Vitamins for teenagers 17 years old. What vitamins for teenagers are better to choose. Indications and contraindications for taking pharmacy drugs

Maintaining health is one of the main daily tasks of every person, especially a teenager. At the age of 11-18, the processes of physical and mental development are especially active, therefore, one cannot do without a constant supply of necessary substances. Lack of vitamins can lead to serious health problems.

Useful complexes can help to cope with difficulties associated with gender maturation, hormonal changes, nutrition, stressful situations. Proven funds are sold, as a rule, only in pharmacies. However, their variety can confuse even the most "savvy" buyers. To determine the choice of vitamins, we recommend using a number of criteria:

  1. The product must be made specifically for adolescence. Adult vitamins will not work.
  2. The complex should correspond to the age of the child and his physical condition. The drugs are selected by age (younger or older adolescent). They can be aimed at combating specific problems of the body: decreased vision, overweight, or, conversely, lack of it, diabetes and others.
  3. We pay special attention to the composition. Children under the age of 18 need to get daily elements such as: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and iron.
  4. It is desirable that the vitamins are hypoallergenic.
  5. The supplement must be purchased exclusively in pharmacies; the manufacturer must be popular and with a good reputation.

To determine the best products, in addition to the listed characteristics, we studied the reviews of ordinary buyers. Based on them and the opinion of experts, we have selected the most famous and proven vitamin complexes, which we placed in the rating in accordance with the age of adolescents.

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

The best vitamins for teenagers 7-14 years old

Between the ages of 7 and 14, the child is faced with great changes in the body. His physique begins to form, he faces puberty, and the workload increases at school. All this negatively affects the health of a teenager. Doctors recommend supporting the body with vitamin complexes.

4 VITUS Strong

An excellent choice for enhancing the protective functions of the body
Country: Republic of Belarus
Average price: 194 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Vitamins "VITUS Krepysh" are primarily recommended for children and adolescents from 7 years old, whose protective functions of the body are in a weakened state. In addition, the complex has a positive effect on the child's immunity, its regular use (the average course is at least 1 month), helps to better assimilate the school curriculum, stimulates memory and increases efficiency during the period of rapid growth.

In their reviews, buyers highlight the natural composition of this dietary supplement. The absence of dyes, artificial flavors and sweeteners allows using VITUS Krepysh to support the health of children prone to allergies. The drug is produced in the form of effervescent, quickly dissolving in water. One package contains 18 white tablets. Taste - neutral, sourish. If necessary, you can add a little sugar to the solution.

3 Zdravcity Vitamin and mineral complex from A to Zn

The most affordable price
Country Russia
Average price: 169 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The next participant in our rating is a domestic product from the Russian company Zdravcity. Correctly selected composition of 13 vitamins and 10 minerals covers all the needs of the adolescent body in biologically active substances. Each tablet of the complex contains the daily requirement of riboflavin, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron compounds, as well as tocopherol, beta-carotene and other vital elements for the well-being of a 7-14 year old child.

The recommended duration of admission is 1 month. To prevent vitamin deficiency, during the recovery period after illness, or simply to maintain immunity during colds epidemics, it is enough to use 1 lozenge, which must be chewed directly during meals. The supplement has a pleasant cherry flavor and, according to parental reviews, is liked by most young patients.


A universal remedy. Improves well-being and is non-addictive
Country: Italy
Average price: 659 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Chewing lozenges "Multi-Tabs Junior" have a pleasant fruity taste and help maintain the balance of nutrients in the human body at the proper level. This is a universal drug that can be used by both children and adults, it is enough just to adjust the dosage according to the patient's age. For adolescents 10-11 years old, the norm is 1 table. per day. The maximum result appears after 30 days of use, after which you can take a break and, if necessary, repeat the treatment.

Judging by the reviews of the parents, "Multi-Tabs Junior" is able to have a very positive effect on the well-being of the child. After a month's course, most schoolchildren became less susceptible to seasonal viral diseases. Also, fatigue decreased in children and the general emotional background improved. Vitamins are not addictive and have no side effects. In some cases, the appearance of allergic reactions associated with individual intolerance to the components of the complex is possible.

