List of hypoallergenic formulas for newborns: choosing the best baby food for children with allergies up to one year old. Hypoallergenic infant formula (for prophylactic purposes) - an overview of brands Which hypoallergenic formula to choose after 6 months

In an ideal situation, the child should be completely breastfed for the first 6 months of life, and then complementary foods with basic milk nutrition are introduced for up to a year. For some reason, the mother cannot always breastfeed the baby, and then the baby has to be transferred to infant formula. Determining which one is best for feeding a baby is a difficult task, especially when it comes to choosing the right hypoallergenic formulas for newborn babies with allergies and babies prone to food allergies.

If Mom cannot continue breastfeeding, you need to choose the right formula for the baby.

Types of hypoallergenic mixtures

Some bottle-fed babies may develop allergic reactions to cow's milk, which is the basis for most infant formula. Allergies can manifest themselves as:

  • rashes on the child's skin;
  • colic;
  • violations of stable bowel movements;
  • frequent regurgitation and other problems related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  1. Preventive. It is prescribed for children who are prone to allergies.
  2. Treatment-and-prophylactic. This hypoallergenic blend is used when there are mild symptoms of food allergy.
  3. Therapeutic. Its use usually applies to cases where the child has a high degree of intolerance to the protein in cow's milk.

The choice of modern hypoallergenic milk formulas is simply huge. Some are based on split milk protein (hydrolyzate), while other dairy-free infant formulas are based on soy protein isolate.

The hypoallergenic mixture allows the newborn's body to be provided with all the necessary nutritional elements, mineral salts, groups of vitamins and other useful substances, as well as energize it. The exchange of proteins in the body of a child of 4-5 months of age, who eats an exclusively hypoallergenic mixture, is practically the same as that of a baby during breastfeeding.

Dairy-Free Soy Blend

If a child is intolerant of infant formula, the basis of which is cow's milk, their soy counterparts are used to feed the crumbs. They have a sweeter taste than dairy ones. If, after several feedings, the baby's body accepts and assimilates the hypoallergenic soy mixture, then it can be safely left for further use in the baby's diet. Below is a list of the most famous dairy-free soy blends:

  • dutch: Frisosoy and Nutrilon Soy from FrieslandCampina and Nutricia respectively;
  • guest from Germany Humana SL, manufacturer Humana;
  • uS representative Endfamil Soya, manufactured by Mead Johnson Nutritionals;
  • the Belarusian company Volkovyssk OJSC Bellakt offers the consumer Bellakt SOYA;
  • ukrainian Detolakt Soya from the Balt Dairy Cannery for Children's Products;
  • danish Similak Isomil.

How to correctly introduce the soy mixture?

Soy-based milk formulas require compliance with certain input rules:

  1. Close relatives of the baby should not be allergic to soy or legumes.
  2. The child reaches 5-6 months of age.
  3. Step-by-step introduction into the diet over 5 days or a week.
  4. The need to completely remove dairy products from the menu, as well as secondary products such as cheese, cottage cheese and butter.
  5. Prohibition on entering - personal intolerance to the components of the hypoallergenic mixture. It may be accompanied by the appearance of new rashes on the skin or an increase in old dermatitis, vomiting, regurgitation, disruption of normal stool and other manifestations.
  6. Application within three months.

Regurgitation after consuming a certain mixture may indicate an individual intolerance to the body.

Unfortunately, hypoallergenic soy formula may not always help in solving the problem of feeding an infant, especially for children immediately after birth. According to statistics, 30-40% of those children who are allergic to cow's milk protein will not tolerate soy protein either. In the case when a child has an allergic enterocolitis in addition to everything, these numbers rise to 60%.

The benefits and dangers of using milk soy mixtures in the nutrition of young children have been discussed for a long time, but for 60 years the use of infant soy mixtures for feeding infants has not yet been able to prove that this type of nutrition is dangerous to the health of a child.

Hydrolysis mixture

The lack of evidence that soy protein is harmful to food allergy-prone children does not make infant soy formula more popular. In most cases, doctors and parents give preference to hypoallergenic hydrolysis mixtures. They are made by hydrolyzing the protein found in cow's milk. They can be divided into 2 groups: casein and whey protein hydrolysates.

Casein is based on hydrolyzed casein. They are rare in our market, although their use for treating children with food allergies is quite common. Examples of casein hydrolysates are:

  • Alimentum of Abbott Laboratories. Manufactured in the USA.
  • Frisopep AS from Holland. Produced by FrieslandCampina.
  • Nutramigen and Pregestimil from the American company Mead Johnson Nutritionals.

Frisopep AC is one of the most popular hydrolysis mixtures available on our market.

Compared with casein, whey protein hydrolysates have an important advantage, namely, they are close to the standard composition of breast milk. They may well be called full-fledged breast milk substitutes, but due to their bitter taste, they are far from always popular with babies. If a newborn refuses to feed on a hydrolyzate of this kind, it is worthwhile to first make the mixture less concentrated, that is, dilute a smaller amount of dry powder in the prescribed amount of water.

