What vitamins are best to drink in winter. What vitamins should you drink in winter. Why women should take vitamins in winter


Vitamins in winter help maintain the body's immune forces. There are special vitamins for women, men and children, to maintain immunity in the winter. You should start taking a complex for the body after consulting a doctor. The consultation will allow you to find out what necessary funds are required for parents and children.

Why vitamins in winter?

Before choosing which vitamins to drink in winter, you need to know that this period causes stress in the body of women, men and children. Their lack leads to a bad mood, drowsiness, laziness, fatigue and numerous illnesses, especially in future parents. This indicates the presence of vitamin deficiency.

For example, peeling, dryness, redness of the skin of the hands and face in women and men indicates a lack of vitamins E, C, A and group B. Hair loss, their dark color and brittle nails indicate a lack of vitamin C, group B, iron, magnesium and copper in women and men. Lack of vitamin B6, B3, B2 leads to frequent dermatitis, and not wound healing for a long time indicates a deficiency of vitamin K, D and C.

How can you support the body and improve immunity? It's very simple, it is recommended to take a special complex for the body, designed for men and women. What vitamins are best to take in winter? Yes, almost everything, because at this time there are practically no useful vegetables and fruits, although it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting the intake.

Lack of vitamins during this period of the year has a detrimental effect on the body, at this time a decrease in immunity can be observed. Women and men have frequent colds, and their health can sharply deteriorate.

Vitamins on a plate

Many people wonder where to find vitamins in winter? What foods you need to eat in order to be beautiful and healthy, maintaining the vitality of the body. Let's try to figure it out together, what products are recommended to maintain immunity in the winter season.

According to statistics, with the onset of winter, women most often lack vitamin C - ascorbic acid. It is safe to say that this vitamin is the most important. Being a powerful antioxidant, it plays one of the most important roles in metabolism, forms "hormones of happiness" and helps to increase immunity in women and men.

To replenish the lack of the necessary ascorbic acid in the body, it is recommended to eat oranges, kiwi, tomatoes, chokeberry and bell pepper... You should also remember about sauerkraut, because it contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits.

Besides ascorbic acid, what vitamins are needed in winter? The human body does not receive a sufficient amount of B vitamins. If the complex of vitamins is absent in the body, there are seizures in the corners of the mouth, cracks on the lips, brittle nails and hair, and tearing of the eyes. Another person suffers from insomnia, becomes irritable for no apparent reason. To replenish the complex of vitamins, you need to eat peas, rice, buckwheat, dairy products, eggs, liver, kidneys, heart, beets and nuts.

If you have vision problems, then you do not have enough vitamin A, which is responsible for its sharpness, as well as strengthening immunity, maintaining healthy nails and hair. You can get vitamin A from apricots, sorrel, dill, parsley, carrots, fish, eggs and milk.

If everything falls out of hand, and an emergency occurs at work, can you not concentrate on anything? This means that you are deficient in vitamin E - tocopherol. Vitamin E is the most powerful natural antioxidant. It allows you to support the immune system, protect cells from damage, improves their oxygen supply, slows down the creation of free radicals, allows you to cope with great mental stress, protects the body from stress and nervous breakdowns. Tocopherol is found in kale, spinach, beef liver, lettuce, vegetable oil, eggs, and lean meats.

Time to go to the pharmacy

A person needs to take a complex of minerals and vitamins every day, unfortunately, it is very difficult to do this on the basis of only proper nutrition. First, it is almost impossible to organize your own diet with such a variety of products. Secondly, you cannot be 100% sure that the products have preserved all useful material, after long-term storage, delivery and heat treatment. We need to take a vitamin complex with all the necessary components.

In any pharmacy, you can buy these drugs without a prescription, but this does not mean that you can take them uncontrollably. It is best if vitamins are selected by your doctor on an individual basis. Ask your doctor which vitamins are recommended for you to take in winter. It is considered that the human body you need to take 2/3 of all vitamins with "correct" substances and only 1/3 with chemical components.

Particular attention should be paid to the content of vitamins in one tablet in accordance with the daily requirement of the body. If one tablet contains a daily dose, then vitamins are taken every three days.

Beauty from a jar

Even with a balanced diet and intake of a vitamin-mineral complex, we are not able to provide the hair and skin from the inside with a sufficient amount of vitamins. A jar of cream will help to correct the situation. The content of the required amount of vitamins in a container with a cream can only be talked about when active substances are contained in such a large quantity that they can "work" with the skin. Cosmetologists recommend using vitamins C, E, A and group B.

Vitamin A is responsible for the prevention of withering of the body; it is part of many anti-aging agents. Vitamin E has a softening effect and takes part in tissue regeneration. Vitamin C is used to eliminate dark circles, refresh complexion, and provide protection against free radicals.

