Review of vitamin complexes for drowsiness and fatigue. What vitamins are better to drink: educational program on vitamins Are vitamins effective?

Taking vitamins is widely discussed today on television, on the Internet, and in the media. For a healthy lifestyle, many contemporaries use various diets that require additional intake of an artificial elixir of life. Indeed, the body often needs a subsidy of necessary substances that cannot be obtained by limiting oneself in taking certain products. The question arises - how often can you drink vitamins? Doctors say that uncontrolled, universal intake of vitamins is categorically contraindicated!

Although various fortified preparations are well advertised, sold without a prescription and, at first glance, do not cause harm, they need to be treated with caution. It is better if a specialist prescribes medicines for you. And now let's talk in more detail about how often you can drink vitamins, what are their benefits and harms, what are the rules for their use.

Acquaintance with vitamins

Vitamins are essential substances for the body. They are included in all biological processes: growth, development of the body, renewal of injured tissues. Sleep, appetite, weight, mood, state of immunity, endurance depend on them. They affect libido and sexual activity, the conception and bearing of healthy offspring.

Vitamins are also called the elixir of life. The beauty of the skin, the health of nails and gorgeous hair depends on them, which is especially important for women. Experts count 13 vitamins. Here they are: A, B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6, B 9, B 12, C, D, E, F, K, PP. In addition to them, there are still some vitamins dissolve in water, while others - in fats. According to this property, they are divided into two groups. Soluble substances in water are not as dangerous as the latter. The uncontrolled use of fat-soluble vitamins can have dire consequences. Vitamins of the first group do not accumulate in the body, they are regularly supplied with food, but fat-soluble substances are stored for future use.

Where are they and how to determine their shortage?

Schoolchildren also know that most of the nutrients are found in fruits and vegetables. Many people believe that eating them daily is sufficient for vitamin stores. But modern research shows that even fresh and green foods do not always provide the right amount of vital elixirs.

Vegetables grown in a greenhouse lose some of their properties. They also decrease with long-term transportation and storage in warehouses. The consumer often uses their beautiful shell without nutrients. Often the properties of vitamins are destroyed by heat treatment, sunlight and air. This leads to their oxidation and destruction. Canned foods also change their properties. Long-term storage of them in the freezer also leads to the volatilization of vitamins.

Vitamin deficiency occurs as a pronounced deficiency, when the body itself "screams" about their lack. This is manifested in interruptions in metabolism. Also, the deficit is immediately determined by analyzes. The body begins to get supplies from reserves and functions at the limit of its capabilities. Even when the supply of vitamins is abruptly resumed, a failure can occur. This is especially evident in winter and spring. A similar picture is noticeable by how you do not want to get out of bed, there is no appetite, there is no strength for work. Lack of vital elixirs is not a runny nose and not an allergy, but absent-mindedness, a desire to drink a cup of coffee in the morning to recuperate, and fatigue. Therefore, many people want to know how often you can drink vitamins. By the way, not everyone knows that coffee can aggravate vitamin deficiency, because it flushes nutrients with urine.

And here are some more signs of a lack of vitamins:

  1. A red, crimson tongue indicates a lack of vitamin B 1.
  2. A polished tongue with a slight tingling sensation indicates a lack of B 12.
  3. Cracks or seizures in the corners of the mouth, seborrhea, leg cramps - lack of B 2 or B 6.
  4. Burning sensation in the feet - it's time to take B 3.
  5. Weakness, running shivers, tingling in the legs - lack of vitamin B 12.
  6. Too cold or warm feet indicate a B 1 deficiency.
  7. Brittle nails, white streaks on the plates - take vitamin D and A.
  8. Decreased vision ("night blindness") - lack of substance A.

Where does vitamin deficiency come from and how to determine the required elements?

There are risk factors for which you can get into a group of people with a vitamin deficiency. This zone includes:

  • being on a restrictive and strict diet for weight loss;
  • people eating coffee, donuts, hamburgers, pizzas;
  • vegetarians and fasting believers;
  • people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder and allergic reactions;
  • women on hormonal contraceptives;
  • smoking and alcohol abusers.

To determine the lack of vitamins, you need to consult a general practitioner. He can prescribe either a separate or a complex drug. Pharmacy vitamins need to be taken seriously, because these are drugs and synthetic substances. They can cause side effects and are contraindicated.

