Why you should drink lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach. Drinking water with lemon on an empty stomach - useful properties and contraindications A glass of warm water with lemon on an empty stomach

Agree, almost every modern person is looking for ways to improve the body with simple means. Lemon water in the morning is just such a composition. The benefits and harms have been studied repeatedly, so we will consider them in more detail.

Lemon water in the morning benefits

The composition of the lemon contains many acids and other valuable substances that, after preparing the drink, enter the water. Naturally, all this can not adversely affect human health.

For the liver

Water with lemon stimulates the outflow of bile, thereby facilitating the work of the liver. Such a drink is good because it completely cleanses the liver of toxic substances and poisons of a different nature.

But you can extract all the beneficial properties of lemon water if you consume the drink on an empty stomach. The tool has a complex effect on all bile ducts, promotes the speedy regeneration of tissues.

For the digestive system

Of course, it does not do without the healing effect of the drink on the organs of the digestive system. It is for this reason that many people prefer to drink water with lemon in the morning.

Useful properties include the complete removal of toxins, the prevention of helminthic invasions, the acceleration of food absorption into the walls of the esophagus, fat burning (important for losing weight).

Due to the fact that lemon water on an empty stomach enhances all metabolic processes, comfortable weight loss occurs. Food no longer stagnates and ferments in the intestines, leading to less constipation and bloating.

For the heart muscle

Improve the condition of blood channels, remove cholesterol plaques, prevent myocardial infarction, stroke, ischemia - a healing drug will cope with all this.

For the immune system

Citrus fruits contain a lot of ascorbic acid. Otherwise, this compound is called vitamin C, which is required to maintain immunity.

The beneficial properties of the drink are especially visible if you take it during the spread of SARS and influenza. It is also helpful to drink water with citrus in the morning while traveling. After all, climate change is detrimental to health.

In general, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and immune stimulant. It prevents such serious diseases as cancer, cirrhosis, tuberculosis, etc.

For skin

Beauty starts from within, you must have heard this phrase many times. Water with lemon, or rather its benefits and harms in this case, have been studied thoroughly.

How much can you drink this drug a day so that the skin is always toned, moisturized, with a pleasant blush? 500 ml is enough for you. drink daily. But the number can be increased if we are talking about a hot pastime.

The citrus fruit contains ascorbic acid, vitamin E (tocopherol), vitamin A (retinol). Together, they form a powerful trio that protects the epidermis from external factors.

For the respiratory system

It is useful to drink water with lemon for smokers who want to say goodbye to addiction forever. The beneficial properties of the drink suggest that lemon reduces cravings for nicotine. Quitting smoking is easy, but only if you drink water after waking up in the morning.

For the circulatory system

Lemon water is famous for the fact that it perfectly cleanses the lymph if you drink the composition in the morning. It is in this that there are no benefits, contraindications and harm in this case.

The drink enhances the production of red blood cells, cleanses the blood channels from cholesterol deposits. This leads to the prevention of atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and other pathologies.

You can clean the blood with lemon water after long-term treatment with antibiotics or festive events (in this case, the composition is taken on an empty stomach in a warm form).

For metabolism

It has already been described earlier that water with citrus perfectly increases metabolic processes. Against this background, the work of vital systems and human organs improves.

A special place is given to the beneficial properties of lemon water for losing weight or obese people. The drink improves the absorption of food, reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood, enhances intestinal motility and its microflora.

Against the background of increased metabolic processes, toxins and poisons leave the body. All this leads to complex weight loss. Adherents of proper nutrition can also rejoice, lemon water is among the first lines of allowed drinks.

For vitality

The modern rhythm of life leaves its mark. More and more people suffer from depression, chronic fatigue, depression, insomnia, and decreased performance.

If you are one of them, it's time to start drinking lemon water in the morning. The composition of the drink contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids that stimulate brain neurons. Citrus is famous for the accumulation of B vitamins, they are required to cheer up.

Water with lemon for weight loss

Lemon water is one of the most common drinks, the composition is consumed in the morning, while the benefits and harms have been widely studied. Let's take it all in order.

1. Weight loss becomes possible due to the fact that the drug enhances the absorption of nutrients and their absorption into the walls of the esophagus. All internal organs begin to work harmoniously, the feeling of hunger is suppressed.