Highly hydrolyzed

In accordance with the degree of protein degradation, highly hydrolyzed and partially hydrolyzed mixtures are isolated. Highly hydrolyzed include:

  • Alfare. The manufacturer is the Swiss company Nestle.
  • Frisopep. It is produced in Holland by FrieslandCampina.
  • Nutrilak PEPTIDI SCT produced by the Russian company Nutritek.
  • Nutrilon Pepti Allergy from Nutricia from Holland.

Their appointment is relevant in case of a pronounced allergic reaction, accompanied by atopic dermatitis or disorders in the work of the digestive tract. The use of such mixtures leads to good and quick results.

Partially hydrolyzed mixtures

  • Frisolac 1 GA and Frisolac 2 GA. Produced in Holland by FrieslandCampina.
  • Humana GA 1, Humana GA 2 and Humana GA 3. Manufactured by the German company Humana.
  • The Austrian company HiPP produces HiPP Kombiotic GA 1 and HiPP Kombiotic GA 2.
  • Nutrilak Hypoallergenic 1 and Nutrilak Hypoallergenic 2 from Nutritek, Russia.
  • NAS hypoallergenic mixtures NAS HA 1 and NAS HA 2. Manufactured by Nestle, Switzerland (we recommend reading:).
  • Topic 1 HA and Topic 2 HA of the Russian company Unimilk.

Other representatives of partially hydrolyzed mixtures are Similak Hypoallergenic and Similac Alimentum. A mixture of Similak hypoallergenic is the best option for newborns with allergic relatives. It is suitable for children from birth to one year old.

The use of a partially hydrolyzed mixture such as Nutrilak GA helps to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions to protein or to eliminate their minor symptoms

Amino acid and fermented milk mixtures

Amino acid mixtures do not contain proteins, but only amino acids are present that cannot provoke allergies. Among them:

  • amino acid nutrilon;
  • alfare Amino;
  • neocate LCP.

In the presence of allergies, special fermented milk mixtures are perfect, but their share in the child's diet should not exceed 50% of the daily amount of food. The second half falls on fresh analogues.

After the allergy symptoms have completely disappeared, the child should be transferred first to therapeutic and prophylactic, then to prophylactic, and only at the end to ordinary mixtures. This sequence of transition is explained by the fact that medical and therapeutic-prophylactic mixtures do not contain allergens, therefore, the development of defense mechanisms to milk does not occur in the crumbs' body.

Breastfeeding is the best option for a newborn. However, mother's milk is not always enough. In such cases, an adapted milk formula (for example, "Nan") comes to the rescue. When deciding on the introduction of complementary foods, parents should not forget about food allergies that children often suffer.

Allergic manifestations during the introduction of complementary foods are obvious changes in the color and consistency of stools, rashes on the face and body, redness and peeling of the skin, difficulty breathing, rhinitis and even the appearance of snoring.

Sometimes this problem is hereditary. If close relatives suffer from this disease, then there is a possibility that it can manifest itself in the baby. But most cases of allergies are still associated with dietary disorders. In this case, correction of the menu will help to stop the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.

When choosing a suitable hypoallergenic mixture, first of all it should be remembered that the child must receive all the necessary nutrients from food. Therefore, it is important to accurately determine which substances the body of the crumbs does not tolerate well.

A repeated mistake in the selection of ready-made feed can lead to more acute manifestations of allergies or the transition of the disease into the chronic phase. In order to prevent this, at the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to urgently contact a pediatrician who will prescribe treatment and recommend the most suitable feeding option.

In newborns, a special careful attitude is required by the digestive system, which cannot be called completely formed in the first months of life. She is not yet ready for serious trials, so a mother should choose the most gentle food for her baby.

The baby food contains the necessary vitamins and minerals that can support children's immunity.

The main thing is to carefully consider the choice of jars with ready-made dry food. It is better not to take risks and give preference to hypoallergenic mixtures. They are also called hypoantigenic.

These are products with a minimum allergen content. For the first time, such feeding began to be used in the second half of the 20th century. This nutrition is based on a protein that has undergone preliminary processing - hydrolysis, during which valuable amino acids and peptides are released.

The composition of the mixtures is different, and this is worth understanding.

Key parameters

  1. Age. Today, the choice of infant formula is so great that when purchasing a product for the first time, you should look at what age it is intended for. This information must be indicated on the packaging. It is important to choose food that is suitable for the baby according to the age scale, because as the child grows, the need for nutrients is transformed. Accordingly, the content of the mixtures for different periods will differ.
  2. Composition. Next, we look at the composition. It should not contain foods that can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.
  3. Price. If the choice is between a cheap and an expensive jar with the same filling, then you should not overpay, considering that the expensive product will be of better quality. There are many cases when the child's body did not accept expensive mixtures, but reacted positively to cheap ones. Therefore, a high price is not an indicator of the best quality.
  4. Manufacturing date Is also an important parameter of choice. It must be indicated on the box. If the shelf life of baby food is coming to an end, you should not buy it, because from opening the package until the moment when the mixture is completely consumed, it can take several weeks. During this time, the product will become expired. You should also not purchase infant formula for future use. On the contrary, it is better to buy the smallest package. There is always a chance that the diet will have to be changed if suddenly a newborn has a reaction to the product you have chosen in the form of profuse regurgitation, too frequent stools or constipation, skin rashes, gas or colic.

