How to sell a soul for desires. How can you really sell your soul to the devil? Selling a soul for desire

When getting what you want does not come naturally, a person may try to find out how to sell his soul to the devil. For help, he turns to evil forces, having lost faith in himself or fed up with a boring life and longed for thrills. A person does not think about the consequences of a deal with evil spirits, because he expects to resolve a specific problem. Whether it is worth turning into a Satanist, how to do it correctly and what to expect in the future is an interesting topic for occultists. Let's consider it in detail.

The article does not pretend to be true, but encourages you to think about whether it is worth reading materials on such topics at all (and suddenly it works).

What value is the human soul to Satan? The inhabitants of the Middle Ages thought that the evil power preferred sinless innocent souls. A situation in which a person's righteousness is lost and he rolls into a social abyss becomes a great joy for the evil spirits and a good nourishment.

Thus, a pure spirit is a valuable commodity for Satan, for which the wicked promises many benefits. If a person needs money or satisfaction of various needs, he makes a deal with the devil, because the temptation is too great.

Satan cannot be deceived. If even the smallest sin is registered for a person, the fiend of evil will not hunt for such a product. Of course, he can take her, but he will offer his conditions. Therefore, there is no exact answer to the question “how much can you sell your soul to the devil?” It depends on the specific person and the mood of the "buyer". But, most likely, the deal will take place. After all, Satan, as God's adversary, also needs human souls.

Know that Satan's greatest assets are children, innocent girls, and clergy.

How our ancestors negotiated with the devil

Let's go back to the Middle Ages again. The people of that time, who were thinking about how to sell their souls to the devil and get what they wanted, understood the need to conclude an agreement. According to unwritten principles, a person just needed to give his soul to the services of evil spirits. Naturally, most of the participants demanded in return omnipotence, fame, immortality and wealth.

What is Satan doing on his part? He curses the opposite side and disposes of her fate as he sees fit. If a person in any way deceived an unclean person, he did not live long, and died painfully.

The superstitions of medieval residents also say that a person with unclean thoughts, intending to get what he wants from the devil, had to renounce the souls of his own unborn children and kill innocent adults and babies. Also, the deal with Lucifer contained one significant clause, according to which, after the sale of the soul, a person was obliged to enter into intimate relations with various evil spirits, give birth to children from evil spirits and take an active part in devilry.

How to make a contract with the devil

The contract is concluded orally or in writing.
The first option involves the performance of the target rite to summon Satan or his minions. Further, the seller announces the value of his own soul without providing a written commitment. But Lucifer still stigmatizes "his" person. Subsequently, on the body, you can see a microscopic mark-evidence of the conclusion of a contract with the devil for the sale of the soul. Her location becomes invulnerable. Under no circumstances does a person experience pain there.

The written conclusion of a contract with the devil is first carried out in the form of a ritual on the call of the buyer. You should first stock up on the blood of any animal or red ink. As soon as Lucifer appears, a corresponding entry is made in his book by blood.

Calling process and ceremony

After signing the contract, Satan gives a person 21 years of a comfortable, happy life. With the onset of the agreed moment, the soul leaves the unrighteous and becomes the property of the black buyer. Therefore, before you decide to make a deal, you need to weigh the pros and cons. And also assess whether you are 21 years old enough for a life of pleasure.

The self-acceptance test is written either in Latin or using special satanic symbols. Thoughts should not run to the side, it is important to concentrate on the subject of the contract and the spelling of words.

If you translate the text into Russian, it will look like this:

Satan, you are the great Lord of Darkness! Take my own soul and, 21 years from the date of the conclusion of this contract, observe the special conditions.

Despite such a high price, do not ask the devil to take possession of the riches of the whole world or to become the only ruler on earth. The unclean person will consider your request as arrogance and will not give anything at all. He will kill you and take your soul just like that.

When agreeing to a deal with Lucifer, remember his cunning. He will definitely try to mislead the victim. Moving towards the intended goal, do not lose vigilance and be attentive in everything.

After the conclusion of the contract, on the same sheet, draw 21 keys of hell and write 21 words in Latin. The alien will dictate them to you. Say what is written clearly and loudly and shout loudly:

I want to sell my soul to the devil!


Before the ceremony, it is important to comply with a number of conditions, which ensure successful
the outcome of the event.

