Where is zinc in what products. What foods contain zinc. How to include in your diet

Zinc is a chemical element, designated in the periodic table by the symbols "Zn", which is known to everyone from school. However, not everyone understands that this microelement plays a very important role in human life and directly in his health. The element is involved in the work of all cells, it is contained in human hormones and enzymes, and therefore is vital for both adults and children. The presence of this trace element directly affects the work of the circulatory and immune systems, ovaries, liver, heart and brain, as well as the production of hormones. Now we will figure out where this element is found, which foods have a lot of zinc, what is the recommended intake per day, and what threatens a deficiency or, on the contrary, an excess of this substance in the body.

Why is zinc useful for the human body, why is it needed

Medical specialists do not cease to repeat that foods rich in zinc must be included in the diet of every person, regardless of their age group and gender, and in which foods it is present, and how it affects human health, we will describe below. .

  • - improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (promotes the breakdown of fats, the absorption of proteins, normalizes metabolic functions);
  • - increases the body's immunity and resistance to various kinds of infections (influence on the production of important hormones, leukocytes, antibodies);
  • - removes harmful metals;
  • - contributes to the growth of the child in infancy and adolescence;
  • - participates in the process of producing sperm (in the male half) and eggs (in women);
  • - helps to slow down cell aging;
  • - has a good effect on the condition of the skin and hairline.

Among other things, (Zn) is simply necessary for adolescents, it has a positive effect on the formation and activity of the reproductive system of boys and girls.

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How much zinc do you need per day

In order not to harm your own health or the health of your loved ones and replenish the body with a useful element, it is important to know what daily intake of zinc is recommended for a certain age and under specific circumstances (pregnancy, childbirth, the period of feeding a baby). The data below will help you navigate and understand how much a trace element can be consumed with food per day.

Children up to six months (6 months):

  • - girls 2 mg.
  • - boys 3 mg.

Children from six months to 3 years:

    - boys and girls up to 3 mg.

Toddlers four to eight years old:

    - up to 5 mg. for any gender.

Schoolchildren (from 9 to 13 years old):

    - the norm is about 8-9 mg. per day.

Teenagers (age group 14 to 18):

    - girls up to 9 mg.

    - guys no more than 11 mg.

    Ladies from 19 to 60 years old - 12 mg.

    Representatives of the strong half from 19 to 60 years old - up to 15 mg.

    Pregnant age group up to nineteen years - 15 mg.

    Future mothers over 19 years of age - up to 14 mg.

    Nursing mothers (ages 16 to 20) - up to 15 mg.

    Women during lactation (over 19 years of age) - up to 17 mg.

Zinc deficiency in the body: symptoms

When people receive less of this microelement, the following ailments (symptoms) can be observed:

  • - very frequent colds (FLU, SARS, etc.), the appearance of herpes and other fungal diseases on the mucous membranes and other parts of the body, which will be facilitated by a decrease in immunity;
  • - delayed healing of wounds and abrasions;
  • - manifestation of allergic reactions, dermatitis;
  • - violation of hair growth, signs of loss;
  • - decrease in taste buds (sensations);
  • - failure in the metabolic functions of the body;
  • - excessive irritability, depression, instability of the emotional background;
  • - deterioration of vision;
  • - deterioration of the skin condition (excessive dryness appears, wrinkles appear) and nails;
  • - violation in coordination;
  • - Decreased or complete lack of appetite;
  • - frequent muscle contractions in the fingertips;
  • - memory impairment;
  • - violation in the representatives of the beautiful half of the menstrual cycle;
  • - decreased potency in men;
  • - the presence of premature ejaculation;
  • - changes in the work of the reproductive system of women, which can contribute to the birth of a premature baby;
  • - slowdown in adolescence mental development.

How zinc deficiency manifests itself

Zn deficiency threatens a person with the following adverse effects:

  • - depression and frequent nervous disorders;
  • - decrease in body functions to allergens;
  • - manifestation of dermatitis;
  • - malfunctions of the circulatory system;
  • - the appearance of anemia;
  • - poor healing of sores and wounds;
  • - a serious decrease in immunity;
  • - hair loss, skin deterioration;
  • - frequent colds;
  • - growth retardation and sexual development in adolescents;
  • - the appearance of cravings for alcohol;
  • - increased risk of developing prostate adenoma in men older than 55 years of age;
  • - profuse sweating;
  • - difficult childbirth and poor development of the baby in the womb;
  • - risk of premature birth and miscarriage.

