed an enemy echelon with ammunition. The reports also mention a military echelon destroyed in September by partisans of the Storm, Boikiy and Resolute detachments between the villages of Abinskaya and Lineynaya, as a result of which up to 200 enemy soldiers and officers were killed. On September 15, the Ilsky partisan detachment on the Ilskaya - Khabl stretch blew up the railway bridge and dismantled the track for 50 - 60 m. l.

Methodological development of the class hour,

Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory

In the Great Patriotic War on the topic:

"History of the Partisan Detachment

"Red Kuban"


Classroom hour:


1. Formation of students' ideas about the events of the Great Patriotic War.

2. Raising a sense of pride in their fellow countrymen, a sense of patriotism.

3. Education of a civil and patriotic position.

4. Development of cognitive interest in the study of the historical past.

5. Raising respect for the unfading feat, stamina, courage and selfless love for the Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War.

Event progress:


- May 9 is the Day of our glorious Victory over Nazi Germany! The whole country rejoices these days! Every year people celebrate this day as a joyful holiday. Many years have passed, but everyone remembers this significant date and solemnly celebrates it. This year we are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Victory. On May 9, 70 years ago, the Great Patriotic War ended with a victory over Nazi Germany. The path to the great victory was difficult, but heroic.

- Victory Day is celebrated as a great national holiday, it brought peace to our people, and a calm childhood to children. On this day, the memory of the dead is honored with a minute of silence. Let us, standing with our heads bowed, silently honor the memory of those who gave their lives for us, for peace on earth.

2. The main part.

The history of the partisan detachment "Red Kuban"

When the flames of war raged, together with the entire Soviet people, the cities and villages, farms and villages of the Krasnodar Territory rose to defend their homeland. Anger and hatred for the vile enemy, an indomitable desire to do everything to defeat him filled the hearts of the Kuban people.

Get up Kuban! People's anger

Burley, rage, rage, boil.

Call for mortal combat with the enemy

Their sons are brave, bold.

Get up Kuban! Kuban, get up!

Death to the enemy pack brutalized!

The war broke into the Kuban on August 12, 1942. By decision of the Krasnodar Regional Committee of the CPSU Party, partisan detachments were created. The detachments were small, since the occupation lasted only 6 months. But the partisan movement played a big role in the liberation of the region from the Nazis. The partisans committed sabotage, destroyed enemy military equipment, ammunition depots, German soldiers and officers, and distributed leaflets.

The Ryazan partisan detachment "Red Kuban" was created in July 1942, began to operate in August - the beginning of the occupation. The detachment operated on the territory of the villages: Bzhedukhovskaya, Chernigovskaya, Guriyskaya, Ryazanskaya; in the forests, in the foothills up to the Maikop Pass.

The leaders of the detachment were appointed by the regional party committee:

Detachment commander - Kazarin Ivan

Commissar of the detachment - Sirota Pyotr Panteleymonovich

Chief of staff of the detachment - Anishchenko Alexey Gavrilovich

Head of intelligence - Golub Andrey Andreevich

The detachment was formed from communists who had a reservation, and non-partisans devoted to Soviet power. The detachment consisted of 110 people. All members of the detachment took the oath.

Many comrades of the partisan detachment died. Their names are written on the obelisks of the mass graves of our village and farms.

Sirota P.P. died in an unequal battle with the Nazis in the forest.

Kazarin I. went to reconnaissance and died.

Gukov B.E. carried out a combat mission in the village and was captured by the police, fired back to the last bullet, but was slain by automatic fire. The police tortured him and buried him in manure.

Lesnyakova Nadezhda, a Komsomol member, was a nurse at the detachment headquarters. In battle, she bandaged the commander of the detachment, was captured by the Germans and sent to the Gestapo, where she was executed.

Lisitsyn Kirill Pavlovich distributed leaflets in the village of Ryazanskaya, fell into the hands of the Germans. He was subjected to torture and did not betray any of his comrades, he died a heroic death.

They were all good friends and wonderful people.

Of the fighters of this partisan detachment, the following survived: Evdokia Nikitichna Gordienko, Maria Yakovlevna Chaplygina, Valentina Pavlovna Yakuba, Akim Ivanovich Gorbachev, Anatoly Rudnitsky, M.M. Ivanov, A.A. Golub, I.I. Oleinikov, Lukashova.V. N., Zhukov M.D., Lushkin N.M., Zabolotny, Karabut, Malakhov, Maksimenko (initials not established)

In 1967, high school students from our school met with many of them. Led by a geography teacher, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Tovkalo F.S. the guys made a trip along the paths of the partisan detachment "Red Kuban" and collected materials on the history of the detachment. They recorded all the collected information about their fellow countrymen-partisans in a diary, which is stored in our museum.