If, after the introduction of a new diet, the little one feels good and no negative changes occur, you can safely stop the search.

Allergies are almost unpredictable. For example, it can occur on milk protein. Then dairy-free soy mixtures are suitable for feeding. They have a sweetish pleasant taste. Moreover, the choice is great:

  • if the infant has a predisposition to cow's milk intolerance, then preventive dairy-free options are intended for him;
  • with a moderate manifestation of allergies - therapeutic and prophylactic;
  • in serious cases, medicinal.

The last two types of infant formula are not fed constantly, but only until the symptoms of allergy are eliminated.


With soy

Soy-based formulas have been developed for newborns with cow's milk intolerance. The best, according to parental reviews, in this group are:

  • Similak Isomil - Denmark;
  • "Nan Soy" - Switzerland;
  • "FrieslandCampina" and "Nutrilon Soy" (Nutricia) - Holland;
  • "Humana SL" (Humana) - Germany;
  • Enfamil Soy (Mead Johnson Nutritionals) - USA;
  • Bellakt Soya - Belarus;
  • Detolact Soya is a Ukrainian brand.

Some do not tolerate milk, while others - soy. Approximately one third of newborns develop an allergy to soy proteins. That is why it is better to consult a professional about any type of baby food. If you intend to feed your baby with soy mixtures, the doctor will definitely ask if your close relatives are allergic to legumes.

But even if the soy mixture is suitable for the baby, you can give it no earlier than 5 months. This new food should be introduced gradually, alternating with the usual mother's milk, increasing the amount throughout the week. At the same time, the baby's menu should not contain fermented milk products, as well as cheese or butter.

Of course, there are cases of allergy to soy protein - then other options should be considered.

With protein hydrolysates

For children who are intolerant of soy food, foods with protein hydrolysates may be suitable. This is a new generation of mixtures with hypoallergenic properties. They are chosen if the child has a disturbed gastrointestinal tract, for example, there are problems with the absorption of nutrients in the intestines.

  • Nutramigen and Pregestimil (Mead Johnson Nutritionals) - USA;
  • Friso PEP AC (FrieslandCampina) and Nutrilon Pepti Allergy (Nutricia) - Holland;
  • "Alfare" (Nestle) - Switzerland,
  • "Humana" (H.A.1, H.A.2 and H.A.3);
  • “Similac Hypoallergenic” and “Similac Alimentum”;
  • HiPP Combiotic (HA1 and HA2, HiPP) - Austria;
  • "Nutrilak PEPTIDI SCT" and "Topic 1 or 2 H.A." (Unimilk) - Russia.

If the baby has a congenital tendency to allergies, mixtures made using protein hydrolysates can be given in the hospital.

But keep in mind that it is not easy to introduce them into the diet of a newborn: mothers in reviews on parental forums write that mixtures of this type have a specific bitter taste, to which children gradually get used to.

On goat milk

Fats and proteins in goat's milk are absorbed better by babies than cow's. Moreover, it is useful for absolutely all crumbs, regardless of whether they suffer from allergies or not.

Now this type of baby food is confidently taking a leading position. The most popular products in the series are Cabrita and Nanny.

Brands in focus

"Nan hypoallergenic" contains whey protein, split into amino acids. This eliminates the possibility of allergies. In addition, the product does not cause discomfort in the baby's tummy, such as constipation and colic. The veracity of this fact is confirmed by numerous reviews of moms and dads.

For children from 6 months, "Nan-2" with the addition of bifidobacteria is intended. Moreover, the mixture can be given to newborns: food from a jar marked "1" is given to crumbs in the hospital, when mother's milk is still not enough. An obvious plus: there are no allergy-causing ingredients in Nan.

"Nutrilon" is a tasty mixture that is as close as possible in composition to mother's milk. It is intended for healthy children, and does not contain substances that cause a negative reaction of a tiny organism. In addition, Nutrilon food maintains the balance of the intestinal microflora.

Vegetable fats are included in baby food in order to bring it as close as possible to mother's milk. , and soybean oils are in many ways useful for the crumbs, are well absorbed by a small body and contribute to the development of mental activity and vision. Such oils contain "Nutrilon".

Some mothers prefer to buy formulas without palm oil, which today is much talked about in pros and cons, and which can still act as an allergen.

"Similak Hypoallergenic" - food for children, whose relatives are allergic. This series of mixtures is based on milk protein hydrolyzate. This option is suitable for babies from birth to one year.

The manufacturers claim that the child will not get it if fed with the products of the Similak brand. The composition meets all the requirements necessary for the growth and development of the baby. Does not contain palm oil, instead of it there is a vegetable habitual for a Russian person in the mixture.