Therefore, in order to prevent unpleasant consequences, foods containing zinc in large quantities should always be on the human menu, and in order for the microelement to be well absorbed, you should not consume such foods together with diuretics and foods that contain a considerable amount of lead (Pb), as well as iron (Fe), calcium (Ca).

Excellent absorption (Zn) occurs if you eat foods rich in zinc along with food endowed with a large amount of retinol (vitamin A) and proteins.

Interesting to know! In ancient times, Chinese ladies rubbed their skin to get rid of wrinkles and give it a beautiful color with pearls, which are known to be rich in zinc, and Cleopatra bathed daily in goat's milk, rich in a natural element.

Causes of zinc deficiency

There should be quite a few of them. The main doctors call them the following:

  • - serious and minor liver diseases;
  • - diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • - great emotional and psychological stress;
  • - malnutrition;
  • - profuse sweating;
  • - alcoholism;
  • - malignant tumors;
  • - helminthic invasions;
  • - violations in the activity of the pancreas;
  • - chronic diseases.

What foods contain the most zinc?

Foods rich in zinc

The content of trace elements in 100 gr.


Veal liver (fried)

16 mg

Lamb (fried kidneys)

3.6 mg

Lamb (fried liver)

5.9 mg

Boiled chicken hearts

7.3 mg

Boiled beef tongues

4.8 mg

Stewed beef

9.5-9.7 mg

Sea delicacies

Eel (fish), boiled

12.1 mg


60 mg


3.5 mg


Pine nuts

6.5 mg


2.86 mg

walnut kernels

2.7 mg

Cashew and almond

2.1 mg


2 mg

Hazelnut (hazelnut)

1.9 mg


up to 1.5 mg


Cabbage, kohlrabi variety

up to 3.6 mg

Avocado, radish and carrot

0.3 mg

Beans and grains

Bran from wheat

16 mg


8.1 mg

sesame seeds

7.8 mg

pumpkin seeds

7.5 mg

Black seeds

5.6 mg

Flax seeds

5 to 5.5 mg

Food lentils

3.8 mg

Dried popcorn

3.4 mg

Peas (dry product)

3.3 mg


2.6 mg

Red and white beans, boiled

1.4 mg


0.55 mg


0.5 mg

Other nutritious foods


8 mg

Eggs (contain the element only yolks)

no more than 4 mg


up to 1.49-1.53 ​​mg


1.4 mg

Milk and young green onions

0.4 mg

Not everyone knows that foods high in zinc are mainly deli meats and, of course, seafood. In addition, a considerable amount of it can also be found in other foods, for example, pumpkin seeds, yolks, bran, nuts, vegetables, and cheese.

To better understand which foods contain the most zinc, the following table, specially created for you, will help.

The table below for reference will help everyone find out and understand what foods should be included in the diet in order to enrich the body with a microelement.

Sea delicacies - oysters

One hundred grams of 58-60 mg of zinc

Veal liver

per 100 gr. 15-16 mg


per 100 gr. acne 12.1 mg zinc

Beef stew

up to 9.2 mg in one hundred grams of the finished stew

poppy seeds

in 100 gr. grains 8.2 mg zinc

Yeast (dry version) and sesame seeds

up to 8.3 mg per 100 gr.

Bran from wheat

about 16 mg per 100 gr.

Chicken heart (boiled until tender)

7.3 mg per hundred grams

Excess zinc in the body, the effect on metabolism

Many are concerned about the question of whether an excess of a microelement can be dangerous to health. The answer is unequivocal - yes. Exceeding the daily norm (listed above for all categories and age groups) of zinc intake by more than 100-150 milligrams can lead to the following consequences:

  • - toxic poisoning;
  • - impaired coordination, sleep;
  • - severe dizziness, constant nausea, gag reflex.

Excess (Zn) in the body by more than 5-6 grams. may cause death. Therefore, before you start taking drugs enriched with it, it is important to take tests and get professional advice from a doctor about this. For the full assimilation of the body by the named element in the absence of contraindications and diseases leading to its loss, it is enough to include in the menu several products indicated a little above.

Now you know which foods contain a lot of zinc, as well as what consequences can occur if it is severely deficient or, conversely, overabundant in the body. Meanwhile, a few useful tips on the consumption of this product will not hurt you.

We could start this article with the boring story that zinc is an element that is in the second group, the fourth period, the chemical table of Dmitri Mendeleev, etc., etc. Thus, by the time we get to the point, you would be bored and fall asleep, buried in the monitor. We do not set such a goal, our task is not to tire you, but to convey important and useful information.
Zinc is involved in all vital processes of the body, you need to monitor its amount, and replenish the deficiency in a timely manner.