  • Deny God and get rid of
    Orthodox paraphernalia. Do not pray or go to church, do not take part in the rites of baptism.
  • Choose a suitable day. A full moon night is good for sale. Time - from 00:00 to 3.00.
  • Pray to Satan daily until the due date. This will help to win him over and strengthen the vicious bond.
  • If you could not resist and made a request in advance, obey Satan completely and do not deceive him. He will instantly recognize the lie and punish you by taking you to hell without waiting for 21 years.
  • Do not be impudent and make only one, the most secret desire.
  • Memorize the spell.
  • Before and after the ceremony, do not talk to people and do not look around, do not look back.
  • Keep in touch with the devil by periodically supplying new souls.

Ritual technique

Do not tell anyone about the intended action. Retiring in a quiet dark room on the dead night of the full moon, outline yourself with a church candle. Stand in a circle, close your eyes and say the following words clearly and loudly 21 times:

Satan is omnipresent, you are the Lord of Darkness and the devil of evil on our Earth. I implore you to appear and fulfill my deepest desire.

You can understand that an evil spirit has appeared by the feeling of coolness in the body and the presence of a foreign object. At this moment, it is necessary to light the candle wick and set fire to the handwritten contract from the fire. The successful conclusion of the deal is evidenced by the unexpected flash of a sheet of paper. This means that Lucifer heard the beggar and confirmed his participation in the ceremony. Collect the remaining ashes and hide in a secluded corner for the rest of your life.

What will become of the soul after the conclusion of the contract

What happens after it is sold to the devil under a special contract? As you remember, the deal has a 21-year term. Day in day, minute in minute, second in second from the date of signing the contract, a person dies, and his soul goes into parallel worlds and works there for the sake of Satan. The evil uses it as it pleases - humiliates, rapes, subjects all sorts of terrible torments.

The worst happens to your spirit there. But she remains alive and patient exactly until that moment, until the period of the temporary condition of the black contract expires. For example, a man asked Lucifer for 10 million rubles and promised to give his soul to the servants of devils for a thousand years. So he condemns himself to torture after the death of the body.

How will a person who sold his soul feel

Having figured out how a soul is sold to the devil, and what happens to it in the future, it is worth mentioning the feelings of a person who despaired of such a terrible act. Despite getting what he wants, he does not feel joy, health problems appear, and his character changes for the worse.

On his website - the stories of those who have already sold their souls about what happened after that. Typical confessions look like this: after the sale of the soul, a dramatic change occurred in life - money appeared, sores disappeared, beautiful women and luxury came. Under the confessions - photographs of the authors. These are people of different ages and sexes living in Russia and abroad. It is impossible to verify the authenticity of these stories and the portraits attached to them, but something is known about the author of the site.

He calls himself a buyer of other people's souls and prefers to be called Doctor Werewolf or Lord Darkness. He declares himself as an intermediary in the deal with the dark forces for the sale of the soul. Those who agree to the deal are sent a dark contract - with monograms, Gothic drawings and the text: "I (full name) are ready to sell my soul to the devil in exchange for the fulfillment of my desires." Desires are discussed in correspondence with the so-called. A "doctor", and he has three conditions for them: you cannot wish for something for other people, you cannot wish for peace and prosperity in the whole world, you cannot desire that desire be associated with charity.

The "Doctor" himself, as he himself declares, does not take money for his soul. But on the other hand, very soon he adds that he takes money for an intermediary ritual, as a result of which the soul is forwarded to the new owner.

The Doctor's name, his website and the ICQ number are on the black lists of Internet scammers - people who once took money for various services, and then did not provide the services. In total, there are several dozen people in these lists, walking on the net, who, like the fictitious "Doctor", are inviting to sell souls - this number alone suggests that the "shower" business is set in grand style.

Each of the persons on the list impersonates a magician or psychic. Each has an e-mail with satanic and occult symbols in its name. And about each user leave about the following reviews: "I got money and disappeared", "I stopped communicating." And also such: "Perhaps the same person is hiding under a number of names and postal addresses."

Ingredients to Sell Your Soul

The man, who asked not to be named, describes Pravmira how people who call themselves intermediaries in the sale of souls to dark forces act. He corresponded with "Doctor Werewolf" and, in his own words, tried to exchange his soul for good wealth.

“To begin with, he asks to send a photo in order, as he himself says, to estimate the value of the soul. Together with the picture, you must also list your desires. After that, the answer came: the ritual of consultation with the dark forces was carried out, your soul really has value, and desires in exchange for it will be fulfilled. But. In order for the act of sale and purchase to take place, supposedly, one more ritual must be performed. For him you need ingredients, the cost of which must be paid. In my case, it was an amount in the region of 8,000 rubles.

