Research Institute of Robotics. Association of State Scientific Centers “Science. Basic departments, scientific schools

The idea of ​​creating its own building for the now Central Research Institute of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics (TsNII RTK) arose in Leningrad at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s, when a Special Design Bureau (OKB) was created on the basis of the Polytechnic Institute for the needs of the defense industry. The place was not chosen by chance: just near the Polytech (just 2 km), surrounded by Sosnovka Park and Benois Garden (it got its name in the 21st century, and then was part of the Lesnoye state farm, before the revolution there was a summer farm of the architect Julius Benois ). Surrounded by greenery and next to the main building - just what is needed for classified work: the Soviet design bureau created systems for spacecraft (Soyuz, Luna-16, Buran). At the time of construction of the building, Leningrad was actively growing with new residential areas, and a futuristic skyscraper could become a local landmark surrounded by monotonous "panels" of the Kalininsky district.

The building was designed in 1973 in the style of "Soviet modernism" that prevailed in the 1960s and 1980s. Construction lasted for 16 years, which, according to one of the authors of the project, Stanislav Vasilyevich Savin, now an honored architect of the Russian Federation, "actually a very long time for the seventies-eighties"... The building at the corner of Tikhoretsky and Svetlanovsky avenues began under Brezhnev, and finished under Gorbachev. During this time, the OKB became an independent institution.

True, the author himself refers the project to a different style. “The building of this institute was my first work as a member of the team of authors. Our teacher Sergei Borisovich Speransky supervised the whole process. It was interesting to work on this project. ”Then I felt that this style would be a kind of turning point in domestic urban planning and, unlike typical Soviet housing construction, would become a“ life buoy ”, and perhaps a kind of“ breakthrough ”in Leningrad architecture., - said Stanislav Savin in an interview with "Ardis" magazine (№48, 2011).

The complex of buildings in the plan has the shape of a cross, slightly curved in the western part. The dominant feature is the 77-meter tower in the form of a "concrete tulip", located on a hill in the southern part and facing two avenues. There is a huge laboratory for testing space technology (there was a "Buran" manipulator). Together with the antenna, completed in the 1990s, the building is almost 105 meters high.

The 4-storey main building rests on a 1-storey pedestal and looks dynamic thanks to its smooth curve along Tikhoretsky Avenue. Tape glazing is complemented by "breeze-salts", a system of vertical lintels that partially protects the premises from sunlight, which is already not too much in the Northern capital. The part of the building facing east, on Svetlanovsky Prospect, is a 2-storey "ship" hanging over the ground and semi-underground rooms and resting on tall thin columns.

The article was prepared by Pavel Kuznetsov for the site
Natural photographs were taken by the author specifically for the site in July 2016.
Based on materials from,, and

TSU has a training area: "Mechatronics and Robotics".

03/15/06 Bachelor's degree, 25 budget places. Entrance tests - Mathematics, Physics, Russian language.

03/01/03 Bachelor, 15 budget places. Entrance tests - Mathematics, Physics, Russian language.

Students study subjects: Computational Mechanics, Fluid, Gas and Plasma Mechanics, Physical Mechanics of Continuous Media, and Disaster Modeling and Prediction.

Higher School of Information Technologies and Information Systems of Kazan Federal University (ITIS KFU)

We have a training area " Software engineering", Within the framework of which we have a number of demanded and modern specializations. Here are some of the directions:

1. Development of complex software systems on various platforms (software engineering itself):

  • development on the Java platform;
  • development on the .Net platform;
  • development of mobile applications (iOS, Android, Windows, Tizen);
  • development of web applications (based on frameworks based on Ruby, Python, PHP);
  • project management in software development;
  • quality assurance in software development projects;
  • database management systems and knowledge bases.

2. Intelligent robotics.

3. Internet of Things, smart social and urban environment.

4. Data mining (projects similar to Siri, Palantir, etc.).

5. Virtual and augmented reality, computer game development.

Full-time form of education. There are bachelor's, master's and postgraduate studies (including a double degree program for postgraduate studies with foreign universities).

There is a budget, a contract, grant places (the MIS RT pays for training, then the graduate works for as many years as he received the grant in a company that is registered in the RT, the grant is extended every year, provided that he studies well).

Passing scores in 2017 are among the highest in KFU: 258 for the budget (79 places this year), grant places 231 points (50 places), contact 200 points, 31 places.

  • « Development of software and information systems". (33 budget places, 24 contracts).
  • « Intelligent Robotics"(5 budget, 10 contract places).

Tuition fees: there are no exact figures for this year yet. Last year's cost: 121,800 (undergraduate) and 144,600 (graduate). This year, the cost will increase by 3-4%, traditionally, as in all universities.

Why us? This is a great question! Because today we are the best in training IT personnel in the Republic of Tatarstan and across Russia. We train unique specialists in demanded industries: Internet of Things, robotics, visualization, 3D modeling, neuromorphic computing, machine understanding, intelligent search, etc. Our students receive a lot of practice and can work from the second year. Our curriculum includes many practical lessons from industry professionals who work for large Russian and international companies.

Our students, starting from the second year, already work in large private and state-owned companies in Russia. Specialization begins in the 3rd year.

Siberian Federal University (SFU)

Information in the direction " Mechatronics and Robotics»Siberian Federal University:

  1. Implemented at the Polytechnic Institute of the Siberian Federal University.
  2. Direction of preparation 03/15/06 "Mechatronics and Robotics", bachelor's degree.
  3. Full-time form of education.
  4. The number of budget places is 18, under contracts for the provision of paid educational services - 7, the cost of training is 154,306 rubles. for the academic year.
  5. In 2017, the passing score for budget places was 153, the competition was 9.4 people / place.

