Which contains vitamin C. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The need for vitamin C is increasing

And popular among vitamins. Each since childhood heard about the need to eat more fruits to get this vitamin. Is it contained?

This question is of great importance. After all, vitamin C independently in the human body is not synthesized. And for our health, it is simply necessary.

Many people think that the ascorbic acid has the same properties as at Vitamin C. It is worth noting that ascorbic acid with vitamin C has differences. Ascorbic acid is an artificial simplified form of natural vitamin and was created in the laboratory. Therefore, there should not have many ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C. reinforced by natural metabolites. Product description. Recommendations for use. Customer reviews. More \u003e\u003e

Vitamin C is a natural nutrient. One of the simple and affordable ways to fill the body to them - food with vitamin C. It can also be found only in natural biodevices or multivitamins. Nowadays, it's not so easy to adhere to full nutrition, then they come to the rescue.

The role of vitamin C is impossible to overestimate. It is the most important, one can say the main, assistant for immunity. This is the most powerful antioxidant, which can be considered "vitamin youth". Participates in other vital processes in the body.

So, the body is not able to synthesize an independent substance independently. Therefore, the required amount of vitamin C must be replenished daily. How? Using products rich in them.

Consider a Read more The question - Vitamin C where else contains the most? This list can immediately include vegetables, fruits and berries. The table below will help identify products with a particularly high content.

Let's get bigger about his benefits. Agree, even the children know perfectly well that this vitamin is very useful. But what exactly is its useful properties not always think about.

In the cold winter period, the question is especially relevant how to increase the consumption of this vitamin. Since it is during this period by avitaminosis and the risk of seasonal epidemics increases.

As mentioned earlier, the immune force in the body increases with vitamin C. The blood circulation, blood formation and the work of the endocrine and nervous systems are improved. Also, vitamin helps to stimulate the synthesis of hormones and other neuropsychiatric substances. It has a positive effect on the general condition and mood.

Also vitamin C contributes to the absorption of iron and participates in the synthesis of amino acids. This amino acid releases the energy by splitting the fat cells, helping losing weight. In addition, the role of vitamin C is to deliver salts of sulfuric acid to cells, without a sufficient number of which microcracks occur in the body.

And further. Already mentioned vitamin C as a strongest antioxidant. This property to prevent the oxidation of the body. Therefore, the use of a sufficient amount of this vitamin contributes to the preservation of the youth cells. It needs elderly people, women and athletes, helping the body not to wear out.

Where is the most vitamin C in the product table (in milligrams per 100 gr.)

Let's summarize. So the table shows that among the products there is a kind of record holder of vitamin C. More once again we note the following:

  • Crude potatoes maintain more vitamins. Therefore, the vegetable is best baked in the oven in the peel or boil "in the uniform" to save the beneficial properties.
  • In winter, it is harder to find fresh berries and fruits. Thus, the best source of vitamin C can be a quashed or fresh white-baked cabbage and spinach. And early in the spring the best assistant in the fight against vitaminosis is the green runs of Luke. In his green feathers, many carotene, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, potassium and sulfur.
  • With a violation of the integrity of a fresh apple, an astrinase enzyme is distinguished, which destroys vitamin C. Therefore, to preserve the maximum of useful vitamins, try bake with whole apples in the oven or cook compote from the whole fruit, but not more than five minutes.
  • Contrary to the general opinion of Lemon among the fruit, the indisputable leader in the content of vitamin C is Kiwi. But few knows that Kiwi is useful to eat with the skin! These natural nutritional fibers are not absorbed by the organism, and swell in the stomach and remove all non-digestible waste, decay and rotting products from the gastrointestinal tract.

So it is very important to replenish the body with useful products with vitamin C! Thus, you can strengthen and preserve health, extend the youth and improve performance. The table above will help to make a suitable diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables and be healthy!

Vitamin C (L-isomer ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble biologically active organic compound, a relative glucose.