The “doctor” suggested that I buy the ingredients myself or send the money to him so that he or his assistant could buy them themselves. It is clear that I myself could not get things from this list, so I sent the money to an electronic wallet. The next day the contract came. I signed it, scanned it and sent it to him. Very soon he replied that the agreement had been approved "from above" and that the first wish would come true within a month.

When a month passed and nothing happened, I wrote to "Doctor" again. He asked me to send a photo of my apartment. Looking at her, he said that “white energy” is very strong in the apartment, and that it interferes with the fulfillment of desires. He said that it was necessary to carry out a "vilification", and also asked to remove from the house everything that could be connected with the church. This was the last letter I received. Nothing more came from him. Although I myself wrote many more letters to him ... "

“As ingredients for the ritual, I was asked to get the following things: dried frog skin from ten frogs, white cat hair, 13 mouse legs. Or they offered to send money, and then the intermediary will buy the ingredients himself, ”writes a user of one of the Internet forums.

“I had to collect the ingredients myself. The “magician” will probably be crazy when he gets them, ”another user replies in the forum thread.

Despite the obvious absurdity and charlatanism, one thing confuses when reading these forums - the number of people who want to sell their souls. The Internet is replete with sites discussing UFOs and supernatural phenomena. Each of them has a discussion thread, where users of all ages and social strata are actually begging: "Someone buy my soul!"

Magism as a phenomenon

Games for the sale of souls can cause psychosis, severe mental disorders, and also lead to spiritual damage to a person, believes priest and rector of the Institute of Christian Psychology Andrei Lorgus.

“A person loses the ability to think adequately, loses reference points and, ultimately, loses his own identification. Having decided to sell his soul, he assumes - of course, completely naively - that he will leave his personality at the disposal of some outside force. He expects that someone will now decide everything for him and do for him. All this is very similar to the behavior of a child who thinks: adults take responsibility, and I have only toys and entertainment. Such behavior of an adult can lead to a regression of the personality and the disintegration of its structure. "

The widespread dissemination of services for the sale of souls, according to the priest, is due to the lack of religious enlightenment: “In conditions when it (religious education - ed.) is in an undeveloped state, obscurantism, ignorance and Satanism flourish. All this is not new for Russia, and, by and large, it has always been like this here: rituals were performed in the villages, fortune-telling was done in cities and plates were twisted. Magism is very widespread in the popular mind, and even among Orthodox people. I often face its consequences and sacrifices in my practices as a priest and psychologist. "

How to sell your soul to the Devil at home - description of the method

Recently, more and more people are interested in how to sell a soul to the Devil at home quickly for 3 wishes. This interest is justified - the Internet is constantly writing about how successful, wealthy and powerful people make deals with the Devil. Many are ready to take such a step as to sell their souls to the Devil for the sake of fulfilling their innermost desires.

Sell ​​your soul to the Devil at home

The language of the contract for the sale of the soul to the Devil is Latin. It is necessary to clearly formulate your desire, so as not to give your soul just like that. It is quite dangerous to carry out the ritual of calling the Devil on your own, so we recommend contacting and directing you to provide protection, while you will be safe, and your desires are guaranteed to be fulfilled. The Order's specialists will advise you and help you sell your soul to the Devil for 3 wishes quickly at home. Contacts for communication: [email protected]

The contract for the sale of the soul in blood is sealed

The procedure is carried out in a room with a minimum amount of furniture, no light, you must have a mirror. First, you need to draw a protective circle around yourself with a church candle. After that, it is necessary to cast a spell 21 times, the essence of which is: "Satan, lord of darkness and all evil, come to me and fulfill my desire." Then you need to turn your gaze in the mirror and wait. The presence of something foreign should appear - this means that it is time to burn the contract with a prepared candle and save the ashes. The contract has come into force, and your soul has been sold.

Sell ​​your soul to the Devil - reader reviews

Hello. My curiosity is about the actual practice of black magic. After all, as personal experience has shown, only black magic can really help in something.
It is not the first year that I have been approaching the issue of an agreement with the devil, but there is not enough real verified information. I learned from psychics and esotericists about the contract. Many people say that there are different types: sea devils, forest devils, city devils and others. But they didn’t solve my question. Now I want to ask you how to really sell your soul to the devil? Well, it's easier about everything in order.
1. What is needed to perform the ritual of the contract with Lucifer? How to sell your soul to the Devil at home
2. How to make a contract with the devil correctly?
3. What are the consequences after the conclusion of an agreement with the devil?
4. What is the attitude in black magic (in practice) to the sale of the soul to Lucifer?
There is too much garbage information in runet. which has nothing to do with the realities of invoking the devil's power. I am quite serious in my intentions and therefore in search of real practice. I tried to summon Lucifer many times, but apparently there is not enough experience or knowledge. He paid a lot of money for an appointment with a black magician, but he, too, turned out to be powerless, said that you need to turn only to the real dark forces. So he advised

Sometimes we have to put such articles so that you understand the danger of this World. I want you not to relax and remember the dangers that lie in wait for every person, especially Christians.