B vitamins help restore the vital functions of all cells. Cosmetic products containing vitamins can be purchased from any manufacturer of cosmetic products.

  • Eat right - do not eat fwst food, minimize the consumption of animal fats, smoked meats, sausages, products made from refined white flour.
  • Drink vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Life is about movement. Go in for sports, walk more.
  • Go to bed no later than 10 pm, ventilate the room beforehand.
  • Always keep a good mood.
  • Give up alcoholic beverages, quit smoking.

Expert advice

Vitamins for the body are especially important in the winter season. A properly selected complex will improve immunity, cheer up, relieve irritability and drowsiness.

Even harmless vitamins should not be taken without the advice of a doctor, especially for children and pregnant women. Be attentive to your health.

Of course, winter, due to the lack of fresh "fruit and berry" vitamins, is a kind of stress for the body. As a result, the person is overcome by Bad mood, laziness, and also there is a decrease in immunity and, as a result, frequent diseases occur.

The question arises: to take in winter?

Doctors-immunologists believe that in the winter time you need to take those vitamins that can support the body, help it cope with dermatological, trichological troubles, increase immunity and restore (or maintain) beauty and youth. Let's try to figure out which vitamins are responsible for the "well-being" of certain organs and systems. This will help to find out what vitamins are important and necessary for us in the winter.

Lack of vitamins A, C, E and group B contributes to the appearance of dryness, flaking and redness of the skin of the face and hands. Hair loss, their dull natural shade, brittle nails - all this indicates a deficiency of B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, copper and iron. Frequent dermatitis is a sign of a deficiency of B vitamins (in particular B2, B3 and B6) in the body, long non-healing wounds and abrasions on the skin - a deficiency of vitamins C, D, and K. So how to make up for the deficiency of the elements you need, what vitamins to drink in winter ? After all, vitamins allow, and therefore, improve health. As a rule, natural vitamins are very rare in winter. Therefore, it is recommended to take vitamins in capsules that are sold in pharmacies.

In addition, in winter, people most often lack vitamin C or ascorbic acid. It is a powerful antioxidant, plays a huge role in metabolism, enhances immunity and participates in the synthesis of "happiness hormones". The fact that this vitamin is necessary for the body in winter is an indisputable fact: during epidemic situations, with colds and other ailments, doctors always prescribe us ascorbic acid. Where to find this vitamin? Contained vitamin C in kiwi, oranges, chokeberry and in tomato. Well, the richest product in vitamin C content is sauerkraut.

Now let's move on to the vitamins of group B. In addition to the previously listed consequences of a lack of vitamins of this group, seizures also appear in the corners of the mouth, lips begin to dry and crack and eyes watery, a person becomes irritable, suffers from insomnia. You can find the vitamins you need if you eat foods such as buckwheat, peas, rice, eggs, dairy products, heart, liver, nuts. Besides necessary vitamins, which are so necessary for a person in winter, these products contain a record amount of protein, which acts as a kind of "building material" for the cells of our body. In the network of pharmacies, you can buy B vitamins in ampoules, capsules or tablets.

If you begin to notice that your vision is failing you more and more often, it means that you do not have enough vitamin A. In addition to vision, it is also useful for, which is especially important in the cold season, to improve the quality of hair and nails. Of course, in winter, many people limit themselves to taking vitamin supplements that can be bought at pharmacies. But in fact, in fresh products, which we have become accustomed to stocking up since autumn, these vitamins are also sufficient. Sources are carrots, fish, milk, eggs, parsley, dill and sorrel. At the pharmacy, you can ask retinol acetate - this is the same vitamin A.

Is everything falling out of hand? Can't concentrate on anything? This indicates a lack of vitamin E - tocopherol. It is responsible for immunity, helps to strengthen the supply of oxygen to the cells of the body, makes it easier to cope with high mental stress. A large amount is found in cabbage, lettuce, spinach, beef liver, eggs, lean meat, vegetable oil. Here are the best vitamins to take in winter to be in top shape. However, if you revise the list of vitamins we need (namely in capsules or tablets), then you immediately understand: for breakfast, lunch or dinner you will have to eat a whole handful of pills. In this case, just get a multivitamin, drink 1 capsule daily.

Now let's talk about the vitamins contained in nourishing masks, creams, balms, which are necessary for our skin and hair. What vitamins are best to take in winter in order to preserve the youthfulness of our skin and hair and their natural beauty for a long time. Even with the right, balanced diet, it will not be possible to fully provide the hair and skin with the required amount of vitamins from the inside. And here various creams come to the rescue. Jar the right tool will help change the situation for the better. The favorites of cosmetologists are creams containing vitamins A, E, C and group B. Vitamin A is responsible for the prevention of aging, therefore it is included in the basis of anti-aging lines. Vitamin E has emollient effects and is involved in tissue regeneration. Well, vitamin C is the undisputed leader in the fight against dark spots under the eyes, it contributes to a fresh complexion. B vitamins are responsible for the restoration of vital functions of cells. Cosmetics containing these vitamins can be found in almost all stores and pharmacy kiosks.

