If parents dream. Dreamed of parents - what can this mean? Parents in a bad mood

In a dream, you can see both your family and friends, and those who are not directly related to you. Why are parents dreaming? How to interpret a dream?

What parents dream about - the main interpretation

If in a dream your parents dream of smiling and happy, this is certainly a positive omen. So soon everything will work out for them. But, in order to interpret the whole dream, you better give Special attention its details:

· Under what circumstances did you meet with your parents;

· Were they glad to see you;

· Have you communicated with your parents;

· How long have you not seen your relatives in a dream;

· What emotions visited you.

If you dream that your loved ones are upset, do not feel well, such a dream means that you will have both minor and major troubles. Try not to raise important issues with them in the near future and do not find out with close friends and people of relations. This can lead to a fight and big disagreements between you.

Why dream that your parents are giving you a big and beautiful gift? Such a gift in a dream can promise you trouble and other problems, not only in communicating with them, but also in financial matters. If you were previously promised great benefits or profits, you can not rely on them. You will now have a lot of hassle associated with this case. And all just because you hoped that everything will be resolved by itself and quickly enough.

If in a dream you shake hands with your relative, but he does not react to your greeting in any way and even tries to get away from contact with you - such a dream means that you have recently lost his trust. You will need to return it in the coming days. Otherwise, you will never again be able to communicate with him as before and solve your problematic issues with his help.

A dream in which you look into the eyes of one of your parents for a long time indicates that you need love and support from him, but you cannot get them in any way. The problem may be that you cannot explain your feelings in any way and ask for help directly. You are trying to indirectly clarify the relationship and indirectly resolve your problems. This way, you will never gain favor from the outside. a loved one.

If in a dream you hug your mother - such a dream suggests that it is high time for you to take care of your own well-being. It's time for you to take care of your family and not remember how well you once felt under the supervision of your mother. If you hug her and cry in your sleep, you simply cannot let go of something from your past. Some memory actively affects your whole life. Perhaps this is your personal unfortunate life experience, perhaps it is your unwillingness to develop as a person. But you just can't come to terms with your past mistakes.

A dream in which a mother hugs you and hugs you - says that it is time for you to take care of her health. She will need your support and guidance. Now her well-being depends on you.

A dream in which you see your mother waving to you from the window suggests that you often remember your relatives and your childhood. But didn't you stay to live in it? Perhaps you do not want to grow up in any way and somehow solve your problems on your own?

Perhaps there is no way you can overcome yourself and start life anew? But your family members have nothing to do with this situation. You need to take responsibility on your own and try not to shift it onto anyone again. If you do this, everything in your life will return to normal at once. You can immediately solve a lot of questions and never return to them.

A dream in which you see deceased parents suggests that it is time for you to honor their memory. If before that, you asked them for help, then it’s time for you to actually ask for help, but already from someone in reality. This should be an influential and wise person who can help you, who can help you solve a lot of petty and empty questions and also big problems. Do not be afraid to ask for help and then she will definitely come to you.

If you dream of your deceased mother giving you something, try to postpone an important decision and postpone financial matters. After such a dream, finances will not come so easily to you. A dream in which you will try to talk to your deceased mother for a long time and persistently, but she will be silent, suggests that you will soon become a victim of circumstances. When people you trust don't respond in any way to your requests. That is, you will need someone's support and if you do not receive it, you will be disappointed in the person.

Also, such a dream may warn you that soon the contacts that you wanted to establish will move away from you and you will have to look for other options to negotiate. You cannot do this only if you yourself do not make every effort to get the result.

A dream in which you see someone asks you for help, and looking up, you recognize the mother in this person - promises you rather strange events in reality. You will rely on the connection and attention of a particular person to you. But, at the last moment, he will refuse you this. He will simply show you your true face, and you will have to turn to your loved ones for support. As a result, you will find yourself depending on your parents.

A dream in which you are arguing with your father suggests that it is time for you to choose your own tough life position, otherwise you will all the time remain in the shadow of someone else, without getting new opportunities for development.

A dream in which you hold your father's hand for a long time and expect advice from him speaks of your helplessness in some important situation. You don't just need advice - you need real support and help. Look for her in close people.

Why do parents dream about Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that parents dream when you yourself are very unsure of the development and correctness of your personal life. You yourself cannot say what you really want. Perhaps your relationship is based on the parenting principle. You are committing the same transgressions and making the same mistakes. Then it explains your failures in your personal life.

A dream in which you introduce your beloved to your mother suggests that you yourself doubt the correct choice of a partner. You need to think about what is so embarrassing about the girl and whether it is possible to come to a common language, change everything, or eventually you will have to break off the relationship.

What parents dream of at your wedding - such a dream suggests that you are ready for an important act, but not in your personal life. Perhaps you have been thinking about a project for a long time, have long thought about solving some issue, and now you are ready to actively engage in this matter.

Why dream that you cannot find your parents for a long time? Perhaps you are walking around their house in a dream and calling them, but no one answers you. Such a dream should be regarded as a warning of an impending conflict that is already brewing. Reconsider your relationship with your parents.

Why do parents dream about the Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book says that parents who give you advice in a dream will not actually help you in reality. You just want to get support from them, but in the end you will be left with nothing and the reason for this will be your previous disagreements with him.

The dream in which your mother is preparing dinner - speaks of the need for financial support from your relatives. You will help them for a long time, because they themselves will not solve their problems. If you refuse to help them, you will not be able to forgive yourself for this.