2. Even if you belong to the adherents of diets, then when you are on the next method of losing weight, there will no longer be sharp outbursts of anger. They appear due to a lack of nutrients. Lemon water makes up for the deficiency.

3. The most valuable quality lies in the ability to comprehensively cleanse the internal organs. If they are contaminated, it is almost impossible to lose weight.

4. Due to the strengthening of intestinal microflora and peristalsis, weight is reduced. Food no longer wanders into the esophageal cavity, causing flatulence or heaviness. Vitamin C provides immune support, while essential oils keep you feeling full longer.

5. Lemon water, drunk in the morning, controls the number of further servings. It starts the work of the body, but does not allow you to overeat, because the smooth narrowing of the stomach passes. Weight is reduced gradually without harm to humans.

6. The diuretic qualities of the drug lead to the fact that the body leaves excess fluid. The volumes melt before our eyes, the relief of the muscles appears. There is even a lemon diet based on citrus water. She is tough but effective.

Lemon water during pregnancy and lactation

1. Such a drink will bring significant benefits in the absence of contraindications, individual intolerance and an allergic reaction. It is also important to consider the condition of the baby.

2. Lemon water in the morning is indicated for use by girls who do not have health problems. Benefits and harms can directly affect the condition of the child. If you have no contraindications, there is no reason not to take the drink either.

3. The product acts as a natural and safe means to strengthen the protective functions of the body against the negative effects of the environment and common viruses. The fetus, in turn, will not suffer from dangerous infections.

4. Due to the abundance of magnesium, ascorbic acid and potassium in a lemon drink, the fetus will properly form the brain, bone tissue and nervous system. Drinking water will help to bypass the development of infantile rickets and impaired kidney function.

5. As for new mothers who are in the lactation period, water with lemon on an empty stomach should not be a problem. But it should be borne in mind that the benefits and harms may depend on whether the mother took water during pregnancy.

6. If you consumed a drink during the period of gestation, the risk of an allergic reaction in the baby is minimal. It is important to understand that lemon is a strong allergen, so you should be careful. It is also worth limiting the intake of the composition immediately after childbirth. Wait about 2 months.

Consumption of lemon water

1. Lemon water is quite easy to prepare. The composition should be taken in the morning. The benefits and harms of the active components will directly depend on this.

2. The procedure is best done after waking up half an hour before breakfast. After sleep, the metabolic processes and digestion of a person are in a state of half-asleep. Thanks to the drink, deposits of stored food from the previous day are washed out of the stomach.

3. To achieve maximum effect, water with lemon should be drunk immediately after waking up. The benefits and harms will be obvious. You are not threatened with negative consequences in the absence of contraindications.

4. Taking the composition after sleep will help protect the body from dehydration. To understand how much lemon water you can drink per day, you need to focus on your own well-being. As a rule, you should not exceed the daily allowance of 500 ml.

5. Drinking a glass in the morning will give strength and a feeling of cheerfulness for the whole day. It is highly recommended to take the product in small sips through a cocktail straw. Thus, the juice will not harm the tooth enamel.

Harm of lemon water in the morning

1. Consumed water with lemon on an empty stomach in rare cases can affect a person's condition. The benefits and harms of the drink largely depend on the presence of chronic pathologies. Therefore, the composition is forbidden to take with an ulcer, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis.

2. Do not forget about the destructive ability of lemon juice. The natural composition mercilessly treats tooth enamel. As mentioned earlier, to avoid such consequences, it is worth taking the liquid through a straw.

Lemon water in the morning will bring undoubted benefits to a person, if you follow practical recommendations and take into account contraindications. In order not to harm the body, you should consult a doctor. Be careful and do not abuse the drink.

Today, everyone praises the benefits of water with lemon. Actresses and models praise her properties, demonstrating a toned figure. It may seem that this is a remedy for all diseases. What is really capable of such a composition? How can he help and hurt?

One of the most important components that the body needs is water. And if you combine it with such a valuable fruit as a lemon, you get a natural "medicine" with many therapeutic properties. Together with yellow citrus juice, the liquid will be enriched with vitamins A, C, P, B-groups, potassium, zinc, copper, boron and other valuable elements.

