The best bleaching agents for clothes. How to whiten white clothes? Features of bleaching things from different materials

White clothes get dirty quickly and should be washed after the first wear. Because the dust is visible on them, the fabric takes on a gray tint.

Recently, professional bleaching products have been incredibly popular. They quickly and effectively return the material to its former purity. However, industrial chemistry is not suitable for everyone. For example, it is better not to wash children's clothes with their help.

Therefore, many are returning to the old methods for whitening. Also, folk methods can be used if you do not want to poison the family with chemistry.

Professional reagents

It exists at home. The most popular is professional chemistry.

The market offers a large selection of products that can return the material to its former whiteness. They are conventionally subdivided into chlorine, optical and oxygen.

Chlorine bleaches are the cheapest, and therefore are quickly sold out. However, these products are not suitable for removing stains from delicate fabrics.

Use bleach only when it is necessary to disinfect clothes, or better prepare the bleach yourself.

Washing in whiteness will not bring positive results if you resort to this procedure for a long time.


This type of bleach is not suitable if you decide to buy it for treating children's clothes. Optical products often cause allergic reactions when they come into contact with the skin, which is probably why they are poorly sold out recently.

In addition, these substances not only do not whiten the fabric, they create the illusion of its purity.

The optical components are deposited on the material, reflecting white light, and therefore the clothing looks several shades lighter. However, in reality, her blouse is still clogged with dirt and dust and after a few socks, the blouse will become even grayer than it was before.

Optical brighteners are difficult to find in their pure form now; they are most often found in detergents.


The best bleach for clothes is oxygen. Unlike chlorine, which are at the very bottom of the list, these funds are located at the very top.

Oxygen bleach rightfully takes the first place. This is truly the best product, proven to be effective through multiple tests.


  1. It is safe. You can buy for children and adults, bleach natural and synthetic fabrics. It doesn't even break the structure of the silk.
  2. The environmental friendliness of these products has been tested more than once. Sodium percarbonate is biodegradable and does not pollute the environment.
  3. Oxygen products rinse out well. Even the smallest particles do not remain on the laundry.
  4. Does not cause allergic reactions and can be used from the first days of a child's life.
  5. The efficiency of washing is significantly higher than when using chlorine-containing and optical detergents.

This bleach is better. It has no analogues. The only drawback is the high cost.

How to find out which bleach is oxygen? This is usually indicated on the label. You can also ask a sales assistant for help.

Best oxygen bleaches: Ecover, Nature Clean, Klar, Almawin, Sodasan.

Traditional methods

Professional bleaches work faster. In them, clothes are soaked for a maximum of half an hour; longer soaking is not required.

However, not everyone can use these chemicals. This is possible due to health conditions or due to lack of funds.

In this case, bleaches can be replaced with folk remedies. There are many recipes for whitening things.


In the old days, grandmothers boiled linen in large boils. So they disinfected him and bleached him at the same time.

This stain removal and whitening technology has survived to this day and has been passed down from generation to generation. Many hostesses use this technique to disinfect children's things.

This is the most effective stain removal method that does not require the use of harsh chemicals.

Means for whitening linen at home by boiling:

  1. Add 180 g of soap and soda ash to 6 liters of water. The linen is boiled in this solution for 2 hours. Then you need to take out the clothes, transfer to the bath and wait until it cools down. Do not take cold water immediately, sudden changes in temperature can negatively affect the condition of the tissues.
  2. White jeans and jackets too. They are put in a bucket for boiling things for 1 hour and constantly turned over. No need to add folk remedies and industrial chemicals. After such processing, they are washed in an automatic machine.
  3. The following composition will help to whiten things and disinfect them well: 5 g of bleach and the same amount of soda ash are diluted in 10 liters of water. In the resulting product, linen is boiled for 30-60 minutes, depending on the degree of soiling. Then you need to wash your clothes with powder and softener, because they will smell like bleach.

You can also boil with silicate glue. There are many ways to bleach laundry in this way.

Each of them needs to be mastered, and then only snow-white clothes will be stored in your wardrobe.

Laundry soap

Everyone knows what kind of remedy it is. It has been used for decades to remove stains from things.

Laundry soap from the very birth of the baby. It not only removes any dirt, but also whitens to its original appearance. Plus, it's hypoallergenic.

Laundry soap is used for washing cotton, linen, wool and even synthetics. It is suitable for almost any material.

Mode of application:

  1. Soap the contaminated areas with 72% soap and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Prepare the solution in a basin. For 5 liters of water, you will need 1 bar, chop it on a grater and beat into a foam.
  3. Place previously treated clothes in a hot solution for several hours.
  4. Then repeat the manipulation, only the soapy liquid should be cold. Soaking is reduced to 1 hour.
  5. After bleaching the laundry in this way, wash it in the usual way, observing the temperature regime and cycle.

This is one of the cheapest methods of bleaching fabrics.

Not a very common bleaching method, but no less effective - using vegetable oil.

If your favorite blouse is gray, use this technique. No, it will not be covered, but on the contrary, if they are, they are quickly washed off.

To prepare a whitening agent, you will need 1 tbsp. l. dry bleach, 200 g of washing powder, 2.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil. All components are diluted in 5 liters of warm water.

If there are a lot of items, double the amount of each ingredient.

In the prepared solution, things are soaked for 3 hours. After this procedure, you will need to wash clothes with detergent and rinse well.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate has long been used as a stain remover for bed linen. This crystalline powder fulfills its functions 100%.

To prepare the solution, you will need 2–5 crystals of potassium permanganate. It is diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution should be slightly purple.

Then add washing gel or powder, in the amount of 200 g (ml). Stir the composition well to dissolve all the grains.

Soak laundry in this substance, cover a basin or bucket with plastic wrap or a bag.

When the mixture has cooled, open the container, remove the sheets and rinse several times in clean water. It remains only to hang things on the clothesline, and then iron.


It is not profitable for many to use purchased whitening products. They are not cheap, and not all are used sparingly. Folk remedies come to the rescue.

With hydrogen peroxide, you can bring back the snow-white look even with a very dirty kitchen towel.

