The best vitamins for men according to customer reviews. The best vitamins for increasing potency in men The best vitamins for male strength

Let's understand the terminology: vitamins are organic substances intended for the normal functioning of the human body. Most vitamins can be obtained from food, but the diet of modern men is far from perfect. That is why, in order to have a healthy potency, you will need to take special complexes.

The following types of vitamins are distinguished:

  • Fat soluble. They accumulate in the liver.
  • Synthetic. Produced by synthesis of chemical elements.
  • Extracted. Obtained on the basis of herbal ingredients.
  • Water soluble. These substances do not accumulate in the body.

Regular intake of vitamins provides strong immunity, endurance, persistent sexual desire and no less persistent potency. The lack of elements leads to a deterioration in appearance, frequent colds, weakness.

The most useful trace elements for persistent potency


  • Supports an erection.
  • Prevents prostate cancer.
  • Contained in pistachios and beans.
  • The norm for a man is 0.07 mg per day.


  • Synthesizes testosterone.
  • Participates in the processes of spermatogenesis.
  • Contained in seafood, pumpkin seeds.
  • Daily rate- 15 mg.


  • A powerful anti-aging antioxidant.
  • Contained in eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Carrots
  • You need to consume 34 mg per day.

Vitamins B

  • Increase libido.
  • Prevents cardiovascular disease.
  • Contained in meat, cereals, vegetables.
  • The daily dosage depends on the type of trace element.

Vitamin D

  • Participates in the synthesis of the sex hormone.
  • Normalizes sexual desire.
  • Contained in Fish Oil
  • In the cod liver.
  • You need to consume 0.015 mg per day.

Vitamin C

  • Strengthens blood vessels
  • Makes them elastic
  • Restores an erection in the morning.
  • Contained in pineapple, lemon, black currant.
  • The daily dosage can be up to 100 mg.


  • Promotes blood flow to the pelvic organs.
  • Found in Pine Nuts
  • Barley porridge
  • Cabbage
  • You need to take about 400 mg per day.


  • Stimulates sex drive and improves erection.
  • Contained in Nuts
  • Legumes
  • Vegetable oils
  • The daily allowance for men is approximately 18 mg.


  • Supports full ejaculation.
  • Promotes the synthesis of androgens.
  • Contained in prunes, lentils, peanuts.
  • Take about 5 mg per day.

When to take vitamins for potency?

  • During acute and chronic pathologies.
  • In spring and autumn, during colds.
  • After 40 years.

Interaction of vitamins

  • Vitamin B2 should not be combined with zinc and copper.
  • Tranquilizers and hypnotics reduce the effect of B vitamins.
  • It is recommended to take vitamin B at the same time as calcium.
  • Do not use laxatives while taking fat-soluble ingredients.

List of vitamin complexes for your erection


  • Indicated for stress, high emotional stress.
  • Improves sperm quality.
  • Contains vitamins A, D, C, manganese, magnesium, zinc.
  • The cost is about 150 rubles.

Complivit Selenium

  • Improves the functioning of the reproductive system, stimulates libido. Regular intake improves the body's resistance to toxins.
  • Contains retinol, ascorbic acid, selenium, manganese.
  • The average price is 200 rubles.


  • Activates the production of sex hormones, improves reproductive functions.
  • The remedy normalizes cardiac activity.
  • The tablets are based on vitamin D3.
  • The cost is about 300 rubles.

Alphabet (male)

  • Helps to synthesize a hormone to increase the tone of the reproductive system.
  • The composition includes retinol, ascorbic acid, selenium, zinc.
  • The cost is approximately 300 rubles.


  • The combined effect agent synthesizes testosterone and supports cardiac activity.
  • Contains ascorbic acid, vitamin A, magnesium, a complex of minerals.
  • The complex costs 500 rubles.


  • An excellent drug for a lack of vitamins, for recovery from illness.
  • The tool increases the body's endurance.
  • Vitamin A, D, B, zinc, magnesium are the main components.
  • The packaging will cost you about 700 rubles.

Centrum for men

  • Supports testosterone production and prevents heart attacks.
  • The composition includes tocopherol, B vitamins, ascorbic acid.
  • The packaging costs about 500 rubles.

Men’s Ultra Daily

  • Another vitamins for potency, activating the movement of blood, normalizing hormonal balance. The capsules are especially beneficial for athletes.
  • The additive contains African plum bark, lemongrass extract.
  • The complex costs 1000 rubles.


  • An inexpensive erection aid that improves sperm activity.
  • The composition includes vitamin A and tocopherol, which affect the synthesis of the sex hormone.
  • Packaging costs no more than 100 rubles.


  • Promotes vascular elasticity.
  • Provides a full flow of blood to the genitals.
  • The composition includes organic acids, plant extracts.
  • The supplement costs about 1000 rubles.

Vita men

  • The drug is responsible for improving blood circulation and testosterone production. The agent saturates the prostate with the necessary microelements.
  • It contains a complex of standard vitamins, zinc, chromium and selenium.
  • The packaging costs about 200 rubles.

Orthomol Fertil Plus

  • An excellent remedy for increasing male fertility.
  • The composition contains a high concentration of copper, zinc and selenium.
  • You can buy a package for 4500 rubles.


  • The tool is designed to produce testosterone and increase sex drive.
  • The complex consists of lemongrass and Damiana extract.
  • The drug costs 200 rubles.

Man's Formula

  • The tablets improve semen composition and prolong sexual intercourse.
  • The preparation contains ginseng and pepper extract.
  • The tool costs about 900 rubles.


  • Activates the work of the gonads, suitable for men with strong physical exertion.
  • The composition includes ascorbic acid, zinc, magnesium, retinol.
  • You can buy the product for 200 rubles.

Male multiple

  • Restores sexual energy and stamina, improves sports performance.
  • The complex consists of ascorbic acid, nettle extract, zinc and selenium.
  • The cost of the drug is 1000 rubles.


  • The tablets improve the functioning of the heart and circulatory system.
  • The drug consists of folic acid and rutin, which improve vascular elasticity.
  • The cost is 150 rubles.


  • It contains substances that stimulate erection and provide blood flow to the penis.
  • Alotrifalin, Peruvian maca extract - main components.
  • The supplement costs 1200 rubles.

Yohimbe forte

  • The tool prolongs sexual intercourse and provides a firm erection.
  • It contains yohimbe extract and zinc.
  • The drug costs about 300 rubles.


  • Supports the prostate gland in good shape, eliminates erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
  • It contains extracts of unique plants for male strength.
  • The packaging is worth it.


  • The complex increases libido, increases the number of active sperm.
  • The composition includes an extract of exotic plants.
  • The tool costs about 1800 rubles.


  • The combined action complex improves reproductive function. It stimulates testosterone production and increases cravings.
  • The composition includes tocopherol, L-carnitine, folic acid.
  • Speroton costs 1,500 rubles.


  • The drug enhances erection and protects the body from overwork.
  • Contains B vitamins and magnesium.
  • The average cost is 2,000 rubles.