Why do parents dream about other dream books

Grishina's dream book says that parents dream as a symbol of the unfading strength of your family. That you are protected and that you do not have to worry about your decisions. In the future, everything will turn out the way you want it.

Aesop's dream book says that sick parents dream of chores around the house. You yourself will be responsible for other people and this will bring you a lot of worries and hassles. It will be very difficult for you to cope with the piled-up problems, and you decide to find a person to whom you can shift them. The dream book warns you - look for a trusted and faithful person. Otherwise, many will find out about your problems and it will not do you any good.

Whatever the dream, your emotions are important during and after it. If you are depressed and afraid - such a dream foreshadows problems in reality. You will be afraid to take a step and solve your problems on your own. Try to trust your intuition.

The closest people who are ready to provide us with support, regardless of age, physical and emotional state, are our parents. These people became our guides to this world, so our connection with them will be stable throughout our lives.

Dreams very often open a veil of secrecy for us, showing us the true state of affairs. We may have a very definite idea of ​​the situation, but what we dream about can turn everything upside down.

But what if your parents came to you in a dream, how to understand what the parents are dreaming of? Parents in night visions are considered a very good sign, according to the interpreters. As the dream book says, parents are a symbol of positive changes in your life.

This interpretation of this symbol is very general and is unlikely to reflect the whole situation completely. Therefore, in order to draw up a more complete and specific interpretation, you need to remember the whole dream as a whole. It is advisable to write down the brightest or most unusual moments, as well as what you remembered immediately upon awakening.

There are details that are worth paying attention to without fail.

  • Whose Parents?
  • What did you look like?
  • Dead or Alive?
  • Talking or cursing?

Yours or strangers?

A special role in the interpretation of these dreams is played by the one whose parents you dreamed about - your girlfriend or a former lover. Seeing your parents in a dream means that you are a good person and soon a white streak will begin in your life. All your old dreams will begin to come true, we can say that happiness is just around the corner.

If you dreamed of relatives, it means that they are disposed to you, moreover, if you need help, you can always turn to them. If you are disturbed by the lineage of your former beloved, then you are not letting this person out of your life. I must say that this is a reciprocal process, it, just like you, does not strive to live in the present, and now and then it plunges into the memories of the past.

If a man dreams of his girlfriend's father, then he is accepted into the family. You are respected and treated like an equal member of the family, so if you thought that your girlfriend’s family didn’t like you, that’s just speculation.

If you dreamed of your husband's parents in good health, then expect them to visit in the near future. If your husband's parents were sad or angry, then you are worried about whether they like you or not. Don't worry, because you live and build a relationship with your husband, so you have nothing to fear.

If you dream of the mother of a former young man in upset feelings, then your separation did not go smoothly for anyone. All relatives of your ex-boyfriend have worried and are still worried, since they treated you like a member of the family.

If you dream about your girlfriend's father, who is clearly not disposed towards you, this means that you are too worried about building a relationship. Focus your attention on your partner, and then everything will be in order.

When examining the question of what parents dream of, it is very important to turn to whether they were alive or dead. If your living relatives suddenly appeared dead in a dream, then it means that they will have many years of life. Also, such a dream can talk about your experiences and anxieties.

If, on the contrary, your late parents or deceased relatives of your husband came to you on night travels, then you have a great future. If they talked to you, then be sure to remember what they said, because in dreams, we often receive predictions of the future.

What they were doing?

If your relatives were drunk, and you supported them in this, then a holiday awaits you. Or, you go on a vacation abroad, where you can relax and have fun.

If you dream that the parents of a young man or your husband shouted at you, it means that you are taking their opinion too seriously. You have to build a relationship with your partner, not with his parents, so save your nerves and do not worry about trifles.

If a man talked all night with his girlfriend's family, it means that her family blessed this young man. You can safely enter into a serious relationship, no one will be against it.

Swearing with your parents means that in the near future you will do something that you yourself do not expect from yourself. Before doing something unusual for yourself, think carefully and weigh the pros and cons. If you dream that your family has betrayed you, it means that internally you do not feel support from them. Moreover, you don't trust them. Try talking to your family and find out where this fear comes from.

Dreaming about parents usually causes the strongest feelings in us. If you correctly interpret what you dream, then you can learn a lot not only about your present and future, but also about yourself.

The likelihood of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 28th day of the month... Dreams dreamed on the night of today promise some difficulties and come true within 30 days.

Today is the 23rd lunar day... Dreams that were dreamed on the night of today are usually empty, although a lot can be dreamed.

Today is Sunday... Day of the Sun. Sunday, talks about what can warm our heart, bring happiness, make life more joyful. The sun is the planet of love, inspiration and boundless creativity. Solar dreams will show situations or people that illuminate our life, saturate it with interesting activities or, conversely, obscure joyful moments.

If Sunday's dream is beautiful, it means that soon you will have new ideas, interesting familiar with unusual abilities. Perhaps, with a colorful sunny dream, strong love will come to you, or you will reveal a talent in yourself that you did not know about. A beautiful dream calls for an active creative activity... But Sunday's miserly dream warns of the approach of a joyless, empty period and calls for the search for positive sides in any troubles. A miserly Sunday dream can also speak of a waste of energy as a result of pity for someone or nervous tension.