Ascorbic acid received its name from Latin "Scorbutus" (qing). Back in the 18th century, long before the discovery of vitamins, it was found that the citrus juice contains a certain substance that prevents the development of cings in the sailors during a long navigation. It is known that the qing is a disease caused by a sharp lack of vitamin C in food (avitaminosis).

What functions perform vitamin C in the body?

Vitamin C is one of the most efficient antioxidants; It protects the cells of the body from the destructive effects of free radicals. Ascorbic acid is a member of the collagen biosynthesis process and its predecessor - substances that are necessary for the formation of full-fledged bone and connective tissue. It is needed for normal hemopower and producing in the organism of catecholamines and steroid connections. Vitamin C is capable of regulating blood coagulation and normalizes the permeability of the walls of small blood vessels. It can prevent the development of hypersensitivity reactions (allergies) and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process.

Ascorbic acid is necessary for a person to protect his body from negative effects. It has been established that in the secreted adrenal glands of "stress hormones", the concentration of ascorbic acid salts is very high.

Under the influence of this vitamin is strengthened, and recovery processes are activated.

Important: There is reason to believe that vitamin C is an important factor in, in particular - malignant tumors of the digestive tract organs, urinary and reproductive system.

Ascorbic acid accelerates the process of removal from the body of heavy metals and their compounds.

Vitamin C prevents cholesterol oxidation and its deposition on the vascular walls, in this way an anti-studacy effect. Its sufficient content increases the stability of other vitamins - A, E and compounds of group V.

The compound does not have the properties of deposit, and is not synthesized in the body, in connection with which a person must constantly receive it from the outside (with food and drinks).

Natural sources of this compound are many vegetables and fruits. In the animal products of the vitamin C contain quite a few.

Since the ascorbic acid of water soluble and loses stability when heated, in the process of culinary (thermal) processing, most of this vital vitamin is lost. His vegetables and fruits containing it is advisable to consume in raw.

Sources of animal origin:

  • beef and pork liver;
  • kidneys and adrenal animals;
  • mare milk;
  • goat milk.

Vegetable sources:

  • sheet greens (,);
  • horseradish;
  • onion (green and on);
  • citrus (oranges, etc.);
  • cabbage (any varieties);
  • pepper sweet ("Bulgarian" and sharp cayenne);
  • tomatoes;
  • potatoes (only baked in the peel);
  • green pea;
  • apples;
  • currant;
  • peaches;
  • apricots (including dried - kuraga);

note: Very high content of "ascorbins" in the fruits of rowan, rosehip and. Vitamin drinks of them allow you to cope with seasonal (winter-spring) hypovitaminosis.

Plants that can be used to prepare vitamin infuses:

  • lopeh (root);
  • pepper;
  • plantain;
  • yarrow;
  • pine needles;
  • raspberry (leaves);
  • violet (leaves;
  • fennel (seeds);
  • nettle.

Sufficient prolonged storage of products and biochemical processing are negatively reflected at the level of the content of vitamin C in food. One of the few exceptions are dried rosehip fruits, in which up to 1 year and is more preserved exceptionally high concentration of ascorbic acid (up to 0.2%). The richness contains the mass of other beneficial substances - vitamins K, P, tanning substances, sugar, etc. From fruits make syrup (it can be purchased at the pharmacy), which will help to easily defeat hypovitaminosis.

Important: Of all the dishes that have undergone heat treatment, the "record holder" in the number of preserved vitamin C is boiled white cabbage. When cooking for 1 hour (no more!) It remains 50% "ascorbins" (relative to the initial level). Approximately the same amount of vitamin is stored in freshly prepared potato soup.

Vitamin C consumption rates

The increased number of "ascorbins" is required by patients, as well as those who take drugs, and.

Important: It has been established that the need for vitamin C is significantly increased in people suffering from nicotine addiction; In addition, tobacco combustion products worsen the digestibility of the useful connection. Smokers, as well as those who regularly consume alcoholic beverages, it is recommended to consume vitamin C 20-40% more.

