What if there is no vegetable oil. How to get rid of vegetable oil. What is the difference in spread

Vegetable (sunflower) oil is highly carcinogeneous, as it has a lightweight ability to oxidize and release free radicals, which negatively affect not only digestion, but also on the general condition of the body, which in turn leads to elevated cholesterol content in the blood and load on cardiovascular - seeing system.

There are several ways to do with cooking without vegetable oil:

1. Vegetable oil can either cut to a minimum, or exclude altogether. For example, when frying, use the frying pan with teflon coating so that food does not burn.

2. You can master some methods of cooking, which exclude the use of oil: Cooking for a pair, grilled frying, as well as Sous Vide technique (in a vacuum package in a water bath).

3. You can try to change the dish formulation: for example, use the oil in the marinade. For pickled products, as a rule, a minimum amount of oil is used, then when preparing a dish (extinguishing or frying), the need to add oil disappears.

4. In general, it is better to replace sunflower oil on such useful oils, like an olive extra virgin, rapeseed, sesame unrefined, coconut and linen. But taking into account some features: for example, corn oil is optimally suitable for frying and salad dressing, olive Extra Virgin - only for salads, on sesame can not be fried - the dish will be patched, and coconut oil can strongly change the consistency of the dish and with a relatively low preparation temperature to turn His lumps.

In the Russian national cuisine there are many ways to cooking foods: products are boosted, extinguished, baked, fry, allowed. Almost all these methods do not require the addition of oil. Even to fry food for a long time without it: all thanks to the dishes with a non-stick coating.

Why many mistresses still add vegetable or butter everywhere? "It enhances the taste of dishes, here is fatty food and it seems tastier to us", "explains Daria Rusakov, Ph.D., Researcher of the FGBNA Clinic" Food Research Institute ", Scientific Consultant Clinic" Food and Health ".

As we know, fats play an important role in the formation of hormones, the assimilation of vitamins. Of them consists of a cell shell, and an oxygen exchange in the lungs would be impossible without fats. Therefore, of course, it is not worth completely excluding the oil from its diet. "It will be more useful to add it already to the finished dish. So, as we usually refuel. When the oil heats ups lose useful properties and even become carcinogenic "- Recommends Daria Rusakov.

If you regularly eat fish, meat, poultry, dairy products and nuts - the body will get all the necessary fats from these products. So do not fear the deficit of an important nutrient. The habit of cooking without adding oils will be helpful not only to people with cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis and overweight, but also those who can boast strong health. Here are some popular ways to cook food without oil.

Stew in a ceramic pot

This dishes are cheap, safe to use, and what dishes are obtained - your fingers are hiding! In the pots you can prepare meat, vegetables, and desserts, and soups. Meat, bird and fish give juice and natural fat that do not pump out - this comes rid of the need to add oil. Not very juicy vegetables can be diluted with water. Ceramics does not tolerate temperature differences, so make sure that this dishes are heated and cool gradually: otherwise cracks will appear.

Use silicone molds

Bake in foil or sleeve

The principle of cooking dishes in the foil and plastic sleeve is approximately the same: wrapping products and baked. True, plastic sleeve is more sealed, so meat, a bird or fish in it is prepared faster than in foil. But it also has an advantage: it is capable of withstanding higher temperatures. The main thing to ensure that the matte surface of the foil is outside and precisely it interacted with the hot-air furnaces. Oils will not need, because the meat products highlight natural juice, which heaves the side dish. The dish is juicy, provided that you reliably packed in foil or sleeve.

In order not to spoil the carnival, we have won a week to talk about vegetable oil, without which it is difficult to imagine our daily diet.


It's no secret that vegetable oils in the raw form (read "unfiltered", "unrefined" and "unprocessed") contain saturated poly- and mono-saturated fats, indispensable (they are directly called - "indispensable") omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids, as well as a whole alphabet of the accompanying vitamins. Some kind of oil contains one acid, some kind of other, but in every olive the "letters" dominate.

An indispensable fatty acids serve as a shield for our cardiovascular system, fencing it from the development of atherosclerosis. They improve blood circulation, have cardioprotective and antiarrhythmic actions. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are able to reduce inflammatory processes and improve tissue nutrition, speeding up their healing. Omega- are designed to protect the body from cancer.