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PARENTS - Miller's dream book

If your parents appeared in a dream, and they are cheerful and happy, such a dream promises you harmony in relationships and pleasant communication. If you dream of them after death, then this is a warning of impending troubles. You should be especially attentive to your business.

If your parents are alive and in a dream you see them calm and happy in your home, this means pleasant changes for you.

For a young woman, such a dream usually promises marriage and prosperity.

If your parents are pale and dressed in black, you are in danger of serious disappointment.

If you dream that you are looking at your parents looking healthy and happy, this is a sign that fate protects you: your deeds and love will flourish.

If they look unhealthy or sad, you will find that luck passed by, not recognizing you.

PARENTS - Modern Dream Interpretation

You see your parents in a dream - you will be entrusted with additional responsibilities that seem burdensome to you, accept everything as it is.

Deceased parents come to you in a dream - they want to warn you of the impending danger (even if they are silent). Be attentive in business, avoid conflicts, do not get into arguments.

Your parents are cheerful in a dream - harmony will be established in your relations with loved ones, you will be complacent, mutual respect will strengthen in relations with work colleagues, you will show sensitivity and responsiveness.

Your parents are sad in a dream - luck will pass very close and will not even look at you.

It is as if your parents are dressed in black - an event will bring you disappointment. If you want to avoid this disappointment, avoid meeting people by their clothes - meet them at least by their eyes.

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Parents have always been and remain one of the most important and dear people in life. Therefore, it is not surprising that after meeting them in dreams in the morning, a feeling of anxiety creeps in to us, and I want to know what this dream is trying to say. Does he bring sorrow, or does joy await the family? It happens to see in dreams other people's parents, or those whose family you want to enter. It is impossible to shake off the thought that this vision can become prophetic. Our fears and expectations nestle in the subconscious and erupt in dreams. You should not torment yourself with reflections - you need to open a dream book and see what the future holds for you.

A vision with the participation of parents is interpreted depending on the form and situation in which you dreamed about them:

  • Sleep "parents" is a symbol of your personal qualities, protection and support in trouble.
  • The dream "to talk to parents, to see them alive" is interpreted as a blessing for a calm, happy life. (cm. )
  • Why dream of swearing with your parents? You should learn to defend your own opinion, you too often follow the lead of others.
  • Why dream of a quarrel between parents? You maintain balance in your family through your suffering and patience. You should not constantly bend under others.
  • The dream "parents' wedding" is interpreted as an opportunity to remember feelings and experience the flowering of love again. (cm. )
  • Why do young parents dream? You are not using your full potential, there are many more opportunities available to you than you are spending.
  • Why dream that parents are getting divorced? You will have a difficult period of condemnation of your actions by others. Try not to give unnecessary reasons for gossip, carefully monitoring your actions. (cm. )

Dreams about the death of parents

  • Living parents do not always come into our visions. It happens that you see your deceased family or that is only in dreams. Do not be afraid, such visions do not always bode well.
  • Why do dead parents dream? Positive sign, indicating that they always look after you. (cm. )
  • Why is the grave of parents dreaming? Be careful not to break the law. Now more than ever there is a great possibility that a person from your circle can betray you, substituting for himself. (cm. )
  • Why dream that parents are dying? A dream promises them a long and joyful life.
  • Killed your parents in your sleep? Great grief will come into your life, any undertakings that you have planned will fail.

Dreams about the place of residence of the parents

It often happens that the dream is not about the parents themselves, but about objects and events associated with them. Your family's place of residence is considered an interesting vision to interpret.

  • Why is the parents' apartment dreaming? The interpretation of a dream is made on the basis of what events occur in a dream. If the action is joyful, a surprise awaits you. Mournful - loss and sorrow await you.
  • Parents - You forgot about your family and stopped taking proper care of your mother and father. It's time to change the situation so that later you don't have to regret.
  • Why dream that the parents' house is on fire? Sleep threatens to deteriorate their health. Hurry to help them before it's too late.
  • Why dream of cleaning the parents' house? You will be able to free yourself from the burden of the past, heavy memories will fade.

Dreams of strangers' parents

Miller's dream book

  • Why do dead parents dream? The dream predicts the approach of failure. Care should be taken in business.
  • Why do living parents dream? Positive changes will take place in your life. For young women, such a dream means the possibility of an early marriage.
  • In a dream, parents cry - luck has turned its back on you, and soon you will have to face the consequences of this.
  • Why dream of a quarrel with parents? In reality, a conflict with a loved one is very likely.
  • The dream "parents' house is on fire" - a vision warns of the possibility of conflicts in the family.
  • Do parents scold in a dream? In reality, you will also face disapproval from their side.
  • A dream about the love of your own parents shows your desire to deserve well-being and status in society.
  • Why do drunk parents dream? Interpretation depends on personal sensations and experiences during sleep. The general interpretation of drunken loved ones in a dream is that they feel guilty in front of you.

Dream interpretation of Medea

Why are parents dreaming? Father and mother in your dreams is a reflection of the qualities that they have laid in you. (cm. )

Why do dead parents dream? You will be supported unexpectedly for you.

Freud's dream book

  • Seeing parents in a dream - such a dream is interpreted as the existence of the Oedipus complex in the dreamer. You are ready to blame everyone for your failures in your personal life, but you refuse to plead guilty.
  • Deceased parents in a dream is a reflection of all those opportunities that were given to you in life, but you missed them mediocrely.
  • Why dream of the death of parents who are alive? Most likely, you instinctively dream of their death, and sleep is a kind of obstacle to your realization of this desire.
  • Meet the guy's parents in a dream. Acquaintance in a dream is interpreted as self-doubt. You greatly underestimate yourself; this state of affairs should be changed.