Today there are a lot of people among us, among whom there are large businessmen, bankers, deputies, politicians and many other successful people who, for the sake of their success and financial well-being, SOLD their souls to the devil. Of course, they don't talk about it, and to this day the devil knows very little about the sale of souls.

But I will give as an example several stories that reveal this secret. and they accurately confirm that even today, because of their folly and greed, and most importantly because of the lack of faith in God, they SELL their souls to the devil and how it ends ...


As a man sold - his soul to the devil.

This, too, is a completely real story from life, which the Lord allowed me to know. About three years ago, I accidentally struck up an acquaintance on the Internet with one man and we started a correspondence. Apparently, everything was very painful for him, besides, he really got, as it seemed to him, into a desperate situation, therefore, of course, not right away, but he told me everything. He told about how he SOLD his soul to the devil more than 10 years ago. Yes, he said so directly and honestly: "I sold my soul, I sold it for money and a good life, but how cruelly I was wrong!"

This is how it was. Victor, that was the name of this man, before the sale of his soul he was an unsuccessful businessman, his business was falling apart, so he got into big debts that had to be repaid, his wife got tired of this life and she left him, his friends also turned away, at one time Victor even strongly drank, but then slowly came to his senses and began to think what to do, how and on what to live next? And then he remembered some story that, like, if you sell your soul to the devil, you can get good money, and Victor decided to try. Losing to him, as it seemed to him, was all the same - there was nothing and he risked.

How he did it, Victor did not say, but said that a thin man in black had come to the appointed place and time. Victor wrote him the usual receipt that he SELLS his soul for help in business and several million dollars, and he took this receipt. Everything was somehow ordinary, nothing of the kind happened at this meeting, but then miracles began ...

The business began to develop rapidly, income flowed like a river, Victor after a short time completely forgot about the time when he had no money. I bought one good car, six months later I bought a Mercedes, then more. I bought an expensive elite apartment with a penthouse, then built a large country house, began to travel abroad on a regular basis, and bought a villa in Spain. Now he already owned a large construction company, expensive restaurants, women, life, as they say, was in full swing!

Several years passed in this way. And then, everything suddenly bored him at once, money, cars, women ceased to please, besides, somehow stopping in front of a traffic light, he suddenly saw a man in black, Victor immediately recognized him, although he had not seen him for a long time and there were a lot of people around , and he nodded affably to him and pointed to his watch. And Victor realized that it was his time to PAY the bills for his luxurious life.

And so, then he felt scared for the first time, it finally dawned on him and he really understood what it meant - "SELL your soul" meant - Death... And he didn't want to die on the wave of his successful life ...

Then the strangeness began, he suddenly began to catch himself thinking about suicide, sitting in the car behind the wheel, suddenly a crazy thought came to him that he had to accelerate in the car and crash either into a post or into the wall of the house. These thoughts were so strong and intrusive that he did not know how to get rid of them. So, at this difficult and terrible moment, we met on the Internet.

When Victor told me about the sale of his soul and that it was time to pay the bills, I suggested that he go to church and confess his grave sin. For a long time I tried to convince him, but I could not, Victor stubbornly did not want to believe that the Lord could help him and save him from the inevitable death in his opinion. Then he sadly told me that a man in black came to him and told him to get ready - his time was over. We did not communicate with him anymore - Victor did not get in touch. I think that he is no longer alive, usually everyone who sold their souls to the devil died after a certain time. All people who have sold their souls end their lives so terribly ... You have to pay for everything in life.


This story happened to my friend Eugene, about 14 years ago, he was then still strong and strong, under two meters in height, a healthy, young man of 36 years old. Able, golden hands, but there was one problem - he drank, separated from his wife and lived in a hostel in a room he inherited from his grandmother. It so happened that he himself told me about this incident, which happened to him literally the night before. Eugene was sober, he had to go to work in the morning, and there was no money, it was still a long time before his paycheck. Here's what he said. Eugene was very fond of reading books and usually spent his evenings reading books, so it was that night, it was already about one in the morning, when suddenly, there was a knock on his door. I must say that not long before this incident, I went to visit him and presented him with a New Testament in a yellow cover. Zhenya became interested and began to read the New Testament, just at this time, when they knocked on him. He got up, went to the door and asked: "Who?" He was politely answered from behind the door: “Evgeny Nikolaevich, does he live here? May I come in? "

Eugene opened the door and sees a tall, thin, black-haired man... The most amazing thing is the way he was dressed. He was dressed - in a black tailcoat, in black trousers, a black cloak was thrown over it, he was dressed - in black patent leather boots, on his head he had a high - black top hat, and in his hands was a long cane.

