What vitamins to take with vitamin deficiency in the spring. What vitamins are best for a woman in the spring. About spring beriberi

What vitamins are best to take in the spring? Reviews about certain drugs will be presented a little below. In addition, from this article you will learn about the signs by which you can determine the lack of vitamins in the body, how to choose the right complex, and other information.

General information

Spring beriberi is a phenomenon that is familiar to almost everyone. Indeed, it is during the off-season that the deficiency of certain trace elements or vitamins quite often makes itself felt. And many people start to think about spring. Reviews of pharmaceutical preparations are very diverse. However, everyone should know about them. After all, this is the only way you can immediately choose the best and most suitable complex for yourself, which will help to restore good health and vigor.

Signs of vitamin deficiency

What to drink in the spring? Before answering the question posed, you should find out whether you really have vitamin deficiency or whether yours is in no way associated with a deficiency nutrients.

You can make an independent conclusion about the lack of vitamins and minerals by the frequency of common colds. For example, if a person fell under a small draft, but the next day his temperature rose, a runny nose appeared, then he has obvious problems with the immune system, and therefore with the consumption of vitamins.

So, the general signs of vitamin deficiency include the following:

  • dryness and pallor of the skin;
  • bleeding gums;
  • dryness, loss and fragility of hair;
  • regular formation of cracks in the corners of the mouth (or the so-called "seizures");
  • herpes;
  • poor appetite;
  • irritability, depression and nervousness;
  • chronic fatigue.

What vitamins are best to take in the spring? Reviews of experts

Vitamin complexes should be selected based on the recommendations of a doctor. After all, only the experience and personal observations of specialists will help patients acquire the best and most effective drugs.

According to pharmacists, such pharmacy products as “Multitabs”, “Duovit”, “Complivit” and “Kvadevit” are best bought up in the spring. From the point of view of the chemicals contained in the presented complexes, their properties are almost identical to natural ones. However, one cannot ignore the fact that such drugs are synthesized on the basis of oil derivatives. As you know, these funds are rather poorly absorbed by the cells of the body. Moreover, taking them regularly can cause various side effects, especially in case of overdose.

What vitamins are best to take in the spring? Reviews of synthetic drugs are quite diverse. Someone claims that they are no different from natural ones, and someone does not notice their effect in any way. Experts, however, recommend to those who cannot refuse to choose only the product that contains no more than 20 components. Otherwise pharmacy drug will not be of any practical use.

What vitamins do the body need most in the spring?

According to experts, Special attention in the spring, you should pay attention to the deficiency of vitamins such as A, D, C, E and group B. To understand what consequences may arise against the background of a shortage of certain nutrients, we will consider their signs in more detail.

Vitamin A

What vitamins should you drink in the spring? Of course, vitamin A. After all, it is this substance that is responsible for the condition of the skin, ensuring their resistance to external influences. In addition, a lack of vitamin A can lead to significant visual impairment.

The lack of this substance is quite often noted in those who love alcoholic drinks, since alcohol in any form interferes with its full assimilation.

What vitamins to take in the spring? It is not necessary to purchase whole complexes in pharmacies. Indeed, ordinary foodstuffs contain almost all useful substances for the body. So, sources of vitamin A can be chicken and beef liver, white cheese, sea fish, milk, cottage cheese, orange fruits and vegetables (carrot juice, carrots, pumpkin, apricots, sea buckthorn, tangerines, oranges, etc.).

Vitamins of group B

This group is responsible for almost all actions of the body. Their deficiency is the most noticeable and dangerous. These vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. They prevent hair loss, regulate the heart rate, promote healing of ulcers and wounds on the mucous membranes, etc.

It should also be noted that the B vitamins are destroyed by taking strong medications and by disrupting the work of the digestive tract. As a rule, in this case, a person develops skin problems, namely rashes and peeling. In the fair sex, the assimilation of such nutrients is greatly reduced while taking contraceptive hormonal drugs.

Food sources of B vitamins include the following: chicken and beef meat, sea fish (salmon, cod), liver, Rye bread and soy products.

Vitamin C

This substance increases resistance to colds. But if your bones and joints hurt and "crunch", and you also suffer from excessive salt deposits, then it is highly discouraged to get carried away with drugs with a high content of this substance.

Vitamin C is found in foods such as rose hips, black currants, kiwi, sauerkraut, citrus fruits, red peppers, green vegetables, strawberries, mountain ash, etc.