To make good bleach, mix 12 cups of water, ¼ cup of lemon juice, and 250 ml of hydrogen peroxide.

Everyone has all these ingredients in the house, and if not, then there will be no problems with the purchase.

Hydrogen peroxide has a unique composition. Thanks to this, it can be used to whiten all fabrics, both natural and synthetic.

The prepared product from peroxide, lemon juice and water is poured into the tray of the washing machine, and the desired modes are turned on.

This composition can also be used for soaking if there is only one thing. The amount of ingredients for hand washing can be reduced. Two glasses are enough to bleach one blouse.


Synthetic laundry bleach is prepared on the basis of ammonia. This tool also removes dirt well. Plus, it whitens well.

An aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide can be used separately, it is also poured into the machine, and it can also be combined with other products and thereby enhance the whitening effect.

How to make the product yourself and apply:

  1. In a 10 liter container, dilute with 5 tbsp. l. ammonia, 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide and a little soapy water.
  2. Place the laundry in the container for 30 minutes.
  3. The homemade bleach should then be rinsed well.

After ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, there is no smell. But to give your clothes a little freshness, wash them using fabric softener.

Acetylsalicylic acid is used to remove yellow marks that appear under the armpits due to increased work of the sweat glands.

Aspirin is far from the best bleach for white laundry as it can only remove yellow stains. However, in this situation it is an irreplaceable assistant.

Crush Aspirin, dilute it a little with water, you need to make a gruel. Apply it on yellow spots and leave it on for 1.5 hours.

Finish the removal procedure by washing with powder, drying and ironing.

Boric acid

This substance helps to remove difficult dirt. It is a potent reagent that is more commonly used to bleach socks.

Simple bleaches don't even match the effectiveness of boric acid. They are often powerless with dirty white socks that they did not wash right away.

To do this, dissolve ½ tsp in 500 ml of hot water. boric acid. White socks are dipped into this composition, and kept in it for 2 hours.

When finished, hand wash them in warm water. You don't need to use detergent; if you want, add a little fabric softener to make the smell more pleasant.

All bleaches are effective when prepared and applied as directed. Industrial reagents and home remedies should be selected according to the material of the garment.

It should also be reversed. Not all tissues can be treated with professional chemistry. In this case, it can be replaced with a folk remedy, just before using it, be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area.

White clothes look fresh, smart and give a clean feeling. However, over time, the color fades and loses its original whiteness. How to whiten whites at home and make them dazzle? Read our article for an overview of effective and affordable bleaching methods.

Maintaining whiteness is not as difficult as it seems

Home remedies for whitening

The industry does not stand still, and today there are dozens of bleaches and stain removers on sale. For every type of fabric and for every wallet, you can find the best option. But for various reasons, such means are not always available to us: aggressive chemicals are not suitable for bleaching children's underwear, quickly thinns delicate fabrics and causes allergies. Proven home remedies come to the rescue.


Soda will help restore the whiteness of cotton, linen and synthetics. It can be used to bleach yellowed white clothes and fabrics with colored prints:

  • add 3 tbsp. to the washing machine drum. l. baking soda and wash things in a suitable mode;
  • dilute 5 tbsp in 5 liters of water. l. soda and 2 tbsp. l. ammonia. Soak clothes for 3-4 hours and wash as usual;
  • if the fabric allows, boil the item with powder and baking soda for about 30 minutes. For 1 liter of water, take 1 tbsp. l. soda and the usual amount of powder;
  • for whitening baby things, dilute 2 tbsp. l. soda in 10 liters of water and soak the laundry for 3-4 hours;
  • soda and peroxide will cope with yellowness and sweat stains. Dissolve in 1 liter of water for 1 tsp. soda and peroxide, soak laundry for 10-15 minutes, rinse and wash as usual;
  • for stubborn stains, use a soda paste before washing. Dilute baking soda with a drop of water, apply the resulting gruel to the stains, rub and leave to act for 30 minutes. Wash with baking soda using one of the methods described above;
  • stubborn stains can help remove baking soda and vinegar. Apply a soda paste to the stain, moisten with vinegar and rub lightly. When the fabric is dry, rinse the laundry and wash as usual. This method is not suitable for delicate fabrics.
Do not use baking soda to bleach silk and wool.

Soda solution is suitable for bleaching children's clothes, disinfects well and removes unpleasant odors


Hydrogen peroxide will help to whiten white things, get rid of yellowness and stains. We list several ways:

  • dissolve peroxide in water (1 teaspoon for 2 liters of water) and soak previously washed items in the resulting solution. After 30 minutes, rinse the laundry with clean water;
  • to get rid of dullness will help peroxide with ammonia. Dilute in 10 liters of water for 2 tbsp. l. peroxide and ammonia, and soak the laundry for 30-40 minutes. Then wash in the traditional way;
  • instead of peroxide, hydroperite can be used. 9 tablets are enough for 10 liters of water.
When using hydrogen peroxide for bleaching, keep in mind that after opening the bottle, it retains its properties for 1 month. If you use a solution that has been opened for a long time, the result will be zero.

Dry clothes after bleaching in the sun or cold - their color will become dazzling


To whiten white things made from synthetics and flax, table salt will help. Dissolve the salt in warm water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter) and soak the washed laundry for 30-40 minutes. Rinse and hang to dry.

Salt will help bleach items that are gray from frequent washings


To whiten white things, ammonia will help:

  • dilute the ammonia in water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), soak things for 3 hours and rinse. To enhance the effect, add 1 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap for each liter of solution;
  • for bleaching cotton and flax, dilute 5 tbsp in a bowl of hot water. l. ammonia and soak the laundry for 3 hours. Then wash things with laundry soap;
  • for guipure and tulle, add 1 tbsp to a basin of warm water. l. ammonia and 2 tbsp. l. peroxide, soak clean laundry for 30 minutes, rinse and dry.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate will help bleach faded things and get rid of yellowness.

Dilute soap flakes (100-150 g) in 10 liters of warm water. Prepare a weak solution of manganese by dissolving 3-5 crystals in a glass of warm water (make sure that the manganese dissolves completely, without sediment). Mix everything and soak clean laundry. Depending on the thickness of the fabric, soaking can take from 30 minutes to several hours. The thinner the fabric, the less time it takes to bleach. Terry towels can be soaked overnight. Rinse thoroughly.