1 Supradin Kids Junior

Best line-up
Country: Germany
Average price: 636 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

One of the popular drugs that have won the love of buyers is Supradin. In addition to the basic elements, it includes minerals and lycetin, without which some chemical reactions at the cellular level are simply impossible. Thanks to lycetin, the work of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems is normalized. This is the main advantage of Supradin over similar complexes.

Choline improves brain activity. Calcium is responsible for the musculoskeletal system, Omega-3 substances contribute to the correct intellectual and psycho-emotional development. It is noticed that the remedy restores strength, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and compensates for the lack of vitamins. Allergy to the drug is rare. Some parents say that there is no better support complex.

The best vitamins for teenagers 14-16 years old

The body of a 14-16-year-old adolescent is in a period of active growth. He needs a daily intake of vitamins A, B, C and D. Therefore, it is worth choosing complexes that necessarily contain these elements in large quantities. The most popular ones are presented below.


The most balanced composition. Simple reception scheme
Country Russia
Average price: 382 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Russian multivitamin "Complivit Active 7+" has been developed taking into account all the needs of children from 7 to 14 years old. The complex is based on a balanced combination of retinol (vitamin A), B vitamins (tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin) and ascorbic acid. The drug is available in the form of tablets, which are taken orally in 1 pc. a day after meals (unless the doctor has prescribed a different treatment regimen).

Complivit Active is recommended for use by adolescents who suffer from the consequences of an improper diet, experience increased mental and physical stress, or live in regions with unfavorable environmental conditions. The only contraindication is the presence of allergic reactions to the components that make up the vitamins, as well as an increased content of calcium and iron in the child's body.

3 Alphabet Schoolboy

Acceptable price
Country Russia
Average price: 360 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Chewable tablets are recommended for schoolchildren 12-13 years old. The special formula increases efficiency and immunity, strengthens the nervous system, and helps to endure physical exertion. The daily complex is divided into 3 receptions: morning, afternoon, evening. Each tablet has a specific composition that is quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

The alphabet does not contain fragrances or colorants. In the reviews, this is noted as a virtue. Thanks to the vitamins A, B, C included in the composition, the drug is suitable for the prevention of anemia, rickets and dental diseases. There are contraindications, they are indicated in the annotation. Overdose should not be allowed. Otherwise, the vitamin complex provides tangible help to a teenager in a difficult period.

2 Pikovit Forte 7+

The best safe vitamins. Increased concentration of vitamin B
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 317 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Multivitamins are intended for children with high fatigue. Excellent help with a decrease in concentration and loss of appetite, during seasonal vitamin deficiency, with increased physical exertion. Sometimes they are prescribed as an additional source of useful elements in complex therapy. They are distinguished by a high level of B vitamins. They do not contain sugar and have a pleasant tangerine taste.

Parents are happy with the supplement. I like that the product does not cause side reactions. In the reviews, they write that after taking Pikovit, the condition of the children has noticeably improved. They get sick less often, memory has improved, fatigue has decreased, vigor and mood have appeared. Stressful situations are easier for adolescents. Buyers are confident in the quality and safety of the drug.

1 Vitrum Junior

Best result
Country: USA
Average price: 450 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The drug is widely used in pharmacy chains. This is one of the most popular complexes. One tablet contains the daily rate of all the necessary macro and micronutrients that the body of children at the age of 13 needs. During this period, the teenager suffers high mental and nervous tension. Vitrum helps to cope with them. It should be noted that the supplement has successfully passed all clinical trials and has shown high results everywhere.

Vitamins are loved because they can be given to children with allergic diseases. Parents' opinions prove that the product gives tangible results. During use, a teenager has an increase in perseverance, attentiveness and composure. The child gets up more easily in the morning, does homework faster, and is emotionally more restrained. Consumers boldly advise Vitrum Junior to purchase.

Best vitamins for older teens: 16-18 years old

In older adolescence, the body especially needs support. As a rule, at this time the child is experiencing great mental stress, completing the course of high school. Many are actively involved in sports. Environmental conditions and unhealthy, low-quality nutrition with a large amount of GMOs also have a negative impact. Special vitamin complexes help to cope with such a load.

