MBA them scriabin admissions committee. Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - M.I. Scriabin

With the seeming lack of talents and favorite school subjects, it makes sense to turn your attention to higher educational institutions related to biology and animal husbandry. One of these universities is Moscow state academy Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I.Skryabin. What exactly you can become by enrolling here, and what advantages this university has, you will learn if you continue reading.

The main thing in the details

The history of the academy began back in 1919 at the initiative of the Ministry agriculture RF, and since then she has never shamed her status. MBA them. Scriabin stands out favorably among others state universities, being a higher educational institution of federal significance, which speaks of the reliability of the reputation and the quality of knowledge. You must admit that this is what is important now, when universities one after another are deprived of accreditation.

Currently at the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K. I. Skryabin recruitment of applicants for undergraduate studies is carried out in the following areas:

  • Zootechnics... Forms of study: full-time and part-time. For admission, you will need to pass the exam in biology, mathematics and the Russian language, gaining at least 183 points (if you believe the results of last year). Competition - 5 people per place.
  • Biology. Perhaps exclusively full-time education, but the exam will have to be passed all the same: biology, mathematics and Russian. The minimum passing score in 2017 was 224 with a competition of 7 people per seat.
  • Commodity research. You can study full-time, part-time or part-time. For admission, the delivery of a single state. examinations in mathematics, social studies and Russian language.
  • Veterinary and sanitary examination is one of the most popular directions - 18 people per place, which is not surprising, taking into account the peculiarities of the future specialty and widespread demand. In 2017, the minimum passing score was 202. You can study both internally and part-time. You will have to take biology, mathematics and Russian.
  • Biotechnology. For admission, applicants will need to have the USE results in chemistry, mathematics and Russian, gaining a minimum of 212 points in total (this was the case last year). The form of study is full-time and when submitting documents, it should be borne in mind that the competition may be high, since in 2017 there were 21 people per place.
  • Food products of animal origin. You will need to pass all the same chemistry, Russian and mathematics, but you can study not only internally, but also internally and by correspondence, which, undoubtedly, will be interesting to anyone who wants to combine work and study and at the same time strives to gain knowledge. In 2017, the minimum passing score was 173 with a competition of 9 people per seat.

The specialty is available exclusively in one direction - veterinary medicine. Applicants will have to take not only the Unified State Exam in Russian, but also in biology and mathematics. There are more chances to enter here than in the previous directions - a year ago no more than four people fought for one place, but the minimum passing score is 229, so you will have to try. You can study as a face-to-face (170 budget places and the same number of contract), and part-time (150 places under the contract) and just in absentia (40 paid places).

You can submit documents exclusively in person, electronic reception is not available. Applications should be submitted between 06/20/2018 and 07/26/2018.

Applicants with a diploma of secondary special education must be ready for internal tests in the subjects of the Unified State Examination or provide the results of a unified state exam. They apply for admission from 06/20/2018 to 07/10/2018. Sample applications can be downloaded from the university website - mgavm (

For those wishing to continue their studies, having received the first academic degree, a master's degree is available. Note that it is provided for almost each of the listed specialties.

Since the university is state-owned, there are a lot of budget-funded places, but there is also a contractual basis with a minimum payment of 40 thousand rubles per year (for correspondence department) up to 168 thousand rubles per year (full-time education).

Advantages and disadvantages

Trend recent years, which negatively affects the quality of education, did not bypass this academy either. Of course, state diplomas are issued here. sample and in the near future MBA them. Scriabin is unlikely to be closed ... only students do not get tired of complaining about extortion within the university, a prejudiced negative attitude towards students and poor organization of the educational process (for example, lack of grades during the session). Moreover, the information in the classroom is given outdated, in particular on the treatment of animals, ancient textbooks ...

Of course, all nonresident people here are provided with a hostel, but the paper issued at the end of their studies has long ceased to be quoted, it is difficult to get a job. Although, who knows, suddenly you get lucky for last year everything has changed for the better.

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A major step towards development cynological education in our country was the creation of specialized colleges. The level of development of modern society requires completely different qualitative approaches to the issue cynological education... This is because the scope of application dogs diverse and diverse (hunting, sentry, shepherd, search, riding, decorative, dogs- guides, etc.) and require the participation of an exceptionally competent and prepared in all aspects of this activity dog handler.

College organized September 1, 2011 by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 554 and is a structural subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary educational institution higher education "Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MBA named after K. I. Skryabin", implementing the educational program of secondary vocational education by specialty 02/35/15 "Cynology"... For studies of college students, study rooms and laboratories of departments, museums, an assembly hall, a library, reading rooms are provided, training dog training ground, there is an equipped classroom for teaching students grooming, gyms, a stadium.

In its activities cynological College FSBEI HE MGAVMiB - MBA named after K.I.Skryabin guided by the Constitution Russian Federation, The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2013 No. 293 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities in the main vocational training programs", regulations of the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Charter Academy.

The college carries out the educational process in accordance with the license for the implementation of educational activities with registration number 1746, issued on November 9, 2015. Federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science in accordance with the Federal State Standard of Secondary Vocational Education (FSES SPO).

The college trains cynologists in the specialty 35.02.15 "Cynology" on a contractual (paid) and budgetary basis, full-time and full-time correspondence form training on the basis of grades 9-11.

Training period:

  • on the basis of 9 classes 3 years 6 months;
  • on the basis of 11 classes 2 years 6 months;
  • on part-time (evening) form of education on the basis of 11 classes no age limit (classes are held three days a week on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday). Normative term of study: 3 years... Experience in cynology is desirable.