And finally, five useful tips which will allow you to improve the general condition of your body:

Firstly, proper nutrition- give up fast food, limit yourself in the consumption of sausages, animal fats, smoked meats, flour products;
secondly, regular intake of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements;
thirdly, walk more in the fresh air, actively go in for sports, observe the regime, go to bed no later than 22 hours.
fourth, give up bad habits, quit smoking, try not to get carried away with alcohol;
And fifthly, keep a good mood, because this is undoubtedly a guarantee of good health. And you already know which vitamins are best to take in winter!

Winter is a time when there is practically no sun outside, and the sky is dominated by gray and heavy clouds. And everyone's mood is appropriate: you want to wrap yourself up in a blanket and sleep. Since it is quite difficult to find fresh vegetables and fruits at this time, there is a lack of vitamins. And because of this, health problems can be noted. So, for example, a lack of vitamins in the winter season becomes the reason that a person begins to overeat. After all, the body is trying even from "empty" food to collect the substances it needs. From here depressions develop, and melancholy intensifies even more. Although the matter is solved quite simply: it is enough to add the necessary elements to your diet. The main thing is to know which ones. AiF.ru learned what exactly our body lacks in winter.

What does the lack of vitamins lead to?

The lack of vitamins has a very significant effect on the appearance and health of a person. So, if there is a significant deficit of them, the hair loses its shine and becomes lifeless, the nails break and exfoliate, the skin acquires increased dryness, redness and acne appear on it. In addition, in this case, the skin acquires an earthy hue, becomes flabby and saggy. And against the background of winter beriberi, deterioration of vision develops, dark circles under the eyes and redness appear. If there is a lack of calcium in the body, then over time the bones will also begin to suffer: they will become excessively brittle.

What should you take in winter?

In winter, it is difficult to do without vitamin A, it is vital in cold weather. In addition to supporting vision, it also has anti-inflammatory properties, thereby increasing the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria. A sufficient amount of vitamin A provides an increase in immunity, normalizes the general condition of a person and enables him to remain active. If you eat tomatoes, apricots, buckwheat, meat, dairy products and eggs in winter, it will be noted that the condition of the skin has improved. This simple method will protect the liver as well.

Vitamin A deficiency can be indicated by signs such as sleep disturbance, seizures, muscle spasms, and enlarged pupils.

Another important winter ingredient is vitamin C, a traditional immune stimulant. If it is not enough in the body, a person develops drowsiness and a decline in strength and immunity. Against the background of a lack of vitamin C, there is a constant feeling of fatigue, lethargy, depression, joint pain and even bleeding of the gums.

You can fill the lack of this vitamin by using black currant, cabbage, rose hips and lemon.

In winter, the human body also lacks vitamin D. But without it, the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the intestines is disturbed. In addition, it is responsible for the strength of bones and teeth. At the same time, in the cold season, people especially urgently need it, since there are noticeably fewer sunny days than in summer.

To correct the situation, it is worth supplementing your diet with fatty fish, eggs, creamy and vegetable oils, seafood, fermented milk products.

The beauty vitamin, scientifically called vitamin E, is needed by the body to fight stress. It promotes oxygenation of the brain and provides a clear mind and nerves of steel. Moreover, it is found in fairly large quantities in broccoli, eggs, carrots, spinach, and liver.

Vitamins of group B cannot be ignored in winter. They allow to normalize carbohydrate metabolism, help to bring the nervous system in order and help to avoid depression. Group B is very important for the nervous system, preventing disturbances in its work and protecting the body from premature aging.

A lack of these vitamins can be recognized by the deteriorating condition of the skin, the appearance of tearing of the eyes, and cracks on the lips. To correct the situation, you should eat buckwheat, peas, nuts, beets, liver.

In winter, the supply of such an antioxidant as vitamin R. should also be replenished. It helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which improves blood circulation and protects the heart. The source of such a substance will be cabbage, rose hips, grapes, etc.

Also, doctors advise using industrial vitamin complexes that will provide the required level useful microelements in the blood and fill the body with the energy it needs.

The question of which is best to take in winter, usually worries those who suffer from weakened immunity, notes hair loss, peeling of the skin and other unpleasant signs. However, in the cold season, when we switch to monotonous and not always healthy nutrition, every person should think about vitamins so that the body can continue to work easily, correctly and harmoniously.

What vitamins are needed in winter?

The needs of the body both in winter and in summer are absolutely the same. However, if in summer people eat vegetables, berries more often, and get everything they need from them, then in winter this usually causes problems. That is why vitamins for winter are all the same vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K the body needs.