4 VITUS Gravitus

Safe dietary supplement for teenage girls
Country: Republic of Belarus
Average price: 289 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Multicomplex VITUS Gravitus with lime flavor is specially designed to support women's health. The tool is completely safe, therefore it can be recommended for admission not only to adolescent girls 16-17 years old, but also to nursing mothers. It contains 12 vitamins and basic micro and macro elements necessary to ensure proper metabolism during hormonal changes. In addition, the drug activates the production of phenylalanine, the most important amino acid involved in the production of protein in the human body.

VITUS Gravitus, like other products of this brand, is produced in the form of instant tablets. This form of release promotes rapid absorption and significantly increases the bioavailability of active ingredients. The supplement comes on sale in two versions of packaging - in tubes of 10 and 20 pills. The dietary supplement should be taken after meals in the amount of 1 effervescent per day.

3 Nature "s Plus Power-Teen

Vegetarian product. Gluten Free
Country: USA
Average price: 2 620 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The preparations of the American brand Nature "s Plus are well known to all adherents of a healthy lifestyle. The range of the company includes more than 1000 names of various dietary supplements, among which vitamins for children and adolescents are not the least. One of the best products in this category can be called a food supplement without exaggeration. "Strong teenager", which contributes to the correct physical and mental development of young people aged 16-18. The complex does not contain gluten and animal fats, therefore it can be safely used by people with celiac disease and those who adhere to a vegetarian menu.

Unfortunately, this product is not available in Russian pharmacy chains. You can buy it only on specialized sites (for example, at Therefore, despite the many positive characteristics, we cannot give Nature's Plus Power-Teen a more prestigious place in our rating, although, judging by the reviews, its effectiveness deserves the highest rating.

2 Doppelherz Beauty Anti-Acne

The best vitamins for clear and healthy skin
Country: Germany
Average price: 709 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

It's no secret that many adolescents aged 15, 16, 17 years old are often faced with the appearance of acne on the face and other parts of the body. Doctors recommend a comprehensive approach to solving the problem, and taking the right vitamins plays a very important role in this matter. The German biologically active food supplement "Beauty Anti-Acne" is aimed specifically at improving the condition of human skin. The active substances of this preparation are brewer's yeast, biotin, silicon and zinc, which are involved in metabolic processes and help to form a healthy structure of the epidermis.

Regular use of "Beauty Anti-Acne" (the recommended course is at least 1 month) blocks the development of inflammatory processes in the layers of the skin, so that the skin is leveled and gets a clean look. The tool is especially indicated for people who live in difficult environmental conditions, as well as those who do not follow the basic norms of a healthy diet.

1 Alphabet Teen

Good digestibility
Country Russia
Average price: 375 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

This complex of vitamins is very popular among buyers. It is based on a special development. Experts have studied which substances and how they interact with each other. For example, some components help better absorption of others. Based on these results, the Alphabet was created. The basic structure contains vitamin D and calcium, which are so necessary for children aged 16-18.

Consumers consider the absence of chemical dyes and preservatives to be a special advantage. In the reviews, an excellent idea of ​​scientists is noted: the separation of nutrients into three groups, depending on the assimilation. Alphabet Teenager contributes to the maintenance of immunity, full-fledged work of the hormonal and nervous systems, and improvement of the skin condition. Plus, it has a reasonable price.

Proper nutrition in adolescence is the key to the normal development of the body. But not all the necessary components are found in food all year round. Special vitamins for teenagers are a great way for healthy growth!

The emerging body needs a large amount of nutrients. We should not forget about the significant mental stress associated with schooling. It is in adolescence that the child faces the first difficult exams - first at school, and then upon entering the university.

What are good vitamins for teens? First of all, they must be of high quality. Today, a huge number of low-grade preparations and simply fakes are produced, containing nothing but chalk and dyes. We can recommend you an excellent product made in Japan, where quality always comes first.

One of the main processes taking place at this age is growth. Of course, parents want their child to grow up healthy and beautiful. And for the normal growth of a teenager, certain vitamins are required.

Vitamins ensure the correct passage of processes in cells and tissues. They play an essential role in the formation of a proportional figure, strong bones and muscles, the full development of internal organs, the formation of healthy and beautiful skin.