The absence of essential fatty acids in food delays the growth and development of the body, and also oppresses the reproductive function and reduces blood coagulation

It turns out that the use of vegetable oils gives our body a continuous benefit? I will surprise you, but no. The fact is that the concentration of the above-mentioned good in any vegetable oil is so great that the human body is simply not able to digest and assimilate it. "Unastended" omega- and monounsaturated fats, hitting our body, are oxidized, leading to inflammation and destruction of cellular tissues, and therefore, to thus terrible diseases that were essentially to resist. And this is only the first part concerning the imaginary use of raw, unprocessed oil, which, as you understand, not everyone can afford to fill the salad.

A few words about processing methods

Vegetable oils (or vegetable fats) - products extracted from seeds and nuts by pressing, extraction and in the future full (refined oils ***) or partial (raw vegetable oils * and unrefined oils **) cleaning. Lightening and filtering, hydration, neutralization, refining, deodorization and combustion - even without going into the technical details of these six "circles of hell", it is logical to conclude that the final product does not carry almost no nutritional value.

Together with taste and smell of transparent raffinad "evaporates" everything is biologically active and useful. Sadly, but the fact: it is such an oil "recommended" for frying, because it does not smoke (has a high temperature of the smoke ****), no unpleasant odors forms, but forms any rubbish. Vegetable fat in contact with a frying pan instantly decomposes, forming dangerous free radicals (chainsaws, peroxides and afloctoxins - extremely toxic "guys", I will tell you), they are carcinogens (from Lat. Cancer - "Cancer" - and Dr.-Greek . Γεννάω - "Bringing").

Based on this only to this tiny linguistic note, it is not difficult to guess how it is harmful to us eating fried. Carcinogens, due to their physical, chemical or biological properties, cause irreversible changes in those parts of the genetic apparatus that control over all cells of the human body. And again, the more nutritionality was in cold butter, the more harm it will bring you if you try to cook something on it.

Each type of oil has its own temperature, which increases in the refining process and, as a rule, does not greatly exceed 200 ° C ... The temperature of the heating of the standard electric stove does not exceed 300 ° C, the gas provides a much larger temperature, pulling the cast-iron dishes as well to 600 ° C! It is clear why the norm is so easy to exceed?!

Little addition for clarity

  • sesame oil - 210 ° C;
  • refined sunflower oil - 232 ° C;
  • peanut - 204-232 ° C;
  • palm - 232 ° C;
  • baked - 252 ° C;
  • refined soybean oil - 257 ° C;
  • avocado oil - 271 ° C.

  • linen - 107 ° C;
  • unrefined sunflower - 107 ° C;
  • unrefined walnut oil - 160 ° C;
  • unrefined olive - 160-162 ° C;
  • creamy oil or fat - 176-190 ° C.

So is there life without oil, you ask?! Of course, there is! Happy and healthy

To refill salads instead of oil, you can and you need to use a solid fat product, namely:

  • seeds (sunflowers, sesame, linen, pumpkin and hemp) or sauces based on them;
  • nuts (cedar, walnut, cashew, macadamia, brazilian, pecan) or sauces on their basis;
  • avocado or Guacamole.

As for the cooking, the options here are even more options.

The first one for many years I adhere to I myself, the most useful just as possible until the disgrace:

  • do not fry, but fry (if it is imputed) on a dry pan with a good non-stick coating;
  • stew with the addition of broth, water, vegetable milk or freshly squeezed vegetable / fruit juice depending on what you cook;
  • bake in a sleeve or on parchment by sprinkling the product with juice or water.

The second option is less useful, but more familiar.

There are a number of oils that are considered suitable for frying in a frying pan:

  • coconut - 176 ° C;
  • high quality olive (Extra Virgin) - 190-204 ° C;
  • refined rapeseed - 204 ° C;
  • corn - 204-232 ° C;
  • cotton - 216 ° C;
  • grape seed oil - 216 ° C.
  • Also, they say, it is useful to fry on the fusion oil (GCH oil) and for fat ...