Zinc is one of the top 10 trace elements essential for human life. It is extremely important for the full functioning of any cell in the body. The body of a healthy person should normally contain about 3 g of zinc. Scientists believe that if humanity continues to deplete the soil, leading to a decrease in zinc, and raw food and vegetarianism continue to gain momentum, we are facing a full-blown public health crisis. People will be forced to buy zinc-enriched foods and various dietary supplements containing zinc in order to maintain the viability of the body.

Zinc is needed for:

  • Development of bone tissue;
  • Stimulation of cell growth and division;
  • Normal functioning of the reproductive system;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • DNA synthesis;
  • Thymulin hormone production;
  • Development ;
  • Skin renewal;
  • Updates of the nail plate;

Deficiency in the body

Zinc deficiency at any age leads to sad consequences.
In adults:

  • Enlarged liver, cirrhosis;
  • Enlargement of the spleen;
  • Indigestion;
  • Various blood diseases;
  • Thyroid problems (more common in women)
  • The formation of myopia or the so-called "night blindness";
  • Predisposition to oncology of various etiologies;
  • Mental disorders (crazy ideas, hysteria, schizophrenia);
  • Memory disorders;
  • Infantilism, impotence;
  • Poor wound healing.

In children:

  • growth retardation;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Perversion of taste, smell;
  • Tendency to various dermatitis;
  • Frequent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • Irritability;
  • Attention Deficit Disorder;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Delayed sexual development;
  • Anemia;
  • Leukemia;
  • Rachiocampsis;
  • Umbilical hernias.

In pregnant women:
Zinc deficiency for women in position is fraught with:

  • miscarriages in the early stages;
  • premature birth;
  • the birth of a small child;
  • weak labor activity.

In elderly people
Everything is exactly the same as in adults before retirement age, but all processes develop faster. For example, the macular degeneration occurs very quickly, the retina is destroyed and complete blindness occurs.

Deficiency symptoms

Because zinc is involved in almost all life processes, the symptoms of deficiency are extremely blurred. Still, it is worth taking an analysis to determine blood trace elements if you feel increased fatigue, more hair than usual remains on the comb, you have a sleep disorder, poor blood clotting. A striking evidence of zinc deficiency is: striated nails with white stripes, tremor of the extremities, cataracts, conjunctivitis, dry skin, the appearance of pigmentation, a tendency to frequent infectious diseases, taste distortion.

The risk factors are: vegetarians, raw foodists, pregnant women, athletes, the elderly.

Prevention and correction of zinc levels in the body

With a serious lack of zinc, medical and dietary adjustments are carried out. Not in acute situations, it is enough to balance the balance with diet. To do this, you need to remember which foods contain the most zinc. Below is a table of the content of mg of zinc per 100 g.

Meat productsDried fruits, nuts
Veal - 16
Stewed beef - 9.2
Boiled chicken hearts - 7.3
Fried lamb liver - 5.8
Boiled beef tongue - 4.9
Pine nuts - 6.4
Peanuts - 2.9
Walnut - 2.7
Almonds - 2.6
Cashew - 2.1
Legumesvegetable, fungal
and animal origin
Wheat bran - 16
Poppy - 8.2
Sesame - 7.9
Pumpkin seeds - 7.7
Sunflower seeds - 5.8
Flax seeds - 5.4
Lentil - 3.8
Dried peas - 3.3
Yeast - 8
Dried basil - 7.1
Dried thyme - 6.8
Yolk - 3.8
White mushroom - 1.5
Horseradish - 1.4
Royal champignons - 1.1
SeafoodVegetables fruits
Oysters - 60
Eel - 12.1
Oil anchovies - 3.5
kohlrabi - 3.5

Naturally, the daily intake of zinc depends on age:

  • from 6 months up to 3 years - 3 mg / day
  • from 3 to 8 years - 5.5 mg / day
  • from 8 to 14 years old - 9 mg / day
  • girls and women - up to 12 mg / day
  • boys and men - up to 16 mg / day
  • lactating women - up to 17 mg / day

To keep the body functioning normally, you just need to remember where a lot of zinc is found and eat these foods.

Important! The use of hormonal contraceptives significantly reduces the percentage of zinc in the body. All dairy products slow down the absorption of zinc. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, salt and sugar, remove zinc in large quantities.

Excess zinc

150 mg of zinc is a lethal dose!