The most important vitamins for the growth of adolescents are:

  • A- is the main growth vitamin for adolescents. He is responsible for the development of bone tissue, that is, for the elongation of bones;
  • D- is responsible for the absorption of calcium, makes bones strong and prevents their diseases;
  • C- participates in the formation of connective tissue, helps to assimilate other useful substances;
  • E- protects A and C from destruction;
  • K- reduces blood density, which improves cell nutrition;
  • Group B regulates the hormonal and nervous systems, which are responsible for the correct formation of the body.

Basically, these vitamins are necessary for adolescents 12-13-14 years old, since it is at this age that the main period of growth falls.

Many teenagers go in for sports intensively, which puts additional stress on the body. Therefore, in order to maintain its functions, additional nutrients are needed.

First of all, teenage athletes need vitamins that are responsible for blood circulation. After all, children whose life is associated with constant physical activity, it is necessary that all muscles and organs receive enough oxygen and nutrients. Vitamin helps blood supply K.

For those children who are engaged in, for example, shooting, good eyesight is very important. Even if there are no problems at the moment, they can arise due to the constant strain on the eyes. To avoid this, you should regularly take vitamin A.

Sports activity is associated with a significant load on the joints, especially the knee. Therefore, it is necessary to drink vitamin E strengthening them.

Exercise puts a lot of stress on the muscles. Athletes are always at risk of injury. Therefore, one of the most essential vitamins for teenage athletes is ascorbic acid ( vitamin C), one of its main actions is to reduce muscle pain.

Group B, especially B6 and B12, are responsible for maintaining energy balance, thereby increasing tone and relieving fatigue. They are involved in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, which helps the formation of muscle tissue. They remove metabolic products from the body, such as lactic acid, which is the main cause of muscle soreness after exercise (called DOMS).

It is also important to avoid inflammation associated with injury and muscle strain. Young athletes can be helped with this vitamin D... Another of its effects is to strengthen bones, which will help to avoid fractures.

Video: Komarovsky about vitamins for children

What vitamins do adolescents need at 12-13-14 years old

The age of 12-14 years is one of the most significant in the development of the body. During this period, the main growth takes place and puberty begins. For all these processes to take place correctly, the balance of substances is important.

Unfortunately, at this particular age, due to unstable hormonal levels, it is quite difficult to convince a child to eat right. Therefore, vitamin supplements are necessary during this period.

  • D2 and D3- help the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, strengthen bones and protect against the leaching of calcium from the bones, which is very important for modern children, who mostly lead a sedentary lifestyle. You should be aware that D2 is not produced by the body, but comes exclusively from food or special supplements. Vit D3 is able to be produced in cells when exposed to sunlight;
  • E- promotes the development of the gonads and helps maintain a normal hormonal background, which is responsible for the formation of a beautiful proportional figure;
  • B3- promotes proper metabolism and helps to provide tissues with energy, which is very important for children undergoing constant mental and physical stress;
  • C- is responsible for the correct development of the joints. It is especially needed by children, among whose relatives there have been cases of joint diseases (arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout). It also strengthens the immune system, which means it helps protect the child from colds, flu, etc. This vitamin is important for children and adolescents, as it retains iron in the body and thereby helps to supply oxygen to cells. Vit C supports the liver, so it should be given to children during illness and treatment with potent drugs.

Vitamins for adolescents 15-16-17-18 years old

If at the previous stage of development (12-14 years old) vitamins played a primary role in the development of a teenager, then vitamins for adolescents 15-16-17-18 years old are needed to maintain health in a normal state.

During this period, the child's hormonal background is extremely unstable, so he needs vitamin E, which takes part in the synthesis of sex hormones.

Do not forget about ascorbic acid - it will help maintain the health of a teenager, since it provides the prevention of many diseases.

A big problem for teenagers is acne, blackheads and acne. Getting rid of them for a child at this age is extremely important, since in connection with puberty, he is very worried about his appearance and about being attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

A vitamin for teens that can help with acne is biotin - vitamin B7... It participates in fat metabolism, reduces the oiliness of the skin and protects it from inflammatory processes, that is, it helps to protect against skin imperfections.

Since acne is of infectious origin, ascorbic acid can be taken for prevention.

What are the vitamins for the brain and improve memory for adolescents

Education in schools and higher educational institutions is associated with great mental stress. Therefore, many teenagers need vitamins to improve memory. They will help them better cope with the pressures of education.

