Home jogging track. Treadmill - which one to choose? Running Belts: Size Does Matter

How can you put your figure in order without wasting a lot of time? One option is to purchase a trainer. It will not be necessary to allocate minutes and hours for the road to the fitness center. This raises the question of which treadmill for the home is better. This is what will be discussed now. The solution to this problem must be approached seriously, because the equipment is not cheap. There are two types of treadmills.


From the name it is already clear that the device is set in motion with the help of human efforts.

The whole range of simulators of this type is equipped with counters: speed, distance, calories burned and heart rate. The user sets the intensity of running and the training program himself.

The magnetic mechanical track differs from the usual smooth running. Thanks to the use of a strong magnet, it is much higher. When trying to decide which one for the home, be sure to consider the reviews of the owners of the simulator. Many of them boil down to the fact that the disadvantage of a mechanical device is the inability to adjust the angle of the web. This is the only drawback of this type of equipment.

If we talk about the benefits, then they should include:

  • low price;
  • small sizes;
  • energy saving.

Mechanical treadmills are designed for minimal loads and do not have a cushioning system.


This type of simulator has a motor powered by electricity. Thanks to him, the canvas is set in motion, its angle of inclination changes (range up to 22 degrees). And if the question suddenly arises about which treadmill for home is better in terms of a variety of workouts, then, without hesitation, give preference to a device with an engine.

The equipment has all those meters that are equipped with mechanical simulators. But besides this, the user can choose the program that suits him. For example, you can simulate running on hilly terrain.

Speaking about the advantages of this simulator, you can not ignore it:

  • high functionality;
  • smooth running.

And one more important point. Many devices of this type have a security key. It is located on the control panel. During training, the edge of the lace on which it is held is attached to the user's belt. If a person falls, the key is pulled out, the treadmill stops. In this way, injury can be avoided.

The maximum load, intensity and duration of classes depend on the engine power.

What is an electric trainer

Recently, consumers most often prefer exercise machines with an engine. That is why we will talk about them in more detail. After all, before deciding which treadmill is better to choose for your home, you should familiarize yourself with its device.

The electric trainer consists of four main parts:

  • electric motor;
  • running cloths;
  • control panels;
  • decks.

The electric motor affects the speed of rotation of the canvas; its power determines what maximum weight a person is allowed to exercise on the device.

The cloth represents the tape which is put on a shaft and rotating on a ring. Canvas sizes may vary. The best option is 50 centimeters wide and 120 long.

Control Panel. It has a variety of counters. One model of equipment may differ from another in that the pulse meter for some is located on the panel itself, while for others it clings to the earlobe. A person acquires the option that suits him best.

When choosing which treadmill for the home is best, do not forget about the deck. Thanks to it, the impact of the feet on the canvas is softened, the load on the spine and joints is reduced.

Choose a device

At first glance, it seems that buying a simulator is easy and simple. But this opinion is misleading. It is best to go shopping with a person who understands this issue. If there is no such acquaintance, you will have to decide for yourself which treadmill for your home is right for you. The most important criteria to pay attention to are:

  • Determine what size device you need. Above the height of a person - the length and width of the canvas is greater. If the simulator is purchased for the whole family, then the size of the canvas is selected for the largest.
  • Decide which features you need. If you will deal with it from time to time, then a mechanical type device will do. With constant training on the simulator, give preference to an electric one, with a choice of programs.
  • Pay attention to engine power. The greater the weight of a person and the desired speed for classes, the higher the power should be.
  • Don't forget the cushioning and heart rate function.

What consumers say about choosing a simulator

They will help determine which treadmill is best for home, reviews of the happy owners of this simulator. They know from experience what to pay attention to.

A little more about what you should pay attention to

When deciding which treadmill for the home is better, users are advised to pay attention to the thickness of the canvas. It should be at least two and a half centimeters, and the tape itself should consist of two layers.

It is desirable that the frame be made of special aluminum. Due to this, the necessary shock absorption is achieved, and the frame is not subject to corrosion.

Do not forget about additional elements, we are talking about the security key.