And all this man was, as if from the last century, - an imperious, cold look, a steel voice. Eugene invited him to come in, he wondered what kind of late uninvited guest he was, and in such old-fashioned clothes he suddenly appeared at such a late hour. The man walked to the corner of the room and sat down in a chair, and lifting his head looked Eugene straight in the eyes. He smelled like a wave of some incomprehensible heavy fear.

He smiled, crossing his legs, picking up the cane in his hands, dressed in white gloves, which was very incomprehensible and surprising - it was still warm enough outside, the month of September was in full swing. The man said: “I have a proposal for you. I am ready right now to deliver to your room two boxes of vodka, a good snack and give you as much money as you want. " Zhenya was taken aback and asked: "Are you serious?" "Yes". The man in black replied: “This is more than serious! You can't even imagine my possibilities. Do you want new expensive furniture, a good TV set, in general, anything you want to be brought into your room right now? Eugene replied: “Why would it suddenly be, such an honor could be given to me? I don’t even have money for a bottle, what do I have to do then, all you offer me is to pay? "

And then the night visitor, smiling, said the following: Evgeny Nikolaevich, you have a very expensive product for which I am ready to pay any price without bargaining. Do you want you to have a luxurious comfortable apartment in the center, with expensive furnishings, a nice car and a lot of money? And I will give all this to you for a mere trifle for you. "

Evgeny asked: “What can I have that is so valuable to you and at the same time a trifle for me? Something I do not understand you. " The Man in Black continued: "Yes, it really is for you - a mere trifle, of no value to you, SELL me your soul!"

Only now did Zhenya realize who had come to visit him. Zhenya became scared and then, unexpectedly for himself, he sharply stretched out his hands and grabbed the New Testament from the sofa on which he was sitting and pressed it tightly to his chest. - "Go away!" said Eugene sharply and rudely.

And then the man in black took off the gloves from his hand and Yevgeny saw how from under the gloves appeared not ordinary human hands, but bony paws, with long, curved claws and green scaly skin. Eugene was scared!

The man in black got up and went to the door, at the door he stopped and threatened with a long claw: “You still think carefully about my proposal. You don't have much left to live anyway, but at least you will live for your pleasure! Well, why do you need your soul, what good is it to you? Better sell it while I still buy it from you, otherwise I can take it for nothing. "

He turned and left. Yevgeny rushed to the door and locked himself with a key and then felt that he was covered with cold sweat. These are the stories that still exist in our time.


Here's a recent incident in Brazil. “It was like a nightmare,” says Andrea Murtado, a 48-year-old businessman from Rio de Janeiro. “I still had a headache: the day before I had a good reception with some stranger in a local bar, and in the middle of the night I was awakened by the call of the telefax on the table next to the bed.”

A minute later he issued a document. It turned out to be a duplicate of ... a contract with the devil, drawn up in a completely modern language and signed by me. It said that for wealth and business success, I give my immortal soul to the lord of death. At first it seemed to me that someone had decided to play a trick on me.

When Andrea finished reading, rays of fire "shot out" from the piece of paper. In an instant, the bedroom caught fire, and then the flames engulfed the entire house. The owner still managed to call the fire department before leaving the villa. The contract remained in his hand.

The firefighters were powerless in front of the fire, and soon only the embers remained from the house. “A villa is a trifle,” Murtado says today. - She was insured for a large amount, and I also made money on it. But how to break the contract with the devil? That's the problem ... Alcohol pushed me into the abyss. "

The businessman says that he is not happy with the wealth that has fallen on him. He is tormented by nightmares, haunted by thoughts of the upcoming eternal stay in the underworld, and now he is looking for a way to terminate the contract with the devil. After some deliberation, he came to the conclusion that the messenger of the Underworld, of course, was the same stranger with whom they drank in the bar.