Many vitamin C is recommended to consume meat fabrics. This is necessary to reduce the negative effects of nitrogen compounds, in large numbers of animal muscle tissue. Special attention should be paid to this vitamin to those who prefer meat in the form of sausages and smoked. As one of the preservatives in the manufacture of such products, the nitrogen-containing connection of the selection is often used, which can be converted to provoking the development of nitrosica in the stomach.

The daily rate depends on a number of factors, including:

  • climate;
  • environmental situation in the region;
  • professional harm;
  • smoking (including passive);
  • alcohol consumption;
  • age;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Note: Studies have shown that with a hot or very cold climate, a person is required by an average of 30-50% more ascorbic acid.

The average adult man needs to be consumed on the day of 60-100 mg of vitamin C. If ascorbic acid preparations are prescribed as part of complex disease therapy, the usual daily dosage is from 500 to 1500 mg.

During the pregnancy, women need to consume at least 75 mg, and during breastfeeding - at least 90 mg vitamin C.

Breasts from the moment of birth to the semi-annual age requires 30 mg, and kids from 6 months to 1 year - 35 mg vitamin C per day. Children from 1 to 3 years are required 40 mg, and from 4 to 10 years - 45 mg daily.

Features of the reception of vitamin C

It is advisable to divide the recommended daose dose into several techniques, i.e. to use the principle of "fractional nutrition". The human body quickly consumes water-soluble vitamins and quickly excretes the "excess" with urine. Thus, it is much better to maintain a constant concentration of ascorbic acid, taking drugs or consuming fruits and vegetables in small portions during the day.

Hypovitaminosis via vitamin C was revealed in 60-80% of children of preschool and younger school age. Almost the same data was obtained according to the results of studies conducted in various regions of the Russian Federation.

Important : The shortage of this compound is particularly pronounced in winter and in the spring, when fresh vegetables and fruits in stores are small, and in those plant products that are sold yearwog, ascorbic acid is much less than in freshly collected.

Hypovitaminosis leads to a decrease in immunity, as a result of which increases (by 25-40%) the frequency of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Due to the decrease in the phagocytic activity of leukocytes in relation to foreign bacterial agents, diseases are much harder.

The causes of hypovitaminosis can be divided into endo- and exogenous.

Internal causes is a disturbance of absorption and ability to absorb ascorbic acid.

The outer cause is a long-term failure of vitamin with food.

With a deficiency of vitamin C, the following elbow manifestations of hypovitaminosis may occur:

  • elevated bleeding gums;
  • pathological mobility and loss of teeth;
  • easy hematoma emergence;
  • disruption of regeneration (slow healing of cuts and scratches);
  • lethargy and reduced muscle tone;
  • alopecia (hair loss);
  • dry skin;
  • increased irritability;
  • reduced pain;
  • arthralgia;
  • general discomfort;

note : The teeth may vary and fall out, since resorption (absorption) of bone Alveol bone tissue (tooth holes) occurs, and the insufficient synthesis of collagen leads to a weakening of the fibers of periapical ligaments.Bruisies on the body are formed by themselves in connection with the fragility of the walls of the capillaries.

Indications for the beginning of the reception of elevated doses of vitamin C

Indications for receiving ascorbic acid in the form of drugs are:

  • prevention of hypovitaminosis;
  • treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis;
  • pregnancy period;
  • breast-feeding;
  • active growth;
  • frequent psycho-emotional;
  • significant physical exertion;
  • common;
  • reconnaissance period after the disease (to strengthen immunity, accelerate the recovery and restoration of the body);
  • bleeding gums;
  • nose bleeding;
  • intoxication;
  • infections (including);
  • liver pathology;
  • slow healing of wounds and fractures;
  • general dystrophy.