Vitamin D

What vitamins should children drink in the spring? Vitamin D. After all, it is he who is required for a normal calcium-phosphorus balance, and therefore for the strength of teeth, bones, nails and hair. By the way, under the influence of ultraviolet rays (solar), the human body itself is able to produce this substance in the required quantities. But if you are rarely on the street or have to live for a long time in a region with cloudy weather, then you should definitely take care of its additional sources. These include dairy products, egg yolks, seaweed and fish.

Vitamin E

The deficiency of the presented substance affects the quality of the skin. They develop wrinkles and quickly lose their elasticity. In addition, a lack of vitamin E negatively affects all recovery processes in the body (for example, ulcers, wounds, etc. heal for a long time).

By supplying your body with the necessary amount of this substance, you neutralize accumulated toxins and saturate cells vital energy... It should be especially noted that vitamin E is recommended to be taken in combination with vitamin A, since the two named drugs complement and enhance each other's action. After all, it is no coincidence that a pharmaceutical product of the "Aevit" type was developed, which includes both of these substances. As for food, the following sources of vitamin E are: vegetable oils (corn, grape, sunflower, linseed and olive), nuts, sunflower seeds, spinach, wheat and broccoli. In addition, in limited quantities, this substance is present in almost all known vegetables.

What you need to know while taking certain vitamins

Vitamins in the spring (reviews were presented above) should not be taken thoughtlessly. Indeed, even such useful substances purchased in pharmacy chains can have their own side effects.

  • Vitamin C should be used with caution by people who have a high salt content in the body.
  • Calcium is recommended to be taken exclusively with vitamin D.
  • Vitamins E and A improve the absorption of each other. In addition, both of these substances are fat-soluble. In this regard, a spoonful of cream or vegetable oil should be added to a glass of carrot juice.
  • In case of anemia, iron preparations are used only with vitamin C.

If you use pharmacy complexes to compensate for the deficiency of certain vitamins, then you should definitely consult your doctor. Indeed, even such seemingly harmless drugs can negatively affect human health. If you want to follow the "natural" path and get vitamins from ordinary foods, then you should adhere to a balanced and proper nutrition... Only in this case beneficial substances will enter your body and in the amount that is necessary for you.


Nutrient deficiencies negatively affect your well-being. Vitamins are an evolutionarily developed group of substances that the body is not able to produce on its own. For this reason, a person needs their daily intake. A long-term lack of certain compounds leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases, contributes to the development of anemia. In order to prevent such a condition, you need to figure out what substances the body needs in the spring.

Signs of vitamin deficiency

This disease is characterized by a low content of nutrients in the body due to inadequate intake from food. The exact medical definition of this condition is hypovitaminosis. The absence of one or more elements is usually called vitamin deficiency. From the point of view of the layman, these concepts are absolutely synonymous. As a rule, people go to the doctor with complaints of "vitamin deficiency", implying a partial lack of vitamins.

Nutrient deficiencies occur during the off-season (fall / spring). Today, fresh fruits and vegetables can be purchased at any time of the year, but due to chemical processing, they are deprived of most of the nutrients. For this reason, avoiding the occurrence of deficiency in the spring by consuming “plastic” fruits and vegetables is problematic. It is possible to prevent the development of the disease by taking vitamin complexes. A mild degree of organic matter deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • irritability, nervousness;
  • depression;
  • constant feeling of tiredness;
  • poor appetite;
  • dryness, flabbiness, pallor of the skin;
  • bleeding gums;
  • non-healing cracks in the corners of the lips (seizures);
  • hair loss, dandruff;
  • decreased immunity (relapses of herpes, fungal infection).

What vitamins are needed in spring

Depending on age, gender and health, the body requires certain compounds. So, organic substances of group B will give an adult man vigor and strength. Vitamins for women in the spring are no less important. Antioxidants A, E, C, nutrients of group B will help you to look young and beautiful during the off-season. Elderly people experience an acute shortage of vitamin D in the spring. Building materials for a growing organism, nutrients A, C, D, B serve.

Intrauterine development of the fetus is impossible without certain organic compounds. In the spring, pregnant women need nutrients A, B5, B9, E. These compounds contribute to the proper formation of the placenta, normalize hormonal levels, and minimize the risk of developing neural tube pathologies in the fetus. Organic substances K, H, F are involved in metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and lower cholesterol levels.


