Holidays and events of September. Holidays and events of September 28 September significant dates


World rabies day... World Rabies Day was initiated by the Global Rabies Control Alliance and has been celebrated annually on 28 September since 2007.

Saint Wenceslas Day - Day of Czech statehood.

Day of workers of the nuclear industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Confucius's birthday in China... On this day, China celebrates Confucius's birthday, or National Teacher's Day. Confucius - ancient philosopher, which had a huge impact on the worldview of the entire Chinese civilization - the Chinese have been honoring for more than two and a half thousand years.

Grape harvest festival in Switzerland.

Crafts Festival in Tuscany.

In 1618 the world's first pawnshop was opened in Brussels. Lombard is one of the oldest financial institutions in human history and has a rich history. The first written mentions of him can be found even in Greek and Roman sources.

In 1864 the First International was founded in London. In the middle of the 19th century, an economic crisis began in the world that affected many countries. Due to unemployment and poverty of the population, strikes and revolutionary actions of the working class became more frequent.

In 1939 The USSR and Germany signed an agreement "On Friendship and Border", which consolidated the liquidation of Poland. German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop arrived in Moscow on an official visit on September 27, 1939, to participate in negotiations on the conclusion of the German-Soviet Treaty on Friendship and Border "Between Germany and the USSR.

In 1994 the cargo-passenger ferry "Estonia" sank in the Baltic Sea. On the night of September 28, 1994, during a storm in the waters of the Baltic near the Finnish island of Ute, the cargo-passenger ferry “Estonia” sank, flying between Tallinn and Stockholm. This is the largest disaster in the Baltic Sea.


Day of the nuclear industry worker in Russia.

Business Book Day in Russia... On September 28, a new holiday is celebrated in Russia - Business Book Day. Its establishment in 2015 was initiated by the project and the Russian publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber.

CEO Day in Russia. He always has a lot to do, he concludes deals, seeks and finds new sources of profit. The mood of each employee of the enterprise depends on his activities. He is the CEO (as well as a top manager), and we celebrate his day on September 28 every year.

In 1953 Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was elected first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. On September 28, 1953, Nikita Khrushchev was elected First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. The era of Khrushchev in history is known as the era of "thaw" in the domestic and foreign policy of the USSR.

In 1992 the celebration of Air Fleet Day in Russia is set for the third Sunday in August. On September 28, 1992, a Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation was adopted on the celebration of the Day of the Russian Air Force on the third Sunday of August. Earlier (since 1933) the holiday was celebrated on August 18.

Birthday. Andrey, Vissarion, Gerasim, Gregory, Dmitry, Evdokia, Ivan, Ignatius, Joseph, Leonid, Lyudmila, Makar, Maxim, Maria, Nikita, Nikolai, Peter, Porfiry, Semyon, Stepan, Fedot, Yakov.

Born on this day.(1573) Michelangelo da Caravaggio, Italian painter, one of the greatest masters of the Baroque. (1900) Boris Efimov, Soviet graphic artist, master of political caricature, People's Artist of the USSR. (1908) Irakly Andronikov, Soviet writer, literary critic, master of fiction story, TV presenter. (1915) Georgy Tovstonogov, Soviet theater director, teacher, national artist THE USSR. (1924) Marcello Mastroianni, Italian film and theater actor. (1934) Brigitte Bardot, French actress, singer and public figure.

According to the folk calendar... Nikita Gusyatnik. At the same time, wild geese flew away to warm lands, and the hunters went out on the last hunt. The bird went both for sale and for the peasant's table. The main dish that day was, of course, the baked goose.

By lunar calendar ... Moon phase: Third quarter, Waning moon. It is believed that the day carries a heavy, tense and dangerous energy, it is just in the air. Often, one careless word or glance is enough to be in the middle of a conflict. Therefore, to maintain your balance as much as possible, be careful to maintain a state of calm. Look back, remember with whom you were unfair and who hurt you, forgive the offenders and ask forgiveness from the offended. This is how on this day you can correct the mistakes made in the past that distort our present and create problems.