Whitening with potassium permanganate is a gentle method. It does not thin fibers and is suitable for almost all fabrics

Boric acid

Boric acid will help whiten white things.

Dilute the boric acid solution (1 tablespoon for 2 liters of water) and soak the washed items for 2 hours. For maximum effect, use laundry soap: rub it on the laundry before soaking or add soap shavings to the boric acid solution (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

Boric acid bleaching is only used for wear-resistant fabrics. Do not use it on delicate items.

How to bleach faded white clothes

Each mistress had to deal with faded things - no one is immune from such incidents. Consider effective whitening methods.

For natural fabrics, use laundry soap. Rub the laundry thoroughly with it, soak it for 6 hours in hot soapy water (1 tablespoon of soap shavings per 1 liter of water). Then wash the laundry and rinse thoroughly. If you don't want to soak, rub the laundry with laundry soap and boil for 1 hour. You can add soap shavings to the drum of the washing machine and wash at 90 ° C.

Dissolve washing powder in a bowl of hot water and add 1-2 tbsp for each liter of water. l. shavings of laundry soap. Dissolve 3-5 potassium permanganate crystals in 1 cup (200 ml) warm water and pour into a basin. You should have a soft pink foam solution. Soak faded items for 2-3 hours. Rinse the laundry thoroughly after the procedure.

To prevent their cotton and linen from fading, wash them at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C.

Many washing machines have a delicate wash cycle. In addition, place things in a laundry bag or pillowcase - this way you will save delicate fabric

Prepare stain remover: Mix 1 tbsp. l. citric acid, starch, soap shavings and table salt. Dilute with water to form a paste. Apply to discolored areas for 12 hours, then wash as usual. The method is suitable for almost all fabrics.

Dilute 20 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of boiling water and soak the faded item for 1-2 hours. Do a wash. Use a conditioner to get rid of the ammonia smell.

You can remove yellow spots from white things with hydrogen peroxide. Pour liquid over stains, wait 5 minutes and rinse laundry. This procedure can be repeated.

You can remove yellow stains from wool and silk with the following solution: mix washing powder in a basin with warm water, 4 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and peroxide. Stir thoroughly and soak laundry for 2 hours. Rinse in cold water.


Boiling, though outdated, is an effective way to bleach cotton linen. Dissolve powder or soap shavings in an enamel bucket, place laundry, boil for 1 hour. Stir the laundry occasionally with a wooden tong.

Many housewives use boiling to whiten baby clothes.

Using whiteness

Whiteness and other chlorine-containing products are only suitable for bleaching cotton and linen. When using whiteness, wear gloves and a face shield.

Dilute whiteness in water (1 tablespoon for 3 liters of water), add powder or soap, and soak the laundry for 20 minutes. Rinse and wash in the traditional way.

Bleach clothes no more than 1 time in 2-3 washes, otherwise the laundry will lose strength

Other whitening products

In conclusion, here are some more interesting whitening methods:

Means Method Additionally
Vegetable oil 5 liters of water + 0.5 tbsp. powder + 0.5 tbsp. soap shavings + 2.5 tbsp. l. oils. Soak for 3 hours. Wash Removes greasy stains, whitens
Lemon acid For 1 liter of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. citric acid. Soak for 5 hours. Rinse Do not use on delicate fabrics
Aspirin For 1 liter of water 1 tablet (crush). Soak for 8 hours. Rinse Eliminates yellowness and grayness. Suitable for wool. Can be added to the machine
Mustard powder For 1 liter of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder. Insist 3 hours, drain. Soak laundry for 0.5-3 hours. Wash Disinfects, removes grease, suitable for delicate items and colored prints

To preserve the original whiteness of things, adhere to the following rules:

  • do not soak for a long time and do not wash things at temperatures above 40 ° C, if they have metal elements;
  • do not bleach items with rusty spots - as a result, the entire fabric will acquire a reddish tint;
  • be sure to read the information indicated on the tags;
  • shake out the laundry before washing to avoid the entry of foreign objects;
  • sort things. Wash whites separately from dark and colored items, wool and silk separately from cotton and linen;
  • wash new items separately;
  • so that things do not fade, soak them first in a solution of sodium chloride. Salt has a fixing effect on the paint;
  • remove only completely dry laundry, wet fabrics are prone to greyness and streaks.

Snow-white things look neat, beautiful and solemn

Take care of the laundry from the first washings, bleach things correctly, and you will keep its crystal white for a long time. We hope you find our tips useful. Share your experience and impressions in the comments.


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Do you know that:

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the selected solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe thing from the wrong side for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Threads made of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the state of the necessary fineness. Hence the expression "pull (breed) gimmick" - "engage in long monotonous work" or "delay the execution of the case."

If the first signs of bearing in the form of untidy pellets appeared on your favorite things, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and efficiently shaves off clumped fabric fibers and returns a decent look to things.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don't have to worry about leaks from the neighbors on top.

It is easiest to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate with table salt. Place a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to maximum, and press the iron several times over the salt mat using light pressure.

Fresh lemon is suitable not only for tea: clean the dirt from the surface of the acrylic bathtub by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container with water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

There are special traps to fight moths. The pheromones of females are added to the sticky layer with which they are covered, attracting males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The habit of using the washing machine “sparingly” can lead to an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on the inner surfaces and actively multiply.

The dishwasher is not only good for dishes and cups. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass lampshades and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

The best bleach for laundry is right for the type of fabric and how dirty it is. After all, the material changes its shade not only as a result of long-term use, but also due to improper storage, poor-quality washing, prolonged drying in the sun, from dirt, hard water, and untimely removed stains that are strongly ingrained into the fabric fibers.

Assortment of bleach for linen

Achievements in the field of household chemicals allow not only to whiten a thing, but also to do it as safely, quickly and easily as possible.

Today manufacturers offer the following types of clarifiers:

  • oxygen;
  • optic;
  • chlorine.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is necessary to have different preparations on the farm. But what and when to use? You should learn more about this.

