Partners. International University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna" (University "Dubna") University of Nature, Society and Man

Admission to training is carried out for the first year.

Admission to training is carried out within the framework of the target figures for the admission of citizens to training at the expense of budgetary allocations from the budget of the Moscow Region (hereinafter, respectively, the target figures, budgetary appropriations) and under education contracts concluded upon admission to training at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities (hereinafter - contracts for the provision of paid educational services). Within the framework of the control figures, the following are allocated: the admission quota for training in undergraduate programs, specialty programs at the expense of budgetary allocations for children with disabilities, invalids of I and II groups, invalids from childhood, invalids due to military injury or illness received during military service, according to which, according to the conclusion federal institution medical and social expertise is not contraindicated in teaching at the university, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as a special quota). A special quota is established by the university in the amount of at least 10% of the total volume of control figures allocated to the university for the next year, for each specialty and area of ​​study (Appendix No. 1); target admission quota for training (hereinafter referred to as the target quota).

Admission to study at the expense of budgetary allocations is carried out on a competitive basis, unless otherwise provided by the Federal Law. Admission to training on-site with payment of the cost of training by individuals and (or) legal entities carried out on the conditions determined by the local regulations of the university in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

By the conditions for admission to study in basic professional educational programs, the university guarantees the observance of the right to education and enrollment from among applicants with an appropriate level of education, the most capable and prepared to master the educational program of the appropriate level and appropriate focus.

Admission to training is carried out:

  • for undergraduate programs and specialty programs (except for the admission of persons eligible for admission to study without entrance examinations): on the basis of secondary general education - on the basis of the results of the unified state exam (hereinafter - the USE), assessed on a 100-point scale, which are recognized as results entrance examinations, and (or) according to the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university in the cases established by the Rules; on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education(hereinafter - professional education) - based on the results of entrance examinations, the form and list of which are determined by the university;
  • for master's programs - according to the results of entrance examinations, the establishment of the list and implementation of which is carried out by the university independently.

Admission for training of persons who are recognized as citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 1 of Article 4 of the Federal Constitutional Law and persons who are citizens of the Russian Federation who permanently resided on the day of the adoption of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation on the territory of the Republic of Crimea or on the 8th territory of a city of federal significance Sevastopol, and trained in accordance with the state standard and (or) curriculum general secondary education, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as persons permanently residing in Crimea), is carried out in accordance with the features established by the Rules. The University allocates, within the target figures, places for admission to training of persons permanently residing in Crimea, in accordance with part 3.1 of Article 5 of Federal Law N 84-FZ (hereinafter - allocated budget places). Only persons permanently residing in Crimea are admitted to the allocated budget places. Other persons are admitted only to places within the target figures, which are not allocated budget places (hereinafter referred to as general budget places). Admission to training is carried out (Appendix No. 4): 1) within the target figures - separately with the formation of various lists of persons who submitted documents required for admission, and various competitions: for allocated budget places; for general budget places; 2) under contracts for the provision of paid educational services - separately with the formation of various lists of persons who have submitted documents required for admission, and holding various competitions: for persons permanently residing in Crimea who enroll on the conditions established by paragraph 13.1 of the Rules; for other persons.

The University conducts admission according to the following conditions for admission to training (hereinafter referred to as the admission conditions):

  • separately for training at the university and for training in each of its branches;
  • separately for full-time, part-time, part-time forms of study;
  • separately for bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs, depending on their focus (profile) in accordance with the rules specified in clause 1.12 of the Rules
  • separately within the target figures and under contracts for the provision of paid educational services;
  • within the target figures - separately for allocated budget places and for general budget places; under contracts for the provision of paid educational services - separately for persons permanently residing in Crimea, who enroll in training on the conditions established by clause 13.1 of the Rules, and for other persons.

For each set of admission conditions, the university holds a separate competition. Within the framework of the target figures, a separate competition is held for each set of conditions for admission and each of the following grounds for admission to training (hereinafter referred to as the grounds for admission): for places within a special quota; to places within the target quota; to places within the target figures minus the special quota and the target quota (hereinafter referred to as the main places within the target figures). For applicants for undergraduate programs, specialist programs based on different levels of education, a single competition is held on the same conditions for admission and the same basis for admission (if any).

Admission to training depending on the direction (profile) educational programs(subparagraph 3 of clause 1.10 of the Rules) is carried out in the following ways: for bachelor's programs in each area of ​​training as a whole, for specialist programs for each specialty as a whole, for master's programs for each area of ​​training as a whole; for each bachelor's program within the area of ​​study, for each specialist program within the specialty, for each master's program within the area of ​​study; by the totality of bachelor's programs within the area of ​​training, by the totality of specialist programs within the specialty, by the totality of master's programs within the area of ​​training. 10 For various undergraduate programs, specialist programs, master's programs, admission to training is carried out different ways(Appendix No. 1).

For admission to training, applicants submit an application for admission with the attachment of the necessary documents (hereinafter together - the documents required for admission; documents submitted for admission; submitted documents).