Published on 09/28/17 00:13 AM

Today, September 28, 2017, also celebrates CEO Day, Nuclear Workers Day, World Rabies Day and other holidays.

On September 28, 2017, Orthodox believers remember Nikita Gotsky, elevated to the face of the great martyrs. Nikita lived on the banks of the Danube in the 4th century. After being baptized, he began to preach Christianity. Upon learning of this, the pagans sentenced him to death.

The slaughter of geese began on Nikita in the villages. At the same time, wild geese flew away to warm lands, and the hunters went out on the last hunt. The bird was also sold. Baked intkbbee the goose was the main dish of the table.

On this day, our ancestors treated them to a baked water goose, as they believed that the spirit protects waterfowl. According to tradition, the waterman was given the best feathered, while chopping off his head. And also that day it was necessary to remove the turnip from the beds, cut off its tops. So the celebration had another name - Reporez. This vegetable could often be seen on peasant tables, because it was very much loved and revered.

On September 28, Russia celebrates General Director's Day. This holiday has an unofficial status. It is celebrated by the general directors of private and state-owned enterprises, business founders.

CEO Day began to gain popularity with the development of entrepreneurship in Russia and the emergence of many new companies and executives. It was initiated by the editorial staff of the General Director magazine.

Day of the nuclear industry worker in Russia

Day of the nuclear industry worker is celebrated in Russia traditionally on September 28. In 2017, he copes for the 13th time. It is celebrated by employees of nuclear industry enterprises, research institutes: engineers, designers, workers.

The event was officially confirmed by the Presidential Decree Russian Federation V. Putin of June 3, 2005, No. 633 "On the Day of the nuclear industry worker."

The date of the celebration has a symbolic meaning and is timed to the order of the USSR State Defense Committee of September 28, 1942 "On the organization of work on uranium." The document ordered the institutions of the Academy of Sciences to conduct research works... Scientists pledged to give an answer to the question of the possibility of creating a new weapon. The processes of fission of radioactive nuclei were to be used as its warhead. The task was also set to use uranium as a fuel. Since then, the nuclear industry has started to develop at a rapid pace.

World rabies day

Today is World Rabies Day. In 2017, the date is celebrated for the 11th time. Russia joins the international celebration.

This day was established in 2007 in the United States at the initiative of the Global Rabies Control Alliance. The date of death (September 28, 1895) of L. Pasteur, a microbiologist, one of the creators of the rabies vaccine, was chosen as the date of celebration.

Business Book Day in Russia

Every year on September 28, Russia celebrates the Day of the Business Book. The initiators of the holiday should be the Russian publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber. The date of the event was chosen due to the fact that on such a day the birthday of the publishing house MIF is celebrated.

Andrey, Vissarion, Gerasim, Gregory, Dmitry, Evdokia, Ivan, Ignatius, Joseph, Leonid, Lyudmila, Makar, Maxim, Maria, Nikita, Nikolai, Peter, Porfiry, Semyon, Stepan, Fedot, Yakov.

  • 1618 - The world's first pawnshop opens in Brussels.
  • 1864 - The First International is founded in London.
  • 1939 - The USSR and Germany signed the Treaty on Friendship and Border, which secured the liquidation of Poland.
  • 1953 - Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was elected first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.
  • 1992 - The celebration of the Air Fleet Day in Russia is set on the third Sunday in August.
  • 1994 - The cargo-passenger ferry Estonia sank in the Baltic Sea.
  • Michelangelo da Caravaggio 1573 - Italian painter.
  • John French 1852 - British military leader.
  • Henri Moissant 1852 - French chemist.
  • Boris Efimov 1900 - Soviet graphic artist.
  • Irakli Andronikov 1908 - Soviet writer.
  • Georgy Tovstonogov 1915 - Soviet theater director.
  • Peter Finch 1916 - Australian film actor.
  • Marcello Mastroianni 1924 - Italian actor.
  • Bridget Bardot 1934 is a French actress.