Produced mainly in liquid form. The main substance is sodium hypochlorite. Supplementary substances: fabric tinting components, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, surfactants (surfactants).


  • high-quality whitening even at low water temperatures;
  • ease of use;
  • low cost;
  • comfortable consistency;
  • the possibility of using for disinfection.


  • frequent use spoils the fabric;
  • processing only cotton materials;
  • ban on use in washing machines;
  • short shelf life;
  • strong unpleasant and pungent odor.


Chlorine-containing preparations are not recommended to be used regularly, as they aggressively affect the fibers of the fabric, thinning them and destroying the product, which loses its appearance and begins to tear. It is forbidden to lighten delicate things with this tool. Wool, silk and most synthetic fabrics should be treated with a different finish. It should be borne in mind that the pungent smell of bleach can cause allergies in particularly sensitive people.

The product is available in the form of a gel and powder. The main active ingredient is sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate or carbonate. A chemical element, dissolving in water, decomposes into soda and hydrogen peroxide, which releases active oxygen. Thus, the surface of the fabric is oxidized, due to which stains, yellowness and an unpleasant odor are removed. Oxygen chemistry can be used to wash both white and colored items.

Oxygen bleach has benefits

The fact that the product is oxygen-containing is indicated by the labeling on the package: Oxi, O2, Active, Oxigen, etc.

The advantages of oxygen preparations:

  • high-quality bleaching of any type of fabric, including synthetics, wool, silk;
  • activation at a water temperature of 40 ° C;
  • preservation of the structure of the fibers of the fabric;
  • removal of old stains;
  • easy removal of contaminants of various origins (blood, wine, fat, grass, sweat);
  • improving the detergent qualities of washing powders;
  • good rinsing out of things;
  • use in a washing machine;
  • environmental friendliness and safety in compliance with the instructions;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • the ability to wash children's clothes.


  • high price;
  • high consumption;
  • loss of qualities after long-term storage;
  • short shelf life (6 months).

Oxygen bleaches are quite effective, things after using them are really snow-white

Powder stain removers have a longer shelf life. However, they have one "but"! Their action is possible only when using high temperature water - at least 80-90 ° C. But this chemistry can be stored for up to five years.


Oxygen preparations are less strong, but softer in effect. Suitable for lightly soiled delicate fabrics. They also cleanse colored items well, refreshing their original color and returning brightness.

Operating principle: reflection of light rays. During the washing process, the components of the product are not completely rinsed out of the fabric. Remaining in the fibers, they reflect the rays of the sun, creating a visible flawless whiteness. Optical chemistry is also called fluorescent. And also a trick, because the resulting purity is visible, not real.

The prototype of the modern optical household product is the usual blueprint. At one time, it was used in all laundries. Some dry cleaners do not forget about its existence even today. Thanks to this substance, snow-white is achieved not through cleansing and purity, but with the help of reflective elements and dyes.

In its pure form, the optical clarifier is practically not sold. It is most often found in other detergents. Most powders designed for washing white linen contain light-reflecting elements in their composition, in different proportions, depending on the brand of detergent.

Oxygen bleaching agents also contain optical substances. For example, Vanisn Gold, Vanish Crystal White, K2r, Heitmann whitening agent, etc. Attention! It is forbidden to wash children's clothes and clothes with optical brightener!

The main disadvantage of the remedy is the possibility of developing an allergic reaction. The fact is that the substances are not completely washed out in order to create the illusion of whiteness by reflection, and when the skin comes into contact with tissue, a person may experience a negative reaction to this contact. Therefore, if you experience itching, rashes, as well as more serious symptoms in the form of dizziness and nausea, you should not only stop using the product, but also consult a doctor after drinking an antihistamine.

It should be noted that optical household chemicals are not the best bleach for white laundry. However, if the question "" arises, especially if she needs to be dressed for an important event, then this tool will be a good and quick help in solving the problem.

Whitening your shirt for an event will be quite effective.


When buying an optical brightener, you should pay attention to the production date. The more "fresh" the drug is on the store shelf, the better the result it will give. The fact is that over time, the quality characteristics of the product decrease, even if it did not open and did not come into contact with oxygen. Also, do not forget about the utmost care and study of the instructions. It is better not to use optical brightener to lighten silk and wool products!

Choosing household chemicals, the consumer should pay attention not only to the quality characteristics, but also to its form - liquid or powder. Liquid detergents and cleaning products do not last long. Over time, their properties weaken. That is, they should be purchased in small portions that will suffice for multiple uses. After long-term storage, liquid detergents do not wash well, lighten, remove stains, which means that they cannot cope with the tasks assigned to them. Only a recently released product can effectively wash, clean, remove, lighten.

Powder formulations are more economical both in use and in price. And their assortment is much wider than that of alternative liquid options. In addition, oxygen is most often included in powder formulations, rather than chlorine, which in itself is also an advantage. Longer storage is another plus, as well as the fact that they can be combined with washing powders. The main thing is not to forget about the observance of a suitable temperature regime.

Most detergents start to work at water temperatures of 40 ° C, and oxygen bleach needs 90 ° C. To achieve maximum results, things must first be soaked or washed, and then bleached. This sequence will allow you to remove dirt of different types and origins separately and one by one, achieving a high quality result. Detergent will easily deal with protein stains, while bleach will easily deal with oil and vegetable stains.

Oxygen bleach works great at high temperatures

Instructions for use

Most often, a lightening event for fabric products consists of the following actions:

  • studying the instructions;
  • removal of metal elements (during processing, they rust or deteriorate, leave dark spots);
  • dissolving the product in water;
  • use of plastic and aluminum cans;
  • preliminary soaking;
  • hand or machine wash with bleach;
  • rinse thoroughly.


  • pour the substance onto the fabric;
  • use metal containers for soaking and washing.


  • coarse tissues are soaked in a small amount of solution;
  • thin fabrics are pre-soaked in a large amount of liquid.

For the best effect, pre-soak the product

In all other respects, you must follow the instructions available on each individual drug. The manufacturer is best known about the properties of the reagent, as well as its effectiveness under certain conditions, according to the composition.