Dream interpretation of Felomen

  • What are the guy's parents dreaming of? For young girls, the vision holds the promise of building a strong family.
  • Why do you dream of meeting your parents? Your warmest wishes will come true.
  • Seeing the death of parents in a dream is a warning against trouble, behave carefully.
  • Why are deceased parents dreaming, both at once? Coming together is a very good sign. Father is a symbol of help and a warning against ridiculous actions. Mother saves from false desires and inconsistent decisions.
  • Dream interpretation: parents' house - a dream has a negative interpretation, a harbinger of a blues or misfortune with someone from your close circle.
  • Dream interpretation: a quarrel with your parents is an echo of a real conflict between you. You should try to find a solution that is appropriate for all parties to the conflict.
  • Dream interpretation: divorce of parents - the upcoming news has a pronounced negative color and will force you to change your plans.
  • Dream Interpretation: the guy's mom is talking to your parents - the time will come to make a decision that will have a powerful impact on your destiny.
  • Why are the parents of an ex-boyfriend dreaming? You will have a joint vacation with your family, which will be perfect as never before.

New family dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: parents dream of being cheerful and joyful - expect success and well-being in relationships, as well as pleasant interlocutors.
  • The parents' house usually dreams on the eve of good news.
  • Why do deceased parents dream? The vision calls you to be careful. A series of unpleasant events is expected in your life.
  • Dream interpretation: the girl's parents. A vision suggests that you lack advice or support to change your life.
  • Why dream: a guy meets his parents? A dream indicates the likelihood that he is thinking about the seriousness of your relationship.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why do dead parents dream of being alive? Very bad news awaits you. If measures are not taken in time, they will turn into a disaster.

What is the dream of parents' divorce? Your well-being is at stake and you will have to work hard to keep things as they are.

Combined dream book

  • Why are the parents of the ex dreaming? Incidents in your life will make you remember the past.
  • Why do the parents of a young man dream? A change in your relationship awaits you. What they will be will help to interpret the emotions of the parents you dreamed about.
  • Why is the house of deceased parents dreaming? Expect good news from relatives or loved ones.
  • The parents of an ex-girlfriend in a dream say that there is an emotional tie between you and your former love.
  • Why are the husband's parents dreaming? The dream promises an end to family conflicts and reconciliation of the parties.
  • Why do the husband's dead parents dream? Health problems. Conflicts within the family are possible.
  • Why are the parents of a loved one dreaming? A dream promises a happy marriage.
  • Sleep "drunken parents". If the dream is about a drunk mother, you are an addicted person who allows you to easily twirl you as you please. If the father is an erroneous assessment of the current situation.
  • The dream "meeting a guy's parents" - you are worried about any important event in your life.
  • The dream "getting to know the girl's parents" most often promises a strong, reliable marriage.
  • Parents died in a dream. It is interpreted as a warning that problems will have to be solved on their own.
  • Sleep: ex-boyfriend with parents - predicts the occurrence of material difficulties.
  • In a dream, the husband's parents bought an apartment - changes in the lives of loved ones that will affect you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a friend's parents are a projection of your relationship with other people. Analyze their behavior.
  • parents - interpreted as advice to pay more attention to parents.
  • Dream interpretation: to drive parents on a bicycle - in the future they will need your help and participation.
  • Sleep "parents are lying on the stove" - ​​you lack family comfort.
  • What is the dream of the burned down house of parents? Changes are coming in your life. Get ready for them so that they become great for you.
  • Why are the parents of a guy they like in a dream? Dreaming is a reflection of your desires and fears. You want to be part of their family, but at the same time you are tormented by fears that they will not like you.
  • with parents? The end of a series of pleasures that the future prepares is unknown.

Dream interpretation for bitches

Why do parents dream in a dream? Expect positive changes in your life. Fate promises well-being and harmony in the development of love relationships.

Why is the death of parents dreaming? Sleep warns against possible danger and conveys invisible support from parents.