Choose a track with a double-sided canvas. You will increase the life of the simulator by turning the canvas over, thereby saving money.

The simulator should not make a lot of noise and, of course, you should like it.

Pay attention to the movement of the canvas. It should be smooth, without jerks.

Equally important is such a moment as ease of operation. The equipment should turn on easily, and programs should switch without problems.

Which manufacturer is better

So, you have decided to purchase a simulator. Learn how to choose a treadmill for your home. Manufacturers offer the following options for purchase:

  • The most famous Italian equipment is Torneo. It is characterized by high quality, the price corresponding to it. Engine power from one to three horsepower, the maximum weight of a trainee is not more than one hundred and thirty kilograms, you can change the angle of inclination of the canvas, the number of programs is from one to eight.
  • The Taiwanese manufacturer boasts an AeroFit trainer. You can use the device not only for simple training, but for medical purposes. The engine has a power of one and a half to five horsepower, the weight of an athlete is not more than two hundred kilograms, the number of programs is about twenty. The angle of inclination can only be changed for expensive models.
  • A wide range of functions has a simulator made in Germany - Bremshey. The equipment of this brand is used not only by professionals, but also by amateurs. Engine power from one to three horsepower, the maximum weight of a trainee is not more than one hundred and fifty kilograms, you can change the angle of inclination of the canvas, the number of programs is from six to twenty-three. Sensors and chest sensors are available.
  • American manufacturers are proud of the Champion. This brand attracts consumers with a thoughtful appearance and a large number of training programs. The engine has a power of two to three horsepower, sensory and chest sensors are available. The maximum weight of a trainee is not more than one hundred and forty kilograms.

As you can see, the variety of simulators is great. Which brand of a treadmill for the home is better is up to you to decide based on the above characteristics. Just do not forget to test the equipment before buying.

Another important criterion

And that, of course, is the cost. It is this measure that in many cases is the main one when choosing a product. That is why it is worth considering this issue more seriously. Sometimes you can get an expensive device, but it will be uncomfortable for you to train on it, while you can train with pleasure on a cheaper one. So, what is the best treadmill for home? Is the price a criterion of quality or not?

The AeroFit brand can be attributed to the most expensive simulators. Its cost is within two thousand dollars. Although the product has a high price, there are also disadvantages. It takes up a lot of space, it cannot be folded, and the angle of inclination of the canvas will not change. The exception is models costing much higher than indicated.

The most budget option is the product - Torneo. Its cost is about six hundred conventional units. It is functional and inexpensive.

The price of Bremshey and Champion models varies within one and a half thousand dollars.


The range of trainers is great. Each manufacturer of this equipment tries to create a product that meets human needs. It is quite difficult to choose from a large number of models. By following all the recommendations that were given above, you will do everything right. The question of how to choose the right treadmill for your home will not confuse you.

The effectiveness of running has been proven time and time again. Regular training develops endurance, normalizes the activity of the heart muscle, and helps to get rid of extra pounds. We can talk endlessly about the positive aspects, so many people want to buy a treadmill for their home. It is important to take into account all the nuances regarding the pricing policy, available functions, weight category, size, etc. Let's analyze the main aspects in order, so as not to make a mistake with the choice.

The benefits of running

  • endurance develops;
  • the mood and "fighting spirit" rises;
  • improves overall health;
  • the work of the lungs and heart is normalized;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • body weight decreases.