Subtleties of feeding

The use of a hypoallergenic mixture has its own characteristics. Before you give it to your baby, you need to understand a few points. In particular, it is not recommended to switch suddenly to a new product. This should be done gradually.

The results of switching to hypoallergenic infant formula will not be noticeable immediately, but only after 2-3 weeks. During this period, the baby's skin will noticeably cleanse if he previously had an allergy.

Soy food should be used with particular caution: doctors recommend introducing it into a permanent diet from six months of age, and ideally only after a year.

Before giving a hypoantigenic infant formula to a newborn, you should consult your pediatrician. Only a specialist is able to take into account a number of additional factors that parents may not even be aware of.

Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for a newborn. Only mother's milk fully satisfies the needs of the child, saturates the body with all the necessary vitamins and elements.

However, the mother is not always able to feed the baby. Then formula milk comes to the rescue. Before switching to formula or mixed feeding, think carefully and consult your pediatrician. Read more about the benefits of breast milk and breastfeeding.

When you need a hypoallergenic mixture

Young children, especially in the first 3-4 months, are prone to allergies and eating disorders. At this time, the baby's digestion is just getting used to new conditions, therefore, they often react negatively to food. If the child is on mixed or artificial feeding, there is a high probability that the allergy is manifested precisely in the formula. Then you will need a hypoallergenic infant formula.

Food allergy symptoms include:

  • Rash and redness on the body;
  • Itching and flaking;
  • Diaper rash and swelling;
  • Profuse regurgitation and vomiting;
  • Changes in stool consistency and color;
  • Severe colic, flatulence and abdominal pain;
  • Nasal congestion, runny nose, and sneezing;
  • Cough and sore throat;
  • Sore throat and asthma;
  • Tears and eye irritation.

Hypoallergenic infant formula can be used not only for allergy sufferers. They are suitable for children with increased gas production and problems in the intestines, with severe colic. In addition, it is better to choose such food for babies prone to allergic reactions. Remember, allergies are often hereditary. If mom or dad has allergies, it's better to play it safe. And the mixtures will be a good prevention of the disease.

How to choose the right hypoallergenic mixture

  • At the first sign of allergy, see your doctor. He will be able to determine which substances the child has a negative reaction to and, depending on this, choose the appropriate mixture;
  • Choose a mixture that is age appropriate. You will find the markings on the packaging. For premature babies and underweight babies, take “0” or “Pre” (“Pre”), for newborns and babies up to six months, “1” is suitable, for ages 6-12 months - “2”, for a one-year-old child and older - “3”. Some brands produce special baby milk to replace cow's milk for children from 1.5 years old under the number “4”;
  • Hypoallergenic mixtures are labeled “GA” or “HA” on the pack;
  • It is desirable that the composition includes prebiotics and probiotics, dietary fiber, iodine, and folic acid in sufficient quantities;

  • Choose foods without palm, rapeseed and coconut oils and labeled accordingly;
  • Do not forget to check the production date and shelf life;
  • When administering the formula, give the newborn a small dose and observe the reaction. If negative consequences appear, the mixture must be changed. The mixture must be changed if the child is not gaining weight well and sleeps restlessly, often cries during, before or after feeding;
  • Once you've found the right mix, don't change your diet again. Frequent change leads to a deterioration in the child's well-being.

Preventive and therapeutic mixtures

To choose the right mixture and understand which one is better, you need to consider the types. First of all, they are divided into preventive and curative. Prophylactic mixtures - food in which protein is partially broken down into small molecules (peptides). It is easier to digest and is suitable for babies at risk of allergies. For moderate to severe allergies, you should choose treatment mixtures that contain highly hydrolyzed protein.

Prophylactic formulas are suitable for continuous feeding of children who are allergic to cow's milk for the first time or who are at increased risk of developing such a disease. Most of the companies that produce such food include probiotics and prebiotics. These substances ease the condition of the child and improve digestion. Some also include nucleotides for immunity and lutein for.

The formulas do not contain the whole proteins of cow's milk and are therefore suitable for babies with moderate to high allergies. The composition of such food is more physiological and better absorbed. It promotes rapid weight gain and is not age-specific. But pediatricians recommend switching to preventive mixtures after 5-6 months of remission after the disease.

Soy, whey and goat milk mixtures

Soy formula is suitable for children with cow protein and cow milk allergies. Be careful, as 30% of babies are allergic to soy protein. Such food is not suitable for newborns, it is recommended for use after 5-6 months. At the same time, in addition to the soy mixture, the child's menu must include fermented milk products (cheese, cottage cheese, butter).

Whey or lactase-free formulas are highly digestible and suitable for children with intestinal and digestive problems. Such food is prescribed to newborns with lactose and sugar intolerance, with acute intestinal infection. But it is not suitable for lactase deficiency.

Goat milk formulas are suitable for newborns with intolerance to cow and soy proteins. Such food has a high nutritional value, contains the right amount of animal proteins for the full development of the baby. It is well absorbed, normalizes digestion, etc.