General dream book

  • Why do the girl's parents dream? The near future seems to be joyful, and success will accompany the undertakings.
  • Why dream of meeting a guy's parents? A dream promises an early marriage. If a dream evokes kind and warm feelings, then it will be strong and happy.
  • To dream of the parents of an ex-boyfriend is sadness over the past, news from the past.
  • Why are the parents of the ex-husband dreaming? The dream predicts that you will find a way out of the situation despite all the difficulties that you will have to face.
  • Dream "parents are getting divorced" - a dream that you will not be understood and you will be condemned.
  • Sleep "parents are fighting" - the family will suffer misfortune or loss through the fault of the dreamer.
  • To dream of a quarrel between parents. Sleep predicts ailments and sorrow.
  • Seeing the wedding of your parents in a dream - life promises wonderful improvements in your life.
  • deceased parents - you need help and participation, as well as advice from an older person more than ever.
  • Dream Interpretation: the parental home of deceased parents is seen as news from the past from relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: the parents' house burned down - a symbol of conflicts and analysis of family relationships.
  • Dream Interpretation: a man's parents dream if there is a discussion of you in his family.
  • Dream interpretation: the guy's parents spent the night at your home - confirmation of your hopes for a strong and lasting union.
  • Dream interpretation: deceased parents in a dream - to the good in life.
  • The dream of "divorce of parents" suggests that it will be difficult for you to find like-minded people, you are making too high demands.
  • What is the dream of the parents' wedding? A very positive dream, promising only positive moments in the life of your parents.
  • Dream Interpretation: meeting parents in a dream means anxiety and anxiety before any significant event.
  • Dream Interpretation: the death of parents in a dream means a turning point in their life or recovery from a serious illness.
  • Dream interpretation: dead parents dreamed alive - you are tormented by wine. The image of the father is interpreted as a guide to action.
  • Quarrel with parents in a dream - beware of a conflict in reality.
  • Fight of parents in a dream - a hidden conflict is brewing in your family. Calm down your character so that it doesn't provoke a fight.
  • Dream interpretation: parents are crying - you are in danger, you cannot avoid it, but you will receive unexpected help.
  • Seeing the parents of the girl's son in a dream - changes will come in your life. A person will appear, giving you pleasant moments and surprises.
  • Dream interpretation: a guy's parents is a sign of a successful family relationship.
  • Dream interpretation: parents of an ex-boyfriend. The dream speaks of a strong connection with past relationships. Some incompleteness remained in them.
  • What is the dream of a girl's parents to a guy? If in a dream they are peacefully disposed towards you, then in reality they will approve of your serious attitude towards her.
  • Husband's parents: the dream book interprets sleep as a chance to resolve family conflicts.
  • Dream Interpretation: parents' apartment - a dream characterizes you as a malleable person, inclined to often change decisions under pressure from others. You need to show firmness and will.
  • Dream interpretation: new house parents are a symbol of renewal. A new stage in the life of you and your loved ones.
  • What is the dream of the parental home of deceased parents? You cannot accept the loss and let go of their souls forever.
  • Why dream of a fire at a parent's house? The news from the past will take you by surprise.
  • Dream Interpretation: drunk parents - one of your loved ones is at risk of illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: the guy's parents are visiting - new acquaintances, which may lead to a serious relationship.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • Why do late parents dream of being alive? Incredible news awaits you.
  • Why do deceased parents dream together? Good luck.
  • Dream interpretation: funeral of parents - to a change of weather.
  • Dream interpretation: meeting the girl's parents depends on the result. If it went well, then in reality you will see an improvement in your relationship. If it went badly, be careful not to find yourself in a ridiculous situation.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

  • The dream interpretation "to see parents in a dream" is interpreted as the likelihood of receiving unexpected help.
  • Seeing dead parents together in a dream - expect happiness and prosperity.
  • Why do deceased parents dream, father - a dream predicts the loss of inheritance.
  • Why do dead parents, mother dream? A warning against frivolous behavior. A change for the better.
  • To bury parents in a dream. An unexpected triumph in a business that you have long considered hopeless.

House of dreams

  • Seeing a boyfriend's parents in a dream - a dream promises a strong and serious relationship with a lover.
  • The dream "the deceased parents were alive" promises the resolution of the protracted case. Waiting for a favorable period in life.
  • In a dream, he meets his parents - an early fulfillment of his cherished dream.
  • A quarrel with parents in a dream has a bad meaning. Such a vision means that someone close to you will be in trouble, or you will quarrel with your family.
  • The dream "to introduce your boyfriend to your parents" - your expectations will come true.
  • Dream Interpretation: the parents of the former dream when his family remembers you, comparing with the current chosen one.
  • Dream interpretation: quarreling with your parents is a strong influence of strangers on you.
  • Dream interpretation: parents' wedding - favorable events will take place in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: the parents' house is on fire - the future portends a scandal or conflict in your close environment.
  • Dream "home of deceased parents" - the past will remind of itself with unpleasant news.

Dream interpretation of the world

  • I am looking for parents in a dream - the dream tells about your loneliness, you have no one to trust.
  • Seeing your parents' apartment in a dream - a dream speaks of your softness, they will use you until you learn to resist pressure.
  • Parents' house burned down in a dream - positive changes in fate and good luck in business.
  • Seeing the husband's parents in a dream. A dream indicates that your relationship with your husband is deteriorating. Try to avoid fights.
  • The dream "deceased husband's parents" appears at a turning point in your relationship. It is worth thinking about the problems in the family so that misfortune does not happen.
  • To acquaint a girl with her parents, sleep - fear and anxiety before a serious event. Fear of disapproval.
  • The dream "the parents' apartment has been robbed" - you are in for trouble at work. You may be accused of creating them.
  • Dream Interpretation: the graves of parents portend misfortune in your life.
  • The dream "I scolded the dead parents" - the burden of the past weighs on you and does not let go of the resentment.
  • Dream interpretation: to acquaint someone with parents - your marital status may change soon.
  • What does the dream "girl's parents" mean? Your innermost desire will soon come true.
  • Dream Interpretation: Meeting the guy's parents - warns of possible conflicts in your family.
  • Parents of a loved one, a dream book - positive changes are coming that will affect not only you, but also your loved ones.

Deceased parents dream - to well-being.

Dream Interpretation: the groom's parents are a symbol of your worries that your plans will not be supported by loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • Seeing parents in a dream is a warning against wrong actions. Punishment for guilt.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see parents together - important changes are coming in life. For a young woman, sleep promises marriage.
  • with parents? A protest against them is accumulating in your soul.
  • Dream interpretation: meeting your parents - be careful in choosing your friends.
  • Why dream of the arrival of parents? Well-being and profit will come into your life if the guests were received with joy and honor.