Zinc readily reacts to form compounds. The most toxic are sulfate and chloride. These compounds are formed as a result of the use of galvanized dishes and long-term storage of food in it. As a result of zinc compound poisoning, the pancreas gradually degenerates into a fibrous state.

An excess of zinc in the body leads to a slowdown in the growth of bone tissue, a violation of reflexes is observed, and leads to liver necrosis. Pressing pain in the chest area, dry cough, tinnitus may appear.

If you suspect you have poisoning with zinc sulfate or zinc chloride, call an ambulance immediately!

Zinc is not one of those chemicals whose benefits everyone is well aware of. Therefore, a false idea arises about its insignificance for health.

But the biological role of zinc in the body is extremely important - for example, without it, the human race would have ceased, since people would have lost their reproductive capabilities. And that's not all we owe to this macronutrient.

Check out the list of foods containing a trace element in large quantities, the rules for combining them with other foods and drugs.

Effect on the body

Zinc is a macronutrient whose role for the body cannot be overestimated. He is involved in more than 200 enzymatic reactions, thanks to him, cell division and the production of certain proteins and hormones are carried out. It justifies the opinion that without a sufficient amount of zinc, most organs and systems would lose their functional viability.

Human organ system Action Zn
Endocrine gland systemNormalizes the activity of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands

Regulates insulin production, which is important for

digestiveNeeded for normal liver function

Maintains acid-base balance in the stomach

Has an anti-ulcer effect

MusculoskeletalParticipates in the formation of the fetal skeleton during gestation

Contributes to normal growth and development of the skeleton in extrauterine life

Increases the strength of bones, teeth and nails

hematopoieticImproves blood composition: affects the amount of hemoglobin, red blood cells
nervousImproves metabolic processes in the brain

Counteracts the onset of Alzheimer's disease

Skin and mucous membranesImproves the appearance of the skin, slows down its aging

Helps tissues recover faster from damage

immuneStimulates the body's immune activity

Counteracts intoxications of various origins (alcohol, heavy metals)

reproductiveNecessary for the production of fertile eggs

Contributes to the full bearing of pregnancy, the birth of a healthy child

Directly affects prostate health, male sexual activity

Normalizes the activity of the sex glands

sense organsStimulates the functions of taste and olfactory receptors

Sharpens vision

Scientists believe that a sufficient amount of zinc is associated with the duration and quality of life, the level of libido, and the ability to conceive.

Disadvantage: how to detect and prevent

Since the biological role of zinc for health is very high, the lack of this macronutrient immediately affects health. The first symptoms of zinc deficiency:

  • weakening of taste, olfactory sensations, when a person ceases to distinguish, feel subtle smells and tastes;
  • problems with nails, hair: they become dull, fall out, exfoliate, split;
  • skin rashes: acne, acne in an endless series;
  • impaired night vision or "night blindness";
  • decreased immunity;
  • a noticeable change in libido up to the complete absence of sexual desire;
  • slow skin regeneration: even the smallest scratches heal for a very long time.

The normal daily intake of zinc for an adult is about 10 mg, but this need increases 2-3 times with:

These conditions are risk factors for zinc deficiency in the body. If you do not notice the first alarming signals of "zinc deficiency" in time, this can lead to:

  • infertility, impotence in men;
  • infertility, menstrual disorders in women;
  • pathologies of pregnancy in women bearing a child;
  • growth and development disorders in children;
  • delayed, disharmonious puberty in adolescents.

To make up for the deficiency, it is important to find out what zinc contains. Familiarize yourself with the sources of this element, foods with a high (large) content.

Leading products in terms of content and in what form they are best used

Zinc is found to a greater extent in animal products: meat, offal. It is, but heat treatment reduces the amount of this valuable macronutrient in food many times over. Therefore, some vegetable products become an equally valuable "zinc" source, provided they are consumed raw.

Find out where to look for this nutrient with this table listing which foods contain the most zinc and how high it is:

What foods contain zinc The amount of a macronutrient in 100 g of product (mg) Share of preventive daily intake (%)
3,3 33
beans3,14 31
Lean beef8 80
Peas4,9 49
Buckwheat2,8 28
squids40 400
5,6 56
Canned fish16 160
20 200
Corn2,2 22
Sesame7,8 78
Chicken30 300
Kelp1,2 12
Poppy7,9 79
Butterfish (mushrooms)14 140
2,6 26
3,6 36
(root)1,4 14
75 750
Fresh sea fish50 500
(root)1,4 14
5 50
Soya4,9 49
pumpkin seeds and20 200
oysters700 7000
Beans3,2 32
9,6 96
2,2 22
Horseradish1,4 14
1,2 12

For more on foods (not just from the table above) rich in zinc, see the video:

Now you know which foods have a lot of trace elements. If it became necessary to follow a diet to replenish zinc reserves, then you should follow a few simple rules:

  • it is better not to consume zinc-containing foods along with dairy (milk, cheese);
  • minimize or completely eliminate the heat treatment of products rich in zinc;
  • try to use less coarse vegetable fiber - in combination with zinc, it can lead to indigestion;
  • for better absorption, it is recommended to combine the intake of zinc with the intake of B vitamins;

A person contains many important and useful ones, including zinc.