271st day of 2019 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 94 days left until the end of the year. the site invites you to find out what events this date was remembered for.

September 28th in history

In 1745, the country's first performance of the anthem of England - "God save the King", which was reliably dated by historians, took place.

In 1904 the Vera Fedorovna Komissarzhevskaya Academic Drama Theater was opened in the city of St. Petersburg. The first performance on the stage was the production of "Uriel Acosta" by K. Gutskov.

In 1968, the song of the famous Liverpool four "Beatles" called "Hey Jude", which Paul McCartney dedicated to John Lennon's son, Julian, topped the charts in America for as much as 9 weeks.

In 2001, Gerard Mos, a 46-year-old Brazilian pilot, landed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Thus, he completed the world's first round-the-world flight, which lasted 100 days on a motor glider.

In 2008, the first night race in Formula 1 history took place.

In 2009, the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft from India discovered water on the lunar surface.

Were born on September 28

1803 - French writer, historian, ethnographer and translator Prosper Merimee, author of Carmen.

1918 - Soviet teacher Vasily Sukhomlinsky.

1934 - the famous French film actress Brigitte Bardot.

1963 - Russian athlete, showman and actor Vladimir Turchinsky.

1968 - famous English producer and actress, Naomi Watts.

Photo: Instagram naomiwatts

1968 - Finnish Formula 1 racing driver Mika Hakkinen. Winner of two championship titles in 1998 and 1999.

1972 - American actress, model and singer Dita von Teese.

19871 - American singer and actress Hilary Duff.

Photo: Instagram hilaryduff

We think you will also be interested to know about which promise more than they can do. Unfortunately, there are many such people around us.

Read, think, strive!

Affirmations. on. everyone. day28.9.2015

I act with determination and purpose. I know what I want - and I confidently achieve my goals. I attract good luck to me. I face any change with confidence. I accept success as a worthy reward.

Quote for today:

Cultivating self-confidence frees a person, self-doubt enslaves.

Steve Pavlina

The secret to calmness

Orison Marden

The great and silent energy within us is capable of satisfying all the aspirations of our soul.

On this day no

Novonikitskaya Icon of the Mother of God (372).

The Novonikitskaya icon is one of the most ancient icons of the Mother of God. She appeared to the holy Great Martyr Nikita (+ 372). The Martyr Nikita, a former warrior and disciple of Theophilos, Bishop of the Goths, even before he was baptized, once saw in a dream the Youth holding the Cross in His hand. Waking up, he pondered the meaning of the vision for a long time. A Christian girl named Juliana, by revelation from God, told the young man to turn his gaze to his own chest.
To unspeakable surprise, he found on his chest the image Holy Mother of God with the Eternal Infant God kneeling on His Mother and holding the Cross in his hand. "This is the same image I saw in my dream!" - exclaimed Saint Nikita. The appearance of the icon made such an impression on him that he immediately accepted holy Baptism. Soon a persecution against Christians began, and Saint Nikita, along with other confessors, received the martyr's crown.

Vmch. Nikita (about 372).

The Holy Great Martyr Nikita was a Goth. He was born and lived on the banks of the Danube. Suffered for Christ in 372.Then the Christian faith was already widely spread in the country of the Goths.
Saint Nikita believed in Christ and received Baptism from the Gotthian Bishop Theophilos, a participant in the First Ecumenical Council. The pagan Goths began to oppose the spread of Christianity, as a result of which internecine strife arose.
After the victory of Fritigern, who led the army of Christians and defeated the pagan Athanarich, the faith of Christ began to spread more successfully among the Goths. Bishop Ulfilas, the successor of Bishop Theophilus, created the Gothic alphabet and translated many sacred books into the Gothic language. Saint Nikita also worked hard in spreading Christianity among his fellow tribesmen. By his example and inspired word, he led many pagans to the Christian faith. However, Afanarikh, after the defeat, managed to regain his strength, return to his country and restore his former power. Remaining a pagan, he continued to hate and persecute Christians. Saint Nikita, subjected to many tortures, was thrown into the fire, where he died in 372. A friend of Saint Nikita, the Christian Marian, found the body of the martyr at night, not damaged by fire and illuminated by a wonderful light, transferred it and gave it to burial in Cilicia. Subsequently, it was transferred to Constantinople. A particle of the holy relics of the great martyr Nikita was later transferred to the Vysokie Decany monastery in Serbia.