3. Conclusion.

Time is relentless.

Unfortunately, the fighters of the partisan detachment have not been alive for a long time. But the memory of them is alive in the hearts of the villagers, their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

I wish you, dear, dear

Do not see the destructive war.

But suddenly it happens, they will say their word

And the army will rise again

Kuban our glorious sons!

On August 10, 1942, fascist troops occupied Krasnodar. Berlin radio broadcast to the whole world: “In the last 24 hours, events have taken place on the Eastern Front that will have a decisive influence on the outcome of the war. A new crushing blow has been dealt to the Soviets, the consequences of which still cannot be truly assessed. German troops captured Krasnodar and Maykop. The loss of these two largest cities will have an impact on the overall military situation. The German occupation lasted until February 12, 1943. It was the most terrible time in the history of Krasnodar. 13 thousand inhabitants of the city died martyrdom. About seven thousand citizens died in gas chambers. The Nazis first used them in Krasnodar. The damage caused to Krasnodar exceeded two billion rubles. In the ruins lay the factories named after Sedin and Kalinin, an oil refinery, mills, bakeries, an electric power station, a railway station and a river pier. More than 800 houses were destroyed and burned, including 420 large buildings, including 127 industrial, 98 public, 66 cultural and educational and 120 residential buildings. Four universities, theaters, the Palace of Pioneers, almost all schools, clubs and cinemas were burned.

In the summer of 1942, the situation for our country became seriously complicated. Having created a significant superiority in manpower and equipment, the Nazis launched an offensive towards the Volga and the Caucasus.

During the days of defensive battles in the summer of 1942, more than 100 thousand Kuban joined the ranks of the Red Army.

During the fighting, by the beginning of September 1942, the Germans managed to occupy almost the entire Kuban, with the exception of four regions - Lazarevsky, Tuapse, Adler and Gelendzhik.

August 2, 1942 near the village of Kushchevskaya two regiments of the 13th Kuban division in cavalry attacked the 101st German infantry division "Green Rose" and two regiments of the SS. The attack was led by the division commander, Colonel Millerov, and the division's military commissar, regimental commissar Shipilov. The commanders on bay beauties rushed far ahead of their subordinates, so that they could see and follow them (can you now imagine that the division commander ran ahead of the line into battle?). Cossack lava went along the front two kilometers wide. Cossacks M.F. Grachev and P.G. Kamenev together hacked to death 25 Germans. Cossack Shevchenko hacked 17 and killed four invaders. The steppe was strewn with fascists, the remnants of the "Green Rose" fled in wild horror.

At the direction of the regional committee, 86 partisan detachments were created in the Krasnodar Territory, united in 7 partisan clusters. 3455 communists, 4 secretaries of the regional committee and 147 secretaries of city committees and district committees of the party were sent to the partisan detachments of the Kuban. On August 3, 1942, the Southern Headquarters of the Partisan Movement (UShPD) was created under the Military Council of the North Caucasian Front. Secretary of the Krasnodar Territory Committee P.I. Seleznev. The following cluster headquarters were formed: Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Maikop, Neftegorsk, Armavir (until 11/27/1942 Mostovskoy), Slavyansk and Anapa.

Only the partisans of the Krasnodar bush were transferred to units of the 56th Army over 400 intelligence data on the deployment and movement of Wehrmacht troops.

During the occupation of the Kuban, the partisans made many successful attacks on the Wehrmacht garrisons, in particular: in the villages of Verkhnebakansky, Konoboz, Guamka, in the villages: Novosvobodnaya, Smolenskaya, farms: Novoalekseevsky, Supovsky, the village of Belaya Glina and other settlements of the Krasnodar Territory .

Underground guerrillas with the participation of the population of the oil regions of the region - Abinsk, Apsheron and Neftegorsk - with bold sabotage, attempts to establish oil production by the Germans were thwarted in the Kuban.

Kuban partisans carried out a lot of sabotage actions on the roads, in particular on the highway and railway roads Krasnodar - Novorossiysk. The detachments named after the Ignatov brothers, "Gadfly" and "Thunderstorm" were active here. The most sensitive blows to the enemy were delivered by the detachment named after the Ignatov brothers.

During the years of occupation, the partisans of the Kuban destroyed about 12 thousand soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht, and also wounded about 4 thousand. Partisans of the Krasnodar Territory destroyed 206 vehicles, derailed 14 trains with Wehrmacht troops and cargo, blew up 20 railway bridges, 7 ammunition depots, cut off over 700 kilometers of telephone and telegraph communications.