In our article, we will tell you why there is a lack and excess of this element, which foods contain the most zinc.

The role of zinc in the body

Zinc plays a very important role in our body.

Consider what it is for:

  • helps to reduce the appearance of inflammation, stimulates wound healing;
  • thanks to him, skin is actively produced, recovery processes take place quickly, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • promotes the rapid development of leukocytes and other antibodies, which leads to an increase;
  • thanks to him, bone tissue is also strengthened;
  • promotes the production and breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • thanks to him, the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, ovaries and testes work better;
  • with its help, prostate hormones are produced, synthesis occurs;
  • is an integral element for the full functioning of the head and.

Close relationship of zinc with other macro- and microelements

It was described above why the human body needs zinc.
For its assimilation to take place effectively, it is necessary to take into account its relationship with other elements.

Consider how different micro and macro elements affect its absorption:

  • to increase the bioavailability of Zn, it is necessary to combine it with vitamin A;
  • to enhance the pharmacological properties, it is worth combining it with, lithium and;
  • due to absorption competition between Zn and copper, an excess of the latter can lead to a deficiency of the former;
  • if the diet contains little protein, cadmium and lead lead to a decrease in the concentration of Zn in the body;
  • if calcium, copper, and are taken simultaneously with Zn, then zinc will be absorbed slowly;
  • lack of Zn provokes deficiency;
  • tin contributes to slowing down the absorption of Zn;
  • when taking drugs containing tetracycline, the element is excreted more actively;
  • if there is a zinc deficiency, it is not recommended to take it, as it slows down the absorption of Zn;
  • if you take Zn and Fe at the same time, the second element will be absorbed more slowly.

Zinc Consumption Norms

For the normal functioning of the body, it is very important to eat foods with zinc. Consider how much is the norm per day of this element for different age categories:

  • girls under 6 months - 2 mg;
  • boys up to 6 months - 3 mg;
  • children under 3 years old - 3-4 mg;
  • children 4-8 years old - 5 mg;
  • 9-13 years - 8 mg;
  • 14-18 years - 9 mg;
  • boys 14-18 years old - 11 mg;
  • 19-50 years - 12 mg;
  • 19-50 years - 15 mg;
  • men 50-80 years old - 13 mg;
  • women 50-70 years old - 10 mg;
  • women - 14-15 mg;
  • lactating mothers - 17-20 mg.

To get the daily rate, you should know which foods have a lot of zinc. We will cover this in the following sections.

Did you know? The body of an average adult contains about 2.5 g of Zn.

What foods are high in zinc?

There are a number of plant and animal products in which the concentration of Zn is quite high. It is very important to know them not only in order to regularly replenish the amount of this element in the body, but also in order to prevent its excess, which can also harm the body.

herbal products

We bring to your attention a list of plant products containing zinc in large quantities (per 1 kg):

  • , green vegetables - 250 mcg;
  • - 300 mcg;
  • , - 2000-5000 mcg;
  • , barley groats, molasses, cocoa - 2000-5000 mcg;
  • wheat bran, sprouted wheat - 13000-20000 mcg.

Products with a high content of Zn also include,.

Animal products

Consider which animal products contain a large amount of zinc. We bring to your attention a list of products with a concentration of zinc in 100 g of the edible part:

  • beef liver - 5000 mcg;
  • pork liver - 4000 mcg;
  • meat (beef) - 3240 mcg;
  • egg yolk - 3105 mcg;
  • - 3000 mcg;
  • rabbit meat - 2310 mcg;
  • sea ​​bass - 1534 mcg.

Important! Keep an eye on the amount of Zn in the blood and avoid its excess, as it contributes to high cholesterol.

Products containing zinc and selenium

To feel good, you need to regularly replenish the body with useful elements. Zinc-rich foods are especially important for every organism, and.