Positive features of the treadmill

  1. If you consider a treadmill with an above-average pricing policy, you can choose a good device with an inclination belt for running. This option is an imitation of cross-country running. First you go downhill, then uphill.
  2. Even the most economical models can be disassembled and easily folded. For this reason, the path can be purchased by people renting housing. You can easily transport the simulator if necessary.
  3. The unit is designed for long-term operation. Each track has a kilometer limit, which is often difficult to exceed even after many years of use. If you add proper care to this aspect, the device will last a long time.
  4. The treadmill helps a person to keep the body in good shape, spending a minimum of time and effort. You don't need to follow a strict training program as it's easy enough.
  5. By having a treadmill at home, you save money by not going to the gym. It is enough to purchase a pair of dumbbells or a jump rope in addition to the simulator to keep fit.
  6. Modern treadmills have many electronic options. You can easily track your blood pressure, heart rate, distance traveled, energy expended, and more.
  7. Many tracks include a ready-made training program, which is an indisputable plus. It is enough to choose one of the proposed functions, the device itself will increase / decrease speed, take breaks.
  8. It is difficult not to highlight the availability of classes. Having a running machine, you can exercise at any time of the day. Such a move allows you to adjust the daily routine without calculating the time for a trip to the gym and back.

Treadmill mechanical (magnetic)

The simulator belt is set in motion thanks to the efforts of a person. When you start to run or walk fast, the track flows from a standing position to a floating one. When stopped, the canvas also stops spinning.


  1. The mechanical treadmill uses no electricity, so you won't have to worry about electricity bills. In this case, you are the generator of electricity.
  2. The main advantage of the absence of a motor in the simulator is a wide range of installation locations. If you live in a private house, you can take the canvas out into the yard or onto the terrace. In this case, you do not need to think about how to stretch the wires to connect the track.
  3. Mechanical simulators have a low weight category, they are also easy to fold and unfold. In the event of a move, moving the simulator is not difficult.
  4. One of the important aspects is the price range. Unlike electrical counterparts, magnetic simulators are 1.5-3 times cheaper. In this case, you choose the speed based on the capabilities of the body.


  1. It is forbidden to practice on magnetic tracks for people with leg diseases. Otherwise, due to strong resistance, varicose veins and other diseases of this kind may develop.
  2. Due to the low pricing policy, the simulator does not differ in “bells and whistles”, everything in it is quite modest. The scoreboard shows only the current speed, the energy expended, the duration of the lesson, the number of kilometers traveled.

The magnetic treadmill is a mechanical exercise machine. The main difference lies in the smoothness of the moving canvas. In the process of training, the simulator comes into motion very smoothly, there are no jerks and jerks.

As the name implies, the canvas is driven by a built-in motor. He also adjusts the slope, simulating running uphill. In this case, the angle of inclination varies from 10 to 23 degrees.


  1. The speed is set with the "+/-" buttons, which greatly simplifies the work with the simulator. Depending on individual characteristics, each person will be able to adjust the rhythm for themselves. For some people, stepping is suitable, others prefer integral (alternating) running, and others do not like to stop at all during classes.
  2. Modern electric tracks include many training programs. You do not have to run at the same speed and look at the point. Having set the appropriate function, the simulator will diversify the exercises and introduce complex elements (for advanced athletes).
  3. Smoothness of the course is provided with regulators of speed. The main advantage is the ability to control the pulse, blood pressure, the amount of energy expended and other indicators.
  4. The fabric of the simulator may have a shock-absorbing coating. It allows not only to walk, but also to run along the path. Also a nice feature is the choice of track based on the weight of the future owner.


  1. The price range of electric simulators is quite wide. However, even the cheapest model will cost more than mechanical counterparts.
  2. The track must be installed near the outlet, since it is powered by the mains. This also includes an increase in utility bills, since the unit is energy-intensive.

Treadmill Selection: Options

As mentioned earlier, a large selection of simulators misleads users. In order not to get lost in the store, study the parameters that you need to ask the consultant about.


  1. The dimensions of the working surface directly depend on your height and weight category. The higher the listed indicators, the wider the canvas for running should be. It is important to consider that you should not take the track with a "margin". You will only spend money without acquiring important additional functions in return.
  2. The wider the canvas, the larger the simulator looks (difficulties with its transportation may appear). If we talk about standard sizes, the length of the running belt usually varies between 110-150 cm. At the same time, the width is about 40-60 cm.
  3. When choosing, pay attention to the platform to which the track is attached. Its height should not be less than 2 cm, an indicator higher than the specified one will prevent cracking.
  4. Some tracks are double sided. It is very convenient to use, because when you erase the first section, the track can be turned over and run on it as if it were new. Manufacturers also produce a two-layer tape, it has high shock absorption and strength.