- Afterfeast of the Exaltation of the Cross;

- memory of the Great Martyr Nikita (c. 372);

- commemoration of the Hieromartyr John the Presbyter and the Monk Martyr Evdokia (1918);

- memory of the Hieromartyrs Andrew, Gregory, Gregory, John Presbyters (1921);

- memory of the Monk Ignatius the Confessor (1932);

- memory of the Hieromartyr Demetrius, presbyter (1935);

- commemoration of the Hieromartyrs John, James, Peter, Nicholas of the Presbyters and Nicholas the Deacon, the Monk Martyr Mary and Martyr Lyudmila (1937);

- Discovery of the relics of St. Akaki the Confessor, Bishop of Melitin (III);

- memory of the Martyrs Maxim, Theodotus and Askliad (Asklipiodotus) of Marcianopolis (305-311);

- memory of the Martyr Porfiry (361);

- Finding the relics of the First Martyr Archdeacon Stephen (415);

- memory of the Monk Philotheus the presbyter, in Asia Minor (X);

- memory of Saint Joseph, Bishop of Alaverdi (570) (Georgian);

- memory of Vissarion I and Vissarion II, archbishops of Larissa (Greek);

- memory of the New Martyr John of Crete (1811) (Greek);

- memory of the Monk Gerasim, abbot;

- the memory of St. Simeon, Archbishop of Thessaloniki (1430);

- memory of Saint Joseph the New, Partoshsky, Metropolitan Temisoarsky;

- memory of Saint Myrin, hegumen of Pasleysky.

The Day of the Nuclear Industry Worker was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 633 of June 3, 2005 "On the Day of the Nuclear Industry Worker" and is celebrated annually on September 28.

On September 28, 2015, a new holiday is celebrated in Russia - Business Book Day. Its establishment was initiated by the project and the Russian publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber.

He always has a lot to do, he concludes deals, seeks and finds new sources of profit. The mood of each employee of the enterprise depends on his activities. It - General director, and every year on September 28 we celebrate his professional holiday.

World Rabies Day is an initiative of the Global Alliance for Rabies Control and is celebrated annually on 28 September since 2007

"Saint Wenceslas, voivode of the Czech land, do not let us or our descendants perish!" On September 28, the Czech Republic celebrates the day of its patron saint, St. Wenceslas (Czech - Svatý Václav), this day is also the Day of Czech Statehood.

The International Technical Fair in Plovdiv (International Technical Fair ITF) is one of the largest trade fair events in Southeast Europe. Every year more than two thousand Bulgarian and foreign participants from almost 60 countries present their achievements.

Birthday of Confucius in China, or National Teacher's Day.

Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles - 2015. The Jewish Feast of Tabernacles begins on the 15th day of the new year (15 Tishrei) and lasts 7 days. The holiday date is unique for each year.

Mechanical Engineer's Day inUkraine .

Teacher's Day in Taiwan.

International Day of Legal Knowledge (International Right to Know Day).

Referendum Day in Guinea.

World Sea Day.

Events September 28 events in the world

in different years


The world's first pawnshop in the form in which it exists and works to this day, opened September 28, 1618in the Belgian city of Brussels under the brand name of the House of Lombardi, which soon became the owner of a network of loan institutions throughout Europe, and even the royal families were his clients.

In Russia, pawnshops appeared at the beginning of the 18th century, when the Mint began issuing loans against the pledge of gold and silver items. In 1772, the St. Petersburg and Moscow loan treasuries were opened, which were state pawnshops.