Why is uncontrolled reception dangerous? The drugs can lead to hypervitaminosis. This is manifested by headaches, cramps, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. If you decide to take vitamins, see your doctor and strictly follow the instructions.

Correct reception

Before taking vitamin complexes, it is important to undergo a medical examination. It is important to know that some drugs are incompatible with each other and their simultaneous use weakens or neutralizes the effect of the other.

Vitamin medicines can contain dyes, preservatives, apple cider vinegar, so it is important to take them after meals. They need to be washed down with clean water, but not tea, coffee or juices. They reduce the effectiveness of drugs.

If you decide to drink vitamins for prophylaxis and the doctor gave his consent, then try not to interrupt the course. Drink them constantly, the minimum course of admission is 2 weeks. Then you can take a break for several months and repeat the reception again. Treatment of vitamin deficiency requires an increase in the course up to 4 weeks. Then you need to take a break for a month and drink the prescribed dose again. Each preparation contains instructions on how to take vitamins. It must be carefully studied and followed.

How often can you drink vitamins?

You cannot constantly drink vitamin preparations. It is better to choose a suitable complex, so many readers are interested in how to choose good vitamins. Prevention should preferably be carried out 1-1.5 months every six months. Better to do this in spring and autumn.

What does the body need vitamin B12 for?

Vitamin B 12 is a very important substance for the body. It helps fight nervousness, depression. Lack of this vital elixir is manifested by numbness in the legs, arms, palpitations, unmotivated fatigue, aggression, problems with memory and concentration.

People over 50 years of age especially need additional intake at 12, because the aging body does not absorb it well from food. Some experts advise in old age to inject two ampoules of this substance every month for prevention.

And what are the other symptoms for its use, why does the body need vitamin B12? People suffering from anemia (deficiency of iron in the blood) really need it together with folic acid. With its help, the process of hematopoiesis also normally occurs.

What are the best elixirs to drink in the spring?

In the spring, not only vitamin deficiency can occur, but various diseases are exacerbated. All this is due to a lack of vitamins. What vitamins are best to drink in the spring? It is recommended to take from the end of winter, towards the spring "Aevit". It is drunk one capsule twice a day for 10 days. After that, it is recommended to drink fish oil for two to three weeks. And after that, in March-April, you can take multivitamins for a month, for example, "Duovit".

Admission rules for women

The beauty of a woman starts from the inside. Is it possible to preserve youth with vitamin complexes sold in a pharmacy, how to take vitamins for women? It should be noted that pharmacists have developed many complexes designed specifically for the weak half of the population. Typically, these formulations have:

  • vitamins: A, groups B, C, D, E;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • calcium and fluoride;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur;
  • magnesium.

Vitamin complexes should be chosen depending on the characteristics:

  • up to 30 years old;
  • during pregnancy;
  • for the period of breastfeeding;
  • after 35 years;
  • menopause.

Vitamins for women are a complex of nutrients for all ages: a young beauty, a mature lady and an elderly grandmother. They support their vitality, beauty and youth.

Overdose cases

An overdose of vitamins can cause the same harm to a person as a lack of them. Most often, there is an excess of fat-soluble substances: A, D, E, K. An overdose of vitamin D has a dangerous effect in adults. Nausea, vomiting, itching of the skin, headache, diarrhea, and frequent urination occur. There may also be excess calcium in the soft tissues. This phenomenon can occur as a result of chronic abuse of drugs with its content.

Drowsiness, lethargy, fatigue interfere with work, study, do not allow you to enjoy life. They can be signs of serious disorders in the body, therefore, it is imperative to undergo an examination. In the absence of pathological abnormalities, you can raise vitality with vitamin complexes. Even with adequate nutrition, a person does not always receive a sufficient amount of nutrients that can fight overwork. Vitamins against fatigue and drowsiness will help to increase efficiency, endurance, and improve mood. Elderly people, systematically sleep deprived students and workaholics need to regularly take multivitamin complexes in the winter-spring period.