  1. Motor power can be constant or peak. The second option immediately disappears, since the engine regulates only the power that occurs at the peak of training.
  2. If we talk about constant power, it is reflected in the speed and controls it. For home workouts, you just need to purchase a simulator with a capacity of 1-4 horsepower (hp). The higher the indicator, the longer the simulator will last.

cushion cover

  1. When running on a hard surface, the load on the joints is greatly increased. The ankles and knees are most involved. In order not to harm yourself, you need to choose a canvas with complex or medium depreciation.
  2. However, the cost of electric simulators of this kind is high. People with a current weight above 80 kg. depreciation is indispensable if you plan to run, not walk.

  1. The treadmill must be chosen taking into account the weight of the future owner or all people who plan to exercise on the simulator. Pay attention to the frame, it must be strong.
  2. If possible, choose a double-sided (preferably two-layer) canvas with a maximum margin of weight. Of course, you need to be reasonable. If your weight is 80 kg., You will not need a simulator with a load of 170 kg. and more.

Pulse meter

  1. The handrails of electric trainers are equipped with a pulse measurement sensor. If the hands sweat a lot, the indicators will begin to distort. Therefore, it is worth looking at another measurement option. In addition, not all people hold on to the handrails during class.
  2. Some simulators have a special bracelet that is attached to the wrist. As a rule, it is made of fabric on the inside. The material absorbs moisture and allows you to measure your heart rate more accurately.
  3. Optionally, you can purchase a heart rate monitor separately without overpaying extra money for the built-in function. This option is even more convenient, since measurements can be taken anywhere.

Price range of electric treadmills

The cost of an electric simulator exceeds the price of a mechanical one. If you do not have extra funds, purchase the second option. In the case of an electrical appliance, study the indicators depending on the classification.

Option "Economy"
Tracks of this type are designed for home use. The width of the canvas ranges from 36-42 cm, the speed is 2-14 km / h. The pricing policy starts from 20,000 rubles, the engine power is 1 kW.

Option "Economy Plus"
The price range is higher than the previous one, but the simulator is already equipped with an on-board computer. It includes ready-made programs and allows you to create your own training regimens. The angle of inclination is calculated automatically or adjusted with a button. The price varies from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles. The width of the track is on average 45 cm, the motor power is 1.5 kW. Running speed - from 1.5 to 16 km / h.

Option "Economy Amateur"
The treadmill is designed for use in a small gym, it is also suitable for home use. The speed of the canvas is slightly higher, it is 1-18 km / h. If we talk about dimensions, the maximum width is 45 cm, the minimum is 40 cm. The engine is more powerful, about 1.4-2 kW. The pricing policy is high, the simulator costs 80,000-120,000 rubles.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the control system (levers, buttons, etc.). At first glance, the interface should not mislead you. It is important to choose a simulator with which you can handle. Otherwise, you may be charged for features that will not be used in the future.
  2. Before buying a treadmill, evaluate the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour home. Choose the location of the proposed installation of the track, take measurements. If there are difficulties with the amount of free space, purchase a compact simulator with the ability to fold. On non-workout days, you can tuck the unit behind a closet or under a bed.
  3. Before buying, test not one, but several options for treadmills. Evaluate the operation of the motor, there should be no extraneous sounds and excessive noise from the engine. Inspect the blade for cracks and defects, check for smooth running.
  4. Ask the consultant to provide a passport for the selected simulator. Learn all the necessary information regarding the maximum load, the number of horsepower. The information received will help to better navigate if the weight of the owner is more than 80 kg.
  5. Evaluate the number of built-in training programs and the main differences between the selected types of tracks. Some simulators have targeted functions, taking into account the age and weight of a person (fat-burning, strengthening muscles, developing endurance, etc.).
  6. Find out from the consultant the conditions of warranty service. You are directly interested in the term itself (at least 12 months), the duration of the repair in the event of a breakdown, as well as the nuances of return and exchange. Leading manufacturers provide service throughout the operation.
  7. Check out a few options online before heading to the store. Sit on the forums, read the reviews. You should not blindly believe the sales assistants, since their main task is considered to be the “pushing in” of goods in exchange for a percentage of the purchase.
  8. Make a list of requests ahead of time. Specify in a notebook what exactly you expect from the track. Mark the maximum price, the ability to fold, the available features, the presence or absence of an incline, a heart rate monitor, a shock-absorbing coating and other nuances. Only after compiling a list of requirements go shopping.
  9. As mentioned earlier, the size of the treadmill canvas is selected taking into account the weight and height of the person involved. If you plan to buy a simulator for the whole family, focus on households whose performance is the highest.
  10. To feel the difference in the testing process, first train on the most expensive unit, then go down. Give the test at least 10 minutes, because in 30 seconds you will not feel the difference. If possible, stretch the selection over 2-3 days to analyze each type of track.