A person who has been granted the appropriate authority (hereinafter referred to as a trustee) can take actions in respect of which the Rules establish that they are performed by the applicant, and which do not require the applicant's personal presence (including submitting the documents necessary for admission to the university, revoking submitted documents). The trustee carries out these actions upon presentation of a power of attorney issued by the applicant and duly executed to carry out the relevant actions.

When visiting the university and (or) full-time interaction with authorized university officials, the applicant (proxy) presents an identity document.

Organizational support for admission to training, including for training in the branches of the university, is carried out by the admissions committee created by the university. Chairperson admissions committee is the rector of the university. The chairman of the selection committee appoints the executive secretary of the selection committee, who organizes the work of the selection committee, as well as personal reception of applicants, their parents (legal representatives), and proxies. To conduct entrance examinations, the university creates examination and appeal commissions in the order determined by it. The powers and procedure for the activities of the selection committee, examination and appeal commissions are determined by the provisions on them, approved by the rector of the university.

When admitting to study at places within the framework of the target figures for 11 full-time education, the following deadlines are established: 1) for undergraduate programs, specialty programs: the deadline for accepting documents required for admission is June 20; for admission to general budgetary places: the deadline for the completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons applying for training based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently is July 16; the deadline for the completion of the university's self-administered entrance examinations, completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons entering studies without passing the specified entrance examinations (hereinafter - the day of completion of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations) is July 26; for admission to allocated budgetary places: the deadline for the completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons applying for training based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently is July 8; the day of completion of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations - July 14; 2) for master's programs: the deadline for the start of accepting documents required for admission is June 20; the deadline for the completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission is August 17; the deadline for the completion of entrance examinations is August 19. 1.18. When admitting full-time education to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, the following deadlines are established: 1) for undergraduate programs, specialty programs: the deadline for accepting documents required for admission is June 20; the deadline for the completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission is 12 August 23; the deadline for the completion of entrance examinations is August 26; 2) for master's programs: the deadline for the start of accepting documents required for admission is June 20; the deadline for the completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission is August 25; the deadline for the completion of entrance examinations is August 26; 1.19. When enrolling in bachelor's programs, specialty programs and master's programs to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, the following deadlines are established: 1) full-time - correspondence form training: the starting date for accepting documents required for admission is June 20; the deadline for the completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission is September 8; the deadline for the completion of entrance examinations is September 12; 2) by correspondence course: the deadline for accepting documents required for admission is June 20; the deadline for the completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission is October 24; the deadline for the completion of entrance examinations is October 27.


The founder of the Dubna University is the Government of the Moscow Region.

University "Dubna" is a university of regional importance, which makes a significant contribution to the development of the scientific and innovative potential of the Moscow region. The university has a network of branches formed in the towns of Dmitrov, Dzerzhinsky, Kotelniki and Protvino near Moscow and successfully plays the role of a system integrator of educational processes at the regional level. On the basis of Dubna University, a regional network scientific and educational Center for Personnel Support for Innovation has been created, which ensures the joint participation of scientific organizations, higher education and innovative structures in the training of highly qualified personnel for innovative activities in the industrial and scientific-technical spheres of the Moscow Region.

University "Dubna" is a classical type university with a wide range specialties and areas of scientific research, a modern educational and laboratory base in the field of nuclear physics, information, nanotechnology and the creation of new materials, environmental management technologies, powerful human resources, modern educational technologies.

University "Dubna" is a university that provides quality education. More than 75 percent of university graduates work in their specialty; about 40 percent - work in the field of science, education and high technologies; about 50 percent of graduates work in the Moscow region (including Dubna).

University "Dubna" is 4 faculties, 26 graduating and 5 general education departments. About 4 thousand students study here in 35 specialties and areas. full-time learning.

Faculties of the University "Dubna"

Institute for Systems Analysis and Management

Department of Systems Analysis and Management
Department of Distributed Information and Computing Systems
Department information technologies
Department of Management
Department of Sustainable Innovative Development
Department of Personal Electronics

Faculty of Natural and Engineering Sciences

Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics
Department of Theoretical Physics
Department of Nuclear Physics
Department of Biophysics
Department of Chemistry, Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry
Department of Nanotechnology and New Materials
Department of General and Applied Geophysics
Department of Ecology and Earth Sciences
Department of Energy and Environment

Faculty of Economics and Management

Department of State and Municipal Administration
Department of Social Work
Department of Project Management
Department of Economics

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Department of Sociology and Humanities
Department of Linguistics
Department of Psychology
Department of Clinical Psychology
Department of Civil Law Disciplines
Department of Criminal Law Disciplines Department of State Law Disciplines

General education departments

Department of General Physics
Department physical culture sports
Department foreign languages and Russian as a foreign
Department of Human Biology
Department pre-university training and additional education

University "Dubna" is a highly qualified staff. About 800 teachers work here, of which almost 300 are under 50 years old. Among the university teachers are academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education, laureates of the USSR State Prize and the RF Government Prize in Science and Technology, Honored Workers high school RF. Teaching activities are conducted by 161 doctors and 341 candidates of sciences, about 400 employees of JINR, the Institute of High Energy Physics (Protvino), Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, MAI, MEPhI, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and others research structures, which ensures a high level of education and real integration of science and education.