Important: In rare cases, when taking elevated doses of vitamin C, the reactions of hypersensitivity may develop (allergic).

In preventive purposes, it is recommended to receive 0.25 g of vitamin C during the meal (multiplicity of reception - 4 times a day). If the cold symptoms appear in the first 4 days from the beginning of the disease, it is necessary to consume 4 g "ascorbins". Then the dose can be gradually reduced to 3, and then up to 1-2 g per day.


In most cases, the body moves well even very high doses of this biologically active compound, but the development of diarrhea is not excluded.

With parallel reception with salicylic acid preparations, vitamin C can provoke development and. It is advisable to consume it in the form of an ascorbate calcium having a neutral pH.

In patients with genetically determined deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, large doses of ascorbic acid can lead to the destruction of red blood cells, which threatens serious complications.

Large doses of vitamin C reduce absorption B12.

Contraindication to the use of "shock doses" are diabetes, increased blood coagulation, and the tendency to.

Important: Prolonged courageous treatment with vitamin C drugs can cause inhibition of insulin production by pancreas.

Vitamin C or as it is also called - ascorbic acid - is known for its useful properties not at the break. The substance strengthens the immune system, fights with colds. Acts as an antioxidant and is needed not only for health, but also for beauty. Ascorbinka on a par with a group B is needed hair and skin. Therefore, many are interested in which products contains C. Today, we find out what vegetables and fruits with vitamin C will help to fill the reserves of the nutrient.

And also learn where it contains a vital element in large quantities, in addition to fruit crops.

Natural replenishment of vitamin C

Vegetables and fruits containing a lot of vitamin with affordable and inexpensive. They are also rich not only ascorbing, but also by other nutrients. Therefore, the inclusion of these products in the diet will establish your health and your loved ones.

And how do you satisfy the body with vitamins? Share the answers in the comments. Count the article useful? Tell your friends.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - This is a water-soluble substance. Another name of vitamin is ascorbic acid. It performs important functions in the human body: strengthens the immune system, heals the wounds, forming red blood cells, participates in the formation of collagen, helps to interrupt the gland obtained from planting products. Without vitamin C is impossible to form new cells from which organs and systems consist. In addition, ascorbinka is a powerful antioxidant, which removes cells from damage.

For the first time discovered ascorbic acid in lemon juice Sistor S.S. Zilva in the first third of the twentieth century. Usually, vitamin C products are present as compounds with other microelements, but the scientist managed to get it in its pure form.

Ascorbic acid in the human body is in several forms.

  1. Ascorbigen is a vegetable form of vitamin. In such form, the substance is due to the nucleic acids of DNA, proteins and flavonoids.
  2. Dehydroasorbinic acid - a form of vitamin, subjected to oxidation. This is a reserve reserve of the body, since this form of vitamin can be recovered in ascorbium or L-ascorbic acid.
  3. L-ascorbic acid is a restored vitamin form. He has the most pronounced vitamin activity among other forms of substance.

Ascorbic acid is very destroyed when exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, after cooking (cooking for a couple, baking, quenching, frying, cooking) there is a minimum amount of vitamin C. Therefore, it is necessary to use products without heat treatment, if possible.

In the human body, this substance cannot be synthesized independently. Therefore, it is so important to get it in the right amount of products. But most animals can synthesize vitamin from glucose.

Ascorbic acid can not accumulate in the body, because it is impossible to eat "the future" of products with a high concentration of vitamin C. Very quickly, all excess substances will bring out with urine and feces. For this reason, the trace element must enter the human body every day.