The main brain vitamin for adolescents is B1 regulating the functioning of the nervous system, improving memory and cognitive functions.

You can purchase from the Bitoki online store. Here you will find Japanese quality at a reasonable price. If you have children who have not reached adolescence, you can purchase drugs that will work for them.

We offer the best vitamin complexes to help children and adolescents grow, develop and improve their health. You can also buy from us fish oil in capsules with fruit flavor, dietary supplements with blueberries to improve vision, calcium supplements and other additives.

Buy only the best teen vitamins with Bitoki!

Children between the ages of 12 and 17 are considered adolescents. The youngest adolescence is the period from 12 to 15 years, the older - from 15 to 17. This is a very important time in a person's life. The child is actively growing and developing. It is very important for him to provide proper nutrition, with the consumption of all vital minerals, acids and vitamins.

For full development, a teenager needs vitamins

It should also be borne in mind that the senior school age has a particularly great mental and physical stress. Most of the children attend sports and music sections. They have late evening to complete their homework. In older adolescence, school exams begin. Later - preparation for entering the institute. During this period, children must definitely drink vitamin complexes that strengthen the body.

At the age of 15 years, the development of the human sexual sphere occurs (see also:). This period lays the foundations for the reproductive function of future men and women. In order for them to have healthy children in due time, it is necessary to carefully observe a balanced diet, moderate physical activity and intake of vitamins with minerals. Our article explains which vitamins to give to a grown-up son or daughter, how to choose the best drug from the many offered, what food should be introduced into the diet.

Difficulties in introducing vitamins into the daily diet

It is necessary to introduce food of different origin into the diet of a high school student - these are plant foods (herbs, vegetables, fruits) and animal foods (meat, fish, eggs, milk). This is sometimes quite difficult to do.

A grown-up girl pays a lot of attention to her appearance. If it seems to her that she is overweight, she goes on a strict diet, does not eat meat and eggs, does not eat sweets. She believes that boys only like skinny girls. The son also cares about his appearance. He tries to build muscle, switches to sports nutrition. All these measures deprive children of substances necessary for their health.

Another difficulty is the child's perception of food. Children do not like many dishes; they are wary of new culinary delights. It is very difficult to persuade an almost adult to eat something healthy.

During this period, it is impossible to force a teenager to eat the right food, and it is difficult to get a healthy product in winter.

List of essential vitamins and their effects

These are the substances without which the body of a teenager simply cannot develop normally:

  1. Retinol or vitamin A. It ensures full-fledged puberty and physical development of a teenager, participates in the growth of bones and in strengthening the immune system. At the age of 16, puberty dictates the need for taking retinol courses.
  2. The group of B vitamins helps to improve the metabolic processes of the body, strengthens the nervous system, and fights stress. After 15 years at school, exams begin, the high school student is overworked, and this group of vitamins will help him a lot.
  3. Vitamin D strengthens the skeletal system, spine, teeth. It must be introduced into the diet from the age of 13.
  4. Vitamin E has also been used since the age of 13. It ensures the full development of a high school student and helps the body to resist infection.
  5. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) strengthens the body. This drug improves the development of vascular and connective tissues, promotes better absorption of iron, improves immunity, heals wounds and cuts.
  6. Vitamin H, together with vitamin A, improves the condition of the teenager's skin, and this is a common problem in adolescent children (for more details in the article:).
  7. Vitamin PP and K help to establish proper blood circulation.

Vitamin intake

Table of the amount of consumption of vitamins per day:

Vitamin content in different foods that a teenager needs to consume

  • Vitamin A is found in foods such as liver, milk, cottage cheese and other dairy products, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables.
  • Group B is found in meats and vegetables, bread yeast, whole grains and unprocessed cereals.
  • D3 strengthens bones: it is found in dairy products, egg yolk and butter.
  • E is present in vegetable oils (corn, sunflower, olive) and nuts.
  • Phosphorus is found in fish and poultry meat, milk, cheese, cottage cheese - it strengthens bones.
  • Calcium is also found in milk, cheese, cottage cheese. There is a lot of it in broccoli. Calcium also strengthens bones and muscles.