Ivanov's newest dream book

Why do godparents dream? A warning about the danger that threatens you.

Female dream book

  • What does it mean if parents dream? The vision promises a harmonious and warm relationship in your family.
  • To see dead parents in a dream - Fate favors you, expect glorious changes in your life.
  • Talking to deceased parents in a dream is a warning about upcoming sorrows, be careful in your work.
  • Why dream of introducing parents to a guy? A large family celebration is expected, in which all family members will have to take part.
  • Dream Interpretation: the parents of a loved one dream with strong worries about the future fate of your relationship.

English dream book

Seeing dead parents alive together in a dream does not bode well. Bad changes in life.

Dream interpretation: having a fight with parents - a vision promises success in workers and love affairs... Family relationships will improve.

Modern combined dream book

  • The dream "dead parents are dreaming alive" is a warning of an impending disaster.
  • The dream "groom's parents" means that you will be able to reconcile with a person close to you, after a protracted quarrel.
  • Dream interpretation: meeting your parents promises the fulfillment of your dreams.

Collection of dream books

  • The "parents" dream is a symbol of your own skills as a parent.
  • Dream interpretation: deceased parents - a dream warns of impending failures in business.
  • Seeing deceased parents alive in a dream - take the news seriously.
  • Why dream that he killed his parents? You strive to get rid of difficulties in communicating with your family. By killing in your sleep, you are trying to erase from your subconscious the negative aspects associated with your parents.

Small Velesov dream book

  • Dream interpretation: parents dream - a dream warns against misfortune. Be vigilant and carry out your duties properly.
  • Dream interpretation: why do dead parents dream? The dream book offers many interpretations of this vision: it can promise death, trouble, idle gossip. The deceased mother dreams of a very severe illness.
  • Why do dead parents dream as if they were alive? A dream in which the deceased behaves as if he were alive promises many years of life to the dreamer.

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: parents are a promise of harmony in relationships and good friends.
  • Why do dead parents dream in a dream? Prepare to face the challenges that befell you with dignity.
  • Seeing dying parents in a dream is a profit.
  • Dream interpretation: arrival of parents - expectation of joyful changes. Changes in your status in society are possible.
  • parents? Sleep indicates your problems in creating a full-fledged family.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

  • A dream about a guy's parents portends new acquaintances, carrying worries and failures.
  • Dream interpretation: introducing a guy to his parents - your dreams will definitely come true.
  • Dream interpretation: a guy meets his parents - to luck and happiness.
  • Sleep: Parents' House - Good news and a long period of well-being await you.
  • Seeing deceased parents in a dream - be careful in your affairs, dangers and failures await you.

Noble dream book by Grishina

Seeing dead parents in a dream is a sign of happiness and prosperity.

Sleeping parents in a dream - do not miss the visit of happy circumstances into your life, they will not stay for a long time, have time to take the chance.

Smurov's universal dream book

  • To quarrel with your parents in a dream - in reality you are doing the wrong things, wasting your energy.
  • A dream about deceased parents promises the development of any extraordinary events.
  • Dream interpretation: parents dreamed. The vision promises the arrival of news about the cases in which you are interested.
  • Did you dream about dead parents talking to you? You will receive unexpected support.

Jewish dream book

The dream interpretation of seeing dead parents in a dream interprets the vision as a promise of long life if the mother died, and misfortune if the father died.

Symbolic dream book

The interpretation of dreams by "deceased parents" says that their coming to sleep may be associated with an attempt to protect the dreamer from feelings of loss and painful experiences.

Seeing living parents in a dream is interpreted as their influence on the fate and decisions of the dreamer.

General dream book

  • The dream "parents mow the grass" - promises to receive a lot of money from someone from your family.
  • Dream Interpretation: dead parents dreamed alive - get ready for conspiracies against you, analyze the last events of your life.
  • Dream interpretation: parents died one after another. The dream warns of big troubles in the financial sphere and the possible illness of someone close.
  • Dream Interpretation: dead parents dream of living - means that you should remember your roots and follow family covenants.
  • Parents dreamed in a dream - receiving information on a case of interest to you.

Large family dream book

Dream interpretation: deceased parents in a dream is a symbol of strange news.

Introducing parents in a dream is a change in life for the better.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

To dream of the burned down house of parents is to receive gloomy news. Moving or renovation.

Dream interpretation: dreamed of deceased parents. If a man dreamed of a father, it means that he is tormented by pangs of conscience, and he needs to repent. If a woman dreamed of her mother, this means that the man next to her will betray.

Dream interpretation of Shereminskaya

To see dead parents alive in a dream - take the news seriously.

Why are both deceased dreaming at the same time? Strengthening the message. Be careful in your business and do not forget to monitor your health.

Eastern female dream book

Dream interpretation: deceased parents - the weather will change.

Muslim dream book: she ran away from her parents - it is interpreted as a dangerous journey, the road awaits you.

Daniel's medieval dream book

Dream Interpretation: the late parents dreamed alive and you spoke to them - expect financial profit and fun.

Dream interpretation of lovers

Dream interpretation: dead parents or other close people. Seeing means that you have to go through the betrayal.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

Dream Interpretation: why do deceased parents or other relatives dream? The dream portends a time for change, be prepared.