Zinc and selenium are found in such products:

  • mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • liver;
  • chicken eggs;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • legumes;

Products containing zinc and copper

We list products that contain a lot of zinc and copper:

  • eggs;
  • seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • seeds;
  • meat;
  • liver;
  • cocoa;
  • legumes;
  • nuts.

Causes and symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body

There are quite a few reasons that affect the concentration of an element in the body:

  • diseases;
  • disease;
  • profuse sweating;
  • excessive psycho-emotional stress;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • alcoholism;
  • the presence of sickle cell anemia;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • problems with the functioning of the pancreas;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases of internal organs and many other reasons.

The whole body suffers from a lack of zinc. Symptoms of a deficiency of this element include the following phenomena:

  • worsens, absent-mindedness appears;
  • there is loss and disturbance of sleep;
  • a person becomes depressed, lethargic, working capacity decreases;
  • there is the presence of frequent colds, fungal and viral diseases - ARVI, stomatitis, candidiasis;
  • inflammation also appears on the mucous membranes - they become thinner, can be easily damaged, wounds heal very slowly;
  • eye diseases appear - conjunctivitis, keratitis, clouding of the cornea;
  • the skin becomes dry, a lot may appear in a short period of time, rashes are observed, the skin turns red, flakes;
  • and become dry and brittle;
  • the menstrual cycle is disturbed, an imbalance of sex hormones occurs;
  • decreases in men, premature ejaculation occurs.

A trace element deficiency is especially dangerous for women, as it can disrupt the normal functioning of the reproductive system and cause a secondary one.

Did you know? In ancient times, zinc was considered a source of beauty: in ancient China, women practiced rubbing pearls into their skin, which contains a large amount of this trace element, and Cleopatra regularly took baths from goat's milk.

Therefore, it is very important to find out which foods are high in zinc, as well as calcium and iron, and be sure to include them in your menu.

Causes and symptoms of excess zinc in the body

Despite the huge number of useful properties, an excessive amount of Zn in the body can be very dangerous. The reasons for the increased concentration of the element include:

  • unbalanced, malnutrition;
  • long-term use, dietary supplements;
  • intoxication by inhalation of zinc vapor;
  • metabolic disturbances.

An excess of Zn is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the integrity of the epidermis is violated;
  • nails become brittle;
  • weaken and begin to actively fall out;
  • the presence of increased sensitivity of the stomach to food;
  • nausea;
  • the presence of immunodeficiencies;
  • the concentration of iron, cadmium and copper in the blood decreases;
  • the pancreas does not cope with its function;
  • problems with the prostate gland;
  • develop liver disease.
Based on such information, it becomes clear that it is impossible to take products containing Zn thoughtlessly.

Today, on the shelves of stores you can find products whose packaging indicates how many of these or other elements are in the composition.

There are even special zinc-containing products for diabetics that allow you to maintain the desired concentration of the element.

Features of the absorption of zinc

You already know where zinc is, but for its proper absorption, you should pay attention to such points:

  1. The assimilation of the microelement is best obtained from animal products, as they contain a lot of protein. Plant foods contain phytic acid, which inhibits this process.
  2. For better absorption, it is worth combining the use of Zn with elements such as calcium, phosphorus and vitamin A.
  3. Vitamin B12 can help in absorption, so it is recommended to use liver, red meat, dairy products, mineral complexes, which also contain Zn. The longer the products are in the water, the more nutrients will remain in it.
  4. Most of the minerals are under the skin of vegetables and fruits, so when cleaning, you should try to cut off a thin layer.
  5. Clean and cut food just before cooking or eating it.
  6. Do not use a method such as frying for cooking - it is with it that all vitamins and elements are destroyed.
  7. Steam food or bake in the oven.
  8. If you cook foods, put them in the pan gradually so as not to overcook, as part of the vitamins is still lost during processing. For example, if you are making soup, put the meat in the pot first, then the roots, and lastly the vegetables.
  9. When cooking vegetables, put them in boiling water, not cold water.
  10. Use enameled, glass or stainless utensils for cooking.

After reviewing our article, you have learned which ones contain the most zinc, which fruits and vegetables should be on your menu.

Did you know? Zinc is directly involved in 200 processes that occur in the human body.

A balanced diet will allow you to maintain the right amount of necessary elements in your body and ensure you feel great.

Horizontal white stripes on the nails are considered to be a symptom of beriberi. In fact, this is one of the signs of zinc deficiency, which is fraught with more serious consequences than the beauty of nails. The trace element is involved in vital processes: the development and puberty of the body, the formation of immunity, the production of enzymes. These processes are disturbed if zinc in food is contained in insufficient quantities.