“His eyes burned like firebrands, he literally hypnotized me- recalls Andrea. - This guy put me glass after glass until I lost all consideration. I remember that I confessed to him about my dreams of becoming the richest man in the country. He replied that he could do it easily, but in a somewhat unusual way. And then he slipped a piece of paper on which the devil's contract was written. Like the last idiot, I allowed myself to be pricked with a needle and signed in blood. "

Andrea Murtado is now bathed in money: every deal today brings him huge profits, he constantly wins all lotteries, and the casino owners are ready to pay him just so that he does not play with them.

But the businessman is ready to give up all his wealth in order to save his soul and get rid of the contract. To what has been said, it remains to add that the devil has now mastered the Internet and offers his services himself. Not so long ago, an amazing site appeared there. Its owner (or owners), without hesitation, invites everyone to buy their immortal souls.

In the Bible we read that many righteous were rich: Abraham, Jacob, Job, David, Joseph of Arimathea.

The Bible also says that wealth does not come from God alone. The devil also managed to take into his property a lot of what belongs to God, and under certain conditions he is ready to lease this wealth to man. Remember the temptation of Jesus? Satan offered Christ all the riches, all the glory of the world. In return, Jesus had only one requirement to fulfill: worship the devil.

Think !!!

We live temporarily on this earth. Your Soul is priceless from the very beginning and you have no idea about its price. The Savior of the World Jesus Christ himself paid for you with his own blood. Live this life with dignity and you will receive your reward. And I saw the new heaven and the new earth, for the former heaven and the former earth had passed, and the sea was no longer there. And I, John, saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from the Gods of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I am a loud voice from heaven, saying: Behold, the tabernacle of God with men, and He will dwell with them; They will be His people, and God Himself with them will be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more; there will be no more crying, no outcry, no sickness, for the former has passed away. - Google Sites Tweet Button

Today we will talk about how and where you can sell your soul for real money, immortality or other benefits. We will also learn how to conclude an agreement with Satan or a contract with the Devil to sell a soul on mutually beneficial terms. Consider the description of rituals and spells for selling the soul. We will study how to really sell a soul over the Internet for big money

Even in the Medieval era, people believed that the devil loved exactly innocent and sinless souls, so he hunts them with great pleasure. Satan experiences great joy when the soul of a righteous person is completely ruined, it is like an endless veil of bliss filling his insatiable flesh. As a rule, any price can be given for such a "thing". A sinless soul is considered a first-class commodity at the prices of the devil, therefore he offers incredible amounts of money for it and, as a rule, no person is able to resist such a temptation.
In order to understand this issue, we will proceed from a purely logical chain: we will take the phrase “sell the soul to the Devil” and we will deal with its components.

What is the soul? This question is very controversial and always attracts thinking people. But everyone agrees that the soul is the most precious thing a person has.

But why do people themselves want not just to "give", but to "sell" the most valuable that they have and not to anyone, but to the Prince of Darkness himself? Let's figure it out.

The most important question: why does he need your soul? Only one thing is clear: if a person wants to sell it, then he wants something in return. Usually a person dreams of selling his soul for a lot of money. There are also many who want to sell their souls for a desire that they want to fulfill. This topic, in principle, has always been relevant. Interestingly enough, the Bible does not say anything about selling a soul.

So, before trying to sell something to someone, you need to make sure that he needs it. In this case, your immortal soul to the Devil. If you are not a righteous and not a saint, he has no need to buy it, because if desired, he will take it and so on.

In the question of how to sell the soul to the Devil for big money, various charlatans who offer their mediation can contribute. Naive people believe them, without even thinking about why He needs their soul?

In fact, it is more correct to call the sale and purchase of a soul "an agreement with the Devil", this ritual means that you get what you want from Lucifer, and after death he takes your priceless soul. Perhaps the most famous act of "buying and selling" a soul is the deal concluded between Faust and Mephistopheles. Mentioned about such facts and in other literary works.

A lot of data on the sale of souls to the Devil came to us since the time of the Inquisition - mainly thanks to such a literary work as "The Hammer of the Witches". It was believed that a woman who sold her soul to the Devil had to kill children or dedicate them at the moment of birth to serve Satan. In some cases, the fair sex was forced to give birth from incubi.
If it was possible to “prove” the “guilt” of a person in witchcraft, then this automatically meant that he entered into an agreement with some demon or with Satan himself, and vice versa - those who concluded the agreement must necessarily be sorcerers or witches. However, all the so-called "confessions" were knocked out under torture, so one can hardly believe them.

According to folklore, a contract with Satan can be concluded both orally and in writing. To conclude an oral agreement, you need to cast a certain spell or perform a ritual. The one who asks offers his immortal soul to the dark forces in exchange for money, immortality, power and other "earthly" benefits. The Holy Inquisition believed that after such a treaty a special mark remains on the human body - a devil's mark. In this place of the body, a person does not feel absolutely any pain.