Why dream of meeting the girl's parents? Your plans will be hindered by other people's affairs that have to be completed.

Samokhvalov's psychoanalytic dream book

Dream interpretation: death of parents. Indicates a rivalry with one parent for the attention of the other.

Why are the parents of a loved one dreaming? Reflection of your uncertainty that you will be accepted into the family.

Dream interpretation of the healer Evdokia

Dream Interpretation: to see parents in a dream - relationships with loved ones and dear people will develop calmly and without troubles.

To see deceased parents alive in a dream - success awaits you on the love front, and luck will surely smile at you in financial matters.

Dream interpretation of a housewife

A dream about parents is a projection of the qualities you inherited from them.

Dream Interpretation: to see dead parents and talk to them - unexpectedly for you, someone will come to your rescue.

Dream interpretation of Karatov

Dream Interpretation: to see dead parents talking to you in a dream is a prediction that soon you will receive unexpected news.

Pocket dream book

Dream interpretation: parents are happy together - a dream means new useful acquaintances.

Dream interpretation: parents died - problems at work.

Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

Why do parents dream in a dream? A sign that you need to change something in your life.

Dream interpretation of Avadyaeva

Interpretation of dreams: parents means that everything will be wonderful in your life.

Dream Interpretation: to see dead parents alive means that unexpected help will arrive in time in an important matter for you.

Dream interpretation of Meneghetti

Dream interpretation: parents' sex. To dream about the anticipation of proposed actions means your insecurity and unfulfilled desires.

Dream interpretation Hasse

Dream interpretation: what are the late parents dreaming of? Joy in your life awaits you.

Dream interpretation giant

Dream Interpretation: deceased parents come together in a person's dreams to numb the pain of loss and communicate important clues to the future.

The death of parents in a dream is an unconscious desire to become free from custody.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

Dream Interpretation: the death of parents in a dream portends major troubles in your life.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: parents scold - you are too dependent on the opinions of others.
  • Why dream - both parents together? Parents in a dream reflect your qualities, which were originally inherent in you.
  • Dream Interpretation: cleaning the parents' house is liberation from the problems and worries associated with your family.
  • Why is the dead man dreaming, parents? Mother is luck; father - help.
  • at your parents' house? Things that make you so worried will turn out quite well without any extra effort.

Idiomatic dream book

Why should parents, children be filmed? "Fall into childhood", "like foolish children" - a dream speaks of the purity of the soul and integrity.

Universal dream book

  • In a dream, to see deceased parents. The deceased father - be careful and careful, the deceased mother - her health will be excellent.
  • Swearing with parents in a dream - a quarrel promises anxiety and misunderstanding in the family.
  • What is the dream of a parent's funeral? Nothing threatens the health of yours and your loved ones.

Dream interpretation of the future

The dream "dead parents together" warns of impending troubles and failures.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation: dead parents to appear alive: in the near future you need to show care and caution, a period of failures and disappointments begins in your life.

Aesop's dream book

Dream "dead parents are dreaming alive" - ​​a change in the weather is expected.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

The dream "parents or any other people have died" means health and longevity.

Dream interpretation Dashka

Why do dead relatives dream of living, parents? You feel guilty about these people.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Dream interpretation: what are the late parents dreaming of? Seeing a dead man in a dream promises an exciting and interesting life For you.

Ukrainian dream book

Dead parents in a dream warn of bad events that are about to happen.

American dream book

Parents? Projection onto your relationship. Thus, you strive to remove the difficult fragments of your communication.

Dream interpretation of Meridian

The deceased parents in a dream: the deceased mother warns against danger at work, the father is a symbol of an important event. Hurry up to catch your luck.


Solving the dream in which the parents figured, do not despair if you find out that the future has trials for you. Now you are properly armed, and you know that all problems and sorrows are temporary. All bad things will end, you just need to find the strength to overcome everything. Listen carefully to your dreams, but do not forget that you create your own life, and visions are designed only to suggest in which direction to move.

Even if you do not feel lonely and are always surrounded by friends and loved ones, your parents will still remain the most dear people in the world, even if they live thousands of kilometers away from you. They protect us, coming in a dream and giving advice, but in order to decipher exactly what the plot with mom and dad is about, you need to consider all the predictions of the dream book.

The dream interpretation interprets the dream from several positions: firstly, are they alive, or have already deceased parents come to you in a dream? Secondly, what did they do - maybe they were saying something to you, or were they just talking to each other? And thirdly, one's own relatives do not always dream, maybe they were the spouse's relatives?

Seeing your parents in a dream

According to the Women's Dream Book, the interpretation of sleep, where parents are in a good mood, smile at you, means that unprecedented mutual understanding and harmony will reign in family life. Your union is blessed by heaven, you will be happy.

By Esoteric dream book, a quarrel with parents in a dream is a sign of the dreamer's softness and compliance. You attach too much importance to the instructions of loved ones, and do not have a personal opinion - because of this, serious problems with self-esteem can arise.

Why dream of a quarrel between parents? From the point of view of psychoanalysis, such a plot personifies the dreamer's fears - he is afraid to upset the harmonious balance in the family, and therefore often makes sacrifices to the detriment of his opinion.

In general, swearing with parents in a dream is an analogy with the subconscious mind with a hidden conflict within the family. Now the imagination is crammed with strained relations between relatives, but, unfortunately, there is nothing you can do - you should let go of the situation.