The human body contains about two grams of zinc, which are dispersed in the muscles, pancreas and liver. This small amount determines the production of more than 400 enzymes. Without zinc, protein synthesis, the production of red blood cells and the normal functioning of the bone and muscle systems are impossible.

The trace element is inextricably linked with the hormonal system. It is necessary for the production of male hormones and sperm, is responsible for the production of insulin, without which the pancreas cannot work and diabetes develops. With its direct participation, the formation of the somatotropin hormone or growth factor, as well as corticotropin, the adrenal hormone, occurs.

Nika Tyutyunnikova, fitness trainer, nutritionist: “It has been scientifically proven that zinc deficiency disrupts immune defense: the growth and functioning of immune system cells decreases, the production of antiviral interferon proteins decreases. This leads to poor resistance to infections, especially viral ones. Frequent illnesses, not only in childhood, are a reason to reconsider the diet for zinc sufficiency.

Zinc Deficiency Symptoms

Frequent acute respiratory infections are not the only alarm signal. Zinc-rich foods should be included in the diet if:

  • skin changes - rashes, dryness, slow healing of wounds;
  • deterioration of the hair condition - their focal loss or discoloration;
  • change in the structure of nails - brittleness, transverse white furrows.

If the external signs of deficiency are accompanied by other disorders, this is an occasion to consult a doctor. The value of the microelement is so high that disorders can affect the functioning of the brain, the hematopoietic system, and changes in the functioning of the genitourinary system.

External signs complement:

  • changes in the perception of smells and tastes;
  • loss of appetite;
  • neurological disorders - causeless anxiety, loss of attention, trembling of the limbs, changes in speech and gait;
  • decrease in school performance, rapid fatigue in children;
  • violation of puberty in children, growth arrest;
  • decrease in visual acuity.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency are not specific; similar symptoms may be present in other micronutrient deficiencies or diseases. Therefore, only a doctor should deal with diagnosis and treatment. Foods containing high amounts of zinc will help prevent such conditions, but will not get rid of the disease if it is present.

At-risk groups

Zinc is a trace element commonly found in foods. With a varied diet, its deficiency is unlikely. But there are five groups of people who are at risk of developing a deficiency and its consequences.

1. People with gastrointestinal diseases

Zinc is absorbed in the small intestine. Diseases of the digestive system can worsen the already incomplete absorption of the trace element from food. Surgery on the digestive organs, gastrointestinal diseases (ulcerative colitis, short bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease) contribute to this. Some conditions, such as chronic diarrhea, cause excessive loss of the micronutrient and lead to its deficiency.

2. Vegetarians

The body is able to absorb no more than one third of the zinc ingested with food. Its best sources are meat products, where the trace element is associated with protein. Vegetarians, eating plant foods, also receive zinc. But the degree of its assimilation by the body is lower, does not exceed 20 percent. In addition, a large amount of fiber when eating plant foods and the content of zinc-binding trace elements in it minimize its absorption. Most of the "antagonists" of the mineral are in legumes and whole grains.

3. Pregnancy, breastfeeding

During pregnancy, the body needs a greater intake of the mineral, as part of it is absorbed by the fetus. With a lack of zinc in the diet, the body "sends" the required share to the baby, ruthlessly destroying its own reserves. The same happens during lactation.

4. People with sickle cell disease

In children suffering from a hereditary disease of the hematopoietic system, the concentration of zinc in plasma is 44 percent lower than in healthy children. This is due to the increased need for nutrients.

5. Alcoholics

The level of the trace element in the body does not exceed 50 percent of the required, which is determined by two factors: the private consumption of ethanol and the scarcity of the diet. The first practically blocks the absorption of zinc, the second - excludes its receipt in sufficient quantities. With frequent consumption of ethanol, the absorption of zinc slows down.

Daily rates

Nika Tyutyunnikova, fitness trainer, nutritionist: “The optimal daily intake is 15-18 mg of zinc. But if you play sports or suffer from profuse sweating, the daily rate should be increased. It is important to understand that zinc should be in moderation. Its deficiency is no less harmful than its excess.

Table - daily intake of zinc

It is impossible to get more zinc than you need from food. Little is found in products. Even oysters - champions in terms of the volume of a microelement, include no more than a daily allowance. You can oversaturate the body when taking medications, vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, as well as in violation of the metabolism of the microelement.


The best sources of zinc are animal products, and seafood is one of them. Oysters, mussels and shrimp are rich in trace elements, they are found in fish - salmon, trout. By eating 50 grams of oysters, you will provide the body with a valuable mineral for a day.