A written contract fixes all the main points of the oral, in addition, a person who decides to sell his soul to the Devil must sign the contract with his blood. It should be remembered that the devil is quite picky and fastidious, therefore, if a person has a serious sin - murder, violence, theft, then, oddly enough, he will not fight for such a "spoiled product", but rather will offer his conditions. Therefore, asking the question "how much does it cost to sell a soul to the devil", one should think whether it is necessary to become impudent with such a soul and ask for a bunch of unrealizable desires?

When selling a priceless soul, there is a danger that the devil himself could become its owner - believe in his existence or not. And then the joy from the profit received may not last long. This is proved by a recent incident in Brazil. Unemployed Andrea Janeiro unexpectedly found himself at the same table in a local bar with a stranger who poured him glass after glass until he admitted that he was ready to sell his soul, just to get rich. And one day he received a letter - a contract with the devil, drawn up in a completely modern language and signed with the blood of Andrea himself. It said that the seller gives his immortal soul to the lord of hell for wealth and business success.

Murtado is now bathed in money: every deal brings him huge profits, he constantly wins all lotteries, and the casino owners are ready to pay him just so that he does not play with them. But the businessman is ready to give up all his wealth in order to save his soul and get rid of the contract. He asks for help from warlocks, white sorcerers and scientists. But so far no one can help him. There is a rumor among esotericists that the devil has already mastered the Internet and offers his services himself. So be careful.

Paganini Niccolo (1782-1840), Italian violinist and composer. His playing revealed such wide possibilities of the violin that contemporaries suspected that he possessed some secret hidden from others. Some seriously believed that the great violinist had sold his soul to the devil.

They say that in Berlin in the last century, in the basement of a house to be demolished, an agreement was found that Adolf Hitler concluded with the devil. According to the German media, the contract was dated April 30, 1932, and was signed in blood by both parties. Graphologists have established the authenticity of the Fuhrer's handwriting. According to the document, the devil gives Hitler almost unlimited power on the condition that he will use it exclusively for evil. In exchange, the Fuhrer promised to give his soul exactly 13 years later. And on April 30, 1945, exactly 13 years later, hated by all mankind, he committed suicide .

The famous artist of the 14th century Spinello from Arezzo, according to his contract with the devil, had to give his soul to hell for the fact that for the church of San Angelo in Arezzo he would paint a brilliant picture depicting the fall of angels. But on it he gave Lucifer such a terrible look that he himself could not stand the spectacle he created. The old man began to imagine the devil everywhere, reproaching Spinello for his ugly portrait. This constant hallucination affected the artist so much that he fell ill and soon died.

How do you sell your soul to the devil? The question is quite relevant today. The people who ask them, probably completely lost faith in themselves and the Almighty, or they are simply tired of living an ordinary, boring and monotonous life. Or maybe someone just wanted a thrill and unexplored sensations? In any case, a person who thinks about it in one way or another is sure that such a desperate step will solve all his pressing problems.

Even in the Middle Ages, people who kept repeating “I want to sell my soul to the devil” knew that in this case a contract should be concluded, according to which a person would give his “treasure” in exchange for satanic services. As a rule, the majority preferred untold riches, immortal life, fame and power. Satan, as the true owner of a sold soul, forever curses a person desperate for this act and disposes of his fate as he pleases. According to legend, there were those who deceived Satan. But such, as a rule, did not live long and died in hellish torments. In some cases, according to legend, a man with a tainted soul, in order to get what he needed from Lucifer, had to kill innocent people and sell the souls of his unborn children. Also in the contract there was a condition that a person, after selling his soul to the devil, had to enter into sexual relations with demons, devils and other evil spirits; give birth to children from them and participate in satanic sabbaths.

What is the Satanic Contract? As a rule, the contract can be concluded both in writing and orally. The latter is carried out by conducting a certain ritual or ritual that allows you to summon demons or Satan himself. After that, the supplicant names the price for the sale of his soul. As a rule, there is no written evidence after the conclusion of such an agreement. The only thing that remains after this process is a barely noticeable mark of the devil on the body, which is direct evidence that the agreement was signed

It should be remembered that after the contract is signed, the person who has decided on this act will have exactly 21 years to fulfill his desires. After that, the clock will stop beating, and the person, or rather his soul, will go home. Where, wrong, is easy to guess. Therefore, before you sell your soul to the devil for desire or money, think about whether this time will be enough for you and whether you will be truly happy? So, the text of the act, as a rule, is written with special satanic symbols or in Latin, with the hand of one who decided to sell the soul. At the same time, thoughts should be clearly directed to the text. An approximate translation of the text is as follows: "Satan, Lord of Darkness, accept my own soul, 21 years after the conclusion of the contract, observing certain conditions."