If you drink such a drink on an empty stomach, then the result will not be long in coming. The state of health will improve significantly, viral diseases will recede. But this is not all the benefits of water with lemon.

The effect of lemon water on the body:

  • puts in order the metabolism;
  • positively affects the digestive process (stimulates the production of bile);
  • normalizes blood sugar;
  • maintains the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • cleans the kidneys, liver, intestines;
  • removes toxins;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • activates lymph flow;
  • enhances immune protection;
  • accelerates recovery from colds, flu, tonsillitis, as it saturates the body with vitamin C;
  • lowers the temperature
  • reduces the risk of developing cataracts;
  • serves to prevent stroke;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • reduces the likelihood of gout;
  • helps fight stress
  • eliminates chronic fatigue, drowsiness;
  • has a general tonic effect;
  • relieves hangover.

Cold, hot, mineral - which is better, and how to take such an elixir?

A cold drink perfectly quenches thirst. But the health benefits of hot water with lemon are much greater. Its temperature should be about 50 degrees (not boiling water!)

And what if you drink not ordinary, but mineral water with lemon? Its benefits will relate primarily to the digestive tract. This drink normalizes stomach acidity. It will produce a pronounced diuretic effect, which will help weight loss.

The first portion should be taken after waking up. You can eat only after 20 minutes. During the day, it is also allowed to drink this healing elixir as soon as the feeling of hunger begins to disturb. You can do this in the evening, but no later than two hours before bedtime. Traditional healers recommend taking it in a course of 30 days.

Lemonade in a new way - how will this composition help women?

If you drink such a refreshing “cocktail” every day, you can not only gain good health, but also improve your appearance. The skin will become more elastic and toned, acne will disappear, the face will be fresher. This composition will slow down the onset of old age, as it contains antioxidants.

It can also be used externally - freeze and wipe the face. This will help lighten age spots and freckles. But the benefits of water with lemon for a woman's body are not limited to beauty issues.

It is shown to the expectant mother: it will protect her from contracting respiratory viral infections and supply many valuable substances to the body (from potassium and magnesium to ascorbic acid). These components contribute to the proper formation of the brain, bones, neural tube of the embryo and prevent the development of rickets.

Important! After the birth of the baby, it is better for the mother to refuse such a drink if the baby is breast-fed. Citruses often provoke allergies, so it can lead to rashes in a newborn.

There are myths among those who are losing weight, how well water with lemon helps the cause of harmony. What is the use of this solution in terms of combating excess fat reserves?

It promotes better absorption of nutrients, frees the body from accumulated toxins. This increases the effectiveness of the diet. A glass of lemon water reduces the risk of overeating and reduces portion size.

Important! To get an immediate effect, some begin to drink boiling water with lemon. Its benefits for the figure and harm to health will be incomparable! Lemon is already a strong irritant, and in company with boiling water it can cause a burn of the mucous membrane.

The subtleties of preparing a health drink

Making a lemon drink is very simple, because it contains only two ingredients. The easiest way is to wash the lemon under running hot water, cut it in half, mix the juice of one half of the citrus with 250 ml of warm boiled water. This recipe is suitable for people whose weight does not exceed 70 kg, and if it is more, then the whole fruit must be taken as a whole.

Not everyone can drink such a sour composition. To eliminate this problem, it is enough to add a teaspoon of natural honey to it, if there is no allergy to it. This will not only improve the taste of the drink, but also add therapeutic and prophylactic characteristics to it. It will acquire anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bactericidal properties, increase blood circulation, and help reduce the viscosity of sputum.

The benefits of hot water with lemon will be even more noticeable if you use this recipe to prepare it: boil the water, cool it a little (so that it does not burn), squeeze out ½ of the citrus, add a couple of mint leaves, grated ginger, cinnamon. It is necessary to use this therapeutic mix throughout the day.

Important! Such a drink should not be prepared for the future. After a few hours, it will lose its healing power. Do not add sugar to it!

What side effects should be afraid of, and who are threatened by them?

Even this simple composition can bring unpleasant surprises, such as belching, heartburn, erosion and ulcers. In order not to find yourself in a situation where, instead of the promised benefits for the body, water with lemon will make you feel worse, you must definitely check the contraindications for taking it.