Rating of the best GA mixtures

Mixture Benefits disadvantages
NAS GA (Netherlands) The lactose content, as in breast milk, fatty acids ensure the development of vision and nerve cells, strengthen the immune system, and improve the intestinal microflora High price; not suitable for children with lactase deficiency, sometimes causes; contains palm oil
Nutrilak GA (Russia) Suitable for complete lactose and sugar intolerance, contains prebiotics, nucleotides and luteins, gently affects the intestines, regulates stool Sometimes causes allergies and increases
Nutrilon GA (Netherlands) Contains prebiotics and nucleotides, useful fatty acids, strengthens the immune system and stabilizes the intestines, reduces colic Poorly mixed and diluted, contains palm oil
Frisolak GA (Nidarlandy) Good quality and good tolerance, contains prebiotics, beneficial fatty acids and nucleotides, pleasant taste, optimal for premature babies and low birth weight babies Insufficient content of iron, calcium and potassium, contains palm oil, high cost
Hipp GA (Austria / Germany) Contains lactose and prebiotics, starch and fatty acids, sufficient iron and folic acid, accelerates digestion, suitable for children with anemia Not suitable for babies younger than 3-4 months. starch is difficult to digest and causes severe colic, expensive cost, difficult to find in regular stores
Humana GA (Germany) Contains lactose, prebiotics and nucleotides, improves digestion and helps with colic, easily absorbed High price
Similak GA (Denmark / Ireland) Contains nucleotides and prebiotics, lutein and fatty acids, no palm oil! Well divisible and easy to digest High cost, sometimes causes
Celia GA (France) Contains lactose, probiotics, fatty acids, good price-performance ratio Less adapted in composition, not divided by age and suitable only for children under one year old
Bellakt GA (Belarus) Lactose-free formula is suitable for babies with lactose intolerance, with severe and moderate allergies, contains prebiotics and nucleotides, fatty acids, enriched composition at an affordable price, well tolerated hard to find in regular stores
MD Mil Goat (Spain) Goat milk formula is suitable for children with atopic dermatitis and allergy to cow protein, facilitates digestion and absorption, strengthens the immune system High price
GA theme (Germany / Russia) Affordable price and sweet taste, promotes fast digestion, contains lactose Contains glucose syrup, which is not recommended in the diet of children under 6 months old, it contains starch that is difficult to digest
Agusha Gold (Russia, France, Denmark) The rich composition contains lactose and fatty acids, nucleotides and lutein, prebiotics and probiotics, affordable price, improves immunity Foams and does not mix well, sometimes intensifies

How to prepare the mixture

It is impossible to say unequivocally which mixture is better. Each baby is characterized by individual development and perception. Some kids eat the mixture without problems, while others have allergies or colic for the same composition. When choosing, take into account the reviews of other parents, but, first of all, be guided by the recommendations of the pediatrician, taking into account the characteristics of the development and health of the child.

For cooking, use clean filtered water. The optimum temperature of the formula for feeding a newborn is 36-38 degrees above zero. Do not heat formula milk in the microwave! In extreme cases, you can warm up food in a water bath or just in hot water. Better yet, pour boiling water over the powder and wait until the mixture cools down, or take water at the right temperature right away.

How to dilute the mixture and what portion to give to the baby is indicated on the package. The consumption rate depends on the age of the child. To calculate the dosage for newborns up to 10 days and weighing up to 3.2 kg, the number of days of life is multiplied by 70, weighing over 3.2 kg - multiplied by 80. For children from 10 days to two months, the portion is 1/5 of the weight, in 2 -4 months - 1/6 of the weight, from four months to half a year - 1/7 of the weight, from half a year to a year - 1/9 of the weight.

Hypoallergenic formula is a specialized food for babies, the purpose of which is to cure or prevent food allergies.


In cases where breast milk is not enough or due to other reasons, the child has to be switched to infant formula.

It happens that when feeding, there is the appearance of a rash, peeling and redness on the skin, changes in stool (consistency, color), shortness of breath, rhinitis and others, you should definitely consult a doctor.

If the cause of such manifestations is food allergy, the pediatrician will recommend transferring the baby to one of the hypoallergenic mixtures.

Dr. Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the fact that the cause of the rash, as a rule, is overfeeding of babies. See the next transmission excerpt for more on this.

For information on how to find the cause of the allergy, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

Allergy to formula in infants is not easy to diagnose, we advise you to read another article.

Allergies to proteins in cow's milk are often hereditary. If the close relatives of the crumbs have such a problem, then the baby may also develop the disease.


When the medicinal mixture is prescribed, the manifestations of food allergies quickly disappear. The skin of the baby is cleansed, the stool is normalized, the child becomes cheerful and cheerful. This is their main plus. And the use of food with a preventive effect will help prevent the development of allergy symptoms and switch to the usual mixture without problems.


  • It is not easy to introduce them into the baby's diet because of their unpleasant taste. The presence of free amino acids in the composition of medicinal ones causes their bitter taste. Casein hydrolyzed species taste less pleasant than whey hydrolysates.
  • Sometimes constipation and regurgitation can be a reaction.
  • Also, a rather high price can be called a disadvantage.