Everyone can buy household chemicals, but do it with their own hands? Also. But not everyone wants to waste time on something that is ready, packaged, laid out on a store shelf and waiting for its buyer. But since not all factory-made household chemicals can boast of complete safety, which cannot be said about household detergents and cleaning products, some housewives decide on feats. After all, whiteners prepared by yourself are completely safe for tissues and humans. And also: effective, affordable, prepared from improvised means.

Make your own bleach

So, we present the most effective recipes:

  • 1 part of ammonia, 3 - salt, 5 - hydrogen peroxide + washing powder + water \u003d soaking, washing, rinsing;
  • ½ cup salt + 1 tablespoon potato starch + 1 tsp. citric acid + ¼ piece of laundry soap 72% + 2 liters of warm water \u003d soak for 12 hours;
  • a couple of dissolved crystals of potassium permanganate + 2 liters of hot water \u003d soaking for 12 hours;
  • 3-5 aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) tablets + ½ glass of water \u003d apply to blood, sweat, urine stains, or soak in a little water for 3-6 hours.

Don't want to bleach things with special reagents? Then it is necessary immediately after purchasing the products to take care of them according to all the rules. The first thing to do is examine the label. Further - follow the following recommendations:

  • light items are washed separately from the rest;
  • cotton and linen are not washed with wool and synthetics;
  • water temperature during washing - 60 ° C;
  • occasional use of powdered bleach;
  • the use of table salt when washing linen and cotton products.

When using bleaches, remember that they thin the fabric and damage it. Subsequently, it takes on an unpresentable appearance, coughs and breaks easily.

Wash white items separately from colored items, otherwise you may ruin them.

If, when washing light-colored laundry, a colored one has got into the drum of the machine, the paint from which has migrated with spots onto a white thing, you can try to get rid of them with whiteness, special bleaching preparations or powders with a similar effect.

Do not think that you can only deal with pollution with whiteness and powder. and not damage them? By boiling, soda, peroxide and ammonia. How to use these methods and means? Let's consider in detail and step by step.

Things must not only be whitened, but also not spoiled

A quick, cheap and traditional way from grandmothers. Most relevant for linen and cotton products. Also suitable for children's underwear, as it is absolutely safe for health. In addition to bleaching, boiling allows for disinfection.

The procedure is carried out in a stainless steel container or in an enamel bowl. The bottom must be covered with a clean old rag.

Laundry with previously soaped stains is placed in a boiling solution. If desired, soap shavings or washing powder are added to the solution. The addition of vegetable oil, salt and soda helps to enhance the effect. You can choose one of the components or several at once - according to availability and desire.

The procedure takes about two hours. During boiling, the laundry should be constantly turned over and stirred. After finishing, things must be thoroughly rinsed. It is better to entrust this to the washing machine by choosing the fastest washing program with an additional rinse.

If you are allergic to household chemicals, you can try bleaching things with ordinary soda ash. The drug is used in several ways. The first is described above - during boiling. The easiest is to add to the compartment of the machine along with the detergent. In this case, wash should be done at high temperatures. Soda will not only deal with stains and yellowness, but also soften the water.

For faded laundry, use the following recipe. Given: ½ glass of soda + 2 tablespoons of ammonia + 5 liters of water \u003d thorough mixing, soaking the laundry for 2-3 hours, rinsing and washing in an automatic machine as usual.

Baking soda works well

Large or deeply stubborn stains can be removed with soda, slaked vinegar. In this case, it is imperative to use gloves!

Even faded linen easily regains its former appearance when treated with peroxide and ammonia. They can be used separately or together. For this, a solution is made with the selected component or both at once, which are taken in equal proportions, for example, a couple of tablespoons.

The components are mixed with a liter of water in which things are soaked. Rinse after three hours. The procedure should be as thorough as possible. The same method works for yellowed items.

Important! When soaking things, remember and make sure that the products are under water. Completely. To do this, you can put a press on them or prepare more solution that will cover all the things that require bleaching.

Peroxide and ammonia will help restore the whiteness of things

Why is it so important? Because the open areas will eventually turn out to be the same yellow or gray as before, that is, they will differ significantly from the lightened material. As a result, the thing will look worse than before, since yellow stains will not add presentability to it.

Home remedies or aspirin are best for baby items. They are the safest and no less effective than household chemicals. To restore whiteness to diapers, boiling in 5 liters of boiling water with the addition of crushed laundry soap (1/3 of a bar) and baking soda (2 tablespoons) helps.

Manufacturers of industrial chemicals offer specially formulated bleaching products. They do not contain chlorine and optical brighteners, so they do not cause allergies in the form of itching and skin rashes. These bleaches are suitable for frequent use.

Boil baby clothes in a solution of laundry soap

It should be noted that for washing children's clothes, it is recommended to choose liquid preparations, not powder ones. They are suitable for all types of fabrics. In this case, we are talking about oxygen stain removers. By removing stains, they whiten the fabric in parallel. This is how mothers cope with two tasks at the same time.

In addition, such reagents, even with frequent washing, do not destroy the structure of the fabric, do not eat into the fibers, rinse well, and do not cause allergic reactions. The only drawback is the higher cost. However, you cannot save on children. But if the financial issue is especially acute, then you can always find an alternative, for example, homemade self-prepared compositions.


  • bleach is used only after the child is 6 months old;
  • baby clothes can be washed with a powder containing oxygen-containing bleach;
  • the basis of a child's lightening product should include hydrogen peroxide;
  • in children's household chemicals there should be no chlorine!