Private pawnshops appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century and soon became widespread and in demand among the population. After the October Revolution of 1917, the entire banking sector was nationalized, and the development of private entrepreneurship in the pawnshop business was stopped. Private pawnshops appeared in Russia again only in the early 90s of the XX century.

The history of development and the current state of the pawnshop industry in the world show that pawnshops have great prospects and play an important role in the economy of any country.

1864 - The First International, the International Workingmen's Association, is founded in London.

1919 - The University of Latvia was opened.

1925 - the USSR adopted a regulation on the Workers 'and Peasants' Militia.

1937 - by decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the West Siberian Territory is divided into Altai region and the Novosibirsk region.

1944 - the beginning of the Belgrade strategic offensive operation, which led to the defeat of the German army group "Serbia" and the liberation of Yugoslavia.

1953 - Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was elected First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU

1979 - The CENTO military-political bloc officially ceased to exist.

1992 - the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation was adopted on the celebration of the Day of the Air Force of Russia on the third Sunday of August. Earlier (since 1933) the holiday was celebrated on August 18.

1066 - Disembarkation of the Normans led by Duke William in England. 1106 - Battle of Tanshbra. 1542 - Spanish Crown citizen Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo became the first European to sail along the California coast. 1618 - The world's first pawnshop opens in Brussels. 1708 - Battle of Lesnaya. 1745 - The first reliably dated performance of the English anthem "God save the King" - "God save the king" took place. 1759 - Horullo volcano was born in the Mexican state of Michoacan in front of many eyewitnesses. 1773 - the Peasant War of 1773-1775 under the leadership of EI Pugachev began from the Budarinsky outpost 85 kilometers down the Yaik from the Yaitsky town. 1791 - The National Assembly grants the Jews of France all civil rights. 1793 - In Canada, it is announced that all slave children born after this date will be free at the age of 25. 1864 - The First International is formed - the International Workingmen's Association. 1904 - the Academic Drama Theater named after V. F. Komissarzhevskaya was opened in St. Petersburg with the play "Uriel Acosta" by K. Gutskov. 1919 - The University of Latvia was opened. 1925 - The USSR adopted a regulation on the Workers 'and Peasants' Militia. 1937 - By the decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the West Siberian Territory was divided into the Altai Territory and the Novosibirsk Region. 1939 - Second world War: the surrender of Warsaw. - The "Treaty of Friendship and Border Between the USSR and Germany" was concluded. 1944 - the beginning of the Belgrade strategic offensive operation, which led to the defeat of the German army group "Serbia" and the liberation of Yugoslavia. 1953 - Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was elected First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. 1958 - A referendum was held in France, at which the Constitution of the Fifth Republic was adopted. 1961 - A military coup is carried out in Syria, as a result of which the withdrawal from the United Arab Republic is announced and the Syrian Arab Republic is proclaimed. 1968 - The Beatles' song "Hey Jude", dedicated to Paul McCartney to John Lennon's son Julian, topped the US charts for 9 weeks. 1972 - During the telecast of the USSR-Canada hockey match, commentator Nikolai Ozerov uttered his famous phrase "We don't need such hockey!" (The Canadians scored the winning goal 34 seconds before the end of the game, winning the streak 6-5). 1973 - The decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine to establish a state reserve on the island of Khortitsa in Zaporozhye was canceled. 1979 - The CENTO military-political bloc officially ceased to exist. 1991 - The legendary Monsters of Rock concert with the participation of Metallica, Pantera, AC / DC in Moscow, at the Tushino airfield. Subsequently, it was called the Tushino massacre because of the beating of a crowd of fans by police forces. 1994 - The ferry Estonia sank in the Baltic Sea, killing 852 people. 2000 - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak for the first time recognized the possibility of a partition of Jerusalem. According to him, the peace agreement with the Palestinians, if it is concluded, will contain an agreement that the western part of the city will remain the capital of Israel, and the eastern one will become the capital of the Palestinian state. 2001 - Brazilian pilot Gerard Moss, 46, landed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and completed the world's first 100-day Ximango motor glider round-the-world flight. 2003 - Power grid failure in Italy. 2008 - Parliamentary elections in the Republic of Belarus. - The first night race in the Formula 1 class. 2009 - Water on the moon found by the Indian spacecraft Chandrayaan-

On this page you will learn about the significant and memorable dates of the autumn day of September 28, what famous people were born on this September day, events took place, we will also tell you about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them is remembered for something, no exception was the day of September 28, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays of famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. We must always remember and know about those who have left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and society development.