The compound is responsible for the condition of the skin, helps to maintain vision. Vitamin A (retinol) supports the endocrine and immune systems, participates in redox processes. Organic matter is found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits of dark green, orange and yellow flowers, liver, poultry and fish, milk, cheeses. Hypovitaminosis A occurs when there is a lack of carotenes, protein in food, restriction of fats in the diet, physical and emotional stress. In addition, a lack of retinol is provoked by:

  • chronic intestinal pathologies (chronic enteritis, Crohn's disease);
  • infectious diseases;
  • liver pathology (viral hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • diabetes.

The compound exists in two main forms: retinol, which can be obtained from animal sources, and beta-carotene. The latter is found in plant foods. The main sources of vitamin A are:

Cow's milk

Fat cottage cheese

Dutch cheese

Beef liver

Chicken liver

Quail eggs

Tomato (ground)

Sea buckthorn

Groups B

These organic substances are found in fish, meat, eggs, dairy products. Group B nutrients affect metabolism, the functioning of the central nervous system (central nervous system), endocrine system... The lack of these compounds develops for a variety of reasons. So, a lack of vitamin B1 (thiamine) occurs with prolonged use of raw fish, exclusion of wholemeal flour from the diet, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus... The disease is manifested by peeling, dry skin, neuritis, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Deficiency of the B2 element (riboflavin) occurs when dairy products are excluded from the diet, diseases of the pancreas, liver, and intestines. The biological role of a compound is due to its participation in metabolic processes. Hypovitaminosis B3 (PP, niacin) is a consequence of prolonged exposure to solar radiation, lack of protein foods, and taking anti-tuberculosis drugs. The condition is characterized by darkening, dry skin, the appearance of rashes on the hands that resemble inflammatory infiltration.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency occurs with contraception. The deficiency of the element causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, dryness and flaking of the lips, decreased visual acuity. Hypovitaminosis B9 (folic acid) develops with helminthic invasion, gastrointestinal diseases, and a lack of pantothenic acid. In this state, there is no appetite, irritability appears. B12 (cyanocobalamin) deficiency is diagnosed with long-term antibiotic use. The following foods will help prevent the development of vitamin B deficiency in the spring:


Cow's milk

Fat cottage cheese

Soy milk


Chicken egg

Green pea

Wheat bread


The compound is a stimulant of the immune system. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) lowers cholesterol levels, prevents the development of colds. The exclusion of fresh vegetables and fruits from the diet, the predominant consumption of flour food, physical activity are the reasons for the deficiency of the substance in the spring. Ascorbic acid, as well as its sodium, potassium, calcium salts, have a high reducing ability. The maximum amount of nutrient can be obtained from the following foods:


The nutrient is a steroid compound with antirachitic activity. Vitamin D (calciferol) is formed by photoisomerization of 7-dehydrocholesterol under the influence of solar or artificial ultraviolet radiation. In addition, the substance enters the body with food. Calciferols are found primarily in animal products. The substance is involved in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Lack of nutrients negatively affects the condition of bones and teeth. The causes of hypovitaminosis D are:

  • insufficient exposure to sunlight;
  • lack of prevention of D-vitamin deficiency;
  • poor nutrition.

This organic matter is an irreplaceable part of the human diet. The average daily requirement of the body for calciferol is 0.01 mg. The main food sources of the substance in the spring can be the following products:


The compound provides elasticity to the skin, prevents premature wrinkles. Vitamin E (tocopherol) exhibits antioxidant properties, due to which the contained in vegetable oils unsaturated fatty acids do not go rancid. The substance is not synthesized in the body. Tocopherols supplied with food accumulate in adipose tissue. The intestinal absorption of nutrient E is impaired when there is insufficient bile secretion. Tocopherol is involved in protein metabolism, maintains the elasticity of blood vessels. Vitamin E is rich in:

Complex vitamins from the pharmacy

Getting the nutrients you need from your diet is difficult in the spring. For this reason, doctors recommend taking one of the following multivitamin complexes:

Drug name

Features of the composition



Duration of use

AlfaVit Cosmetic

Contains antioxidants, bioflavonoids, proanthocyanids, quercetin, green tea extract and coenzyme Q10

The innovative complex Alphabet differs from similar drugs in its multifunctionality. The complex includes almost all nutrients responsible for women Health and beauty.

With meals according to the scheme: 1 tablet in the morning and 2 in the evening


The preparation contains 12 vitamins and 8 minerals.