In order to use bleach as little as possible to lighten things and thereby extend their service life, you must adhere to a number of rules for caring for light-colored products:

  • timely washing as it gets dirty without long-term storage in the laundry basket;
  • storage of clean items in dry and well-ventilated rooms, wardrobes, dressers;
  • the use of high-quality laundry detergents designed specifically for white items;
  • immediate whitening when grayish and yellowish shades or spots appear;
  • the use of powders with water softeners, if the latter is particularly hard, or adding soda ash during washing (1.5 tablespoons in a machine or 3 tablespoons in a 10-liter basin with water);
  • washing in a typewriter (easy, delicate) is preferable to manual (difficult, laborious, ineffective);
  • application of pre-soaking for several hours;
  • choice of programs with water temperature up to 30 ° C and below, high temperatures contribute to the gray of the fabric;
  • "No" to mixing white and colored items during washing !;
  • the addition of ammonia to the washing powder during washing not only whitens the laundry better, but also disinfects;
  • whiteness is used only for cotton fabrics;
  • a solution with boric acid (2 tablespoons per 2 liters of water) helps to restore cleanliness to socks, in which the products are soaked overnight;
  • oily stains on white things are removed by soaking in a solution with mustard powder (2 tablespoons + 1 liter of hot water);
  • woolen and silk products are preliminarily placed in a clarifying solution (50 g of powder + 1 tablespoon of ammonia + 6 tablespoons of salt + 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide + 10 liters of water) \u003d 10 hours of soaking, rinsing, delicate mode of washing in an automatic machine.

Lingerie requires attention, no matter what color it is. Only proper care, storage and washing will extend the life of things, while saving the family budget.

An outfit of this color always looks festive. White things are especially popular with business people who have to look presentable due to the nature of their service. Today we will talk about how to give the once white things their former beauty and shine.

The product loses its attractiveness and color due to systematic wear, lack of basic care, violation of washing rules and other trifles. In the case of white things, this is unforgivable, because this color is delicate.

If you are thinking about how to wash white things, turn to the most effective methods. Boiling is slowly becoming a thing of the past; it is being replaced by hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, ammonia, laundry soap, and special chlorine-containing compounds.

There are also oxygen bleaches designed for different types of fabrics. They will help you tidy up your favorite silk shirt or woolen garment.

Having chosen one or another method, carefully read the instructions. Do not keep the thing in the solution for longer than the specified time. Always check the manufacturer's recommendations on the clothing label.

Method number 1. Hydrogen peroxide

  1. This method is suitable for people who cannot whiten a delicate item. Hydrogen peroxide does the job well. In addition, the drug is inexpensive.
  2. The main advantage of the method is a quick and effective result. Washing does not require prolonged night soaking. It is enough to cook 45 ml. peroxide and 10 liters. filtered or boiled water.
  3. Combine the listed components, send the white thing to the basin and wait half an hour. After the allotted time, carry out a double or triple rinse, then wash with a powder.

Method number 2. Laundry soap with soda

  1. The cleaning method is designed for white linen or cotton, as soda can be detrimental to delicate fabrics. It is not difficult to prepare a solution: mix 4.5 liters. filtered water with a temperature of 40 degrees from 125 gr. baking soda.
  2. Rub ¼ \u200b\u200ba bar of laundry soap with a fine-grained grater and add to the water. Stir by hand or a wooden spoon until the mixture is smooth.
  3. Send your favorite white thing into the prepared solution (preferably warm). The pre-soak time is 4 hours. After this time, carry out a rinse and normal wash.

Method number 3. Lemon acid

  1. Citric acid powder can be used in many ways. One option is to whiten light-colored items. The method is not designed for delicate fabrics; cotton or linen is suitable for soaking.
  2. Measure out 60 ml. drinking water, pour a bag (teaspoon) of lemon into it. Add a tablespoon of shavings of laundry or tar soap and the same amount of cornstarch.
  3. Pour in 10-14 gr. table salt. You should get the consistency of thick sour cream. Adjust the viscosity of the mixture. When everything is ready, spread the gruel over the dirt and rub in.
  4. The exposure time depends on the age and size of the spots - from 2 to 4 hours. After the allotted time, rinse the item thoroughly, wash it by hand or in a machine, dry out of the sun.

Method number 4. Mustard with potassium permanganate

  1. Many housewives get scared when they hear that a white thing needs to be bleached with potassium permanganate. This is not surprising, because the crystals have a characteristic raspberry hue, which, to put it mildly, does not inspire confidence.
  2. But don't be scared. The solution turns out to be delicate and disinfectant, you will give your favorite thing its former beauty and shine. You can try the method on kitchen towels or tablecloths; potassium permanganate will easily remove traces of grease.
  3. To prepare the solution, take 4.5 tablespoons of mustard powder and mix with 1 liter. drinking (purified) water. Separately combine a couple of potassium permanganate crystals with 4.5 liters. filtered water.
  4. Leave the basin with mustard to settle, then pour the resulting liquid to potassium permanganate. Send a white thing to the general solution, wait 50 minutes.

Method number 5. Peroxide with soda

  1. This method is designed for bleaching shirts, T-shirts, blouses and other items that have developed yellow sweat stains. Of course, you can use the composition to combat other pollution.
  2. Measure out a few heaped tablespoons of soda, combine with 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Turn the ingredients into a smooth paste and rub into the stains.
  3. The exposure time is 30 minutes. After that, rinse the item with softened boiled water, make a soaking solution. It is prepared from 5 liters. water temperature 35 degrees, 100 gr. soda, 130 ml. hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Soak the product for 20 minutes, then rinse it with your hands or send it to the washing machine. After all the manipulations, dry it by hanging the item away from the sun.

Method number 6. Potassium permanganate

  1. Measure out 250-300 ml. purified water, heat up to 30-35 degrees. Pour potassium permanganate into the liquid at the tip of a knife, let all the particles dissolve. Pay special attention to this stage.
  2. Now prepare a bowl of water by pouring in 9 liters. Pour 90 g in parallel. detergent and leave until the granules dissolve. When this happens, add the potassium permanganate solution.
  3. Estimate the shade, it should turn out slightly pink. Send the thing inside, wrap the edges of the container with plastic wrap. Wait at least 50 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Method number 7. Soda with ammonia

  1. This cleaning technique is suitable for bleaching items that have old stains, traces of unsuccessful washings (staining), and other unpleasant nuances.
  2. Prepare a solution of 50 ml. ammonia, 100 gr. drinking sifted soda, 6 l. filtered water with a temperature of about 65 degrees.
  3. Stir all ingredients. It is important that there are no undissolved particles in the solution. Send the item inside, let it soak for 30 minutes.