Indications and contraindications for taking vitamin complexes

Often vitamin preparations are taken prophylactically in the cold season, when there are few fruits and vegetables grown in the ground on sale, or during periods of strong physical and mental stress. They are prescribed for certain developmental disorders and problems:

  • slow growth;
  • malnutrition for a number of reasons;
  • after suffering a serious illness requiring recovery;
  • after prolonged use of potent drugs (including antibiotics);
  • as already mentioned, in winter and spring due to a lack of natural vitamins;
  • heavy mental or physical stress (playing sports);
  • loss of appetite due to objective reasons.

If parents decide to buy a vitamin complex on their own and conduct its course for their child, it is necessary to think about the individual intolerance of the components of the complex by a high school student. An oversaturation with a vitamin preparation does not bode well for a teenager either. Such oversaturation often occurs with excessive consumption of retinol and vitamin D.

Supradin kids are useful for heavy school loads

Do not self-medicate. See your doctor and they will choose the right drug for you. Different doctors have different attitudes towards the periodic intake of vitamin complexes. Makarova S.G., which is a member of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, believes that vitamin complexes should be drunk by every child.

What vitamin preparations should I take?

Vitamin complexes are designed so that the population receives the substances necessary for the body (vitamins and minerals) in sufficient quantities. Each drug is designed to carry out preventive treatment courses at a specific age and case.

It is better if your doctor prescribes the drug. For those who want to choose a complex on their own, we give the admission rate for children and the composition of the most popular complexes.

The period of use of the drugComplex nameVitaminsNumber of mineralsDose for 1 day
5 to 13 years oldSupradine Kids Junior12 9 1 tab. up to 11 years old, 2 tab. after 11 years
From 7 to 14 years oldVitrum Junior13 10 1 tab.
– “ – Pikovit Forte 7+11 1 tab.
– “ – Alphabet Schoolboy13 10 1 tab.
11 to 17 years oldMulti-tabs Teen11 7 1 tab.
– “ – Sana-Sol for teenagers11 10 1 tab.
From 14 to 18 years oldVitrum Teen13 11 1 tab.
– “ – Alphabet Teen13 10 3 tab.

The effect of various vitamin complexes on the body

Choline is included in Supradin Kids Junior. This substance has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain. Thanks to this, the complex is prescribed during periods of great mental stress and stress.

Vitrum Junior contains calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. This complex also helps to strengthen the body. It is better to take it with great mental stress. It also strengthens the immune system.

The complex of vitamins Alphabet is specially designed for schoolchildren. The series also includes vitamins for older adolescents

Due to the high content of B vitamins in Pikovit Forte 7+, it helps to strengthen the nervous system and relieve stress. This complex is prescribed for nervous exhaustion.

Complex Alphabet Shkolnik also helps to strengthen the nervous system during mental overload in children, it strengthens the immune system and increases efficiency. In this complex, the mutual compatibility of the vitamins and minerals included in it is respected.

Multi-tabs Teenager contains a large amount of iodine. It helps the teenager to recover from illness and contributes to the overall strengthening of the body. During illness, the complex helps to awaken the body's defenses.

Sana-Sol contains a lot of vitamin D. This helps to strengthen the body with increased stress and malnutrition.

Vitrum Teenager complex contains a lot of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. These substances help with the development of bone and muscle tissue. The drug promotes metabolic processes in the body, helps a teenager to endure mental and physical overload.

Complex Alphabet Teenager has worked well for overworking a teenager. It is drunk during exams and sports competitions. The product is divided into 3 colored tablets. White contains calcium with vitamin D. Orange contains antioxidants. Cherry contains iron. There are no dyes, flavors or preservatives added to the preparation, which is very much appreciated by parents who strive to give their child only natural ingredients. The components of the preparation are selected based on their compatibility with each other.

The nuances of taking vitamins for adolescents

It is best to consult a doctor before using vitamins.

Parents should remember that special vitamin complexes are produced for adolescence. Dietary supplements, which are prescribed for adults, are not suitable for even older children.

You can buy complexes of vitamins and minerals only in pharmacies. Pass by stalls that may sell low-quality products. Look at the manufacturer's packaging for the expiration date.

Pay special attention to the composition of the complex. A teenager under 17 years of age needs substances such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron. It is these substances that will help the development of a high school student and protect him from infections.