Seven reasons to give up a lemon drink:

  • ulcer;
  • high acidity of the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • diseases of the esophagus and stomach in the acute stage;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • individual intolerance to citrus fruits.

Important! So that lemon juice does not damage tooth enamel, it is better to drink the composition through a straw, and rinse your mouth after drinking it.

Recently, literally everyone has been talking about water with the addition of lemon. Allegedly, she is a real healer for our body. However, is this belief true? Let's figure out why drink water with lemon and how to prepare it properly.

Can you drink water with lemon

Why drink lemon water

Water with the addition of lemon juice is a multifaceted benefit for the body. Let's find out what makes her so good.

The body is saturated with vitamins (A, B, C, P) and minerals (phosphorus, zinc, calcium, etc.).

Digestion improves, belching disappears, gases do not form.

Arteries and blood vessels are strengthened, thanks to this, the work of the heart is stabilized.

There is a cleansing of the blood if you drink water with lemon regularly.

Toxins are removed from the body.

All colds pass, the risk of their occurrence in the autumn-winter period decreases.

Significantly strengthens the immune system.

The condition of the skin improves, acne disappears, and the aging process slows down.

The teeth are gently cleaned, the breath becomes fresh.

Citric acid breaks down fats, so that weight loss occurs; in combination with proper nutrition and sports, this effect is very noticeable.

The body arrives in good shape, a person feels vivacity and energy throughout the day.

The mood improves, the slightest hints of depression are suppressed.

Be sure to try drinking such a drink for at least a couple of weeks, and you will notice positive changes in your condition.

How to make healthy lemon water

Unlike other healthy drinks, this one is extremely easy to prepare. All you need to do is squeeze a fresh lemon into a glass of water. The standard is considered the norm - half a lemon per glass of water. But start with smaller doses. First, pour the juice of a lemon ring into the water, and then gradually increase the portion of the juice. At this time, carefully monitor the reaction of your body to such a treat. Although in most cases he reacts to it just fine.

Water with the addition of fresh lemon juice is an excellent and simplest prophylactic that prevents dozens of diseases. A natural drink quenches thirst well, and due to the huge amount of microelements, organic acids and vitamins, it normalizes the work of vital body systems and gives a person the necessary vigor.

So why not start the day with a glass of warm water with half a freshly squeezed lemon? The main thing is to do it regularly!

1. Due to the presence of trace elements such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, water with lemon juice moisturizes the skin and protects the body from dehydration.

2. Such a drink helps to reduce pain in muscles and joints.

3. Warm water with lemon stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and improves metabolism.

4. Daily consumption of warm water with lemon juice stimulates the liver, which removes toxins from the body.

5. Lemon has anti-inflammatory properties that help fight diseases such as tonsillitis, respiratory tract infections, inflammation of the tonsils.

6. Water with lemon juice regulates the natural process of bowel cleansing.

7. A warm drink helps the body start the metabolic process.

8. Lemon is a powerful antioxidant that not only helps prevent aging, but also strengthens the immune system.

9. Due to its high content of potassium, lemon strengthens the nervous system, reduces anxiety and helps fight stress.

10. Water with lemon cleanses the blood, blood vessels and arteries.

11. A warm drink helps lower blood pressure. With daily use, the pressure decreases by 10%.

12. Drinking water with lemon juice helps improve your pH balance. The higher the pH in the body, the greater the resistance to viral and infectious diseases.

13. Due to the high content of vitamin C, water with lemon rejuvenates the skin, makes it supple and elastic.

14. Due to the dilution of uric acid with special enzymes, water with lemon juice is one of the best ways to combat gout joint pain.

15. The use of warm water with lemon is advised even for pregnant women. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and bones of the child, helps the formation of brain cells and the nervous system of the baby.

16. If you mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with a glass of water, you can get rid of heartburn.

17. Daily use of water with lemon helps to dissolve stones in the pancreas, kidneys, gallbladder.

18. Water with lemon juice relieves toothache and inflammation of the gums.

19. Warm water with lemon juice helps prevent cancer due to its alkaline properties. Scientists have proven that cancer cannot spread in an alkaline environment.