Method number 8. Acetylsalicylic acid

  1. To return things to their former whiteness, you should take a closer look at a simple and at the same time effective method. Often, housewives in the fight against the problem resort to using aspirin. The proportions of the substance depend on the amount of laundry.
  2. Turn about 3-4 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid into flour and pour into the powder compartment of the washing machine. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to pre-soak things.
  3. For such a procedure, dissolve 5 tablets of the drug in 5 liters of water. Place items in the solution, wait at least 6 hours.
  4. To get rid of blood stains, juice and sweat, you need to make a highly concentrated formulation. For this in 100 ml. Dissolve 4 aspirin tablets in water. Fill the stains with liquid, wait about 1 hour.

Method number 9. Salt

  1. The tool can effectively whiten gray or yellowness from already washed synthetic fabric. To prepare the solution, you need to take 60 gr. salt in 1 liter of non-hot water.
  2. Place item in saline solution, wait at least half an hour. After that, continue manipulating.

Method number 10. Oxygenated bleaches

  1. The name of such funds speaks for itself. These bleaches are gentle on various fabrics. Oxygenated cocktails are the safest and most gentle.
  2. Oxygen-based gels, powders and tablets of all kinds are mainly designed to remove stains on woolen, silk and synthetics.
  3. The active ingredients of the product do not harm delicate products. Oxygen-based bleaches effectively restore their original appearance by completely removing dirt.
  4. These tools are most effective. They are hypoallergenic and completely environmentally friendly. The only downside to oxygenated bleaches is the price.

Method number 11. Boric acid

  1. Boric acid will be an excellent helper if you wish to quickly remove stains from knee-highs, socks or underwear. For this, it is recommended to prepare a solution of 4 liters of water and 60 gr. boric acid.
  2. Place the dirty laundry in the composition, wait about 2 hours. After the specified time, rinse the products thoroughly and dry. Boric acid resists yellowness and the development of fungal infections.

Method number 12. Chlorine bleaches

  1. Bleach products that contain sodium hydrochloride are considered the most aggressive. The interaction of chlorine bleach with synthetic and delicate fabrics irreversibly destroys their structure.
  2. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to use such gels only on durable fabrics such as linen and cotton. Regular use of chlorine-containing formulations leads to the appearance of yellowness. There is nothing to fix this problem.

Method number 13. Optical brighteners

  1. Keep in mind that bleaches have appeared relatively recently, you should not pin high hopes on them. The funds are more promoted than they are of tangible benefit.
  2. Such bleaches cannot be attributed to a separate type, it is a certain combination of oxygen-containing and chlorine-containing agents.
  3. The effect is achieved due to light brightening with luminescent compounds. In this case, the fabric is not cleaned, only the appearance of whiteness is given.

White things have an unpleasant tendency to get dirty quickly. From here, the hostesses grab their heads, not knowing how to remove the stain on their favorite blouse or husband's shirt. Use the above recommendations, follow the tips.

Video: how to return whiteness to washed clothes

Constant washing of linen leads to the fact that things lose their original color, acquiring yellowness and grayness. This problem is relevant for both clothing and home textiles. How to bleach white clothes at home, while maintaining the quality of the fabric, we will consider in this article. There are many known ways to keep things whiter. It remains to choose the appropriate one.

The best folk remedies for whitening white things

Folk remedies are one of the most popular methods. Many available substances cope with the problem. Preference should be given to those that are suitable in a particular situation and suit the cost.


Soda is an affordable option with an impressive area of \u200b\u200buse. For 5 liters of water, 5 or 6 tablespoons of soda are taken, which mix well. Additionally, it is recommended to add two tablespoons of ammonia to enhance the whitening effect. Things are soaked in the resulting composition for two to three hours, after which they are rinsed well to remove soda residues and sent to the traditional wash.

If the interior items are not just gray, but with traces of yellowness, boil them in a soda solution. It is important to understand that only cotton or linen products that are not clothing are allowed for digestion. These can be kitchen or bath towels, bedding, tights, knee-highs, or socks.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a compound that is inexpensive and is in every home. For 2 liters of water, it is enough to take a teaspoon of a 3% product. Products that have a gray or yellow color are placed in the resulting solution. The soak time is 15 minutes. Turn things over every 5 minutes for a better result.

Attention! If desired, soda is added to the hydrogen peroxide. This solution is considered one of the best helpers in the fight against things that have a gray tint from frequent washing. The combined effect of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide makes it possible to restore whiteness to clothes and textiles, even if they have been lost long ago.

Lemon acid

You can safely use citric acid. It is taken in a small amount and dissolved in water. Things are immersed in this mixture and soaked for several hours. After that, it remains to rinse and enjoy the cleanliness.

If desired, add washing powder in the amount of a few spoons or a little grated laundry soap to the composition. This will enhance the whitening effect.


Whiteness is a product that is immediately remembered when it is necessary to bleach clothes or other textiles. The substance can only be used with natural fabrics, for example, linen or cotton. It must be understood that whiteness contains chlorine, which has a negative effect on synthetic and semi-synthetic fabrics. At the same time, whiteness tends to thin the fabric, so it is suitable for single use, regular use is not recommended.

The principle of whitening in whiteness is quite simple. Add the substance to water at room temperature and place things there for several hours. Then rinse off the rest of the product and make sure the fabric is clean.


Aspirin is an interesting drug that experienced housewives have long been using as a bleach. For 7 liters of water, take 5 aspirin tablets, for 5 liters of water you can get by with 4 tablets. Dissolve the tablets in water and place things for 8 hours or overnight. After that, they are washed in a washing machine, into which you can also add a couple of aspirin tablets to enhance the effect.

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Mustard powder will help to restore the former whiteness of textiles. The use of the composition is extremely simple. The powder is dissolved in water, soaking dirty things in it. It is enough to stand for two hours and the products can be rinsed, they will be snow-white and clean.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is a unique tool that allows you to save white things and interior items if they were accidentally washed along with colored ones. The solution contains 100 grams of washing powder, 3-5 crystals of potassium permanganate and half a bucket of hot water. If desired, the powder can be replaced with a small amount of grated laundry soap.