Fatigue and apathy are caused by a deficiency of several vitamins, therefore, it is necessary to take complexes containing them. When choosing a drug, you need to pay attention to the composition. An important role in maintaining a good mood and high performance is played by:

  • Vitamins of group B. With a deficiency, drowsiness, insomnia, apathy, constant fatigue, metabolic disorders are observed. Thiamin B1 is called the vitality vitamin, biotin (B7) is needed for the synthesis of hemoglobin and glucose, which supplies energy to nerve cells and the brain.
  • Vitamin C. Lack of ascorbic acid leads to fatigue and decreased immunity. Ascorbic acid promotes the release of norepinephrine, which increases tone and improves mood.
  • Vitamin D. The deficiency is felt in winter, there is a prolonged feeling of fatigue, rapid heartbeat, sleep becomes restless. Self-production of the substance decreases with age. If you compensate for the lack of vitamin D, bone tissue and immunity will be strengthened, despondency and lethargy will disappear.

To maintain efficiency, metabolism, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium are needed. The lack of minerals is manifested by drowsiness, loss of strength, irritability. In mineral and vitamin complexes, the compatibility of the components is taken into account to ensure the maximum effect.

Overview of energizing products

There are many vitamin preparations in pharmacies and online stores that reduce fatigue. When choosing, read the label on the package, consider the lifestyle. Some drugs, when interacting with the components of vitamin complexes, give an enhanced or weakened effect. The therapist will tell you what vitamins to drink so as not to harm your health. Multivitamins should not be taken all the time. There are breaks between courses. With continued use, the body stops absorbing vitamins and minerals from food. Choose products from renowned manufacturers that use natural ingredients.

Energy Alphabet

The vitamin complex is recommended for people who work hard physically and mentally. Each tablet has a specific effect on the body. The morning dose contains thiamine, eleutherococcus extract, lemongrass seeds, folic acid. Substances relieve drowsiness, stimulate mental activity. The daily dose helps to maintain efficiency at high loads, improves energy metabolism. An evening pill helps to restore strength after work, strengthens the immune system. The remedy is contraindicated for insomnia, pregnancy, nervous irritability, hypertension.


The drug contains vitamins of group B, D, tocopherol, ascorbic acid and eight minerals involved in metabolic processes. Duovit is indicated for pregnancy and lactation, high physical exertion, malnutrition, seasonal shortage of fruits and vegetables, postoperative recovery. The vitamin and mineral complex is suitable for people working under stress and fatigue, for athletes, and will help young mothers cope with fatigue.


A balanced multivitamin complex for the normalization of the most important processes in the body contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals. Due to the complex effect, resistance to stress, endurance increases, and fatigue decreases. Experts recommend taking Selmevit to maintain efficiency and vigor, increase activity, and enhance immunity. After using the drug, the body becomes resistant to adverse environmental conditions.


The remedy for lethargy and drowsiness contains salbutiamine (a synthetic derivative of vitamin B1). Enerion is effective for vitamin deficiency diseases, asthenic conditions, mental and physical fatigue. The drug acts quickly enough. After a week of intake, the heaviness in the body disappears, the appetite and mood improve. Enerion improves attention, increases the resistance of brain tissue to oxygen deficiency. The tool helps to recover from severe infectious and viral diseases.


The dietary supplement contains zinc, selenium, iron, extract from hops, ginseng. Natural ingredients protect against stress, increase vitality, and prevent the depletion of the nervous system. Revien activates thought processes, reduces psycho-emotional stress. After taking it, physical activity, mood improves, irritability is suppressed, apathy and anxiety disappear. The dietary supplement is recommended for chronic fatigue, constant drowsiness, physical and mental stress.

Vitrum Energy

A mixture of vitamins, minerals, ginseng extract improves the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, increases the body's energy resources. Each substance enhances and complements the action of the other. Vitrum Energy is used for the prevention and treatment of chronic fatigue, sexual dysfunction, stress, drowsiness, decreased performance. The tool helps to cope with the serious condition of the field of illness, surgical intervention, and increases resistance to colds.

Vitrum Centuri

One tablet contains 12 vitamins and 12 microelements that eliminate the causes of drowsiness and ensure the improvement of the cardiovascular system. The action of the multivitamin complex will be appreciated by people complaining of apathy, loss of strength. Vitrum Centuri has a positive effect on the work of all body systems, relieves the consequences of stress and chronic fatigue, and prevents the development of oncological diseases. The drug is recommended for the elderly to improve immunity, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and vitamin deficiency.