Useful properties of vitamin C

  • It helps to speed up the formation of collagen - the main protein in the connecting tissues, which ensures the elasticity of different tissues of the body and skin.
  • It helps to form catecholamines (hormones adrenaline, serotonin, norepinerenaline) and steroids (testosterone, estrogens, etc.).
  • It is known for detoxifying (stops the suction of poisonous substances into the body and displays them out).
  • Regulates normal liver operation, pancreas.
  • Takes part in tissue breathing.
  • It is an antioxidant: protects against the harmful effects of oxygen nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, phospholipids of cell shells, fat-soluble trace elements and vitamins.
  • Helps to assimilate iron and folic acid by the body.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Provides normal blood coagulation.
  • The permeability of the capillar stories is normal.
  • Participates in the formation of red blood tauros.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect.
  • Accelerates wound healing and restores the structure of tissues after damage.

Since ascorbic acid at the same time helps to be produced by adrenaline, norerained, and also protects the body from poisonous and harmful substances, it uses it as a protective agent during strong experiences, depression and stress. Vitamin C, thanks to the activation of adrenaline, helps a person be hardy, speeds up the reaction of the body, makes it stronger. But adrenaline accelerates metabolism, thereby contributes to the accumulation of harmful substances in the tissues. At this point, vitamin will help withdraw these toxic substances.

Together with ascorbic acid, it is useful to use containing calcium or iron products, as vitamin C helps them better absorb. And such substances, like mercury, copper, lead ascorbic acid takes out of the body.

Since vitamin C is an antioxidant, it is capable of blocking cholesterol oxidation, lipoproteins, which helps to stop the progressive atherosclerosis or prevent its occurrence and development.

It is indispensable for the normal functioning of the brain and adrenal glands, as ascorbic acid is involved in the formation of serotonin, tyrosine and phenylalanine, which necessary for these organs.

Due to ascorbic acid, glucose can accumulate in the body, which will need an organism in case of hunger, stress and other emergencies.

Also, this trace element eliminates the harmful effect of nitrosamines, which helps to prevent the gastric cancer, intestines. Recently, a lot of research has been conducted, proven that the preventive use of vitamin C can prevent the appearance of oncology.

What is contained vitamin C?

This vitamin is contained in many products of plant and animal origin. But it is important not only to know where the vitamin C is contained, but also to take it correctly for maximum benefit. This element may be preserved only during product eating or after minimal thermal processing and proper storage (away from the Sun and Heat).

Vitamin C content in vegetable products

Vitamin C is contained in almost any product of plant origin:

  • berries (watermelon, blueberries, currants, raspberry, lingonberries, rosehip fruits, strawberries, rowan);
  • fruits (apples, citrus, persimmon, apricots, bananas, grapes);
  • vegetables (greenery, cabbage of all varieties, broccoli, leaf vegetables, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, zucchini, green onions, radish, carrots, radish.

Most of all, this trace element is contained in a dried rosehip, freshlyworn rosehip, banana, juniper, red sweet pepper, sea buckthorn, green sweet pepper, kiwi, black currant, honeysuckle, parsley.

Animal source of vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is contained in the milk of goats, mares, cows.

Daily rate of vitamin C

Some scientists believe that this vitamin is necessary daily to a person in small quantities, others are confident that a person must take an increased dose of such a useful element.

Norm for women and men

The World Health Organization believes that men and women need the same dose of vitamin C - from 60 to 100 mg per day. Maximum can be taken 700 mg per day. If a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, she must take at least 70 mg vitamin C per day.

Vitamin C Norm for Children

From birth to six months, the child needs from 30 to 40 mg daily, children up to a year - 40-50 mg per day, from year to fifteen years - 50-60 mg per day.

True, many vitamin specialists believe that this amount of vitamin with the body for normal functioning and preventing the disease is not enough, because they offer to accept an adult person from 100 to 200 mg of trace element per day. Then all the fabrics and cells will be able to obtain the required amount of vitamin, and the extraordinary system will still be removed unnecessary from the body.

It should also be remembered that if a person is sick anything, he has stressed or fever, it consumes drugs, alcohol, smokes, then its need for vitamin C is rising 2-4 times.

Lack of vitamin C.