The choice of a treadmill includes a number of features that must be adhered to without fail. Choose the right options on the Internet, read the reviews. Focus on the amount of free money, height and weight of all involved. Ask the seller about warranty service, built-in programs, blade inclination, engine power, maximum speed. A heart rate sensor, distance traveled and calories burned are available in almost every simulator.

Video: how to choose a treadmill

The popularity of such cardio equipment as a treadmill is only growing. This is due to the fact that walking is available to everyone, everyone can train, there is no need to learn a complex technique. To choose a treadmill for your home, you need to pay attention to the main characteristics. Knowing the intricacies of the simulator, you can quickly choose the right model.

Track types

There are several types of tracks:

  • mechanical,
  • magnetic,
  • electric.

The mechanical model is one of the most inexpensive options. The movement of the canvas occurs due to the effort of the athlete. The very device of the mechanical track: running belt, rotating rollers, hand support. To start moving, you need to apply strength, which means that the speed of movement depends only on the capabilities of the athlete.

The second option differs from the mechanical one in that the movement occurs with the help of magnets. The device is more complex and expensive. Movement is smooth thanks to magnets.

An electric treadmill is even more expensive, it is equipped with an electric motor that ensures the movement of the belt, sets its speed. Here you can adjust the speed, program. Depending on the model, it can display the athlete's pulse on the screen, change the angle of inclination. It is electric simulators that are better than others, they have a number of advantages. All of the following specifications apply to electric tracks.

main parameters

How to choose a treadmill? It's easy, you just need to know a few basic characteristics:

  • power,
  • deck size,
  • running belt,
  • control panel and all functions,
  • depreciation,
  • pacemaker,
  • the optimal weight of a training person.

More about each of them

Power. The engine is the main detail in every track. Thanks to the electric motor, the movement of the web is ensured. Power is indicated in the specifications in horsepower, usually an interval is indicated: for example, from 1 to 2 horsepower. Power determines the maximum weight of the athlete.

The deck size matters for tall people. The deck is the base of the machine, located under the running belt. The deck can be made of wood or artificial materials. Its thickness is responsible for cushioning, respectively, the stronger and stronger it is, the better. Cushioning keeps you walking or running safely. A thin deck will last less, be more rigid in motion.

The running belt itself is more prone to wear than others. The more layers in it, the stronger and longer it will last.

The control panel is the track's computer. Depending on the capabilities, the control panel can show speed, pulse, time, distance, average speed. The control buttons are also located here.

Not all treadmill models have a heart rate sensor (or heart rate monitor). You can control the pulse on the simulator or independently (using a fitness bracelet).

Possible options

How to choose a treadmill for your purposes? Knowledge of the characteristics provides a minimum set of knowledge to define the model. To determine which model suits a particular person, you can consider all possible options.