Employees of the Department of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics have extensive experience in the automation of technological processes at enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Sverdlovsk Region, Altai Territory and the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia. Students are prize-winners of Russian and regional festivals and competitions in robotics.

Eight laboratories of the Department of Robotics and Technical Cybernetics are equipped with industrial robots, Siemens automation technology, CNC machines, microprocessor, sensor and computer technology. This allows you to: research, design and operate mechatronic and robotic systems, automation tools based on microprocessor, drive technology and industrial logic controllers (PLCs) from Siemens, program microprocessors and PLCs in the WinCC SCADA system, PDM systems and in Matlab scientific environments and Mathcad.

Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI)

Speciality: Integrated aircraft systems.
Passing mark: 198.
Tuition fee: 201 720 rubles. (full-time); 79 800 RUR (intramural and extramural).

Institute of Control Systems, Informatics and Power Engineering and Faculty of Robotic and Intelligent Systems.
Speciality: Aircraft control systems.
The form of study is full-time / part-time and part-time.
Passing mark: 194.
Tuition fee: 201 720 rubles. (full-time); 79 800 RUR (part-time)

Faculty of Radioelectronics of Aircraft and Institute of Aerospace Science-Intensive Technologies and Production.
Speciality: Electronic design and technology.
Passing mark: 206.

Institute for Control Systems, Informatics and Power Engineering.
Speciality: Software engineering.
Full-time form of education.
Passing mark: 264.

Faculty "Radio electronics of aircraft".
Speciality: Radio engineering.
The form of study is full-time / part-time / part-time / part-time.
Passing mark: 196.
Tuition fee: 150 230 rubles. (full-time); 59 210 RUR (part-time / part-time).

Institute of Materials Science and Technology of Materials.
Speciality: Automation of technological processes and production.
Full-time form of education.
Passing mark: 176.
Tuition fee: 150 230 rubles.

Tyumen State University (Tyumen State University)

« Mechatronics and Robotics»

The program prepares bachelors engaged in the configuration and operation of mechatronic and robotic systems for use in automated production, as well as diagnostics, monitoring of technical condition and testing of subsystems. Training is carried out on the basis of professional industrial components at the stations of the FESTO MPS modular production system - the world's leading supplier of automation technologies, the leader in the field of industrial training and educational programs. The direction is in demand for intensively developing manufacturing enterprises.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (MSTU)

Department SM-7 " Robotic systems and mechatronics"Is a part of the faculty" Special mechanical engineering "MSTU im. N.E. Bauman. The department prepares students for the two-level system "bachelor-master" in the direction of "Mechatronics and Robotics", in particular, bachelors are trained in the profiles "Control in mechatronic systems", "Autonomous and remote mobile robots and space manipulators", "Industrial and service robots and robotic systems ”and training of masters in the profiles“ Control of robotic systems ”,“ Robots and manipulators for special purposes ”and“ Industrial and service robots ”. Full-time full-time education is carried out on the basis of budgetary funding or on a paid basis (the cost of training is 257,572 rubles per year for bachelors and 286,816 rubles per year for masters). Some of the budget places are allocated for targeted training on the basis of applications from organizations of the military-industrial complex subordinate to: the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the State Corporation for Space Activities “Roskosmos”, the State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”, in particular, an agreement on targeted admission at the Moscow State Technical University N.E.Bauman in the direction of training "Mechatronics and Robotics" with JSC TsINIIAG, FSUE TsNIIMash, FSUE TsAGI, FSUE Moscow Design Bureau Mars, JSC GNPP Region, FSUE NPO Tekhnomash, FSUE NPTs AP named after academician N. A. Pilyugin ", PJSC" Corporation "Irkut". In this case, the training is carried out taking into account the requirements of the customer enterprise, and upon graduation from the university, the graduate receives a guaranteed job at this enterprise (at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University). The passing score for bachelors in the field of "Mechatronics and Robotics" in 2017 was 271 in the general competition for budget places and 207 in targeted admission.

The training that the students of the department SM-7 "Robotic systems and mechatronics" undergo at Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman is versatile and multidisciplinary. Students receive specialized knowledge on a wide range of issues in the field of mechanics, electrical engineering, digital and analog electronics, development and modeling of automatic control systems for technical systems and other disciplines, which, combined with extensive training in basic general scientific and general technical disciplines, makes the graduates of the department extremely attractive to potential employers.

Southwestern State University (SWSU)

At SWSU it is directly related to robotics:
Direction: 03/15/06-Mechatronics and Robotics
Faculty: Natural Science
Full-time form of education
The minimum score in 2018 on an off-budget basis: mathematics 27, Russian language 40, physics 36.
The cost of training in 2017 amounted to 84 380.00 rubles per year. (tuition fees for 2018 will be approved after June 15)

In addition, the university has a number of specialties related to robotics:

  • 11.03.03-Design and technology of electronic means
  • 28.03.01-Nanotechnology and microsystem technology
  • 09.03.01-Informatics and computer technology
  • 09.03.02-Information systems and technologies
  • 09.03.04-Software Engineering
  • 10.03.01-Information security
  • 10.05.02-Information security of telecommunication systems
  • 11.03.02-Infocommunication technologies and communication systems (Communication networks and switching systems)
  • 12.03.04-Biotechnical systems and technologies (Biotechnical and medical devices and systems)
  • 05/30/03 Medical Cybernetics
  • You ask: "Why is it worth choosing South-Western State University?" But because:

    It is our graduates of all specialties that are in demand always and everywhere!
    It was our university that received the highest award - the Quality Leader prize of the All-Russian competition “One Hundred Best Goods of Russia” for the quality of education provided to students!
    Only we use the most open and democratic system of admission and enrollment!
    Our developments ensure the safety of the country and space flights!
    It is our athletes who become Olympic champions!
    It is our Prima team that is the star of the Russian KVN!
    It is our creative teams that have reached the international level!
    It is our graduates who form the innovative potential of the region and Russia!
    Finally, it is not in vain that they say that the Polytechnic University is always the best!