The drug was developed taking into account the daily needs of the body for nutrients. Supradin normalizes the level of vitamins in the blood serum, restores the body's energy balance in the spring.

1 tablet once a day with meals

At least a month

The complex contains 17 minerals and 13 vitamins in one tablet.

A complete and balanced complex that maximally supports the body's vital functions in the spring.

1 tablet a day after meals

1-2 months

The drug includes B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol, rutin. The latter is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the vascular walls.

Balanced composition, low price against the background of high efficiency.

2 tablets a day after meals

At least three weeks

Multi-tabs classic

The preparation contains a basic combination of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals.

Multivitamins can be used to eliminate the phenomena of hypovitaminosis in the whole family.

1 tablet per day with meals

Vitamins for vitamin deficiency for women

According to medical research, the female body is in dire need of retinol in the spring. Vitamin A supports the health of bones, teeth, skin, and ensures the functioning of the thyroid gland. Tocopherol and ascorbic acid contribute to the accelerated regeneration of tissue structures. Nutrients of group B are essential, which strengthen the nervous system, affect memory, and increase stress resistance. Receive daily rate of these substances in a natural way during the off-season is difficult.

Drug name

Features of the composition



Duration of use

The preparation contains B vitamins, retinol, iron, zinc and biotin - the optimal combination of nutrients and minerals for the health of skin, hair, nails.
Antioxidants (A, C and E) protect cells from harmful oxidative processes and premature aging.
Magnesium, calcium, in combination with vitamins A, B, C and D prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Does not contain gluten, sugar, therefore it can be used by women with excess weight problem, diabetes mellitus.

1 tablet daily with meals


Includes B vitamins, natural mixed carotenoids, grape seed extract, minerals.

Quick tangible result in the form of normalization of the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

1 tablet per day with meals

Complivit Shining

The complex includes 8 minerals, 11 vitamins, lipoic acid, green tea extract.

The green tea extract included in the complex helps to normalize metabolism and reduce weight.

1 tablet once a day with meals

Features of taking vitamins

Organic matter must be taken in the morning with breakfast, following the instructions in the instructions. During treatment or prophylactic courses, it is important to observe the drinking regime, consuming at least 2 liters of water per day. In case of an overdose, the liquid will help remove the excess. It is prohibited to take organic substances on an empty stomach. When using pharmacy complexes, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • Regular intake of caffeine helps break down the B nutrients.
  • Nicotine affects the absorption of ascorbic acid, tocopherol, retinol.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid removes nutrients A, C, B.
  • Alcohol flushes out vitamins A, group B.
  • Taking sleeping pills interferes with the absorption of retinol, tocopherol, calciferol, cyanocobalamin.
  • Taking anticoagulants interferes with vitamin K recovery.
  • An overdose of retinol can cause abortion.
  • Antibiotics destroy B vitamins.


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Human immunity- this special system, which is aimed at protecting a person from harmful bacteria, microbes and other harmful influences from the outside. However, the immune system also needs protection - it needs to be maintained and nourished. useful vitamins and minerals so that it is stronger and gives a person excellent health.

The decrease in immunity depends on many factors, among which the season is one of the most important. The weakest immunity becomes in the winter and, especially, in the spring, when the reserves of strength, vitamins and energy are running out. For most people, spring vitamin deficiency is remembered even in the first place, because the body feels incredible fatigue and drowsiness.

How to understand that the body's defenses have weakened? This is easily seen in the following symptoms.

  • the person began to get sick much more often, and it takes much longer to recover than before;
  • fatigue sets in quickly, a feeling of weakness in the body is constantly felt;
  • wounds heal slowly;
  • disappointing skin condition: rash, dryness, peeling, spots, sores, etc.;
  • pain in the body of unknown origin.

Poor immunity can affect any organ of a person, in particular, and the entire body as a whole, up to death if a person does not take care of his health at all.

But not all people are affected to the same extent. The body's defenses are weakened most of all in the presence of certain factors:

  • constant nervous tension, stress;
  • hereditary factor;
  • lack of nutrients (unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, etc.);
  • elderly age;
  • some diseases that cause immune deficiency conditions (such as AIDS);
  • chronic diseases that are severe.

Many people obviously need to boost their immunity in the spring. These include:

  • women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • people with diseases of infectious origin;
  • athletes who subject themselves to daily strenuous physical activity;
  • people with difficult working conditions.

It is worth remembering that treating diseases caused by weak immunity is much more difficult than preventing diseases and strengthening immunity.