It is better to dissolve potassium permanganate in water in advance, achieving an unsaturated pink color. The remaining components are mixed until a thick foam is formed. Things are lowered into the composition and left overnight. In the morning, it remains to rinse the products well from the remaining solution. The method is considered one of the most optimal and gentle, since no thinning of the tissue occurs.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap is a remedy that often saves housewives in various situations. When you need to whiten things at home, it also helps. The soap is pre-rubbed. For half a bucket of water, two tablespoons are enough. It is preferable to add other substances to the composition, increasing the bleaching efficiency. These include 3-4 crystals of potassium permanganate, two tablespoons of salt, a few tablespoons of soda, or two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.

Further, the principle is similar - things are soaked in the prepared mixture, leaving for 2-3 hours. After that, rinse thoroughly and wash with the usual method. The result is snow-white cleanliness, which cannot but rejoice.

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You can also use ordinary salt if you mix it with three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and a spoonful of ammonia. Washing powder will help to enhance the whitening effect even more. In the resulting mixture, things are soaked for several hours. After the time has elapsed, they are washed in the washing machine.

The recipe can be called universal. It is suitable for a wide variety of fabrics including cotton and wool.

Boric acid

Boric acid, which is also used for making slime at home, is considered an interesting tool for whitening golfs, tights and socks.

For the solution, take two tablespoons of acid and mix with warm water. Then soak the products for two to three hours, then rinse well and wash in the usual way. Boric acid is a versatile substance that can be added directly to the washing machine for a better wash. It is also allowed to boil things in the solution if they have old traces of grayness or yellowness.

Starch or baking powder

Baking powder or starch effectively fights against grayness and yellowness. For five liters of water, two tablespoons of the chosen product are enough. In this case, there is no need for additional rinsing of textiles. You can add starch or baking powder directly to the washing machine when washing white items. Numerous positive reviews indicate the effectiveness of this method.

What commercial chemicals can help whiten white clothes at home?

Modern household chemicals offer substances that allow you to independently bleach white things at home.

  1. Most drugs contain chlorine, for example, whiteness. It is important to understand that such products are suitable exclusively for white things, since they corrode the color of colored ones. Stains are removed well and quickly, but the tissue is destroyed over time, and the drugs themselves have a negative effect on human health.
  2. The second type of bleach is oxygenated products. Their advantage is the ability to use with any materials. They will easily remove stains of any kind. In general, such bleaches are called the optimal chemical type.
  3. The third type is optical brighteners. The products do not fight stains directly, they mask the dirt. The disadvantage is the difficulty of removing them from the fabric.

How to bleach faded white clothes

Sometimes whites will fade due to accidental washing with colored products. Don't be upset. You can use the tools at hand and return to its former appearance.

Attention! Bleach as soon as possible. In this case, the probability of a positive result is high. The more time passes, the more the paint eats into the white fabric and it will not be possible to get rid of it with simple methods.

Among the folk remedies to whiten faded white things will help:

  • Laundry soap ... Suitable only for natural fabrics, but for synthetic ones you should not wait.
  • Mustard powder ... Perfect for silk and woolen products.
  • Whiteness and other substances containing chlorine ... Suitable only for white natural fabrics.
  • Optical and oxygen brighteners ... The latter will cope with any type of pollution, while the former can only mask the dirt.
  • Potassium permanganate ... A unique remedy is better than others with faded things.
  • Ammonia ... The product will easily restore the natural color of clothes that are stained during washing.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and soda ... The two ingredients together will help you achieve incredible results.
  • Citric acid and salt ... In addition to the composition, it is recommended to add grated soap and starch to improve the result.
  • Boric acid ... Take two spoons of the drug per 10 liters for a positive result.
  • Boiling ... The method is great for home furnishings, for example, sheets, tablecloths, towels.

How to safely bleach gray baby underwear

Children's underwear is a special category of things that receive close attention when washing. In the first three years of a child's life, it is impossible to wash things with ordinary powder and use chemical bleaches. This can lead to allergic reactions. It is better to choose affordable and safe folk remedies:

  • Soda.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Ammonia.
  • Baby soap.
  • Potassium permanganate.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Laundry soap.
  • Salt.

These substances help to cope with pollution, get rid of grayness or yellowness. If used correctly, they will not harm the health of the child, which means that parents will not have to worry. The principle of use is extremely simple. Soak baby clothes in the chosen product for two to three hours, then rinse well and wash with baby powder as needed.

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Features of bleaching things from different materials

Different fabrics are bleached in different ways. Some substances can destroy fabric, especially if it is synthetics. Therefore, it is worth reading the recommendations and only then proceeding with whitening.


In order to whiten synthetics, it is important not to use some methods. They will result in a loss of quality and appearance. Among the methods that are prohibited, the following are distinguished:

  • Soak or wash with bleach containing chlorine.
  • Washing and boiling at high temperatures.
  • Spin after bleaching.
  • Drying in direct sunlight.

You can use salt, soda and ammonia, laundry soap - they are considered safe for synthetic fabric, so they will not harm.

Cotton and linen

Linen and cotton are fabrics that can be bleached with soda ash. To do this, the product is washed in a washing machine in water of 70 degrees, having previously filled it with soda or persal. Regular use of soda ash will bleach linen.

An alternative would be to soak in persol and detergent for 12 hours. The use of salt, soda, whiteness and other bleaches with chlorine in the composition is allowed.

Wool and silk

Wool and silk are similar types of fabric for which it is possible to apply the same bleaching methods. For this, a specific solution is made up in which things are soaked. The proportions are as follows:

  • 5-6 liters of water.
  • A tablespoon of powder.
  • A tablespoon of peroxide.
  • Four tablespoons of salt.
  • A tablespoon of ammonia.

The components are thoroughly mixed and only then the fabric is immersed. After two hours, things are rinsed.

Mustard is also used. Pour a tablespoon of powder with a liter of hot water and leave for two hours. After that, the water is poured into a container and the algorithm is repeated with the same mustard again. Then washed in drained water.

Now you know what tools to use to whiten things at home. Choose a few recipes and the textiles in the house will shine clean and white. The whitening process has no difficulties or pitfalls, so you can safely start cleaning things and interior items, taking into account the recommendations.