What is the dream of parents' divorce? The dream book predicts that in reality you will encounter a total misunderstanding of others. Coordinate your actions, try not to do anything reprehensible, and such problems will bypass you.

The dream book gives a positive interpretation of what the parents' wedding is about. You can only be glad for them, at the moment they are experiencing the "second youth" of the relationship. Their happiness will touch you, everything will be fine in the family.

Drunk parents in a dream warn you that in reality you are too susceptible to an idle and lazy lifestyle, you need to reconsider your behavior - try to be more practical.

Unpleasant news of an accident awaits you - this is how the dream book interprets what the parents' house dreams of. It can also be a reminder that you are not repaying debt for parental care - at least give them a call, the elderly will have a reason to rejoice.

If mom or dad is seriously ill, then you can expect a deterioration in their health condition, having seen in a dream that the parents' house burned down. Hurry to help, perhaps even a little help can postpone the terrible moment of parting with them.

Why is the parents' apartment dreaming? Interpretations different dream books diverge, depending on the situation in the dream. If there was a holiday in the parental apartment, then in real life a generous gift awaits you. Mourning portends sorrow and grief.

If you saw young parents, then the dream book predicts a comprehensive improvement in the situation in life as a whole. Both material security and personal relationships - everything will move to a new level, you will be accompanied by fortune.

What events do deceased parents predict in a dream?

It is believed that to see deceased parents in a dream is good sign, which basically does not promise any significant changes in life. This is just parental care, shown by them even from the other world, they guard you, and periodically look into your soul to make sure that everything is fine with you.

Why do deceased parents dream? If an ambiguous situation has developed in life, and you have to make a choice in which you doubt, then the deceased dad and mom can, through a dream, suggest a way out of this situation. Listen to what they say - their words may contain important information for the correctness of further actions.

Deceased parents, if they are unhappy, sad, gloomy, then in reality you are doing something wrong, acting not according to your conscience, and this upsets the dead. To dream of deceased parents who praise you, rejoice, laugh means that you are on the right path and are doing the right things. The dream book also predicts that such a plot in a dream can be an omen of good events.

Why do dead parents dream if you have recently lost them? The dream interpretation interprets this as a subconscious phenomenon that splashes into a dream all those emotions that you are trying to contain in reality.

For a young bride or groom, seeing dead parents in a dream is a good sign. The dream interpretation indicates that they send a blessing to the wedding union, this can also be considered a sign of a happy married life.

By interpretation Explanatory dream book, then what the grave of parents is dreaming of is a harbinger of the persecution of the dreamer by the servants of the law. Even if you have not done bad deeds before, your closest friends can set you up.

Why is the death of parents dreaming? According to the law of inversion of dreams, such a plot predicts a long and happy life for the family. Do not worry, they will die in old age, and not from a terrible disease, but simply from old age.

Miller's dream book gives a positive interpretation to living parents in a dream, but this is only if they look happy. For a girl, this picture in a dream is interpreted as a prediction of an imminent marriage.

Someone else's relatives in a dream

If your relationship is strong enough, and you are already thinking about legalizing the relationship, then meeting a guy's parents in a dream is a prophetic dream. He will soon decide to bring you to his father's house and present you to the future father-in-law and mother-in-law for judgment.

Remember what was the end of the dream in which you had to introduce the guy to his parents. If the result was a serious quarrel, then in reality everything will develop for the better, and if you don’t remember the ending - you remember only the moment of acquaintance, then expect a conflict with your soul mate.

Acquaintance with the girl's parents portends a happy married life for the young man. Despite all the fears, he nevertheless decides to take a serious step, and will make an offer to his beloved - these are the predictions of the dream book.

If you treat your soul mate badly, then you may not be surprised why you see a girl's parents in your dreams. They follow you from your dreams, a mother's heart is always restless for her child, and if you do not treat your beloved as it should be, she will go to the parental home and will never return.

The parents of an ex-boyfriend in a dream is a sign that they constantly remember you and compare their son with the current girlfriend. According to the interpretation of the dream book, they believe that you were the best "party" and are unhappy with the choice of their son.

The groom's parents come to the daughter-in-law only if they are very worried about the future family life of their beloved son. They may tell you something, but you shouldn't pay attention to it - in any case, the situation in new family, according to the interpretation of the dream book, depends only on you.

Why are the parents of a loved one dreaming? The dream interpretation promises changes in personal relationships. You can judge which direction they will take - good or bad - by their emotional mood. If they are in a good mood, then in reality they are not against your union. On the contrary, the bad mood and anger on their faces indicates that they do not want to let their son go.

The dream book gives a very interesting interpretation of what the husband's parents dream about when they threaten their daughter-in-law. The entire negative color of the plot does not bode well, on the contrary, this dream is a shape-shifter, it portends only good changes, and even the appearance of a child in a newly-made family.

In general, if parents dreamed, then the dream book calls to be confident in their security. Guardian angels reliably protect you from adversity, and even if something is not going well now, you don't have to worry about it - the black streak will pass by itself, leaving no trace of past experiences behind.

In addition to improving the health of relatives, why dream that parents died can portend maximum recovery vital energy dreamer. The dream book says that the period of the emergence of new, interesting ideas is approaching, the achievement of those goals that you have not counted on for a long time. Calm down and continue to live on, and mom and dad will protect you in dreams and in reality.