Do not assume that taking vitamins directly affects the immune system. This is not entirely true, because vitamins and minerals in general affect the body, nourishing its organs and systems and improving metabolism, which is quite important.

How to understand that there are not enough vitamins in the spring?

Many people know what it is Bad mood in early spring - the blues begin, fatigue accumulates, lack of sleep appears, the mood leaves much to be desired - these are the first signs of impending vitamin deficiency. Lack of nutrients will slowly lead to a deterioration in well-being, weakness, poor concentration, indifference to everything that happens around.

There are many reasons for spring beriberi:

  • a recent illness after which the body did not have time to recover;
  • lack in the diet useful products, unbalanced diet;
  • lack of sunlight;
  • unhealthy appearance of skin, hair and nails;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • disrupted work of the digestive tract, which is why vitamins from food simply cannot enter the body normally.

It is not always easy to understand that the body is experiencing a lack of nutrients. Sometimes vitamin deficiency can be easily confused with signs of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, heart, etc. Therefore, it is by no means possible to diagnose yourself on your own - it is important to consult a doctor and pass the necessary tests.

The most common signs of vitamin deficiency are:

  • profuse hair loss (lack of vitamins of group B, PP);
  • the appearance of a rash, dry skin (lack of vitamins A, P, ascorbic acid);
  • bleeding gums (lack of vitamins C and P).

It is important to diversify your diet with a lack of vitamins. But where to find vitamins in the spring and can food make up for the lack of elements?

The best vitamins in the spring

It is impossible to get your daily intake of vitamins and minerals from food alone. especially in the spring. Theoretically, this is possible, but then you will have to consume an incredibly large amount of food, which the human stomach is unlikely to be able to digest. Therefore, vitamins will have to be drunk in the spring in the form of preparations and dietary supplements, but only after the approval of the attending physician.

What vitamins do you need to drink in the spring?

  • Vitamin A. One of the most important vitamins for human health. It improves the condition of hair, skin, vision, accelerates the healing of injuries, scratches and the growth of nails and hair. This product is found in large quantities in carrots, pumpkin, peppers, potatoes, melons, peaches, apricots, avocados. There is a lot of element in beef liver, meat, fish, butter, egg yolks. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble substance and must be taken with fats for better absorption.
  • Vitamins of group B. Substances included in this group, are able to calm the nervous system, make a person more resistant to stress. A lack of vitamin can be signaled by a bad mood, frequent stress, insomnia, and dizziness. A lot of the element in dairy products, cereals, nuts, tomatoes, buckwheat, cauliflower and potatoes.
  • Vitamin C. It is this element that is primarily responsible for a strong immune system. It is invariably used for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. There is a lot of vitamin C in citrus fruits, bell peppers, herbs, viburnum, black currant.
  • Vitamin D. Vitamin D is responsible for immunity, just like vitamin C. In addition, it helps to strengthen bones. The element is capable of being produced by itself under the skin, but only in the summer.
  • Vitamin E. Some vitamins in spring for women are of particular importance. For example, . It normalizes the functioning of the female reproductive system, slows down the aging process.

Preparations and dietary supplements: what vitamins are better to drink in the spring?

Most doctors advise to drink vitamins in the spring in addition to food supplements. Of course, they are not able to become a full-fledged substitute for food, but they can significantly help the body during a period of illness or, say, pregnancy. Complexes of vitamins are made in such a way that the nutrients contained in it are absorbed simultaneously, without interfering with each other.

The most popular vitamin complexes for immunity.