  • The remedy enhances the synthesis of the sex hormone and restores the desire to have sex.
  • The composition includes an extract of yohimbe, ginger, zinc.
  • The tool costs 600 rubles.

Sperm Plant

  • An excellent option for restoring reproductive function. The tool improves sperm motility, prevents prostate diseases.
  • The preparation contains nettle extract and taurine.
  • The package costs 400 rubles.

How to choose vitamins for potency depending on age

  • At a young age, it is recommended to take retinol and tocopherol.
  • After 40 years, ascorbic acid is especially useful.
  • In old age, switch to vitamin D complexes.

Other popular manufacturers of dietary supplements for potency

  • Himalaya (Indian firm).
  • Evalar (for lovers of Russian products).
  • Solgar (expensive and high quality American drugs).

Healthy vitamin dishes for an erection

Get vitamins from food:

  • A decoction of dry ginger root (perfectly tones).
  • A mixture of their nuts and quality dried fruits to replenish vitamin deficiencies.
  • Dried fruits with the addition of fresh kefir.
  • Beef azu with mashed potatoes.
  • Fresh oysters with lemon juice.
  • A decoction of milk and grated carrots as a healthy dessert.
  • Fatty fish cooked in a double boiler.
  • Regular boiled chicken eggs.
  • Greens and shrimp salad.
  • Freshly squeezed juices (especially from celery).

These simple recipes will help keep your potency in perfect order.

But it is better to refuse caffeine, semi-finished products, smoked products, salvage spices, alcohol, fried and flour dishes. All of this diminishes your masculine strength.


Vitamin complexes from trusted manufacturers will help maintain an erection for many years, and healthy foods and a balanced diet will enhance this effect.

Many men of different ages face poor potency. To combat this problem, you should give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, and eat right. In case of insufficient intake of nutrients from food, doctors recommend taking special vitamins to increase potency.

Vitamins are biologically active substances involved in metabolism that contribute to:

  • Strengthening general and local immunity;
  • Acceleration of the transmission of impulses between the genitals and brain cells;
  • Synthesis of spermatozoa, improvement of their quality characteristics;
  • Normalization of blood circulation;
  • Strengthening blood vessels and reducing their permeability.


Vitamin A or Retinol:

  1. Boosts immunity.
  2. Accelerates the wound healing process.
  3. Inhibits the aging process.
  4. Stimulates the synthesis of spermatozoa, improves their quality.
  5. Participates in the process of protein synthesis.
  6. Stimulates the growth of new cellular structures.


Vitamin C or ascorbic acid helps to increase the immune forces, prevents the reproduction of infectious agents... Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the vascular system: increases the flexibility of blood vessels, reduces permeability and improves their permeability what is necessary to increase potency and. Ascorbic acid reduces the synthesis of cortisol, which helps to cope with psycho-emotional stress. Participates in the process of testosterone production.


Vitamin E or tocopherol essential for the production of androgens... Adequate intake of tocopherol improves the quality characteristics of sperm, stimulates erectile function.

Video about useful properties vitamin E

Together with selenium, it participates in the process of neutralizing radicals that poison the body and accelerate the aging process. In addition, tocopherol - a prophylactic agent in the fight against diseases of the heart and blood vessels... It normalizes blood circulation, reduces the risk of blockage of the lumen of blood vessels by cholesterol plaques and blood clots, which is necessary for a stable erection.


Vitamin D is a complex of active ingredients:

  • Cholecalciferol or vitamin D3 is synthesized by exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • Ergocalciferol or vitamin D2 comes from food.

Vitamin D affects the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for the structure of the skeletal system. It participates in the synthesis of hormones and sperm, promotes good potency.

Group B

Among the B vitamins, the most necessary for increasing potency are:

  1. IN 1- a source of energy, healthy sleep, increases immune strength, reduces fatigue and irritability, improves mental performance.
  2. B3 (PP, nicotinic acid)- stimulates the activity of the brain, helps to reduce headaches, increases the body's resistance to stress and depression, relieves muscle pain, improves sleep, lowers blood cholesterol, expands the lumen of blood vessels.
  3. B4 (choline)- improves the speed of transmission of impulses between nerve endings and the spinal cord and brain, therefore it is used to increase potency.
  4. B6 (pyridoxine) participates in the exchange of protein compounds, amino acids, which are necessary for the production of testosterone and androgens. Helps relieve muscle pain and fatigue.
  5. B9 (folic acid)- a vitamin responsible for the production of norepinephrine, serotonin, which improve the psycho-emotional state, help to recover from mental and physical stress. An important function of folic acid is to participate in the synthesis of sperm.

The daily norm of vitamins to maintain male potency

Before taking fortified supplements to improve potency, you should familiarize yourself with their daily rate, since excessive intake negatively affects the body's performance, as does the deficiency.

The daily intake of vitamin A is 900 mcg... Sources of retinol are:

  • Brightly colored vegetables (carrots, pumpkin);
  • Greenery;
  • Fruit of a bright color;
  • Beef liver;
  • Egg yolks;
  • Seafood (cod liver, fish oil).

What foods contain retinol (vitamin A), the content per 100 g of the product is indicated

The daily requirement for ascorbic acid ranges from 200 to 500 mg... Vitamin C is found in:

  1. Rosehip.
  2. Sweet pepper.
  3. Black currant.
  4. Sea buckthorn.
  5. Kiwi.
  6. Cabbage (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower).
  7. Citrus fruits (lemon and orange).
  8. Kalina.
  9. Strawberries.

The daily intake of tocopherol is 20 mg... Vitamin E for potency is contained in:

  • Nuts;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Rosehip, sea buckthorn, viburnum berries;
  • Seafood (eel, squid, salmon, pike perch);
  • Greens (spinach, sorrel).

The daily requirement for calciferol is 2.5 mcg... The main source of vitamin D is ultraviolet radiation, therefore it is important to stay under the sun for an average of 20 to 40 minutes on sunny days, which will ensure the daily requirement of the biologically active component in the body. It has the ability to accumulate in the body, which prevents the occurrence of a deficiency state on cloudy days.

You can also provide the daily allowance for calciferol by regularly consuming:

  1. Seafood (seaweed, salmon, cod, fish oil);
  2. Dairy products ( butter, hard cheese, milk and sour cream with a high percentage of fat);
  3. Mushrooms;
  4. Egg yolks.

The daily intake of B vitamins is as follows:

  • B1 - from 1 to 2 mg;
  • B2 - from 1.5 to 2.4 mg;
  • B3 - 16 mg;
  • B4 - from 0.5 to 1 gram per day;
  • B6 - 2 mg;
  • B9 - from 200 to 500 mcg.

Important vitamins for male strength are found in:

  1. Liver.
  2. Seafood (octopus, mackerel, sardine, perch, cod, carp, crab).
  3. Meat.
  4. Dairy products (cheese, sour cream).
  5. Chicken egg.

When to take vitamin and mineral complexes

Taking vitamins is prescribed in courses from one to three times a year for 30-60 days. When choosing a drug, the patient's age, general health, work, the presence of bad habits and other unfavorable factors are taken into account.