University "Dubna" is a university that provides a variety of educational services. The University has a Department of Distance Education, Institute distance learning, there is a day preparatory department, there is the possibility of obtaining a second higher education.

University "Dubna" prepares postgraduate students in 13 specialties. 120-130 people study in graduate school annually.

On the basis of the university, there are two doctoral dissertation councils:

D 800.017.01 for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor (Candidate) of Sciences in the specialties 25.00.10 - geophysics, geophysical methods of prospecting for minerals (technical sciences); 25.00.36 - geoecology (geological and mineralogical sciences);
D 800.017.02 for the defense of doctoral and master's theses in specialty 05.13.01 - systems analysis, information management and processing (industry: information, telecommunication and innovative technologies), (technical sciences).

Dubna University is a modern, dynamically developing university, which has four academic buildings, four dormitories, and a gym. A lyceum for gifted children is located on the campus of the university - a kind of base for future university applicants. Construction of the fifth educational building and the Sports Palace, which includes a large universal sports hall with grandstands for 1050 seats, a 25x13 m swimming pool, two fitness aerobics halls, table tennis halls, and athletic gymnastics. The construction of a comfortable hotel for visiting professors has been completed.

Dubna University is a research and innovative scientific and educational complex aimed at integrating the advanced achievements of science and a high level of education. The university, with the support of the founder, is developing a program for its development as a regional research university.

Main scientific directions ( scientific schools) University "Dubna"

Theoretical physics
Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles
High energy physics
System analysis, management and information processing (by industry)
Management in social and economic systems
Mathematical and software computers, complexes and computer networks
Design automation system
Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes
Power plants based on renewable energies
Economics and Management national economy(by field of activity, including the theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises)
Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics
Language theory
Theory and history of law and state
Civil law
Criminal law and criminology, penal law
General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology
Social structure, social institutions and processes
Theory and history of culture
General and regional geology
Paleontology and Stratigraphy
Geochemistry, geochemical methods of prospecting for minerals
Geophysics, geophysical methods of prospecting for minerals

University "Dubna" is actively developing a number of priority research areas related to the solution of fundamental and applied problems in various fields of science and education, pays great attention to the development of socio-economic, environmental and other problems of the region. As an example, we will cite the research of the Department of Ecology and Earth Sciences, the Department of Chemistry, Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry "and the Environmental and Analytical Center of the University, closely related to the needs of the Moscow region and carried out by the faculty and students - bachelors, masters and graduate students. Research is being conducted on the development and implementation of integrated environmental monitoring of various environmental objects, assessment of the environmental risk of small towns; the ecological state of reservoirs, small and medium-sized rivers; the use of remote sensing methods for solving geoecological problems; assessing the quality of urban ecosystems, etc.

University "Dubna" closely cooperates with large scientific and industrial enterprises of the Moscow region and the Russian Federation, actively creates base departments and educational and scientific units aimed at training highly qualified specialists, performing joint developments and research, attracting students to scientific activities... Within the framework of joint work, the departments of theoretical and nuclear physics, biophysics, distributed information computing systems, nanotechnology and new materials have been organized. Four educational and research laboratories have been organized, equipped with the latest equipment. Together with the Machine-Building Design Bureau "Raduga", the Department of Energy and Environment was created, with the Scientific Research Institute "Atoll" - the Department of General and Applied Geophysics, with the Federal Center for Science and Technology "Soyuz" (Dzerzhinsky) - the Department of New Materials and Technologies in the branch "Ugresha ".

University "Dubna" is an equal partner of a number of serious scientific and educational projects. Within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between Federal agency on the management of special economic zones and the State Corporation "Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies", the university organizes training and retraining of personnel for organizations that carry out technical and innovative activities in the field of nanotechnology. As part of the implementation of a pilot project on the territory of the Moscow Region for the practical development of elements of the national innovation system, Dubna University is conducting targeted training of engineering personnel capable of solving technological and managerial tasks at a modern level. A program of targeted training of specialists for the needs of the Russian Programming Center has been developed and is being implemented.

Dubna University is a bright, memorable student life, which includes sports, creative self-realization in various youth groups, education of leadership qualities and an active life position in public organizations.

The University "Dubna" successfully implements creative and sports projects, including:

Festival of student films "GOODwin Univision";
The project “We are youth of the XXI century”, which includes the conference “Student self-government. Prospects for development and interaction. Formation of leaders ";
the project "Carousel of Creators", the purpose of which is to motivate young people to help children with disabilities;
"Good day" or "Good day" - the debut of freshmen, a competition where they can reveal their talents;
Festival of student theaters "Flying on the waves" - an annual interuniversity festival of student miniatures;
"Student Spring" - the largest and most important competition of the creative season;
Poetry competition "Quill Pen" - to date, two poetry collections have been published;
Run "University Mile-2009".

Creative teams of the University "Dubna"

student theater "Talion"
art song club
theater of pantomime and plastics
sports and dance group "Tornado"
ballroom dance studio
titled choir of students and youth "Dubna"
tourist club