  1. User weight. Most tracks are designed for the average weight of a person, with a maximum load of up to 150 kg. There are models that can work with a load of up to 250 kg.
  2. Engine power. The average engine power is up to 2.5–3 liters. With. These values ​​are sufficient for home use.
  3. Speed. Models may vary in maximum possible speed. This parameter must be taken into account when choosing if you plan to run regularly and increase speed performance. The average walking speed is 4.5–7.5 km / h, the transition to running is from 8 km / h (slow jogging).
  4. The dimensions of the canvas are important for people of high stature. There are small tracks. They will be comfortable for people of small or medium height.
  5. Tilt angle. It is desirable that this function be, since changing the height of the canvas increases the load, adds variety to training. Accordingly, look at the maximum value (in degrees) that the canvas can rise to.
  6. Depreciation system - yes or no. It is better to choose the option with depreciation.
  7. The simulator folds or not. At home, this is an important parameter.
  8. The control panel is different for all tracks. The following functions can be offered by the manufacturer:
    • 1. calorie consumption on the screen,
    • 2. time,
    • 3. speed,
    • 4. number of installed programs,
    • 5. cardiac sensors,
    • 6. fitness test.

These are the main characteristics that it is better to pay attention to when buying a treadmill.

More details can be found on the programs. Different treadmills offer a choice of programs. The difference is not only in the number of programs, but also in the built-in capabilities. Some tracks can automatically calculate the training pulse, others do not. There is usually a separate identification label on the control panel. You need to independently look and determine your heart rate, based on age and training experience. Additionally, some models are equipped with a program such as a fitness test. You can regularly take tests, see the results of your workouts on the screen. For testing, the track must be equipped with a heart rate monitor. Or the simulator should be able to connect an external heart rate monitor.

Choosing the right model is easy. It is enough to determine how the training will take place on the simulator.

Model selection

The mechanical treadmill can be used for all of the above training purposes. Since it is inexpensive, it is available to everyone. The simulator works due to the efforts of the athlete, therefore it is more difficult to move than others, but it will be useful for those who want to bring the training conditions at home as close as possible to real ones. After all, in life, walking and running are performed due to the efforts of a person.

The track with the electric motor can be equipped with all possible functions. It will be convenient for any person. Simple control, the movement of the web is due to the engine.


The simulator can be used for different types of training:

  • health promotion,
  • endurance development,
  • increase in speed-strength indicators,
  • weight loss.

The track can be used as a simulator to improve health. With various diseases, physical activity is shown to people. And this cardio machine is one of the best options for that.

Health promotion involves monitoring the state, which means that the track model should have a heart rate monitor. With it, you can control your heartbeat, train in the right interval. On the control panel of some models, you can see a table with ready-made pulse values ​​that a training person should have. There are models in which, when installing the program, it considers what the pulse should be, and in a special window displays it zonal. If the pulse exceeds the required value, the track automatically reduces the load.

To increase qualities such as endurance or speed, when choosing a suitable simulator, it is better to take into account the presence of depreciation, power, size, maximum speed. Properly selected option will ensure safety during training.

To reduce weight, it is better to use a model that has a heart rate monitor, the presence of a variety of programs with heartbeat control. If you train without taking into account the pulse, then you can either give yourself less than necessary, the load, or too much.

To properly walk on the track, you need to follow the following rules:

  • lower the foot, starting from the toe and the outside of the foot,
  • watch the bones of the pelvis, they are on the same level,
  • each foot takes a step forward (without shifting to the side).

Proper walking should provide such movement that the hips remain in place, the legs make a clear forward movement.

Track selection can be enjoyable once you know the basic characteristics. Choosing on them, you can take into account the weight of the simulator, its design, the presence of cup holders, the ability to connect gadgets.

In any case, the chosen option will definitely bring only benefits and health.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

Mar 22 2017


Home conditions suggest using a treadmill to increase body endurance, strengthen the work of the heart and blood vessels, and achieve weight loss. Unlike traditional running, treadmill training can be done in comfort. Proper training technique will help to achieve results and recovery.

Treadmill for home

Depending on the design and technical features of the mechanism, the following types of treadmills are distinguished:

  • electric - powered by a motor;
  • inertial - set in motion by repulsion of the athlete's legs;
  • a subspecies of inertial ones are semi-professional magnetic - instead of tapes and levers, their work is carried out by a powerful magnet, the movement in them is smoother than in classic ones.