    Don State Technical University (DSTU)

    Faculty of Automation, Mechatronics and Control

    Directions of training:

    In person

    Department of Automation of Production Processes
    (Head of the department Lukyanov Alexander Dmitrievich tel. 2-738-510)
    04.15.04 - Automation of technological processes and production (Master's degree)
    03.27.04 - Management in technical systems (bachelor's degree) - profile "Systems and means of control of technological processes"
    04/27/04 - Management in technical systems (Master's degree)

    Department of Automated Monitoring and Control Systems

    Department of Robotics and Mechatronics
    (Head of the department Lukyanov Evgeny Anatolyevich, tel. 2-381-359)
    03/15/06 - Mechatronics and Robotics (Bachelor's Degree) - Profiles "Mechatronics" and "Robotics and Robotic Systems"
    04.15.06 - Mechatronics and Robotics (Master's degree)
    09.03.01 - Informatics and Computer Engineering (Bachelor's degree) - profile "Automated information processing and control systems"
    04/09/01 - Informatics and Computer Engineering (Master's degree)

    Department of Hydraulics, Hydropneumatic Automatics and Thermal Processes
    (Head of the department Rybak Alexander Timofeevich, tel. 2-381-345)

    04.15.02 - Technological machines and equipment (Master's degree)

    In absentia

    Automation of production processes
    03.15.04 - Automation of technological processes and production (bachelor's degree) - profile "Automation of technological processes and production in mechanical engineering"

    Hydraulics, hydropneumatic automation and thermal processes
    03.13.03 - Power engineering (bachelor's degree) - profile "Hydraulic vacuum and compressor technology"
    03/27/05 - Innovation (bachelor's degree) - profile "Management of innovations in industry"

    Passing score:
    an average of 150 points based on the USE results.

    Cost of a year of study:
    RUB 98,200 - 100,500 rubles. depending on the direction.

    The faculty has 15 specialized laboratories equipped with modern equipment.

    The faculty cooperates with the leading enterprises of the Rostov region and world companies.

    DSTU also has a Robotics Resource Center, whose specialists train and teach schoolchildren and students in design, electronics and programming.

    Center students annually take part in regional, Russian and international competitions. Last year, the deBUG University team took second place at the national stage of the EUROBOT 2017 International Robotics Competition.

    This year, from April 20 to 22, DSTU hosts the national stage of the EUROBOT 2018 robotic competition, 155 teams from 20 regions of Russia have applied for participation.

    Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU)

    Directions of training or specialty, educational program Budget / paid seats Entrance tests (USE) Tuition fees 2017-18 academic year (rub / year) 2017 passing score on budget Competition 2017 people / place
    Applied Mathematics and Computer Science,
    System Programming
    Mathematical and information support of production activities
    Mathematical Methods in Economics
    60/5 155 000 172 3.9
    Mathematics and Computer Science,
    End-to-end digital technologies
    20/5 mathematics (prof.), computer science, Russian 155 000 176 6.4
    Software and administration of information systems,
    Programming technologies
    20/5 mathematics (prof.), computer science, Russian 155 000 176 5.2
    Information systems and technologies
    Information systems and technologies
    25/5 170 000 159 6.7
    Applied Informatics
    Applied Informatics in Computer Design
    25/5 170 000 204 7.4
    Software engineering
    Software engineering
    50/5 informatics, mathematics (prof.), Russian 170 000 182 7.2
    Information Security
    Comprehensive protection of objects of informatization
    25/5 mathematics (prof.), physics, Russian 170 000 173 8.6
    Computer security (s)
    Mathematical methods of information security
    23/7 mathematics (prof.), physics, Russian 170 000 156 3.8
    Mechatronics and Robotics
    Mechatronics and Robotics
    15/10 mathematics (prof.), physics, Russian 130 000 189 6.8

    Underwater robotics is one of the priority areas of development for the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU). In this area, the university has international authority, which is confirmed by the successful performances of students and graduate students at prestigious competitions. Since 2012, the FEFU team annually becomes a prize-winner in the class of autonomous robots at the RoboSub world tournaments and the Singapore AUV Challenge Asian championships. She became the world champion twice.

    In March 2018, the team of robotics from FEFU and the Institute of Marine Technology Problems of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMT FEB RAS) took third place in the Singapore AUV Challenge, an open Asian Championship in underwater robotics. The final of the competition was held on March 12 at the Singapore Polytechnic University. Teams from 10 countries fought for the victory - Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, Thailand and Sri Lanka. The team of the Far Eastern Federal University and the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences became the only representative of Russia at the competitions.

    Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Queen

    Faculty Speciality Form of study Passing score Price per year
    Undergraduate and Specialist
    Faculty of Informatics Direction of preparation 10.05.03 Information security of automated systems. Profile "Provision of information security of distributed automated systems" Full-time 2017: 214
    2016: 240
    2015: 232
    For citizens of the Russian Federation - 122,000 rubles.
    Direction of training 03.24.05 Aircraft engines. Profile "Mechatronics and Robotics (jointly with Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University)" Full-time 2017: 203
    Institute of Engines and Power Plants Direction of training. 15.03.04 Automation of technological processes and production Profile "Mechatronic and robotic systems" Full-time 2017: 215
    2016: 226
    2015: 202
    For citizens of the Russian Federation - 122,000 rubles.
    For foreign citizens - 134,200 rubles.
    Master's degree
    Institute of Engines and Power Plants Direction of training 04.24.05 Aircraft engines. Profile "Mechatronics and Robotics (jointly with Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University)" Full-time 2017: 215
    2016: 226
    2015: 202
    For citizens of the Russian Federation - 122,000 rubles.
    For foreign citizens - 134,200 rubles.
    Institute of Engines and Power Plants Direction of training 04.24.05 Aircraft engines. Profile "Mechatronic Systems (jointly with Lappeenranta University of Technology)" Full-time 2017: 74 For citizens of the Russian Federation - 191,000 rubles.
    For foreign citizens - 210,100 rubles.
    Institute of Rocket and Space Technology Direction of training 05.24.01 Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes. Profile "Manned and automatic spacecraft and systems" Full-time 2017: 168
    2016: 149
    2015: 193
    For citizens of the Russian Federation - 181,000 rubles.
    For foreign citizens - 199100 rubles.
    Faculty of Informatics Direction of training 01.04.02 Applied Mathematics and Informatics. Profile "Data Science (Data Science) (jointly with Sberbank Technologies)" Full-time 2017: 86 For citizens of the Russian Federation - 120,000 rubles.
    For foreign citizens - 132,000 rubles.
    Faculty of Informatics Direction of training 09.04.01 Informatics and computer technology. Profile "Automated information processing and control systems" Full-time 2017: 76 For citizens of the Russian Federation - 134,000 rubles.
    Faculty of Informatics Direction of training 09.04.01 Informatics and computer technology. Profile "Data Analysis and Software Quality Management (in conjunction with EPAM Systems)" Full-time 2017: 76 For citizens of the Russian Federation - 134,000 rubles.
    For foreign citizens - 147,400 rubles.
    Direction of training 03.04.01 Applied Mathematics and Physics. Profile “GNSS positioning algorithms and applications” Full-time 2017: 80 For citizens of the Russian Federation - 134,000 rubles.
    For foreign citizens - 147400 rubles / td>
    Faculty of Electronics and Instrumentation Full-time 2017: 77 For citizens of the Russian Federation - 134,000 rubles.
    For foreign citizens - 147,400 rubles.
    Faculty of Electronics and Instrumentation Direction of training 11.04.01. Radio engineering. Profile "GNSS algorithms and hardware" Full-time 2017: 77 For citizens of the Russian Federation - 134,000 rubles.
    For foreign citizens - 147,400 rubles.

    Why should an applicant choose Samara University?

    Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Koroleva (Samara University) is one of the leading Russian universities, the corresponding status of which is enshrined in the regulatory documents of the Government of the Russian Federation and recognized by the academic community.

    Samara University is one of the 29 national research universities in Russia. Since 2013, he has been participating in Project 5-100, a Russian initiative of academic excellence aimed at increasing the competitiveness of leading Russian universities among the world's leading research and educational centers.

    Scientific activities and educational programs of Samara University are directly related to the work of the leading centers for the development and production of modern space and aviation technology.

    Education at the Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev is conducted according to the principle of “education through research”. Every year more than 3000 students take part in research, development and technological projects of Samara University and its partners.

    The university has formed a unique worldwide scientific and educational complex, which ensures the direct participation of students in all stages of the development, creation and testing of spacecraft, as well as their subsequent control in orbit.

    The basis of the unique distributed space laboratory with ground and space segments is the operating orbital constellation of small spacecraft (SSC) for scientific and educational purposes of the AIST series. This group has been operating since 2013 and is part of a distributed space laboratory with ground and space segments. Now in orbit there are two first-generation AIST spacecraft and AIST-2 spacecraft for Earth remote sensing. All these devices were created by specialists and scientists of Samara University with the active participation of students.

    Omsk State Technical University (OMSTU)

    The University provided information in pdf format.

    Moscow Technological Institute (MIREA)

    Robotics training areas at Moscow Technological University

    The main professions of the future are concentrated in the field of robotics today. For guys who want to create real equipment, the Institute of Cybernetics works. This is a structural subdivision of the Moscow Technological University, which trains specialists in the field of cybernetics, including information security, instrumentation, biotechnical systems and technologies, mechatronics and robotics, control in technical systems, applied mathematics and computer science. The activities of university graduates are largely related to ensuring the security of the country and work in law enforcement agencies.

    Directions of training and specialties

    01.03.02 Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
    Students receive training in the most breakthrough direction in demand in the development of any human activity: mathematical modeling. The direction includes the study of the basic structures of computers, programming, databases and programming languages.
    The knowledge and skills that students acquire are necessary to use the computer in all areas of activity that require fundamentally new technologies.
    Mathematical modeling and computational mathematics.
    System programming and computer technology.
    Training period: 4 years.
    Number of budget-funded places in 2018: 65.
    Passing mark in 2017: 237.
    Tuition fees on a contractual basis in 2018: 208,000 rubles per year.

    12.03.04 Biotechnical systems and technologies
    The direction of training is intended for those who are interested in research and development activities in the field of biotechnical systems and technologies. Students study devices, systems and complexes for biomedical purposes; methods and technologies for performing biomedical research; automated systems for processing biomedical information; computer-aided design and information support systems for biotechnical systems and technologies; biotechnical systems and technologies for health care.
    Computer systems and technologies for processing biomedical and environmental information.
    Education level: bachelor's degree.
    Training period: 4 years.
    Number of budget-funded places in 2018: 35.
    Passing mark in 2017: 201

    15.03.06 Mechatronics and Robotics
    Graduates are engaged in the design and research of mechatronic and robotic systems, including autonomous robots, including information-sensory, executive and control modules, their mathematical, algorithmic and software, methods and tools for their design, modeling, experimental research, debugging and operation. Such systems are used in automated production, in law enforcement agencies, in the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, in transport, in agriculture, in medicine and in other fields.
    Autonomous robots.
    Education level: bachelor's degree.
    Training period: 4 years.
    Entrance tests (USE) in 2018: mathematics, Russian, physics.
    Number of budget-funded places in 2018: 48.
    Passing mark in 2017: 217
    Tuition fees on a contractual basis in 2018: 188,500 rubles per year.