The day of the twenty-eighth of September, left its indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, like who was born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the twenty-eighth day of September 28 September, what events and significant dates it was celebrated and what is remembered, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more, what you should know, it's just interesting to know.

Who was born on September 28 (twenty-eighth)

Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot (fr.Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot; born September 28, 1934) is a French actress, singer and public figure.

Marcello Vincenzo Domenico Mastroianni. Born on September 28, 1924 in the village. Fontana Liri in the Apennines - died on December 19, 1996 in Rome. Italian actor.

Alexander Alexandrovich Goloborodko. Born on September 28, 1938 in Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovsk region. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988).

Sylvia Maria Kristel. Born September 28, 1952 in Utrecht - died October 18, 2012 in the same place. Dutch model, actress, writer. The famous performer of the role of Emmanuelle.

Georges Benjamin Clemenceau (French Georges Benjamin Clemenceau) (September 28, 1841, Muyron-en-Paré, Vendee department, - November 24, 1929, Paris) - French political and statesman, journalist, prime minister of France.

Vladimir Ivanovich Zaitsev. Was born on September 28, 1958 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Soviet and Russian theater, film and dubbing actor. Honored Artist of Russia (2014).

Fyodor Vladimirovich Emelianenko. Was born on September 28, 1976 in Rubezhnoye, Luhansk region. Russian athlete, four-time world heavyweight champion in MMA according to Pride FC, two times according to RINGS, two times according to WAMMA, four times world champion and nine times champion of Russia in combat sambo. Honored Master of Sports in Sambo, International Master of Sports in Judo.

Georgy Tovstonogov (09/28/1915 [Tbilisi] - 05/23/1989 [Leningrad]) - Russian theater director, People's Artist of the USSR;

Vasily Sukhomlinsky (09/28/1918 [v. Vasilievka] - 09/02/1970 [settlement Pavlysh]) - an outstanding Soviet teacher-innovator, writer;

Vladimir Turchinsky (Dynamite) (09/28/1963 [Moscow] - 12/16/2009) - TV presenter, actor, wrestler, singer;

Anna Dimova (09/28/1980 [Olenegorsk]) - Russian actress;

Olga Melikhova (09/28/1961 [Leningrad]) - Soviet actress;

Yana Krainova (09/28/1986 [Jurmala]) - Russian actress;

Mika Hakkinen (28.09.1968 [Helsinki]) - Finnish racing driver;

Naomi Watts (09/28/1968 [Shoreheim (Kent)]) - Anglo-Australian actress;

Carrie Otis (09/28/1968 [San Francisco]) - model who starred in the movie "Wild Orchid", ex-wife actor Mickey Rourke;

Francois Botha (09/28/1968 [Whitbank]) - South African boxer; Dita Von Teese (09/28/1972 [Rochester]) - American model;

Olivia Jordan (09/28/1988 [Tulsa]) - model and actress, Miss USA 2015;

Peter Finch (09/28/1916 [London] - 01/14/1977 [Beverly Hills]) - Australian film actor, winner of the 1977 Academy Award for Best Actor;

Mathieu Valbuena (28.09.1984 [Bruges]) - French footballer, midfielder;

Boris Efimov (09/28/1900 [Kiev] - 10/01/2008 [Moscow]) - graphic artist, master of political caricature;

Lenny Kreiselburg (09/28/1975 [Odessa]) - American swimmer;

Immanuel Wallerstein (09/28/1930 [New York]) - American thinker, founder of world-systems analysis;