In a child who is fed a hypoallergenic formula, the feces may acquire a greenish color due to undigested peptides, as well as amino acids. This is considered a variant of the norm.


There are the following types of hypoallergenic mixtures:

  1. Preventive.
  2. Medicinal.


A prophylactic hypoallergenic formula is a milk formula, the protein molecules of which are partially split into smaller molecules (peptides). They are much easier to digest, so their absorption is rarely accompanied by an allergic reaction.

The ability to induce allergic reactions is influenced by the molecular weight of its peptides. If it is more than 5-6 thousand daltons, then it can cause an allergic reaction if there are already antibodies in the baby's body (the allergy has not manifested itself for the first time). That is why they will not help with severe allergies. However, if remission lasts longer than 6 months, antibodies that have formed from long-term exposure to allergens are gradually destroyed. During this period, the baby can be transferred to a preventive mixture.

Prophylactic mixtures include:

  • Nutrilon GA;
  • Nan H. A .;
  • Similak GA;
  • Frisolak GA;
  • Humana H. A;
  • Nutrilak GA;
  • Celia GA and others.

They must be indicated that they are low or hypoallergenic. Most of them contain more protein than the usual adapted mixture, and, on the contrary, less fat. Most of them lack casein, and whey proteins are partially hydrolyzed.

Carbohydrates can be presented:

  • lactose;
  • a mix of lactose and maltodextrin.

The second option is preferable for children who also have lactase deficiency. Blends with less lactose include Celia, Frisolac and Nutrilak.

Features of preventive mixtures:

  • Their other name is "partial protein hydrolyzate".
  • They are recommended for continuous feeding of a healthy baby who is at risk of developing an allergy to proteins from cow's milk.
  • They are also prescribed for babies in long-term remission. With the help of them, the transition from the therapeutic mixture to the usual one is carried out.
  • They are prescribed for children who first developed a reaction to cow's milk.
  • They are not prescribed for moderate to severe allergies.
  • There are formulas 1 for babies 0-6 months old, as well as formulas 2.
  • Some of these include probiotics (usually bifidobacteria) and prebiotics. These substances have a positive effect on food allergies. Probiotics are added to Celia GA and Nan GA, and prebiotics are added to Frisolak GA, Nutrilon GA, Similak GA and Nutrilak GA.
  • Also, nucleotides are added to them, designed to strengthen the baby's immunity. These substances are available in Nutrilak, Frisolac, Nan, Similak and Nutrilon blends.
  • Similak and Nutrilak contain lutein, which contributes to the development of baby's eyesight.

The therapeutic and prophylactic type is distinguished separately.These include HiPP Combiotic HA, represented by Formula 1 and Formula 2.

This mixture for babies up to six months (Formula 1) is highly hydrolyzed. The fats in it are the same as in conventional mixtures, and among the carbohydrates in Hipp there are lactose and starch. It is prescribed for newborns with an increased risk of allergies, as well as for children with mild allergies.

Formula 2 is a partial hydrolyzate and is recommended for children over 6 months old, as a product that will help the child's body gradually adapt to cow's milk.

The difference between the Hipp combiotic GA mixture from the others is that only in its composition there are probiotics, represented by bifidobacteria, and prebiotics, represented by dietary fibers.

For the selection rules, see the next video.



  • Their other names are "complete hydrolyzate" and "highly hydrolyzed mixture".
  • They lack the whole proteins of cow's milk as they are broken down enzymatically to peptides.
  • Whey peptides are much larger than casein peptides. That is why serum-based medicinal mixtures are prescribed for moderate food allergies. Note that they are more physiological and better absorbed than casein ones. Children in this case add mass faster.
  • They have no age division, except for Nutramigen lipil.

You will learn more about this by watching the following video.


Serum medicinal mixtures are also presented without lactose (Nutrilak Pepti STTS and Alfare). The rest of the lactose is less than usual. The sweetest and sweetest whey hydrolysate is Friso PEP.

Among the fats that are included are medium chain triglycerides. They are much easier to digest and are recommended if you have associated problems with fat absorption. Nucleotides as well as prebiotics are included in Nutrilon Pep and Friso PEP. Docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid have been added to the medicinal mixtures from Nutrilon and Nutrilak.


There are no allergic reactions to casein medicinal mixtures due to the low molecular weight of peptides in their composition, therefore they are prescribed for severe allergies. However, their difference is their lower biological value. And due to the presence of free amino acids, they taste bitter and unpleasant.

The protein content in them is higher, prebiotics and lactose are absent in them, and the carbohydrates in their composition are starch, as well as glucose. Medium Chain Triglycerides have been added to Pregestimil, Nutramigen and Friso PEP AC. Nucleotides, arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acid were also added to Pregestimil. Also, nucleotides are noted in the composition of Friso PEP, and these acids are found in the composition of Nutramigen.