Men between the ages of 20 and 40, the intake of foods and supplements with vitamins A, E and group B should be increased... This combination helps to reduce the negative impact of bad habits, nervous tension and other unfavorable factors on the body, supports muscle mass, stimulates the synthesis of high-quality sperm, increases male libido.

After 40 and up to 50 years, vitamins A, E and C will benefit, which increase the immune forces and have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle, strengthen the vascular system and slow down the aging process.

Men over the age of 50, the intake of vitamin D should be increased, which has a positive effect on the skeletal system, minimizes the risk of cerebrovascular accident and acute pathologies of the heart muscle.

The need for additional intake of vitamins and minerals exists in winter and early spring, when the concentration is biologically active substances in the body is gradually decreasing, and fresh vegetables and fruits, which are necessary to replenish "stocks" are difficult to find in stores.

A man should take vitamins:

  1. With increased psycho-emotional and mental stress, as a result of which the "consumption" of useful components increases.
  2. If you have bad habits... Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption alter metabolic processes, disrupt the absorption of biologically active substances, enhance the process of their washing out of the body.
  3. During recovery after injuries, operations, serious illnesses.
  4. With pathologies of the digestive tract that impair absorption nutrients from food.

The best drugs for male potency

Before taking a complex of vitamins and minerals, you should contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary one.

Table 1. List of the most powerful drugs for maintaining potency.

NameDescriptionprice, rub. for 30 capsules (tablets)
"Complivit Selenium"The food additive is used in the composition. Contains calcium, zinc, copper, selenium, as well as vitamins A, E.300
"Man's formula"A preparation based on yohimbe bark, ginseng, extract from green shellfish. Stimulates erectile function and increases libido. Used for a long period of time.500
"Duovit for men"Contains vitamins A, E, D and group B, iron, magnesium, copper, iodine and manganese. Increases endurance and activity, improves general condition, therefore it is used to increase male strength.400
"Wimax"Dietary supplement based on ginkgo biloba, ginseng, hawthorn. Contains the daily requirement of vitamin E, which is necessary to maintain erectile function.450
"Alphabet for Men"The tablets contain vitamins, trace elements and Siberian ginseng extract. Promotes an increase in the protective properties of the body, energizes, tones, improves sexual function.160
"Vitrum"The drug with vitamins A, E and C, copper, zinc, selenium and manganese, which strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation, promote the synthesis of testosterone, which in combination increases potency and promotes strong erection.465
"Gendevit"The biologically active food supplement contains ascorbic acid, retinol, folic acid and ergocalciferol, which improve the quality of sperm, increase potency, stimulate erection, strengthen local and general immunity (more about).57
"Centrum"The drug is rich in vitamins (A, C, D and E), elements (calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine, potassium, chlorine), which are necessary to maintain the efficiency of the whole body and stimulate male potency. Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, endocrine system. 516
"Parity"Contains biologically active substances: vitamins A, E, C, as well as zinc and selenium. Strong drug to stimulate potency by improving testosterone synthesis.1070
"Velman"Vitamin and mineral complex, which includes vitamins A, C, D, B, magnesium, selenium, zinc, manganese, arginine and others. It is used for heavy physical and emotional stress, has a strengthening effect, stimulates male strength.582
"Opti-Men"Dietary supplement. Recommended for athletes and men who lead an active lifestyle, as it contains the necessary amount of useful components to stimulate muscle strength, mental activity, endurance and erectile function. The composition includes vitamins B9, B12, C, A, K, E, B6, as well as silicon dioxide, oyster extract and magnesium stearate.350
"Supradin"A complex of vitamins (A, E, groups B, C), as well as minerals (zinc, copper, calcium, magnesium, iron). It is used to strengthen the body's endurance during periods of illness, mental and physical stress. It is a prophylactic agent for colds, helps to recover after a long diet, antibacterial and hormonal treatment.700
"Men’s Daily"Includes 18 minerals and vitamins E, A, C, D and group B. Stimulates testosterone synthesis, increases immunity and endurance, stimulates mental activity, tones up and energizes.350
"Likoprofit Potential"It is prescribed to increase immunity and improve potency. Stimulates testosterone synthesis, improves sperm quality and motility. Contains vitamin E, zinc, selenium, flavonoids, ginseng root, amino acids, ginkgo biloba and yohimbe bark.670
"Terawit"The multivitamin complex contains vitamins D, E, A, C and group B, selenium, chromium, boron, iodine, iron. It is used to replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in case of malnutrition and vitamin deficiency.130
Evalar EffexA preparation based on 12 vitamins and 7 minerals, biotin, Horny Goat Weed and Leuzea extracts. Increases endurance, stimulates the prostate gland, enhances sexual desire.300
"Kamavit Forte"Stimulates testosterone synthesis, improves sperm quality. Includes ginkgo biloba extract, Chinese magnolia vine and others.500
"Doppelherz Omega 3"A complex of vitamins and minerals, as well as other active ingredients, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the genitourinary system. It has a regenerating, antiphlogistic effect.431
"Aevit"A complex of vitamins and minerals. Normalizes metabolic processes, enhances immunity, strengthens the vascular system, improves blood circulation, which helps to increase potency.95
"Yohimbe forte"A drug designed specifically for men. Helps to cope with erectile dysfunction, enhances libido, increases sensitivity, helps to prolong sexual intercourse and prevents premature ejaculation. Contains ginseng extract, yohimbe, zinc.295
"Andropen"The herbal preparation, thanks to which it is used for the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the genitourinary system in men, stimulates the synthesis of testosterone, which helps to increase libido.1600 / bottle 10 ml

Any of the drugs listed in the table can be purchased at a pharmacy, on the manufacturer's website or from their official representatives.


Before using dietary supplements, you should read the attached instructions.

You should not resort to taking some vitamins in the presence of diseases of the digestive tract of an ulcerative and erosive nature, urolithiasis. It is also recommended to abandon therapy in case of individual intolerance to the components of the composition of the medication.

In case of an overdose of drugs, side reactions may occur: drowsiness, insomnia, allergies, exacerbation of chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the formation of calculi in the organs of the urinary system and blood clots in the vessels.

Doctor Evdokimenko talks about contraindications and drug overdose

Vitamins for men are bioactive supplements designed to replenish the deficiency of certain elements in order to activate sexual function, normalize hormonal levels, and improve fertility.

Supplements do not directly affect potency, like "". Their action is to strengthen blood vessels, increase testosterone levels, activate blood flow, and improve nerve conduction. The list of compounds most significant for potency is given in table 1.