Remember, in no case be impudent, do not ask to take possession of all the money in the world or become the king of the Universe, you will never receive this, and in response to your insolence, Satan will kill you and take your soul. Keep in mind that the devil is quite cunning and will try to deceive you under any circumstances, so be careful not to miss a single trifle. So, after signing the contract, you will have to draw 21 keys of hell on the same sheet, then write 21 words in Latin (they must be dictated by the summoned one) and pronounce them loudly and clearly aloud. And then shout: "I want to sell my soul to the devil!"

Take a church candle and draw a circle around you with it. The room should be dark and quiet. No one should ever know that this ritual was performed. So, standing in a circle, you must say 21 times loudly and clearly, closing your eyes, the following words: "Satan, the lord of darkness and all evil on Earth, I conjure you, come to me and fulfill my desires!" When the unclean person appears, you will feel an unusual coolness and a sense of the presence of an outsider in the room. As soon as this happens, you should light a candle and light the contract with it. Black magicians claim that in this way he will go to another world. If the paper suddenly flashed, Satan heard the begging and noted his participation in the soul-selling ceremony.

Ashes from the contract should be collected and stored until the end of the days. If you decide to perform the "Selling your soul to the devil" ritual, take it seriously and responsibly. Remember that jokes with the unclean are bad. Many died in agony, not observing basic rules. What should be done before performing the ceremony? If you are interested in how they sell a soul to the devil, know that whoever decides to take such a step must renounce God forever, get rid of icons, crosses and all sacred paraphernalia. You cannot visit churches, pray, participate in the baptismal ceremony. The ritual of selling the soul should be performed on the full moon at night, from 24:00 to 03:00. If the full moon is, for example, on the 7th, the ritual should be performed on the night from 6 to 7. Before concluding a contract, a person must pray daily to the devil in order to strengthen the connection with him and get his favor. If you asked for anything, do not expect Satan to bring what you want on a silver platter, start acting. Do not try to deceive the unclean, otherwise it will lead to terrible consequences, because many people have already paid for this, forever being left without soul and body. Make one guess. It is better to memorize the spell. Before and after the ceremony, do not talk to anyone or look around.

According to black magicians, the devil will be kind to a person who will help him get a few more souls. What happens to the soul after the implementation of the contract? So, how people sell their souls to the devil, we have already disassembled, and now let's talk about what happens to her after the conclusion of the contract.After the term of the act expires, the human body dies, and the soul goes to another world and begins to work in black. Satan uses the soul as he pleases. For example, consider how black slaves were treated in America. Beaten, humiliated, raped, and the like are no less nasty things. So, the same will happen with the soul. The only difference from slaves is that the soul does not die until it fulfills the temporary condition of the contract

In our time, it is not difficult to sell a soul to the devil. But do not forget that Satan is picky and fastidious. Human vices are not alien to him. He takes someone's soul quickly and tries not to stand on ceremony, but for someone he is ready to fight with passion in demonic eyes. Sensational news for everyone who wants to sell their souls to the devil - it turns out that the Prince of Darkness has a rating of souls. Before you sell your soul for desire, read the requirements. And only then dictate the conditions.

1. Lower class. It includes people with grave sin in their souls, or the servants of Satan. Remember, it is profitable for the devil to buy souls from those who serve the enemy, i.e. To God. Why would he conclude an agreement with murderers or thieves, if their souls will already appear before the Last Judgment? In this case, one should not rely on large gifts and it is better to sell the soul for a desire that does not go beyond the bounds of decency. Don't ask for much. It's like trading a damaged item on the market and asking for it at exorbitant prices.

2. Middle class. It includes people who have not committed three sins: bullying, violence, murder. If you are not noticed in bad transgressions, then you can sell your soul to the devil for money. And for decent ones. Create your own business, buy a house, a car and start a normal family.

3. Top class. The most delicious souls for the prince of Darkness. Monks, virgins, children. For them, he is ready to lay out all the gifts of the Universe and even more. If you belong to this class, then know: the Devil will come to you with great pleasure. You don't have to ask for a long time.

Now let's figure out how to sell a soul over the Internet. There is a whole closed network of sites and organizations that really buy souls for fabulous money

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