Mechanical treadmill

A mechanical treadmill is considered a cheap simulator because it works without electricity and starts moving under the influence of the runner's legs. The device weighs a little, has small dimensions, and is easy to transport. The simplest simulators determine the level of training by the angle of inclination, the more complex ones - due to the braking of the front shaft with magnets. Compared to electric-powered ones, they may produce less results because when the runner gets tired, the belt slows down.

Magnetic treadmills

A subtype of mechanical simulators are considered to be magnetic treadmills by the type of cardio machine. The devices are characterized by moderate weight, compactness, low price and simplicity of silent design. The speed of movement of the canvas in them depends on the speed of movement of the athlete. They differ from ordinary ones in smooth running, the presence of a computer with a choice of running programs and heart rate monitors. Due to the magnets, the canvas resists walking, which leads to additional expenditure of energy for the runner, helping him lose weight and achieve his goals.

What is the difference between a mechanical treadmill and an electric treadmill?

Cheap cardio machines are popular in the ratings, but for effective results, it is recommended to engage in modern and high-quality ones. A mechanical treadmill differs from an electric treadmill in the absence of a motor, low smoothness of movement and reduced cost. A sports simulator powered by a network is bulky and dangerous if used carelessly.

How to choose a treadmill for your home, the following tips and principles will tell you:

  • a mechanical simulator of small size is suitable for people who are economical, seeking to diversify their fitness activities, without health contraindications;
  • on a magnetic silent one, you can run in an apartment or in a country house without access to electricity; according to tests, the device is safe for children;
  • the electric version is suitable for those who need a variety of workouts, do it regularly, keep a log of activities, seeking to reduce the harmful effects of increased load.

Which treadmill is better - mechanical or electric

To understand which treadmill is best for home use, read the information from the review with the difference, advantages and disadvantages of each type:

Electric version


Smooth running, maximum convenience, silent

Inexpensive models, small size, light weight

Built-in computer with counting heart rate, distance, calories

User-selectable tempo, low breakage, easy to repair

Selecting a workout mode

No need for electricity

High price (how much it costs - depends on the store)

Minimum functionality

Attachment to electricity, high costs

Increased weight, large dimensions

Complex device, long and expensive to repair, moving parts can cause injury

Which treadmill to choose for home

The choice of a treadmill for the home depends on the needs of the runner and his capabilities. When a person is going to train periodically, a mechanical one is suitable for him, which is convenient to take with him to the country or repair. For professional athletes, it is better to choose an electric one, which has several training modes, built-in sensors for monitoring heartbeat and time spent, and an activity log.

Which treadmill is better, everyone determines for himself, but there are general criteria for choosing the optimal device:

  • convenient device has a wide canvas;
  • the deck (the part on which the canvas slides) must be at least two centimeters thick, durable, and absorb shocks well;
  • it is better to choose a control panel that is simple and understandable so that it is suitable even for the elderly;
  • when choosing an electronic version, it is good to choose a model with a minimum power of one and a half horsepower with a quiet motor, the ability to select a standard or programmable mode;
  • for safe operation, it is worth choosing a model with a protective mechanism for children;
  • the optimal length of the canvas - from 120 cm, width - from 43 cm;
  • purchased home treadmill has at least a year of warranty.

How to choose the right treadmill

You can buy exercise equipment for the home on the Internet or specialized stores. In order for the device to serve for a long time and reliably, choose trusted sellers with a large assortment. There are several criteria for the process that will tell you how to choose the right treadmill:

  • the deck should be saturated with lubricant - so it wears out less;
  • the running belt ideally consists of two layers, if the tape is single-layer, it will last less;
  • athletes with injuries or during the recovery period are better off running on simulators with an increased level of depreciation.

home treadmill rating

Today, the TOP manufacturers of fitness equipment are the American and Italian companies House Fit, Torneo and Horizon Fitness. The rating of treadmills for the home looks like this:

  • Torneo Performa Efold - optimal for practicing at home, belongs to the electric folding type;
  • Discuss