Sofia Fedorova (09/28/1879 [Moscow] - 01/03/1963 [Neuilly-sur-Seine]) - Russian ballerina;

Coco Taylor (09/28/1928 [Memphis Tennessee] - 06/03/2009 [Chicago]) - American singer, "Queen of the Blues";

Caravaggio (09/28/1573 [Lombardy] - 07/18/1610 [Tuscany]) - Italian painter;

Vladimir Obruchev (09/28/1863 [the village of Klepenino, Tver province] - 06/19/1956 [Moscow]) - Russian geologist, geographer, science fiction writer (author of the famous novels "The Land of Sannikov" and "Plutonium"), court adviser, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences ( 1929), Hero of Socialist Labor (1945);

Semyon Tsvigun (09/28/1917 [the village of Stratievka] - 01/19/1982 [Moscow]) - Soviet statesman;

Pietro Badoglio (09/28/1871 [Grazzano Monferrato in Piedmont] - 10/31/1956 [Grazzano Monferrato]) - Prime Minister of Italy in 1943-1944.

Below, at the end of this page, you will find a table with the days (dates) of the celebration orthodox holidays - Exaltation of the Holy Cross , Day of Faith, Hope and Love , and Protection of the Holy Virgin until 2035 ...

Dates September 28

Celebrating in the Czech Republic - St. Wenceslas Day

In Taiwan - Teacher's Day

In Guinea - Referendum Day

The Philippines is holding - Day of the fight against child pornography

World rabies day

According to the national calendar, this is Nikita Gusyatnik

On this day:

in 551 BC Confucius, the famous Chinese thinker and educator, was born

in 1797 Fyodor Litke was born, a navigator, who gave her name to more than one ship

in 1803, Prosper Mérimée was born, a French writer who spoke about tragic fate Carmen

louis Pasteur, the first true microbiologist, died in 1895

irakli Andronnikov, the most famous literary critic in Russia, was born in 1908

in 1918 Vasily Sukhomlinsky was born, who gave his heart to children

in 1920 Yaropolk Lapshin was born, who showed on the screen the Gloomy River and the Smoke of the Fatherland

in 1924 Marcelo Mastroianni was born, an actor who showed his Private life in divorce in Italian

brigitte Bardot was born in 1934, an actress who became a great friend of animals

in 1952, Sylvia Christel was born, better known as Emmanuel

in 1953, Edwin Hubble died, whose name is the famous orbiting telescope

in 1963, Vladimir Turchinsky was born, an actor and presenter known for his dynamite character

in 1968 Roman Trakhtenberg was born, showman, who claimed that money does not smell

in 1968 Carrie Otis was born, the famous Wild Orchid

naomi Watts, King Kong's last love, was born in 1968

in 1974, Maria Kiseleva was born, who was never the weak link in the pool

in 1976 Fedor Emelianenko was born, multiple world champion in mixed martial arts

in 1987 was born Hilary Duff, a superstar who told modern history Cinderella

in 1994, the ferry "Estonia" sank in the Baltic Sea, killing 852 people in the crash.

September 28 events

World rabies day

Every year on September 28, a day is celebrated that draws attention to such a disease as hydrophobia, that is, rabies. In the world today, one person dies from rabies every 10 minutes. And only 55 thousand people and a large number of animals.

Rabies is found in over 150 countries. The vaccine against rabies is of great importance during infection - if it is administered within a few hours, the development of the disease can be prevented.

Grandmother's Day in Moldova

This is a real public holiday, established by a government decree, which is celebrated in Moldova every year on the last Saturday of September. Grandmother's Day was established in 2007 at the initiative of the first lady of the state, Taisiya Voronina, with the support of the Ministry of Social Protection.

Society recognizes and respects grandmothers and their role in educating the younger generation. In Moldova, great attention is paid to the continuity of traditions, respect for national values. Grandmothers also raise orphans, or leave their job to raise their grandchildren. On this day, funny concerts are held, in which grandmothers accept congratulations and become participants in the performances themselves.