To find out what vitamins you need to take in the winter specifically for you, pay attention to the state of the "indicators" - hair, skin, nails, etc.

  1. If you have a dull complexion, your skin turns red and flakes, then you have a need for vitamins A, C, E and group B.
  2. If your hair has become dull and falls out intensively, and your nails are peeling, you need vitamins of group B and C, as well as magnesium, copper, iron.
  3. If you develop dermatitis, and skin wounds do not heal for a long time, you need vitamins C, D, and K.
  4. If you are often sick, vitamin C and B vitamins will come to your aid.

Depending on the lack of which substances you have identified, you can choose which vitamins to drink in winter. You can either purchase a complex or all vitamins separately. There is always such an option as getting vitamins from food - it is considered. That in this form they are absorbed much better.

Vitamins in winter foods

When you have decided what vitamins to take in winter, you can turn to the lists of foods in which there is a lot of this substance, and enrich your body with the gifts of nature. Consider where to look for each vitamin:

Even in the absence of many of the gifts of summer, in winter you can always ensure the flow of vitamins in the body. The main thing is to correctly compose your menu, using only healthy products for food.

With the onset of the cold season, our body more than ever needs additional vitamins and minerals. Especially for you, the editors of the site have compiled a list of vitamin complexes that you can drink without a doctor's prescription. More details about each - in our material!

To begin with, it is worth noting that in the fall we are experiencing a deficiency of vitamins, which we get with fresh fruits and vegetables in the warm season.

On this topic

In order to prevent hypovitaminosis - a state of acute vitamin deficiency, you can resort to using vitamin complexes. Although we have collected in our selection mostly harmless drugs, before rushing to the pharmacy for them, we advise you to take a blood test for the content of vitamins and macro- and microelements. This is the only way you can act on the problem pointwise, instead of drinking multivitamin complexes that are not suitable for you. First, let's take a look at what vitamins you can find in pharmacies.

The first group of such over-the-counter drugs is multivitamin complexes, which contain countless amounts of all kinds of trace elements. Their main disadvantage is the balance and dosage of each of the active ingredients. Taking such multivitamin complexes without a doctor's prescription can lead to an excess of one or another vitamin in the body, which will negatively affect the functioning of the liver. This is exactly the case when a lack is better than an overabundance.

The second alternative is narrowly targeted vitamin complexes, consisting of 1-3 vitamins. Such drugs have an undeniable advantage: they have a targeted blow to a specific problem, do not contain extra vitamins, but only 2 or 3, the effectiveness of which increases significantly with teamwork. There were also some drawbacks: only a few such complexes can be drunk without a doctor's prescription, since the concentration of active trace elements is much higher than in the case of multivitamin complexes of five or more vitamins, which means that the load on the liver is higher.

Magnesium + B6

This vitamin complex especially popular in the fall season: magnesium has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces anxiety and even helps fight nervous tremors. Vitamin B6, in turn, improves the sensitivity of nerve endings to magnesium and improves the absorption of this trace element. Bottom line: you can drink a monthly course of one tablet a day for peace of mind.

Selenium + Zinc + Magnesium

Shiny hair, healthy skin and strong nails are every girl's dream. Unfortunately, in winter, their condition deteriorates markedly due to vitamin deficiency. It is not difficult to solve this problem, the main thing is to find reliable and effective helpers. A triad of trace elements - selenium, zinc and magnesium - can support your beauty. We have already told you in detail about the magical properties of magnesium in the previous paragraph. Zinc, on the other hand, helps to maintain healthy and beautiful skin, and for people suffering from acne, zinc is the surest remedy that will help improve the condition of the epidermis. Selenium supports immunity and improves the functioning of the reproductive system, including helping to balance hormones.

D3 + calcium

It is not surprising that we are deficient in vitamin D in winter due to cloudy cold weather. Fortunately, it is possible to replenish stocks of this extremely important trace element with the help of special complexes. One of the most popular is D3 + calcium: in addition to the dose of the "solar" vitamin, the composition also contains a trace element important for the health of bones, nails and hair. These two components work great in tandem: they improve the mineralization of teeth, bones and are beneficial for connective tissues.

Drinking collagen

Drinking collagen is an absolute innovation in vitamin supplementation. There are now quite a few beauty complexes on the market, in which pharmacists add collagen and hyaluronic acid. Alas, for the most part this is just a marketing ploy, and you need to look for other means on the shelves: full-fledged liquid drinking collagen with a low molecular weight, preferably sea collagen, since it is absorbed much better in the intestines. The OM-X Plus Drinking Collagen from Dr. OHHIRA is an excellent candidate: in addition to marine collagen and hyaluronic acid, it also contains vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, blueberry juice and lactic acid bacteria. You can drink it without a doctor's prescription at any age.