  1. "Multi-tabs Immuno Plus". The tool is aimed at strengthening the immune system, replenishing the deficiency of nutrients in the body. The substances included in the preparation help the body to better resist infections during colds (vitamins of group B, A, C, D, including folic acid).
  2. Vitrum. Vitamin complex Vitrum is known for its rich composition - it contains twenty vitamins and minerals, which are aimed both at strengthening the body and at replenishing the missing elements.
  3. "Centrum". The drug contains 25 active ingredients and useful substances, which together have a powerful antioxidant effect and strengthen the body's defenses.
  4. "Revit". The preparation contains only a few active substances: vitamin C, vitamin A, B1 and B2. At the same time, the tool is effective and very popular due to its low price. Retinol normalizes protein and carbohydrate metabolism, vitamin B 1 normalizes the work of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems, vitamin B 2 is responsible for the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, improves vision. Ascorbic acid plays an important role in the recovery processes, blood clotting and protection of the body from harmful effects.
  5. Complivit Selenium. The complex contains an increased amount of vitamins that strengthen the immune system, and selenium, which together allow a person to fight off viruses and bacteria. The preparation contains vitamins A, C, E, PP, the whole spectrum of B vitamins, manganese, zinc and copper.
  6. "Alphabet in the season of colds." The vitamin complex consists of 3 different tablets (white, yellow and green), each of which has a different role in the human body. Thus, the drug becomes more balanced and better absorbed by the body. The drug has a powerful antioxidant effect thanks to zinc, selenium, vitamins A, E and C. Lipoic and succinic acids in the product remove toxic waste products of bacteria and viruses from the body. Most of the components of the drug contribute to the accelerated recovery of the patient after the recovery period.
  7. Immunal. The drug is aimed only at strengthening the immune system. Contains a medicine echinacea extract, the use of which reduces the risk of infection.

Vitamin complexes to strengthen children's immunity.

  1. "Alphabet in the season of colds for children." The tool is aimed at ensuring the normal growth and development of the child, strengthening his immunity. Also in the composition there are prebiotics, which also strengthen the immune system and improve digestion, normalize the intestinal microflora after taking antibacterial drugs (antibiotics). "Alphabet for Children" makes it easier to transfer the infection, speeds up the recovery period, reduces the possibility of complications or re-infection. The tool is allowed to be taken by children from 3 to 11 years old.
  2. "Multi-tabs". The drug has many forms of release for children of different ages - these are gummy bears for older babies, and ordinary tablets. The drug can be given to children from a year. Its action is aimed at strengthening immunity, developing intelligence and harmonious growth and development. Excellent vitamins for children in spring, autumn and at any time of the year.

Spring is associated with many people not only with the onset of warm days, but also with certain difficulties with health. The main reason is often a lack of nutrients in the body. Therefore, it will be useful for everyone to find out what vitamins to drink in the spring, so as not to face hypovitaminosis.

The main symptoms of vitamin deficiency

Perhaps we are talking about hypovitaminosis, if you notice in yourself:

  • rapid fatigability ;
  • irritability ;
  • emotional depression ;
  • the appearance of dry skin, loss of its tone, irritation ;
  • brittle hair, increased hair loss, dandruff ;
  • decreased immunity, frequent ARVI .

Vitrum "Vitamins and Minerals"

A much more expensive drug. In addition to the vitamins that make up Undevit, it contains colecalciferol, biotin, vitamin K, as well as a large set of minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, etc.

The Vitrum line is widely represented, there are drugs for patients of different age categories and gender. The attending physician will help you choose the right one, based on the individual needs of the body.

One of the most frequently recommended vitamin and mineral complexes. The Alphabet line is distinguished by the fact that the package contains three types of tablets, containing their own set of elements that are most successfully combined with each other. Each must be taken once during the day.

Most people know that you need to drink vitamins in the spring, but when it comes time to choose the most suitable complex, your head is spinning. Lack of vitamins can cause dizziness in the literal sense of the word, as well as a weakening of the immune system, deterioration of the skin, hair, nails, chronic fatigue and lack of energy. This is due to the fact that with the onset of spring, the body experiences stress. Winter weakens the immune system of adults and children: we move less, experience temperature changes, are deprived of healthy and nutritious vegetables and fruits, and are limited by daylight hours. With the arrival of spring, the body begins to sharply rebuild, needs a lot of energy, but does not have internal resources. Good food and taking vitamins helps to avoid all these troubles.

There are many complexes designed for a wide variety of population groups, age categories. To make the right choice, we have selected best vitamins for reception in the spring. During the compilation of the rating, our experts carefully studied the composition of each drug, consulted with pharmacists, and also inquired about the reviews of people who had already tried the effect of the complex on themselves.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The best vitamins for children in spring

Children are especially susceptible to lack of vitamins, because they grow and develop all the time. Their entire body works in an enhanced mode, while they learn about the world, are formed physically, emotionally. In the spring, the activity of children increases, the number of outdoor games increases, requiring additional energy. Brain cells, which are under great stress in connection with learning, also need enhanced nutrition. Spring coincides with the end of the school year, summing up its results, passing exams or tests. All these events worsen the emotional and psychological state of children. During this period, the problem of choosing a suitable complex of vitamins is especially acute for parents.