Teacher Confucius's birthday

The Chinese greatly respect the ancient philosopher Confucius, whom they call their teacher. The philosopher had a great influence on the worldview of the Chinese, they have honored him for more than 2.5 thousand years. His theses on self-education have five components, note five virtues: kindness, straightforwardness, wisdom, justice and loyalty.

They became the basis of the ideology of the Chinese state. On the birthday of the sage, a holiday is held in the temples of Confucius. They hold festivals and exhibitions. The importance of the concepts of Confucianism is noted in China even twice a year - also the 27th day of the eighth lunar month, this may be the end of September or the beginning of October. The main message: knowledge can be obtained by anyone, regardless of wealth or status.

September 28 was called by the people differently: the day of the Hussar, the day of Nikita Guseprolet, the day of the Gusyatnik, and Reporez. Right now, they begin to cut turnips and prepare various dishes from them. Also, on September 28, they begin to slaughter geese, and it is with this event that the name of the holiday is associated. Wild geese fly away to warm lands.

Sheep is also sheared on 28 September. There was a widespread tradition of appeasing the waterman and they did it in a very unusual and strange way: a goose without a head was thrown into a pond, and the head itself was taken home, since it was intended for a brownie.

On September 28, the turnip harvest began, and other root crops were tried to be harvested early, since fairly strong frosts were observed in the morning. Many different dishes were prepared from turnips - boiled, steamed, eaten raw. They also made porridge out of it. Many stories and tales related to the turnip have been circulated. One of the most famous is "Turnip".

In the church on September 28, the memory of St. Nikita of Gotha, who lived around the 4th century near the Danube, is honored. When Nikita converted to Christianity, he immediately began to preach among his fellow tribesmen of the Goths. The pagan Atanarich ruled here, whom Nikita openly denounced, which led to the martyrdom of the preacher

The pagans seized Nikita and began to force him to renounce his faith, but Nikita refused to do so. For this they decided to burn him, but the fire did not touch Nikita. Subsequently, the preacher was still tortured, and his relics were transferred to the territory of Constantinople.

The people called the day of September 28 Gusyatnik, because right now it was possible to cut geese, which had previously been diligently fattened. In turn, wild geese flew away to warmer regions, which meant that the hunters went on their last hunt this year. Of course, baked goose was the main dish that day.

Folk omens on September 28

Wild geese fly south - a sign that there will be a cold snap soon

Geese often land on the ground, and the starlings are not going to fly away yet - the autumn will be dry and warm

If a goose stands over a puddle, lifting one leg, it will be frost

The goose is rinsing in the water - according to signs, expect warming.

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and you were satisfied with what you read? Agree that it is very useful to learn the history of events and dates, as well as those who from famous people was born today, on the twenty-eighth September day of the autumn 28 September, what a trace this man left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world with you.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you to understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with the help of them, you can check in practice the reliability and veracity of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and deeds, read more of the necessary, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading broadens your horizons and develops your imagination, learn about everything, develop versatile!

What is interesting and significant in world history on September 28, science, sports, culture, politics?

September 28, what events in world history of science and culture is this day famous and interesting?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on September 28?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on September 28? What religious holidays are celebrated on September 28? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What is the popular day of September 28 on the calendar?

What folk omens and beliefs are associated with the day of September 28? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on September 28?

What significant historical events on September 28 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? Memorial Day of which famous and great people on September 28?

Who of the great, famous and famous died on September 28?

September 28, Memorial Day of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

Now we will present to those interested in such information a table with the days (dates) of the celebration of three close to each other Orthodox holidays, the first of which is the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, the second is the feast of Faith, Hope and Love, the third is the Intercession (Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos), and further and already in another table, you can find out about the dates of the celebration of the Great Orthodox Easter (also Catholic), and also the Holy Trinity - in links...


Cross of the Lord

Day of faith

Hope and Love

Protection of the Most Holy


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Events of the day 28 September 2035 - dates today

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