In addition to whey, as well as casein hypoallergenic, for crumbs with cow's milk intolerance, we offer delicious soy mixtures. These include:

  • Friso soy;
  • Nan soy;
  • Similak Isomil;
  • Bellakt Soy;
  • Humana SL;
  • Nutrilon Soya and others.

They are given to babies over 5-6 months old. It should be introduced carefully, since 30% of newborns may be allergic to soy proteins. The required amount is increased within a week, excluding any dairy products from the baby's menu.

Calculate Your Complementary Feeding Chart

In the first months of his life, a person is especially prone to allergies. Hypoallergenic formula for newborns is selected if the child is bottle-fed and if he has signs of allergies.

What is a hypoallergenic mixture and how is it different from the usual

Conventional formula is made from cow's milk, and the most common type of child's food allergy is cow protein. You can read about the causes and symptoms of allergies in infants.

An infant's digestive system is still immature and often lacks the necessary enzymes to break down this protein. The immune system perceives it as a danger, resulting in a reaction in the form. To reduce the risk, they try to break down the protein or replace it with an analogue.

Allergies cannot be ignored, in a mild form, it is also dry of the skin, but if it is started, then it can turn into asthma or provoke angioedema.

Types of hypoallergenic mixtures

There are several types of hypoallergenic formulas for children. Each has its own characteristics that play a role in the selection of baby food. They can be divided into preventive and curative.


The scope of their application is not a treatment, but the prevention of food intolerance.


Mothers of newborn babies should understand that hypoallergenic formulas should be fed to the child only when they are allergic to the usual mixture

They are also called adapted, in the name there is a GA mark, they are present in the line of most manufacturers.

The adapted baby food contains a partial hydrolyzate.

Lactose in them is replaced by another carbohydrate component, usually maltodextrin.

Assign to newborns who have provoking factors:

  • heredity;
  • little ;
  • living in a metropolis or industrial area;
  • an increased level of neutrophils in the blood.

It is better to give your baby adapted baby food from birth., while antibodies to the stimulus have not yet developed.

6 popular hypoallergenic infant formula

  1. The most popular is Nan Hypoallergenic, the powder contains a special OPTIPRO protein complex, which has a positive effect on the development and growth of the baby. In addition to NAN OPTIPRO, Nestle produces a more budgetary, many favorite Nestogen mixture, but this is not hypoallergenic.
  2. The second most popular is Similak Hypoallergenic mixture. One of the first mixtures began to be produced without the use of palm oil, it suits many, has an optimal composition.
  3. The Nutrilon Hypoallergenic mixture contains the PronutriPlus complex for the full development of intelligence and the formation of strong immunity.
  4. Mixture Baby is not hypoallergenic, but there is fermented milk.
  5. Baby Milk Hipp Hypoallergenic contains a Combiotic complex, all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  6. Bellakt Hypoallergenic mixture is an excellent budget option for children at risk of allergies. Lactose free, rich in probiotics and vitamins.

Do not think that these mixtures are better than the usual ones. Rather, they are for other purposes. And if the baby normally tolerates the usual mixture, then this is the best option both in taste and in physiology.

On goat milk

Despite the fact that it is milk baby food, it is hypoallergenic and dietary. Cow and goat milk differ in composition. There is no alpha casein in goat.

There is a 20% chance that if cow's milk is intolerant, the goat will be tolerated normally. It:

Modern manufacturers took care of children who are allergic to cow protein and provided a fairly wide selection of hypoallergenic mixtures.
  • Nanny;
  • Kabrita;
  • MD Mil SP Goat.

They have a pleasant taste, do not affect the stool, and are also physiological for the child's gastrointestinal tract, unlike hypoallergenic formulas for newborns based on cow's milk.

If they fit the child, then this is the best option for intolerance to cow protein. The disadvantage of these mixtures is the price.

Fermented milk

When milk is curdled in the stomach, it is otherwise absorbed by the intestines. And if a child has a reaction to whole milk, then it is not a fact that it will be to fermented milk products.

The mixture has a pleasant taste and smell of kefir. It is slightly less physiological than the previous ones. But for very young children, and even more so for constant feeding, this mixture will not work. Rather, it is suitable as a complement to a nutritious diet.

Sour milk mixtures are:

  • Nutrilon;
  • Nutrilak;
  • Baby;
  • Bellakt.

IN Golovkina, pediatrician, "On the Baby Clinic"

If mom, dad or their close relatives had a severe food allergy, then you should think about the relevance of a hypoallergenic mixture for babies while still in the hospital.

And if a child is fed in a maternity hospital, it is worth doing it with a prophylactic mixture.