IMPORTANT! During school age, the child may be overly impatient. Therefore, it can be difficult to introduce food of animal and plant origin in the required amount into his diet.

Parents of a teenage girl may face such a problem that their daughter begins to adhere to all kinds of diets in order to lose weight. Moreover, sometimes adolescents in pursuit of a beautiful appearance can go hungry altogether.

An equally dangerous problem can lie in wait for the parents of young men, in order to build muscles, a teenager resorts to the use of sports nutrition. Thus, it deprives itself of important micronutrients that are essential for the growing body year after year.

It is important to explain to the child which foods are most beneficial for the body. In addition, it is necessary to formulate the correct diet for the teenager in order to solve the problem that has arisen with him.

Essential micronutrients

During adolescence, children need to receive the following substances:

  1. Vitamin A is one of those essential nutrients that a child needs as they grow up. It has a beneficial effect on the formation of the human reproductive system. Therefore, almost all the best vitamin complexes contain Retinol.
  2. No less important, in terms of importance, vitamins of group B. Due to their use, the immunity of a growing organism is strengthened, and metabolic processes are also normalized. With the regular intake of such substances into the adolescent body, significant improvements in memory functions were observed.
  3. When choosing vitamin supplements for a teenage body, you should pay attention to complexes containing fish oil. Vitamin D is essential for bone formation and healthy teeth.
  4. A fundamental part of any good complex is Ascorbic Acid. This element is essential for maintaining the immune system. Due to the effect of Vitamin C, the walls of blood vessels become strong, the formation of new tissues occurs. This component allows the iron to be absorbed better.
  5. The effect of biotin on the human body helps to normalize the blood circulation processes. For the younger generation, this element is of significant importance, due to its impact on memory.

These are one of the most important vitamins that are necessary for schoolchildren of different ages. However, this list is not complete. This is because for the normal functioning of vital organs for this period, minerals should also be consumed.

These complexes are prescribed for the purpose of preventive therapy, as well as in the presence of the following problems:

  • insufficient growth of a child under 15 years old;
  • a meager diet includes nutrients;
  • after drug therapy, especially if antibacterial drugs were used for treatment;
  • seasonal shortage of useful components;
  • when, with severe mental and physical exertion, the child does not eat well;
  • if a teenager attends additional sports sections, where physical strength is required.

It is worth considering carefully the choice of drugs. Because if there is no deficiency of any element, a teenager may develop hypervitaminosis. To avoid such complications, you need to see a specialist.

Vitamin complexes for different ages

There is a huge selection of various preparations containing the most important complexes of vitamins and minerals. Many parents cannot immediately determine which components are necessary for adolescents of a particular age.

The influence of useful elements on the body of adolescents:

  1. A child of 11 years of age should consume substances that actively affect the processes of cell growth. In case of emotional instability, it is necessary to include foods rich in OMEGA-3 in the diet. Sometimes in children of this age, problems with overweight begin to appear. This should also be considered when choosing drugs.
  2. Vitamins for a teenager aged 12 years should have a beneficial effect on the immune system. Colds suffered during this period can significantly slow down the growth of the child and negatively affect the functions of thinking.
  3. Vitamins for adolescents at the age of 13 include general tonic complexes. During this period, the growth of new cells also actively continues, therefore, if necessary, it is necessary to saturate the child's body with such vitamins: OMEGA-3, Tocopherol, Ascorbic acid, Retinol.
  4. When choosing vitamins for a teenager at the age of 14, one should take into account how active the child is. Components that affect the restoration of strength will not be superfluous for a teenager of this age.
  5. Vitamins for adolescents 15 and 16 years old should be selected with great care. During this period, the growth processes slow down, the child begins to quickly get tired, become irritable. Therefore, along with strengthening agents, it is necessary to use elements to restore the nervous system.

In order to accurately identify which growth vitamins for adolescents are needed in an individual case, you should consult a pediatrician. This will avoid undesirable consequences in the form of an excess of one or another substance.

A growing body often requires more nutrients and microelements, because the processes of bone and tissue growth are accompanied by high consumption of the individual's energy resources. Vitamin preparations, specially developed for adolescent children, significantly improve the general condition of the child and help to strengthen the skeletal system.