Table 1. Vitamins for potency

NameDaily doseSpheres of influence
A (retinol)1-3 mgResponsible for the condition of the mucous membranes (epithelium of the urogenital organs) and skin, regulates the processes of cell division and mineral metabolism, normalizes the production of sex hormones, participates in the synthesis of cholesterol (necessary for the production of testosterone).
D (calciferol)0.02-0.05 mgInfluences the production of testosterone, maintains libido, muscle tone, and the nervous system.
E (tocopherol, "anti-sterile vitamin")10-15 mgIt is necessary for the synthesis of gonadotropic (stimulating the production of sex hormones) pituitary hormone, improves metabolic processes, stimulates sexual function. With a deficiency, the ability to conceive decreases (the structure of the seminiferous tubules is disturbed, a decrease in the number of germ cells).
B1 (thiamine)2-3 mgResponsible for nerve conduction, the tone of the nervous system. With a deficiency, the quality of orgasm worsens, the sensitivity of the nerve receptors of the genital organs decreases, and chronic fatigue appears.
B2 (riboflavin)2-3 mgRegulate metabolic processes, sugar level, thin the blood.
B5 (pantothenic acid)10-15 mg
B6 (pyridoxine)2-4 mg
B12 (cyanocobalamin)0.001-0.003 mgIt is necessary for the transformation of carotene into vitamin A, stimulates the formation of proteins and nucleic acids.
B9 (folic acid)400 mcgParticipates in the formation of libido. With a deficiency, libido decreases, the quality of sperm deteriorates.
WITH80 mgIt is necessary for the formation of immunity (for the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system), as well as for the absorption of vitamin D.

In addition to vitamins, men also need minerals (the daily norm is indicated in brackets): selenium (100 μg), zinc (15 mg), magnesium (420 mg for men after 30 years), manganese (5 mg), chromium (50 μg). All these elements, together with plant extracts and enzymes, are included in complex supplements.

Who Needs Supplements and How to Take Them Properly

Artificial vitamins should be taken only in cases where their deficiency cannot be supplemented with food: diseases, specialties of the profession (polar explorers, cosmonauts, sailors). Under normal conditions, it makes sense to resort to the products of the nutraceutical industry when there are obvious symptoms of a lack of one or another element, that is, consciously. For example: lips are often chapped, skin peels off - drink a course of vitamins A and E ("Aevit"), then adjust the diet to include fatty fish and vegetable oils (there is a lot of vitamin E in ordinary sunflower seeds).

Young men rarely need additional supplements, and after 40 years, the need for antioxidants C and E increases that inhibit the aging process of organs. Vitamin A intake should be reduced as it builds up with age and excess will lead to liver damage. Men over 45 years old magnesium supplements are beneficial, which regulates the activity of the cardiovascular system, as well with calcium in combination with vitaminD.

Vitamin deficiency also depends on the lifestyle. Do you have bad habits (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption)?

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Factors provoking a deficiency of vitamins and minerals:

  1. Drinking coffee, tea, energy drinks. Three cups of coffee are enough to neutralize the daily dose of B and PP vitamins. Caffeine also reduces the absorption of iron, calcium, potassium, zinc.
  2. Alcohol. It prevents the assimilation of vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, E. With regular use of alcohol, potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron are actively washed out of the body.
  3. Smoking. Nicotine does not allow selenium to be absorbed, destroys vitamins A, C, E.
  4. Stress. Provoke a deficiency of B vitamins.
  5. Excessive sugar consumption, chronic diseases, medication (antibiotics, statins, laxatives, diuretics). The latter are especially active in reducing the amount of vitamins A, D, E.

How do you know which vitamins you are missing? What vitamins should you take? Dr. Evdokimenko tells in more detail:

The effectiveness of dietary supplements directly depends on the way they are taken - how well the drug is absorbed by the body. Some vitamins are fat-soluble, others are water-soluble. The first group includes K, E, P, D, A. It is better to seize them with fat-containing products (it is not in vain that grated carrots are watered with vegetable oil or sour cream - without them the necessary substances will not be absorbed). Elements of this group are accumulated and stored in the fatty tissue of the body.

Vitamins C and group B dissolve well in water. The body uses them without delay, removing residues in the urine. Only B12 can be stored in the liver for many years. It is better to take water-soluble vitamins in the morning: 30 minutes before breakfast, during it or immediately after... B1, B6 and B12 should not be taken with milk. The interval should be at least 3-4 hours.

It is advisable to take minerals in the afternoon between meals. Iron and calcium are incompatible, since they mutually interfere with absorption. If the supplement is complex, then it is better to use it in the morning. Such preparations are incompatible with oatmeal (minerals will not be absorbed). Iron supplements can be taken with juices - vitamin C promotes its absorption.

Optimal time to receive certain elements:

  • 21 to 24: calcium, magnesium;
  • From 18 to 21: vitamins D, K, omega acids;
  • 12 to 18: zinc, iodine, coenzymes;
  • From 6 to 12 days: C, E, group B, iron.

If the additive is complex, the manufacturer has taken care of the combination of elements and you can use the drug at breakfast. Do not chew pills that are not intended for this.

Danger of overdose

The production and trade of dietary supplements is a very lucrative business that brings owners millions of dollars. People from childhood are taught the need to take them for good health, but they are often the cause of diseases. An overdose of water-soluble vitamins leads mainly to symptomatic disorders (allergies), which disappear after discontinuation. An excess of fat-soluble ones is much more dangerous, since they are not excreted, but accumulate in the liver and adipose tissue.

An overdose of vitamin D provokes the leaching of calcium from the bones, the formation of calcifications on the walls of blood vessels. Excess vitamin A is deposited in the kidneys and liver, which ultimately leads to metabolic disorders, anemia, and a malfunction of the digestive system. High doses of B6 (more than 10 mg) cause nerve damage (neuropathy), sometimes irreversible. Beta-carotene is dangerous for smokers and alcohol addicts - it can provoke cancer.

Excess vitamin E provokes headaches, digestive problems, muscle weakness, and can reduce blood clotting. The information portal presents the results of studies by American scientists, according to which men who regularly take vitamin E have a 17% increase in the risk of developing prostate cancer ( .html). How reliable the information is and in what form the supplement was taken is unknown.

On an overdose of vitamin complexes and on contraindications:

An overdose of vitamin C threatens with thrombosis, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, rheumatism, atherosclerosis. Excessive consumption of B2 provokes pathologies of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Long-term use of vitamin monocomplexes will lead to the fact that the body stops absorbing them, metabolic processes fail, allergic reactions and intoxication will begin.

No need to drink supplements as a “just in case” course. You can verify the need for taking them by analyzing the vitamin and mineral profile.: it is enough to donate hair, nail, urine or blood for research in any network laboratory. For example, in "Invitro" an extended study of the reserves of microelements in the hair will cost 6,500 rubles, the usual one - 3,700 rubles. In the Gemotest laboratory, the analysis of the amount of vitamins of group B costs 12,620 rubles, complex A, D, K, E - 7430 rubles, a blood test for the content of A, D, E, K, B1, B5, B6, C - 15,500 rubles ... The analysis separately for each vitamin will cost 2,200 rubles. In the KDL laboratory, the cost is significantly lower: from 350 to 980 rubles. for each element. Tests are expensive, but many spend much larger sums on useless and even dangerous drugs, instead of identifying a real deficiency and consulting a nutritionist.