Preventive hypoallergenic infant formula:

cost for 400 g / rub

The country of manufacture

Main cast


NAN fermented milk, 500SwitzerlandFermented milkSkim milk, maltodextrin, lactose, milk wheyPrevention of food allergies
Nutrilon Fermented Milk, 500HollandSkim milk, demineralized whey
Fermented milk baby, 370RussiaSkim milk, demineralized milk whey
Nutrilak Premium Fermented Milk, 350RussiaWhey, skim milk, maltodextrin, milk fat.
Friso GA, 700NetherlandsHypoallergenicWhey hydrolyzate, lactose, vegetable fats, galactooligosaccharides, maltodextrin.
Hipp Combiotic HA, 730GermanyLactose, whey hydrolyzate, corn starch, prebiotics.
Nutrilon GA, 700HollandLactose, partial whey hydrolyzate, prebiotics.
Similac GA, 630USAMaltodextrin, partial whey hydrolyzate, minerals.
NAN Optipro GA, 700SwitzerlandLactose, maltodextrin, vegetable oils, partial whey hydrolyzate
Nannie, 1300New ZealandOn goat milkWhole goat milk powder, lactoseFor better weight gain and allergy prevention
MAMAKO, 1800SpainDemineralized goat whey, lactose, skimmed goat milk
Kabrita, 1000NetherlandsPowdered whole goat milk, lactose, prebiotics, probiotics
MD Mil SP Goat, 1300Great BritainLactose, partially skimmed goat milk, goat whey protein concentrate, galactooligosaccharides

Healing mixtures

This is a type of food that is prescribed exclusively by a specialist in order to correct food intolerances.


Their nutritional base is not animal protein, but soy protein isolate. It is prescribed for feeding children with intolerance to cow protein.

Among all, they are the least physiological for the gastrointestinal tract. Not suitable for constant feeding.

Soy does not contain all the essential amino acids that are necessary for the development of the baby, especially his brain.

Here are some popular names:

  • Friso SOY;
  • Similac Isomil.

Complete hydrolysates

They are prescribed for severe forms of atopic dermatitis, when there is already an allergy to the adapted mixture. There are whey, casein. Whey are more physiological.

They taste bitter. And if the baby has been drinking a sweet milk mixture until then, then there is a high probability that he will not drink whey. Then it is gradually mixed into the usual food, increasing over time the concentration until it is completely replaced.

Milakina GM, pediatrician, doctor of the highest category, Children's polyclinic No. 3 of the children's hospital No. 25, Nizhny Novgorod

If they brought a child with a severe form of allergy to me, then I do not waste time choosing - the case is not the same.

I give parents 3 options to choose from: Neocate, Frisopep AS or Nutrilon Pepti Allergy.

During the use of these mixtures, the stool often becomes liquid, of an unusual color, and acquires a specific smell.


  • FrisoPEP;
  • Alfare;
  • Nutrilon Pepti Allergy.


  • Friso PEP AC;
  • Nutramigen.

Frisopep of them is the most physiological, since, unlike the others, it contains a minimum amount of lactose.

Amino acid

In the case of severe forms that have already arisen, when hydrolysates are not suitable, a lactose-free hypoallergenic mixture based on amino acids is prescribed.

Shmilina M.N., pediatrician, Children's Clinic "Fantasy", Moscow

And if it has already arisen, then it is worth starting with the most physiological mixtures.

Milk protein and lactose are replaced with identical equivalents based on nonessential and essential amino acids. Then immune reactions are completely excluded.

These mixtures have a pleasant taste, children eat them well, they are suitable for full nutrition from birth, but there is a minus - this is the price. They cost about 2.5 thousand rubles. You can advise the following:

  • Alfare Amino;
  • Neocate LCP.

We invite you to watch a video in which a pediatrician, doctor of medical sciences, a member of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia S.V. Makarova will tell you in detail about feeding with medicinal mixtures based on milk protein hydrolyzate or amino acid mixtures:

, rejection of hydrolysates Similac Isomil, 500SpainCornstarch, Soy Protein Isolate Friso PEP AC, 1200NetherlandsDeep hydrolyzate of caseinGlucose syrup, casein hydrolyzateMultiple food allergies, complete intolerance to cow's milk and soy proteins Nutramigen, 1140USAProtein hydrolyzate, taurine, fats Friso PEP, 950NetherlandsGlucose syrup, lactose, whey protein hydrolyzate Nutrilon Pepti Allergy, 980HollandWhey protein hydrolyzate, maltodextrin, Alfare, 1300SwitzerlandMaltodextrin, enzymatically hydrolyzed whey protein, starch, milk fat

Rules for the selection and transition to a hypoallergenic mixture

The main indicator that baby food is suitable is excellent well-being, clean skin of the child... If the baby has diarrhea, you need to change the mixture.

When choosing a mixture, carefully observe the baby's well-being: does he have an allergic rash on his body, does his tummy hurt, pay attention to the chair

When choosing the best hypoallergenic mixture, they take into account the individual characteristics of the baby, his taste preferences.

In any case, the selection takes place together with a pediatrician or allergist who is familiar with the baby's history.

Any pediatrician will tell your mother how to switch to hypoallergenic baby food painlessly. It is impossible to change sharply, especially for an analogue of breast milk of a different type.

It is necessary on the first day to replace 1 spoon of the usual food with a new one, on the second day already 2... And so on until the new completely replaces the old. How much should a newborn baby eat, you can read