    27.03.03 System analysis and management
    Students of the direction study the methods, methods and means of human activity based on system analysis, management, modeling, production and operation of technical systems, objects, devices and devices for various purposes.
    The combination of a thorough natural science training with an in-depth study of systems and software engineering, information technology, as well as special disciplines allows graduates to conduct successful engineering, scientific and pedagogical activities in various fields.
    Engineering of automated systems
    Education level: bachelor's degree.
    Training period: 4 years.
    Entrance tests (USE) in 2018: mathematics, Russian, physics.
    Number of budget places in 2018: 20.
    Passing score in 2017: -
    Tuition fees on a contractual basis in 2018: 188,500 rubles per year.

    27.03.04 Management in technical systems
    The direction of training is designed for those who are interested in the management processes of modern technical systems. This is one of the most developed areas of modern engineering, designed to ensure the automatic functioning of complex technical objects / complexes in the environment, incl. in the face of uncertainty. The most typical examples of such systems are various types of unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous vehicles, autonomous submarines, special-purpose jet vehicles, etc.
    Computer information processing and control in technical systems
    Management and informatics in technical systems
    Education level: bachelor's degree.
    Training period: 4 years.
    Entrance tests (USE) in 2018: mathematics, Russian, physics.
    Number of budget places in 2018: 30.
    Passing mark in 2017: 194.
    Tuition fees on a contractual basis in 2018: 188,500 rubles per year.

    10.05.01 Computer security
    Graduates of the specialty work in the fields of science and technology, in areas related to computer technology, information security, artificial intelligence, modern applied mathematics.

    Specialists are engaged in the development and operation of means and systems for protecting information of computer systems, evidence-based analysis and ensuring the security of computer systems from malicious software, technical and informational influences.
    The specialty is in high demand, since the organization of reliable storage, search, processing and replenishment of information, as well as the support of information links become vital tasks in every large enterprise.
    Security analysis of computer systems
    Study period: 5.5 years.
    Entrance tests (USE) in 2018: mathematics, Russian, physics.
    Number of budget-funded places in 2018: 55.
    Passing mark in 2017: 220.
    Tuition fees on a contractual basis in 2018: 208,00 rubles per year.

    10.05.02 Information security of telecommunication systems
    The specialty is intended for those who are interested in ensuring information security of wireless, wired, radio and optical communication systems, methods of detecting attacks and developing software and hardware protection tools, detecting and protecting information leakage channels.
    Students study telecommunication systems and networks of satellite, radio and mobile communications, methods and means of protecting information, means of retrieving information, design and technological features of communication networks, methods and means of information processing, methods of modeling and developing secure communication systems.
    Development of secure telecommunication systems
    Education level: specialty.
    Study period: 5.5 years.
    Entrance tests (USE) in 2018: mathematics, Russian, computer science.
    Number of budget-funded places in 2018: 61.
    Passing mark in 2017: 223
    Tuition fees on a contractual basis in 2018: 198,000 rubles per year.

    Why choose the Institute of Cybernetics of the Moscow Technological University

    experience... The Institute of Cybernetics dates back to 1971. Over the years, he has achieved leadership positions in the profile of training specialists.

    Own developments... Every year the institute carries out several dozen high-tech developments, including for the RF Ministry of Defense. Students are not far behind the success of researchers: they participate in the assembly of mobile robots on the Cook platform, 3D printers, 3D drawing pens and many other devices.

    Advanced training. Mathematics at the institute is taught within the scope of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Thanks to cooperation with leading universities in France, Great Britain, and the USA, the institute has access to the most relevant knowledge that it transfers to students.

    Conditions for learning... Training sessions are held in laboratories equipped with the latest, including unique robotic equipment, handling, ground, air and underwater transport robots.

    Practice-oriented learning... Students in practice master real tools and technologies that are used at basic enterprises: Concern Vega JSC, VNIIEM Corporation JSC and others. Students' graduation works also necessarily have a serious applied meaning and content. Some of the graduation projects are carried out under the guidance of leading specialists from recognized scientific centers of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    Qualified teaching staff... The institute has a high human potential: 82% of teachers have an academic degree or title, 24% of them have a doctorate or the title of professor. Every year they publish more than 50 teaching aids, together with students they take part in dozens of scientific conferences and seminars.

    Professions of the future... At the institute, you can acquire a profession that will be in great demand due to the rapid development of robotics, instrument making, and information security. Graduates hold positions in large Russian and international companies such as a developer of complex programs, a system architect, an information security specialist, a design engineer, and a robotics engineer.

    Possibilities for implementation... The institute has all the opportunities for the scientific work of students. It is carried out in departments, basic enterprises, in modern laboratories and student design bureaus. Every year more than 100 students take part in various Olympiads and competitions, where they win prizes.

Robotics is a promising industry for at least the next ten years because robots are part of a new industrial revolution. It includes knowledge of mechanics, electronics and programming. Studying at a university provides not only skills and fundamental knowledge, but also the opportunity to work on real projects. Knowledge of mathematics and physics are fundamental skills for specialists who want to create smart machines. At a basic level, robotics relies on functions and equations. Even an ordinary robotic vacuum cleaner uses complex mathematical functions to plot a route around a room.

Where to go to study for robotics?

Robotics is a promising industry for at least the next ten years because robots are part of a new industrial revolution. It includes knowledge of mechanics, electronics and programming. Studying at a university provides not only skills and fundamental knowledge, but also the opportunity to work on real projects.

Knowledge of mathematics and physics are fundamental skills for specialists who want to create smart machines. At a basic level, robotics relies on functions and equations. Even a regular robot vacuum uses sophisticated math functions to plot a route around a room.

The Robot found out where in Russia you can get knowledge in this area. We also talked with students, they told why they entered robotics and whether they are satisfied with their studies at their university. The specialty code 15.03.06 corresponds to the direction "Mechatronics and Robotics", however, robotics can be taught in other areas, for example, "Automation of technological processes and production" (15.03.04). And all areas of training, one way or another related to mechanical engineering, begin with 15.XX.XX. At the same time, artificial intelligence technologies and the basic foundations of robotics can be learned in the areas of the group "Mathematics and Mechanics" (01.XX.XX) or "Computer and Information Sciences" (02.XX.XX).

To find out which disciplines will be studied during four years of study, it is enough to find the curriculum of the program. It's easy to do: enter the name of the program and university in the search engine, add "curriculum" at the end.The curriculum will help you get an idea of ​​what you will do for the next 4 years. It is also useful to read on the pages of interested programs information about the partner companies of the department or faculty. Most often, universities have signed an internship agreement with these companies and have agreements on the employment of students after graduation.

Below we have prepared a table with information on admission to some of the leading universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of Russia.


Faculty Direction Entrance tests Passing score in Number of budget places
2017 year
MSTU them. N. E. Bauman Special mechanical engineering Mechatronics and Robotics (Robotic Systems and Mechatronics) R M F 271 92
Mechatronics and Robotics (Underwater Robots and Apparatus) R M F 247
Robotics and Integrated Automation Automation of technological processes and production R M F 264 51
MTU Mechatronics and Robotics R M F 217 48
NRNU MEPhI Physico-technological Mechatronics and Robotics in the Nuclear Industry R M F 10
MEI Institute of Power Engineering and Mechanics Computer control technologies in robotics and mechatronics R M F 217 27

Mikhail, Moscow Power Engineering Institute

I entered the MPEI because my acquaintances graduated from the university, and I often hear positive reviews about him. The university gives good knowledge of mathematics and engineering graphics, it is believed that MPEI is almost the best in this. Students from other universities come to our lectures. Prior to that, he studied at MIIT, he did not live up to expectations at all. Now I am delighted with my institute. Unlike many other universities, we are not loaded in the humanities, and the key subjects are related to mechanics.

We don't really study programming languages: there was an easy affair with C ++ and that's it. And it is difficult to implement your projects, because there is no person who can help with advice, no good equipment, no good access to the available equipment. If we talk about the quality of education, then in the previous semester, our headman, who himself does not understand anything about this, taught pairs in one subject. The lack of involvement and reward for creating projects is really upsetting at the university. Little practice, tons of theory. Without the use of knowledge, this is all forgotten at once.

Saint Petersburg

Faculty Direction Entrance tests Passing score in Number of budget places
2017 year
Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics R M I 255 56
Control systems and robotics Digital production R M I there is no data 10
SPbSU Mathematical-mechanical Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling R M I 249 20
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science R M I 254 45
SPbSPU Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Transport Robotics R M F 223 50
BSTU "VOENMEKH" them. D.F. Ustinova Information and control systems Mechatronics and Robotics R M F 202 36
GUAP Institute of Innovative Technologies in Electromechanics and Robotics Robotics R M F 213 17

R - Russian, M - mathematics, F - physics, I - informatics and ICT

Alexey, ITMO University

As a child, I enjoyed assembling simple electrical circuits. Lamps from flashlights, LEDs from lighters, motors from players - everything went into action.

At school I got acquainted with programming, which also interested me. Robotics is an area in which, as it seemed to me, both of the aforementioned areas of my interests are realized. So by the end of the ninth grade, I decided to get higher education at ITMO University.

Expectations from the university did not come true. Having only one desire, but not having enough knowledge, there was nothing to do at the university. The naive assumption that I would be taught at the university turned out to be wrong. The university only provides an opportunity to study.

At ITMO, robotics is taught according to several standards at different departments ... At the Department of Control Systems and Informatics (I&I), where I studied, the theory of automatic control is at the forefront. There are several courses in mechanics, mechatronics, materials and their processing.

Programming at the C&I department is considered a skill, so you need to learn languages ​​on your own. The main tool is Matlab and Simulink. In the course of the training, C, Assembler, CFC will be touched upon.

In the learning process, there was an opportunity to work with LEGO Mindstorms and Beckhoff. The design bureau also has KUKA, Roomba, Boe-Bot, TRIK, Intel Galileo, Raspberry Pi, and everyone there is very passionate about ROS. The Design Bureau (KB) is voluntary.

There are no projects as such in the educational program. You can independently join a design bureau or laboratory and conduct a project on their basis. This is done without hindrance, and later you can work in the laboratory for a salary.

The quality of education is difficult to assess. Since it is the opportunity to get an education that is given, and not education as such. A very important role is assigned to independent work. So if you are able to study independently, you can leave the university as a very good specialist. In the absence of such skill and an insufficient level of self-organization, one can, on the contrary, go out as no one.

I expected to be taught everything. They will take the hand and lead me into the world of my dreams. They will present on a platter with a blue border all the knowledge that is absent in my head, chew it as it should, and put it in my mouth. This did not happen. Therefore, I very soon hit hard with reality. I lacked knowledge, mainly in the field of mathematics. I lacked discipline. And I was absolutely incapable of assimilating the material on my own. But I did not admit my unsuitability, so by inertia I ended up getting a bachelor's degree and enrolling in a magistracy. In the magistracy, I was already able to recognize the lack of potential in myself and completed my studies of my own free will.

Vasily, BSTU "VOENMEKH" them. D.F. Ustinova

I entered the university to study radio engineering. Expectations from the university were justified, I studied for only one semester, so apart from general education subjects, so far nothing has been studied much. Now the main emphasis is on mathematics, programming (studied pascal, will be C) and physics.

So far, I am only studying at the university. I work at the Center for Robotics at PFML No. 239. He participated in a bunch of all kinds of competitions, from the last - he prepared together with the team for [email protected] where I work on the hardware part of the project.

Now there are a lot of "unnecessary" items. For me, this is the so-called obligatory point that I have to go through in order to be able to do something further. There is also a benefit, but at this stage it looks a little.

I'm not 100% sure that I will stay in robotics, although I am interested in electronics, and I will definitely do it. Robotics is a combination of many factors, where electronics are important, but without the rest you won't get very far.


Faculty Direction Entrance tests Passing score in Number of budget places
2017 year
TSU (Tomsk) Physicotechnical Mechatronics and Robotics R M F 221 25
applied mechanics R M F 202 25
TPU (Tomsk) Institute of Cybernetics Mechatronics and Robotics R M F 219 40
UrFU (Yekaterinburg) Institute of New Materials and Technologies Mechatronics and Robotics R M F 201 25
Tyumen State University (Tyumen) Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Mechatronics and Robotics R M F 16
NSTU (Novosibirsk) Mechanical and technological Robotic systems and complexes R M I - 0
Mechatronics and Automation Electricity and electrical engineering R M F 204 102
FEFU (Vladivostok) Engineering school Automation of technological processes and production (in mechanical engineering) R M F 143 20
Mechatronics and Robotics R M F 189 15
SSTU them. Gagarina Yu.A. (Samara) Institute of Electronic Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Intelligent Robotics R M F 200 17
Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk) Polytechnical Institute Mechatronics and Robotics R M F 153 18

R - Russian, M - mathematics, F - physics, I - informatics and ICT

Alexey, Tomsk Polytechnic University

From school he was interested in physics and was going to become an engineer, choosing between nuclear physics and robotics. As a result, I chose robotics, proceeding from the fact that the direction has been actively developing recently and there are many interesting tasks.

Expectations from the university were met in part. At our university, more attention is paid to the theory of control and industrial automation, as well as the electric drive. From programming languages, we studied C, Matlab and Python. As a creative project in the first year we worked with the Lego Mindstorms platform, and in the second year we studied the Festo Robotino platform.

In my third year, I became interested in machine learning. Since then, I have been involved in the implementation of road sign recognition algorithms as a research work for students, interned at the Tomsk branch of NTR Lab, where we worked on projects in the field of deep learning, and as my graduate work I participate in the development team of a transport robot with human recognition and follow-up functions. for the selected goals.

The university has young teachers who are interested in the implementation of projects in robotics, so if you wish, you have the opportunity to participate in the implementation of interesting ideas.

Unfortunately, the program at our university is somewhat outdated, so you have to get actual knowledge on your own. On the one hand, this gives a good experience of self-education, but on the other hand, obsolete subjects give an extra load. At the same time, TPU teaches good fundamental knowledge in the field of the theory of automatic control and electric drive.

In my opinion, our university pays little attention to computer science and, in particular, machine learning. When learning programming languages, such important topics as the theory of algorithms and data structures are overlooked. Machine learning, which is a fairly common thing in modern robotics, is unfortunately not taught.

For now, I intend to continue to develop in the field of machine learning, but with a shift to the server side of web development. But it is possible that I will still take part in some project in the field of robotics.

Anatoly, YarSU them. P.G. Demidova

As a child, I have always been attracted to robots. I wanted to learn how to make them myself. But there was no robotics specialty in the city. I decided to enter the university for the specialty of radiophysics and electronics (as it was called). I thought that by learning how to work with electronic components I could make robots.

It so happened that at one of the departments they began to work on a mobile manipulator (a small 3-link manipulator installed on a tracked platform). We have already worked on the platform management. But students were needed to take over its management. I became one of them. And as a result, he defended his diploma on the development of a manipulator control algorithm.

Since I entered the physics department, they taught us theory to a greater extent. There are also applied specialties, for example, radio engineering and infocommunication technologies. General physics, math analysis, differential equations could not be avoided. Otherwise, the remaining material would not have been understood. Studied analog and digital electronics, circuit and signal theory.

At our faculty, programming is perceived as a way to solve problems of modeling various radiophysical processes. And, proceeding from this, we were not taught programming itself, not the art of writing programs, but through programming they explained the essence and mechanisms of processes. And we did it on Turbo Pascal. They demanded from us not beautiful code and a fast-working program, but the correct output of data for any initial conditions. They studied object-oriented programming in Delphi, but also taught the basic essence on it. There were also more specific environments for modeling (Mathcad, Matlab). There was a course on programming microcontrollers in assembler.

I think that such courses are quite enough for this specialty. Most importantly, it was not a specific programming language that was studied, but the principle of how to make the computer perform the necessary actions. And it helped me a lot in the future to study almost independently C for programming AVR microcontrollers and C # for creating a control program with a graphical interface. Of course, the level at which I learned the languages ​​is purely amateur, but enough for solving problems.

At the department where I studied (now it is called Infocommunication Technologies), if a student had an idea, then it was necessarily promoted. Because it is much more pleasant to do what is interesting. So their projects were very much encouraged. Especially if the project was interesting and useful not only for the student.

I was working on the manipulator control algorithm. The task was to solve the inverse problem of kinematics for a specific model that was in the department, and to implement it on a microcontroller (a microcontroller is needed to control the servos that rotate the links of the manipulator). As a result, I got a robot that could be controlled manually through the software installed on a computer or using a keyboard, gamepad, touch screen and leap motion - a device that determines the position of a person's palm above him. Implemented autonomous modes: from banal shifting of objects, like a conveyor robot, to drawing letters and words.

They teach well at the university. Teachers know their subject, are able to tell and explain it to the student. I got everything I wanted from my studies. And my dream came true to make a robot, although it is not yet smart enough.

After graduating from university, I did not start working in robotics, because in Yaroslavl there is no work in this area (except for education), and I did not want to move.

Louise, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (branch in Tashkent)

I entered a branch of Moscow State University at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science to learn how to program. In fact, it turned out that mathematics is mainly taught here. Many subjects ranging from math analysis and linear algebra to equations of mathematical physics. But we are passing through programming and now we are learning C ++, before that we studied C, got an idea of ​​Assembler and web development. The workload in the university is enormous, while the quality of education could be better. I don't have enough time to learn something outside, nevertheless, I will continue to study robotics.

Where else can you find universities?

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brief information

Leading scientific organization in the field of creating technical cybernetics and robotics for space, air, land and sea-based. The main scientific and technical areas of the Central Research Institute of RTK are mechatronics and robotics, intelligent control systems, photonic and optoelectronic equipment, special and space instrumentation, laser technologies, space technologies, information control systems and simulators. Among the developments of the institute are devices for information support for soft landing and life support systems for spaceships, mobile robotic systems for special applications and security, radiation control and monitoring devices, vision systems for the protection and management of objects, network processors (screens) and information security systems, automated laser technological complexes for high-performance processing of materials.

Founded (created)

The Institute was founded in 1968. In 1994, the Central Research Institute of RTK was awarded the status of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation, which has been preserved to the present by the relevant regulatory acts of the Government of the Russian Federation (1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2011. ., 2013).

Work in priority areas and critical technologies for the development of science, technology and technology

Carries out work in priority areas: "Security and countering terrorism", "Advanced types of weapons, military and special equipment", "Transport and space systems", "Information and telecommunication systems", "Industry of nanosystems", "Environmental management", "Science about life ”and critical technologies:“ Basic and critical military and industrial technologies for the creation of advanced types of weapons, military and special equipment ”,“ Biomedical and veterinary technologies ”,“ Nano-, bio-, information, cognitive technologies ”,“ Information technologies , control, navigation systems "," Technologies for monitoring and predicting the state of the environment, preventing and eliminating its pollution "," Technologies for the prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies "," Technologies for creating high-speed vehicles and intelligent control systems for new modes of transport " , "Technologies for creating ra kettle-space and transport equipment of a new generation ".

Participation in the implementation of technology platforms

TsNII RTK is a co-coordinator of the technological platform "Technologies of mechatronics, embedded control systems, radio frequency identification and robotics".

Innovative projects

Multifunctional mobile robotic systems for radiation reconnaissance and technological operations under radiation exposure. Conceptual design of intelligent navigation systems and group control of mobile robotic complexes. Alpha beta gamma radiometer. Portable imaging system for gamma radiation sources. Photonic altimeters and control systems for soft landing of spacecraft. A promising transport and handling system for space applications. Modular robotic systems for space exploration. Intelligent vision systems for safety. Network-centric control systems for groupings of planetary robots from aboard manned orbital stations. Specialized manipulation system.

Research experimental base

Unique complex stands for space and ground robotics, photonic technology and its components, including a stand for simulating weightlessness and testing large-sized objects (included in the List of Unique Installations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia). Center for collective use of scientific equipment "Laser, optical and test complex". Center for microrobotics and technical cybernetics of the FSB of Russia.

Patents, certificates

115 patents and certificates (29 for inventions, 19 for utility models, 67 for computer programs).

R&D staff

579 people, including 2 Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 5 Doctors of Sciences, 30 Candidates of Sciences.

Availability of Agreements with higher education institutions

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, State Research and Testing Institute of Military Medicine "of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Moscow Technological University, Ioffe Physical and Technical Institute, Samara State Technical University, National Research Tomsk State University, Southwest State University, Tambov State Technical University.

Basic departments, scientific schools

At the Central Research Institute of RTK, there are departments of SPbSPU - "Mechatronics and Robotics" and "Telematics"

Scientific schools: "Photonic Technology", "Extreme Robotics", "Special Instrumentation", "Laser Technologies", "Telematics".

Main partners

The Institute cooperates with the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH RAS, SPII RAS, IAPU FEB RAS, IPMech RAS, IPM named after M.V.Keldysh RAS, etc.), universities of Russia (SPbPU, SUAI, SPbGMTU, ITMO University, SPbGETU (LETI), VKA named after A.F. Mozhaisky, BSTU "VOENMEKH" named after D.F. (JSC RSC Energia named after SP Korolev, FSUE TsNIIMash, FSUE KB Arsenal, FSUE TsAGI, JSC MZ Arsenal, JSC TsKB MT Rubin, JSC RKTs-Progress, JSC Tula Plant ", Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, LLC" NPP Advent ", CJSC STC" Rokad ", NPO Special Materials, TsTSS).

International scientific and technical cooperation

Foreign partners of the Central Research Institute of RTK are Nissan Motor, Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics DLR, the Chinese Space Agency and a number of other foreign firms and organizations.