Vitamins in food: why naturals are healthier than artificial

Natural vitamins are much more useful than synthetic ones, since they contain a protein base, while artificial ones do not. The crystalline structure of the latter is difficult to break down and is absorbed by the body only partially. As a result, there is an accumulation of chemicals (urine acquires a characteristic odor). The kidneys and liver take on additional stress. When vitamins are supplied in foods and drinks, intestinal microorganisms digest and remove all excess.

Vitamin E (the most important for the health of the male reproductive system) in most drugs is contained in a reduced form. In nature, it consists of eight compounds (isomers), and often only one is sold (alpha-tocopherol), so there is no full effect from the intake. When the body is saturated with one isomer, the others are destroyed. The inscription on the dl-alpha tocopherol preparations means that the compound will only be absorbed by half. For a relatively high-quality drug, the prefix consists of one letterd: d-alpha tocopherol.

Natural tocopherol is 50 times more powerful than synthetic because it contains tocotrienols. To provide the body with antioxidants, it is enough to consume the following foods: flax seed oil, olive oil, walnuts and hazelnuts, sunflower oil.

Table 2. Vitamins in food

VitaminWhere is contained
AIn pure form: butter, fats, liver of marine animals and fish, egg yolk. In the form of provitamin (carotene): pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, green beans. Provitamin is converted to retinol directly in the body during biochemical processes.
DButter, fish oil, liver, egg yolk. Sunlight is needed to transform into an active form.
EVegetable oils, herbs, liver, milk, egg yolk, butter, meat.
IN 1Brewer's yeast, kidney, liver, cereal germ.
IN 2Milk, liver, egg white, fish, poultry, legumes.
AT 5In almost all products, it is synthesized by the intestinal microflora.
AT 6Liver, yeast, is produced in the intestines.
AT 12Meat, liver of fish and animals.
AT 9Legumes, eggs, milk, cabbage, cereals, nuts.
WITHRosehip, bell peppers, citrus fruits, currants.

According to Alexander Miroshnikov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Nutraceutical Department of the Research Institute of Sports Medicine, if a person eats normally (not semi-finished products from boxes and bags), then there is no need for additional intake of artificial vitamins ( / 3246498 /). The modern average man spends little physical strength, so he can get all the necessary amount of substances necessary for the body from following products(approximate set):

  1. Vitamins: 2 eggs, bell peppers, sunflower oil, 100 g of beef liver.
  2. Minerals: potatoes, whole grain bread, 100 g cheese.
  3. Vitamin D for "children of the dungeon": fatty fish, nuts, seafood.

If a man is actively involved in sports, then he should focus on B12, C and D. For office workers, an additional amount of B vitamins is needed. Vegans cannot do without taking the amino acid methionine.

What vitamins to choose

If a lack of a number of elements is identified, then it can only be replenished with high-quality drugs. They contain the necessary substances in easily digestible forms. The following products of pharmaceutical companies have earned the trust of men:

  • Omega acids (useful for better absorption of fat-soluble vitamins): Omega-3-6-9 Solgar (3490 rubles), Ultimate Omega-D3 Sport from Nordic Naturals ($ 32).
  1. Complex with ginseng Ginseng strong for 1600 rubles.
  2. MultiTabs Man (vitamins and minerals) for 858 rubles.
  3. To increase testosterone with tribulus (creeping tribulus) X-potens Tribulus 500 for 1680 rubles.

Finnish vitamins "X-potens Tribulus 500"

Gaining popularity japanese vitamins:

  • For men over 40 by Fancl. It contains vitamins, plant extracts (including guarana, turmeric, poppy seeds), acids. Price from 3500 RUR
  • With iron from Orihiro. It also contains vitamins B6, B9, B Price from 1000 rubles.
  • To improve spermogram TTC-5. Contains: vitamins, Chinese mushroom cordyceps, zinc, selenium, chromium, poppy seeds, oyster extract. Price RUB 4700
  • With selenium and zinc from Orihiro. Price 1600 rubles.

On the sites, you can order Japanese vitamin complexes for different age groups, as well as to alleviate the symptoms of typical male diseases: prostatitis, gout, even hangover syndrome. Delivery from Japan takes about a week.

Many are skeptical about domestic drugs, but some of them are no less effective than foreign ones, and at the same time much cheaper. For example, funds from the Evalar company:

  1. To maintain potency and eliminate premature ejaculation, the Effex neuro complex is intended. Contains: amino acids, zinc, B vitamins, Horny Goat Weed. Price from 770 RUR
  2. Toning complex "Effex" for men: vitamins A, D, E, C, group B, extracts of Horny Goat Weed and Leuzea, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper. Price from 470 RUR
  3. Complex for increasing testosterone: extracts of eurycoma longifolia, ginger, yohimbe, zinc, vitamin E, deer antlers extract. Price from 468 RUR

High bioavailability vitamins differ from the brands "Duovit" (430 rubles) and "Alphabet" (410 rubles).

Vitamin and mineral complex "Alphabet for Men"

It is most profitable to order foreign dietary supplements on the where all famous brands are represented. Rating of men's vitamins by frequency of purchases:

  • Alive man's ultra potency ($ 15.91) with digestive enzymes, extracts of ginseng, eleutherococcus;
  • Opti-Men from Optimum Nutrition ($ 25.38). Includes 75 components;
  • Mega Multi for men from 21st Century ($ 7.54);
  • Adam by Now Foods ($ 29.14)
  • VitaForm from Allmax ($ 9.99);
  • Vitamin Code men from Garden of Life ($ 31.49). All ingredients are of natural origin.

The speed of our life is constantly increasing. A modern man is influenced by many aggressive environmental factors - from unfavorable ecology to stressful situations in the family and at work. Among psychological phobias, the problem of erectile dysfunction also occupies a prominent place.

Impotence is a horror story for any man. According to statistics, after 50 years, it occurs in 53% of men, from 40 to 50 - in 48%. With complaints of sexual weakness, men turn to a specialist at the age of 20 and after 80. At the first stages, patients complain of decreased desire, quick orgasm, pain in the lower abdomen and in the testicles. Decreased erection and sexual disorder often lead men to depression.

For a visit to the doctor, a man must "mature", sometimes it takes years. According to statistics, only 13% of patients seek professional help. With long interruptions in sex, sexual function decreases, and every year of abstinence it becomes more difficult to restore it.

Stagnation of those secretions that should be regularly excreted leads to the appearance of infections, the development of inflammation in the prostate gland. As a result, the blood supply suffers. The longer there has been no sexual intercourse, the more difficult it is to restore everything.

Sex is a marker of general health. Hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, overweight are just some of the risk factors that increase the chances of male failure.

The prerequisite for this sad list is an unhealthy lifestyle, unbalanced nutrition, when the body systematically does not receive its norm of vitamins necessary to normalize all body functions, including sexual. Is it possible to correct the situation by taking pharmacy vitamins?

The reasons for the deterioration of potency

There are many reasons for the appearance of erectile dysfunction. Psychological factors are associated with bad experiences and psychological trauma during childhood. The reactions responsible for an erection and with a lack of testosterone are inhibited.

Damage to the vascular walls also leads to disruption of the genital organs. After suffering strokes, heart attacks, diseases and injuries of peripheral nerves, lumbosacral spine, interest in sex decreases.

Bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs, systematic overeating, abuse of coffee and other doping, sedentary lifestyle) can also cause male dysfunction.

Regular intake of antidepressants, diuretics and other medications impairs male performance. Affects the hormonal system and somatic diseases.

Among the reasons for sexual weakness are also unprotected sex, frequent baths, stress, overwork, insomnia.

An unbalanced diet with a deficiency of vitamins, microelements and a predominance of fatty foods provokes the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels, the accumulation of "harmful" cholesterol.

Electromagnetic radiation, including from gadgets, poses a threat to men's health. It disrupts the work of the endocrine and genitourinary systems. But the problem is different. For many men, the virtual world began to replace live communication with a woman. This is especially true for insecure guys with numerous complexes that provoke sexual impotence.

You should also pay attention to the posture near the computer: if you sit for a long time, stooping and without movement, blood stagnates in the small pelvis. The quality of blood flow in the abdominal cavity determines the likelihood of inflammation and the degree of erection.

Products affecting potency

Vegetables and fruits today do not contain the amount of vitamins and minerals that were in them 100-200 years ago. To get his quota, a man needs to eat triple servings. And the lifestyle of most of us does not imply adequate calorie expenditure. And yet the foundation male health- this is proper nutrition, not synthetic vitamins for men to improve potency and dietary supplements of dubious origin. First of all, you need to control the use of products that reduce potency.

  • Salt. Gastronomic delicacies, canned food often contain it in excess. Salt abuse creates additional stress on the heart and kidneys. Hypertension and being overweight are common causes of erectile dysfunction. When preparing dishes, it is better to salt food already on the table, if possible, replace part of the salt with spices and spices that improve blood flow in the abdominal cavity, and, therefore, an erection;

  • Alcohol. A glass of dry red wine and a light dinner heighten the interest in intimate life. We are not talking about those men for whom the choice between a bottle of vodka and a woman is obvious. But for reproductive function, even a small dose of alcohol, especially of low quality, can be detrimental. When planning children, it is important not to forget about this;

  • Cholesterol. Fatty plaques in blood vessels are dangerous not only for the heart: atherosclerosis disrupts the blood flow of the genitourinary organs. Controlling the fat content of your dishes, you should not completely abandon meat: without it, testosterone production is difficult;

  • Coffee and other energy drinks. Caffeine inhibits the production of sex hormones. This does not mean that you will have to completely abandon natural coffee, it is important to control the number of cups. The same applies to carbonated energy drinks with sugar, preservatives, caffeine. They do not quench their thirst, creating only an addictive effect. Such a whip for the nervous system is unlikely to help establish a sex life.

Since ancient times, a man's diet has included foods called aphrodisiacs: nuts of various varieties, meat and seafood, dried fruits. Useful pumpkin seeds, nettle, dandelion. From baking, preference should be given rye bread... To strengthen potency, use a cocktail of milk, honey, eggs and brewer's yeast. The most healing possibilities are possessed by honey, which bees collected from orchid flowers, jasmine, marjoram.

Nuts and dried fruits enhance the healing potential of honey. For a quick effect, you need to mix a tablespoon of honey with sesame seeds, prunes, sunflower seeds (100 g each). If you take 1 tablespoon of a tasty and nutritious mixture every night, the result will be in a week.

Honey is also successfully combined with ginger root. Raw materials are mixed in equal proportions. Frequency rate - 3 times a day, dose - half a teaspoon.

What vitamins are useful for sexual weakness

The male body needs a whole range of vitamins. Exactly which species are missing specifically for your body, you can identify during the examination. In this regard, human hair contains an order of magnitude more information than other biomaterials. True, the cost of tests for vitamins is not from the budget category.

  1. Carotene. Vitamin A is needed to support immunity. It also improves reproductive performance. Carotene activates phagocytosis, which enhances the production of antibodies that block the penetration of infections and the development of inflammation. Most of all it is in agricultural products of yellow and red shades;
  2. A complex of vitamins of group B. First of all, B 6 and B12 are of interest on the topic. The daily rate of the first is 2 mg, of the second - 12 mg. Deficiency of these vitamins affects sexual performance. They come to humans with dairy and offal, especially beef liver. B1 is an irreplaceable source of energy that improves sleep quality, activity and productivity. The daily rate is 1.5-2.5 mg. B3 (nicotinic acid) is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, eliminates headache, depression. With similar symptoms, nuts, beets, bananas, brewer's yeast, and fish should be added to the diet. Vitamin B 9 is necessary for the synthesis of norepinephrine and serotonin - the hormones of happiness that eliminate anxiety, anxiety, and self-doubt. Cheese, citrus fruits, fish will help to improve well-being with a deficiency of folic acid;
  3. Vitamin C. Vitamin C is necessary for the prevention of infectious diseases, strengthening the vascular tone. It participates in the synthesis of many hormones (dopamine, serotonin, testosterone). With inflammation of the prostate, it can be taken prophylactically. Do not rush to run to the pharmacy: we get ascorbic acid every day with apples, rose hips, lemons, herbs, onions, black currants. A man needs 200-500 mg of vitamin C per day. An excess is as dangerous as a deficiency, as it creates an additional burden on the kidneys, which must excrete the excess;
  4. Vitamin D. The energy of the sun is required for its production. The deficit is experienced not only by miners, but also by all townspeople, especially in winter. Vitamin enhances the production of sex hormones, stimulates sexual interest. Quail eggs, dairy and seafood will help fill the gap;
  5. Tocopherol controls the endocrine system: the functions of the pituitary gland, the synthesis of testosterone and sperm. Vitamin E improves blood circulation in the genitals. By the content of tocopherol in the diet, seeds, nuts, vegetable oil, dairy products, meat, legumes, wholemeal baked goods.

If a man looks after his health, he first of all needs to take care of proper nutrition. In addition to vitamins, zinc, selenium, potassium, magnesium and other trace elements are important to increase potency.

  • Zinc deficiency leads to a decrease in testosterone production with all the ensuing consequences (decreased libido and potency, impaired sperm motility). The norm of a trace element is 14 mg per day. The body gets zinc from eggs, fish, nuts, wheat bran;
  • Selenium will save you from infertility, improve sperm composition, and enhance testosterone production. The microelement is better absorbed in combination with vitamin E;
  • Magnesium has antioxidant properties: it slows down the aging process, improves blood flow, helps with nervous exhaustion;
  • Potassium strengthens the vascular tone and the nervous system.

If the andrologist has prescribed additional vitamins for potency, you can supplement your diet with pharmacy complexes.

Vitamins for men to improve potency - names

Vitamin C, like other vitamins for men for potency, is offered in a pharmacy in a variety of forms: capsules, gel, powder, pills, solution for injections. There are also many combined drugs.