Age characteristics of adolescents 12-14 and 15-17 years old

A characteristic feature of the development of children 12-14 years old is the onset of puberty, which occurs somewhat earlier in girls than in boys. During this age period, adolescents begin to intensively grow long bones and muscle fibers. The spine of a 12–14-year-old adolescent is highly mobile due to the presence of a large amount of cartilaginous, not yet ossified tissue.

A special multivitamin complex for adolescents will help to strengthen the spinal column and the intensively developing bones of the lower and upper extremities, which must be consumed regularly according to the scheme.

At the age of 15-17, all parts of the spine and chest begin to strengthen due to intense ossification. The sternum section gradually grows together with the ribs, but at the same time it continues to develop vigorously. In older school age, the growth of bones in width is characteristic. They are becoming more durable and able to withstand mechanical stress, but the process of their development is still ongoing. The use of vitamins at the age of 15-16 is very important for the formation of a teenager's body as a whole.

Puberty in older students provokes a hormonal surge in the body, due to which the emotional background of a girl or boy can change. Tense relationships with parents and peers, and falling in love can cause stress and irritability in adolescents. Vitamins and minerals can help you deal with such interruptions in your mood.

Indications for taking vitamin complexes in adolescence

In adolescence, the mental state of the child is especially vulnerable. Due to constant stress and anxiety, the barrier functions of the body weaken, opening the way for viral agents to penetrate. A visit to the doctor will help you figure out what vitamins a growing body needs. For the development and well-coordinated work of all organs and systems of an individual, it is necessary:

Parents should seriously think about the health of their children, especially at this time when fast food and soda prevails in the child's diet. Being at school or on the street with friends, teenagers often spend their pocket money on unhealthy foods: chips, crackers, gum and Coca-Cola. Parents are unable to control what their child eats outside the home. A full-fledged complex of vitamins will compensate for the deficiency of macro- and microelements in a teenager's body. Conditions and circumstances under which the intake of multivitamin complexes is indicated:

Review of popular vitamins

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of vitamins and multivitamin complexes for adolescents. An independent choice of the drug is possible, but it is necessary to take into account the individual intolerance of certain components and the age category of the child. It is better when the doctor prescribes a course of taking a vitamin, specially designed for adolescents, taking into account the indications.

To strengthen the immune system during the rise in the incidence of ARVI

In the cold season, the body's defenses are significantly reduced. The resources of the immune system are depleted and the likelihood of infection increases. During this period, doctors recommend taking special complexes of trace elements that will improve the general condition of the teenager.

Complex "Alphabet Shkolnik" has established itself as a drug that increases immunity, efficiency and improves the state of the nervous system. Multi-tabs Teenager is an iodine-containing agent that promotes rapid recovery after an infection, and has a positive effect on the performance of the whole organism as a whole.

For kids playing sports

Physical activity takes away a lot of strength and energy from a 13-year-old teenager, therefore vitamin and mineral complexes for teenage athletes are a wonderful way to strengthen the bone and muscular systems, increase endurance and restore the body's strength after training. Good drugs are:

  • Biovital gel;
  • Alphabet Teenager;
  • Multitabs;
  • Unicap M;
  • Hexavite;
  • Undevit;
  • Complivit Active.

To help with schoolwork (strengthening memory, attention)

When preparing for exams and cuts for a long time, high school students usually experience stress and anxiety, which negatively affects the ability to memorize a large amount of information. Overwork and lack of sleep are not the best way to affect the state of the adolescent body.

Complex vitamin and mineral preparations will help improve memory and the state of the nervous system before tests and exams.

Complivit completely replenishes the deficiency of vitamins in the child's body, increases endurance and performance during mental and physical exertion. Vitrum helps to increase attention and improve the memorization process in the classroom and during preparation for tests, enhances the protective functions of the adolescent's body.

For solving teenage problems with appearance

Hormonal changes in the body of a child in transitional age is a complex process that forms gender differences and regulates puberty in girls and boys. During this period, most adolescents experience problems with their appearance: acne, acne and acne appear on the face and other parts of the body, the production of sebum and sweat increases. Skin defects negatively affect the psychological state of a teenager. They can improve the emotional well-being and structure of the skin, as well as the condition of teeth and nails.