Smaller amounts are found in red meat, for example, 100 g of beef or lamb provide up to 65 percent of the daily requirement. The seeds of pumpkin and watermelon are equivalent in zinc content. But at the expense of berries, vegetables and fruits, it is impossible to compensate for the body's needs for a microelement. They have zinc, but in order for an adult to get the required amount, for example, from apples or currants, they will need to eat at least ten kilograms.

Table - list of foods rich in zinc

ProductZn content, mg per 100 g
wheat germ30
pumpkin seeds10
Wheat bran7,27
cocoa powder6,81
Pine nut6,45
Sunflower seeds5,3
Hard cheese4
beef liver4
Powdered milk3,42
Beans (grain)3,21
Chicken egg yolk3,1
Buckwheat flour3,1
Oat flakes ("Hercules")3,1
soy beans3
Chees Feta"2,88
Wheat groats2,8
meat turkey2,45
wheat bread1,5
sea ​​bass1,5
Sprat Baltic, Caspian1,35
Green peas1,24
Rye flour1,23
Barley groats1,1
Chicken egg1,1
Wheat flour cookies1
Red caviar1
Shiitake mushrooms1
Condensed milk with sugar 8.5%1
Pearl barley0,92
Dill (greens)0,91
Horse mackerel0,9
Basil (green)0,81
Ice cream0,8
Wheat flour0,8
oyster mushroom0,77
Pasta from flour of the highest, first grade0,71
Pink salmon0,7
Canned corn, boiled0,6
Black currant0,27

Foods high in zinc are available at any grocery store. But the trace element is absorbed in different ways. Best of all from seafood, meat, hard cheeses, offal. Worse - from cereals and soy. In addition to fiber, which inhibits absorption, they contain phytic acid, which “binds” the microelement. Therefore, yeast bread will not be useful, but baking from wholemeal flour on sourdough will benefit the body, since the phytic compounds in it are destroyed.

The following recommendations will help to avoid microelement deficiency.

  • Include animal products in your diet. Beef, lean pork, offal, turkey, sea fish and shellfish, eggs and dairy products are not only rich in zinc. Of these, the mineral is well absorbed, which means that the body receives the maximum benefit.
  • Combine with plant foods. Mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts and sesame will enrich the diet with zinc. Also, the trace element is found in budget cereals (oatmeal and buckwheat), bran.
  • Don't count on beans. Although the content of zinc in peas and beans is high, it is practically not absorbed by the body. This is important to consider when following a vegetarian diet.
  • Choose the right minerals. With a lack of zinc in food, sports, you can make up for the lack of nutritional supplements. But before buying, carefully read their compositions. The absorption of zinc is blocked by copper and manganese, the simultaneous content of these microelements in the mineral complex will not bring any benefit.
  • Prepare food properly. Up to 30 percent of the mineral is lost during defrosting, cooking and soaking foods. To preserve it, defrost meat and fish in the refrigerator, and when cooking, take in enough water so that it only covers the food. Try to keep the juice in the meat, to do this, cut it along the fibers. Dip the fish in boiling water.

Dish Bomb

Oysters are the undisputed leader in zinc content. It is recommended to eat them fresh. The classic recipe is simple: open the sink, sprinkle the clam with lemon juice, wait 10 seconds, and then eat the contents with pleasure, washed down with white wine.

Unfortunately, such a dinner will cost a pretty penny if you “cook” it for the family. But salmon with lentils is both an affordable and simple recipe for a zinc-rich dish.

Salmon with lentils

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • salmon fillet on the skin - 4 pcs.,
  • green lentils - 300 g;
  • canned tomatoes - ½ cup;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • celery - 1 stalk;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • water - 2.5 cups;
  • dried thyme - ¼ teaspoon;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt pepper.

Step by step

  1. Rinse lentils and soak in cold water for 30 minutes. Thanks to soaking, the grains will remain intact during stewing.
  2. Peel and chop onions, carrots, celery, garlic.
  3. Pour olive oil into a frying pan, heat, add vegetables, fry, stirring, 5 minutes.
  4. Add lentils, tomatoes, water, bay leaf, thyme. Simmer until the lentils are soft, at the end of cooking, salt, add pepper, remove the bay leaf.
  5. Rub the fillet pieces with salt, pepper, leave for five minutes. Heat the pan, place the fillet skin side down and fry for two minutes, turn over and fry for another two minutes. The finished fillet inside remains light and juicy.
  6. Expert