The complex contains B vitamins, alpha-tocopherol, nicotinamide. Multivitamins help to restore strength after mental and physical exertion, increase activity, relieve drowsiness and fatigue. They are used to improve well-being, to replenish vitamin deficiencies in the winter. Helps to quickly recover from intense sports activities. Macrovit can be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

Doppel Hertz Energotonik

The elixir with a fragrant smell and pleasant taste contains vitamins, minerals, essential oils, and plant tinctures. More than 30 components strengthen, energize the body, promote concentration. Elixir is prescribed for anemic conditions, decreased performance, combined treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The components of the tincture improve the activity of the central nervous system and general well-being.


The dietary supplement in the form of tablets contains vitamins, amino acids, minerals, ginseng extract necessary for vitality. Dynamisan has a complex effect: it reduces the risk of depression, stimulates energy production in tissues, supports the immune system, and improves memory and performance. The dietary supplement is effective for improving the general condition in old age, during the rehabilitation period after surgical treatment, with a weakening of sexual function.


The multivitamin complex is taken during the period of weakening of the body, when fatigue and drowsiness are felt. After the course of treatment, the energy balance is restored, metabolic processes are improved. Supradin increases endurance, the work of the nervous system and hematopoietic organs, stabilizes blood pressure. The components included in the composition contribute to the formation of energy reserves, improve attention and learning indicators. The tool is useful for people leading an active lifestyle.

Multi-tabs asset

The vitamin complex is effective for high fatigue, asthenic syndrome, low working capacity, constant psycho-emotional stress. Multi-tabs active supports sexual activity, helps to cope with high physical and intellectual stress, to recover from illness, long-term sports training. Vitamin K, which is part of the complex, helps to strengthen the vascular walls, prevent osteoporosis.


Fortifying agent based on dried royal jelly of bees, consisting of vitamins, minerals, hormones, enzymes, carbohydrates. Apilak enhances resistance to stress, helps to preserve memory, harmonize blood pressure. The tool accelerates recovery from viral diseases, stimulates metabolism and hematopoiesis. Royal jelly is useful for increased fatigue and drowsiness, loss of appetite, chronic fatigue syndrome, hypotension. In old age, Apilak helps to improve appetite, well-being, blood supply to the brain.


The multivitamin complex stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, can be used against physical and emotional fatigue and drowsiness. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract included in the composition rejuvenates cells, normalizes the state of the cerebral vessels, increases concentration, and improves mood. Complivit helps to resist infectious and viral diseases, stressful situations, high loads, improves vision.

Specialist warning! It is advisable that multivitamin complexes are selected by a doctor. Some of them have contraindications. With the right choice of the drug, vitamins will help eliminate the causes of drowsiness, lack of energy, and improve health.

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov GV Some modern approaches to the therapy of insomnia // Attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects of insomnia therapy // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M .: Medgiz, 1960.

The body has used up the supply of vitamins accumulated in summer and autumn, and begins to very clearly declare a lack of vitamins. Fatigue and unmotivated irritability are only the first signs of a lack of vitamins in the body. The hair grows dull, the skin loses its elasticity, and on the verge of more unpleasant consequences of vitamin deficiency - colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases. The body is clearly crying for help, feeling a lack of vitamins.

What vitamins, and in what form, do we need in the spring and how much to take?

What vitamins desperately needed, and which ones can wait. With vitamin deficiency (we will call it this more familiar word for the ear, although in the spring we are susceptible to hypovitaminosis), the body needs vitamins A, C, D, E and the entire complex of B vitamins.

There are two polar opinions of how to take vitamins: in the form of multivitamin complexes, or to get vitamins, including foods rich in vitamins in the diet. Both opinions have a right to exist - and vitamin complexes and vitamins obtained from food are useful for our body.

For the beauty of hair, for example, you need special vitamins.

There is no need to be afraid of multivitamin complexes. The latest generation vitamins do not have any harmful impurities and are perfectly absorbed by the body. Now on the pharmaceutical market there is a large selection of various multivitamins. What vitamins are better absorbed by the body? Of course, it is best to take vitamins in capsules. There they are in liquid form and protected by a capsule while passing through the esophagus. The capsule gradually dissolves and vitamins are also gradually absorbed without neutralizing each other.