College address: Russia, Moscow, st. Academician Scriabin, 23.

Directions: from st. metro Kuzminki by bus number 79, 99, 143, 159, 169; trolleybus No. 75 to the stop at ul. Academician Scriabin or from Art. Metro Ryazansky Prospekt by bus number 29, 725, “B” to the stop of st. Academician Scriabin.

The management of the college is carried out by the rector of the Academy, appointed by the Founder in accordance with the established procedure, the vice-rector for academic affairs, the dean of the faculty of zootechnology and agribusiness and direct management - the director of the college Mishin Yuri Mikhailovich.

The college is fully staffed with qualified teaching staff, providing training in accordance with the requirements of professional educational programs... The college employs 52 teachers, including 23 candidates of science and 2 doctors of science. Higher education, corresponding to the profile of the taught disciplines, has 100% of teachers. College teachers during each academic year work on the creation or improvement of work programs for disciplines and professional modules, educational and methodological complexes and methods of monitoring students' knowledge, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the SPO.

According to the program of initial vocational training, college students master the Professional module PM 06 (obtaining a working profession "Dog breeder").

College students annually take part in scientific and practical student conferences held by the SSS Academy, in the KVN competition, in the amateur art competition between faculties, "Miss Academy", sports events.

Practical training in college is the most important component of the educational process and is organized in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the SPO.

For full-fledged development of professional competencies (PC) by the college administration contracts have been concluded with canine enterprises different directions work:

  1. canine center "Rus";
  2. KC im. A. I. Burnazyan;
  3. KC im. L.P.Sabaneeva;
  4. NOU "Russian school of training guide dogs of the All-Russian Society of the Blind";
  5. grooming salon "Mon Papillon";
  6. nursery "Iz Noble House";
  7. by the company "UVIVA";
  8. private shelter "Eco" for cats and dogs;
  9. SDP "Chertanovo" of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow;
  10. breeding kennel at the union of canine organizations SKOR - IKU, etc.

Also on the territory of the academy there is an educational and training cynological platform for practical training students of the cynological college with their pets. Getting a dog is completely optional for college education. but it is EXTREMELY DESIRABLE (!), not necessarily a service breed.

In 2015, the first issue of dog handlers with secondary special education 12 people in full-time education and 7 people in correspondence education.

For the purpose of career guidance, the college holds "Open Days", "Academic (university) Saturdays". College teachers and students take part in the annual exhibition "Education and Career" in Moscow's Gostiny Dvor, conduct conversations with listeners preparatory courses, with participants in sports dog competitions at showswhere students take part as organizers' assistants.

Students study both theoretical and practical foundations dog training, are produced with the knowledge and skills to cook dogs for various services. They study domestic and foreign standards, know how to correctly display animals and groom various breeds, gain knowledge in the field anatomy and physiology of the dog, first aid, learn genetics and breeding basics. They can independently compose rations and analyze feed, competently equip places for keeping dogs.

College invites graduates 9 and 11 grades on specialty "Cynology"... Training on the program is paid and free, cost - 130 thousand rubles per year... There is also a part-time program for applicants after grade 11 ( cost - 80 thousand rubles per year).

An important role in training in the specialty is played by practical training with dogs... The college does not oblige students to buy a dog (although in my professional opinion this, alas, is fundamentally the wrong way) ... But, at the same time, I note that in order to provide each student with the opportunity to practice with animals, the college cooperates with several kennels and shelters. where students take a dog and work with it on the spot. Among partners educational institution - canine centers Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian school for training guide dogs. Students practice grooming skills in animal salons.

In conclusion, it should be noted that cynology, as a science, has great development prospects. Demand for specialists with specialized specialized education dog handler will grow as it grows number of dogs, increasing and expanding the areas of their application.

College graduates can continue their studies at the Academy and receive higher education in veterinary or cynological profile (on a general basis, in accordance with the rules for admission to the Academy).

FAQ about the cynological college of the Moscow State Academy of Medical Sciences named after K.I. Scriabin
(answers to the most frequently asked and exciting questions from applicants and their parents)

Student Alexander Lashko talks about college and his choice of the profession of a dog handler (our college in the media)

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Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - M.I. Scriabin trains veterinarians, livestock specialists, biotechnologists, engineers, managers for the agricultural industry.

The Academy dates back to 1919. Many scientists and public figures have emerged from its walls who have made a significant contribution to the development of agrarian education and science in Russia.

Today more than 3,300 students from 50 countries of the world study here. About 22% of applicants come here under the target quota. 83.36% of students study in the direction of Veterinary and Animal Science, 8.69% in the direction of Biological Sciences, 4.57% in Industrial Ecology and Biotechnology, 3.37% in Economics and Management.

Average tuition fees:

  • 274 733 rubles / year - in person,
  • 110,000 rubles / year - part-time,
  • 80,000 rubles / year - in absentia.

45.5% of students study on a budget, 54.5% - for a fee.

The academy has 6 dormitories, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 34162 sq. m.

The Moscow Veterinary Academy employs about 700 teachers, almost 75% of them have academic degrees and titles. Among them are honorary members of foreign academies, universities and societies.

Almost 70% of the academy graduates find work in the first year after graduation. Graduates of bachelor's and specialist's degrees earn on average 33,084 rubles a month, graduates of master's degrees - 38,029 rubles / month.