3 Pikovit Plus

Hypoallergenic complex
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 254 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.7

Of the active substances in the composition of "Pikovit Plus" in the first place is calcium, ascorbic acid, zinc. A total of 12 vitamins and 4 minerals are balanced in one tablet. Calcium is indispensable for the formation of bone tissue, antioxidant vitamins actively help protein synthesis, improve vision, condition of nails, hair, promote rapid healing of abrasions, scratches, B vitamins are responsible for the nervous system.

Regular intake of "Pikovit Plus" very well improves appetite and mood, stimulates active physical development. The complex is universal, suitable for all children of school age, but the dosage varies: for children of five to six years, one chewable tablet, from six to 14 - the dosage is doubled. The complex is hypoallergenic, there are no unnecessary chemical additives in the form of artificial colors or additives.

2 VitaMishki IMMUNO +

Convenient form of release
Country: Canada
Average price: 437 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.8

The main component of the vitamins in this series is sea buckthorn, which contains a large amount of vitamin C, and the berry also helps to resist inflammatory processes and has an antimicrobial effect. Additional components are vitamin D, sodium and zinc.

The composition of "VitaMishka" IMMUNO +, at first glance, is not rich, but even with such a complex vitamins perfectly perform the function of strengthening the body's resistance to adverse external influences. Natural ingredients increase the likelihood of rapid absorption of vitamins. In the reviews, adults note that children willingly accept bear-shaped gummies, which have different tastes and differ slightly in color. Recommended for children from three to seven years old, taken once a day for a month.

1 Multi-Tabs "Kid"

For children under 4 years old
Country: Denmark
Average price: 411 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.9

Vitamins are produced in the form of a tablet, it is not necessary to swallow it whole, you can chew it beforehand, they have a pleasant berry taste that all children like. "Multi-Tabs Baby" is easy to take - only one tablet a day, the course is designed for one month. Designed for children from one to four years old. At the request of the manufacturer, they should show the main effect in the spring, when there is a high risk of contracting ARVI or ARI.

The complex contains almost all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The first place is occupied by vitamin A, ascorbic acid, iron, folic acid, iodine, then the rest of the auxiliary elements follow. All components are synthesized, but the assimilation and tolerance of the composition is individual for each child. It is recommended as a prophylactic agent, so it is better to take it before the risk of the onset of the disease, and not during the illness.

The best vitamins for women in the spring

The spring period is very responsible for women, warm winter clothes are hidden in wardrobes, making it possible to demonstrate their beauty in full. Alas, after winter, many women experience seasonal changes in the form of brittle hair, peeling nails, dry skin. In young mothers, such changes are manifested twice more, especially the syndrome of chronic fatigue and lack of sleep brings great discomfort. A great danger lies in the emotional state of a woman in the spring. Lack of energy causes unreasonable irritation, insomnia, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, all this translates into depression and worsens the physical condition. This can be avoided by taking the correct vitamin and mineral complex.

4 Vitrum Centuri

For women over 50
Country: USA
Average price: 498 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.6

Vitamins of the Vitrum series differ a wide range coverage of consumers. The manufacturer tries to take into account age characteristics, special loads, lifestyle activity, seasonal changes. This is how groups of people with similar needs were formed, for each of which Vitrum produces its own complex of vitamins, taking into account all the features inherent in this or that category. "Vitrum Centuri" is focused on old age, is designed to increase efficiency, activate the brain and cardiovascular system.

When Vitrum Centuri is taken, the aging process slows down in the body, and the risk of oncological diseases is reduced. It is an excellent means of preventing strokes and heart attacks, which often happen with the arrival of spring, and helps well in the rehabilitation period. The peculiarity of the composition is in a large amount of minerals and trace elements, among vitamins, among other things, beta-carotene is present.

3 Complivit "Mom"

Best during lactation and pregnancy
Country Russia
Average price: 298 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.7

The complex consists of 11 vitamins and 7 minerals, intended for use by pregnant and lactating women. Provides support to the body during pregnancy and lactation, when a woman's body is somewhat depleted and needs additional resources. In the spring, it is suitable for all other women, allowing you to recover in a shorter time, thanks to the rich content of the necessary components in the complex.

The composition is harmless, tablets of neutral taste and smell, beige. Before using it, it is definitely recommended to consult with specialists, since there is still a small amount of chemistry. You should also strictly follow the instructions and take the pill once a day after meals, especially this point applies to pregnant women who are prone to toxicosis. A high content of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamins A, E, iron, phosphorus and calcium, which is presented in two forms.