How to take vitamins correctly

It is important to know not only what vitamins you need to take, but also you need to take them correctly. The best time to take vitamins is in the morning, when your body has just woken up and tunes in to its usual activity. Most vitamins are well absorbed from food, so they can be taken with meals. Just do not need to drink them with any carbonated water, milk liquids and coffee - these drinks interfere with the normal absorption of vitamins. And, of course, the capsules do not need to be chewed, just swallowed, washed down, for example, with any juice.

Many people believe that vitamins are not medications, and no matter how much and in what quantity you take them, they will not bring harm, but will only be beneficial. This opinion is deeply mistaken. Excessive consumption of vitamins can harm the body by interfering with their absorption in the intestines. Talk to your doctor about which vitamins or vitamin complex is best for you, and take it as directed.

Which vitamins are healthier: natural or synthetic?

And yet, scientists argue that the vitamins found in food are more useful for the body. And their claims are not groundless. The gifts of nature: fruits, berries and vegetables contain almost the entire complex of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Then why drink multivitamin preparations, if you can get all the vitamins necessary for the body, including more vegetables and fruits in the diet?

  • First, certain fruits and vegetables can cause allergic reactions in allergy sufferers.
  • Secondly: in spring, we usually eat vegetables and fruits that have undergone long-term storage, and with long-term storage, the amount of vitamins in them decreases significantly. And when cooked or in canned fruits and vegetables, even less vitamins are retained.

What conclusion can be drawn after all of the above, which vitamins are better to take: natural or synthetic? It is most beneficial for the body throughout the winter and spring to constantly include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet, and preferably raw. And at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring, take a course of multivitamins. Natural and synthetic vitamins do not interfere with each other, they just more fully replenish the necessary balance of vitamins for the body.

What foods contain vitamins necessary to maintain the necessary balance of vitamins in the body

What foods contain vitamin A:

liver, eggs, fish, cottage cheese, milk, spinach, green salad, fruits, carrots, tomatoes, parsley.

What foods contain vitamin C:

all vegetables and fruits and berries are red, all citrus fruits, a very large amount of vitamin C in black currants and lemon, in addition, vitamin C is found in radishes, green peas, beans.

What foods contain vitamin D:

liver, sea and river fish, egg yolk, meat, oatmeal, vegetable oil.

What foods contain vitamin E:

sunflower seeds, nuts, milk, green salad, wheat germ, peanut, soybean and sunflower oil.

B vitamins are found in almost all vegetables and many fruits:

B1 - in cereals and legumes, liver, milk and eggs; B2 - in almost all vegetables, milk, cottage cheese, eggs, fish, beef; B6 - in bananas, cabbage, raisins, plums, liver; B12 - in the liver, kidney, egg yolk.

Therefore, for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency, it is necessary not only in spring, but also in winter to include in your diet more raw vegetables and fruits, as well as other foods rich in vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E, and in the spring to take a course of multivitamins.

The common cold is a viral disease of the upper respiratory tract, another name is acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). Vitamins for colds play an important role, as they help to strengthen the immune system and the early release of the body from viruses.

Causes and mechanism of development of ARVI

The cause for colds is a large group of viruses that have a tropism for the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract. These include - adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses.

Each type of virus has about 2000 subtypes, to which type-specific immunity is developed, that is, the body's immunity develops after a disease only to a specific subtype of the virus, and not to the entire species.

Therefore, a cold accompanies a person throughout his life. With a normal state of immunity, on average, a person suffers from ARVI 1-2 times a year, with a decrease in the activity of the immune system more often, up to 3-4 times.

The route of infection of a viral infection is airborne, the virus is released from a sick person into the environment with exhaled air. When the pathogen enters the body, it penetrates the epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract (pharynx, larynx, nasal cavity), where it actively multiplies, causing cell death.

At the same time, toxins (poisons) are released into the blood, which cause intoxication with a cold, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, general malaise, headache and aching joints.

Depending on the type, some viruses are capable of infecting the cells of the bronchial mucosa, with acute bronchitis and cough developing. The influenza virus causes more severe intoxication, the incubation period (the time from the entry of the virus into the body until the first signs of the disease appear) is several hours, on average, with a cold, several days.