During the war there was a saying:

The Soviet Kuban gave a lot of hot baths to the Nazis!

More than a thousand partisans and underground workers were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union. Two partisans, the Ignatov brothers, were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. 356 sons and daughters of Kuban during the war were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Kubantsam V.A. Aleksenko, V.K. Kokkinaki, E.Ya. Savitsky, T.T. Khryukin was twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1943, the region was allocated (by decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of 01/23/1943): 3900 tractors, 350 vehicles, 450 combines, 3000 plows, 1000 seeders. Between February and December 1943, 40,000 workers were trained in short-term courses. In the region, 11 vocational and railway schools and 16 FZO schools were restored with a total enrollment of 7496 students. As of October 1, 1943, 66,770 women worked in the industry and in the countryside in the Krasnodar Territory. By September 1943, 30 restored timber artels, 8 sawmills, 123 various workshops were already producing products. In 1943, 2517 km of track, 636 bridges, 4 tunnels, 25 stations were restored in the region. The oil workers put into operation a compressor station, 8 new wells, laid the Khadyzhi-Krasnodar oil pipeline with a length of 90 km, and the narrow-gauge road Khadyzhi-Shirokaya Balka. In 1945, the country received over 650 thousand tons of oil from the Kuban oilmen, which accounted for 33.6% of oil production. in the region in 1940. Kuban during the Great Patriotic War. Figures and facts.

For the first month of the war in the military registration and enlistment offices the edges 17 thousand applications were received with a request to be sent to the front. During the first 4 months of the war, the regional party organization sent 26,000 communists to the front, or 42% of its composition. By August 10, 1941, about a million citizens aged 18 to 60 had been trained in chemical defense and air defense. 13992 instructors in PVHO have been trained. Under the leadership of the party, a people's militia was formed. By the end of July 1941, there were 110 thousand fighters in it, and by November 20 their number had increased to 224 thousand. In total, 86 city and district and 6 railway fighter battalions were created, numbering 14 thousand fighters.

At the beginning of 1942, 8 separate battalions, 163 companies and 236 general education platoons functioned in the region. Osoaviakhimov organizations of the Krasnodar Territory in the second half of 1941 trained 76,120 fighters to replenish the Soviet armed forces (shooters, grenade launchers, tank destroyers, snipers, signalmen, orderlies, etc.). In the first half of 1942, the 17th Kuban Cavalry Corps was formed in the Kuban (75% of the personnel of the corps were participants in the civil war). The 29th cavalry regiment from Adygea was also brought into the corps. For the courage and valor shown on the battlefields, on August 27, 1942, the corps was renamed the 4th Guards Cavalry Corps. The soldiers of the corps took part in the battles in the Kuban, the Don, in the south of Ukraine and in Belarus, liberated the peoples of Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia. During the first three months of the war Krasnodar region sent more than 42 thousand horses to the army - the regional funds "Horse of the Red Army" and "Defense - a cart with a harness" were created. In December 1941, the railway workers of the Kuban built and put into service with the Red Army six heavy armored trains and two lightweight armored trains in overtime. In the Krasnodar Territory in the first months of the war, 145 hospitals were created and equipped. Surgeon I.A. Ageenko (then professor Kuban Medical Institute) returned over 7,000 servicemen to the front during the war years. Improving the production process, the turner of the Krasnodar plant "Oktyabr" Komsomol member A.F. Dubyaga completed the shift task by 2154%! By July 30th Kuban collective farms and state farms handed over grain twice as much as in 1940. The Nazis took with them former Cossack chieftains, the White Guard generals Krasnov and Shkuro, to the Kuban. During the occupation of the Kuban, the Nazi monsters shot, hanged, strangled 61 thousand Soviet citizens in the dungeons of the Gestapo. With heavy fighting, overcoming the stubborn resistance of the enemy, by February 12, Soviet troops approached the capital of the Kuban - the city of Krasnodar.

The enemy clung to every street, road, height, crossing. On his way, he burned, mined, undermined.

The Germans were cruel and merciless.

One attack followed another. But nothing could stop the Soviet soldiers.

From August 9, 1942, the fascist occupation lasted. These 6 months were the worst in the history of the city. Entering the city, the Nazis established a "new order". More than 13,000 residents of Krasnodar perished as martyrs - approximately one in fifteen. For the first time in our city, the Germans used their death machines - gas chambers. During the occupation, the city suffered great damage: factories, 18 schools, 2 hospitals, 807 residential buildings, water supply, power plant, railway station were destroyed.