The fact is that the oil listed above contains more mono-all-saturated and saturated fatty acids, which, during heat treatment, form a little less poisons ... Therefore, dear friends, if you do not want to exclude fried out of your diet, please roast without fanaticism. Do not bring the oil to the temperature of the smoking (pancakes and pilaf). Forget about long-term thermal processing of products (fryer). Do not use one serving of oil several times. Do not fridge foods up to death - there is no nutritional in crispy roasters. If you use the oil, store it according to the instructions, without waiting for it until it turns around, and be healthy.

* Raw vegetable oils are simply filtered. Such oils are the most valuable, phosphatides, tocopherols and all biologically valuable components are preserved in them. Raw oils have a short shelf life and not very pleasant appearance.

** Unrefined vegetable oils are oils subjected to partial cleaning: upholding, filtering, hydration and neutralization. Such oils as a result of purification lose part of the beneficial properties, as part of phosphatides are removed during the process.

*** Refined vegetable oils are fully cleaning.

**** The temperature of the smoke is the temperature, when the oil is reached, it starts to smoke in a pan, from this point in it launches the reactions to the formation of toxic and carcinogenic substances.

Sunflower oil is a very common ingredient in a variety of dishes from salads to bread and sweets. If it did not turn him at hand, he can easily come up with a replacement. There are people who consider it to eat it in food is not very useful, especially if they adhere to diet. They, too, would be happy to replace it on another, less fat, product.

There are many substitutes of sunflower oils that are suitable for baking, and for the preparation of salads and mashed potatoes.

Substitutes of sunflower oil

1. Vegetable biskir. If you do not have vegetable oil, you can use a vegetable biz, which has almost the same taste as the oil. And all because it is a hydrogenated oil shape. The number of any bigure should be measured when it melts.

2. Butter. It can be used, for example, with frying. It has a good taste, which transmits dishes. Its quantity for the dish should also be measured in a melted form. You can use margarine, it is used in the same way.

3. Rapeseed, corn, olive and coconut oil. All of them are considered healthier, however, when cooking, dishes can transfer them their taste. The most visible to taste in the dish oils are coconut and olive. They should be added only in cases where the taste of the main product is harmoniously combined with them. As the replacement of sunflower these oils should be taken in the same quantity.

4. Sour cream, mayonnaise or yogurt. Sour cream is good because it contains a sufficient amount of fat. Mayonnaise is made of the same sunflower oil and eggs, so it can easily be substitute. Wellness and yogurt behaves well in dishes, only before use it is recommended to remove excess fluid from it if it peelled from it.

5. Puree from vegetables and fruits. Vegetable or fruit puree can be used instead of vegetable oil when cooking bread, pies or cakes. At the same time, the dish will acquire some interesting taste. It can be an apple puree, a banana fork or rubbed in a meat grinder prunes. Such masses can be replaced with sunflower oil in whole or in part. If the resulting vegetable or fruit puree seems too thick, it can be diluted with milk.

For reference:

When obtaining, processing and storing oil, its oxidation occurs, which leads to a deterioration in the food value of the product.

The peroxide number is a chemical indicator reflecting the degree of oil oxidation caused by the accumulation of peroxidation compounds (peroxides and hydroperosersion) during oil oxidation during storage.

According to GOST 1129-2013 "Sunflower oil. Technical conditions »The maximum value of the peroxide number should not exceed the oil of the first grade 10 mmol of active oxygen per kilogram. For grade "Premium" - no more than 2 mmol / kg. For higher - no more than 4 mmol / kg.

Poorly purified and nestable oil has a higher peroxide number. The peroxidant is higher, it means that the oil was stored, including the light. It often happens that the storage time has not yet been expired, and the oil is already sorry. It is possible that it was made of low-quality raw materials, ferted sunflower seeds.

  • If with an acid number of samples turned out to be all right, then the peroxidant led. Samples "Golden Seed" and "Joint" According to this indicator, it does not correspond to the highest grade specified in the marking (correspond only to the first grade). With permissible 4 mmol / kg, they have a peroxide number 5.6 and 5.8, respectively.
  • Even worse the situation in oil "Good". The premium variety admits only 2 mmol / kg oxidation, while our sample is 5.7 mmol / kg. Recall the sunflower oil of the premium variety is intended for dietary and baby food. In this sample "Good" Not only declared, but even the highest grade does not match!

Samples "Good", "Joint", "Golden Seed" are blacklisted.

How to determine whether oil is corrupted?

The most common type of falsification of sunflower oil, as in general, vegetable oils is its assortment falsification, characterized by a balance of such oils or substitution of one type of oil to others. For example, the refined deodorized sunflower oil of the premium variety can be easily replaced by the top or first grade oil, and the valuable types of oils, to which sunflower, olive, corn, orphic oil can be attributed to less valuable rapeseed, cotton and other oils.

The problem is that refined oils after the process of thorough cleaning lose the characteristic coloring and aromatic substances, becoming actually impersonal, and to distinguish one type of oil from the other without special equipment is virtually impossible.

With high-quality falsification, there may be a violation of the production of vegetable oil.

The quality of sunflower oil directly depends on the quality of sunflower seeds, conditions and timing of their storage before processing.

Elected-quality raw materials, outdated storage facilities and production lines, non-compliance of production processes are causes of low-quality oil, which can be issued for high-quality.

Information falsification is the input of the consumer to error by providing inaccurate or distorted product information.

Special attention should be paid that such data on sunflower oil, as the name of the goods, the date of development - can also be falsified.

Frosty freshness

For reference:

Unrefined sunflower oil Cold spin has a pleasant aroma and taste, it is ideal for dishes that are not exposed to heat treatment. For the frying process it does not fit.

Refined frozen oil Optimally for frying and baking, but its biological value is reduced compared to unrefined due to the destruction of part of vitamins during the purification process.

Unfortunately, such a product can not be stored for a long time, quickly flies and barbells and "burning" with frying. To improve the quality of oil in the refining process, waxes and wax substances are removed from it. Frozen oil acquires a good commodity view, since waxes during storage can lead to the formation of turbidity.

Experts conducted for all samples of the cold "cold" test and the test for "soap". Using the first one can detect the particles of waxes and wax-like substances. The test for "soap" shows the presence of soil substances that give an unpleasant precipitate. Neither those nor other substances according to the GOST should be. All samples with honor sustained the test.

Note that the oil is not always obtained by refining with a cold spin. Cold spin is a more expensive way to produce vegetable oil. However, during it, dangerous transgins are not formed in oil.

In all studied samples, the trans-isomers of fatty acids were not detected. It is believed that they can appear with tight thermal processing of oil. It has been proven that the consumption of transducers leads to an increase in cardiovascular diseases and mortality.

The mass fraction of the trans-isomers detected in fat isolated from all samples is in the range of 0.1-0.2%, which corresponds to the "background" content of trans fat in non-hydrogenated vegetable oil and does not represent health hazards.

All samples correspond to the organoleptic indicators of sunflower refined deodorized frozen.

Toxic chaos

For reference:

The high value of an anisidine oil number indicates a deep spider product caused by, for example, improper storage in unsatisfactory conditions or long-term thermal or mechanical effects.

For the oils of the highest grade and grade "Premium" an aniCidinic number should not exceed 3 units / g.

In the studied samples, this indicator is not exceeded. However, oil "Good" (grade "Premium") an anijidin number of 2.8 units / g (very close to the maximum allowable boundary). Formally, the standard is not exceeded. But in combination with a high peroxcan number, a high anizidinic number indicates that the oil was largely subjected to oxidation processes.

Minimum content of aldehydes in oil "Golden Seed" - 0.3 units / g.

What should be paid attention to when choosing vegetable oil in the store?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the storage condition of sunflower oil.

Unfortunately, even the highest quality sunflower oil can deteriorate under the influence of natural and artificial light. Therefore, the best option will be oil in a darkened bottle or a bottle of shelf depth.

When choosing an oil in the store, you need to look at the date of manufacture of oil, its storage time. We should not forget to pay attention to the shelf life of oil, since by the end of the shelf life, the peroxidation and acid numbers are "growing".


The nutritional value

Name Anisidone number, units / g Acid number