Recovery occurs on average in a week, thanks to the production of antibodies and the elimination (destruction) of the virus.

Seasonality of ARVI incidence

Also, colds are characterized by a time of increased incidence - the epidemic season, which falls in the month of February-March. It is at this time that the body is most vulnerable to viruses, since the reserves of vitamins are minimal, hypovitaminosis occurs.

In the rest of the year, the reserves of vitamins in the body are higher, a person is less prone to colds, with the exception of cases of significant hypothermia and decreased immunity.

What are vitamins for colds?

Vitamins have a number of properties that help the body to successfully fight ARVI. The main such properties are:

- immunomodulatory properties - most vitamins are able to enhance the activity of the immune system, which speeds up the time for antibody production and the destruction of the pathogen in case of a cold;

- promote the regeneration of damaged cells of the mucous membrane of the upper and lower respiratory tract, which the virus destroys;

- enhance the production of mucus and secretory immunoglobulins A, which prevent viruses from entering the epithelial cells;

- have antiviral effect - some vitamins are capable of directly destroying viruses.

Representatives of vitamins that shorten the recovery time

Almost all groups of vitamins in one way or another in a physiological dosage contribute to recovery from a cold, the main ones are:

- Vit. WITH ()- water-soluble, has a powerful immunomodulatory effect. It is also capable of inhibiting the replication (reproduction) of the virus, has a direct antiviral effect. An increase in the incidence of colds at the end of winter is directly related to a decrease in the intake of vitamin C. For the prevention of the disease, it should be ingested in a dose of 100-150 mg per day.

For colds, a therapeutic dose is used, which is 1000-1500 mg per day; in this dose, ascorbic acid has antiviral properties. The effect is better expressed at the very beginning of the disease when the first signs appear, which manifest themselves in the form of malaise, sore throat, nasal congestion.

A significant amount is found in rose hips, lemon, black currant. There are also tablet forms of the vitamin at a dose of 50 and 500 mg.

- Vit. IN 1 ()- belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins, promotes the regeneration of the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract and the restoration of nerve endings. The daily requirement is 1-1.2 mg. Contained in wholemeal bread, spinach, peas.

- Vit. B 2 (riboflavin)- soluble in water, takes part in the synthesis of antibodies for colds. The daily requirement is 1.1 mg. Contained in eggs, cottage cheese, meat, buckwheat, almonds.

- Vit. B 6 (pyridoxine)- also water-soluble, promotes the restoration of nerve endings in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which reduces the time for the manifestation of colds symptoms - sore throat, cough. The daily dose is 1.5-2 mg, found in cabbage and meat.

- Vit. PP (nicotinic acid)- water-soluble, has a slight antiviral effect. Restores blood vessels and improves blood circulation in the mucous membrane of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The need is 25 mg per day. Contained in rye flour bread, pineapple, meat, liver, kidneys, mushrooms.

- Vit. A ()- an essential element for the regeneration and restoration of epithelial cells damaged by a cold. The daily requirement is 1700 mcg. Found in carrots, red peppers, green onions. It is important that fat is supplied to the body with these products, since without it it will not be absorbed.

- Vit. E ()- also fat-soluble, has powerful antioxidant properties and cytoprotection (protection of cells from damage), stimulates the immune system. A daily intake of about 10 mg is required. Contained in nuts, lettuce, meat, liver.

Vitamins for the prevention of colds

It is especially important to take vitamins during hypovitaminosis - late winter and early spring. For this, multivitamin tablets are used, which contain all vitamins in a physiological dose (multitabs, hexavit). You can also make up for the deficiency of vitamins by increased consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.

First of all, during hypovitaminosis, the reserves of vitamins are depleted, which do not have the ability to accumulate in the body, but must be supplied with food every day. For colds, it is recommended to take ascorbic acid at a dose of 1000 mg per day (1 tablet 2 times a day), for the prevention of ARVI 150 mg per day.

However, it is preferable to take fresh fruits and vegetables, which, in addition to vitamins, also contain organic acids and flavonoids, which contribute to recovery from colds.

Thematic video on how to cope with ARVI and Flu: