New circumstances of the investigation into the death of the Dyatlov group. Disclosed secret data on the death of the Dyatlov group. "Death came from paralysis of the respiratory center"

: lomov_andrey wrote - It is also interesting to read about the Dyatlov Pass. The topic is dark and I even wondered if you could find something previously unknown, wait a month, so if you can ask me a question: The riddle of the Dyatlov pass.

After looking at how many of these versions, I decided so, let us collect here very briefly the maximum number of them. References will, if possible, lead to their broader interpretation. And you are required in the comments (if you are reading this on infoglaz.rf) or by voting at the end of the post (if you are reading this in LJ) to choose the most likely version in your opinion. In the meantime, I will briefly tell you what happened at the pass:

On January 23, 1959, the group went on a ski trip to the north Sverdlovsk region... The group was headed by an experienced tourist Igor Dyatlov. The group left for the starting point of the route in full force, but Yuri Yudin was forced to return due to pain in his leg. On February 1, 1959, the group stopped for the night on the slope of Mount Kholatchakhl (Holat-Syakhl, translated from Mansi as "Mountain of the Dead") or the peak "1079" (although on later maps its height is given as 1096.7 m), not far from an unnamed pass (later called Dyatlov Pass).

On February 12, the group was supposed to reach the final point of the route - the village of Vizhay and send a telegram to the institute's sports club. There are many testimonies from the participants in the search work and the UPI tourists that with Yu. Yudin, who left the route, the group postponed the deadline for February 15. The telegram was not sent either on the 12th or 15th February.

An advanced search group was dispatched to Ivdel on February 20 to organize air searches. Search and rescue operations began on February 22, with the dispatch of several search teams made up of UPI students and staff with tourist and mountaineering experience. A young Sverdlovsk journalist Yu.E. Yarovaya, who later published a story about these events. On February 26, a search group led by B. Slobtsov found an empty tent with a wall cut from the inside, facing down the slope. Equipment, as well as footwear and outerwear of some of the tourists, remained in the tent.

This is what the tent of the Dyatlovites was seen during investigative actions.

On February 27, the day after the discovery of the tent, all forces were pulled into the search area, a search headquarters was formed. The head of the search was the master of sports of the USSR in tourism Yevgeny Polikarpovich Maslennikov, chief of staff - teacher military department UPI Colonel Georgy Semyonovich Ortyukov. On the same day, one and a half kilometers from the tent and 280 m down the slope, next to the traces of a fire, the bodies of Yury Doroshenko and Yury Krivonischenko were found. They were stripped down to their underwear. In 300 meters from them, up the slope and in the direction of the tent, lay the body of Igor Dyatlov. In 180 meters from him, higher up the slope, they found the body of Rustem Slobodin, and 150 meters from Slobodin, even higher, - Zina Kolmogorova. There were no traces of violence on the corpses, all people died from hypothermia. Slobodin had a head injury, which could be accompanied by repeated loss of consciousness and contributed to freezing.

The search took place in several stages from February to May. On May 4, 75 meters from the fire under a four-meter layer of snow, in the bed of a stream that had already begun to melt, the bodies of Lyudmila Dubinina, Alexander Zolotarev, Nikolai Thibault-Brignol and Alexander Kolevatov were found. Three of them had severe injuries: Dubinina and Zolotarev had rib fractures, Thibault-Brignoles had a severe head injury. Kolevatov did not have any serious injuries, except for the damage to his head caused by an avalanche probe, with which they searched for bodies. Thus, the search work ended with the discovery of the bodies of all participants in the campaign.

It was found out that the death of all members of the group occurred on the night of February 1 to 2. Despite the efforts of the search engines, the complete picture of the incident has not been established. It remained unclear what really happened to the group that night, why they left the tent, how they acted further, under what circumstances four tourists were injured and how it happened that no one survived.

Official investigation

The official investigation was opened by the Prosecutor of Ivdel District Tempalov upon the discovery of the found corpses on February 28, 1959, was conducted for two months, then it was extended for another month and was closed on May 28, 1959 by the Decree on the termination of the criminal case, which states that the group , apparently, faced some dangerous circumstances in which no signs of a crime were seen, and could not successfully resist them, as a result of which she died. The investigation, first of all, studied the circumstances of the case regarding the possibility of finding any other people in the area where the group was killed at the time of the events. The versions of a deliberate attack on the group (by the Mansi, escaped prisoners or anyone else) were tested. The task of fully clarifying the circumstances of the death of the group, apparently, was not posed at all, since from the point of view of the objectives of the investigation (making a decision on the existence of a crime) this was not decisive.

According to the results of the investigation, organizational conclusions were made regarding a number of leaders of the tourism business in the UPI, since in their actions insufficient attention was seen to the organization and safety of amateur (the term "sports", at that time was not yet used) tourism.

The case materials were never published in full. To a limited extent, they were available to the journalist of the "Oblastnaya Gazeta" in Yekaterinburg, Anatoly Gushchin, who quoted some of them in his documentary story "The Price of the State Secret of 9 Lives". According to Gushchin, the first investigator was the young specialist V.I.Korotaev of the Ivdel Prosecutor's Office. He began to develop a version of the murder of tourists and was removed from the case, as the leadership required to present the event as an accident. The investigator was appointed prosecutor-criminalist of the Sverdlovsk regional prosecutor's office Ivanov L.I. The materials of the investigation of V.I. Korotaev are absent in the archival criminal case, which consists of one volume, an album and a package labeled "Top secret". According to Yu. E. Yudin, who was familiar with the case, it contains technical correspondence between the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region and the prosecutor's office of the RSFSR, which got acquainted with the case in the order of prosecutor's supervision.

According to some commentators, the investigation did not fully study the facts to unequivocally classify the incident as a crime or accident. In particular, the identity of some of the objects found and the reasons for their appearance in the area of ​​the death of the group was not established (a scabbard, a soldier's winding and other items of unknown origin were found). Later it turned out that the ebony scabbard found near the cedar fit the knife of A. Kolevatov (a number of sources mention the second scabbard near the tent). It is not determined with what tool the trunks of the flooring found near the stream were felled or cut off, an examination was not carried out to establish an avalanche, an examination of traces of biological tissues on a cedar trunk, presumably left by tourists, an examination of Thibault-Brignoles skull injuries with an answer to the question: what object could inflict these fractures and whether it was of artificial origin. The source of radioactivity of some items of clothing is vaguely identified. It remains unclear whether a biochemical examination of the blood and biological samples of the bodies of tourists was carried out, which (according to Gushchin) were selected and packed by Korotaev in Ivdel. In the case, there are no decisions on recognizing the relatives of the deceased tourists as victims, in connection with which their legal representatives cannot exercise their rights to participate in a new investigation of the criminal case, if there are legal grounds for such.

In 1990, L. I. Ivanov, who conducted the investigation, published an article entitled "The Secret of Fireballs" in the newspaper "Kustanayskaya Pravda", in which he stated that the case was closed at the request of the authorities, and the real reason for the death of the group was hidden: "... Everyone was told, that the tourists were in an extreme situation and froze ... ... However, it was not true. The true reasons for the death of people were hidden from the people, and only a few knew these reasons: the former first secretary of the regional committee A.P. Kirilenko, the second secretary of the regional committee A.F. Eshtokin, the prosecutor of the region N.I. Klimov and the author of these lines, who were investigating the case ... ". In the same article, L.I. Ivanov suggested that UFOs could become the cause of the death of tourists. Some researchers suggest that the mystical bias prevailing in the press of the 90s, and references to such artifacts, indicate the impossibility of the investigation clearly and in detail to explain the causes of the tragedy due to imperfect knowledge, both on the part of investigators and in the scientific environment of that time.

There are more than twenty versions of why the Dyatlov group died, from everyday to fantastic

And now the versions:

1. Quarrel between tourists
This version was not accepted as serious by any of the tourists who have experience close to the experience of the Dyatlov group, not to mention the larger one, which has the overwhelming majority of tourists above the 1st category according to the modern classification. Due to the specifics of training in tourism as a sport, potential conflicts are eliminated already at the stage of preliminary training. Dyatlov's group was similar and well prepared by the standards of that time, therefore, the conflict that led to an emergency development of events was ruled out under any circumstances. It is possible to assume the development of events by analogy with what could happen in a group of young difficult-to-educate adolescents only from the position of an ordinary person who has no idea about the traditions and specifics of sports tourism. Moreover, it was typical for the youth environment of the 1950s.

3. An avalanche descended.
The version assumes that the avalanche descended on the tent, the tent collapsed under the load of snow, the tourists cut the wall when evacuating from it, after which it became impossible to stay in the tent until the morning. Their further actions due to the onset of hypothermia were not entirely adequate, which ultimately led to death. It was also suggested that the heavy injuries received by some of the tourists were caused by the avalanche.

4. Impact of infrasound.
Infrasound can occur when an air object is flying low above the ground, as well as as a result of resonance in natural cavities or other natural objects under the action of wind, or when it flows around solid objects, due to the occurrence of aeroelastic vibrations. Under the influence of infrasound, tourists experienced an attack of uncontrollable fear, which explains the flight.
Some expeditions visiting the area have noted an unusual condition that can be attributed to the effects of infrasound. In Mansi legends, there are also references to oddities, which can also be interpreted in a similar way.

5. Ball lightning.
As a variant of a natural phenomenon that scared tourists and thus initiated further developments, ball lightning is no better or worse than any other assumption, but this version also suffers from a lack of direct evidence. As well as the absence of any statistics on the occurrence of CMM in winter in the Northern latitudes.

6. Attack of escaped prisoners.
The investigation inquired about nearby penitentiary institutions and received an answer that no prisoners had escaped during the period of interest. In winter, shoots in the Northern Urals are problematic due to the severity of natural conditions and the inability to move outside of permanent roads. In addition, it says against this version that all things, money, valuables, food and alcohol remained intact.

7. Death at the hands of Muncie

“Kholat-Syakhyl, mountain (1079 m) on the watershed ridge between the upper reaches of the Lozva and its tributary Auspiya, 15 km to the southeast from Otorten. Mansiysk "Kholat" - "the dead", that is, Kholat-Syakhyl - the mountain of the dead. There is a legend that nine Mansi once perished on this peak. It is sometimes added that it happened during global flood... According to another version, during the flood, hot water flooded everything around, except for the place on the top of the mountain, which was sufficient for a person to lie down. But the Mansi, who took refuge here, died. Hence the name of the mountain ... "
However, in spite of this, neither Mount Otorten nor Holat-Syakhyl are sacred among the Mansi.

Or a conflict with the hunters:

The first suspects were local Mansi hunters. According to the investigation, they quarreled with the tourists and attacked them. Some were seriously injured, others managed to escape and then died from hypothermia. Several Mansi were arrested, but they categorically denied their guilt. It is not known how their fate would have developed (the law enforcement agencies of those years mastered the art of gaining recognition perfectly), but the examination established: the cuts on the tourists' tent were made not from the outside, but from the inside. Not the attackers "burst" into the tent, but the tourists themselves tried to get out of it. In addition, they did not find any extraneous traces around the tent, supplies remained intact (and they were of considerable value for the Mansi). Therefore, the hunters had to be released.

8. Tests of secret weapons - one of the most popular versions.
It has been suggested that the tourists were hit by some kind of test weapon, the impact of which provoked the flight, and, possibly, directly contributed to the death of people. As damaging factors, such as vapors of rocket fuel components, a sodium cloud from a specially equipped rocket, a blast wave, the action of which explains the injuries, were called. As confirmation, the excess radioactivity of the clothes of some tourists, recorded by the investigation, is cited.

Or, for example, a nuclear test:

Having dealt with the enemy's intrigues, we will consider the version of a secret test of nuclear weapons in the area where the Dyatlov group is located (this is how they try to explain the traces of radiation on the clothes of the victims). Alas, from October 1958 to September 1961 the USSR did not conduct any nuclear explosions, observing the Soviet-American agreement on a moratorium on such tests. Both we and the Americans carefully monitored the observance of the "nuclear silence". In addition, with an atomic explosion, traces of radiation would have been on all members of the group, but the examination recorded radioactivity only on the clothes of three tourists. Some "experts" explain the unnatural orange-red color of the skin and clothing of the deceased by the fall of a Soviet ballistic missile R-7 in the area of ​​the Dyatlov group's parking area: it allegedly frightened the tourists, and fuel vapors, being on clothing and skin, caused such a strange reaction. But rocket fuel does not "paint" a person, but instantly kills. Tourists would have died outside their tent. In addition, as established by the investigation, no rocket launches from the Baikonur cosmodrome were carried out in the period from January 25 to February 5, 1959.

9. UFO.
The version is purely speculative, it relies on observations of some luminous objects made at another time, but there is no evidence of a meeting of the group with such an object.

10. Bigfoot.
The version about the appearance of a "Bigfoot" (relict hominoid) near the tent, at first glance, explains both the panicky flight of tourists and the nature of the injuries - according to Mikhail Trakhtengerts, a member of the council of the Russian association of cryptozoologists, “as if someone had already hugged them very tightly ". Traces, the edges of which would have been indistinct by the time prospecting began, could simply be mistaken for pressurization or protruding stones covered with snow. In addition, the search team first of all looked for traces of people, and they could simply not pay attention to such atypical prints.

11. Dwarfs from the mainland Arctida, Descendants of the ancient Aryans and others in the same spirit.
The version is that the group stumbled upon some artifacts belonging to representatives of some legendary peoples, sects carefully hiding from people, or met with them and was destroyed to preserve the secrets. No unambiguously interpreted confirmation of this version (as well as evidence of the existence of these peoples or sects) is given.

12. Zolotarev's secret service past (version of Efim Saturday).

He was forced to move from place to place, hiding from those who had reason to take revenge on him (former colleagues or victims of SMERSH). Zolotarev could not turn to the authorities for help, since he had a "secret" that he did not want to share. This "secret" was the goal of Zolotarev's pursuers. Semyon moved further and further, until he ended up in the Urals.

13. Galka's version of the crash of a military transport plane
In a nutshell, the fuel carrier aircraft made an emergency discharge of cargo, presumably methanol (or itself collapsed in the air). Methanol caused sliding, unusually mobile landslides, then possibly an avalanche.

14. This is the work of the KGB.

There are many facts of concealment, evidence, correction of information and ignorance of certain facts.

15. Military poachers

It is our military that has long been the most unpunished of all possible poachers. Try to catch up with the combat helicopter on a motorcycle or ordinary motor boat. At the same time, often, shooting is carried out at everything “that moves”, and sometimes the servicemen do not even think about the problem of collecting their hunting trophies.

16. Crime, gold.

In the village of 2nd Severny (the last inhabited locality), even with Yudin, who left the group, they visited the warehouse of geological samples. They took several stones with them. Yudin took a part (or all?) With him in his backpack. From Kolmogorova's diary: “I took several samples. I saw this rock for the first time after drilling. There is a lot of chalcopyrite and pyrite here. " Several sources note that among the “locals” during the search and investigation there were rumors: “The guys' backpacks were stuffed with gold.” In principle, some of the samples could outwardly resemble gold. And they could be radioactive to one degree or another. Maybe they were looking for these stones (even if they were taken by tourists by mistake?)

17. Political, anti-party and anti-Soviet coloration

Unfortunate "Magic power of a piece of paper", which gave the official status to the Dyatlov group of tourists, with all the ensuing consequences, can be compared with a plane ticket doomed to inevitable death with all its passengers.
The Dyatlovites would go like ordinary wild tourists on a par with the Blinovites, then both episodes with the participation of the police could seriously affect the behavior of Yura Krivonischenko, and in the village. Had there been a special need to stop, and if I had to spend the night there, then they would spend the night "In the same club where we were 2 years ago"... They would not have had to communicate with the leadership of the colony, thereby worsening their living conditions in the village. See. The Dyatlovites would not have had to advertise in the village of Vizhay the purpose of their campaign, timed to coincide with the beginning of the XXI Congress of the CPSU ...

18. The mysterious death of members of the Dyatlov group was associated with air-borne electric-discharge explosions of fragments of a small comet.

I quickly identified about a dozen witnesses who said that a balloon flew by on the day the students were killed... Witnesses: Mansi Anyamov, Sanbindalov, Kurikov - not only described it, but also painted it (these drawings were later removed from the case). All these materials were soon requested by Moscow ...

19. A slightly modified version of a thunderstorm based on the fact that it is lightning discharges that are a direct consequence of the death of a group, and not temperature or a snowstorm.

20 The convicts escaped, and they had to either be captured or destroyed.

Fishing in the woods in winter? It's pointless. Destroy - with what.
No, not cruise missiles, of course, and not vacuum bombs. They used gases. Most likely a nerve agent.

Or like this:

One of the versions of the conspiracy theorists: Dyatlov's group was liquidated by a special unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which pursued the escaping prisoners (I must say, there were really a lot of "zones" in the northern Urals). At night, the special forces ran into the tourists in the forest, took them for "prisoners" and killed them. At the same time, for some reason, the mysterious special forces did not use either cold arms or firearms: there were no stab wounds or bullet wounds on the bodies of the dead. In addition, it is known that in the 50s. escaping prisoners at night in the wilderness of the forest were usually not pursued - too great a risk. They conveyed the orientation to the authorities in the nearest settlements and waited: in the forest you cannot last long without supplies, willy-nilly the fugitives had to go to "civilization". And the main thing! Investigators requested information about the escapes of the "convicts" from the surrounding "zones". It turned out that there were no shoots in late January - early February. Therefore, there was no one to catch the special forces at Kholat-Syakhyl.

21. "Controlled delivery"

And here is the most "exotic" version: it turns out that Dyatlov's group was liquidated ... by foreign agents! Why? To disrupt the KGB operation: after all, the student tour was only a cover for the "controlled delivery" of radioactive clothing to enemy agents. The explanations for this astonishing theory are not without wit. It is known that investigators found traces of radioactive substances on the clothes of the three dead tourists. Conspiracy theorists linked this fact with the biography of one of the victims - Georgy Krivonischenko. He worked in the closed nuclear city of Ozersk (Chelyabinsk-40), where plutonium was produced for atomic bombs. Samples of radioactive clothing provided invaluable information for foreign intelligence. Krivonischenko, who worked for the KGB, was supposed to meet with enemy agents at Mount Kholat-Syakhyl and hand over the radioactive "material" to them. But Krivonischenko somehow "got his way", and then the agents of the enemy, covering their tracks, destroyed the entire group of Dyatlov. The killers acted in a sophisticated way: threatening with a weapon, but not using it (they did not want to leave traces), they drove the young people out of the tent into the cold without shoes, to certain death. For some time the saboteurs waited, then moved in the footsteps of the group and brutally finished off those who were not frozen. Thriller, and more! Now let's think about it. How could the KGB officers plan for a "controlled delivery" in a remote area that they did not control? Where could you neither observe the operation, nor insure your agent? Absurd. And where did the spies come from among the Ural forests, where was their base? Only the invisible man will not "light up" in small surrounding villages: their residents know each other by sight and immediately pay attention to strangers. And why did the adversaries, who conceived an ingenious staging of the death of tourists from hypothermia, suddenly seemed to go mad and began to torture their victims - breaking ribs, pulling out their tongues, eyes? And how did these invisible maniacs manage to escape the persecution of the ubiquitous KGB? The conspiracy theorists have no answer to all these questions.

Rakitin's version

22. Meteorite

The forensic examination, examining the nature of the injuries inflicted on the members of the group, concluded that they were "very similar to the injury caused by an air blast wave." Examining the area, investigators found traces of fire on some trees. The impression was that some unknown force selectively affected both the dead people and the trees. In the late 1920s. scientists were able to assess the consequences of the impact of such a natural phenomenon. It was in the area of ​​the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. According to the recollections of the members of that expedition, the heavily burnt trees at the epicenter of the explosion could have been near the survivors. Scientists could not logically explain such a strange "selectivity" of the flame. The investigators in the Dyatlov case were also unable to find out all the details: on May 28, 1959, an order came from “above” to close the case, classify all the materials and submit them to a special archive. The final conclusion of the investigation turned out to be very vague: "It should be considered that the cause of the death of tourists was a spontaneous force, which people were not able to overcome."

23. Poisoning with methyl alcohol.
The group contained 2 flasks of ethyl alcohol that were found unopened. No other alcoholic objects or traces of them were found.

24. Meeting with a bear.
According to the recollections of people who knew Dyatlov, he had the experience of meeting wild animals on a campaign and knew how to act in such situations, so it is unlikely that such an attack would have led to the flight of the group. In addition, no traces of a large predator in the area were found, nor traces of its attack on the bodies of already frozen tourists. This version is also contradicted by the fact that several members of the group, judging by the position of the bodies, tried to return to the abandoned tent - no one would do this in the dark, when it is impossible to be sure that the animal had already left.

What other versions have I missed?

Which version seems more likely to you?

5 (4.2 % )

5 (4.2 % )

17 (14.2 % )

6 (5.0 % )

Why is this case haunted?
The main thing is that after reading thousands of articles and watching video clips, I understand that all researchers are starting their investigation from someone's invented version of the development of events at the Dyatlov Pass.

I am confused by the cliches that seem to be embedded in the minds of researchers.

The stamp "The tent was cut from the inside by tourists when something frightened them."
Anyone who wanted to make it brighter in the tent could cut the tent. Anyone could cut, after the death of tourists.
Can you imagine a situation when a truck with cognac suddenly crashes near your house? Anyone brave will want to take a bottle for themselves. And here is the same situation. The tourists died "near the Muncie house." It will take three weeks until the tent is officially found. During this time, "both a beetle and a toad" could visit the site of the tragedy.
Not all people are afraid of the dead. There could be different chains of footprints, why are these footprints of tourists? Why is it believed that the traces arose at the same time?

The stamp "The tourists did not lose anything." Judging by the way the investigation was conducted, no one really knew what things the tourists had. Yudin identified things, identification
was carried out negligently. I think that groceries and shoes were stolen, and then in order to convince people that nothing was stolen, I had to deliver groceries and look for the stolen shoes.

Stamp "Tourists are frozen in dynamic poses." Where do you see dynamic poses? Lying on your back? Lying on your side? One hugs the other? Tourists froze in more than strange positions. Two under the cedar - Krivonischenko and Doroshenko, someone moved after they died. Note that the bodies were shifted before they became numb. The body of Lyuda Dubinina could not move from the bodies of other tourists with whom she was found, thanks to the flow of water from the stream. The bodies of Kolevatov, Zolotarev, Thibault lay directly in the stream, in the stream of water and did not move anywhere because 4 meters of packed snow lay on top. The body of Lyuda Dubinina lay in accordance with the relief of the area on which it was. This could only happen if Luda was dying in this particular position, or someone displaced the body when it was not yet frozen. Here is such a weirdness. The bodies did not stiffen, but they were carried, turned over, undressed. By the way, only Kolevatov and Zolotarev have a normal posture for freezing ones (one warms the other with his body) and this would be normal if they were not found in the stream. One researcher writes that tourists deliberately lay down in the stream to bask in the water, they say, the water is warmer than the surrounding air. Sometimes I want to take researchers outside to get away from computers and get closer to reality.

The stamp "We walked from the tent to the cedar in socks, and then we made a flooring, kindled a fire." In general, it is unrealistic to walk in the snow in socks. Legs immediately begin to ache so that you want to get on all fours so as not to step on frozen feet. It is impossible to walk in the snow without shoes! IMPOSSIBLE! All the more long it takes to walk, make a fire, carry wounded comrades, do the flooring, and try to return to the tent. Legs freeze immediately and hurt so much that it is IMPOSSIBLE to step on them! Go and walk in the snow, check it out! At the site of the Dyatlov Pass, I would organize a 1.5 km sock run for the researchers, and for those who return to the tent, I would issue the Order of Dyatlov and the Mountain of the Dead!

And a bunch of stamps "Nobody escaped from the camps" (well, nobody), "Not a single shot was fired", "The tent was set up according to all the rules" (only Yudin could tell whether it was set up according to all the rules), "At the scene of the tragedy there were no more people "(and who then left a flashlight on the slope of the tent after the tent was covered with snow, who left a trail of urine near the tent, where did the extra skis come from)?
From article to article, researchers repeat these cliches like parrots.

It all happened on the night of February 2.
And how is this proven? A snapshot of where the tent is set up? The last diary entry? Nothing has proven this. Since the case was started on February 6, the accident could have occurred from the night of February 2 to the evening of February 5. And this is three whole days! During this time, one could fly to Moscow and return. We are persistently told about February 2. For what and who needs it? Someone benefits from disappearing three days, disappearing the group's route during these days. So that a large number of search engines slowed down at the Dyatlov pass and did not go further. The picture of setting up the tent is extremely strange. The slope is completely different, there is much more snow, it is impossible to identify the people in the picture, and the tourists had nothing to dig such a big hole with, they did not have a single shovel.
They write that they dug the snow with skis. Do you remember these wooden skis, they could break, because the crust, in the place where the tent was set up, was solid.

The labaz is also a big oddity, both the place and the way of its installation. Only a complete fool can bury food in the snow and leave them for two days. In the snow, any animal will smell and unearth food items that are valuable for the winter. Yes, and Mansi hunters could find a storage shed and take precious products. The storage was made in a place where they were not going to return, the storage was made not before the ascent, but far from Mount Otorten, where they were going to climb. I am especially pleased with the 4kg boiled sausage found in the storage shed. Who needs to take boiled sausage on a hike? And if they did, they would eat it first.

The main thing is the last four tourists found with severe life-long injuries.
Three - Zolotarev, Kolevatov, Thibault, were found in the stream. These three lay when they died. And they should have been found on the floor. They could not spend the effort to make the flooring, but die in the creek in the snow. This means that someone came after their death (if the flooring was made by tourists), on February 6-7, removed the frozen bodies from the flooring, when they had not yet been covered with snow, and put these bodies in the stream. And who could it be if, according to the assurances of many researchers, there was no one on the pass except for a group of tourists? Then LYUDA Dubinina did it (For the fact that Zolotarev took off her jacket and hat, deprived her of the last warm clothes)! Because only she is found in a dynamic pose! She killed everyone, put the last in a stream and died of grief, praying on a stone. And then a mouse came and bit off her tongue. Mouse, comrades, the reason for everything that happened! Like a fairytale.

For those who think that tourists dug a den in the snow, not knowing that a stream flows under the den, there is one argument. It is necessary to answer the question, how did the tourists dig a den for four people, if the skis were left under the tent? It is very important to look on the Internet how such dens are made (done for one person).

From the beginning of the opening of the case on February 6 until the discovery of the first corpses and the reopening of the case on February 26, 20 days of investigative actions will pass, about which we do not know anything. During this time, shoes will disappear from the corpses and will be transferred to the tent, the corpses will be transferred, shifted, turned out pockets, the clothes will be confused. An incomprehensible storehouse will appear, the products in which will be covered with cardboard, which no one in the group carried or took with them.

Who knew, but could not reveal to us - fools, the whole truth? And this is Lev Ivanov - the investigator in the case. Why did he write the article?
HE wrote an article and put the answer in plain sight! These are the words from the article.
“When we landed in the taiga, and then on skis climbed the mountain OTORTEN, literally at the very top we found and dug up a tent of tourists covered with snow.” (From the article "The Mystery of Fireballs" by Lev Ivanov, the investigator in the case of the death of the group).
What do you think Ivanov mistakenly named one mountain after another? Holatchahl confused with Otorten? Mechanically, as they say now about Tempalov's note, automatically changed the name, because I was thinking about one grief, but named another?
Note that "literally at the very top", literally! Did you find a tent on the top of Mount Holatchakhl? At least? No, on the slope.

The actions and responses of the modern prosecutor's office are simply ridiculous! Nothing has changed in the minds of the prosecutor's office from the "Tsar Pea" to the present day. They say that Prosecutor Tempalov made a mistake with the date in the memo. And the criminal case was also started by mistake on a different date (February 6, not 25-26, when the tent was found). And in this case, there are radiograms that contradict the general course of searches for the bodies of tourists.
This business is a matter of blunders and inconsistencies, or maybe very thoughtful work.
It is interesting that the tourists themselves were given the film to develop the photo. When I read about it for the first time, I was very surprised. I myself was engaged in photography and I know that in case of an unsuccessful development, the film can be spoiled, exposed. The film was placed in the tank and the solution was poured in complete darkness. Leave such important documents to chance. "What negligence!" - I thought then.

Let's say everything went on as usual. The tourists lost their minds and pitched a tent 1.5 km from their storage shed on the mountainside during a hurricane wind. Then they left the tent and all went down the slope, where they died from freezing.
Someone, unknown, made a statement to the police that he saw an abandoned tent and several corpses of tourists. According to the statement, the investigator had to check the information and make sure that all the tourists were killed or come to the rescue of those who survived. The police detachment went to the indicated place where he was convinced of the accuracy of the information and had to carry out the initial investigative measures - an inspection of the scene. This squad finds the tent and the bodies of tourists. It's incredibly perfect! Hurricane weather continues, strong wind blows. The bodies of tourists are far from the tent. This detachment finds corpses, which then look for and cannot find groups of search detachments, for some reason drags the corpses of Krivonischenko and Doroshenko, and covers them with a blanket, shifts the corpses of the last four into the stream and removes the shoes from the corpses of Dyatlov, Kolmogorova, Slobodin, then folds the shoes into the tent, cuts the ramp at the tent. And only later, when the relatives of the victims begin to "sound the alarm", they forget about the place where the bodies and the tent were found, and they search again, they make a false storage. How many incredible actions in the ordinary death of tourists from a hurricane and frost.

1.1. One trace of urine. “When investigating cases, there are no minor details: investigators have a motto: attention to detail! A natural trace was found near the tent that one man left it for a small need. Then this trace of bare feet can be traced down into the valley. " (From Lev Ivanov's article "The Mystery of Fireballs").
Many will be silent about this, as if they themselves have never seen the toilet. It is not customary to talk about it. And we'll talk. If you went on a long hike in winter with backpacks and a tent, then you do not need to explain how difficult it is to relieve yourself if there are two genders in the hike, when the girls go to the left and the boys to the right. In the conditions of a hike, when you need to pee, take off your backpack, skis, find a bush to hide behind, take off several layers of clothing and expose your butt to a 20-degree frost, it is impossible to relieve yourself during the hike itself, this can be done only during halt and parking. It is even more difficult when you want to "big", but there are no bushes and trees. Very soon tourists will stop being shy during the hike. This happens in groups of athletes, when, for example, there is one dressing room and boys and girls must change at the same time.
In short, they came to the parking lot and immediately decided where the conditional toilet was. Trampled snow and here are nine traces of urine and nine "piles". And only then we climbed into the tent and began to get ready for bed. And to think that you can leave the tent one by one (climbing over the others), or one peed and no one else wanted, this is nonsense.
What follows from the fact that only one trace of urine was found? There was only one person in the tent.
I cannot link this conclusion to the whole story. Let's say Kolmogorova remained in the tent, and everyone, immediately after setting up the tent, went to the side of the forest to look for bushes to relieve themselves.
Or, the fact that the tourists did not put up a tent in this place, but someone else set it up there.

1.2. Skis under the tent.
Recommend everyone to go hiking in winter and try to put skis (9 pairs) under the tent. Very soon you will understand that the skis are hard and there is no heat from them, and they will also occupy an area equal to half of Dyatlov's long tent. And the other half? Skiing under the tent is kind of "crap". Skis are vital equipment. Without them, it is impossible to move on the snow. Skis must be protected and always on alert. For example, someone is going to go fetch firewood, and the skis are under the tent.
Output? A tent on skis was set up by someone who does not know how to take care of them during a hike, when you can only move around on skis.
Wooden skis could break if stepped on unsuccessfully, especially the bent nose of the ski could break. I know this because as a child I often skied on these very skis.

1.3. Cold overnight stay.
A cold overnight stay is an overnight stay in a tent at sub-zero temperatures (outside). It is very good if the tent can be heated with a stove on a cold night. A wood-fired stove is another "hemorrhoid". If the stove is heated, then it heats up very much. There is always the possibility of fire. A person on duty is needed to heat the stove. He must keep an eye on the stove, put firewood on, watch so that the coal does not fall out, so that the stove does not smoke. This is a complex process. As well as the installation of the stove, so is the process of melting and stoking. It is impossible to light the stove with raw wood. There should always be a supply of dry firewood. In order to heat the whole night with wood, you need a lot of wood. They must be dry, otherwise the oven will smoke. It is impossible to sleep in a smoke-filled tent. After setting up the tent, you need to immediately put the stove, take out the pipe, melt it, and then climb into the tent.
Interestingly, the tent was set up on the last night, and the stove was not assembled for the firebox. Or maybe the one who set up the tent did not know how to put the stove correctly?
Can a person spend the night in a canvas tent at minus twenty without a stove? I think it must be a tempered northern man. For survival, special conditions are needed here. For example - to spend only one night in such conditions.
And the question is, where to get dry firewood? You can get them from local people, or you can find sushnina (dry standing tree) in the forest. Cut down a tree, cut it into logs, then split them with an ax into logs.
I think only in the most extreme case a tourist will set up a tent at a distance of one and a half kilometers from the nearest dry tree.

Now we are going on a hike with a gas stove and cans of gas. Even such a stove and cylinders have weight, but this weight is incomparably lighter than a stove with wood. The gas oven is practically safe, no attendant is needed to watch.

1.4. Excess weight.
Hiking in winter, when you need to walk 300 km, even without luggage, along the beaten track and flat road, is difficult. Don't believe me? Walk at least 100 km and have a car follow you, which will save you in case of anything. And then a hike with the summit and overnight in a tent. And now you need to not only move, but also carry your load. How much can a woman carry? We find the norm - 7 kg. If you start counting how much luggage weight was for each tourist on a hike, then you get large numbers (30 kg). Only products were found in a storage shed weighing 55 kg. Add to them the weight of the tent, stove, ice ax, saws, other equipment, add three liters of alcohol, felt boots, firewood for the stove. Add to this figure the weight of things, after Yudin leaves, and you will understand that this is a lot, almost prohibitively much, especially for women. Researchers often write that women on a hike were sad for some unknown reason. Here's the reason - too much load. It is not for nothing that the locals and a cart with a horse help the Dyatlovites.

1.5. Why did Yudin leave?
And he realized that he would not be able to carry 300 km of things that were loaded onto him. He was the wisest in this whole story. As soon as the horse turned back, he turned back too. I look at Yudin's smiling face in the last farewell photo and cannot believe that the person is very sick and has withdrawn from the race, citing illness. I watched the interview with Yudin and it was clear how carefully he thinks over his answers, how he avoids answering questions, how he is cunning in some places, how his eyes dart around and how restless he behaves. It may not mean anything, or maybe he knew something that he could not tell people.

1.6. Discipline.
Reading the diaries, I was amazed at how the discipline in Dyatlov's group was "lame". We got up late, got together for a long time, did stupid things, "dogged themselves." Responsibilities have not been assigned. Suffice it to mention that a quilted jacket burned down during one of the sleepovers, and the torn tent was repaired during the hike. With such discipline, in the conditions of a campaign of the third complexity group, they would have died without any missiles, UFOs, evil military men, convicts, Mansi and other people.

1.7. From the new.
It turned out that on February 2, all the tourists of the group were alive, a guide with a horse was found who brought their luggage, and this fact was reported to the public! This fact suggests that the Dyatlovites most likely climbed Otorten. And it was necessary to look for artifacts on Mount Otorten and not on the Dyatlov Pass.
The researchers found the witness P.I. Salter, who said that there were 11 bodies that were brought from the pass almost at the same time, they were very dirty. Just think, where did they find the mud when there is snow around? Sank into the mud in winter? Found a bunker, and there is dirt? Where is it wet and muddy in winter?
And the very latest news - another person is buried in Zolotarev's grave (which I doubt, such an important study was carried out too superficially and negligently).

Researchers often cite as an example, it seems, similar cases of the death of tourists, for example, the death of Korovina's group in the Khamar-Daban mountains. I think that the case of the death of the Dyatlov group differs in one significant detail. When the Dyatlovites went down to the cedar, they were able to kindle a fire. I believe that a fire is a very important condition for survival. In this case, someone could have died, but not the whole group. Korovina's group was younger, with less experience (children).

I think we will find out exactly how the tourists died. The resonance is very great. A large number of people started searching. Everything does not disappear and somewhere there is a documentary with the answer to all our questions. Nowadays, private people have a lot of different machinery and equipment. Many tourists and researchers follow in the footsteps of Dyatlov's group.


This version arose as a result of many years of studying the documents available on the Internet about the death of Igor Dyatlov's group, thanks to the tourist experience and overnight stays in a tent at sub-zero temperatures (from -5 to -15 degrees).
The case of the death of tourists in the area of ​​Mount Otorten was started on February 6, 1959, how could this happen if the tent was found only on February 26? Very simple. Someone found the dead tourists and made a statement to the investigator. Who could it be? It could have been, probably, a hunter or one of the tourists, the one who survived.
It was not the bird on its tail that brought the news.
“I know that the bodies of the dead tourists are lying on Mount Otorten. - The man said.
- So you killed them. - The investigator answered. (A typical situation for Russia).
But what if four tourists came out to people, reported the death of their comrades and died as a result of the work of a zealous investigator? Such cases are not rare in Russia.
Kill, as a result of investigative pressure, and then fell on supernatural forces. Remember the very good and revealing film "Cold Summer of 53"? It was a time when tens of thousands of criminals were freed from the camps, and the main characters Kopalych and Luzga were serving their sentences - one as an "English spy", and the other for being surrounded and only one day in captivity.
The interrogation of the head of the communications unit of the Vizhaisky forestry department V.A. Popov began on February 6, 1959: "The witness testified: in the second half of January 1959, in the village of Vizhay, I saw two groups of tourists who were heading to the Ural ridge region." There is a memo from the prosecutor of the city of Ivdel I.V. Tempalova dated February 15 "... upon the death of tourists, I was summoned and left for Sverdlovsk for 2-3 days" ...

And they found the dead tourists in the area of ​​Mount Otorten, and not in some other place, this is also clear from the title of the case. Next, the usual investigation begins, during which it turns out that the tourists died strangely and the damage to the bodies does not confirm freezing. The death of tourists is decided to be classified, and the case is delayed. Ivdel prosecutor Vasily Tempalov and investigator Vladimir Korotaev concealed information about the death of the group.
And tightened it up by everyone possible ways until May 26, 1959. This is how the case begins, which is being investigated until 2019 and so far there is no end in sight. First, the map of the group's route was withdrawn and it had to be restored (thanks to Rimma Kolevatova). It is foolish to think that Dyatlov did not provide the group's route to the UPI sports club.

Where would you go to look for the missing tourists of the Dyatlov group? Of course, Otorten was the main peak that tourists were going to conquer. How long could traces of the group stay there? Yes, not at all. There, in general, no traces could remain until February 26 (crust, wind and blizzard hid all traces). There could only be a bookmark left by the Dyatlovites.
To remove traces of the group's presence on Mount Otorten, it was necessary to remove the bookmark. One can only assume that the bookmark was and it was "Evening Otorten" - a combat leaflet written on February 1, 1959. Otherwise, why call that message written on a notebook sheet, the original or a copy of which for some reason has not been preserved?

I note that to this day, few people are looking for artifacts on Mount Otorten, because it is said clearly and definitely - the tent and the corpses of tourists were found in the area of ​​the Dyatlov Pass (the modern name). The tent was found by Slobtsov and Sharavin, they immediately realized that this was the tent of the Dyatlov group and that the tourists left it in a panic and ran down the slope. It was dark and the tourists left the tent, making cuts in the slope of the tent. They ran away, leaving warm clothes and shoes in the tent, they were so scared that they lost their minds. Where do such conclusions come from?
It is because of this cliché that many absurd versions were born.

We look at the map and see that there are several ways to go to Mount Otorten. One is to walk along Lozva, from it to turn to the tributary Auspiya and walk along the mountains, the other is to walk along Auspiya to Mount Holatchakhl, cross the pass (Dyatlova) to the 4th tributary of Lozva and follow the Lozva tributary to Lake Luntkhusaptur. It is also interesting that from the second Northern one you can walk along Lozva straight to Otorten, without turning to Auspiya. Why do you need to walk along rivers (near rivers)? Because there is water and wood for the stove and there is less wind, and even warmer. The river is the road. And from the testimony of Anyamov it turns out that in February they saw traces of the group in the upper reaches of the Lozva River.
But Lozva was not an easy way. She was badly frozen and could have failed.

Some Dyatlov experts believe that the Dyatlovites slipped past the turn to Auspiya and walked for another two kilometers along Lozva, then returned and walked along Auspiya (made a detour).
In Dyatlov's diary for January 31, it is written that on that day they made an attempt to climb Mount Holatchakhl (We were moving away from Auspiya, a gentle rise began, went beyond the border of the forest, the wind speed is similar to the air speed when the plane was lifting, they were very tired, went down to Auspiya and stopped at overnight). At the same time (most likely) the Dyatlovites realized that it was impossible to walk along the top of the mountains, and then they had to make the only correct decision - to return to Lozva and walk along it, as the locals advised. And not try to cross the pass and look for the Lozva tributary in the deep snow on the other side, or, although it blows away, go through the mountains.

And, most likely, they returned to Lozva on February 1, and on February 2 their things were brought up by a local resident and everyone was still alive. And then there is an explanation for the ski trails of tourists on Lozva.
However, both the footprints in the upper reaches of the Lozva and the guide's story may refer not to the Dyatlov group, but to the second group of tourists.
They write that I.D. Rempel persuaded Dyatlov not to walk this route, Gennady Patrushev persuaded him not to walk along the ridge and called him "die-hard", because Dyatlov did not change the chosen route, and also, judging by the diary entry, Ognev persuaded them not to walk. I think he told the tourists various horror stories about the place where they were going to go, maybe that's why the girls had Bad mood... It was not just that they were discouraged from following this route. Strong cold and hurricane wind in the mountains and badly frozen river Lozva.
Let's try to get to that time for a minute. Auspiya ended and a gentle ascent to the slope of Mount Kholatchakhl began. The slope is pure ice, the wind knocks you down. The tourists could not get up and went down to Auspiya. During the day, they worked out, as the Woodpeckers wrote in their diary, a new method of walking (two steps forward, one back). We were very tired in the evening.
Now imagine the state of mind of tourists at this moment. It turned out that the ascent is impossible and it is impossible to follow this route. That the second option is to cross the pass and follow the Lozva tributary is also almost impossible. This tributary is a ditch, and the snow is 2 meters deep and the crust does not hold there. Dyatlov wrote that they covered 1-2 km in an hour. It also became clear that the weight of the luggage exceeds the capabilities of people. And also, at the top of the mountains, it turned out that the group was poorly dressed for frost and wind, and the tent was torn and blown in the wind. (From the general diary: “We agreed and we are going to the 41st site by car. We left only at 13-10, and in 41 we were about 16-30. There is still no gusty wind and frost in the mountains).
According to the diary entries, the moral situation in the group was tense.
I think that the reason for this was the appearance in the group of Zolotarev. He was an adult, self-confident man, an instructor at a camp site, was sociable, knew a lot of new songs. Of course, two girls Dubinin and Kolmogorov paid attention to him. Naturally, young men from the Dyatlov group were jealous when Zina Kolmogorova was interested in someone. Igor Dyatlov liked Zina, Zina had not yet finally decided on the choice and was open to any new impressions (judging by the entries from her diary). Where the tourists went there were few women and any free woman was the object of the hobby and desire of men. And Zina was so pretty, so cheerful and sociable that everyone who saw her fell in love with her.
Imagine how Dyatlov felt when it turned out that he had chosen and insisted on a route that turned out to be impassable. And next to him was Zolotarev, who most likely understood faster than Dyatlov that the route was not passable and told him about it. Imagine how Dyatlov was at that moment ashamed in front of Zina, whom he loved and how low he fell in her eyes as an experienced leader of campaigns, how ashamed it was to return home to his comrades without completing the route. "Officially" the campaign of the Dyatlov group was timed to coincide with the XXI Congress of the CPSU. The Dyatlovites could not refuse to continue the campaign even when they realized that the route was not passable. What will they say to their fellow Komsomol members and communists? How will the parties look in the face?
Imagine how Zolotarev felt, who went with Dyatlov only because he wanted to spend fewer days on the hike. And they were already delayed, trying to climb the ridge and lost a day, then they also lost a day to set up a storage shed. I think that Zolotarev should have been very unhappy with Igor Dyatlov because he did not go along Lozva (along the river) to Otorten.
It was the moment of the highest moral tension in the group. It was necessary to make a decision to return and walk along Lozva, or maybe not at all.
This option could not suit Dyatlov. Then his authority was completely abolished.
Perhaps he insisted on walking along the ridge of the mountains, although, most likely, he realized that he was wrong.
At this moment, any incident can become a mechanism that will start a chain of ridiculous deaths.
If everything was not a staging and the tent really stood where it was found, then the wind was so strong that it tore and ruffled the old slope and it cracked. The tent immediately became unbearably cold. Someone (Thibault or Slobodin) came out to fasten the canvas of the tent slope, fell off the slope, hit his head on a stone and died almost immediately. The girls got hysterical. Tourists, who until then could hardly restrain their dissatisfaction with Dyatlov, began to shout at him that he was to blame for everything. Dyatlov jumped out of the tent and walked away (very soon his heart stopped). Some of the tourists went to look for Dyatlov and froze.
Tent tracks are often mentioned. You know, there is a short road from my house to the bus stop, in winter there are tracks in the snow. Just looking at these traces, no one would think that people jumped out of the house at the same time for some unknown reason.
I've read about other bands. The poor morale of people, severe frost, hurricane squally wind, which intensified frost and the perception of frost by the body, the absence of one leader, a torn tent, all this is a sufficient reason to die at such a distance from people and help.
Why did it get so loud?
I think that there were some other circumstances superimposed.
I think that if Zolotarev had not gone with them, then Dyatlov, perhaps, would have admitted his mistake, returned to Lozva and successfully completed the route.
In other cases of the death of tourists, when it became known about this, no one was in a hurry to immediately go to the place of the tragedy, collect the bodies, find out the reasons for the death of the group. In the case of Korovina's group, the bodies lay for a month. Shoes also disappeared and the bodies were gnawed by wild animals.
And the shoes were taken off them, the shoes are expensive. There were cases of missing shoes when other groups died. They took it off, and then returned it, because the case became very loud. The eyes and tongue were eaten by small rodents, which became active by May. There is no mysticism, if you think sensibly.
I think that Dyatlov did not change his mind about going to Otorten along the top of the mountains, which is why he decided to set up a storage shed at such a distance from Otorten. Otherwise, this storage shed cannot be explained in any way. From Otorten, Dyatlov wanted to go along a different slope of the mountains and did not intend to return to the upper reaches of the Auspiya.
Someone also probably felt unwell. I think that Luda. Everyone forgets that women have menstruation and then they have a headache, you can't lift weights and, in general, your condition is bad. I cannot imagine how women felt among men on such days. There is nowhere to wash, no pads.
When I understand that tourists could have banal quarrels (without any booze), then other versions pale against the background of this fact.
Read the diary entries! Where do you see a similar group? Blog entries from the Internet:
"Then the discussion is resumed again and again, and all our discussions that have taken place during this time are mainly about love." (Kolya Thibault).
The initiator of these discussions is Zina Kolmogorova. They write that the passions of love were unknown to the tourists of that time and they went on a hike without distinguishing between the sexes, like comrades. And they slept in the same tent, not feeling passion, they write, they did not even know what sex is.
“It’s especially hard to walk today. The trail is not visible, we often stray from it or go groping. Thus, we pass 1.5 - 2 km. in hour.
We are developing new methods for more productive walking. The first one drops his backpack and walks for 5 minutes, after that he returns, rests for 10-15 minutes, then catches up with the rest of the group. This is how the non-stop way of laying the track was born. At the same time, it is especially difficult for the second, who walks along the track, torn by the first, with a backpack. .. Tired, exhausted, they set about arranging an overnight stay. Little firewood. Weak raw ate. " (Woodpeckers).
Raw spruce does not burn in the stove, which means there is no firewood, there is nothing to warm the tent, and not to dry the clothes. Everyone is tired and worn out. The day was wasted.
“Does he think I'm some kind of fool? Yes, and in general I like to add fuel to the fire, the devil would have kicked me ... The blinovites were seen off with tears. The mood is ruined ... The mood is bad and probably will be another two days. Evil as hell. " (Luda) It is believed that Luda was in love with one of the Blinov Group (In Zhenya?).
“As always, I have again found some fellow countryman ... How can we go? The music somehow has a terrible effect on me for recent times, guitar, mandolin and more. The boys were joking stupid last night. In my opinion, you shouldn't pay attention to them, maybe they will be less rude. And so far nothing. It’s time to leave, but everyone is still digging and digging. I don’t understand how you can get ready for so long. The first 30 minutes have passed. Of course, the backpack is nothing, heavy. But you can go ... The first day is always difficult. Sashka Kolevatov tested his adaptation and threw it. After lunch, we made only one transition and got up for a halt. I sewed up the tent. We went to bed. Igor was rude all evening, I just did not recognize him. I had to sleep on the wood by the stove "... (Zina)
The girl must go out on the route, and she sleeps on the wood, Igor, who must make sure that she gets enough sleep, is rude to her.
And Kolmogorova again found a countryman. Any man dreams of being Zina's fellow countryman and makes the whole group of tourists jealous, everyone likes Zina.
Kolevatov tried to carry weights on sleds, but the sleds fail, get stuck in the snow and Kolevatov threw them. They gather for a long time, walk slowly, sew up the tent.
“Luda quickly worked out, sat down by the fire. Kolya Thibault changed his clothes. He started writing a diary. The law is this: until all the work is over, do not approach the fire. And so they argued for a long time who to sew up the tent. Finally K. Thibault could not resist, took a needle. Luda remained seated. And we sewed holes (and there were so many of them that there was enough work for everyone, except for two attendants and Lyuda. The guys are terribly outraged).
Today is Sasha Kolevatov's birthday. Congratulations, we are giving a tangerine, which he immediately divides into 8 parts (Luda went into the tent and did not go out again until the end of the dinner). "(Unknown).
From what was written it is clear that Dubinina was greatly offended by everyone, she sat in the tent all evening, she did not get the tangerine. Or maybe she was not feeling well. This is before the hike of the third difficulty group, when you need to mobilize all the forces of the body.
Why are the holes in the tent being sewn up all the time? So - bad clothes. Dubinina forgot her sweater, the sweatshirt was accidentally burned. There are holes in the tent. In the battle sheet "Evening Otorten" there is a note about one blanket that cannot warm 9 tourists. It's strange why there is only one blanket left and it is clear that it is very cold in the tent.
Once again, for a minute, we will try to look into the tent to the Dyatlovtsy. On the street -20, hurricane wind, snow, blizzard. It is impossible to hang the stove (a strange design of the stove, suitable only for calm weather), there is no firewood, it is impossible to light a fire. At this moment, the tent should "walk with a shaker", "crumple" in the wind. It must be terribly cold inside the tent. On such a cold night, it is difficult to withstand, survive, not lose strength for the further journey.
Is it possible at this moment to undress for sleep, take off boots, sweatshirts and sweetly fall asleep?
Yes, this is delirium in delirium that the Dyatlovites put up a tent and undressed for the night, took off their shoes! They began to write a battle sheet, cut the loin! After setting up the tent in such a squally wind, their clothes should be frosty, they should have been very cold and it was impossible to keep warm in the tent. It was as cold as outside, only there was less wind.
If at such a moment a rocket fell on the Dyatlovtsy, a yeti appeared, or the convicts went "on the light", then this is not just a blow of fate - it is a double blow. And so everything turned out very fatally, and then there was a rocket, like the killer's final chord - a shot in the head. Finish off - for sure.
I think that the decision to go to Otorten along the ridge of the mountains was made reluctantly, but by a majority of votes. Otherwise, they would have divided before the construction of the storage.
It is interesting that there are supporters of this version, but no one wants to hear this version. Because the intrigue disappears and a poorly planned tourist trip appears with gross miscalculations. The ideal tourist group disappears, and ordinary tourists appear (a little slovenly) with a not very experienced leader.
You see, there were enough circumstances to perish. It is in this combination of circumstances that one can see a kind of otherworldly interference in the fate of people. It was this case that became the most mysterious story, and over time, interest in the case only grows.

I reread the case materials for the thousandth time. Everyone writes that the group is ideal, the tourists are experienced, and the place where the group died is not dangerous - the slope is gentle, you can stay in any wind, no avalanches were recorded during the group's accident.

So - they could reach Otorten and died on the way back, when they went to the storage. What does it change? It changes the morale of people. From losers who did not cope with the route, they turn into winners. It was difficult and there were some troubles with discipline, love passions, clashes of characters, ailments, bad equipment that was not suitable for severe frost and wind, but they were able to go exactly as Igor Dyatlov planned - along the ridge, and to all the people who They tried to stop them, they proved that tourists are power.

My old versions.
I. Don't go there.
1. They searched for the missing group carefully, on a large scale and for a long time.
To begin to get acquainted with the case of the Dyatlov group, I think, it is necessary to organize a search operation. On the search, four groups of students were collected, who were transferred to Ivdel. They were joined by the military - "a group of captain A. A. Chernyshev and a group of operational workers with dogs under the command of Senior Lieutenant Moiseyev, cadets of the school of sergeants under the command of Senior Lieutenant Potapov and a group of sappers with mine detectors under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Shestopalov. The Kurikov family helped the Mansi search engines." ...
And now, I will tell you a secret. At that time and at a later time, both tourists and groups of tourists were killed. And nobody was looking for them! Moreover, no one searched on such a large scale and for such a long time. Just think about how much technology was used for search operations, how much money was invested in searches.
Question: why were you looking for these particular tourists? They searched and found, although the search lasted from February to May? Do you naively think that they would be looked for with planes, helicopters, with the military, if an avalanche simply came down, a UFO flew by, a yeti passed? The case was connected with a possible declassification of state secrets, which is why the search operation went on for so long and thoroughly.

My friends' daughter went on hikes of average difficulty. The group did not come from one campaign. The parents went to look for their daughter. They were told that there were several avalanches on the route at that time. If the tourists do not come out, then the parents will be given a certificate that their daughter is missing and that's it. Nobody went to look for tourists (they didn’t fly on airplanes, they didn’t attract search dogs and sappers with mine detectors).
How long can you, sitting at home, talk about the fact that a person goes to bed, warming a flask of coffee with his temple? Go on a hike and soon you will realize that survival on a hike is only a matter of yourself. And if you die, your body will remain where you died and no one cares about you! Go on at least one trip, and only then begin to draw conclusions.

The following is an initial story. As I investigate the case, a lot of my thoughts change, but for now I have left it.
2. How I was told about the Dyatlov group.
Five Jewish families lived in the five-story building in which I lived as a child. At that time, I did not know anything about the fact that they were Jews and no special attitude to this fact was formed in my mind. I learned that my friend was Jewish while I was studying at the institute. We were friends because we lived in the same house, went to the same class and the same school. She was an unusually intelligent girl. And life in these families was different from the life and way of life in Russian families. I was very interested and curious about everything that I heard from my friend, now I think that all the topics that my friend brought to me were simply discussed in this family over evening tea.
I was born in 1967. Around the age of ten, I heard from a friend about nine tourists who died in the mountains. The main information that I heard then was that a group of young people died from incredible fright. A friend told me this: “All night long, someone terrible walked around the tent in which the young people were sitting. They heard footsteps and saw light shining through the tent curtain. In horror, the tourists cut open the tent and jumped out of it. And after a while, all the tourists were found dead in different places near the tent. Their faces were distorted with fright, their bodies were frozen, lying in unnatural positions, and the skin on their faces was orange. "
The friend's story shook me to the core. I was an impressionable girl, whose family traveled a lot and slept in an ordinary four-person canvas tent. In my family, no such events have ever been discussed. My parents were atheists. The life of my family was prosaic and all the relationships within the family were purely everyday. I had to wash the floors and dishes, prepare my lessons thoroughly, weed the grass in the potato field in the summer and tended the animals. There could be no question of any dead tourists in my family.
It becomes clear why I remember this story, told to me as a child by a friend, to this day.

3. To understand what happened, you can only know and understand that time.
Now, when many versions have appeared, when many people have carefully studied the material about the cause of the death of the group, and the main thing is that these materials have become publicly available, it makes it possible to consider this story both from the point of view of known facts, and from the point of view of their everyday experience, from a glance a person who lived in that Soviet post-war period.
I am sure that modern youth, no matter how hard they try, will not be able to fully understand the whole history, will not be able to appreciate everything, getting used to the course of events and trying them on for themselves, because young people are now completely different, they have different values ​​and completely different outlook on life.
Looking at the photographs taken by Dyatlov's group on this trip, I see and feel more the lively cheerful faces of tourists. I also had a FED camera, many children were doing photography at that time. And I have a lot of black and white pictures with different groups of people in them. This was the case in many families. So at that time they tried to capture many events in their lives. Sometimes I go through these pictures, examine them. Many of the people captured in these pictures are no longer alive. What can you do, that's life. The only thing that pulsates in the mind is that these people from the Dyatlov group were still very young, now from the height of their age, I would say, they are quite children. But again, I will make an allowance for the fact that the time was completely different. And at 24, a young man, boy or girl, were already adults, completely formed personalities. Now they are children. And then, already adults. People with inner qualities, which are so few in today's youth. These were young people with a deep love for their homeland, with patriotism, with clear political views and convictions. They were characterized by heroism and self-sacrifice for the sake of saving other people. They were united by a feeling of friendship, strong and indestructible. Nowadays it is so difficult for young people to understand. There are no feelings for the Motherland, no patriotism. Heroism, in order to save others, has become an exceptional rarity. Friendship disappeared altogether. There is no friendship now in the concept in which it was then.
And we were atheists. And they did not believe in otherworldly worlds and phenomena. Yes, and such phenomena happened extremely rarely. To a greater extent, these were horror stories, similar to fairy tales, than real facts. There were wolves, bears and wild boars in the forests, and there were a lot of stories about them, and they often approached houses in villages, and were much worse than flying balls.
My grandmothers and grandfathers (the Kingdom of Heaven) told a lot about the war and we, the children, lived as if this war did not pass us by. We played war and clearly knew how to defend the border of our homeland and that the enemies are not asleep and we must always be on the alert. These stories raised in us a certain suspicion of possible enemies of the Motherland and communism. Young people from the Dyatlov group were much closer in time to the war. All these feelings were heightened in them. They knew firmly who is friend and who is enemy. These were very weighty concepts, absorbed from the war in the country, with a clear political ideology in the country. It is now that they will begin to instill in you that it is common for young people to rebel and go against the policy of the whole country. Yes, there were few such rebels then. “The party said: we must! The Komsomol answered: yes! And this political slogan is not a joke or a practical joke, but a clear guide to action, absorbed into the blood from an early age, with mother's milk.
It is absolutely impossible to understand this whole story without taking into account these facts. People have changed a lot, their worldview has changed.

4. Best Detective Story.
I looked through a lot of information, what I found about the Dyatlov group, those documents that are known to the entire Internet community, reconstructions of the death of the group, as well as comments on them. Now I cannot tell you the best author and the best version. My opinion on this matter changes with deepening information on the case.

5. What evil force was chasing the Dyatlovites?
It is very easy and simple to explain everything by the fact that, as they say: "The brick fell on my head." Or it can be explained in another way, say, by coincidence of circumstances. But the brick, you know, falls exactly on the head of a person, creating one single connection. The brick fell on his head and the man died. Everything, and no walking of a person after this event is provided. He fell - he died. One connection.
In many explanations for the situation with the death of the Dyatlov group, it turns out some kind of multi-move. The brick fell, and fell, fell, fell, and everything exactly hit the head. But the fall of a brick is just a coincidence. Even a projectile does not fall into one funnel twice, so they say. And then the blast wave beat, beat and finished off the whole group. Well, how can one believe in such versions?
So the story with the deceased group suggests that although something terrible happened, people put up a worthy resistance, showed that, although they were frightened, they did not surrender to circumstances, but took quite sufficient actions to survive in the situation. They were not completely confused, did not scatter in different directions, did not freeze one by one, but grouped together and began to survive: they broke branches, built a flooring, insulated themselves with clothes that they could get hold of, made a fire. They had a knife, matches and firewood. It was only necessary to wait out the dark time of the day and go to my store, where there were food and things and spare skis. And, after all, if you think deeply, then they had chances for survival, not for the whole group, but for some. They had to certainly survive in that situation. But this would be the case if the matter concerned the forces of otherworldly, or isolated natural phenomena. It is only in horror films that the evil force chases after heroes until they finish everyone off. In life, the case is isolated, then it is the case. And everything else is already a pattern and cannot be attributed to the horror stories about the Mountain of the Dead, the Mansi warnings: "Do not go there," and the mysterious figure 9. All this is just a warning that it is dangerous to go there, that they have already died there when people. Dangerous does not mean necessarily fatal. After all, as pilgrims go there now tourists and, laughing at the warning of the Mansi, go in a group of 9 people.
Then, the Mansi have holy places there. They had to invent all sorts of horror stories so that the tourists did not go and their clumsy actions did not spoil the way of life and the well-established life. If faith in sacred things had been as deep among the people of that time as the feeling of patriotism, then no one would have died. Why do they tell us: "Don't go there"! Do we climb hard? Where it is dangerous. Warned that it is dangerous, why walk? Why, in passing, brush aside the traditions and beliefs of other peoples, from another culture and other views on life, believing that your views and beliefs are the only correct and true: “And we are knee-deep in the sea. And we do not believe and do not believe, but we will go anyway. We want to pull the mustache on death ”!
Everything is clear when an avalanche falls asleep in a group of tourists. This is comparable to falling bricks. Action and result. And that's all, no further rassalivaniya occurs. I am writing this for those who offer versions akin to a fallen brick and then keep silent about all the other facts. And people from the Dyatlov group still walked and lived and acted. Anyway, they would freeze, so they explain what importance is where, and in what order.
But what kind of EVIL POWER do you have? So he chases the Dyatlovites. And so in the nature of things never happens.

7. Why did the tourists leave the tent?
Here we would have competed in inventing horror stories, if there were no chains of traces left that indicate that the Dyatlovites did not scatter from fear in different directions, but left in a group with a full complement or one less, we will say that it is a completely full complement. We left the tent, went out into the cold, leaving warm clothes in the tent.
For example, a ball lightning appeared, a UFO, a rocket flew by. Why cut the ramp when the ball lightning will quickly reach the ramp? Or did the snow cover the entrance so that you had to cut the tent?
I dismiss the avalanche versions and the possibility that a snow slab has slid onto the tent, because if the injuries of Dubinina, Zolotarev, Thibault-Brignoles were received at the beginning of the incident, then who fought for their lives if the others were without shoes?
For example, an animal came, jumped on a tent, piled on. Tourists began to beat him with an ice ax and so cut the slope, the animal ran away. They got out through the cut. The animal returned, wounded and angry (left no traces, no blood on the tent and around).
Fear forced them to cut the tent, but they did not run, but went from the tent, leaving there the most necessary things for survival (shoes, warm clothes, food).
Such actions can only be explained by general insanity, but later the work necessary for survival was done, logical actions were taken.
But the cuts on the tent, this fact, in itself, can be put as a point on a straight line, literally anywhere. The fact itself does not mean that it happened exactly at the moment in which we want to see it. The cuts could have appeared during the event that forced the Dyatlovites to leave the tent, as well as after it.
I found that the searchers, who found the tent, shoveled the snow and cut the slope with an ice ax in two places, even, they said, a piece of the tent came off.

8. When did the tourists get injuries incompatible with life?
The second inference relates to the final trauma with which the tourists were found. This fact, it seems, can also be put in any place of the entire duration of the events, as long as the last of the Dyatlovites remained alive. But here it is quite obvious that with such injuries no one will walk one and a half kilometers through the snow, no one will strenuously fight for their lives: walk, collect brushwood and branches, climb a cedar for branches for flooring, make a fire. Having such injuries, a person needs help and needs someone who will fight for him, and make selfless efforts to save him.
And this is a very big job, given that a group of Dyatlovites at the moment when it was necessary to fight not only for their own life, but also for someone's, even for the life of their best friend, turned out to be half-naked at that moment in bad weather and severe frost. So the amount of work that would have gone to those who did not receive serious injuries incompatible with life exceeded the capabilities of these people. They would have had to carry the wounded, take care of them, not themselves. Dubinina, Zolotarev, and Thibault-Brignolle had injuries incompatible with life and, meanwhile, turned out to be the best dressed, were for some time in better living conditions. They had a flooring of branches in a ravine, sheltered from the wind. Even if they were dragged, laid, clothed, dying groaning, on the verge between life and death. It's easy to write, and you drag the wounded on you, having only socks on your feet! Put Zolotarev on your back, and make efforts to save yourself and himself. And yet you dragged him to the cedar, and then what? It will take some more time until a place for the flooring is found, until this place is prepared, branches are broken and trained, and laid on the flooring. And where were the wounded all this time? Lying in a row in the snow and waiting for the time until everything settled down and they were not seated on the flooring? But they have no signs of frostbite.
The versions that Zolotarev, Dubinina and Thibault-Brignoles were injured at the very beginning of the unfolding tragedy seem devoid of any sense to everyone who dealt with snow, frost and understands what a person can and cannot be in the snow only in socks.
Pay attention to the fact that Doroshenko, Krivonischenko, Kolmogorova and Dyatlov, who, as it were, suffered the brunt of the work in the snow under the cedar, were found in socks and only Slobodin had one felt boot, and Zolotarev and Thibault, who, in the course of such versions, should there were only rescuers in shoes, Zolotarev in cloaks, and Thibault in felt boots.

9. Zolotarev Sasha - why do we single out him?
And Zolotarev in this story is a very extraordinary personality. “Zolotarev Semyon (Alexander) Alekseevich, born in 1921, was from the conscripts of 1921-22. went through almost the entire war, was a Komsomol organizer of the battalion, after the war he joined the party. He had 4 military awards, after the war he worked as a tourism instructor at the Artybash camp site (Altai), then moved to the Sverdlovsk region, where he got a job at the Kourovka camp site as a senior tourism instructor.
War does not leave a random person alive. Only a person who is very adapted to life, who has a direct bestial instinct and global intuition, who has intelligence and common sense, who knows how to soberly assess the situation and who finds the only right way out, who knows how to use the human resources around him, will remain alive. This is not just a lucky man who is "afraid of a bullet and does not take a bayonet", he is a man who knows how to survive in any situation, having the main task - survival, and not time-inspired unjustified heroism.
And if you ask me who must have survived, then I will answer that it was Zolotarev. To survive, he had to be prepared for any difficult situation that happens on the road. In the tent, he undoubtedly had to occupy the best place in order to quickly leave it in case of danger. Zolotarev, of course, should have been the best dressed. And he had to take the most reliable measures for his own salvation and the salvation of the people with whom he found himself in the group. In general, being close to Zolotarev at the time of a tragic situation meant surviving or holding out as long as possible. Being able to survive, Zolotarev saved others as well as he could.
And if you tell me that contrary to the laws of nature, in a difficult situation, which takes a long time to overcome, some lucky Vasya will survive, and Zolotarev will die, because he was simply unlucky, then I will never believe in it. Zolotarev was not just the oldest of the guys. He was much wiser and more experienced, went through military school from the very beginning and received an award for unsinkability - his own life. And if he did not die immediately and was not initially significantly injured, then it was he who had to rally around himself a group of tourists who were finally supposed to survive. And that is what most likely happened. It was these four people who held out the longest, it was they who turned out to be dressed better than the others and had a refuge to hold out until daylight hours and go to the storage shed, where there were things and food. Even Zolotarev and Thibault did not have traces of frostbite, and this was another plus for their further survival. In general, there was absolutely no reason for them to die, and they had to continue to struggle with a natural phenomenon and overcome it. And I can't write off everything here to the fact that Zolotarev could succumb to emotions, a sense of guilt for the dead comrades, it was Zolotarev who should not have been inclined to sentimentality and disgust about the clothes removed from his dead friends. They are dead anyway and they don't need clothes. And the living need it. What kind of sentiment is there? It was Zolotarev, like no one else, who was ready for death, he saw death, he was accustomed, as far as possible, to death, he did not feel the emotions about death that anyone who has not had such a close relationship with death.
Here you are, if you were in that situation, it would take time, say, a week of a very difficult existence, to part with some kind of moral principles. For example, would you decide to go to dead bodies at night to take off their clothes?
Doroshenko and Krivonischenko were found under the cedar, almost naked, in shirts and underpants. They could not have been undressed by accident or undressed themselves, parts of their clothes were found near the cedar or on the flooring in different places.
It is also obvious that at the time of deciding what to do and how to proceed further, the group of tourists split up: two tourists, led by Dyatlov, went towards the tent (walking from the tent), two stayed at the cedar, and three stayed with Zolotarev on flooring.
If the situation is difficult, then there should be one leader and decisions should be made by one person, like a captain on a ship.
What could be done in a situation where most of the group is standing in the snow wearing only socks? The most important thing is to keep your feet warm! First, warm your legs, and then everything else: drag, chop, fire up. What is the fastest way to insulate everyone's feet? You can only make the flooring from branches, laying these branches for flooring in a windless place.
Not surprisingly, Dubinina was with Zolotarev, a girl who proved her ability to endure and wait when she was shot in the leg on another trip. WITH
this group turned out to be Kolevatov - executive and pedantic. All the men in this group were older than the rest of the tourists.
And the fact that Krivonischenko and Zolotarev were buried separately from the whole group, in another cemetery, nearby in closed coffins, also remains a fact that is not entirely clear: one was found with the first group of dead tourists, the second with the second group. For the first one, the parents asked, they wanted to be buried in the Ivanovskoye cemetery, and Zolotarev, why was it separated from the second group of bodies found?
To give the whole history a modern direction, I want to believe that Zolotarev did not die then. That another person was buried in his place. After all, he was identified twice, confused with Doroshenko. And then he was buried in a closed coffin. I want to believe that Zolotarev completed the task that he was entrusted with. That he, as befits such a person, could not so easily die and surrender even to a superior enemy.

10. Other people.
It is obvious to me that some other people were present in this tragedy. Because a footprint was found from a boot that did not belong to the members of the group, a scabbard and a piece of greatcoat cloth and a soldier's winding. Yes, these strangers had to be only because Zolotarev, Dubinina, Kolevatov, Thibault-Brignoles, had to survive, had to overcome the elements. Why hide the flooring, if the threat could not go down to them and harm them?
Only other people could finish off and finish off, which any natural phenomenon will never do to you. The story of when the evil force returned, not from an abnormal (parallel) world, it only concerns the relationship between people.
Surely these strangers had weapons that they could threaten. Most likely this weapon was not a firearm. Because it is impossible to keep a group of nine people if you never use your firearms. Those you are holding will very quickly realize that not a single shot has been fired at them and will simply stop being afraid.
But even a very large group of other people, I do not really represent in those conditions, because the traces of their stay would be more numerous. And this is someone else's ski track, and the Mansi hunters would probably know about the presence of some other people on the territory where the tragedy broke out.
But this, of course, is already speculation. I think that it is impossible to clean up the place so that there are no traces left. Didn't these people appear out of thin air? They had to go through the villages, had to be noticed by the local population, before they got to this place. If they arrived by helicopter, there should have been a trace of the helicopter landing.
The flooring, too, could not be hidden, but simply choose a windy place. After all, there was nothing to dig a den in the snow, there was no shovel. They write that they even dug a place for a tent with skis. (We, traveling in winter, we always took a shovel, or even two. We need to clear the place of snow, level the area, clear the snow around the tent, if it snows all night, then the person on duty must watch and clean the snow near the entrance, sweep the snow from the tent. This is a lot of work. If there is only one shovel, then one digs, and the rest are freezing in the cold).
From the point of view of the appearance of strangers, everything is clear. They drove the Dyatlovites out into the cold almost naked, drove them away from the tent and decided to wait until they freeze. Then they saw that the tourists did not freeze, and even made a fire and, perhaps, warmed up and were ready for a retaliatory attack, went to look for them, found those who did not die of freezing, killed, then, hid their tracks and left.
For example, prisoners who escaped from the colony. Correctional labor colonies are located around the scene. They reject this version because, presumably, no one from the colony escaped at that time, and they do not even flee, they say in winter. There is nothing in the forest, it's cold, you can find on the tracks.
An interesting version of the meeting of the group with poachers.
I don't think it was a planned murder. Perhaps Dyatlov's group met another group of people that could not be there at that moment. And the Dyatlovites not only suspected them, but also openly expressed their doubts. True, I'm not smart enough to put forward versions of a more complex plan. Involving criminals, the KGB, and spy groups in their reasoning. I do not really believe that there could be a planned delivery, because the creators of this version themselves understand how difficult it was not to separate in time and such a complex space, for two groups, in the event that part of the group in the whole story is not dedicated and understands why biding time. It would be a very complex operation, completely uncontrollable, where any miscalculation would lead to a fatal result.

11. Consequence.
The investigation was conducted as always in our country - under pressure from above, and from this, it seems: negligent, chaotic, stupid, strange.
The first version of the investigation was an attack on a group of tourists by Mansi hunters. After all, it was their interests that were affected, their shrines were disturbed. The Mansi had a very good reason to scare tourists, drive them out of the sacred territory. But the Mansi had no reason to destroy and finish off a group of tourists. And it was the Mansi, from whom nothing escapes in their forest, who saw someone else's ski track. It is very strange that they were released, it was so convenient to write off the whole tragedy on them.
In the version about the death of a group of tourists at the hands of people, many see that the tent has not been robbed, food, alcohol, valuables and many other things have not gone missing. (Some notebooks-diaries, photographic films disappeared, out of ten disappeared six, no one knew exactly how many things were and what things were, the belonging of things was determined approximately).
Firearms, if any, never fired at any of the group members. But this only proves that these strangers did not need the valuables and alcohol found in the tent. The tragedy most likely happened by accident.
Of course, investigator Ivanov was forced to present everything as he was ordered. And also the case could not disappear completely, dissolve into oblivion, the fathers of Slobodin and Dubinina could demand an objective investigation of the death of their children. Especially Dubinina's father, because her body was found in a very terrible state. Looking at his daughter's body, the father could not help but understand that she was not just frozen. He could not be satisfied with this outcome of the investigation.
Here it is obvious that the investigation had a directive to present everything as an accident, and the one who ordered this was aware of the events that took place at the pass or what reasons could lead to such tragic consequences. I think that the investigation would not hide the meeting of the Dyatlovites with the espionage group, if it all came down to this. Why hide the fact that tourists were vigilant during that difficult post-war time for the country? It was necessary and necessary to hide in the event that their own destroyed their own. After all, this fact could not be clearly explained to the people. It was necessary to hide if their own were engaged in some kind of secret development or testing in this deserted place, about which no one needed to know.

12. Orange skin of the dead.
There was also a great resonance among the people. There were many search engines who probably shared information, Yudin survived, who was also not satisfied with the course of the investigation, and there were a large number of people at the funeral. For whom the fact that excites the imagination was the skin color of the victims. So much so that many years later, I learned from a friend that the skin color of the dead tourists was orange! Many unsuccessfully try to explain this orange skin color and often just brush it off (the name of the color can be the perception of each individual person, from here one thing is clear that the color of the tourists' skin was not ordinary for a frozen deceased person, I think, among the people who attended the funeral there were people who had seen the frozen dead before this incident, had experience, and they, like many others, had a strange skin color, this color defied logic and experience). And the first thing that can come to mind is radiation or chemical poisoning. And an examination for radiation was carried out. Otherwise, why would it be carried out? Nobody checks frozen bodies for radiation. And radiation was found on the clothes of the victims.

13. A strange act.
It also seems strange what Krivonischenko did at the station. Entry from the diary of Lyudmila Dubinina: "January 24. (...) There was one small incident - Yurka K. was taken to the police, accusing him of deception. Our Yura decided to walk around the station with a hat, singing a song at that. I had to help out (....) ". A strange incident, because this trick threatened to disrupt the entire campaign, or the participation of Krivonischenko himself. Nowadays it is more common for young people to play the fool, knowing that this will not entail any consequences. At that time, they were fooling around with a look around, and illegal songs were sung and texts were rewritten, but everything is in the strictest confidence, and not at the station, not in front of strangers. Self-discipline and self-control were more developed. And then there is such unjustified tomfoolery - holding out his hat, he begged for alms. He sang a song at the station, where the patrol went and it was forbidden to sing. All this can be understood only if Krivonischenko, under some pretext, had to get to the police station, so that the group did not suspect anything. Veselchak, they would certainly have taken on a hike, but the fool - no. This is an insignificant fact, which, in general, does not prove anything, but very strange in light of the fact that the entire group of tourists died.

14. Where did the tongue disappear to?
Another fact that worries the minds of people investigating the death of the Dyatlovites is the absence of eyeballs in Zolotarev and Dubinina and language in Dubinina. This is the most explainable phenomenon. And I wonder why anyone thinks people have done this. They killed and then mocked the bodies. What for? Or interrogated, squeezing out the eyeballs? What for? And what was the interrogation about? The whole group was already dead by this time. But if a person's tongue is ripped out, or his eyeballs are squeezed out, then he will definitely never tell anything. I think that in this case everything is more prosaic. After death, Dubinina's mouth was open, and her face was turned to the side, where animals or birds could reach, which always eat out the eyes and tongue first. The bodies of Dubinina and Zolotarev were not found longer than others and underwent greater decomposition and greater change. They lay there for another month and not a trace of them would have remained.

II. Logical chains.

1. Let's go back to Zolotarev.
I'll start with the personality of Sasha Zolotarev. From the conclusion of the forensic medical examination: “On the back of the right hand, at the base of the thumb, there is a tattoo of“ Gena ”. On the back of the right forearm in the middle third there is a tattoo with the image of a beet and the letter C, on the back of the left forearm there are tattoos with the image of "G + S", "DAERMMUAZUAYA", a five-pointed star and the letter C, the letters "G + C + P = D" and " 1921 ". You can find many forums and sites where people are trying to figure out the meaning of these tattoos. Basically, all reasoning boils down to the fact that the body that was buried was not the body of Semyon Zolotarev, that most likely it was Gena (Gennady), a prisoner from the colony, of which there were many in the place where the tragedy occurred. "DAERMMUAZUAYA" - words that have been filled with a new tattoo in order to hide the meaning of the old one. For example, it is difficult to score the letter M with a new letter, and the letter G may well turn out to be the letter E, if you just add two lower sticks to it, you can make the letter A from the letter L by adding a crossbar. There are no real witnesses to that story and it is impossible to know for sure whether the body was identified and whether Zolotarev's mother really came to the funeral.
But there was another story known to me, which I know for certain, when the mother did not identify the body of her deceased son. It is impossible to find out in a situation where the body, and especially the face, has undergone significant changes. You can only reliably identify things if you have information about things. But many parents, if children do not live permanently with them, are little aware of their child's things. It is possible to identify teeth and crowns if such information is available, but many parents do not reliably know about this. And Zolotarev lived separately for a long time and, as you know, only occasionally visited his mother. In this case, a DNA examination would help, only this could clarify and finally certify whether Zolotarev was really found and buried, with whose personality there are so many questions, inconsistencies and inconsistencies. Let's look at the monument erected in memory of a group of tourists at the Mikhailovsky cemetery (Yekaterinburg) and find that Zolatarev A.I. is buried, we find, for example, a party card, and there Zolotarev Semyon Alekseevich, we find other documents where Zolotarev Semyon Alekseevich and we also read the plate on the personal monument at the Ivanovskoye cemetery. We also learn that Zolotarev asked to call himself Alexander.
Here's a version. Eight people were immediately found, all except Zolotarev. Let's just say, missing. But this cannot be opened to the public. Endless questions and suspicions will arise. In this case, it is much easier to make a dramatization, hide the bodies, disfigure faces beyond recognition, drag out the investigation, wait for the moment when everyone is tired of waiting for the denouement. The first bodies of tourists were buried with a large crowd of people, and Zolotarev was only 12 people. They buried him in a closed zinc coffin in another cemetery.

2. Versions of the division of power and conflict over the right to women.
Let's say that the incident that caused the death of tourists was the most common: they did not share the power, they did not share the girls.
Examining the photographs of the campaign of the Dyatlov group, I see that in some of the photographs Zolotarev is talking with Kolmogorova, it is noticeable that he draws on beautiful girl Attention. Zina Kolmogorova has complex relationships with men in the group. Igor Dyatlov likes her, they find a photo of Zina with him. Here are the lines from Zina Kolmogorova's diary: "After lunch, we made only one transition and got up to a halt. I sewed up the tent. We went to bed. Igor was rude all evening, I simply did not recognize him. I had to sleep on the wood by the stove." There are many other entries from the girl's diary, which directly indicate that there was no ideal relationship in the group of young tourists. What does the phrase say that Igor is rude?
And the fact that there was no sex between them does not affect the relationship at all. Rather, it intensifies the passions even more.
Before the hike, Zina had a relationship with Yura Doroshenko, you can find information that they were going to get married, but something went wrong with them, in a letter to her friend, on the train, the girl writes: "He walks with some of the girls by the handle . Jealous. " "We are together and not together." Here a whole love ball, an explosion of passions immediately arises.
How can you discard all these facts, talking about UFOs, missile launches, control delivery? The relationship of hikers on a hike can ruin any ideal situation.
Both women could become a detonator, a trigger, provoke a situation and consequences by any of their inappropriate actions.
You will say that these were disciplined marching women who are not aware of passion, rebellion and inappropriate behavior?
Reading the wall newspaper, which the tourists supposedly made on the day of their death, one cannot fail to notice that there are hints of love affairs in the group. "Let's meet the XXI Congress with an increase in the birth rate of tourists!"
I also noticed how different perceptions and understanding of events in the brain in men and women. Men will notice the note about the sleigh and about the Bigfoot and ignore the tourist birth rate recorded in the first paragraph.
A quarrel over girls could occur both within the group and with someone whom the group could meet on the hike, any group of men (In such remote places, women are always fewer and they can always become a cause of interest and a cause of disputes between men).
Even in the group, a conflict of leaders was possible. Researchers write that only leaders went on this campaign. And Dyatlov was not an ideal group leader. In a difficult situation, no single decision was made, it is clear that the group was divided.
It can definitely be said as a group, about three tourists, and, possibly, Dubinina Luda, who were found nearby, with a certain interaction with each other (lying next to each other, one hugging the other).
All other tourists did not form a group, split up, found them in different places. Krivonischenko and Doroshenko did not die in the positions in which they found bodies under the cedar (the body is stretched out, the hand is thrown over the head). They (or one of them) could be found and brought under the cedar, undressed and left to lie there.
3. Before or after climbing Otorten?
I also often think that the tragedy happened after climbing Mount Otorten, there are several clues about this. So the newspaper is called "Vecherniy Otorten", why call a wall newspaper like that, if the job has not been done yet? Why was there only one log when the ascent was to come? Why did they park so quickly when it was only 2 km to the storage shed? Did you step back a bit and get up right away? Or maybe we didn't make it a little on the way back? And the last photo, where they put up a tent on the slope of the mountain and the place where they found it, the researchers notice that the slopes are different, in the photo the slope is greater. Although, you can be wrong here. I often take pictures on a hike. The photographs of the slopes do not show the steepness of the slope. The tent in the photo was photographed from different points: from the bottom and from the top. The steepness of the slope in the photo always seems to be less.

4. Anomalous versions.
To be honest, I do not consider anomalous versions of events. On two nights, Sergei and I saw a UFO in the sky, so what? UFO flew high in the sky, we did not touch. Not a scary phenomenon.
I was afraid of wild animals, and Sergei was afraid of people. Very often he chose places remote from people and housing as a place to spend the night.
Many times we ended up in the cemetery later evening time, after nine o'clock in the evening, once we spent the night near the cemetery. Nothing abnormal has ever happened!

5. From the experience of winter overnight stays.
I will tell you a little about winter overnight stays. I was very surprised by the fact that seasoned tourists do not share their experience of their overnight stays. So, we spent the night at minus 20 degrees in a three-person tent made of nylon with a double layer of the finest material. Such two-layer tents, undoubtedly, keep warm better, perfectly save from the wind, and get wet a little. We had a small Pathfinder gas oven. During the last night the snow was 30cm high. In the tent, from the work of the gas stove, it immediately becomes warm, after 15 minutes you can sit in the tent in only underpants, because it is warm there. During the last night we slept without the gas stove turned on. Warmed things up and turned off. We didn’t experiment with cold and survival, it was just warm. At night, if they wanted to pee, they went out wearing rubber boots, but hardly dressed, it was lazy, although it was cold outside. Only one night Sergei jumped out of the tent, naked, without shoes. On that cold autumn night, it seemed to him that mermaids were swimming in the lake next to which we camped.
Considering the photographs where the Dyatlovites stand in thin hats, with open windbreakers, without scarves, it is hard to believe that the temperature is minus 20 grams. At minus 20 grams, frost freezes on parts of clothing close to the face from walking. Frost freezes from breathing when walking. A hat, a collar near the face, everything becomes white, needle-like.
True, on hikes, it was often when the weather changed rapidly, and the wind in open areas was so strong that it knocked me off my feet and there was no way to walk, only to crawl on all fours.
Also, Sergei noticed that such traces, as found near the tent, could have formed only if the snow was wet. Only in this case, the snow is compressed and then, after melting, the traces appear like columns. In such an open place where the Dyatlov group's tent stood, there was a very strong wind, and the wind is much more inconvenient than frost. For people without clothes, it was important to quickly shelter from the wind. At the same time, being in the snow without shoes meant quickly perishing. I find versions that one tourist was blown away by the wind when he went out to pee, while others rushed to help, and they were also blown away by the wind. It may well be, but why cut the tent?
Once we swam in a spring at minus 20g. On that trip I put on nylon tights and thin socks. It was not cold to swim in the cold. It was cold to stand on the frozen floor and pull on nylon tights. While I was trying to put on my shoes as soon as possible, I almost got frostbitten on my feet, I dressed poorly, one toe got lost inside the boot. Cried from the cold. What saved me was that they came to the monastery, it was warm there. I took off my shoes and for about half an hour tried to warm my legs and howled in pain when my legs began to move away a little. While I was putting on tights, I stood completely naked, in the cold, after bathing and my body was not frozen at all, only my legs were frozen. Since then, I am sure that to be left without shoes is certain death, and if you had to remain in the cold without shoes, you need to take off your clothes and warm your feet.
Second, you need to walk or collect firewood while a person is moving, even if he is not dressed enough, but with insulated legs, he is less likely to freeze. Third, you need to look for shelter as soon as possible.
The conclusion is simple. Anyone who has little experience of survival in cold conditions will not walk in the snow in only socks, he will very quickly begin to redistribute clothes, tear off the sleeves from his jacket (cut with a knife) and wrap his legs. If experienced people did not do this, it means that they did not go down to the cedar, did not drag the bodies of injured comrades there, did not collect brushwood for the fire, which means that they died on the way from the tent down, and not while climbing up to it.
The fire by the cedar could well have been a signal fire (if the tourists did not go to the tent, but got lost on the way from it and was intended to gather everyone in one place), but most likely it was intended for heating. Going down and making a signal fire is very logical, but here's how, leaving the fire in the darkness of the night, to find a tent, if you have moved a distance of one and a half kilometers? This is absolutely impossible, that's what I know for sure, if the same signal fire is not lit near the tent (they write that there was a large signal lamp on the tent, that's why it was visible).
There were cases when on winter fishing we went into the lake on the ice for one and a half two kilometers, and then we had to return to the car to take something. The car from the fishing spot was always clearly visible and it seemed that it would be easy to go back later and find your fishermen. But on the shore it turned out that it was very difficult to find the way back. All fishermen were the same from afar. All sat on boxes, in raincoats called chemical protection. From a distance, everyone was the same. The trajectory of the path was quickly forgotten, it was impossible to find the way back if one of his own did not give a noticeable signal from the shore (Usually he got up and waved his hands, with a clear day and good visibility).
Even during the day, I do not believe that it was easy to find a tent if it was easy to walk from the cedar. At night, it was completely unrealistic. Therefore, Kolmogorova, Dyatlov and Slobodin, were most likely the first to die when they descended from the tent. They didn't warm their legs. Lagged behind the group, lost in the turmoil. I find versions that they were blinded, so they crawled towards the tent. You see, even if there was good visibility, it was difficult to find the tent and find a direction to it. It was easy to get away from her, but very difficult to return, up the slope in strong wind and frost, poor visibility (unrealistic for a healthy person). If it was necessary to find a tent, then you would have to go to it in your own footsteps, and these three did not follow in the footsteps.
I will add about the equipment. At 10-15 degrees of frost, they dressed like this: cotton undershirt, sweater, quilted jacket (wadded, quilted), a cotton scarf on the head, a hat with earflaps (rabbit, beaver) on top, the ears were tied, the legs were tied with cotton tights and quilted cotton trousers, plain and woolen socks and felt boots with chemical protective stockings. Over the quilted jacket, I put on a raincoat with a hood, and on top of a chemical protection raincoat. Coated fur mittens on the hands. It was always much colder on the lake, a strong piercing wind was blowing. We went into the lake for 5 km while we were walking, but it was hard to walk, it was hot. They came, drilled holes, sat down. It was getting cold very quickly. Feet in felt boots and hands were freezing. To protect from the wind, fishermen sew a bag from a transparent film, which they put on top.
Yesterday, just such an air temperature happened, minus 20g. I was dressed warmly, immediately froze in the wind. I thought about those who talk while sitting in warm apartments, about what could and could not have happened: about hurricanes and the difficulties of the route, about freezing temperatures, about wet sleeping bags, about a wet tent.
The fire, which was lit near the cedar, if it was not a signal fire, most likely, was set up in a place where it was easier to collect firewood for kindling. As winter overnight stays showed, a green spruce burns best, flares up and burns like gunpowder, but dry trees that have been under the snow burn badly, so that such firewood would require diesel fuel, they stubbornly did not want to flare up. At first, while there were a lot of branches, there is enthusiasm, because it quickly becomes warm around the fire, even in severe frost. It is necessary to warm up a little and you do not want to leave the fire. It quickly becomes clear that such fuel will not be enough for a long time, because it burns out instantly, and you had to climb higher and higher behind new branches and break them off with the weight of your body.
People who find themselves in such a situation must set themselves a specific goal, do this and that, then the meaning will be seen in all actions. If you understand that you will certainly perish when the available branches of the cedar run out, then very soon you will not want to do anything, realizing the meaninglessness of actions.

6. The sequence of deaths.
I come to almost the same conclusion as in the first part. Three tourists were killed almost immediately, six people went downstairs. Two more died under a cedar, and four on the floor lived longer than others, because they had everything to survive: they had a good organization and one leader, were shod and dressed, sheltered from the cold and wind, could wait for the morning and go to the tent or storage skis and clothes. Everyone who could disrupt the unity of the group and decision-making, namely Kolmogorova, Dyatlov and Doroshenko, were no longer alive. But for some reason they did not go, but were found with broken ribs and faces changed beyond recognition, with radiation on their clothes. Although complete nonsense, the conclusion suggests itself that at that moment when a group of four tourists took refuge in a ravine, that ill-fated snow slab descended on them (an explosion occurred with a release of radiation), which killed the survivors.
If the sequence is as follows: three got lost and died, two lit a fire and waited for those three, hoping that they were alive, and four hid on the deck. Here, there is a division of the group into smaller groups of people: Kolmogorova and Dyatlov, separately from them Doroshenko, separately from them Zolotarev and people who joined them. This is how they should have dispersed, if it was about love and the division of power. Dyatlov could not be next to Zolotarev, Doroshenko could not be next to Dyatlov. Here is a close-knit, closely-knit, carefully selected group of people.
Four from the floor, could really live, or maybe lived longer. Zolotarev could have left for help altogether. I realized how hopeless everything was and left. And a criminal case on the death of tourists was opened on February 6. It means that someone reported that the tourists were killed. Although, this person could not have been Zolotarev, but Sasha Kolevatov. About him almost do not argue on the sites. And Sasha was also the leader of tourist trips, had the qualities of a leader.

7. Put forward versions, do not discard the facts.
But no matter what versions we consider, we must not forget about the main fact that stirred and intrigued the public. And, ultimately, I was not left indifferent to that long history. The faces of the victims were unnaturally orange. On the Internet, you will find controversies and forums about the name of the color. The color of the skin of the victims was named to me in childhood and it was orange, not brown or burgundy red. Most likely, everyone had this skin color, but it was the first five tourists found and buried that attracted the attention of the public (a large number of people).
On the Internet, you will find many different judgments about the skin color of the deceased, they say, search engines and people who came to the funeral could not correctly describe the skin color, because they did not deal with frozen people, had no experience and the skin color of a frozen person might seem unnatural to them. but in fact it is natural and normal, and the point is not in the poisoning, not in radiation. But I think that on the contrary, there were people among those who came to the funeral who were well acquainted with how frozen people look, they were surprised by the unnatural skin color, and so much surprised that after 17 years, in the story told to me, this was the most important and frightening fact.

There are several stories similar to this one. The story of the tourist group Korovina (tragedy on Khamar-Daban), where 6 people died and only one girl was saved. A group of the Moscow city tourist club "Spartak" in March 1963 passed the Chivruai-Lada pass in the opposite direction - from Umbozero to Seydozero (everyone survived). Sergei Sogrin's group also got into a "cold" critical situation in the Subpolar Urals. As a result of the night fire of the stove, part of their tent burned down - the group lost its home at night (everyone survived).

8. New finds.
I am constantly interested in new ideas on the topic. I see how people explore and find new ways to develop the investigation, how new facts arise, inconsistencies are found, new questions are born.
We found a document stating that during the search operations there was not one tent, but several. The document says - tents. It is also possible that extra people were found, as it were. They said that Dyatlov dragged his wife on him, and her arms and legs were broken. Kolmogorova and Dyatlov were found in different places. The student Nikitin is also buried next to the Dyatlovites.
Researchers find oddities in the photographs of those involved. I can blame the oddities on the poor quality of the photos, but in some cases I agree with the researchers.

9. Non-standard versions.
Why do seemingly delusional versions arise? Because there is nothing to explain the injuries of the three tourists (multiple fractures).
While watching films, I came across non-standard ideas, which talked about experiments on humans. An American film about the Dyatlov group deals with this topic. Everyone who has seen the film talks about the stupidity of the storyline. I do not think so. I was a reader and the first fantastic works do not seem so fantastic to me: "The Head of Professor Dowell" (1925), "Amphibian Man" (1927), "Heart of a Dog" (1925). Do you know what these works were about? They were about experiments on humans. The main part of the storyline was built on the fact that hybrids of people and animals escaped from the experimenter and lived their lives as they wanted.
Not a single fiction is born from scratch, a person himself is not capable of inventing anything, I know that for sure. Experiments on people were carried out in concentration camps, during the Second World War, and then were carried out in the USSR, but were classified. If you are interested in this topic, you will find articles about experiments on people in the gulag camps (not to watch for the faint of heart, I watched the video, I was shocked by what I saw). It is about such experiments that the American film speaks. This film suggests that the Dyatlovites stumbled upon a secret base where such experiments were carried out. Nonsense? Don't tell. The Americans put forward a very bold version (and, perhaps, they knew more than ours). This is not an anomalous version, not parallel worlds, not fairy elves and giants. These were experiments on combining humans and animals (monkeys), the severed head of a dog lived, connected to devices with blood circulation, some dogs were sewn to others, and the corpses of dead people were revived. I don’t want to believe in such versions, it’s better, they were blown away by the wind, and then thrown and thrown over the mountain until everyone died.
Where is the base that the tourists got to? In Mount Otorten. And not at the Dyatlov pass. It is there that no one is looking, it is there that you need to go to look.

10. Dramatization.
And the latest version - everything related to the Dyatlov case - is staged. In a country where people were imprisoned for the spikelets collected from the field, people could be killed for a little accomplished, or because of the suspicion that they had done something that threatened the disclosure of state secrets. And then, when the riots began, they decided to stage freezing. Then, the people who were doing this did not particularly try. Therefore, there are so many inconsistencies in the case: confused clothes, strange position of corpses, no wounds on the feet, although they ran almost barefoot along the curtains, it is not clear how the flooring was made when there was only one knife, than they dug snow to make a windswept place, with dates a complete leapfrog ... Woodpeckers reinforce a series of inconsistencies, stirring up interest in the case.
This business is an endless source of income. Thousands of articles, TV shows, videos.

I think that the search for the missing tourists was carried out on such a large scale and were classified because Georgy Krivonischenko was an engineer at a security facility in the Chelyabinsk region, where they worked with plutonium, a substance intended to create a nuclear weapon. Rustem Slobodin also worked there. It was assumed that the young people wanted to fly abroad and sell the secrets of the enterprise.
The more I read, the more mysterious this story becomes. All the more questions. After all, they are deliberately confusing us, and all important documents were removed from the case. And although these are, perhaps, accidents, there are too many of them in such a strange, tangled matter. And the existence of radioactive things is an irrefutable fact, things that, for some unknown reason, got into that campaign, but it is clear that if they were prepared for transmission, they were never transmitted.
In my reasoning, I do not want to hurt their memory, somehow humiliate or exalt one of them.
Bright memory to all those who died on that fateful day, rest in peace to them. A fond memory of all tourists who died from avalanches and other natural phenomena.


There are too many emotions and few juxtapositions of facts into a single picture. Also on "prose" does not pull at all - the usual emotional statements without adherence to literary stylistics.
As for the Dyatlov case, there are more imaginary mysteries than real ones. The folk researchers themselves just have some kind of mania to look for riddles from scratch and fan the noise out of them all over the country. What riddles did they come up with ...
Investigator Ivanov named the mountain Otorten? Yes, when, thirty years later, a journalist found him to ask about this case, he did not remember a single name of the Dyatlovites, let alone the names of the mountains ...
Do the Dyatlovites have orange skin? Forensic expert E. Tumanov has long given an answer to this question: this is the usual "posthumous tan" of frozen people ...
Was radiation found? It was found only on the clothes of Krivonischenko, who was the liquidator of the Kyshtym accident - the very first man-made disaster in the USSR with the release of radiation, which occurred in September 1957. From the dead Krivonischenko, the Dyatlovites took off part of the clothes - radiation was found on it ...
The list of imaginary riddles could be continued, but in this article it is simply huge ... There is no desire to waste time on this.
Of all the real mysteries of this case, only one stands apart: the injuries of Zolotarev and Dubinina. E. Tumanov consulted with other forensic experts on this matter, and everyone comes to the same conclusion: Zolotareva and Dubinin have moved something. Something rolling on the chest from right to left, about 30 cm wide.At the same time, to crush chest, the weight must be at least 300 kg. There could be no cars there. But what it was is a mystery. And everything else is somehow explainable ...

A participant in the 1959 search, Sergei Sogrin, spoke about what he saw at the place of death of the Dyatlovites and conversations with the investigator

Representatives of the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region went to the area of ​​Mount Otorten, where a group of tourists led by Igor Dyatlov died. As part of the renewed verification of the circumstances of the death of the Dyatlovites, specialists using the latest technologies will conduct a number of examinations. , a participant in the search for the missing Dyatlov group in 1959, told us what he saw at the scene of the tragedy and what he would like to remind modern experts and prosecutors about.

Dyatlov group.

The supervisory agency intends to check 3 main versions out of 75. All of them are related to natural phenomena, this is an avalanche, a "snow slab" and a hurricane.

60 years ago, those who worked at the site of the death of tourists completely dismissed these versions. The area was thoroughly examined by venerable specialists, masters of sports in tourism, experienced climbers, who saw with their own eyes how an avalanche descended and a "snow shelf" collapsed ...

Sergei Nikolaevich Sogrin is a well-known personality in tourist circles. Master of Sports in mountaineering, founder of the control and rescue service in Tajikistan, in the Pamirs, an honored coach, whose sports teams have repeatedly won various mountaineering championships.

In February and March 1959, he participated in the search for Dyatlov's group. And he was a consultant to the investigator Lev Nikitich Ivanov, who was in charge of the case of the death of the Dyatlovites.

They talk about some kind of rivalry with Igor Dyatlov, both of you were the leaders of the tourist section of the Ural polytechnic institute... On the same day, on January 23, 1959, your groups set off from the Sverdlovsk railway station on the most difficult sports hiking trips. How did you find out about the death of the Dyatlovites?

I was then a 4th year student of the metallurgical faculty of UPI. Our route passed through the Subpolar Urals. Igor Dyatlov studied at the 5th year of the radio engineering faculty. They went to the Northern Urals, - says Sergey Nikolaevich. - Zina Kolmogorova was originally supposed to go with us, but at the last moment she refused.

Our hike was designed for 25 days, Igor Dyatlov's - for 15. Zina had to come back to cook thesis, she also planned to have time to go to her mother. Likewise, Semyon Zolotarev, due to a busy work schedule, decided to change our long route to a shorter one and went with Dyatlov's group.

We returned on February 22-23 and learned that Dyatlov's group did not meet the target dates, it is not yet in Sverdlovsk.

The guys were supposed to reach the "settlement" on February 15, and send a telegram from the village of Vizhay to the UPI sports club about the end of the route. No information about them has been reported.

I was summoned to the institute's sports club, they said that groups were being formed to look for guys. The very next day we were transferred by plane to Ivdel, and then dropped off from a helicopter at key points of the route. Our group ended up under the Otorten peak. When we climbed it, no traces of Dyatlov's group were found there.

- Who was the first to find the tent of the Dyatlovites?

Boris Slobtsov's group. We were transferred there by helicopter the next day.

Mikhail Sharavin, with whom we studied together at the metallurgical faculty, told how he was the first to notice the tent. It was covered with snow, a layer of 10-15 centimeters. One pole, which was used as a ski pole, resisted, the other fell.

There were no large layers of snow on the tent. The guys equipped it according to all the rules in order to isolate it from the snow - they put the skis on the bottom, spread backpacks, wind jackets and quilted jackets on top. One of the slopes of the tent was cut and torn.

There are those who believe that the choice of a place to spend the night has become fatal for the Dyatlovites. Why did they set up a tent on the slope of Mount Kholatchakhl, in a wind-blown place, when there was a ravine and woodland below?

Everything was done absolutely right, as planned. Imagine, to go down into the forest, you had to walk about one and a half kilometers. This is a loss of height. In addition, the snow in the forest is deep enough.

And here they literally walked along the crust. It was a purely tactical move. Having gone down to the forest, they would then have to climb the mountain again, they would have wasted time. And the organization of an overnight stay on such a relief is a normal phenomenon.

They leveled the area, set up a tent. I have slept like this with groups dozens of times. A year earlier, we went through practically the same places as the group of Igor Dyatlov.

- How did you find the first victims?

Misha Sharavin shared that when they were looking for a place for the camp, they went down the slope, and near a large cedar they found the dead Yura Krivonischenko, who two years ago graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the UPI, and a 4th year student of the radio engineering faculty Yuru Doroshenko. Nearby were the remains of a fire. The branches on the cedar were broken off, the guys were trying to warm up ...

Photo of the group tent. Photo of the rescuer Vadim Brusnitsyn February 26 or 28, 1959. Left - the search engine Yuri Koptyolov.

An investigator from the regional prosecutor's office, Lev Nikitich Ivanov, arrived at the pass with us. The master of sports in tourism, Evgeny Polikarpovich Maslennikov, who led the search, assigned me to him as a consultant. I dedicated Lev Nikitich to the intricacies of tourism.

I remember that the investigator identified the poses of Doroshenko and Krivonischenko as very tired people. He even showed what it looks like. The man lies on his back, one hand is on his stomach or chest, and the other is thrown over his head. There is no more strength, the man lay down to rest. Frost 30 degrees, wind, bare hands, bare legs, no hats. How long can you hold out with this? From my experience - there was a case, I was freezing - about two hours.

-Where were the bodies of the rest of the guys found?

The body of Igor Dyatlov was found 300 meters from the cedar on the side of the mountain, in the direction of the tent. He hugged a birch with one hand. Then a little higher on the slope of the mountain, the search dog helped to find the body of Zina Kolmogorova.

And on March 5, on the same slope, with the help of iron probes, they found the body of Rustem Slobodin under a layer of snow 15 centimeters deep. All three tried to reach the tent, where there were warm clothes, food and medicine. At that time we had a motto - "perish yourself, and help your comrade." The guys froze in dynamic poses, where someone was overtaken by complete rigor mortis.

I often hear: how could Slobodin go up when he had a closed craniocerebral grass? But no one takes into account that Rustem Slobodin was one of the strongest members of the group. A year earlier, he graduated from the mechanical faculty of UPI, worked at a classified enterprise, "mailbox 10". During their studies, when they went to the collective farm, the guys sat down to play cards in the evenings, and he went to train, jogged 10-15 kilometers. He was a very strong-willed, trained guy.

I knew all these guys. When I remember them and think what they had to go through then, I feel creepy. Realizing the complete hopelessness of their situation, they fought to the end for life, helping each other.

"The frames of the fiery object were shot with different cameras"

The other four Dyatlovites were found only at the beginning of May, in the hollow of the stream, when the snow began to melt. First, they discovered a flooring made of cut tops of small fir and birch. And then, just downstream of the stream, the bodies of a 4th year student of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Lyudmila Dubinina, engineer Nikolai Thibault-Brignolle, who graduated from the same faculty a year earlier, were found. The 4th year student of the Faculty of Physics and Technology Sasha Kolevatov and the instructor of the Kourovka camp site Semyon Zolotarev, trying to keep warm, lay leaning against each other.

According to the forensic medical examination, fractures were found in Dubinina, Zolotarev and Thibault-Brignol.

- What is this “impact of great force” that the forensic scientist mentioned in his report?

First you need to understand why they urgently left the tent? Once I was in a fire, when it was impossible to breathe, the cough was choking. Then I understood people who jump from the upper floors in the hope of at least some kind of luck, some kind of salvation. Because literally in seconds, death will come.

The same situation was with the Dyatlovites, the fear was so strong that, having cut the tent, in the frost, undressed, in what they were, they ran down the slope for a kilometer and a half in the hope of rescue. We assumed that it could be a bright glow, an explosion, or a sound of such a frequency that our ears could not stand.

Films taken from the cameras of the Dyatlovites helped to open the veil of secrecy. They were kept by investigator Ivanov, although the case was classified and the tapes had to be destroyed.

In the 2000s, after the death of Lev Nikitich, his daughter donated the films to the Dyatlov Foundation. Their analysis was carried out by our colleague, a graduate of the energy faculty of the UPI Valentin Yakimenko, who also participated in the search for Dyatlov's group.

An examination took place. Experts confirmed to him that all the films are genuine, and the last shots on them are by no means a flare, not a marriage, and the guys actually managed to shoot a certain fiery object with a train. There was not one shot, but 3-4 shot with different cameras. Other photographs showed how this luminous ball disintegrates into smaller fragments.

It is quite possible that there was an accidental fall of the rocket, or the release of the stage of the launch vehicle. Then the guys could be covered with a poisonous cloud. It could be a mixture of gases of propellant components and combustion products. The tent was in the poisoning zone. The stinking drizzle made it impossible to breathe, my eyes were watering. Hence their stampede.

- So you adhere to the technogenic version?

Now information has leaked out that on February 2, 1959, a rocket was launched after all. Moreover, with an emergency interruption of the flight. Although earlier the very fact of the launch was completely denied. It was the top-secret time of the beginning of the space age. There were still two years left before Gagarin's flight. Of the ten missiles launched, only two reached the target. The likelihood of an accident was very high.

I have an acquaintance who was engaged in the development of missiles, he is a laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes, he is 90 years old, nevertheless, he is still classified, is "under state protection", his name is not called. If you call him at home, his wife picks up the phone, if the person is a stranger, she does not call her husband to the phone.

In 1971 we met him in the mountains, he was also a climber. In the evening, sitting by the fire, they remembered the death of Dyatlov's group. And he literally said the following: "In those years, we dumped spent carrier stages into the uninhabited regions of the Northern Urals."

Sergey Sogrin. Photo from the personal archive.

You investigated the chain of footprints that the guys left while running away from the tent down the slope. What conclusions have been drawn?

We found nine pairs of tracks on the slope. When you step on loose snow, it thickens, then everything around is blown out, and the columns of footprints remain.

The three of us, with Maslennikov and investigator Ivanov, we followed in the footsteps of the Dyatlovites all the way - from the tent to the cedar. The footprints led us to a huge frost. After all, there is a high-mountain tundra zone. Ice forms in the place where groundwater comes to the surface. One portion of water freezes, another layer grows on it, and so on. The ice is coming in rushes. It was impossible to stand there. Stones still stuck out on the way.

After the icing, the character of the tracks changed. They became heaped and small in length. We assumed that on this slope one of the guys was injured and they were helped to move further. It is on this site that four of the Dyatlovites are likely to get serious injuries. And someone was lucky, they slipped by.

"The investigator was given the command to classify everything"

- What impression did the investigator Ivanov make on you?

He was an intelligent, highly educated, decent and honest person. While working on the pass, not knowing the specifics of tourism, he listened to us, thoroughly delved into everything. In the evenings, gathering in the search tent, we discussed various versions, each expressed his own opinion, shared what he noticed. Lev Nikitich actively participated in the discussions.

When we returned from the pass, I went to see him as the procurator every day as if to work. He checked his arguments against me, his conclusions - whether I would confirm it or not. At Ivanov's request, in his laboratory, in the prosecutor's office, I printed photographs that were taken at the pass when the tent and the bodies of the guys were found. They were needed for the investigation.

But after Lev Nikitich was summoned to our Sverdlovsk regional committee, his behavior changed dramatically. Apparently, he was given clear instructions on what to do. He closed up. He no longer needed us at all. Because his concern was how to close the case and not do any more research.

After perestroika, in the 90s, Lev Nikitich Ivanov, when he was already working as a simple lawyer in Kustanai, gave a penitential interview for the Uralsky Rabochy newspaper. Being a decent person, he admitted that he did not work out the version of fireballs: they say, he did not fulfill his will, he asked for forgiveness from the relatives of the victims. And he once said to his daughter: "I am a party man, and I had to obey orders from above."

In November 1990, Lev Ivanov, while living in Kustanai, wrote an article that was published in two issues of the local newspaper Leninsky Put. In the publications, the former investigator pointed out that "the true reasons for the death of people were hidden from the people."

Lev Nikitich drew attention to the multiple fractures of the ribs at Dubinina and Zolotarev, and, moreover, without visible external injuries. Ivanov was sure that such injuries could not have been received from falling from a height of his own growth; the guys were "selectively acted upon by a certain large directed force."

Lev Nikitich said that some young trees on the border of the forest had a burnt footprint. As if someone directed at them "a heat ray or a strong, but completely unknown, in any case, to us, energy, which acted selectively."

Turning to scientists Ural branch Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the investigator conducted a study of clothing and individual organs of the dead tourists for "radiation". The brown sweater of one tourist who was injured (most likely, we are talking about Yuri Krivonischenko. - Auth.), Gave 9900 decays per minute, and after washing the sample - 5200 decays. Experts concluded that there was radioactive "dirt" that was washed away.

At the same time, Ivanov noticed that the bodies of the children were washed for several months under the snow with melt water, where a stream flowed. That is, the radiation "dirt" at the time of the death of the Dyatlovites was many times greater.

In the article, Lev Nikitich Ivanov cited numerous testimonies of people who saw "balls of fire" in the sky at nights and evenings in January-February 1959. These are the meteorological technician Tokareva, the serviceman Savkin, the guards of Ivdellag. From the first to the second of February, students-tourists of the Geological Faculty of the Pedagogical Institute saw the "fireball" in the sky. On the night of the first of February, over Otorten, the witness Atmanaka also saw the "luminous ball".

When Lev Nikitovich reported this to the first secretary of the regional party committee, Kirilenko, he gave the command to curtail and classify all the work, and to tell his relatives that the tourists died from hypothermia.

Ivanov himself adhered to the version that the Dyatlovites died from the impact of an unknown flying object: there was an impact of "energy unknown to us, which turned out to be higher than human strength."

Lev Nikitich asked for a discount difficult time... There was a "cold war", only recently an artificial Earth satellite was launched. Raising the topic of "fireballs", it was possible to accidentally decipher information about missile or nuclear technology, the development of which was just beginning. There was unconditional discipline in the work of law enforcement agencies. As Lev Nikitovich Ivanov pointed out, "Beria was not there, but the Berievism still lived."

"There were no conditions for an avalanche"

However, prosecutors are now testing three natural versions. This is an avalanche, a "snowboard" and a hurricane.

Let's start with the fact that the "snowboard" is one of the types of avalanches. We excluded this version in the first place, - says Sergey Sogrin. - In the area where the Dyatlov group's tent stood, and above, the winds blew snow to the stones. And all this snow was dumped into the valley, into the taiga. When we got there, stones were sticking out of the snow all around.

In order for an avalanche to descend, there must be appropriate conditions: the underlying layer, temperature regime, the steepness of the slope and a number of other factors. None of this was in that area then.

Now for the hurricane. At the time when the Dyatlovites were on the route, we walked along the Subpolar Urals. Because of the overheated stove, our tent burned down. We spent the night using the old taiga method - at the nadia, two smoldering logs. In the area of ​​Mount Neroyka, they got into a terrible hurricane. We dug a cave in the snow and sat there for two days. All our clothes were damp, and when we got out, at minus 32 degrees of frost, it turned into an ice crust. Going down into the forest, we kindled a fire, our ice shell began to thaw, we warmed up and dried up. They do not flee from the storm and hurricane, but seek shelter.

You have returned to the pass several times. They led the search groups. Because of this, you had to take an academic leave at the institute?

When we returned from the search, our group was already taking exams. The rector said that the teachers were ready to meet us halfway, they offered to go to take exams. But we understood that it would be a "linden", because we had not attended the course. As a result, we decided that it would be right to stay “for the second year”.

The forensic experts, who four years ago, in 2015, audited the case of the death of the Dyatlov group, rated the level of training of tourists and the leader of the group in particular very low ...

Igor Dyatlov a year earlier, in 1958, was on the Polar-Ural expedition. The plane bombarded their group with two flights.

The weather turned bad. The group suddenly split up. Three guys ended up on the other side of the ridge, much north of the planned route. They were Igor Dyatlov, Pyotr Bartolomey and Kolya Khan. They were left without utensils for cooking, without a map or other equipment.

And Dyatlov in this tense atmosphere took over the leadership. Before that, they flew around the entire route of the group by plane. Igor had a photographic memory, and in an amazing way he found his bearings in complex mountain weaves. For several days, in severe frost, when the air temperature reached minus 40 degrees, Dyatlov was able to unmistakably lead the guys on the route, they made their way and reunited with the main group. To say that Dyatlov was not an experienced tourist, and he lacked the necessary knowledge, is simply not serious.

O tragic death On February 2, 1959, nine tourist students of the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI) in the northern Urals were heard by many in Russia, the USSR and far abroad. Over the past time, many articles have been published on this topic in the media, and there have been many reports and discussions on television. A feature film was shot in Hollywood in the USA. The uncertainty of the conclusion of the investigation about "elemental force" gave rise to a lot of fiction, mysticism and fears. Many different versions have been put forward, from UFO attacks, Bigfoot, to American spies.

Writer, publicist, journalist, expert, engineer, researcher Vladimir Garmatyuk (author of the book "Discoveries and Hypotheses of the XXI Century" published in 2018 in Germany based on the materials of his research) compiled the most reliable version of events - based on additional information about the incident of 60-year-old prescription, which was not previously attached to the criminal case. And he brings it to the attention of the readers of the "Golden Ring".

In the picture, students of the deceased group of tourists (from left to right), bottom row: R.S. Slobodin. , Kolmogorova Z.A., I.A. Dyatlov I.A., Dubinina L.A. Doroshenko Yu.A. Top row: Thibault-Brignolle N.V., Kolevatov A.S., Krivonischenko G.A., Zolotarev A.I.

The event attracted wide public attention due to the fact that the investigation carried out in 1959 by the Sverdlovsk prosecutor's office did not give a clear answer about the reasons for the death of young people. In the decision on the termination of the criminal case by the prosecutor L.N. Ivanov literally said the following: “Considering the absence of external bodily injuries and signs of struggle on the corpses, the presence of all the values ​​of the group, and also taking into account the conclusion of the forensic medical examination on the causes of death of tourists, it should be considered that what caused the death of tourists a spontaneous force appeared, which the tourists were unable to overcome.

Over time, in different sources appeared Additional Information, which was not attached to the criminal case, and therefore no real reasons were given.

It remains only to supplement the missing "links in the chain" of interrelated events in order to tell about the tragedy that happened ...

Let's leave the details that have already been told and highlight the main thing that was missed.