The deficiency of ascorbic acid can be expressed in two forms - hypovitaminosis by avitaminosis. True, the two of these states can be different stages of one deterioration process of the patient. They develop with insufficient admission to the body of products with vitamin C. First, hypovitaminosis appears, and if for half a year the patient did not change its diet and did not accept vitamins additionally, avitaminosis begins.

Hypovitaminosis can last for years. A person uses products containing ascorbic acid, but in small quantities insufficient to obtain a daily norm of matter. As a result, the body always lacks vitamin. There are several signs that can be confused with the symptoms of colds, fatigue after a difficult working day, stressful state, incorrect power. The hypovitaminosis develops when a person eats little or does not eat fresh fruits and vegetables, berries or prefers not crude food, but only cooked.

Avitaminosis begins when a person almost does not get from the products of this substance. The signs of avitaminosis will appear not soon, gradually, since at first the body will use those trace elements that are in organs and tissues. When and in the tissues will not remain vitamin C, then the ration is clearly manifested - the disease caused by the lack of vitamin C. It will be necessary for all this process from four to six months.

The lack of vitamin C can be recognized according to the following symptoms:

  • dinen blemed;
  • packs of gums swell;
  • the teeth are strung and fall out;
  • even with the unstarted bruises, bruises immediately appear;
  • hemorrhagic rash appears;
  • dry coarse areas appear on the skin, on which there are small dense nodules with a red rim (hyperkeratosis);
  • frequent bleeding from the nose or genitals;
  • internal hemorrhages;
  • slow wounds;
  • frequent ORVI, ORZ;
  • anemia;
  • low temperature constant;
  • shiny dry lips;
  • severe hair loss;
  • fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • irritability;
  • low level of performance;
  • stress state;
  • painful sensations in the joints;
  • disadvantage in different parts of the body.

Children with hypovitaminosis become leg curves, the chest is deformed.

Excess vitamin C.

Too much vitamin C can cause the following states:

  • abortion;
  • increase pressure;
  • non-safeguard, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • redness on the skin of the face;
  • frequent urination;
  • headache;
  • anxiety, anxiety;
  • sleep disorders;
  • the destruction of erythrocytes (with some forms of diseases);
  • the appearance of stones in the kidneys;
  • reduction of insulin production;
  • irritation of the inner walls of the stomach (if you take vitamin together with "aspirin");
  • poisoning (if taking vitamin together with pills containing aluminum);
  • the lack of vitamin B12 (vitamin C does not give it to digest).

Application of ascorbic acid for cosmetic purposes

Vitamin C Hair

Funds from hair loss with vitamins have long proven themselves from a positive side and have only positive feedback. Vitamin C when applied, externally helps to glisten hair, be smooth, soft and obedient. Vitamin C in pharmacies is also sold as a pure solution in ampoules. This solution is suitable for the scalp and hair. It can be rubbed both in its pure form and after adding to the shampoo, air conditioning or hair mask. A five percent solution of ascorbic acid should be added 4 drops for every 5 ml. Such a means can be done to care for hair every time you wash your head.

The pure solution of ascorbic acid is applied on the hair through a day or two and left for 25 minutes. Then it can be washed off with any shampoo. To make it easier to apply, the liquid from the ampoule can be poured into the syringe and gently apply to the sample between the hair. The distance between the samples is about one and a half centimeters. Fully watered one sample, you can go to the next. After processing the whole coding of the head, the hair should comb into the middle ridge - then the solution is well distributed over the entire length of the hair. After that, half an hour should be closed with a towel, and then wash off with shampoo.

Ascorbic Face Acid

Almost any lotion, cream or face mask contain vitamin C. It is able to slow the skin aging processes, whiten it, eliminate pigmentation, will accelerate wound healing and restore the skin. He also makes her more elastic and delays moisture, thanks to this, the skin is not dried. The skin will not look like a flabby and dim.