20. And the last, perhaps one of the most pleasant properties of this drink - it promotes rapid weight loss. The pectins in lemon help suppress hunger and burn fat faster!

As you can see, the daily use of a glass of water with the addition of lemon juice not only tones the body, but also helps to remove toxins and toxins, restore the functioning of all internal organs.

How and when to drink lemon water

For this purpose, warm purified or spring water should be used. Take half a glass of warm water without sugar and squeeze at least half a lemon or lime into it. It is better to use a dedicated juicer to get maximum juice with minimum effort.

You need to drink water with lemon first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and do not sit down to breakfast right away.

Doctors and nutritionists advise starting the day with clean, unboiled water on an empty stomach. During the night hours, a person loses a certain amount of moisture. It turns out that a glass of water drunk at the moment of awakening is an elixir that is necessary:

  • the first small sips of warm water start the digestive tract;
  • metabolism is accelerated;
  • the fluid balance in the body is restored.

A person is 70% water, and the decrease in its intake at night must be replenished.

The effect will increase many times if you add a little fresh lemon juice to clean drinking water. What are the benefits of lemon water? The natural chemical factory gave the fruit, every drop of its juice is healing.

A slice of lemon added to water turns ordinary water into medicine.

The amount of lemon added depends on the person's body weight. You should not abuse an acidic product, as it can upset the acid balance of the stomach.

Water for making a drink is taken non-carbonated, possibly after cleaning in special filters. If tap water is used, it must be allowed to stand to allow the chlorine to escape. You can use water of weak mineralization.

In practice, several slices of thinly sliced ​​lemon are lowered into a glass of water heated to 25-40 degrees or added to a glass squeezed from half a lemon juice. It is important that the top peel of the lemon, lowered into the water in the form of a slice, is well peeled. If the fruit is purchased, you need to scrape off the top layer, covered with paraffin.

Water with lemon and honey is additionally saturated with a healing product. You can prepare it by adding honey to a mug and dissolving it with thorough stirring. It is easier after drinking water to put a teaspoon of honey on the tongue and dissolve it.

Water with lemon and ginger is prepared by infusing finely chopped lemon and grated root in water for several hours, you can put it in the refrigerator, but before taking it on an empty stomach, water with ginger must be warmed up. To prepare two liters of water, you need one lemon and a teaspoon of grated root. The taste of the drink is sharp, you should get used to it.

Proper intake of water with lemon

After the water is drunk in small sips or through a straw, proceed to water procedures. This is important as the acidic drink erodes tooth enamel.

You need to have breakfast 45 minutes after drinking water with lemon on an empty stomach. Such a simple technique can restore or alleviate a person's health without drugs. Hydrotherapy under the supervision of specialists recorded:

  • signs of dehydration disappear within two weeks;
  • gastritis does not manifest itself after 10 days;
  • blood sugar decreases after a month of morning water intake;
  • the state of hypertensive patients improves in the second month of hydrotherapy;
  • the well-being of tuberculosis patients who drink water on an empty stomach improves after 3 months.

Even such a harmless procedure as drinking water with lemon on an empty stomach can be beneficial and harmful. It is necessary to consult a doctor if there are chronic diseases.

So, cancer patients, people suffering from arthrosis, with peptic ulcers of the internal organs should not use water with lemon, lime, ginger.

Why do you need water if you are young and healthy

Chronic diseases arise from improper lifestyle for a long time. Therefore, to protect health from a young age is not just a phrase, but an urgent need. A useful and not time-consuming and costly action will give a positive result, strengthening health:

  1. The beneficial substances present in water with lemon saturate the body with vitamins and microelements. This is especially important for the morning mood for a working day.
  2. Lemon juice with water has a similar composition to saliva and the environment in the stomach. Drinking a glass of drink starts the digestive system. The result will be the absence of heartburn and belching, gas formation. At the same time, the lemon component accelerates the removal of toxins from the liver, and water dissolves them and contributes to the speedy removal.
  3. Regular use of water acidified with lemon juice cleanses the walls of blood vessels, making them elastic. At the same time, the composition of the blood improves. The tool is effective in reducing pressure. In addition, cholesterol dissolves from the vessels and the sugar content decreases. As a result, blood circulation and the load on the heart are facilitated.
  4. The morning portion of water with lemon contains a balanced composition and actively fights against colds. The body is activated to fight viruses and microbes and suppresses them. Even if the disease is advanced, drinking plenty of vitamin water will alleviate the person's condition.
  5. The systematic intake of useful components of water with lemon in the morning strengthens the immune system, saturates the body with health. The result will be noticeable on the face. Healthy, radiant skin is indicative of a healthy body.
  6. Drinking a glass of water with lemon will refresh your mouth. An acidic environment with a pleasant smell affects the bacterial flora in the cavity.
  7. A glass of warm lemon infusion will help you start the day easily and in a good mood in the summer. The presence of vitamin P and ascorbic acid in the composition improves mood. An accelerated metabolism fills the body with energy, a person feels comfortable.

Water with lemon for weight loss

Nutritionists, when working with clients on a weight loss program, attach great importance to the benefits of drinking water with lemon. They motivate that the composition promotes the breakdown of fats. A stomach filled with water gives a faster signal of saturation with a small amount of food.

Based on the use of lemons involved in the breakdown of fats, special diets have been developed. In recipes for weight loss, water with lemon, consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, was a must. During the day, it is periodically suggested to use a slice of lemon. This technique reduces appetite. Pure water, which dissolves and removes toxins, also contributes to weight loss.

An equally effective tool in losing weight is water taken on an empty stomach with lemon and honey or ginger. All these substances are the strongest catalysts for the breakdown and removal of body fat. At the same time, they saturate the composition with their active ingredients, complementing the lemon.

The ginger root, used for water with ginger and lemon, also has a no less saturated chemical composition. This drink has a spicy taste. Ginger with lemon is poured with warm water twice, between doses the infusion is stored in the refrigerator.

Water with lemon and honey for weight loss also gives a good effect, but it is more pleasant to drink it. Two tablespoons of honey and lemon juice diluted in warm water and taken on an empty stomach is the easiest composition to use.

Sassi water is an effective morning drink for weight loss. A well-known nutritionist has developed a fat burner with the addition of finely chopped fresh cucumber and mint to lemon-ginger water.

For whom fasting water is contraindicated

There are many recipes for weight loss and diets, but striving for perfection, you need to constantly listen to your body. Before taking water with lemon, the doctor should determine the benefits and harms of the procedure. We do not always know everything about health:

  1. Sand in the kidneys when drinking lemon water can turn into stones. But if the kidneys are clean, then the same drink will prevent their appearance.
  2. You can not use water with lemon on an empty stomach for those who already have problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the form of heartburn or peptic ulcer.
  3. For diabetics, acidic water can be harmful.
  4. If a person is allergic to any ingredient in the drink, it should be excluded.
  5. You can not often repeat the course of lemon infusions for weight loss, overestimate the recommended dosage, as you can upset the acid balance.
  6. Vitamin C found in water is a diuretic. Drinking too much water can lead to dehydration.

In any case, consultation with your doctor and nutritionist will help to avoid possible problems.

The concentration of honey and lemon in a morning glass of water depends on individual tastes. It is useful to add five drops of lemon juice to a glass, and the whole fruit. It depends on inner feelings. An acidic drink can cause heartburn.

It is optimal to consume 200 milliliters of the drink on an empty stomach. In Japan, where people live long, it is a tradition to start the day with a glass of water throughout life.

Liquid with the addition of lemon should be freshly prepared. Some elements from lemon are unstable, and after an hour or two from the time of preparation, their benefits will noticeably decrease. Fasting means at least 30 minutes before eating.

Benefits of water with lemon and ginger

Ginger root is a pantry of vitamins and minerals.

The optimal set of B vitamins increases the body's resistance to stress and improves mental activity. Against the background of its high cleansing abilities for the gastrointestinal tract and the acceleration of metabolism, the product complements the lemon well. The effectiveness of taking water with lemon and ginger is doubled.

It is necessary to warn that you need to tune in to the morning intake of water on an empty stomach. The procedure will give the best effect if it is repeated at the same time and systematically. You need to drink water slowly, in small sips, savoring it like good wine.

Video about the benefits of drinking water with lemon on an empty stomach