The complexes used to improve potency have different capabilities:

  • Strengthen the tone of the vascular wall of the abdominal organs;
  • Improve blood flow, thin the blood, prevent the formation of cholesterol clots on blood vessels;
  • Accelerate the conduction of nerve impulses from the genitals to the brain;
  • Stimulates spermatogenesis;
  • Strengthens the immune system.

It is important to remember that, like any synthetic drugs, they can have side effects, so you cannot take them uncontrollably.

This popular complex includes not only vitamins and minerals for an erection, but also an extract of the Siberian ginseng root. The drug is useful not only for sexual weakness: it helps to improve the general condition, normalize the quality of sleep, strengthen the body's defenses, and provide it with energy. The manufacturer recommends taking 3 Alfa Vita tablets daily. Since they have a different composition, then the nature of their impact in the morning, lunch and evening time is different.

The additive accelerates metabolic processes, increases efficiency, improves sleep, protects against cell aging. It contains vitamins of group B, A, E, D, iron, copper, iodine, magnesium, manganese. The complex is recommended to be consumed daily for a long time. The doctor will help to clarify the duration of the course.

A balanced combination of vitamins A, C, E, trace elements zinc and selenium, copper and manganese minerals can improve not only the brightness of intimacy, but also the health of men in general. Selenium and zinc are responsible for the quality of spermatogenesis. The effect on sperm production allows people with reproductive problems to take Vitrum. Vitrum improves metabolism, prevents atherosclerosis, helps control weight. Vitamins A, C, E are powerful antioxidants that protect the body from aging.

The complex supplement contains antioxidant vitamins A, C, E and zinc with selenium. The main task of the drug is to stimulate the production of its own testosterone to normalize sexual activity. Unlike other analogues, Parity can only be taken by adult patients after consultation with a doctor. Tablets or drops should be used regularly for 1-2 months until a stable result is achieved.

The composition of the health complex allows it to regulate both health and mood.

  • Vitamins A, C, D and group B;
  • Silicon, manganese, iron;
  • Magnesium, selenium, zinc;
  • Arginine, methionine;
  • Iodine, Chrome.

There are many options for this drug: Selenium is used to normalize an erection, carbohydrate metabolism will help control Diabetes, with vision problems, Ophthalmo is used, Calcium D3 will help strengthen bones. There is also a universal option - Classic. Depending on the indications, Complivit is used in combination therapy.

Mens Formula is a standard set of vitamins plus exotic ingredients such as yohimbe bark, ginseng rhizome extract and green shellfish extract. By stimulating the production of sex hormones, the complex significantly enhances potency, libido and the quality of sex. Supplements are taken for a long time. It is easier to get it from online pharmacies if you trust them.

Multivitamins are formulated to strengthen the immune and genitourinary system. It contains ergocalciferol, retinol, vitamin C, folic acid. A mild effect on all body systems contributes to the improvement of sexual intercourse, especially with a weakening of libido, overwork.

The composition of the American complex indicates its capabilities better than any characteristics:

  • Vitamins A, C, D, E, group B;
  • Iron, calcium, phosphorus;
  • Zinc, selenium, chromium;
  • Manganese, iodine, magnesium;
  • Chlorine, molybdenum, potassium.

In the United States, the drug is prescribed during periods of recovery from illness, including with weakening of potency.

An analogue of the previous complex with an identical composition. Its peculiarity is to stimulate the muscle and immune systems, in particular, it is used to prevent colds. Strengthening the physical capabilities of a man, Teravit has a beneficial effect on intimate life.

The results of the interaction of vitamins and other medicines

It is not always advisable to take vitamins in combination, since some of them are capable of blocking the activity of other drugs. B vitamins are easier to absorb if taken along with calcium. The exceptions are B 6 and B 12, since their simultaneous use provokes allergic reactions and other side effects. Vitamin B 2 is poorly absorbed against the background of the use of preparations of copper, zinc, iron, as well as vitamin B3.

Sleeping pills and tranquilizers inhibit the activity of B vitamins. When treating with vitamins and other medications, an interval of at least 3 hours after taking the vitamins must be observed, otherwise the absorption of both is impaired.

Poor sex is a serious family problem. Irregular sex life leads to anorgasmia in women, stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, the addition of inflammatory processes up to oncological problems.

Sex is a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases, prevention of prostate cancer, chronic prostatitis, a powerful natural antidepressant, muscle relaxant and hypnotic. An unsatisfied person, both at work and in life, has a lot of unsolved problems.

It is important for a man at any age to manage his sex life. Sexual health is an integral part of overall health, and the quality of life in general depends on the brightness and regularity of intimate relationships. Erectile dysfunction treatment is not limited to regular intake of vitamins and minerals, just as important is what happens in the bedroom. Show your imagination and everything will work out.

For a review of vitamins for men, see the video:

Stressful situations, unhealthy diet, alcohol abuse negatively affect a man's sexual strength. Among the factors that worsen potency are also overweight, poor environmental conditions in the place of residence, frequent infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

Vitamins for potency play an important role in a comprehensive solution to this delicate problem. They serve as a source of nutrients that are necessary for the normal functioning of all systems. male body... Consider what vitamins exist for men, their role in getting rid of problems with potency, ways of taking them to achieve maximum effectiveness.

How vitamins affect the reproductive system in men

The efficiency of the reproductive system directly depends on adherence to the daily regimen and a balanced diet. To increase potency, the diet must include nutrient-rich foods. These are vegetables, fruits, fish, nuts, seafood. They contain many vitamins for potency, increasing male strength and fertility.

Among the vitamins and minerals that play the most decisive role for men's health, it should be noted:

  • vitamin D - stimulates the production of the male hormone testosterone, increases sexual desire, promotes effective absorption of calcium, especially necessary in winter;
  • selenium - improves sperm quality and sperm activity, increases libido, is used in the treatment of male infertility;
  • magnesium - accelerates the blood circulation process, helps to normalize blood pressure, prevents prostate diseases;
  • potassium - normalizes the nervous system, saturates with energy;
  • vitamin C - helps to increase the defenses of the man's body, improves the condition of the blood vessels, activates the assimilation of others useful microelements;
  • vitamin A - improves immunity, prevents cardiovascular diseases, reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • vitamin B1 - saturates with energy, increases efficiency, relieves fatigue and irritation;
  • nicotinic acid - eliminates depressive conditions and insomnia;
  • vitamin B9 (folic acid) - synthesizes the hormone of happiness serotonin, it is necessary to get rid of increased anxiety, anxiety, sleep disturbances.

High sexual activity of the stronger sex is impossible in case of general poor health. Vitamins for men are necessary not only to improve potency, but also to solve many other problems with well-being. A well-chosen vitamin complex reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and organs of the genitourinary system, normalizes hormonal balance, and slows down the processes of premature aging of the body.

Features of taking vitamins for potency

To achieve the desired effect, you need a competent approach to the selection of vitamins for men, the calculation of the correct dosage, and the time of administration. The attending physician will help to determine the most optimal amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements for daily intake. In this case, many factors are taken into account: the age of the patient, the general state of his health, the degree of dissatisfaction with his masculine strength.

For better absorption, vitamins and minerals are best taken with food. It is advisable to combine some vitamins (for example, A and C) for more efficient assimilation. Magnesium and zinc, taken in large quantities to improve potency, are best drunk separately.

When using vitamin complexes, you should carefully follow the instructions. As a rule, vitamins are produced in the form of capsules, which are taken whole, without chewing.

Vitamin D should be taken with water when taken. It goes well with groups A, C, as well as calcium and phosphorus.

Competent intake of vitamins does not cause side effects and deterioration of well-being. Negative consequences occur with uncontrolled admission, ignoring the doctor's recommendations, significantly exceeding the dosage.

What vitamins are needed to enhance potency

If the amount of useful elements supplied with food is insufficient, a course of vitamin complexes is needed, aimed at eliminating the causes that cause problems with a man's sexual activity.

A deficiency of vitamins and useful microelements leads to disruption of metabolic processes, which, in turn, provokes the formation of serious problems.

Vitamins for male potency are designed to solve the following tasks:

  • ensure the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • improve microcirculation and blood thinning level;
  • increase the speed of transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the penis;
  • stimulate sperm rate;
  • improve sperm quality;
  • increase testosterone production;
  • improve immunity;
  • reduce the risk of infection of the genitourinary organs.

Taking vitamins is useful at any age, but is especially relevant for men over 45 years of age, when the risk of decreased sexual activity, the development of prostatitis and prostate adenoma increases.

Among the popular vitamin complexes, it is worth choosing those that contain selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron, iodine, silicon. These substances have a positive effect on the level of potency, improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system, play an important role in the process of spermatogenesis.

The best Chinese drugs

China is one of the leaders in the pharmaceutical industry, producing complexes of drugs that eliminate problems with potency in men. The secret of their popularity lies in their availability, high efficiency, safety and an optimally selected natural composition. Consider the best vitamins for maintaining potency in men, which can be purchased on our website.

The capsules are recommended to be taken with meals. They contain a full range of essential vitamins and are suitable for all ages. The product contains only natural ingredients, such as Horny Goat Weed, Morinda officinalis root, ginseng root.

Taking a capsule of Saimaa drug promotes a rapid flow of blood to the pelvic organs, accelerates the production of testosterone, normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and all organs of the genitourinary system.

The use of the drug is indicated for rapid ejaculation, insufficient erection, partial or complete sexual impotence. Thanks to the regular intake of the drug, the chances of a full and vibrant sex life increase.

The capsule should be taken a few minutes before the intended intercourse. The duration of its action reaches 72 hours.

A dietary supplement that has proven to be effective against sexual impotence. Attention should be paid to the recommended course of taking the drug: the effect of one tablet lasts three to four days, therapy should be carried out for 84 days.

The high efficiency of the product is determined by its composition. It includes extracts of ginseng and sage root, mountain goat weed, Lingzhi mushrooms, and Japanese dioscorea root.

The product is non-addictive, safe for people prone to allergic manifestations such as itching, redness and skin rashes. Benefits of the drug:

  • provides a normal erection;
  • prolongs sexual intercourse, delivers vivid sensations and emotions;
  • eliminates swelling and inflammation;
  • normalizes blood flow, which contributes to better blood flow to the pelvic organs;
  • relieves prostatitis.

Fuzhunbao Super Tablets are best taken in the morning or afternoon. The remedy is contraindicated in atherosclerosis and severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

The drug is intended for men who experience various problems in their sexual life. Indications for its use are:

  • weak erection;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • insufficient duration of sexual intercourse;
  • dissatisfaction with the quality of intimate life;
  • treatment and prevention of prostatitis.

Viagra 007 belongs to safe remedies that do not artificially stimulate arousal, but increase the amount of blood flowing to the penis, thereby causing a natural erection. Reception of the remedy is also useful for people with circulatory problems.

The composition of the product is a complex of optimally selected components that have a beneficial effect on the sexual health of men. Among the active substances are Chinese caterpillar fungus, Tibetan saffron, deer and sea dog penis extracts, snow lotus.

A man seeking to normalize his sex life must follow the rules for taking the drug. Do not exceed the dosage - one tablet per day, which is taken about 30 minutes before the start of intercourse.

The drug, designed to prolong sexual intercourse and enhance potency, is designed for men who have problems with the quality of sexual life. The remedy can be taken at a young or mature age.

Like most Chinese drugs to improve potency, Lao Se Lon capsules contain only natural ingredients, so taking them does not cause side effects. The composition includes extracts of ginseng and Tibetan saffron, antlers, epimedium. Capsules can be taken by persons suffering from increased blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, as well as older men.

One of the features of the drug is that its action has a cumulative effect. It is recommended to take no more than one capsule once every three days, half an hour before intimacy. Long-term use contributes to the complete restoration of the erectile function of a man.

Lao Se Lon capsules provide stable natural erection, normal duration of intercourse, bright orgasm and emotions.

It is one of the most effective drugs that cause stable erections and heighten sensitivity. It is a successful analogue of such well-known potency enhancers as Viagra and Cialis. Reception of the Old Captain contributes to:

  • restoration of a man's sexual strength;
  • an increase in the duration of intercourse;
  • increased desire for intimacy;
  • the production of the male hormone testosterone, which is responsible for sexual activity;
  • getting rid of the problem of premature ejaculation;
  • vivid sensations during intimacy with a loved one.

The product contains natural components of animal and plant origin: the liver of a fur seal, sea cucumbers, snail and algae extracts.

The drug should be taken 20-30 minutes before intimacy. In the process of treating impotence or prostatitis, the frequency of admission is once every three days.

This remedy is the result of the fruitful work of American and British scientists, based on the recipe of ancient Chinese healers. It was designed for warriors returning home exhausted after long campaigns.

The components of the drug effectively affect blood circulation, stimulate sperm motility, saturate with vital energy, relieve anxiety and self-doubt, normalize the activity of the heart and nervous system. Like many centuries ago, a drug according to an ancient recipe makes men feel ready for new feats and achievements.

The product contains the natural antibiotic cordyceps, ginseng root, deer antlers, highlander multicolor, asiatica Centella leaf extract.

Taking the drug provides a long and persistent erection, an increase in testosterone levels, an increase in the size of the penis.

The main component of the drug is black ant extract, which is highly valued in folk medicine. The composition also includes saffron, ginseng, wolf berries.

Acceptance of funds contributes to:

  • achieving a persistent long-lasting erection;
  • an increase in the duration of intercourse;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • normalization of intimate life in the elderly;
  • elimination of the problem of premature ejaculation;
  • relieving pain in the back and below the belt.

The method of using the Golden Ant preparation is very simple: one tablet should be taken 15-20 minutes before intimacy. In order to prevent problems with potency, the recommended dosage is one tablet every three days.

The drug is not addictive or allergic. Subject to the recommended dosage, it will be completely safe for the body.

You can order these and other means to improve your intimate life in our store. All goods are guaranteed of high quality, there are certificates of state registration. The site is hosted Full description, composition and method of taking each drug. There are discounts for some positions.