You can choose ready-made means with vitamin, and you can make them and yourself. For this, you will need ampoules with a five percent or ten percent vitamin solution. Five percent face solution is suitable. You can wipe the skin with clean mortar or add a few drops into the cream. It is best to apply a means to deeply cleaned skin.

It is easier once a week before bedtime wipe the face with a clean mortar of 10 days. After that, the procedures can be resumed after 1 - 1.5 months.

Vitamins are amazing. The skin will be lighter, softer, moistened, elastic. A healthy face and radiance will appear.

Once a week you can add vitamin to any facial tool. So use ascorbic acid for a very long time.

Varieties of the release of the drug with ascorbic acid

Preparations with vitamin C are two types:

  • biologically active additives to food with vitamin C as part;
  • medicines with ascorbic acid.

Biological supplements are intended only for prevention. They can take healthy people. Medicines can be appointed exclusively by the doctor. They are drinking during the complex silence of the disease or for prevention.

All means with ascorbic acid in pharmacies can be found in the following forms:

  • a solution for injection ("ascorbic acid", "vitamin C-inject", "Ascorbic acid buffe", "ascorbic acid of Vial");
  • dragee ("Scheupend 500", "Tsevikap" (drops), "ascorbic acid UFF");
  • chewable tablets (Asvitol, "Vitamin C 500", Rosvitt, "Acid Ascorbic") for oral administration (inside);
  • a hype preparation in the form of tablets ("additive vitamin C", "Ascovit", "Vitamin C", "Tslauskon Vitamin C", "Citravit");
  • powder for the preparation of suspension (accepted inside) ("Ascorbic acid", "Vitamin C").

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C - an important structural component involved in the adjustment of the functioning of organs and their systems in the human body. Quite often, the phenomenon of the lack of the presented substance is observed if a person does not take into food enough products containing Vitamin C. Due to the replenishment of the daily rate, a person is enough to know where to look for ascorbic acid in kind and how much such vegetable or fruit day.

Do not pay attention to the fact that the body lacks this particular substance. The problems that such a situation can lead, sometimes, when running the entire process, develop into chronic pathological conditions, which prevents the normal functioning of the body. It is worth saying that ascorbic acid takes part in all metabolic processes of the body, affects the work not only of individual bodies, but also of all their systems.

Food rich in vitamin C

In some products, ascorbic acid is in more quantities. They are recommended to introduce into the diet in certain quantities. It is not so easy to produce such a calculation, and therefore all the data is shown in the table below.

Daily need for boiled / raw form (gr)

Dried richness

Freshly-ray richness


Red sweet pepper

Knyazhenica berry

Sea buckthorn

Green sweet pepper

Black currant



Brussels sprouts




Berries of strawberries and strawberries

Red cabbage

Citrus (Orange, Grapefruit, Lemon, Mandarin)

White cabbage

All products are arranged as the amount of "ascorbins" decreases. So, the rose rose robbery contains several ascorbic acid at times than white-baked cabbage. Naturally, the latter is in free access, but it is unlikely that a person will hardly use it in such quantities every day.

You should not adjust your diet so that only products include vitamin C. Food must be diverse and useful, so that the body is saturated with other useful vitamin substances and minerals.

Useful properties of ascorbic acid

Learning, in which products contains vitamin C, people begin to show interest in information about its indispensability in the body. The main positive moments of the effects of ascorbic acid per person are:

  • strengthening immunity, suppression of inflammation factor, the fight against infectious carriers;
  • assistance in the formation of an enzyme compounds;
  • help in organizing exchange processes of various types. Most often it is splitting and assimilation with the organism of other vitamin substances and minerals;
  • protection of the gastrointestinal tract, normalization of the work of the pancreas and the thyroid;
  • strengthening the walls of capillaries;
  • relaxing arteries;
  • decrease in pressure of the arterial type;
  • preventing the occurrence of atherosclerosis;
  • elimination of cholesterol from the body;
  • braking processes of wilting and aging of skin;
  • removal of free type of radicals;
  • increase the speed of healing of cuts, wounds;
  • strengthening health gum, teeth, vessels.