2 Supradin

Several forms of release
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 380 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Supradin" contains 12 vitamins, 8 minerals and auxiliary components. The dosage of the components contained in one tablet is surprising in its generosity. Of the negative components - food coloring, it gives the tablets a bright red color. The rest of the composition is not bad, increases appetite, hematopoietic function of the body, normalizes the hair structure. Vitamins should be taken once a day. The complex contains 30 tablets.

"Supradin" is also available in the form of soluble effervescent tablets, which dissolve faster, but take some time before use. Everyone chooses for himself which form is convenient for him, in a soluble form the complex contains 20 tablets at the same price. Vitamins have a cumulative effect, all the positive changes that will happen to you will remain after the cessation of the course for quite a long time.

1 Duovit for women

Complex action
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 406 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.9

"Duovit" combines 12 vitamins and 5 minerals in its composition, it is produced in jars in the form of elongated pink capsules. Contains antioxidants designed to slow down the aging process and improve the regeneration of the body, iron, zinc, B vitamins, which stimulate the hematopoietic and nervous systems of the body.

Judging by the reviews, after 2 weeks of admission, you can see improvements in the body, the most important of which is a good mood. Hair ceases to be brittle, dry skin gradually decreases, nails acquire a beautiful, healthy look. "Duovit" is very good remedy for the prevention of anemia in women, getting rid of the spring blues and apathy. In the reviews, many clarify that the capsules are quite large, which makes it difficult for some to swallow.

The best vitamins for men in spring

The strong half of humanity is not always strong. Men are also susceptible to stress, they are responsible for the main physical activities in the family, the responsibility for solving the most important issues, and since they are limited in the expression of emotions, they are not inclined to pronounce their problems, bring them up for discussion, they often become victims of various diseases. Sometimes men suffer ailments and troubles much more acutely than women and children. The spring season is no exception for them. Pharmacists did not ignore the representatives of the strong half of humanity, releasing appropriate vitamin complexes for them.

3 Velman

Safe energy drink
Country: UK
Average price: 540 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.6

Vitamins "Velmen for Men" have a powerful regenerative effect not only in spring or autumn. The complex copes well with overwork, relieves the condition after prolonged physical activity, lingering illness, taking chemicals, struggling with the consequences of living in an ecologically unfavorable area. Vitamins "Velmen" are 30 capsules, recommended for intake, one per day. It is important to remember the main condition for taking Velmen: during a meal or after, in no case on an empty stomach.

The effect of vitamins is so strong that it is also not recommended to take Velmen just before bedtime because of the burst of energy and vivacity that will prevent you from falling asleep right away. The composition contains the same components as in similar complexes A, C, E, a group of vitamins B, ascorbic acid, but in different proportions. Of the differences, the composition contains beta-carotene, ginseng and garlic powder.

2 Centrum for men

The best complex for future fathers
Country: USA
Average price: 729 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.8

Centrum For Men Blue Tablets provide essential vitamins and minerals. Taking 1 tablet a day, a man provides himself with more than 50 vitamins and minerals. The complex perfectly accelerates metabolism, maintains the tone of the heart muscle, synthesizes hormones. Centrum is recommended for any age, any time, but it is especially effective for men who want to conceive a child.

Reception "Centrum for Men" in combination with a correct balanced diet, an active lifestyle will create excellent prerequisites for the birth of a healthy, strong, beautiful baby. It is recommended to take vitamins for a long time without exceeding the dosage. During the onset of spring, when immunity is weakened, and the body is hard to rebuild for the new season, the relevance of "Centrum for Men" becomes much greater.

1 AlfaVit for men

Unique form of intake for better absorption
Country Russia
Average price: 455 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.9

The Alphabet series has one thing in common. All complexes consist of tablets of three different colors and must be taken at intervals of 4 hours. For those who are accustomed to taking one pill for the whole day, this form of administration may seem inconvenient. The explanation is simple. There is a theory that vitamins and minerals taken in combination destroy the effect of each other. The alphabet divided these vitamins and minerals into three tablets in such a way as to exclude this negative interaction.

AlfaVit for men consists of 13 vitamins and 9 minerals, also contains carotenoids, organic acids and Siberian ginseng root. The main purpose of the complex is to restore the expended energy and male power... If you fulfill the condition of taking the pills three times a day, the effect will not be long in coming.