So, a group of UPI students in the amount of ten people (one got sick on the way and came back) on January 26, 1959 left the city of Ivdel, Sverdlovsk region. Passing the villages of Vizhay and Severny, then they set off on their own on skis for a two-week trek to Mount Otorten (1234 m) in the northern Urals. The tourists laid their route along the sleigh-reindeer trail of hunters of the local northern people of Mansi.

Map of the campaign of a group of Dyatlov students

Some students kept their diaries on the way. Their observations are interesting.

An entry from the diary of the group leader, fifth-year student Igor Dyatlov:

28.01.59 ... Having spoken, we crawl into the tent together. The hanging stove glows with heat and divides the tent into two compartments.

30.01.59 g. “Today is the third cold night on the bank of the river. Auspiya. We start to get involved. The stove is a great thing. Some (Thibault and Krivonischenko) thinking of constructing steam heating in a tent. Canopy - hanging sheets are quite justifiable. Weather: temperature in the morning - 17 ° С, in the afternoon - 13 ° С, in the evening - 26 ° С.

The reindeer trail ended, a torn trail began, and then it ended. We walked on virgin soil very hard, snow up to 120 cm deep. The forest is gradually thinning, the height is felt, birches and pines are dwarf and ugly. It is impossible to walk along the river - it is not frozen, but under the snow the water and ice, right there on the track, we go along the shore again. The day is approaching evening, we must look for a place for a bivouac. Here is a stop for the night. The wind is strong from the west, knocking the snow off the cedar and pine trees, creating the impression of a snowfall ”.

During the trip, the guys took pictures of themselves and their pictures have been preserved. The photo shows the students of the deceased ski group on the way of their route.

31.01.59 g. “We went to the border of the forest. The wind is westerly, warm and piercing, the wind speed is similar to the air speed when an airplane is lifting. Nast, bare places. You don't even have to think about the construction of a lobaz. About 4 hours. You need to choose an overnight stay. We go down to the south - into the valley of the river. Auspiya. This is probably the most snowy place. Light wind in the snow 1.2-2 m thick. Tired, exhausted, they set about arranging an overnight stay. Little firewood. Frail raw spruce. The fire was made on logs, reluctance to dig a hole. We will have dinner right in the tent. Warmly. It is difficult to imagine such comfort somewhere on the ridge, with a piercing howling wind, hundreds of kilometers from settlements.

Today we had a surprisingly good overnight stay, warm and dry, despite the low temperature (-18 ° -24 °). It is especially difficult to walk today. The trace is not visible, we often stray from it or go groping. Thus, we pass 1.5-2 km per hour.

I am at an excellent age: the nonsense has already disappeared, and it is still far from marasmus ... Woodpeckers.

On February 1, 1959, at about 5 pm, the students set up their tent for the last time on the gentle slope of Mount Kholatchakhl (1079 m) below 300 meters from its top.

The guys photographed the place where and how they set up the tent. The evening was frosty and windy. The picture shows how skiers on the slope dig deep snow to the ground, being in their hoods, and how a strong wind blows snow into the hole.

1.02.59, Battle sheet number 1 "Evening Otorten" - written by students before going to bed: “Is it possible to warm nine tourists with one stove and one blanket? A team of radio technicians consisting of Comrade Doroshenko and Kolmogorova set a new world record in competitions for assembling the stove- 1 hour 02 min. 27.4 sec.

Setting up a tent on a mountainside

The slope of Mount Kholatchakhl is 25-30 degrees. While setting up the tent, the guys did not expect an avalanche to descend from the top. The hill was not so steep, and by the beginning of February the crust was strong that it could hold a man without skis.

In the entries from the diary, it is highlighted that they had a collapsible stove, and they stoked it in a tent. It was very hot from the stove!

When the tent was buried deep in the snow on the mountainside under the "cornice of crust" and the furnace was heated, the snow around us was melted. In the freezing cold, the molten snow froze into a hard edge of ice that later played a role.

Having dined in the warmth, they put a heated stove in the corner of the tent, leaving one log to dry in it the next day for kindling (for a splinter), taking off their shoes and warm outerwear, the guys went to bed.

But after a few hours something happened that soon determined their fate ...

Let's move a little from the topic.

In 1957, in the Arkhangelsk region, just at the latitude of the northern Urals, the (at that time secret) Plesetsk cosmodrome was opened. In February 1959, it (according to its tasks) was renamed the 3rd Training Artillery Range.

From 1957 to 1993, 1,372 ballistic missile launches were made from here. (This information is from Wikipedia).

Spent stages of ballistic missiles with remnants of liquid fuel fell, burning over uninhabited areas of the northern Urals. Approximately, exactly in the area where the students went on their last trip. Therefore, many residents of the surrounding places often noticed burning lights (balls) in the night sky.

The falling, burning stage of the rocket over the slope of the mountain, where the students spent the night, was photographed (with a diaphragm delay) by the instructor of the group Alexander Zolotarev. While in the tent, through the fabric walls, he saw a bright light outside. He quickly took the camera and, without dressing, jumped out to photograph what was happening. - This was his last picture.

On the left of the picture, you can see the traces of the falling rocket stage, and in the center of the frame there is a light spot from the camera aperture.

Frame from Zolotarev's camera

The event was witnessed by many other people who were at that time far from this place, who told about it during the investigation.

Here, for example, what people told. Late in the evening on Sunday 1 February, some were walking home from the cinema. In rural areas, on a day off in the USSR, cinema in clubs began for everyone at the same time, at 20-00 - 21-00. This means that in time what was happening was between 22 and 24 hours.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that February 2, 1959- the beginning of the working week (for the military too).

Late in the evening (at the beginning of the night) on February 1, not far above Mount Kholatchakhl, a flash took place in the air, and then a powerful explosion. People heard a burning, falling "star" in the sky and the sound of a powerful explosion, being many kilometers away.

Whether it was a rocket stage exploded with incompletely burnt fuel remaining in it, or it was a rocket deviating from a given flight trajectory, which was automatically detonated, or a falling rocket (stage) was shot down by another rocket, as a training target, it does not matter that specifically was the source of the explosion.

From the blast wave, the snow on the mountainside shuddered and in places moved down.

On top of the snow was a heavy layer of snow crust (sometimes called a "board"). The crust is thick and hard rather than a board, but an icy, multi-layered heavy "plywood sheet". So durable that people ran through the snow without shoes, without falling through. This can be seen from the footprints going down the mountain from the tent. A snapshot of footprints from the mountain and an abandoned tent (below) was taken later, around February 26, 1959, by members of the search group.

The guys in the tent, taking off their outerwear and shoes, went to sleep with their heads to the top of the mountain. The previous evening, the heat from the stove had melted the edges of the snow around the tent, turning it into solid ice, which hung over them from the side of the mountain like an "ice cornice."

During the installation of the tent (you can see from the photo) there was a blizzard, and therefore, over the edge of the tent from the side of the mountain top, a half-ton of snow was also blown.

After the explosion, this ice, crushed from above by a heavy load of ice and snow and with an effort from the blast wave, fell on the tent and on the heads of the people sleeping in it.

Subsequently, the forensic medical examination found broken ribs in two and cracks (6 cm long) in the skull in two others.

One of the tent poles (farthest in the photo) was broken. If the stand broke, then the effort was quite enough for the weight of the snow and the hard edge of the ice to break the bones of people who were not expecting anything, lying relaxed.

Students in the total darkness of the tent, awakened by the sound of a nearby explosion, of course, could not assess the real danger that had arisen. The ice that fell on them and the crust with snow, they counted as an avalanche. Shocked after the collapse, under pain of being buried alive in the snow, in panic, they instantly cut the tent from the inside and, without shoes (in only socks), and without warm outerwear, jumped out, rushing to flee from the avalanche down the mountainside. No other danger would have forced the guys to do this. On the contrary, they would hide in a tent from any other external threat.

The photo of the tent dated February 26, 1959 shows that the entrance to it is blocked up, and there is snow in the middle. On the evening of February 1, there was a blizzard and there was more loose snow. By the time the investigation team arrived, the loose snow had blown off the mountain. This can be seen in the photograph (below) - from the prints of the footprints, towering over the solid crust.

View of Dyatlov's tent covered with snow

Having run down 1.5 km down to the forest, the guys only there were able to soberly assess the situation and the real threat of death - from hypothermia. They had 1-3 hours to live without shoes and outer clothing in the cold and in the wind.

As the postmortem examination established, death occurred 6-8 hours after the last meal. If their dinner ended at 19-20 o'clock, then the guys froze between 2-4 o'clock in the morning (early morning) on ​​February 2. The air temperature in the early morning of February 2 was about - 28 ° C.

Students in the wind could not make a fire for a long time, there were many dead matches lying near the fire. And when they lit a fire under the cedar, they tried to get warm at first. But they quickly realized that without outer clothing and shoes in the wind and frost, even being around the fire, one could not get warm. Having figured out that there was no avalanche and nothing but cold threatened them, the three ran back up the hill to the tent for warm clothes and shoes, but they didn’t have enough strength for that. On the way up the mountain from the icy wind and deadly hypothermia, all three fell and froze there.

Subsequently, two were found frozen under a cedar by an extinct fire. Four more (three of them with fractures received earlier in the tent or posthumous from freezing) - tried to wait for those who left behind their clothes, hiding from the cold wind in a ravine. They also froze. This ravine was then covered with snow, and the guys were found later than all the others only on May 4, 1959.

Radiation was also found on the clothes of people covered with snow.

In the USSR, according to the chronology of tests of thermonuclear bombs in the period from 09/30/1958 to 10/25/1958 at the Dry Nose test site of Novaya Zemlya Island in the Arctic Ocean (according to the map opposite the Ural Mountains), 19 explosions were made in the atmosphere.

This radiation from the upper layers of the atmosphere fell on the ground with snow in the winter of 1958-1959 (including on the territory of the northern Urals).

The place where four bodies were found, swept under deep snow, in a ravine.

Returning to the materials of the criminal case.

Witness A.K. Krivonischenko showed during the investigation : “After the burial of my son on March 9, 1959, at my apartment there were students at lunch, participants in the search for nine tourists. Among them were those tourists who in late January - early February were on a hike in the north, slightly south of Mount Otorten. There were apparently at least two such groups; at least the participants of two groups said that on February 1, 1959, in the evening, they observed a light phenomenon north of the location of these groups: an extremely bright glow of some kind of rocket or projectile.

The glow was constantly strong, that one of the groups, being already in the tent and getting ready to sleep, were alarmed by this glow, went out of the tent and observed this phenomenon. After a while they heard sound effect similar to strong thunder from afar.

Investigator L.N. Ivanov, who was finishing the case: "... a similar ball was seen on the night of the death of the children, that is, from the first to the second of February, the students-tourists of the Geological Faculty of the Pedagogical Institute."

For example, what the father of Lyudmila Dubinina, in those years a responsible worker of the Sverdlovsk Economic Council, said during interrogation in March 1959: “… I heard the conversations of students of the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI) that the flight of undressed people from the tent was caused by an explosion and high radiation… The light of a projectile February 2 at about seven o'clock in the morning seen in the city of Serov. ... I am surprised why the tourist routes from Ivdel were not closed ...

An excerpt from the interrogation protocol of Vladimir Mikhailovich Slobodin - Rustem Slobodin's father: “From him (the chairman of the Ivdel City Council A. the appearance in the sky of some kind of fireball. The fact that the fireball was observed by other tourists - students was told to me by E.P. Maslennikov.

The layout of the tent on the side of the mountain and the bodies of tourists discovered

The individual characteristics of the injuries to the bodies of some of the victims do not change the overall picture of what happened. The damage only served to misleading speculation.

For example, froth from the mouth of one person is explained by vomiting, which was caused by inhalation of vapors (or carbon monoxide residues from rocket fuel) scattered in the air over the mountain. This is also the reason for the unusually red-orange color of the skin on the surfaces of corpses exposed to the sun. Damage to an already dead body (nose, eyes and tongue) in others is done by mice or birds of prey.

The investigation did not dare to name the real reason for the death of students on the night of February 2, 1959 - from a missile test, from an explosion in the air, which caused the ice and snow to move on Mount Holatchakhl.

Investigator of the Sverdlovsk Prosecutor's Office V. Korotaev, who was the first to start the case (later in the years of publicity), said: “… I am invited to his place by the first secretary of the (Sverdlovsk) city party committee, Prodanov, and transparently hints: there is, they say, a proposal - to stop the case. Clearly, not his personal, not otherwise as an instruction from above. At my request, the secretary then called Andrei Kirillenko (the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional party committee). And I heard the same thing: stop the case!

Literally a day later, investigator Lev Ivanov took him into his own hands, who quickly turned him off ... ”. - With the above formulation about "irresistible elemental force."

They were led by Igor Dyatlov, a graduate of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. The search team later found the bodies of the tourists. It is still unclear what caused their death. Today, February 2, the tragedy is exactly 60 years old. In this regard, a conference was held in Yekaterinburg, at which researchers voiced several versions of what happened. Below we publish the most unusual of them.

60 years of the death of the Dyatlov group: the prosecutor's office is investigating the most mysterious tragedy of the twentieth century


At the conference, the participants first of all returned to the version that the tourists were killed by the tests of a certain weapon. So, academician Pyotr Bartolomey, who more than once in his youth went on hikes with Igor Dyatlov, noted that the group was experienced and even without a topographic map, its members could go along a difficult route.

A year before the death of the tour group, Igor Dyatlov and I climbed the mountain, recalls Pyotr Bartolomei. - We didn't have a map, so Igor Dyatlov led us along a route of 50 kilometers just from memory. It was enough for him to just fly on a plane shortly before the trip over this place, so that later he would not get lost in place. On this trip, we put up a tent on skis for the first time. It was in this way that Dyatlov's tour group set up a tent a year later before their death.

According to Peter Bartholomew, Igor Dyatlov's tour group died not on the evening of February 1, but on the morning of February 2.

There is information that on February 2, a rocket was launched from Kapustin Yar with an emergency interruption, says Peter Bartolomei. - It was at six o'clock in the morning Moscow time. We have it at eight in the morning. We made a request to the Ministry of Defense with the help of Eduard Rossel, a member of the Federation Council. But he was told that "the events of that time are still classified information at the federal level."

But, as our journalists managed to find out, the launch of the R5-M on February 2, 1959 has nothing to do with the death of tourists.


Valentin Yakimenko, who participated in the search for tourists in 1959, expressed his version - a certain flying object became the cause of the death of young people. He claims that he found the lost footage taken with a camera that Igor Dyatlov's tour group had.

There are light fragments in the frames that resemble trimming of some details, - says Valentin Yakimenko. - There is a grouping, reminiscent of the northern lights, ionization of the atmosphere. There were also some photographs. They show an object with a bright spot. And substance flows out of it. The object is clearly flying. I believe that this is an An-2 aircraft, from which fuel is leaking from the tank. If this fuel, 1200 liters, poured out on the members of the tourist group, then this is probably what caused the young people to flee from the tent.


Another researcher put forward a version of a forbidden zone, allegedly existing in the area of ​​the Dyatlov Pass, which was visited by tourists.

In 1959, I was a student at UPI, and my father turned out to be the main accused of the death of Dyatlov's group, because he signed all the route sheets they followed, '' said Yuri Gordo. - Everyone believed that he sent them to certain death in the restricted area. He was expelled from the party for this. The Regional Party Committee later explained that it was necessary to punish someone demonstratively.

Confirmation of the existence of the forbidden zone, Yuri Gordo considers the fact that his father did not immediately manage to fly out in search of the missing tourists.

My father discovered the KGB trail when he went to the Uktussky airport to ask for a plane to look for it, ”says Yuri Gordo. - He was told that "we do not fly into restricted areas." However, through his friend in the Regional Committee of the CPSU, he nevertheless achieved this flight. And on the very first flight a certain man in civilian clothes flew with him, who controlled all their actions.

Yuri Gordo considers the incident with the spy Francis Gary Powers to be another confirmation of the existence of the restricted area. On May 1, 1960, his plane with high-precision photographic equipment was shot down over Sverdlovsk.

Powers flew over the Dyatlov Pass, he was interested in the restricted area, - says the researcher. - Such a crazy flight - from Pakistan without landing to fly such a distance ... He tried to photograph the restricted area at such an altitude, but he was shot down.


One of the most striking versions, voiced at the conference, was that according to which the tourists died in a completely different place where their bodies were found.

I believe that the tourists died on Mount Otorten, - suggested Shamil Sabirov, a researcher. - There was a test of nuclear weapons at an altitude of about 10 kilotons. And this explosion covered the group. Dubinina and Zolotorev were standing on the street, so they got the most. The rest were in the tent. Thus, all the main events took place precisely on Otorten. And the tent that was found on Mount Kholatchakhl is nothing more than a staging.

According to the researcher, this is proved by the fact that the found tent was erected not by professional tourists, but by amateurs who do not know how to do it correctly.

This tent has no central posts, - says Shamil Sabirov. - There is a cropped stick. It was delivered by people who have no idea how it's done.