Considering the fact that Vitamin C is useful, it is necessary to take care of getting it daily. Choosing those products that satisfy the gastronomic preferences of a person and at the same time contain ascorbic acid, it is possible to get rid of many health problems for a long time, and also prevent the development of many pathological conditions.

Daily doses of admission for children and adults

For children and adults there are different norms of consumption of vitamin C per day. So, children, only born and not reached the year, need 25-30 mg of ascorbic acid every day. Since, such kids, before a certain age, do not feed anything, besides the milk of the mother or mixture, it is worth following certain rules. Nursing mothers should adjust their diet, learning which products contains vitamin C, and those who feed the child with a mixture must give preference to products containing it in the required quantities.

As the child grows, the child requires more ascorbic acid. Thus, the daily rate between the ages of the year to ten years range from 40 to 45 mg, but, adolescents who have not reached seventeen feet need 60-85 mg of the vitamin substance per day. It is worth considering the factor in the presence of a viral or inflammatory infection in a child. In such situations, the daily rate for children increases in two, almost three times.

As for adults, for them a daily rate variety from 140 to 160 mg. However, there are situations where the amount of vitamin C consumed is reduced or, on the contrary, increases. Such cases are situations when:

  • man is ill (let it even a common cold illness - the body requires much more ascorbic acid);
  • a person is constantly experiencing large physical exertion (the norm in such cases is up to 600 mg);
  • a woman is in a state of pregnancy or breastfeeding (it should consume not less than 250 mg vitamin C per day).

In the event that in the body there is a lack of ascorbic acid or its oversupply, it signals this appearance of certain symptoms. Their appearance is a reason to revise the diet and include products rich in sufficient "ascorbins" in it, as well as seek advice from a specialist.

Lack of vitamin C, his symptoms

The main symptoms of the lack of vitamin C include:

  • the occurrence of bleeding gums;
  • long healing of wounds, urnets, cuts, bruises;
  • constant feeling of "devastation" of the body;
  • constant changes in the mood;
  • insomnia or, on the contrary, increased drowsiness;
  • hair loss;
  • the occurrence of nasal bleeding;
  • depression;
  • decline in appetite;
  • pain in joints and muscles.

If the body lacks vitamin C, it is enough to think in advance to the menu for a week ahead, turning on it products containing it. In extreme cases, when symptoms are greater than a few, and there is a clear deficiency of ascorbic acid, additional drugs containing it are prescribed.

Outlying ascorbic acid, its symptoms

The main symptoms of the overabundance of vitamin C in the body are:

  • colic;
  • liquid chair;
  • unfortunate nausea and vomiting;
  • frequent urination that is not associated with cystitis or pregnancy.

These symptoms are indicators not only an oversight of vitamin C. To determine exactly and exclude from the diet of food products rich in ascorbic acid, it is necessary to seek help from specialists who will be able to conduct a proper examination.

Storage conditions and consumption of products containing vitamin C

Vitamin C, like any other vitamin substance, has certain features that dictate the rules for the storage, preparation and consumption of products, they are rich. These features include:

  • destruction in temperature processing with a large degree;
  • destruction when storing products for a long time, even in dark places;
  • reduction in the amount at the time of sunlight hit;
  • poor interaction with oxygen;
  • maximum preservation in the products undergoing drying procedure (refers to the berries of medicinal plants such as a rosehip, for example);
  • storage in an acidic environment;
  • the location of a large amount of vitamin in the peel;
  • destruction from interaction with metals.

In order for the maximum products to retain the amount of vitamin C, contained in them, do not store pre-sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables, greens or fruits in metal and aluminum dishes. Cooking vegetables needed, lowering them in already boiling water, tightly cover with a lid. Cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter is better to prepare for storage in the form of pickles, the content of ascorbic acid will be the most.